/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* * DataFlash_APM1.cpp - DataFlash log library for AT45DB161 * Code by Jordi Muñoz and Jose Julio. DIYDrones.com * This code works only on ATMega2560. It uses Serial port 3 in SPI MSPI mdoe. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Dataflash library for AT45DB161D flash memory * Memory organization : 4096 pages of 512 bytes or 528 bytes * * Maximun write bandwidth : 512 bytes in 14ms * This code is written so the master never has to wait to write the data on the eeprom * * Methods: * Init() : Library initialization (SPI initialization) * StartWrite(page) : Start a write session. page=start page. * WriteByte(data) : Write a byte * WriteInt(data) : Write an integer (2 bytes) * WriteLong(data) : Write a long (4 bytes) * StartRead(page) : Start a read on (page) * GetWritePage() : Returns the last page written to * GetPage() : Returns the last page read * ReadByte() * ReadInt() * ReadLong() * * Properties: * */ extern "C" { // AVR LibC Includes #include #include } #include #include #if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100 #include "Arduino.h" #else #include "WConstants.h" #endif #include // for removing conflict with optical flow sensor on SPI3 bus #include "DataFlash_APM2.h" ///* #define ENABLE_FASTSERIAL_DEBUG #ifdef ENABLE_FASTSERIAL_DEBUG # define serialDebug(fmt, args...) if (FastSerial::getInitialized(0)) do {Serial.printf("%s:%d: " fmt "\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ , ##args); delay(0); } while(0) #else # define serialDebug(fmt, args...) #endif //*/ // flash size #define DF_LAST_PAGE 4096 // arduino mega SPI pins #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) || defined(DESKTOP_BUILD) #define DF_DATAOUT 51 // MOSI #define DF_DATAIN 50 // MISO #define DF_SPICLOCK 52 // SCK #define DF_SLAVESELECT 53 // SS (PB0) #define DF_RESET 31 // RESET (PC6) #else // normal arduino SPI pins... #define DF_DATAOUT 11 //MOSI #define DF_DATAIN 12 //MISO #define DF_SPICLOCK 13 //SCK #define DF_SLAVESELECT 10 //SS #endif // AT45DB161D Commands (from Datasheet) #define DF_TRANSFER_PAGE_TO_BUFFER_1 0x53 #define DF_TRANSFER_PAGE_TO_BUFFER_2 0x55 #define DF_STATUS_REGISTER_READ 0xD7 #define DF_READ_MANUFACTURER_AND_DEVICE_ID 0x9F #define DF_PAGE_READ 0xD2 #define DF_BUFFER_1_READ 0xD4 #define DF_BUFFER_2_READ 0xD6 #define DF_BUFFER_1_WRITE 0x84 #define DF_BUFFER_2_WRITE 0x87 #define DF_BUFFER_1_TO_PAGE_WITH_ERASE 0x83 #define DF_BUFFER_2_TO_PAGE_WITH_ERASE 0x86 #define DF_PAGE_ERASE 0x81 #define DF_BLOCK_ERASE 0x50 #define DF_SECTOR_ERASE 0x7C #define DF_CHIP_ERASE_0 0xC7 #define DF_CHIP_ERASE_1 0x94 #define DF_CHIP_ERASE_2 0x80 #define DF_CHIP_ERASE_3 0x9A // *** INTERNAL FUNCTIONS *** unsigned char DataFlash_APM1::SPI_transfer(unsigned char data) { unsigned char retval; // get spi semaphore if required. if failed to get semaphore then // just quietly fail if ( _spi_semaphore != NULL) { if( !_spi_semaphore->get(this) ) { return 0; } } // send the data retval = SPI.transfer(data); // release spi3 semaphore if ( _spi_semaphore != NULL) { _spi_semaphore->release(this); } return retval; } // disable device void DataFlash_APM1::CS_inactive() { digitalWrite(DF_SLAVESELECT,HIGH); } // enable device void DataFlash_APM1::CS_active() { digitalWrite(DF_SLAVESELECT,LOW); } // Public Methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DataFlash_APM1::Init(void) { // init to zero df_NumPages = 0; pinMode(DF_DATAOUT, OUTPUT); pinMode(DF_DATAIN, INPUT); pinMode(DF_SPICLOCK,OUTPUT); pinMode(DF_SLAVESELECT,OUTPUT); #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) || defined(DESKTOP_BUILD) pinMode(DF_RESET,OUTPUT); // Reset the chip digitalWrite(DF_RESET,LOW); delay(1); digitalWrite(DF_RESET,HIGH); #endif // disable device CS_inactive(); // Setup SPI Master, Mode 3, fosc/4 = 4MHz SPI.begin(); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE3); SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2); // get page size: 512 or 528 (by default: 528) df_PageSize = PageSize(); // the last page is reserved for config information df_NumPages = DF_LAST_PAGE - 1; } // This function is mainly to test the device void DataFlash_APM1::ReadManufacturerID() { // activate dataflash command decoder CS_active(); // Read manufacturer and ID command... SPI_transfer(DF_READ_MANUFACTURER_AND_DEVICE_ID); df_manufacturer = SPI_transfer(0xff); df_device = SPI_transfer(0xff); df_device = (df_device << 8) | SPI_transfer(0xff); SPI_transfer(0xff); // release SPI bus for use by other sensors CS_inactive(); } // This function return 1 if Card is inserted on SD slot bool DataFlash_APM1::CardInserted() { return true; } // Read the status register byte DataFlash_APM1::ReadStatusReg() { byte tmp; // activate dataflash command decoder CS_active(); // Read status command SPI_transfer(DF_STATUS_REGISTER_READ); tmp = SPI_transfer(0x00); // We only want to extract the READY/BUSY bit // release SPI bus for use by other sensors CS_inactive(); return tmp; } // Read the status of the DataFlash inline byte DataFlash_APM1::ReadStatus() { return(ReadStatusReg()&0x80); // We only want to extract the READY/BUSY bit } inline uint16_t DataFlash_APM1::PageSize() { return(528-((ReadStatusReg()&0x01) << 4)); // if first bit 1 trhen 512 else 528 bytes } // Wait until DataFlash is in ready state... void DataFlash_APM1::WaitReady() { while(!ReadStatus()) ; } void DataFlash_APM1::PageToBuffer(unsigned char BufferNum, uint16_t PageAdr) { // activate dataflash command decoder CS_active(); if (BufferNum==1) SPI_transfer(DF_TRANSFER_PAGE_TO_BUFFER_1); else SPI_transfer(DF_TRANSFER_PAGE_TO_BUFFER_2); if(df_PageSize==512) { SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 7)); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 1)); }else{ SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 6)); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 2)); } SPI_transfer(0x00); // don´t care bytes //initiate the transfer CS_inactive(); CS_active(); while(!ReadStatus()) ; //monitor the status register, wait until busy-flag is high // release SPI bus for use by other sensors CS_inactive(); } void DataFlash_APM1::BufferToPage (unsigned char BufferNum, uint16_t PageAdr, unsigned char wait) { // activate dataflash command decoder CS_active(); if (BufferNum==1) SPI_transfer(DF_BUFFER_1_TO_PAGE_WITH_ERASE); else SPI_transfer(DF_BUFFER_2_TO_PAGE_WITH_ERASE); if(df_PageSize==512) { SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 7)); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 1)); }else{ SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 6)); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 2)); } SPI_transfer(0x00); // don´t care bytes //initiate the transfer CS_inactive(); CS_active(); // Check if we need to wait to write the buffer to memory or we can continue... if (wait) while(!ReadStatus()) ; //monitor the status register, wait until busy-flag is high // release SPI bus for use by other sensors CS_inactive(); } void DataFlash_APM1::BufferWrite (unsigned char BufferNum, uint16_t IntPageAdr, unsigned char Data) { // activate dataflash command decoder CS_active(); if (BufferNum==1) SPI_transfer(DF_BUFFER_1_WRITE); else SPI_transfer(DF_BUFFER_2_WRITE); SPI_transfer(0x00); // don't care SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(IntPageAdr>>8)); // upper part of internal buffer address SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(IntPageAdr)); // lower part of internal buffer address SPI_transfer(Data); // write data byte // release SPI bus for use by other sensors CS_inactive(); } unsigned char DataFlash_APM1::BufferRead (unsigned char BufferNum, uint16_t IntPageAdr) { byte tmp; // activate dataflash command decoder CS_active(); if (BufferNum==1) SPI_transfer(DF_BUFFER_1_READ); else SPI_transfer(DF_BUFFER_2_READ); SPI_transfer(0x00); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(IntPageAdr>>8)); // upper part of internal buffer address SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(IntPageAdr)); // lower part of internal buffer address SPI_transfer(0x00); // don't cares tmp = SPI_transfer(0x00); // read data byte // release SPI bus for use by other sensors CS_inactive(); return (tmp); } // *** END OF INTERNAL FUNCTIONS *** void DataFlash_APM1::PageErase (uint16_t PageAdr) { // activate dataflash command decoder CS_active(); // Send page erase command SPI_transfer(DF_PAGE_ERASE); if(df_PageSize==512) { SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 7)); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 1)); }else{ SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 6)); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 2)); } SPI_transfer(0x00); //initiate flash page erase CS_inactive(); CS_active(); while(!ReadStatus()) ; // release SPI bus for use by other sensors CS_inactive(); } void DataFlash_APM1::BlockErase (uint16_t BlockAdr) { // activate dataflash command decoder CS_active(); // Send block erase command SPI_transfer(DF_BLOCK_ERASE); /* if (df_PageSize==512) { SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(BlockAdr >> 3)); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(BlockAdr << 5)); } else { SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(BlockAdr >> 4)); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(BlockAdr << 4)); }*/ if (df_PageSize==512) { SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(BlockAdr >> 4)); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(BlockAdr << 4)); } else { SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(BlockAdr >> 3)); SPI_transfer((unsigned char)(BlockAdr << 5)); } SPI_transfer(0x00); //initiate flash page erase CS_inactive(); CS_active(); while(!ReadStatus()) ; // release SPI bus for use by other sensors CS_inactive(); } void DataFlash_APM1::ChipErase(void (*delay_cb)(unsigned long)) { //serialDebug("Chip Erase\n"); // activate dataflash command decoder CS_active(); // opcodes for chip erase SPI_transfer(DF_CHIP_ERASE_0); SPI_transfer(DF_CHIP_ERASE_1); SPI_transfer(DF_CHIP_ERASE_2); SPI_transfer(DF_CHIP_ERASE_3); //initiate flash page erase CS_inactive(); CS_active(); while(!ReadStatus()) { delay_cb(1); } // release SPI bus for use by other sensors CS_inactive(); }