using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ArdupilotMega.HIL { public class Utils { public const float rad2deg = (float)(180 / System.Math.PI); public const float deg2rad = (float)(1.0 / rad2deg); public const float ft2m = (float)(1.0 / 3.2808399); public const float kts2fps = (float)1.68780986; public static double sin(double val) { return System.Math.Sin(val); } public static double cos(double val) { return System.Math.Cos(val); } public static double radians(double val) { return val * deg2rad; } public static double degrees(double val) { return val * rad2deg; } public static double sqrt(double val) { return System.Math.Sqrt(val); } public static int[] range(int no) { int[] range = new int[no]; for (int a = 0; a < no; a++) { range[a] = a; } return range; } public static double fabs(double val) { return System.Math.Abs(val); } public static double tan(double val) { return System.Math.Tan(val); } public static Tuple EarthRatesToBodyRates(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double rollRate, double pitchRate, double yawRate) { //convert the angular velocities from earth frame to //body frame. Thanks to James Goppert for the formula //all inputs and outputs are in degrees //returns a tuple, (p,q,r) var phi = radians(roll); var theta = radians(pitch); var phiDot = radians(rollRate); var thetaDot = radians(pitchRate); var psiDot = radians(yawRate); var p = phiDot - psiDot * sin(theta); var q = cos(phi) * thetaDot + sin(phi) * psiDot * cos(theta); var r = cos(phi) * psiDot * cos(theta) - sin(phi) * thetaDot; return new Tuple(degrees(p), degrees(q), degrees(r)); } public static Tuple EarthRatesToBodyRatesRyan(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double rollRate, double pitchRate, double yawRate) { // thanks to ryan beall var phi = radians(roll); var theta = radians(pitch); var psi = radians(yaw); var Po = radians(pitchRate); var Ro = radians(yawRate); var Qo = radians(rollRate); // CpCy, CpSy, -Sp | local_ax // SrSpCy-CrSy, SrSpSy+CrCy, SrCp | local_ay // CrSpCy+SrSy, CrSpSy-SrCy, CrCp | local_az var P = Po * cos(psi) * cos(theta) - Ro * sin(theta) + Qo * cos(theta) * sin(psi); var Q = Qo * (cos(phi) * cos(psi) + sin(phi) * sin(psi) * sin(theta)) - Po * (cos(phi) * sin(psi) - cos(psi) * sin(phi) * sin(theta)) + Ro * cos(theta) * sin(phi); var R = Po * (sin(phi) * sin(psi) + cos(phi) * cos(psi) * sin(theta)) - Qo * (cos(psi) * sin(phi) - cos(phi) * sin(psi) * sin(theta)) + Ro * cos(phi) * cos(theta); return new Tuple(degrees(P), degrees(Q), degrees(R)); } public static Tuple OGLtoBCBF(double phi, double theta, double psi,double x, double y, double z) { double x_NED, y_NED, z_NED; double Cr, Cp, Cy; double Sr, Sp, Sy; //Accelerations in X-Plane are expressed in the local OpenGL reference frame, for whatever reason. //This coordinate system is defined as follows (taken from the X-Plane SDK Wiki): // The origin 0,0,0 is on the surface of the earth at sea level at some "reference point". // The +X axis points east from the reference point. // The +Z axis points south from the reference point. // The +Y axis points straight up away from the center of the earth at the reference point. // First we shall convert from this East Up South frame, to a more conventional NED (North East Down) frame. x_NED = radians(x) * -1.0; y_NED = radians(y) * 1.0; z_NED = radians(z) * -1.0; // Next calculate cos & sin of angles for use in the transformation matrix. // r, p & y subscripts stand for roll pitch and yaw. Cr = Math.Cos(radians(phi)); Cp = Math.Cos(radians(theta)); Cy = Math.Cos(radians(psi)); Sr = Math.Sin(radians(phi)); Sp = Math.Sin(radians(theta)); Sy = Math.Sin(radians(psi)); // Next we need to rotate our accelerations from the NED reference frame, into the body fixed reference frame // THANKS TO GEORGE M SIOURIS WHOSE "MISSILE GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEMS" BOOK SEEMS TO BE THE ONLY EASY TO FIND REFERENCE THAT // ACTUALLY GETS THE NED TO BODY FRAME ROTATION MATRIX CORRECT!! // CpCy, CpSy, -Sp | local_ax // SrSpCy-CrSy, SrSpSy+CrCy, SrCp | local_ay // CrSpCy+SrSy, CrSpSy-SrCy, CrCp | local_az x = (x_NED * Cp * Cy) + (y_NED * Cp * Sy) - (z_NED * Sp); y = (x_NED * ((Sr * Sp * Cy) - (Cr * Sy))) + (y_NED * ((Sr * Sp * Sy) + (Cr * Cy))) + (z_NED * Sr * Cp); z = (x_NED * ((Cr * Sp * Cy) + (Sr * Sy))) + (y_NED * ((Cr * Sp * Sy) - (Sr * Cy))) + (z_NED * Cr * Cp); return new Tuple(degrees(x), degrees(y), degrees(z)); } /// /// From /// Converts from xplanes to fixed body ref /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void FLIGHTtoBCBF(ref float x, ref float y, ref float z, float alpha, float beta) { float Ca = (float)Math.Cos(alpha); float Cb = (float)Math.Cos(beta); float Sa = (float)Math.Sin(alpha); float Sb = (float)Math.Sin(beta); float X_plane = (x * Ca * Cb) - (z * Sa * Cb) - (y * Sb); float Y_plane = (z * Sa * Sb) - (x * Ca * Sb) - (y * Cb); float Z_plane = (x * Sa) + (z * Ca); x = X_plane; y = Y_plane; z = Z_plane; } public static Tuple BodyRatesToEarthRates(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double pDeg, double qDeg, double rDeg) { //convert the angular velocities from body frame to //earth frame. //all inputs and outputs are in degrees //returns a tuple, (rollRate,pitchRate,yawRate) var p = radians(pDeg); var q = radians(qDeg); var r = radians(rDeg); var phi = radians(roll); var theta = radians(pitch); var phiDot = p + tan(theta) * (q * sin(phi) + r * cos(phi)); var thetaDot = q * cos(phi) - r * sin(phi); if (fabs(cos(theta)) < 1.0e-20) theta += 1.0e-10; var psiDot = (q * sin(phi) + r * cos(phi)) / cos(theta); return new Tuple(degrees(phiDot), degrees(thetaDot), degrees(psiDot)); } } }