#!/usr/bin/env python import socket, struct, time from math import * class udp_out(object): '''a UDP output socket''' def __init__(self, device): a = device.split(':') if len(a) != 2: print("UDP ports must be specified as host:port") sys.exit(1) self.port = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.destination_addr = (a[0], int(a[1])) self.port.setblocking(0) self.last_address = None def recv(self,n=None): try: data, self.last_address = self.port.recvfrom(300) except socket.error as e: if e.errno in [ 11, 35 ]: return "" raise return data def write(self, buf): try: self.port.sendto(buf, self.destination_addr) except socket.error: pass def ft2m(x): return x * 0.3048 def m2ft(x): return x / 0.3048 def kt2mps(x): return x * 0.514444444 def mps2kt(x): return x / 0.514444444 udp = udp_out("") latitude = -35 longitude = 149 altitude = 600.0 heading = 0.0 speedN = 0 speedE = 0.0 xAccel = 0.0 yAccel = 0.0 zAccel = 0.0 rollRate = 0.0 pitchRate = 0.0 yawRate = 0.0 rollDeg = 0.0 pitchDeg = 0.0 yawDeg = 0.0 airspeed = 0 magic = 0x4c56414d deltaT = 0.005 rollDeg = 45 pitchDeg = 0 pitchMax = None rollMax = None if True: pitchRate = 1 pitchMax = 45 rollMax = 45 while True: xAccel = sin(radians(pitchDeg)) * cos(radians(rollDeg)) yAccel = -sin(radians(rollDeg)) * cos(radians(pitchDeg)) zAccel = -cos(radians(rollDeg)) * cos(radians(pitchDeg)) scale = m2ft(9.81 / sqrt((xAccel*xAccel)+(yAccel*yAccel)+(zAccel*zAccel))) xAccel *= scale; yAccel *= scale; zAccel *= scale; buf = struct.pack('>ddddddddddddddddI', latitude, longitude, altitude, heading, speedN, speedE, xAccel, yAccel, zAccel, rollRate, pitchRate, yawRate, rollDeg, pitchDeg, yawDeg, airspeed, magic) udp.write(buf) time.sleep(deltaT) yawDeg += yawRate * deltaT if yawDeg > 180: yawDeg -= 360 if yawDeg < -180: yawDeg += 360 heading = yawDeg if pitchMax is not None and fabs(pitchDeg) > pitchMax: pitchRate = -pitchRate if rollMax is not None and fabs(rollDeg) > rollMax: rollRate = -rollRate pitchDeg += pitchRate * deltaT if pitchDeg > 180: pitchDeg -= 360 if pitchDeg < -180: pitchDeg += 360 rollDeg += rollRate * deltaT if rollDeg > 180: rollDeg -= 360 if rollDeg < -180: rollDeg += 360