% Validation of the controller model % % The script initializes and runs the Simulink model in controller % validation mode and validates the controller model. % % The user has to specify the controller that is to be validated (simMode) % and the index of the logfile in "sidLogs" (log_idx) that is used for the % validation. % % Fabian Bredemeier - IAV GmbH % License: GPL v3 curPath = pwd; %% Define log file index and controller type to be validated % Log file index used for validation log_idx = 2; % Check validity of log_idx if log_idx > numel(sidLogs) error(['Defined log_idx exceeds number of elements in sidLogs (' num2str(numel(sidLogs)) ')!']); end % Show figure with flight paths for user to decide which controller to % validate figure % Attitude controller signals subplot(311) plot(sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.TimeS, sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.RDes, 'LineWidth', 1.4); hold on plot(sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.TimeS, sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.R, 'LineWidth', 1.4); hold off grid on legend('Desired', 'Actual'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Roll angle (deg)'); xlim([0 max(sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.TimeS)]); subplot(312) plot(sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.TimeS, sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.PDes, 'LineWidth', 1.4); hold on plot(sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.TimeS, sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.P, 'LineWidth', 1.4); hold off grid on legend('Desired', 'Actual'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Pitch angle (deg)'); xlim([0 max(sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.TimeS)]); subplot(313) plot(sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.TimeS, sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.YDes, 'LineWidth', 1.4); hold on plot(sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.TimeS, sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.Y, 'LineWidth', 1.4); hold off grid on legend('Desired', 'Actual'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Yaw angle (deg)'); xlim([0 max(sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.TimeS)]); % Plot z Controller signals if Althold flight mode was active if sidLogs(log_idx).data.MODE.Mode == 2 figure plot(sidLogs(log_idx).data.PSCD.TimeS, -1*(sidLogs(log_idx).data.PSCD.TPD), 'LineWidth', 1.4); % -1 to yield upwards position hold on plot(sidLogs(log_idx).data.PSCD.TimeS, -1*(sidLogs(log_idx).data.PSCD.PD), 'LineWidth', 1.4); hold off grid on legend('Desired', 'Actual'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('z Position (m)'); xlim([0 max(sidLogs(log_idx).data.RATE.TimeS)]); end % Ask user for controller to validate % 1 = Rate controller % 2 = Attitude controller % 3 = Position controller fprintf('Flight mode in log file: '); fprintf('%d', sidLogs(log_idx).data.MODE.Mode); switch sidLogs(log_idx).data.MODE.Mode case 0 fprintf(' (Stabilize)\n'); case 2 fprintf(' (Althold)\n'); end fprintf('Available controllers that can be validated: \n'); fprintf('1 = Rate controller\n'); fprintf('2 = Attitude controller\n'); fprintf('3 = z Position controller\n'); fprintf('0 = Abort.\n'); simMode = input(['Enter controller to be validated: ']); switch simMode case 0 fprintf('Aborting...\n'); close all return; case 1 ctrlName = 'rateCtrl'; case 2 ctrlName = 'attCtrl'; case 3 ctrlName = 'zPosCtrl'; end % Define title of validation for documentation purposes valTitle = 'Arducopter-4.3'; %% Configuration of validation - Get signal names for comparison % Declaration of temporary evaluation structs val_out_sig_names = {}; val_out_sig_sim = {}; val_out_sig_meas = {}; val_in_sig_names = {}; val_in_sig = {}; % Call the config script to read the necessary signals for the evaluation % and the names of their counterparts in the Ardupilot code sid_controller_validation_cfg %% Run simulation % Sim init script sid_sim_init % Run simulation simOut = sim("arducopter"); %% Store results % Create directory for storing the results for the controller validation % if we are not currently in the result folder... if isempty(regexp(curPath, 'results')) % ...AND if the folder is not already existing on the current path if ~exist('results', 'file') mkdir results cd results else cd results end end if isempty(regexp(curPath, 'ctrlVal')) if ~exist('ctrlVal', 'file') mkdir ctrlVal cd ctrlVal else cd ctrlVal end end % Get number of existing subdirectories with today's date and create new % subdirectory with the validation title and controller that is validated date = datestr(now, 'yy_mm_dd'); numFolders = 0; while true if numFolders < 10 dir_name = [date '_0' num2str(numFolders) '_' valTitle '_' ctrlName]; if ~(isfolder(dir_name)) mkdir(dir_name); break; end else dir_name = [date '_' num2str(numFolders) '_' valTitle '_' ctrlName]; if ~(isfolder(dir_name)) mkdir(dir_name); break; end end numFolders = numFolders + 1; end % Open or create log log_id = fopen('result_log.txt','a+'); fprintf(log_id, 'Validation %s\n', dir_name); % Print directory to safe figures fprintf(log_id, 'Flight data path: %s\n', sidLogs(log_idx).data.filePathName); % Print flight data path fprintf(log_id, 'Flight data file: %s\n', sidLogs(log_idx).data.fileName); % Print flight data file name fprintf(log_id, 'Subflight: %d\n', loadedDataConfig.subflights(log_idx)); header_mark = '---------------------------------------------------------------\n'; fprintf(log_id, header_mark); table_header = '%s\t\t\t|%s\n'; fprintf(log_id, table_header, 'Signal', 'Fit between measured and simulated signal (in %)'); fprintf(log_id, header_mark); fclose(log_id); % Calculate evaluation struct & save results for i=1:length(val_out_sig_names) % Get SimulationData object out_sim = simOut.logsout.get(val_out_sig_sim{i}); out_meas = simOut.logsout.get(val_out_sig_meas{i}); out_name = val_out_sig_names{i}; in_test = simOut.logsout.get(val_in_sig{i}); % Create figure of results figure('Name', out_name); plot(out_sim.Values.time, out_sim.Values.Data); hold on plot(out_meas.Values.time, out_meas.Values.Data); hold off ylabel(out_name) yyaxis right plot(in_test.Values.time, in_test.Values.Data); yAxR = gca; ylabel(val_in_sig_names{i}); yAxR.YLim = [min(in_test.Values.Data)-min(in_test.Values.Data)*0.05, max(in_test.Values.Data)+max(in_test.Values.Data)*0.05]; % Figure settings xlim([0 out_sim.Values.time(end)]); % Limit time grid on % Activate grid of axes title([out_name ': Comparison between simulated and measured controller outputs.'], 'Interpreter', 'none'); legend('Simulated Output', 'Measured Output', 'Input'); % Save figure cd(dir_name) savefig([out_name '.fig']) cd .. close all % Calculate coefficient of determination to determine fit between % measured and simulated signal sigFit = 1 - sum((out_meas.Values.Data - out_sim.Values.Data).^2)/sum(out_meas.Values.Data.^2); % Write log log_line = '%s\t\t| %6.3f \n'; log_id = fopen('result_log.txt','a'); fprintf(log_id, log_line, out_name, sigFit*100); fclose(log_id); end log_id = fopen('result_log.txt','a'); fprintf(log_id, '\n'); fclose(log_id); % Return to main directory cd(curPath); clear val_in_sig val_in_sig_names val_out_sig_meas val_out_sig_sim val_out_sig_names clear valTitle sigFit sig_name out_name sig_meas sig_test test_sig test_sig_names clear table_header f_name num_folders file_struct header header_mark clear log_id log_line num_folders sig_name_ap sig_sim sig_real signal_log underscore clear date i dir_name out out_meas out_sim in_test yAxR ctrlName