#include "AP_Logger_Backend.h"

#include "LoggerMessageWriter.h"

#include "AP_Common/AP_FWVersion.h"
#include <AP_InternalError/AP_InternalError.h>
#include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h>
#include <AP_Rally/AP_Rally.h>
#include <AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle_Type.h>

    #include <AC_Fence/AC_Fence.h>

extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;

AP_Logger_Backend::AP_Logger_Backend(AP_Logger &front,
                                     class LoggerMessageWriter_DFLogStart *writer) :

uint8_t AP_Logger_Backend::num_types() const
    return _front._num_types;

const struct LogStructure *AP_Logger_Backend::structure(uint8_t num) const
    return _front.structure(num);

uint8_t AP_Logger_Backend::num_units() const
    return _front._num_units;

const struct UnitStructure *AP_Logger_Backend::unit(uint8_t num) const
    return _front.unit(num);

uint8_t AP_Logger_Backend::num_multipliers() const
    return _front._num_multipliers;

const struct MultiplierStructure *AP_Logger_Backend::multiplier(uint8_t num) const
    return _front.multiplier(num);

AP_Logger_Backend::vehicle_startup_message_Writer AP_Logger_Backend::vehicle_message_writer() const {
    return _front._vehicle_messages;

void AP_Logger_Backend::periodic_10Hz(const uint32_t now)

void AP_Logger_Backend::periodic_1Hz()
    if (_rotate_pending && !logging_enabled()) {
        _rotate_pending = false;
        // handle log rotation once we stop logging

void AP_Logger_Backend::periodic_fullrate()

void AP_Logger_Backend::periodic_tasks()
    uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
    if (now - _last_periodic_1Hz > 1000) {
        _last_periodic_1Hz = now;
    if (now - _last_periodic_10Hz > 100) {
        _last_periodic_10Hz = now;

void AP_Logger_Backend::start_new_log_reset_variables()
    _dropped = 0;
    _log_file_size_bytes = 0;

// We may need to make sure data is loggable before starting the
// EKF; when allow_start_ekf we should be able to log that data
bool AP_Logger_Backend::allow_start_ekf() const
    if (!_startup_messagewriter->fmt_done()) {
        return false;
    // we need to push all startup messages out, or the code in
    // WriteBlockCheckStartupMessages bites us.
    if (!_startup_messagewriter->finished()) {
        return false;
    return true;

// this method can be overridden to do extra things with your buffer.
// for example, in AP_Logger_MAVLink we may push messages into the UART.
void AP_Logger_Backend::push_log_blocks() {

// returns true if all format messages have been written, and thus it is OK
// for other messages to go out to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::WriteBlockCheckStartupMessages()
    return true;

    if (_startup_messagewriter->fmt_done()) {
        return true;

    if (_writing_startup_messages) {
        // we have been called by a messagewriter, so writing is OK
        return true;

    if (!_startup_messagewriter->finished() &&
        !hal.scheduler->in_main_thread()) {
        // only the main thread may write startup messages out
        return false;

    // we're not writing startup messages, so this must be some random
    // caller hoping to write blocks out.  Push out log blocks - we
    // might end up clearing the buffer.....

    //  even if we did finish writing startup messages, we can't
    //  permit any message to go in as its timestamp will be before
    //  any we wrote in.  Time going backwards annoys log readers.

    // sorry!  currently busy writing out startup messages...
    return false;

// source more messages from the startup message writer:
void AP_Logger_Backend::WriteMoreStartupMessages()

    if (_startup_messagewriter->finished()) {

    _writing_startup_messages = true;
    _writing_startup_messages = false;

 * support for Write():

bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Emit_FMT(uint8_t msg_type)
    if (msg_type < REPLAY_LOG_NEW_MSG_MIN || msg_type > REPLAY_LOG_NEW_MSG_MAX) {
        // don't re-emit FMU msgs unless they are in the replay range
        return true;

    // get log structure from front end:
    struct AP_Logger::log_write_fmt_strings ls = {};
    struct LogStructure logstruct = {
        // these will be overwritten, but need to keep the compiler happy:
    if (!_front.fill_log_write_logstructure(logstruct, msg_type)) {
        // this is a bug; we've been asked to write out the FMT
        // message for a msg_type, but the frontend can't supply the
        // required information
        return false;

    if (!Write_Format(&logstruct)) {
        return false;
    if (!Write_Format_Units(&logstruct)) {
        return false;

    return true;

bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write(const uint8_t msg_type, va_list arg_list, bool is_critical, bool is_streaming)
    // stack-allocate a buffer so we can WriteBlock(); this could be
    // 255 bytes!  If we were willing to lose the WriteBlock
    // abstraction we could do WriteBytes() here instead?
    const char *fmt  = nullptr;
    uint8_t msg_len;
    AP_Logger::log_write_fmt *f;
    for (f = _front.log_write_fmts; f; f=f->next) {
        if (f->msg_type == msg_type) {
            fmt = f->fmt;
            msg_len = f->msg_len;
    if (fmt == nullptr) {
        return false;
    if (bufferspace_available() < msg_len) {
        return false;

    uint8_t buffer[msg_len];
    uint8_t offset = 0;
    buffer[offset++] = HEAD_BYTE1;
    buffer[offset++] = HEAD_BYTE2;
    buffer[offset++] = msg_type;
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<strlen(fmt); i++) {
        uint8_t charlen = 0;
        switch(fmt[i]) {
        case 'b': {
            int8_t tmp = va_arg(arg_list, int);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], &tmp, sizeof(int8_t));
            offset += sizeof(int8_t);
        case 'h':
        case 'c': {
            int16_t tmp = va_arg(arg_list, int);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], &tmp, sizeof(int16_t));
            offset += sizeof(int16_t);
        case 'd': {
            double tmp = va_arg(arg_list, double);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], &tmp, sizeof(double));
            offset += sizeof(double);
        case 'i':
        case 'L':
        case 'e': {
            int32_t tmp = va_arg(arg_list, int);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], &tmp, sizeof(int32_t));
            offset += sizeof(int32_t);
        case 'f': {
            float tmp = va_arg(arg_list, double);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], &tmp, sizeof(float));
            offset += sizeof(float);
        case 'n':
            charlen = 4;
        case 'M':
        case 'B': {
            uint8_t tmp = va_arg(arg_list, int);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], &tmp, sizeof(uint8_t));
            offset += sizeof(uint8_t);
        case 'H':
        case 'C': {
            uint16_t tmp = va_arg(arg_list, int);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], &tmp, sizeof(uint16_t));
            offset += sizeof(uint16_t);
        case 'I':
        case 'E': {
            uint32_t tmp = va_arg(arg_list, uint32_t);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], &tmp, sizeof(uint32_t));
            offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
        case 'N':
            charlen = 16;
        case 'Z':
            charlen = 64;
        case 'q': {
            int64_t tmp = va_arg(arg_list, int64_t);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], &tmp, sizeof(int64_t));
            offset += sizeof(int64_t);
        case 'Q': {
            uint64_t tmp = va_arg(arg_list, uint64_t);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], &tmp, sizeof(uint64_t));
            offset += sizeof(uint64_t);
        case 'a': {
            int16_t *tmp = va_arg(arg_list, int16_t*);
            const uint8_t bytes = 32*2;
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], tmp, bytes);
            offset += bytes;
        if (charlen != 0) {
            char *tmp = va_arg(arg_list, char*);
            uint8_t len = strnlen(tmp, charlen);
            memcpy(&buffer[offset], tmp, len);
            memset(&buffer[offset+len], 0, charlen-len);
            offset += charlen;

    return WritePrioritisedBlock(buffer, msg_len, is_critical, is_streaming);

bool AP_Logger_Backend::StartNewLogOK() const
    if (logging_started()) {
        return false;
    if (_front._log_bitmask == 0) {
        return false;
    if (_front.in_log_download()) {
        return false;
    if (!hal.scheduler->in_main_thread()) {
        return false;
    return true;

void AP_Logger_Backend::validate_WritePrioritisedBlock(const void *pBuffer,
                                                       uint16_t size)
    // just check the first few packets to avoid too much overhead
    // (finding the structures is expensive)
    static uint16_t count = 0;
    if (count > 65534) {

    // we assume here that we ever WritePrioritisedBlock for a single
    // message.  If this assumption becomes false we can't do these
    // checks.
    if (size < 3) {
        AP_HAL::panic("Short prioritised block");
    if (((uint8_t*)pBuffer)[0] != HEAD_BYTE1 ||
        ((uint8_t*)pBuffer)[1] != HEAD_BYTE2) {
        AP_HAL::panic("Not passed a message");
    const uint8_t type = ((uint8_t*)pBuffer)[2];
    uint8_t type_len;
    const struct LogStructure *s = _front.structure_for_msg_type(type);
    if (s == nullptr) {
        const struct AP_Logger::log_write_fmt *t = _front.log_write_fmt_for_msg_type(type);
        if (t == nullptr) {
            AP_HAL::panic("No structure for msg_type=%u", type);
        type_len = t->msg_len;
    } else {
        type_len = s->msg_len;
    if (type_len != size) {
        char name[5] = {}; // get a null-terminated string
        if (s->name != nullptr) {
            memcpy(name, s->name, 4);
        } else {
            strncpy(name, "?NM?", ARRAY_SIZE(name));
        AP_HAL::panic("Size mismatch for %u (%s) (expected=%u got=%u)\n",
                      type, name, type_len, size);

bool AP_Logger_Backend::WritePrioritisedBlock(const void *pBuffer, uint16_t size, bool is_critical, bool writev_streaming)
    validate_WritePrioritisedBlock(pBuffer, size);
    if (!ShouldLog(is_critical)) {
        return false;
    if (StartNewLogOK()) {
    if (!WritesOK()) {
        return false;

    if (!is_critical && rate_limiter != nullptr) {
        const uint8_t *msgbuf = (const uint8_t *)pBuffer;
        if (!rate_limiter->should_log(msgbuf[2], writev_streaming)) {
            return false;

    return _WritePrioritisedBlock(pBuffer, size, is_critical);

bool AP_Logger_Backend::ShouldLog(bool is_critical)
    if (!_front.WritesEnabled()) {
        return false;
    if (!_initialised) {
        return false;

    if (!_startup_messagewriter->finished() &&
        !hal.scheduler->in_main_thread()) {
        // only the main thread may write startup messages out
        return false;

    if (_front.in_log_download() &&
        _front._last_mavlink_log_transfer_message_handled_ms != 0) {
        if (AP_HAL::millis() - _front._last_mavlink_log_transfer_message_handled_ms < 10000) {
            if (!_front.vehicle_is_armed()) {
                // user is transferring files via mavlink
                return false;
        } else {
            _front._last_mavlink_log_transfer_message_handled_ms = 0;

    if (is_critical && have_logged_armed && !_front._params.file_disarm_rot) {
        // if we have previously logged while armed then we log all
        // critical messages from then on. That fixes a problem where
        // logs show the wrong flight mode if you disarm then arm again
        return true;
    if (!_front.vehicle_is_armed() && !_front.log_while_disarmed()) {
        return false;

    if (_front.vehicle_is_armed()) {
        have_logged_armed = true;
    return true;

void AP_Logger_Backend::PrepForArming()
    if (_rotate_pending) {
        _rotate_pending = false;
    if (logging_started()) {

bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_MessageF(const char *fmt, ...)
    char msg[65] {}; // sizeof(log_Message.msg) + null-termination

    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    hal.util->vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, ap);

    return Write_Message(msg);

// Write rally points
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_RallyPoint(uint8_t total,
                                         uint8_t sequence,
                                         const RallyLocation &rally_point)
    const struct log_Rally pkt_rally{
        time_us         : AP_HAL::micros64(),
        total           : total,
        sequence        : sequence,
        latitude        : rally_point.lat,
        longitude       : rally_point.lng,
        altitude        : rally_point.alt
    return WriteBlock(&pkt_rally, sizeof(pkt_rally));

// Write rally points
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Rally()
    // kick off asynchronous write:
    return _startup_messagewriter->writeallrallypoints();

// Write a fence point
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_FencePoint(uint8_t total, uint8_t sequence, const AC_PolyFenceItem &fence_point)
    const struct log_Fence pkt_fence{
        time_us         : AP_HAL::micros64(),
        total           : total,
        sequence        : sequence,
        type            : uint8_t(fence_point.type),
        latitude        : fence_point.loc.x,
        longitude       : fence_point.loc.y,
        vertex_count    : fence_point.vertex_count,
        radius          : fence_point.radius
    return WriteBlock(&pkt_fence, sizeof(pkt_fence));

// Write all fence points
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Fence()
    // kick off asynchronous write:
    return _startup_messagewriter->writeallfence();

bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_VER()
    const AP_FWVersion &fwver = AP::fwversion();

    log_VER pkt{
        time_us  : AP_HAL::micros64(),
        board_type : fwver.board_type,
        board_subtype: fwver.board_subtype,
        major: fwver.major,
        minor: fwver.minor,
        patch: fwver.patch,
        fw_type: fwver.fw_type,
        git_hash: fwver.fw_hash,
    strncpy(pkt.fw_string, fwver.fw_string, ARRAY_SIZE(pkt.fw_string)-1);


    return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));

  convert a list entry number back into a log number (which can then
  be converted into a filename).  A "list entry number" is a sequence
  where the oldest log has a number of 1, the second-from-oldest 2,
  and so on.  Thus the highest list entry number is equal to the
  number of logs.
uint16_t AP_Logger_Backend::log_num_from_list_entry(const uint16_t list_entry)
    uint16_t oldest_log = find_oldest_log();
    if (oldest_log == 0) {
        return 0;

    uint32_t log_num = oldest_log + list_entry - 1;
    if (log_num > MAX_LOG_FILES) {
        log_num -= MAX_LOG_FILES;
    return (uint16_t)log_num;

// find_oldest_log - find oldest log
// returns 0 if no log was found
uint16_t AP_Logger_Backend::find_oldest_log()
    if (_cached_oldest_log != 0) {
        return _cached_oldest_log;

    uint16_t last_log_num = find_last_log();
    if (last_log_num == 0) {
        return 0;

    _cached_oldest_log = last_log_num - get_num_logs() + 1;

    return _cached_oldest_log;

void AP_Logger_Backend::vehicle_was_disarmed()
    if (_front._params.file_disarm_rot &&
        !_front._params.log_replay) {
        // rotate our log.  Closing the current one and letting the
        // logging restart naturally based on log_disarmed should do
        // the trick:
        _rotate_pending = true;

// this sensor is enabled if we should be logging at the moment
bool AP_Logger_Backend::logging_enabled() const
    if (hal.util->get_soft_armed() ||
        _front.log_while_disarmed()) {
        return true;
    return false;

void AP_Logger_Backend::Write_AP_Logger_Stats_File(const struct df_stats &_stats)
    const struct log_DSF pkt {
        time_us         : AP_HAL::micros64(),
        dropped         : _dropped,
        blocks          : _stats.blocks,
        bytes           : _stats.bytes,
        buf_space_min   : _stats.buf_space_min,
        buf_space_max   : _stats.buf_space_max,
        buf_space_avg   : (_stats.blocks) ? (_stats.buf_space_sigma / _stats.blocks) : 0,
    WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));

void AP_Logger_Backend::df_stats_gather(const uint16_t bytes_written, uint32_t space_remaining)
    if (space_remaining < stats.buf_space_min) {
        stats.buf_space_min = space_remaining;
    if (space_remaining > stats.buf_space_max) {
        stats.buf_space_max = space_remaining;
    stats.buf_space_sigma += space_remaining;
    stats.bytes += bytes_written;
    _log_file_size_bytes += bytes_written;

void AP_Logger_Backend::df_stats_clear() {
    memset(&stats, '\0', sizeof(stats));
    stats.buf_space_min = -1;

void AP_Logger_Backend::df_stats_log() {

// class to handle rate limiting of log messages
AP_Logger_RateLimiter::AP_Logger_RateLimiter(const AP_Logger &_front, const AP_Float &_limit_hz, const AP_Float &_disarm_limit_hz)
    : front(_front),

  return false if a streaming message should not be sent yet
bool AP_Logger_RateLimiter::should_log_streaming(uint8_t msgid, float rate_hz)
    if (front._log_pause) {
        return false;
    const uint16_t now = AP_HAL::millis16();
    uint16_t delta_ms = now - last_send_ms[msgid];
    if (is_positive(rate_hz) && delta_ms < 1000.0 / rate_hz) {
        // too soon
        return false;
    last_send_ms[msgid] = now;
    return true;

  return true if the message is not a streaming message or the gap
  from the last message is more than the message rate
bool AP_Logger_RateLimiter::should_log(uint8_t msgid, bool writev_streaming)
    float rate_hz = rate_limit_hz;
    if (!hal.util->get_soft_armed() &&
        !AP::logger().in_log_persistance() &&
        !is_zero(disarm_rate_limit_hz)) {
        rate_hz = disarm_rate_limit_hz;
    if (!is_positive(rate_hz) && !front._log_pause) {
        // no rate limiting if not paused and rate is zero(user changed the parameter)
        return true;
    if (last_send_ms[msgid] == 0 && !writev_streaming) {
        // might be non streaming. check the not_streaming bitmask
        // cache
        if (not_streaming.get(msgid)) {
            return true;
        const auto *mtype = front.structure_for_msg_type(msgid);
        if (mtype == nullptr ||
            mtype->streaming == false) {
            return true;

#if !defined(HAL_BUILD_AP_PERIPH)
    // if we've already decided on sending this msgid in this tick then use the
    // same decision again
    const uint16_t sched_ticks = AP::scheduler().ticks();
    if (sched_ticks == last_sched_count[msgid]) {
        return last_return.get(msgid);
    last_sched_count[msgid] = sched_ticks;

    bool ret = should_log_streaming(msgid, rate_hz);
    if (ret) {
    } else {
    return ret;