# Mount POI This script displays the location (lat, lon and altitude) that the gimbal is currently pointing towards # Parameters POI_DIST_MAX : POI's max distance (in meters) from the vehicle # How To Use 1. Set RCx_OPTION to 300 (scripting1) to allow triggering the POI calculation from an auxiliary switch 2. Optionally set POI_DIST_MAX to the maximum distance (in meters) that the POI point could be from the vehicle 3. Fly the vehicle and point the camera gimbal at a point on the ground 4. Raise the RC auxiliary switch and check the GCS's messages tab for the latitude, longitude and alt (above sea-level) # How It Works The script's algorithm is implemented as follows 1. Get the POI_DIST_MAX and TERRAIN_SPACING parameter values 2. Get the vehicle Location (lat, lon, height above sea-level), initialise test-loc and prev-test-loc 3. Get the vehicle's current alt-above-terrain 4. Get gimbal attitude (only pitch and yaw are used) 5. The test_loc variable is initialised to the vehicle's current location 6. The prev_test_loc variable is a backup of test_loc 7. test_loc is moved along the line defined by the gimbal's pitch and yaw by TERRAIN_SPACING (meters) 8. Get the terrain's altitude (above sea-level) at test_loc 9. Steps 6, 7 and 8 are repeated until test_loc's altitude falls below the terrain altitude 10. Interpolate between test_loc and prev_test_loc to find the lat, lon, alt (above sea-level) where alt-above-terrain is zero 11. Display the POI to the user