/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* AP_Periph ADSB support. This is designed to talk to a Ping ADSB module over the UART */ #include #include "AP_Periph.h" #if AP_PERIPH_ADSB_ENABLED #include #include extern const AP_HAL::HAL &hal; /* init ADSB support */ void AP_Periph_FW::adsb_init(void) { if (g.adsb_baudrate > 0) { auto *uart = hal.serial(g.adsb_port); if (uart == nullptr) { return; } uart->begin(AP_SerialManager::map_baudrate(g.adsb_baudrate), 256, 256); } } /* update ADSB subsystem */ void AP_Periph_FW::adsb_update(void) { if (g.adsb_baudrate <= 0) { return; } auto *uart = hal.serial(g.adsb_port); if (uart == nullptr) { return; } // look for incoming MAVLink ADSB_VEHICLE packets const uint16_t nbytes = uart->available(); for (uint16_t i=0; iread(); // Try to get a new message if (mavlink_frame_char_buffer(&adsb.msg, &adsb.status, c, &adsb.msg, &adsb.status) == MAVLINK_FRAMING_OK) { if (adsb.msg.msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ADSB_VEHICLE) { // decode and send as UAVCAN TrafficReport static mavlink_adsb_vehicle_t msg; mavlink_msg_adsb_vehicle_decode(&adsb.msg, &msg); can_send_ADSB(msg); } } } /* some ADSB devices need a heartbeat to get the system ID */ const uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); if (now_ms - adsb.last_heartbeat_ms >= 1000) { adsb.last_heartbeat_ms = now_ms; mavlink_heartbeat_t heartbeat {}; mavlink_message_t msg; heartbeat.type = MAV_TYPE_GENERIC; heartbeat.autopilot = MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA; auto len = mavlink_msg_heartbeat_encode_status(1, MAV_COMP_ID_PERIPHERAL, &adsb.status, &msg, &heartbeat); uart->write((uint8_t*)&msg.magic, len); } } /* map an ADSB_VEHICLE MAVLink message to a UAVCAN TrafficReport message */ void AP_Periph_FW::can_send_ADSB(struct __mavlink_adsb_vehicle_t &msg) { ardupilot_equipment_trafficmonitor_TrafficReport pkt {}; pkt.timestamp.usec = 0; pkt.icao_address = msg.ICAO_address; pkt.tslc = msg.tslc; pkt.latitude_deg_1e7 = msg.lat; pkt.longitude_deg_1e7 = msg.lon; pkt.alt_m = msg.altitude * 1e-3; pkt.heading = radians(msg.heading * 1e-2); pkt.velocity[0] = cosf(pkt.heading) * msg.hor_velocity * 1e-2; pkt.velocity[1] = sinf(pkt.heading) * msg.hor_velocity * 1e-2; pkt.velocity[2] = -msg.ver_velocity * 1e-2; pkt.squawk = msg.squawk; memcpy(pkt.callsign, msg.callsign, MIN(sizeof(msg.callsign),sizeof(pkt.callsign))); if (msg.flags & 0x8000) { pkt.source = ARDUPILOT_EQUIPMENT_TRAFFICMONITOR_TRAFFICREPORT_SOURCE_ADSB_UAT; } else { pkt.source = ARDUPILOT_EQUIPMENT_TRAFFICMONITOR_TRAFFICREPORT_SOURCE_ADSB; } pkt.traffic_type = msg.emitter_type; if ((msg.flags & ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_ALTITUDE) != 0 && msg.altitude_type == 0) { pkt.alt_type = ARDUPILOT_EQUIPMENT_TRAFFICMONITOR_TRAFFICREPORT_ALT_TYPE_PRESSURE_AMSL; } else if ((msg.flags & ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_ALTITUDE) != 0 && msg.altitude_type == 1) { pkt.alt_type = ARDUPILOT_EQUIPMENT_TRAFFICMONITOR_TRAFFICREPORT_ALT_TYPE_WGS84; } else { pkt.alt_type = ARDUPILOT_EQUIPMENT_TRAFFICMONITOR_TRAFFICREPORT_ALT_TYPE_ALT_UNKNOWN; } pkt.lat_lon_valid = (msg.flags & ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_COORDS) != 0; pkt.heading_valid = (msg.flags & ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_HEADING) != 0; pkt.velocity_valid = (msg.flags & ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_VELOCITY) != 0; pkt.callsign_valid = (msg.flags & ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_CALLSIGN) != 0; pkt.ident_valid = (msg.flags & ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_SQUAWK) != 0; pkt.simulated_report = (msg.flags & ADSB_FLAGS_SIMULATED) != 0; // these flags are not in common.xml pkt.vertical_velocity_valid = (msg.flags & 0x0080) != 0; pkt.baro_valid = (msg.flags & 0x0100) != 0; uint8_t buffer[ARDUPILOT_EQUIPMENT_TRAFFICMONITOR_TRAFFICREPORT_MAX_SIZE]; uint16_t total_size = ardupilot_equipment_trafficmonitor_TrafficReport_encode(&pkt, buffer, !periph.canfdout()); canard_broadcast(ARDUPILOT_EQUIPMENT_TRAFFICMONITOR_TRAFFICREPORT_SIGNATURE, ARDUPILOT_EQUIPMENT_TRAFFICMONITOR_TRAFFICREPORT_ID, CANARD_TRANSFER_PRIORITY_LOWEST, &buffer[0], total_size); } #endif // AP_PERIPH_ADSB_ENABLED