#include "Rover.h"

Mode::Mode() :
{ }

void Mode::exit()
    // call sub-classes exit

bool Mode::enter()
    const bool ignore_checks = !hal.util->get_soft_armed();   // allow switching to any mode if disarmed.  We rely on the arming check to perform
    if (!ignore_checks) {

        // get EKF filter status
        nav_filter_status filt_status;

        // check position estimate.  requires origin and at least one horizontal position flag to be true
        const bool position_ok = rover.ekf_position_ok() && !rover.failsafe.ekf;
        if (requires_position() && !position_ok) {
            return false;

        // check velocity estimate (if we have position estimate, we must have velocity estimate)
        if (requires_velocity() && !position_ok && !filt_status.flags.horiz_vel) {
            return false;

    bool ret = _enter();

    // initialisation common to all modes
    if (ret) {

        // clear sailboat tacking flags

    return ret;

// decode pilot steering and throttle inputs and return in steer_out and throttle_out arguments
// steering_out is in the range -4500 ~ +4500 with positive numbers meaning rotate clockwise
// throttle_out is in the range -100 ~ +100
void Mode::get_pilot_input(float &steering_out, float &throttle_out)
    // no RC input means no throttle and centered steering
    if (rover.failsafe.bits & FAILSAFE_EVENT_THROTTLE) {
        steering_out = 0;
        throttle_out = 0;

    // apply RC skid steer mixing
    switch ((enum pilot_steer_type_t)rover.g.pilot_steer_type.get())
        default: {
            // by default regular and skid-steering vehicles reverse their rotation direction when backing up
            throttle_out = rover.channel_throttle->get_control_in();
            const float steering_dir = is_negative(throttle_out) ? -1 : 1;
            steering_out = steering_dir * rover.channel_steer->get_control_in();

            // convert the two radio_in values from skid steering values
            // left paddle from steering input channel, right paddle from throttle input channel
            // steering = left-paddle - right-paddle
            // throttle = average(left-paddle, right-paddle)
            const float left_paddle = rover.channel_steer->norm_input_dz();
            const float right_paddle = rover.channel_throttle->norm_input_dz();

            throttle_out = 0.5f * (left_paddle + right_paddle) * 100.0f;
            steering_out = (left_paddle - right_paddle) * 0.5f * 4500.0f;

            throttle_out = rover.channel_throttle->get_control_in();
            steering_out = rover.channel_steer->get_control_in();

// decode pilot steering and throttle inputs and return in steer_out and throttle_out arguments
// steering_out is in the range -4500 ~ +4500 with positive numbers meaning rotate clockwise
// throttle_out is in the range -100 ~ +100
void Mode::get_pilot_desired_steering_and_throttle(float &steering_out, float &throttle_out)
    // do basic conversion
    get_pilot_input(steering_out, throttle_out);

    // for skid steering vehicles, if pilot commands would lead to saturation
    // we proportionally reduce steering and throttle
    if (g2.motors.have_skid_steering()) {
        const float steer_normalised = constrain_float(steering_out / 4500.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
        const float throttle_normalised = constrain_float(throttle_out / 100.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
        const float saturation_value = fabsf(steer_normalised) + fabsf(throttle_normalised);
        if (saturation_value > 1.0f) {
            steering_out /= saturation_value;
            throttle_out /= saturation_value;

    // check for special case of input and output throttle being in opposite directions
    float throttle_out_limited = g2.motors.get_slew_limited_throttle(throttle_out, rover.G_Dt);
    if ((is_negative(throttle_out) != is_negative(throttle_out_limited)) &&
        ((g.pilot_steer_type == PILOT_STEER_TYPE_DEFAULT) ||
         (g.pilot_steer_type == PILOT_STEER_TYPE_DIR_REVERSED_WHEN_REVERSING))) {
        steering_out *= -1;
    throttle_out = throttle_out_limited;

// decode pilot steering and return steering_out and speed_out (in m/s)
void Mode::get_pilot_desired_steering_and_speed(float &steering_out, float &speed_out)
    float desired_throttle;
    get_pilot_input(steering_out, desired_throttle);
    speed_out = desired_throttle * 0.01f * calc_speed_max(g.speed_cruise, g.throttle_cruise * 0.01f);
    // check for special case of input and output throttle being in opposite directions
    float speed_out_limited = g2.attitude_control.get_desired_speed_accel_limited(speed_out, rover.G_Dt);
    if ((is_negative(speed_out) != is_negative(speed_out_limited)) &&
        ((g.pilot_steer_type == PILOT_STEER_TYPE_DEFAULT) ||
         (g.pilot_steer_type == PILOT_STEER_TYPE_DIR_REVERSED_WHEN_REVERSING))) {
        steering_out *= -1;
    speed_out = speed_out_limited;

// decode pilot lateral movement input and return in lateral_out argument
void Mode::get_pilot_desired_lateral(float &lateral_out)
    // no RC input means no lateral input
    if ((rover.failsafe.bits & FAILSAFE_EVENT_THROTTLE) || (rover.channel_lateral == nullptr)) {
        lateral_out = 0;

    // get pilot lateral input
    lateral_out = rover.channel_lateral->get_control_in();

// decode pilot's input and return heading_out (in cd) and speed_out (in m/s)
void Mode::get_pilot_desired_heading_and_speed(float &heading_out, float &speed_out)
    // get steering and throttle in the -1 to +1 range
    float desired_steering = constrain_float(rover.channel_steer->norm_input_dz(), -1.0f, 1.0f);
    float desired_throttle = constrain_float(rover.channel_throttle->norm_input_dz(), -1.0f, 1.0f);

    // handle two paddle input
    if ((enum pilot_steer_type_t)rover.g.pilot_steer_type.get() == PILOT_STEER_TYPE_TWO_PADDLES) {
        const float left_paddle = desired_steering;
        const float right_paddle = desired_throttle;
        desired_steering = (left_paddle - right_paddle) * 0.5f;
        desired_throttle = (left_paddle + right_paddle) * 0.5f;

    // calculate angle of input stick vector
    heading_out = wrap_360_cd(atan2f(desired_steering, desired_throttle) * DEGX100);

    // calculate throttle using magnitude of input stick vector
    const float throttle = MIN(safe_sqrt(sq(desired_throttle) + sq(desired_steering)), 1.0f);
    speed_out = throttle * calc_speed_max(g.speed_cruise, g.throttle_cruise * 0.01f);

// decode pilot roll and pitch inputs and return in roll_out and pitch_out arguments
// outputs are in the range -1 to +1
void Mode::get_pilot_desired_roll_and_pitch(float &roll_out, float &pitch_out)
    if (channel_roll != nullptr) {
        roll_out = channel_roll->norm_input();
    } else {
        roll_out = 0.0f;
    if (channel_pitch != nullptr) {
        pitch_out = channel_pitch->norm_input();
    } else {
        pitch_out = 0.0f;

// decode pilot walking_height inputs and return in walking_height_out arguments
// outputs are in the range -1 to +1
void Mode::get_pilot_desired_walking_height(float &walking_height_out)
    if (channel_walking_height != nullptr) {
        walking_height_out = channel_walking_height->norm_input();
    } else {
        walking_height_out = 0.0f;

// return heading (in degrees) to target destination (aka waypoint)
float Mode::wp_bearing() const
    if (!is_autopilot_mode()) {
        return 0.0f;
    return g2.wp_nav.wp_bearing_cd() * 0.01f;

// return short-term target heading in degrees (i.e. target heading back to line between waypoints)
float Mode::nav_bearing() const
    if (!is_autopilot_mode()) {
        return 0.0f;
    return g2.wp_nav.nav_bearing_cd() * 0.01f;

// return cross track error (i.e. vehicle's distance from the line between waypoints)
float Mode::crosstrack_error() const
    if (!is_autopilot_mode()) {
        return 0.0f;
    return g2.wp_nav.crosstrack_error();

// return desired lateral acceleration
float Mode::get_desired_lat_accel() const
    if (!is_autopilot_mode()) {
        return 0.0f;
    return g2.wp_nav.get_lat_accel();

// set desired location
bool Mode::set_desired_location(const Location &destination, Location next_destination )
    if (!g2.wp_nav.set_desired_location(destination, next_destination)) {
        return false;

    // initialise distance
    _distance_to_destination = g2.wp_nav.get_distance_to_destination();
    _reached_destination = false;

    return true;

// get default speed for this mode (held in WP_SPEED or RTL_SPEED)
float Mode::get_speed_default(bool rtl) const
    if (rtl && is_positive(g2.rtl_speed)) {
        return g2.rtl_speed;

    return g2.wp_nav.get_default_speed();

// execute the mission in reverse (i.e. backing up)
void Mode::set_reversed(bool value)

// handle tacking request (from auxiliary switch) in sailboats
void Mode::handle_tack_request()
    // autopilot modes handle tacking
    if (is_autopilot_mode()) {

void Mode::calc_throttle(float target_speed, bool avoidance_enabled)
    // get acceleration limited target speed
    target_speed = attitude_control.get_desired_speed_accel_limited(target_speed, rover.G_Dt);

    // apply object avoidance to desired speed using half vehicle's maximum deceleration
    if (avoidance_enabled) {
        g2.avoid.adjust_speed(0.0f, 0.5f * attitude_control.get_decel_max(), ahrs.yaw, target_speed, rover.G_Dt);
        if (g2.sailboat.tack_enabled() && g2.avoid.limits_active()) {
            // we are a sailboat trying to avoid fence, try a tack
            if (rover.control_mode != &rover.mode_acro) {

    // call throttle controller and convert output to -100 to +100 range
    float throttle_out = 0.0f;

    if (rover.g2.sailboat.sail_enabled()) {
        // sailboats use special throttle and mainsail controller
        float mainsail_out = 0.0f;
        float wingsail_out = 0.0f;
        float mast_rotation_out = 0.0f;
        rover.g2.sailboat.get_throttle_and_mainsail_out(target_speed, throttle_out, mainsail_out, wingsail_out, mast_rotation_out);
    } else {
        // call speed or stop controller
        if (is_zero(target_speed) && !rover.is_balancebot()) {
            bool stopped;
            throttle_out = 100.0f * attitude_control.get_throttle_out_stop(g2.motors.limit.throttle_lower, g2.motors.limit.throttle_upper, g.speed_cruise, g.throttle_cruise * 0.01f, rover.G_Dt, stopped);
        } else {
            bool motor_lim_low = g2.motors.limit.throttle_lower || attitude_control.pitch_limited();
            bool motor_lim_high = g2.motors.limit.throttle_upper || attitude_control.pitch_limited();
            throttle_out = 100.0f * attitude_control.get_throttle_out_speed(target_speed, motor_lim_low, motor_lim_high, g.speed_cruise, g.throttle_cruise * 0.01f, rover.G_Dt);

        // if vehicle is balance bot, calculate actual throttle required for balancing
        if (rover.is_balancebot()) {

    // send to motor

// performs a controlled stop without turning
bool Mode::stop_vehicle()
    // call throttle controller and convert output to -100 to +100 range
    bool stopped = false;
    float throttle_out;

    // if vehicle is balance bot, calculate throttle required for balancing
    if (rover.is_balancebot()) {
        throttle_out = 100.0f * attitude_control.get_throttle_out_speed(0, g2.motors.limit.throttle_lower, g2.motors.limit.throttle_upper, g.speed_cruise, g.throttle_cruise * 0.01f, rover.G_Dt);
    } else {
        throttle_out = 100.0f * attitude_control.get_throttle_out_stop(g2.motors.limit.throttle_lower, g2.motors.limit.throttle_upper, g.speed_cruise, g.throttle_cruise * 0.01f, rover.G_Dt, stopped);

    // relax sails if present

    // send to motor

    // do not turn while slowing down
    float steering_out = 0.0;
    if (!stopped) {
        steering_out = attitude_control.get_steering_out_rate(0.0, g2.motors.limit.steer_left, g2.motors.limit.steer_right, rover.G_Dt);
    g2.motors.set_steering(steering_out * 4500.0);

    // return true once stopped
    return stopped;

// estimate maximum vehicle speed (in m/s)
// cruise_speed is in m/s, cruise_throttle should be in the range -1 to +1
float Mode::calc_speed_max(float cruise_speed, float cruise_throttle) const
    float speed_max;

    // sanity checks
    if (cruise_throttle > 1.0f || cruise_throttle < 0.05f) {
        speed_max = cruise_speed;
    } else if (is_positive(g2.speed_max)) {
        speed_max = g2.speed_max;
    } else {
        // project vehicle's maximum speed
        speed_max = (1.0f / cruise_throttle) * cruise_speed;

    // constrain to 30m/s (108km/h) and return
    return constrain_float(speed_max, 0.0f, 30.0f);

// calculate pilot input to nudge speed up or down
//  target_speed should be in meters/sec
//  reversed should be true if the vehicle is intentionally backing up which allows the pilot to increase the backing up speed by pulling the throttle stick down
float Mode::calc_speed_nudge(float target_speed, bool reversed)
    // sanity checks
    if (g.throttle_cruise > 100 || g.throttle_cruise < 5) {
        return target_speed;

    // convert pilot throttle input to speed
    float pilot_steering, pilot_throttle;
    get_pilot_input(pilot_steering, pilot_throttle);
    float pilot_speed = pilot_throttle * 0.01f * calc_speed_max(g.speed_cruise, g.throttle_cruise * 0.01f);

    // ignore pilot's input if in opposite direction to vehicle's desired direction of travel
    // note that the target_speed may be negative while reversed is true (or vice-versa)
    // while vehicle is transitioning between forward and backwards movement
    if ((is_positive(pilot_speed) && reversed) ||
        (is_negative(pilot_speed) && !reversed)) {
        return target_speed;

    // return the larger of the pilot speed and the original target speed
    if (reversed) {
        return MIN(target_speed, pilot_speed);
    } else {
        return MAX(target_speed, pilot_speed);

// high level call to navigate to waypoint
// uses wp_nav to calculate turn rate and speed to drive along the path from origin to destination
// this function updates _distance_to_destination
void Mode::navigate_to_waypoint()
    // apply speed nudge from pilot
    // calc_speed_nudge's "desired_speed" argument should be negative when vehicle is reversing
    // AR_WPNav nudge_speed_max argu,ent should always be positive even when reversing
    const float calc_nudge_input_speed = g2.wp_nav.get_speed_max() * (g2.wp_nav.get_reversed() ? -1.0 : 1.0);
    const float nudge_speed_max = calc_speed_nudge(calc_nudge_input_speed, g2.wp_nav.get_reversed());

    // update navigation controller
    _distance_to_destination = g2.wp_nav.get_distance_to_destination();

    // sailboats trigger tack if simple avoidance becomes active
    if (g2.sailboat.tack_enabled() && g2.avoid.limits_active()) {
        // we are a sailboat trying to avoid fence, try a tack

    // pass desired speed to throttle controller
    // do not do simple avoidance because this is already handled in the position controller
    calc_throttle(g2.wp_nav.get_speed(), false);

    float desired_heading_cd = g2.wp_nav.oa_wp_bearing_cd();
    if (g2.sailboat.use_indirect_route(desired_heading_cd)) {
        // sailboats use heading controller when tacking upwind
        desired_heading_cd = g2.sailboat.calc_heading(desired_heading_cd);
        // use pivot turn rate for tacks
        const float turn_rate = g2.sailboat.tacking() ? g2.wp_nav.get_pivot_rate() : 0.0f;
        calc_steering_to_heading(desired_heading_cd, turn_rate);
    } else {
        // retrieve turn rate from waypoint controller
        float desired_turn_rate_rads = g2.wp_nav.get_turn_rate_rads();

        // if simple avoidance is active at very low speed do not attempt to turn
        if (g2.avoid.limits_active() && (fabsf(attitude_control.get_desired_speed()) <= attitude_control.get_stop_speed())) {
            desired_turn_rate_rads = 0.0f;

        // call turn rate steering controller

// calculate steering output given a turn rate
// desired turn rate in radians/sec. Positive to the right.
void Mode::calc_steering_from_turn_rate(float turn_rate)
    // calculate and send final steering command to motor library
    const float steering_out = attitude_control.get_steering_out_rate(turn_rate,
    set_steering(steering_out * 4500.0f);

    calculate steering output given lateral_acceleration
void Mode::calc_steering_from_lateral_acceleration(float lat_accel, bool reversed)
    // constrain to max G force
    lat_accel = constrain_float(lat_accel, -attitude_control.get_turn_lat_accel_max(), attitude_control.get_turn_lat_accel_max());

    // send final steering command to motor library
    const float steering_out = attitude_control.get_steering_out_lat_accel(lat_accel,
    set_steering(steering_out * 4500.0f);

// calculate steering output to drive towards desired heading
// rate_max is a maximum turn rate in deg/s.  set to zero to use default turn rate limits
void Mode::calc_steering_to_heading(float desired_heading_cd, float rate_max_degs)
    // call heading controller
    const float steering_out = attitude_control.get_steering_out_heading(radians(desired_heading_cd*0.01f),
    set_steering(steering_out * 4500.0f);

void Mode::set_steering(float steering_value)
    if (allows_stick_mixing() && g2.stick_mixing > 0) {
        steering_value = channel_steer->stick_mixing((int16_t)steering_value);

Mode *Rover::mode_from_mode_num(const enum Mode::Number num)
    Mode *ret = nullptr;
    switch (num) {
    case Mode::Number::MANUAL:
        ret = &mode_manual;
    case Mode::Number::ACRO:
        ret = &mode_acro;
    case Mode::Number::STEERING:
        ret = &mode_steering;
    case Mode::Number::HOLD:
        ret = &mode_hold;
    case Mode::Number::LOITER:
        ret = &mode_loiter;
    case Mode::Number::FOLLOW:
        ret = &mode_follow;
    case Mode::Number::SIMPLE:
        ret = &mode_simple;
    case Mode::Number::AUTO:
        ret = &mode_auto;
    case Mode::Number::RTL:
        ret = &mode_rtl;
    case Mode::Number::SMART_RTL:
        ret = &mode_smartrtl;
    case Mode::Number::GUIDED:
        ret = &mode_guided;
    case Mode::Number::INITIALISING:
        ret = &mode_initializing;
    case Mode::Number::DOCK:
        ret = (Mode *)g2.mode_dock_ptr;
    return ret;