## on Bash To install the completion, you should either, source the main script on your current terminal or source the main script on your bash configuration. ### Direct use From ArduPilot root directory, simply use : ```` bash source ./Tools/completion/completion.bash ```` And now completion works from your terminal instance. If you close the terminal, the completion feature is removed. ### Permanent use Edit you `.bashrc` file, it is on your Home directory but it is a hidden file (CTRL+H on Ubuntu to reveal them). Then put at the end of the file : ```` bash source PATH_TO_ARDUPILOT_DIRECTORY/Tools/completion/completion.bash ```` where PATH_TO_ARDUPILOT_DIRECTORY is the path to ArduPilot directory. ### Usage You can now abuse of your TAB key on `waf` and `sim_vehicle.py` call ! See the video at the end. ## On ZSH Zsh don't allow live loading of completion. So you have to source the completion script in your `.zshrc` file. Like for Bash, you will find it hiding on your home ! Put at the end of the file : ```` bash source PATH_TO_ARDUPILOT_DIRECTORY/Tools/completion/completion.zsh ```` where PATH_TO_ARDUPILOT_DIRECTORY is the path to ArduPilot directory. Notice the difference, the extension is `.zsh` !