#!/usr/bin/env python # Fly ArduCopter in SITL from __future__ import print_function import math import os import shutil import pexpect from pymavlink import mavutil from pysim import util from common import AutoTest # get location of scripts testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) HOME = mavutil.location(-35.362938, 149.165085, 584, 270) AVCHOME = mavutil.location(40.072842, -105.230575, 1586, 0) # Flight mode switch positions are set-up in arducopter.param to be # switch 1 = Circle # switch 2 = Land # switch 3 = RTL # switch 4 = Auto # switch 5 = Loiter # switch 6 = Stabilize class AutoTestCopter(AutoTest): def __init__(self, binary, valgrind=False, gdb=False, speedup=10, frame=None, params=None, gdbserver=False, **kwargs): super(AutoTestCopter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.binary = binary self.valgrind = valgrind self.gdb = gdb self.frame = frame self.params = params self.gdbserver = gdbserver self.home = "%f,%f,%u,%u" % (HOME.lat, HOME.lng, HOME.alt, HOME.heading) self.homeloc = None self.speedup = speedup self.speedup_default = 10 self.log_name = "ArduCopter" self.logfile = None self.buildlog = None self.copy_tlog = False self.sitl = None self.hasInit = False def mavproxy_options(self): ret = super(AutoTestCopter, self).mavproxy_options() if self.frame != 'heli': ret.append('--quadcopter') return ret def sitl_streamrate(self): return 5 def vehicleinfo_key(self): return 'ArduCopter' def init(self): if self.frame is None: self.frame = '+' if self.frame == 'heli': self.log_name = "HeliCopter" self.home = "%f,%f,%u,%u" % (AVCHOME.lat, AVCHOME.lng, AVCHOME.alt, AVCHOME.heading) self.apply_parameters_using_sitl() self.sitl = util.start_SITL(self.binary, model=self.frame, home=self.home, speedup=self.speedup, valgrind=self.valgrind, gdb=self.gdb, gdbserver=self.gdbserver) self.mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SITL( 'ArduCopter', options=self.mavproxy_options()) self.mavproxy.expect('Telemetry log: (\S+)\r\n') self.logfile = self.mavproxy.match.group(1) self.progress("LOGFILE %s" % self.logfile) self.buildlog = self.buildlogs_path(self.log_name + "-test.tlog") self.progress("buildlog=%s" % self.buildlog) self.copy_tlog = False if os.path.exists(self.buildlog): os.unlink(self.buildlog) try: os.link(self.logfile, self.buildlog) except Exception: self.progress("WARN: Failed to create symlink: %s => %s, " "will copy tlog manually to target location" % (self.logfile, self.buildlog)) self.copy_tlog = True self.mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') util.expect_setup_callback(self.mavproxy, self.expect_callback) self.expect_list_clear() self.expect_list_extend([self.sitl, self.mavproxy]) self.progress("Started simulator") # get a mavlink connection going connection_string = '' try: self.mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection(connection_string, robust_parsing=True) except Exception as msg: self.progress("Failed to start mavlink connection on %s: %s" % (connection_string, msg,)) raise self.mav.message_hooks.append(self.message_hook) self.mav.idle_hooks.append(self.idle_hook) self.hasInit = True self.progress("Ready to start testing!") def close(self): super(AutoTestCopter, self).close() # [2014/05/07] FC Because I'm doing a cross machine build # (source is on host, build is on guest VM) I cannot hard link # This flag tells me that I need to copy the data out if self.copy_tlog: shutil.copy(self.logfile, self.buildlog) def takeoff(self, alt_min=30, takeoff_throttle=1700): """Takeoff get to 30m altitude.""" self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.set_rc(3, takeoff_throttle) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) if m.alt < alt_min: self.wait_altitude(alt_min, (alt_min + 5)) self.hover() self.progress("TAKEOFF COMPLETE") return True def land(self, timeout=60): """Land the quad.""" self.progress("STARTING LANDING") self.mavproxy.send('switch 2\n') # land mode self.wait_mode('LAND') self.progress("Entered Landing Mode") ret = self.wait_altitude(-5, 1) self.progress("LANDING: ok= %s" % ret) return ret def hover(self, hover_throttle=1500): self.set_rc(3, hover_throttle) return True # loiter - fly south west, then loiter within 5m position and altitude def loiter(self, holdtime=10, maxaltchange=5, maxdistchange=5): """Hold loiter position.""" self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') # first aim south east self.progress("turn south east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) if not self.wait_heading(170): return False self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly south east 50m self.set_rc(2, 1100) if not self.wait_distance(50): return False self.set_rc(2, 1500) # wait for copter to slow moving if not self.wait_groundspeed(0, 2): return False success = True m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_altitude = m.alt start = self.mav.location() tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Holding loiter at %u meters for %u seconds" % (start_altitude, holdtime)) while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + holdtime: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() delta = self.get_distance(start, pos) alt_delta = math.fabs(m.alt - start_altitude) self.progress("Loiter Dist: %.2fm, alt:%u" % (delta, m.alt)) if alt_delta > maxaltchange: self.progress("Loiter alt shifted %u meters (> limit of %u)" % (alt_delta, maxaltchange)) success = False if delta > maxdistchange: self.progress("Loiter shifted %u meters (> limit of %u)" % (delta, maxdistchange)) success = False if success: self.progress("Loiter OK for %u seconds" % holdtime) else: self.progress("Loiter FAILED") return success def change_alt(self, alt_min, climb_throttle=1920, descend_throttle=1080): """Change altitude.""" m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) if m.alt < alt_min: self.progress("Rise to alt:%u from %u" % (alt_min, m.alt)) self.set_rc(3, climb_throttle) self.wait_altitude(alt_min, (alt_min + 5)) else: self.progress("Lower to alt:%u from %u" % (alt_min, m.alt)) self.set_rc(3, descend_throttle) self.wait_altitude((alt_min - 5), alt_min) self.hover() return True ################################################# # TESTS FLY ################################################# # fly a square in alt_hold mode def fly_square(self, side=50, timeout=300): """Fly a square, flying N then E .""" tstart = self.get_sim_time() success = True # ensure all sticks in the middle self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # switch to loiter mode temporarily to stop us from rising self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') self.wait_mode('LOITER') # first aim north self.progress("turn right towards north") self.set_rc(4, 1580) if not self.wait_heading(10): self.progress("Failed to reach heading") success = False self.set_rc(4, 1500) self.mav.recv_match(condition='RC_CHANNELS.chan4_raw==1500', blocking=True) # save bottom left corner of box as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 1 & 2") self.save_wp() # switch back to stabilize mode self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') # pitch forward to fly north self.progress("Going north %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(2, 1300) if not self.wait_distance(side): self.progress("Failed to reach distance of %u" % side) success = False self.set_rc(2, 1500) # save top left corner of square as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 3") self.save_wp() # roll right to fly east self.progress("Going east %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(1, 1700) if not self.wait_distance(side): self.progress("Failed to reach distance of %u" % side) success = False self.set_rc(1, 1500) # save top right corner of square as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 4") self.save_wp() # pitch back to fly south self.progress("Going south %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(2, 1700) if not self.wait_distance(side): self.progress("Failed to reach distance of %u" % side) success = False self.set_rc(2, 1500) # save bottom right corner of square as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 5") self.save_wp() # roll left to fly west self.progress("Going west %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(1, 1300) if not self.wait_distance(side): self.progress("Failed to reach distance of %u" % side) success = False self.set_rc(1, 1500) # save bottom left corner of square (should be near home) as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 6") self.save_wp() # descend to 10m self.progress("Descend to 10m in Loiter") self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') self.set_rc(3, 1300) time_left = timeout - (self.get_sim_time() - tstart) self.progress("timeleft = %u" % time_left) if time_left < 20: time_left = 20 if not self.wait_altitude(-10, 10, time_left): self.progress("Failed to reach alt of 10m") success = False self.save_wp() return success def fly_RTL(self, side=60, timeout=250): """Return, land.""" self.progress("# Enter RTL") self.mavproxy.send('switch 3\n') tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() home_distance = self.get_distance(HOME, pos) self.progress("Alt: %u HomeDist: %.0f" % (m.alt, home_distance)) if m.alt <= 1 and home_distance < 10: return True return False def fly_throttle_failsafe(self, side=60, timeout=180): """Fly east, Failsafe, return, land.""" # switch to loiter mode temporarily to stop us from rising self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') self.wait_mode('LOITER') # first aim east self.progress("turn east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) if not self.wait_heading(135): return False self.set_rc(4, 1500) # raise throttle slightly to avoid hitting the ground self.set_rc(3, 1600) # switch to stabilize mode self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.hover() # fly east 60 meters self.progress("# Going forward %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(2, 1350) if not self.wait_distance(side, 5, 60): return False self.set_rc(2, 1500) # pull throttle low self.progress("# Enter Failsafe") self.set_rc(3, 900) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() home_distance = self.get_distance(HOME, pos) self.progress("Alt: %u HomeDist: %.0f" % (m.alt, home_distance)) # check if we've reached home if m.alt <= 1 and home_distance < 10: # reduce throttle self.set_rc(3, 1100) # switch back to stabilize self.mavproxy.send('switch 2\n') # land mode self.wait_mode('LAND') self.progress("Waiting for disarm") self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.progress("Reached failsafe home OK") self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.set_rc(3, 1000) if not self.arm_vehicle(): self.progress("Failed to re-arm") return False return True self.progress("Failed to land on failsafe RTL - " "timed out after %u seconds" % timeout) # reduce throttle self.set_rc(3, 1100) # switch back to stabilize mode self.mavproxy.send('switch 2\n') # land mode self.wait_mode('LAND') self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') return False def fly_battery_failsafe(self, timeout=30): # assume failure success = False # switch to loiter mode so that we hold position self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') self.wait_mode('LOITER') self.set_rc(3, 1500) # enable battery failsafe self.set_parameter('FS_BATT_ENABLE', 1) # trigger low voltage self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 10) # wait for LAND mode new_mode = self.wait_mode('LAND', 300) if new_mode == 'LAND': success = True # disable battery failsafe self.set_parameter('FS_BATT_ENABLE', 0) # return status if success: self.progress("Successfully entered LAND after battery failsafe") else: self.progress("Failed to enter LAND mode after battery failsafe") return success # fly_stability_patch - fly south, then hold loiter within 5m # position and altitude and reduce 1 motor to 60% efficiency def fly_stability_patch(self, holdtime=30, maxaltchange=5, maxdistchange=10): """Hold loiter position.""" self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') # first south self.progress("turn south") self.set_rc(4, 1580) if not self.wait_heading(180): return False self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly west 80m self.set_rc(2, 1100) if not self.wait_distance(80): return False self.set_rc(2, 1500) # wait for copter to slow moving if not self.wait_groundspeed(0, 2): return False success = True m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_altitude = m.alt start = self.mav.location() tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Holding loiter at %u meters for %u seconds" % (start_altitude, holdtime)) # cut motor 1 to 55% efficiency self.progress("Cutting motor 1 to 60% efficiency") self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_ENGINE_MUL 0.60\n') while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + holdtime: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() delta = self.get_distance(start, pos) alt_delta = math.fabs(m.alt - start_altitude) self.progress("Loiter Dist: %.2fm, alt:%u" % (delta, m.alt)) if alt_delta > maxaltchange: self.progress("Loiter alt shifted %u meters (> limit of %u)" % (alt_delta, maxaltchange)) success = False if delta > maxdistchange: self.progress("Loiter shifted %u meters (> limit of %u)" % (delta, maxdistchange)) success = False # restore motor 1 to 100% efficiency self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_ENGINE_MUL 1.0\n') if success: self.progress("Stability patch and Loiter OK for %u seconds" % holdtime) else: self.progress("Stability Patch FAILED") return success # fly_fence_test - fly east until you hit the horizontal circular fence def fly_fence_test(self, timeout=180): """Hold loiter position.""" self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') # enable fence, disable avoidance self.mavproxy.send('param set FENCE_ENABLE 1\n') self.mavproxy.send('param set AVOID_ENABLE 0\n') # first east self.progress("turn east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) if not self.wait_heading(160): return False self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly forward (east) at least 20m pitching_forward = True self.set_rc(2, 1100) if not self.wait_distance(20): return False # start timer tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() home_distance = self.get_distance(HOME, pos) self.progress("Alt: %u HomeDistance: %.0f" % (m.alt, home_distance)) # recenter pitch sticks once we're home so we don't fly off again if pitching_forward and home_distance < 10: pitching_forward = False self.set_rc(2, 1500) # disable fence self.mavproxy.send('param set FENCE_ENABLE 0\n') if m.alt <= 1 and home_distance < 10: # reduce throttle self.set_rc(3, 1000) # switch mode to stabilize self.mavproxy.send('switch 2\n') # land mode self.wait_mode('LAND') self.progress("Waiting for disarm") self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.progress("Reached home OK") self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.set_rc(3, 1000) # remove if we ever clear battery failsafe flag on disarm: self.mavproxy.send('arm uncheck all\n') if not self.arm_vehicle(): self.progress("Failed to re-arm") # remove if we ever clear battery failsafe flag on disarm: self.mavproxy.send('arm check all\n') return False # remove if we ever clear battery failsafe flag on disarm: self.mavproxy.send('arm check all\n') self.progress("Reached home OK") return True # disable fence, enable avoidance self.mavproxy.send('param set FENCE_ENABLE 0\n') self.mavproxy.send('param set AVOID_ENABLE 1\n') # reduce throttle self.set_rc(3, 1000) # switch mode to stabilize self.mavproxy.send('switch 2\n') # land mode self.wait_mode('LAND') self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.progress("Fence test failed to reach home - " "timed out after %u seconds" % timeout) return False # fly_alt_fence_test - fly up until you hit the fence def fly_alt_max_fence_test(self, timeout=180): """Hold loiter position.""" self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') # enable fence, disable avoidance self.set_parameter('FENCE_ENABLE', 1) self.set_parameter('AVOID_ENABLE', 0) self.set_parameter('FENCE_TYPE', 1) if not self.change_alt(10): failed_test_msg = "change_alt climb failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) return False # first east self.progress("turn east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) if not self.wait_heading(160): return False self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly forward (east) at least 20m self.set_rc(2, 1100) if not self.wait_distance(20): return False # stop flying forward and start flying up: self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.set_rc(3, 1800) # wait for fence to trigger self.wait_mode('RTL') self.progress("Waiting for disarm") self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') # remove if we ever clear battery failsafe flag on disarm self.mavproxy.send('arm uncheck all\n') if not self.arm_vehicle(): self.progress("Failed to re-arm") # remove if we ever clear battery failsafe flag on disarm: self.mavproxy.send('arm check all\n') return False # remove if we ever clear battery failsafe flag on disarm: self.mavproxy.send('arm check all\n') return True def fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test(self, timeout=30, max_distance=20): """fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test. Fly south east in loiter and test reaction to gps glitch.""" self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') # turn on simulator display of gps and actual position if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(True) # set-up gps glitch array glitch_lat = [0.0002996, 0.0006958, 0.0009431, 0.0009991, 0.0009444, 0.0007716, 0.0006221] glitch_lon = [0.0000717, 0.0000912, 0.0002761, 0.0002626, 0.0002807, 0.0002049, 0.0001304] glitch_num = len(glitch_lat) self.progress("GPS Glitches:") for i in range(1, glitch_num): self.progress("glitch %d %.7f %.7f" % (i, glitch_lat[i], glitch_lon[i])) # turn south east self.progress("turn south east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) if not self.wait_heading(150): if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) return False self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly forward (south east) at least 60m self.set_rc(2, 1100) if not self.wait_distance(60): if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) return False self.set_rc(2, 1500) # wait for copter to slow down if not self.wait_groundspeed(0, 1): if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) return False # record time and position tstart = self.get_sim_time() tnow = tstart start_pos = self.sim_location() success = True # initialise current glitch glitch_current = 0 self.progress("Apply first glitch") self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X %.7f\n' % glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y %.7f\n' % glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # record position for 30 seconds while tnow < tstart + timeout: tnow = self.get_sim_time() desired_glitch_num = int((tnow - tstart) * 2.2) if desired_glitch_num > glitch_current and glitch_current != -1: glitch_current = desired_glitch_num # turn off glitching if we've reached the end of glitch list if glitch_current >= glitch_num: glitch_current = -1 self.progress("Completed Glitches") self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X 0\n') self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y 0\n') else: self.progress("Applying glitch %u" % glitch_current) # move onto the next glitch self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X %.7f\n' % glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y %.7f\n' % glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # start displaying distance moved after all glitches applied if glitch_current == -1: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) curr_pos = self.sim_location() moved_distance = self.get_distance(curr_pos, start_pos) self.progress("Alt: %u Moved: %.0f" % (m.alt, moved_distance)) if moved_distance > max_distance: self.progress("Moved over %u meters, Failed!" % max_distance) success = False # disable gps glitch if glitch_current != -1: glitch_current = -1 self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X 0\n') self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y 0\n') if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) if success: self.progress("GPS glitch test passed!" " stayed within %u meters for %u seconds" % (max_distance, timeout)) else: self.progress("GPS glitch test FAILED!") return success # fly_gps_glitch_auto_test - fly mission and test reaction to gps glitch def fly_gps_glitch_auto_test(self, timeout=120): # set-up gps glitch array glitch_lat = [0.0002996, 0.0006958, 0.0009431, 0.0009991, 0.0009444, 0.0007716, 0.0006221] glitch_lon = [0.0000717, 0.0000912, 0.0002761, 0.0002626, 0.0002807, 0.0002049, 0.0001304] glitch_num = len(glitch_lat) self.progress("GPS Glitches:") for i in range(1, glitch_num): self.progress("glitch %d %.7f %.7f" % (i, glitch_lat[i], glitch_lon[i])) # Fly mission #1 self.progress("# Load copter_glitch_mission") # load the waypoint count global num_wp num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_glitch_mission.txt") if not num_wp: self.progress("load copter_glitch_mission failed") return False # turn on simulator display of gps and actual position if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(True) self.progress("test: Fly a mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.mavproxy.send('wp set 1\n') # switch into AUTO mode and raise throttle self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') # auto mode self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) # wait until 100m from home if not self.wait_distance(100, 5, 60): if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) return False # record time and position tstart = self.get_sim_time() tnow = tstart # initialise current glitch glitch_current = 0 self.progress("Apply first glitch") self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X %.7f\n' % glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y %.7f\n' % glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # record position for 30 seconds while glitch_current < glitch_num: tnow = self.get_sim_time() desired_glitch_num = int((tnow - tstart) * 2.2) if desired_glitch_num > glitch_current and glitch_current != -1: glitch_current = desired_glitch_num # apply next glitch if glitch_current < glitch_num: self.progress("Applying glitch %u" % glitch_current) self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X %.7f\n' % glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y %.7f\n' % glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # turn off glitching self.progress("Completed Glitches") self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X 0\n') self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y 0\n') # continue with the mission ret = self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) # wait for arrival back home self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() dist_to_home = self.get_distance(HOME, pos) while dist_to_home > 5: if self.get_sim_time() > (tstart + timeout): self.progress("GPS Glitch testing failed" "- exceeded timeout %u seconds" % timeout) ret = False break self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() dist_to_home = self.get_distance(HOME, pos) self.progress("Dist from home: %u" % dist_to_home) # turn off simulator display of gps and actual position if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) self.progress("GPS Glitch test Auto completed: passed=%s" % ret) return ret # fly_simple - assumes the simple bearing is initialised to be # directly north flies a box with 100m west, 15 seconds north, # 50 seconds east, 15 seconds south def fly_simple(self, side=50, timeout=120): failed = False # hold position in loiter self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') # set SIMPLE mode for all flight modes self.mavproxy.send('param set SIMPLE 63\n') # switch to stabilize mode self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.set_rc(3, 1500) # fly south 50m self.progress("# Flying south %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(1, 1300) if not self.wait_distance(side, 5, 60): failed = True self.set_rc(1, 1500) # fly west 8 seconds self.progress("# Flying west for 8 seconds") self.set_rc(2, 1300) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < (tstart + 8): self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # fly north 25 meters self.progress("# Flying north %u meters" % (side/2.0)) self.set_rc(1, 1700) if not self.wait_distance(side/2, 5, 60): failed = True self.set_rc(1, 1500) # fly east 8 seconds self.progress("# Flying east for 8 seconds") self.set_rc(2, 1700) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < (tstart + 8): self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # restore to default self.mavproxy.send('param set SIMPLE 0\n') # hover in place self.hover() return not failed # fly_super_simple - flies a circle around home for 45 seconds def fly_super_simple(self, timeout=45): failed = False # hold position in loiter self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') # fly forward 20m self.progress("# Flying forward 20 meters") self.set_rc(2, 1300) if not self.wait_distance(20, 5, 60): failed = True self.set_rc(2, 1500) # set SUPER SIMPLE mode for all flight modes self.mavproxy.send('param set SUPER_SIMPLE 63\n') # switch to stabilize mode self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.set_rc(3, 1500) # start copter yawing slowly self.set_rc(4, 1550) # roll left for timeout seconds self.progress("# rolling left from pilot's POV for %u seconds" % timeout) self.set_rc(1, 1300) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < (tstart + timeout): self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) # stop rolling and yawing self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # restore simple mode parameters to default self.mavproxy.send('param set SUPER_SIMPLE 0\n') # hover in place self.hover() return not failed # fly_circle - flies a circle with 20m radius def fly_circle(self, maxaltchange=10, holdtime=36): # hold position in loiter self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') # face west self.progress("turn west") self.set_rc(4, 1580) if not self.wait_heading(270): return False self.set_rc(4, 1500) # set CIRCLE radius self.mavproxy.send('param set CIRCLE_RADIUS 3000\n') # fly forward (east) at least 100m self.set_rc(2, 1100) if not self.wait_distance(100): return False # return pitch stick back to middle self.set_rc(2, 1500) # set CIRCLE mode self.mavproxy.send('switch 1\n') # circle mode self.wait_mode('CIRCLE') # wait m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_altitude = m.alt tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Circle at %u meters for %u seconds" % (start_altitude, holdtime)) while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + holdtime: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.progress("heading %u" % m.heading) self.progress("CIRCLE OK for %u seconds" % holdtime) return True # fly_auto_test - fly mission which tests a significant number of commands def fly_auto_test(self): # Fly mission #1 self.progress("# Load copter_mission") # load the waypoint count global num_wp num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_mission.txt") if not num_wp: self.progress("load copter_mission failed") return False self.progress("test: Fly a mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.mavproxy.send('wp set 1\n') # switch into AUTO mode and raise throttle self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') # auto mode self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) # fly the mission ret = self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) # land if mission failed if ret is False: self.land() # set throttle to minimum self.set_rc(3, 1000) # wait for disarm self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.progress("MOTORS DISARMED OK") self.progress("Auto mission completed: passed=%s" % ret) return ret def load_mission(self, mission): path = os.path.join(testdir, mission) return self.load_mission_from_file(path) # fly_avc_test - fly AVC mission def fly_avc_test(self): # upload mission from file self.progress("# Load copter_AVC2013_mission") # load the waypoint count global num_wp num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_AVC2013_mission.txt") if not num_wp: self.progress("load copter_AVC2013_mission failed") return False self.progress("Fly AVC mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.mavproxy.send('wp set 1\n') # wait for motor runup self.wait_seconds(20) # switch into AUTO mode and raise throttle self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') # auto mode self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) # fly the mission ret = self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) # set throttle to minimum self.set_rc(3, 1000) # wait for disarm self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.progress("MOTORS DISARMED OK") self.progress("AVC mission completed: passed=%s" % ret) return ret def fly_mission(self, height_accuracy=-1.0, target_altitude=None): """Fly a mission from a file.""" global num_wp self.progress("test: Fly a mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.mavproxy.send('wp set 1\n') self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') # auto mode self.wait_mode('AUTO') ret = self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) self.progress("test: MISSION COMPLETE: passed=%s" % ret) # wait here until ready self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') return ret def autotest(self): """Autotest ArduCopter in SITL.""" self.frame = '+' if not self.hasInit: self.init() failed = False failed_test_msg = "None" try: self.progress("Waiting for a heartbeat with mavlink protocol %s" % self.mav.WIRE_PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.mav.wait_heartbeat() self.progress("Setting up RC parameters") self.set_rc_default() self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.homeloc = self.mav.location() self.progress("Home location: %s" % self.homeloc) self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.mav.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.progress("Waiting reading for arm") self.wait_ready_to_arm() # Arm self.progress("# Arm motors") if not self.arm_vehicle(): failed_test_msg = "arm_motors failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True self.progress("# Takeoff") if not self.takeoff(10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fly a square in Stabilize mode self.progress("#") self.progress("########## Fly a square and save WPs with CH7" " switch ##########") self.progress("#") if not self.fly_square(): failed_test_msg = "fly_square failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # save the stored mission to file self.progress("# Save out the CH7 mission to file") global num_wp num_wp = self.save_mission_to_file(os.path.join(testdir, "ch7_mission.txt")) if not num_wp: failed_test_msg = "save_mission_to_file failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # fly the stored mission self.progress("# Fly CH7 saved mission") if not self.fly_mission(height_accuracy=0.5, target_altitude=10): failed_test_msg = "fly ch7_mission failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Throttle Failsafe self.progress("#") self.progress("########## Test Failsafe ##########") self.progress("#") if not self.fly_throttle_failsafe(): failed_test_msg = "fly_throttle_failsafe failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff self.progress("# Takeoff") if not self.takeoff(10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Battery failsafe if not self.fly_battery_failsafe(): failed_test_msg = "fly_battery_failsafe failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff self.progress("# Takeoff") if not self.takeoff(10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Stability patch self.progress("#") self.progress("########## Test Stability Patch ##########") self.progress("#") if not self.fly_stability_patch(30): failed_test_msg = "fly_stability_patch failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL self.progress("# RTL #") if not self.fly_RTL(): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL after stab patch failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff self.progress("# Takeoff") if not self.takeoff(10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fence test self.progress("#") self.progress("########## Test Horizontal Fence ##########") self.progress("#") if not self.fly_fence_test(180): failed_test_msg = "fly_fence_test failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fence test self.progress("#") self.progress("########## Test Max Alt Fence ##########") self.progress("#") if not self.fly_alt_max_fence_test(180): failed_test_msg = "fly_alt_max_fence_test failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff self.progress("# Takeoff") if not self.takeoff(10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fly GPS Glitch Loiter test self.progress("# GPS Glitch Loiter Test") if not self.fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test(): failed_test_msg = "fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL after GPS Glitch Loiter test self.progress("# RTL #") if not self.fly_RTL(): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fly GPS Glitch test in auto mode self.progress("# GPS Glitch Auto Test") if not self.fly_gps_glitch_auto_test(): failed_test_msg = "fly_gps_glitch_auto_test failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # take-off ahead of next test self.progress("# Takeoff") if not self.takeoff(10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Loiter for 10 seconds self.progress("#") self.progress("########## Test Loiter for 10 seconds ##########") self.progress("#") if not self.loiter(): failed_test_msg = "loiter failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Loiter Climb self.progress("#") self.progress("# Loiter - climb to 30m") self.progress("#") if not self.change_alt(30): failed_test_msg = "change_alt climb failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Loiter Descend self.progress("#") self.progress("# Loiter - descend to 20m") self.progress("#") if not self.change_alt(20): failed_test_msg = "change_alt descend failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL self.progress("#") self.progress("########## Test RTL ##########") self.progress("#") if not self.fly_RTL(): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL after Loiter climb/descend failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff self.progress("# Takeoff") if not self.takeoff(10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Simple mode self.progress("# Fly in SIMPLE mode") if not self.fly_simple(): failed_test_msg = "fly_simple failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL self.progress("#") self.progress("########## Test RTL ##########") self.progress("#") if not self.fly_RTL(): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL after simple mode failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff self.progress("# Takeoff") if not self.takeoff(10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Fly a circle in super simple mode self.progress("# Fly a circle in SUPER SIMPLE mode") if not self.fly_super_simple(): failed_test_msg = "fly_super_simple failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL self.progress("# RTL #") if not self.fly_RTL(): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL after super simple mode failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Takeoff self.progress("# Takeoff") if not self.takeoff(10): failed_test_msg = "takeoff failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # Circle mode self.progress("# Fly CIRCLE mode") if not self.fly_circle(): failed_test_msg = "fly_circle failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True # RTL self.progress("#") self.progress("########## Test RTL ##########") self.progress("#") if not self.fly_RTL(): failed_test_msg = "fly_RTL after circle failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True self.progress("# Fly copter mission") if not self.fly_auto_test(): failed_test_msg = "fly_auto_test failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True else: self.progress("Flew copter mission OK") # wait for disarm self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() log_filepath = self.buildlogs_path("ArduCopter-log.bin") if not self.log_download(log_filepath): failed_test_msg = "log_download failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True except pexpect.TIMEOUT as e: self.progress("Failed with timeout") failed = True self.close() if failed: self.progress("FAILED: %s" % failed_test_msg) return False return True def autotest_heli(self): """Autotest Helicopter in SITL with AVC2013 mission.""" self.frame = 'heli' if not self.hasInit: self.init() failed = False failed_test_msg = "None" try: self.mav.wait_heartbeat() self.set_rc_default() self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.homeloc = self.mav.location() self.progress("Lowering rotor speed") self.set_rc(8, 1000) self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.wait_ready_to_arm() # Arm self.progress("# Arm motors") if not self.arm_vehicle(): failed_test_msg = "arm_motors failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True self.progress("Raising rotor speed") self.set_rc(8, 2000) self.progress("# Fly AVC mission") if not self.fly_avc_test(): failed_test_msg = "fly_avc_test failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True else: self.progress("Flew AVC mission OK") self.progress("Lowering rotor speed") self.set_rc(8, 1000) # mission ends with disarm so should be ok to download logs now log_path = self.buildlogs_path("Helicopter-log.bin") if not self.log_download(log_path): failed_test_msg = "log_download failed" self.progress(failed_test_msg) failed = True except pexpect.TIMEOUT as failed_test_msg: failed_test_msg = "Timeout" failed = True self.close() if failed: self.progress("FAILED: %s" % failed_test_msg) return False return True