# RadiolinkPIX6 Flight Controller

Featuring STM32F7 cpu, vibration isolation of IMUs, redundant IMUs, integrated OSD chip, IMU heating, and DShot.
## Specifications
- Processor
- 32-bit ARM Cortex M7 core with DPFPU - STM32F765VIT6
- 216 MHz/512 KB RAM/2 MB Flash
- 32-bit IOMCU co-processor - STM32F100
- 32KB FRAM - FM25V02A
- AT7456E OSD
- Sensors
- Bosh BMI088 IMU (accel, gyro)
- InvenSense ICM-42688 IMU (accel, gyro)
- SPA06 barometer
- IST8310 magnetometer
- Power
- SMBUS/I2C Power Module Inputs(I2C)
- voltage and current monitor inputs(Analog)
- Interfaces
- 16 PWM Outputs with independent power rail for external power source
- 5x UART serial ports, 2 with HW flow control
- Camera Input and Video Output
- PPM/SBUS input, DSM/SBUS input
- RSSI (PWM or voltage) input
- I2C, SPI, 2x CAN, USB
- 3.3V and 6.6V ADC inputs
- Buzzer and Safety Switch
- microSD card
- Dimensions
- Weight 80g
- Size 94mm x 51.5mm x 14.5mm
## Connector assignments
### Top View
### Left View
### Right View
### Rear View
## Pinouts
### TELEM1, TELEM2 ports
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---- | ------- | ----- |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | TX(OUT) | +3.3V |
| 3 | RX(IN) | +3.3V |
| 4 | CTS | +3.3V |
| 5 | RTS | +3.3V |
| 6 | GND | GND |
### OSD
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | GND | GND |
| 2 | VOUT | +3.3V |
| 3 | VCC | +5V |
| 4 | GND | GND |
| 5 | VCC | +5V |
| 6 | VIN | +3.3V |
### I2C port
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | SCL | +3.3V (pullups) |
| 3 | SDA | +3.3V (pullups) |
| 4 | GND | GND |
### CAN1, CAN2 ports
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | CAN_H | +12V |
| 3 | CAN_L | +12V |
| 4 | GND | GND |
### GPS1 port
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | TX(OUT) | +3.3V |
| 3 | RX(IN) | +3.3V |
| 4 | SCL | +3.3V |
| 5 | SDA | +3.3V |
| 6 | GND | GND |
### GPS2 Port
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | TX(OUT) | +3.3V |
| 3 | RX(IN) | +3.3V |
| 4 | SCL | +3.3V |
| 5 | SDA | +3.3V |
| 6 | GND | GND |
### SPI
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | SPI_SCK | +3.3V |
| 3 | SPI_MISO | +3.3V |
| 4 | SPI_MOSI | +3.3V |
| 5 | !SPI_NSS1 | +3.3V |
| 6 | !SPI_NSS2 | +3.3V |
| 7 | DRDY | +3.3V |
| 8 | GND | GND |
### POWER1
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | VCC | +5V |
| 3 | CURRENT | up to +3.3V |
| 4 | VOLTAGE | up to +3.3V |
| 5 | GND | GND |
| 6 | GND | GND |
### POWER2
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | VCC | +5V |
| 3 | SCL | +3.3V |
| 4 | SDA | +3.3V |
| 5 | GND | GND |
| 6 | GND | GND |
### ADC 3.3V
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | ADC IN1 | up to +3.3V |
| 3 | GND | GND |
| 4 | ADC IN2 | up to +3.3v |
| 5 | GND | GND |
### ADC 6.6V
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | ADC IN | up to 6.6V |
| 3 | GND | GND |
### USB remote port
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | USB VDD | +5V |
| 2 | DM | +3.3V |
| 3 | DP | +3.3V |
| 4 | GND | GND |
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +3.3V |
| 2 | !IO_LED_SAFETY | GND |
| 3 | SAFETY | GND |
### Buzzer port
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | BUZZER- | +5V |
### Spektrum/DSM Port
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +3.3V |
| 2 | GND | GND |
| 3 | Signal | +3.3V |
### Debug port
| Pin | Signal | Volt |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | VCC | +5V |
| 2 | FMU_SWCLK | +3.3V |
| 3 | FMU_SWDIO | +3.3V |
| 4 | TX(UART7) | +3.3V |
| 5 | RX(UART7) | +3.3V |
| 6 | IO_SWCLK | +3.3V |
| 7 | IO_SWDIO | +3.3V |
| 8 | GND | GND |
## UART Mapping
- SERIAL1 -> USART2 (Telem1) RTS/CTS pins, RX DMA capable
- SERIAL2 -> USART3 (Telem2) RTS/CTS pins, TX/RX DMA capable
- SERIAL3 -> USART1 (GPS1), TX/RX DMA capable
- SERIAL5 -> UART7 (User), No DMA
## RC Input
The RCIN pin, which by default is mapped to a timer input, can be used for all ArduPilot supported receiver protocols, except CRSF/ELRS and SRXL2 which require a true UART connection. However, FPort, when connected in this manner, will only provide RC without telemetry.
To allow CRSF and embedded telemetry available in Fport, CRSF, and SRXL2 receivers, a full UART, such as SERIAL1 (USART2) would need to be used for receiver connections. Below are setups using Serial6.
- [SERIAL1_PROTOCOL](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#serial1-protocol) should be set to “23”.
- FPort would require [SERIAL1_OPTIONS](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#serial1-options) be set to “15”.
- CRSF would require [SERIAL1_OPTIONS](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#serial1-options) be set to “0”.
- SRXL2 would require [SERIAL1_OPTIONS](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#serial1-options) be set to “4” and connects only the TX pin.
Any UART can be used for RC system connections in ArduPilot also, and is compatible with all protocols except PPM. See [Radio Control Systems](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-rc-systems.html#common-rc-systems) for details.
## OSD Support
The RadiolinkPIX6 support using its internal OSD using OSD_TYPE 1 (MAX7456 driver). External OSD support such as DJI or DisplayPort is supported using UART3 or any other free UART. See [MSP OSD](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-msp-osd-overview-4.2.html#common-msp-osd-overview-4-2) for more info.
## PWM Output
The RadiolinkPIX6 supports up to 16 PWM outputs. All 16 outputs support all normal PWM output formats. All FMU outputs also support DShot.
The 8 FMU PWM outputs are in 4 groups:
- Outputs 1, 2, 3 and 4 in group1
- Outputs 5 and 8 in group2
- Outputs 6 and 7 in group3
FMU outputs within the same group need to use the same output rate and protocol. If any output in a group uses DShot then all channels in that group need to use DShot.
## Battery Monitoring
The board has 2 dedicated power monitor ports with a 6 pin connector. One is the Analog power monitor(Power1), and the others is the I2C power monitor(Power2).
### Power1 port(Analog)
The parameters should be set:
[BATT_MONITOR](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#batt-monitor) =4
[BATT_VOLT_PIN](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#batt-volt-pin) 2
[BATT_CURR_PIN](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#batt-curr-pin) 5
[BATT_VOLT_MULT](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#batt-volt-mult) 18
[BATT_AMP_PERVLT](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#batt-amp-pervlt) 24
### Power2 port(I2C)
The parameters should be set.:
- [BATT_MONITOR](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#batt-monitor) = 21
- [BATT_I2C_BUS](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#batt-i2c-bus-ap-battmonitor-ina2xx) = 1
- [BATT_I2C_ADDR](https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#batt-i2c-addr-ap-battmonitor-ina2xx) = 65
## Compass
The RadiolinkPIX6 has a built-in compass. Due to potential interference, the autopilot is usually used with an external I2C compass as part of a GPS/Compass combination.
## Analog inputs
The RadiolinkPIX6 has 3 analog inputs, one 6V tolerant and two 3.3V tolerant
- ADC Pin12 -> ADC 6.6V Sense
- ADC Pin4 -> ADC IN1 3.3V Sense
- ADC Pin13 -> ADC IN2 3.3V Sense
- Analog 3.3V RSSI input pin = 103
## Connectors
Unless noted otherwise all connectors are JST GH