/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* IOMCU main firmware */ #include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> #include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> #include <AP_Math/crc.h> #include "iofirmware.h" #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/RCInput.h> #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/RCOutput.h> #include "analog.h" #include "rc.h" #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/common/watchdog.h> extern const AP_HAL::HAL &hal; // we build this file with optimisation to lower the interrupt // latency. This helps reduce the chance of losing an RC input byte // due to missing a UART interrupt #pragma GCC optimize("O2") static AP_IOMCU_FW iomcu; void setup(); void loop(); #undef CH_DBG_ENABLE_STACK_CHECK #define CH_DBG_ENABLE_STACK_CHECK FALSE const AP_HAL::HAL& hal = AP_HAL::get_HAL(); /* enable testing of IOMCU reset using safety switch a value of 0 means normal operation a value of 1 means test with watchdog a value of 2 means test with reboot */ #define IOMCU_ENABLE_RESET_TEST 0 //#define IOMCU_LOOP_TIMING_DEBUG // enable timing GPIO pings #ifdef IOMCU_LOOP_TIMING_DEBUG #undef TOGGLE_PIN_DEBUG #define TOGGLE_PIN_DEBUG(pin) do { palToggleLine(HAL_GPIO_LINE_GPIO ## pin); } while (0) #endif // pending events on the main thread enum ioevents { IOEVENT_PWM = EVENT_MASK(1), IOEVENT_TX_BEGIN = EVENT_MASK(2), IOEVENT_TX_END = EVENT_MASK(3), }; // see https://github.com/MaJerle/stm32-usart-uart-dma-rx-tx for a discussion of how to run // separate tx and rx streams static void setup_rx_dma(hal_uart_driver* uart) { uart->usart->CR3 &= ~USART_CR3_DMAR; dmaStreamDisable(uart->dmarx); dmaStreamSetMemory0(uart->dmarx, &iomcu.rx_io_packet); dmaStreamSetTransactionSize(uart->dmarx, sizeof(iomcu.rx_io_packet)); dmaStreamSetPeripheral(uart->dmarx, &(uart->usart->DR)); dmaStreamSetMode(uart->dmarx, uart->dmarxmode | STM32_DMA_CR_DIR_P2M | STM32_DMA_CR_MINC | STM32_DMA_CR_TCIE); dmaStreamEnable(uart->dmarx); uart->usart->CR3 |= USART_CR3_DMAR; } static void setup_tx_dma(hal_uart_driver* uart) { uart->usart->CR3 &= ~USART_CR3_DMAT; dmaStreamDisable(uart->dmatx); dmaStreamSetMemory0(uart->dmatx, &iomcu.tx_io_packet); dmaStreamSetTransactionSize(uart->dmatx, iomcu.tx_io_packet.get_size()); // starting the UART allocates the peripheral statically, so we need to reinstate it after swapping dmaStreamSetPeripheral(uart->dmatx, &(uart->usart->DR)); dmaStreamSetMode(uart->dmatx, uart->dmatxmode | STM32_DMA_CR_DIR_M2P | STM32_DMA_CR_MINC | STM32_DMA_CR_TCIE); // enable transmission complete interrupt uart->usart->SR &= ~USART_SR_TC; uart->usart->CR1 |= USART_CR1_TCIE; dmaStreamEnable(uart->dmatx); uart->usart->CR3 |= USART_CR3_DMAT; } static void dma_rx_end_cb(hal_uart_driver *uart) { chSysLockFromISR(); uart->usart->CR3 &= ~USART_CR3_DMAR; dmaStreamDisable(uart->dmarx); iomcu.process_io_packet(); setup_rx_dma(uart); #if AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED // indicate that a response needs to be sent uint32_t mask = chEvtGetAndClearEventsI(IOEVENT_TX_BEGIN); if (mask) { iomcu.reg_status.err_lock++; } // the FMU code waits 10ms for a reply so this should be easily fast enough chEvtSignalI(iomcu.thread_ctx, IOEVENT_TX_BEGIN); #else setup_tx_dma(uart); #endif chSysUnlockFromISR(); } static void dma_tx_end_cb(hal_uart_driver *uart) { // DMA stream has already been disabled at this point uart->usart->CR3 &= ~USART_CR3_DMAT; (void)uart->usart->SR; (void)uart->usart->DR; (void)uart->usart->DR; #ifdef HAL_GPIO_LINE_GPIO108 TOGGLE_PIN_DEBUG(108); TOGGLE_PIN_DEBUG(108); #endif #if AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED chSysLockFromISR(); chEvtSignalI(iomcu.thread_ctx, IOEVENT_TX_END); chSysUnlockFromISR(); #endif } /* replacement for ChibiOS uart_lld_serve_interrupt() */ static void idle_rx_handler(hal_uart_driver *uart) { volatile uint16_t sr; sr = uart->usart->SR; /* SR reset step 1.*/ uint32_t cr1 = uart->usart->CR1; if (sr & (USART_SR_LBD | USART_SR_ORE | /* overrun error - packet was too big for DMA or DMA was too slow */ USART_SR_NE | /* noise error - we have lost a byte due to noise */ USART_SR_FE | USART_SR_PE)) { /* framing error - start/stop bit lost or line break */ (void)uart->usart->DR; /* SR reset step 2 - clear ORE | FE.*/ /* send a line break - this will abort transmission/reception on the other end */ chSysLockFromISR(); uart->usart->SR = ~USART_SR_LBD; uart->usart->CR1 = cr1 | USART_CR1_SBK; iomcu.reg_status.num_errors++; iomcu.reg_status.err_uart++; /* disable RX DMA */ uart->usart->CR3 &= ~USART_CR3_DMAR; setup_rx_dma(uart); chSysUnlockFromISR(); } if ((sr & USART_SR_TC) && (cr1 & USART_CR1_TCIE)) { /* TC interrupt cleared and disabled.*/ uart->usart->SR &= ~USART_SR_TC; uart->usart->CR1 = cr1 & ~USART_CR1_TCIE; #ifdef HAL_GPIO_LINE_GPIO105 TOGGLE_PIN_DEBUG(105); TOGGLE_PIN_DEBUG(105); #endif /* End of transmission, a callback is generated.*/ dma_tx_end_cb(uart); } if ((sr & USART_SR_IDLE) && (cr1 & USART_CR1_IDLEIE)) { (void)uart->usart->DR; /* SR reset step 2 - clear IDLE.*/ /* the DMA size is the maximum packet size, but smaller packets are perfectly possible leading to an IDLE ISR. The data still must be processed. */ /* End of receive, a callback is generated.*/ dma_rx_end_cb(uart); } } using namespace ChibiOS; #if AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED /* copy of uart_lld_serve_tx_end_irq() from ChibiOS hal_uart_lld that is re-instated upon switching the DMA channel */ static void uart_lld_serve_tx_end_irq(hal_uart_driver *uart, uint32_t flags) { dmaStreamDisable(uart->dmatx); /* A callback is generated, if enabled, after a completed transfer.*/ _uart_tx1_isr_code(uart); } void AP_IOMCU_FW::tx_dma_allocate(Shared_DMA *ctx) { hal_uart_driver *uart = &UARTD2; chSysLock(); if (uart->dmatx == nullptr) { uart->dmatx = dmaStreamAllocI(STM32_UART_USART2_TX_DMA_STREAM, STM32_UART_USART2_IRQ_PRIORITY, (stm32_dmaisr_t)uart_lld_serve_tx_end_irq, (void *)uart); } chSysUnlock(); } /* deallocate DMA channel */ void AP_IOMCU_FW::tx_dma_deallocate(Shared_DMA *ctx) { hal_uart_driver *uart = &UARTD2; chSysLock(); if (uart->dmatx != nullptr) { // defensively make sure the DMA is fully shutdown before swapping uart->usart->CR3 &= ~USART_CR3_DMAT; dmaStreamDisable(uart->dmatx); dmaStreamSetPeripheral(uart->dmatx, nullptr); dmaStreamFreeI(uart->dmatx); uart->dmatx = nullptr; } chSysUnlock(); } #endif // AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED /* * UART driver configuration structure. */ static UARTConfig uart_cfg = { nullptr, dma_tx_end_cb, dma_rx_end_cb, nullptr, nullptr, // error idle_rx_handler, // global irq nullptr, // idle 1500000, //1.5MBit USART_CR1_IDLEIE, 0, 0 }; void setup(void) { hal.rcin->init(); hal.rcout->init(); iomcu.init(); iomcu.calculate_fw_crc(); uartStart(&UARTD2, &uart_cfg); uartStartReceive(&UARTD2, sizeof(iomcu.rx_io_packet), &iomcu.rx_io_packet); #if AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED iomcu.tx_dma_handle->unlock(); #endif // disable the pieces from the UART which will get enabled later chSysLock(); UARTD2.usart->CR3 &= ~USART_CR3_DMAT; chSysUnlock(); } void loop(void) { iomcu.update(); } void AP_IOMCU_FW::init() { // the first protocol version must be 4 to allow downgrade to // old NuttX based firmwares config.protocol_version = IOMCU_PROTOCOL_VERSION; config.protocol_version2 = IOMCU_PROTOCOL_VERSION2; config.mcuid = (*(uint32_t *)DBGMCU_BASE); #if defined(STM32F103xB) || defined(STM32F103x8) if (config.mcuid == 0) { // Errata 2.2.2 - Debug registers cannot be read by user software config.mcuid = 0x20036410; // STM32F10x (Medium Density) rev Y } #endif config.cpuid = SCB->CPUID; thread_ctx = chThdGetSelfX(); #if AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED tx_dma_handle = NEW_NOTHROW ChibiOS::Shared_DMA(STM32_UART_USART2_TX_DMA_STREAM, SHARED_DMA_NONE, FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_IOMCU_FW::tx_dma_allocate, void, Shared_DMA *), FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_IOMCU_FW::tx_dma_deallocate, void, Shared_DMA *)); tx_dma_handle->lock(); // deallocate so that the uart initializes correctly tx_dma_deallocate(tx_dma_handle); #endif if (palReadLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_IO_HW_DETECT1) == 1 && palReadLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_IO_HW_DETECT2) == 0) { has_heater = true; } //Set Heater pin mode if (heater_pwm_polarity) { palSetLineMode(HAL_GPIO_PIN_HEATER, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); } else { palSetLineMode(HAL_GPIO_PIN_HEATER, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN); } adc_init(); rcin_serial_init(); // power on spektrum port palSetLineMode(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SPEKTRUM_PWR_EN, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); SPEKTRUM_POWER(1); // we generally do no allocations after setup completes reg_status.freemem = hal.util->available_memory(); if (hal.util->was_watchdog_safety_off()) { hal.rcout->force_safety_off(); reg_status.flag_safety_off = true; } } #if CH_DBG_ENABLE_STACK_CHECK == TRUE static void stackCheck(uint16_t& mstack, uint16_t& pstack) { extern stkalign_t __main_stack_base__[]; extern stkalign_t __main_stack_end__[]; uint32_t stklimit = (uint32_t)__main_stack_end__; uint32_t stkbase = (uint32_t)__main_stack_base__; uint32_t *crawl = (uint32_t *)stkbase; while (*crawl == 0x55555555 && crawl < (uint32_t *)stklimit) { crawl++; } uint32_t free = (uint32_t)crawl - stkbase; chDbgAssert(free > 0, "mstack exhausted"); mstack = (uint16_t)free; extern stkalign_t __main_thread_stack_base__[]; extern stkalign_t __main_thread_stack_end__[]; stklimit = (uint32_t)__main_thread_stack_end__; stkbase = (uint32_t)__main_thread_stack_base__; crawl = (uint32_t *)stkbase; while (*crawl == 0x55555555 && crawl < (uint32_t *)stklimit) { crawl++; } free = (uint32_t)crawl - stkbase; chDbgAssert(free > 0, "pstack exhausted"); pstack = (uint16_t)free; } #endif /* CH_DBG_ENABLE_STACK_CHECK == TRUE */ /* Update loop design. Considerations - the F100 is quite slow and so processing time needs to be used effectively. The CPU time slices required by dshot are generally faster than those required for other processing. Dshot requires even updates at at least 1Khz and generally faster if SERVO_DSHOT_RATE is used. The two most time sensitive regular functions are (1) PWM updates which run at loop rate triggered from the FMU (and thus require efficient code page write) and (2) rcin updates which run at a fixed 1Khz cycle (a speed which is assumed by the rcin protocol handlers) and require efficient code read. The FMU sends code page requests which require a response within 10ms in order to prevent the IOMCU being considered to have failed, however code page requests are always initiated by the FMU and so the IOMCU only ever needs to be ready to read requests - writing responses are always in response to a request. Finally, PWM channels 3-4 share a DMA channel with UART TX and so access needs to be mediated. Design - 1. requests are read using circular DMA. In other words the RX side of the UART is always ready. Once a request has been processed DMA is immediately set up for a new request. 2. responses are only ever sent in response to a request. As soon as a request is received the ISR only ever requests that a response be sent - it never actually sends a response. 3. The update loop waits for four different events: 3a - a request has been received and should be processed. This does not require the TX DMA lock. 3b - a response needs to be sent. This requires the TX DMA lock. 3c - a response has been sent. This allows the TX DMA lock to be released. 3d - an out of band PWM request, usually triggered by a failsafe needs to be processed. Since requests are processed continuously it is possible for 3b and 3c to occur simultaneously. Since the TX lock is already held to send the previous response, there is no need to do anything with the lock in order to process the next response. Profiling shows that sending a response takes very little time - 10s of microseconds - and so a response is sent if required at the beginning of the update. This means that by the end of the update there is a very high chance that the response will have already been sent and this is therefore checked. If the response has been sent the lock is released. If for some reason the response has not gone out, as soon as it does an event will be posted and the update loop will run again. This design means that on average the update loop is idle with the TX DMA channel unlocked. This maximises the time that dshot can run uninterrupted leading to very efficient and even output. Finally the update loop has a timeout which forces updates to progress even in the absence of requests from the FMU. Since responses will always be triggered in a timely fashion, regardlesss of the timeout, this can be set relatively long. If compiled without sharing, DMA - and thus dshot - is not used on channels 3-4, there are no locks and responses are always setup in the request ISR handler. */ void AP_IOMCU_FW::update() { eventmask_t mask = chEvtWaitAnyTimeout(IOEVENT_PWM | IOEVENT_TX_END | IOEVENT_TX_BEGIN, TIME_US2I(1000)); #ifdef HAL_GPIO_LINE_GPIO107 TOGGLE_PIN_DEBUG(107); #endif iomcu.reg_status.total_ticks++; if (mask) { iomcu.reg_status.total_events++; } #if AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED // See discussion above if ((mask & IOEVENT_TX_BEGIN) && !(mask & IOEVENT_TX_END)) { // 3b - lock required to send response tx_dma_handle->lock(); } else if (!(mask & IOEVENT_TX_BEGIN) && (mask & IOEVENT_TX_END)) { // 3c - response sent, lock can be released tx_dma_handle->unlock(); } // else 3b and 3c - current lock required for new response // send a response if required if (mask & IOEVENT_TX_BEGIN) { chSysLock(); setup_tx_dma(&UARTD2); chSysUnlock(); } #endif // we get the timestamp once here, and avoid fetching it // within the DMA callbacks last_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); loop_counter++; if (do_reboot && (last_ms > reboot_time)) { hal.scheduler->reboot(true); while (true) {} } if ((mask & IOEVENT_PWM) || (last_safety_off != reg_status.flag_safety_off)) { last_safety_off = reg_status.flag_safety_off; pwm_out_update(); } uint32_t now = last_ms; uint32_t now_us = AP_HAL::micros(); reg_status.timestamp_ms = last_ms; // output SBUS if enabled if ((reg_setup.features & P_SETUP_FEATURES_SBUS1_OUT) && reg_status.flag_safety_off && now - sbus_last_ms >= sbus_interval_ms) { // output a new SBUS frame sbus_last_ms = now; sbus_out_write(reg_servo.pwm, IOMCU_MAX_RC_CHANNELS); } // handle FMU failsafe if (now - fmu_data_received_time > 200) { // we are not getting input from the FMU. Fill in failsafe values at 100Hz if (now - last_failsafe_ms > 10) { fill_failsafe_pwm(); chEvtSignal(thread_ctx, IOEVENT_PWM); last_failsafe_ms = now; } // turn amber on AMBER_SET(1); } else { last_failsafe_ms = now; // turn amber off AMBER_SET(0); } // update status page at 20Hz if (now - last_status_ms > 50) { last_status_ms = now; page_status_update(); } #if AP_IOMCU_PROFILED_SUPPORT_ENABLED profiled_update(); #endif #ifdef HAL_WITH_BIDIR_DSHOT // EDT updates are semt at ~1Hz per ESC, but we want to make sure // that we don't delay updates unduly so sample at 5Hz if (now - last_telem_ms > 200) { last_telem_ms = now; telem_update(); } #endif // run fast loop functions at 1Khz if (now_us - last_fast_loop_us >= 1000) { last_fast_loop_us = now_us; heater_update(); rcin_update(); rcin_serial_update(); #ifdef HAL_WITH_BIDIR_DSHOT erpm_update(); #endif } // run remaining functions at 100Hz // these are all relatively expensive and take ~10ms to complete // so there is no way they can effectively be run faster than 100Hz if (now - last_slow_loop_ms > 10) { last_slow_loop_ms = now; safety_update(); rcout_config_update(); hal.rcout->timer_tick(); if (dsm_bind_state) { dsm_bind_step(); } GPIO_write(); #if CH_DBG_ENABLE_STACK_CHECK == TRUE stackCheck(reg_status.freemstack, reg_status.freepstack); #endif } #if AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED // check whether a response has now been sent mask = chEvtGetAndClearEvents(IOEVENT_TX_END); if (mask) { tx_dma_handle->unlock(); } #endif #ifdef HAL_GPIO_LINE_GPIO107 TOGGLE_PIN_DEBUG(107); #endif } void AP_IOMCU_FW::pwm_out_update() { memcpy(reg_servo.pwm, reg_direct_pwm.pwm, sizeof(reg_direct_pwm)); hal.rcout->cork(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SERVO_COUNT; i++) { if (reg_status.flag_safety_off || (reg_setup.ignore_safety & (1U<<i))) { hal.rcout->write(i, reg_servo.pwm[i]); } else { hal.rcout->write(i, 0); } } hal.rcout->push(); } void AP_IOMCU_FW::heater_update() { uint32_t now = last_ms; if (!has_heater) { // use blue LED as heartbeat, run it 4x faster when override active if (now - last_blue_led_ms > (override_active?125:500)) { BLUE_TOGGLE(); last_blue_led_ms = now; } } else if (reg_setup.heater_duty_cycle == 0 || (now - last_heater_ms > 3000UL)) { // turn off the heater HEATER_SET(!heater_pwm_polarity); } else { // we use a pseudo random sequence to dither the cycling as // the heater has a significant effect on the internal // magnetometers. The random generator dithers this so we don't get a 1Hz cycly in the magnetometer. // The impact on the mags is about 25 mGauss. bool heater_on = (get_random16() < uint32_t(reg_setup.heater_duty_cycle) * 0xFFFFU / 100U); HEATER_SET(heater_on? heater_pwm_polarity : !heater_pwm_polarity); } } void AP_IOMCU_FW::rcin_update() { ((ChibiOS::RCInput *)hal.rcin)->_timer_tick(); if (hal.rcin->new_input()) { const auto &rc = AP::RC(); rc_input.count = hal.rcin->num_channels(); rc_input.flags_rc_ok = true; hal.rcin->read(rc_input.pwm, IOMCU_MAX_RC_CHANNELS); rc_last_input_ms = last_ms; rc_input.rc_protocol = (uint16_t)rc.protocol_detected(); rc_input.rssi = rc.get_RSSI(); rc_input.flags_failsafe = rc.failsafe_active(); } else if (last_ms - rc_last_input_ms > 200U) { rc_input.flags_rc_ok = false; } if (update_rcout_freq) { hal.rcout->set_freq(reg_setup.pwm_rates, reg_setup.pwm_altrate); update_rcout_freq = false; } if (update_default_rate) { hal.rcout->set_default_rate(reg_setup.pwm_defaultrate); update_default_rate = false; } bool old_override = override_active; // check for active override channel if (mixing.enabled && mixing.rc_chan_override > 0 && rc_input.flags_rc_ok && mixing.rc_chan_override <= IOMCU_MAX_RC_CHANNELS) { override_active = (rc_input.pwm[mixing.rc_chan_override-1] >= 1750); } else { override_active = false; } if (old_override != override_active) { if (override_active) { fill_failsafe_pwm(); } chEvtSignal(thread_ctx, IOEVENT_PWM); } } #ifdef HAL_WITH_BIDIR_DSHOT void AP_IOMCU_FW::erpm_update() { uint32_t now_us = AP_HAL::micros(); if (hal.rcout->new_erpm()) { dshot_erpm.update_mask |= hal.rcout->read_erpm(dshot_erpm.erpm, IOMCU_MAX_TELEM_CHANNELS); last_erpm_us = now_us; } else if (now_us - last_erpm_us > ESC_RPM_DATA_TIMEOUT_US) { dshot_erpm.update_mask = 0; } } void AP_IOMCU_FW::telem_update() { uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < IOMCU_MAX_TELEM_CHANNELS/4; i++) { struct page_dshot_telem &dshot_i = dshot_telem[i]; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) { const uint8_t esc_id = (i * 4 + j); if (esc_id >= IOMCU_MAX_TELEM_CHANNELS) { continue; } dshot_i.error_rate[j] = uint16_t(roundf(hal.rcout->get_erpm_error_rate(esc_id) * 100.0)); #if HAL_WITH_ESC_TELEM const volatile AP_ESC_Telem_Backend::TelemetryData& telem = esc_telem.get_telem_data(esc_id); // if data is stale then set to zero to avoid phantom data appearing in mavlink if (now_ms - telem.last_update_ms > ESC_TELEM_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS) { dshot_i.voltage_cvolts[j] = 0; dshot_i.current_camps[j] = 0; dshot_i.temperature_cdeg[j] = 0; #if AP_EXTENDED_DSHOT_TELEM_V2_ENABLED dshot_i.edt2_status[j] = 0; dshot_i.edt2_stress[j] = 0; #endif continue; } dshot_i.voltage_cvolts[j] = uint16_t(roundf(telem.voltage * 100)); dshot_i.current_camps[j] = uint16_t(roundf(telem.current * 100)); dshot_i.temperature_cdeg[j] = telem.temperature_cdeg; #if AP_EXTENDED_DSHOT_TELEM_V2_ENABLED dshot_i.edt2_status[j] = uint8_t(telem.edt2_status); dshot_i.edt2_stress[j] = uint8_t(telem.edt2_stress); #endif dshot_i.types[j] = telem.types; #endif } } } #endif void AP_IOMCU_FW::process_io_packet() { iomcu.reg_status.total_pkts++; if (rx_io_packet.code == CODE_NOOP) { iomcu.reg_status.num_errors++; iomcu.reg_status.err_bad_opcode++; return; } uint8_t rx_crc = rx_io_packet.crc; uint8_t calc_crc; rx_io_packet.crc = 0; uint8_t pkt_size = rx_io_packet.get_size(); if (rx_io_packet.code == CODE_READ) { // allow for more bandwidth efficient read packets calc_crc = crc_crc8((const uint8_t *)&rx_io_packet, 4); if (calc_crc != rx_crc) { calc_crc = crc_crc8((const uint8_t *)&rx_io_packet, pkt_size); } } else { calc_crc = crc_crc8((const uint8_t *)&rx_io_packet, pkt_size); } if (rx_crc != calc_crc || rx_io_packet.count > PKT_MAX_REGS) { tx_io_packet.count = 0; tx_io_packet.code = CODE_CORRUPT; tx_io_packet.crc = 0; tx_io_packet.page = 0; tx_io_packet.offset = 0; tx_io_packet.crc = crc_crc8((const uint8_t *)&tx_io_packet, tx_io_packet.get_size()); iomcu.reg_status.num_errors++; iomcu.reg_status.err_crc++; return; } switch (rx_io_packet.code) { case CODE_READ: { if (!handle_code_read()) { tx_io_packet.count = 0; tx_io_packet.code = CODE_ERROR; tx_io_packet.crc = 0; tx_io_packet.page = 0; tx_io_packet.offset = 0; tx_io_packet.crc = crc_crc8((const uint8_t *)&tx_io_packet, tx_io_packet.get_size()); iomcu.reg_status.num_errors++; iomcu.reg_status.err_read++; } } break; case CODE_WRITE: { if (!handle_code_write()) { tx_io_packet.count = 0; tx_io_packet.code = CODE_ERROR; tx_io_packet.crc = 0; tx_io_packet.page = 0; tx_io_packet.offset = 0; tx_io_packet.crc = crc_crc8((const uint8_t *)&tx_io_packet, tx_io_packet.get_size()); iomcu.reg_status.num_errors++; iomcu.reg_status.err_write++; } } break; default: { iomcu.reg_status.num_errors++; iomcu.reg_status.err_bad_opcode++; rx_io_packet.code = CODE_NOOP; rx_io_packet.count = 0; return; } break; } // prevent a spurious DMA callback from doing anything bad rx_io_packet.code = CODE_NOOP; rx_io_packet.count = 0; return; } /* update dynamic elements of status page */ void AP_IOMCU_FW::page_status_update(void) { adc_sample_channels(); if ((reg_setup.features & P_SETUP_FEATURES_SBUS1_OUT) == 0) { // we can only get VRSSI when sbus is disabled reg_status.vrssi = adc_vrssi(); } else { reg_status.vrssi = 0; } reg_status.vservo = adc_vservo(); } bool AP_IOMCU_FW::handle_code_read() { uint16_t *values = nullptr; #define COPY_PAGE(_page_name) \ do { \ values = (uint16_t *)&_page_name; \ tx_io_packet.count = sizeof(_page_name) / sizeof(uint16_t); \ } while(0); switch (rx_io_packet.page) { case PAGE_CONFIG: COPY_PAGE(config); break; case PAGE_SETUP: COPY_PAGE(reg_setup); break; case PAGE_RAW_RCIN: COPY_PAGE(rc_input); break; #ifdef HAL_WITH_BIDIR_DSHOT case PAGE_RAW_DSHOT_ERPM: COPY_PAGE(dshot_erpm); break; case PAGE_RAW_DSHOT_TELEM_1_4: COPY_PAGE(dshot_telem[0]); break; #if IOMCU_MAX_TELEM_CHANNELS > 4 case PAGE_RAW_DSHOT_TELEM_5_8: COPY_PAGE(dshot_telem[1]); break; #endif #endif case PAGE_STATUS: COPY_PAGE(reg_status); break; case PAGE_SERVOS: COPY_PAGE(reg_servo); break; default: return false; } /* if the offset is at or beyond the end of the page, we have no data */ if (rx_io_packet.offset + rx_io_packet.count > tx_io_packet.count) { return false; } /* correct the data pointer and count for the offset */ values += rx_io_packet.offset; tx_io_packet.page = rx_io_packet.page; tx_io_packet.offset = rx_io_packet.offset; tx_io_packet.count -= rx_io_packet.offset; tx_io_packet.count = MIN(tx_io_packet.count, rx_io_packet.count); tx_io_packet.count = MIN(tx_io_packet.count, PKT_MAX_REGS); tx_io_packet.code = CODE_SUCCESS; memcpy(tx_io_packet.regs, values, sizeof(uint16_t)*tx_io_packet.count); tx_io_packet.crc = 0; tx_io_packet.crc = crc_crc8((const uint8_t *)&tx_io_packet, tx_io_packet.get_size()); #ifdef HAL_WITH_BIDIR_DSHOT switch (rx_io_packet.page) { case PAGE_RAW_DSHOT_ERPM: memset(&dshot_erpm, 0, sizeof(dshot_erpm)); break; default: break; } #endif return true; } bool AP_IOMCU_FW::handle_code_write() { switch (rx_io_packet.page) { case PAGE_SETUP: switch (rx_io_packet.offset) { case PAGE_REG_SETUP_ARMING: reg_setup.arming = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_FORCE_SAFETY_OFF: if (rx_io_packet.regs[0] == FORCE_SAFETY_MAGIC) { hal.rcout->force_safety_off(); reg_status.flag_safety_off = true; } else { return false; } break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_FORCE_SAFETY_ON: if (rx_io_packet.regs[0] == FORCE_SAFETY_MAGIC) { hal.rcout->force_safety_on(); reg_status.flag_safety_off = false; } else { return false; } break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_ALTRATE: reg_setup.pwm_altrate = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; update_rcout_freq = true; break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_PWM_RATE_MASK: reg_setup.pwm_rates = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; update_rcout_freq = true; break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_DEFAULTRATE: if (rx_io_packet.regs[0] < 25 && reg_setup.pwm_altclock == 1) { rx_io_packet.regs[0] = 25; } if (rx_io_packet.regs[0] > 400 && reg_setup.pwm_altclock == 1) { rx_io_packet.regs[0] = 400; } reg_setup.pwm_defaultrate = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; update_default_rate = true; break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_DSHOT_PERIOD: reg_setup.dshot_period_us = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; reg_setup.dshot_rate = rx_io_packet.regs[1]; hal.rcout->set_dshot_period(reg_setup.dshot_period_us, reg_setup.dshot_rate); break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_CHANNEL_MASK: reg_setup.channel_mask = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_SBUS_RATE: reg_setup.sbus_rate = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; sbus_interval_ms = MAX(1000U / reg_setup.sbus_rate,3); break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_FEATURES: reg_setup.features = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; /* disable the conflicting options with SBUS 1 */ if (reg_setup.features & (P_SETUP_FEATURES_SBUS1_OUT)) { reg_setup.features &= ~(P_SETUP_FEATURES_PWM_RSSI | P_SETUP_FEATURES_ADC_RSSI | P_SETUP_FEATURES_SBUS2_OUT); // enable SBUS output at specified rate sbus_interval_ms = MAX(1000U / reg_setup.sbus_rate,3); // we need to release the JTAG reset pin to be used as a GPIO, otherwise we can't enable // or disable SBUS out AFIO->MAPR = AFIO_MAPR_SWJ_CFG_NOJNTRST; adc_disable_vrssi(); palClearLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SBUS_OUT_EN); } else { adc_enable_vrssi(); palSetLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SBUS_OUT_EN); } if (reg_setup.features & P_SETUP_FEATURES_HEATER) { has_heater = true; } break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_OUTPUT_MODE: mode_out.mask = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; mode_out.mode = rx_io_packet.regs[1]; mode_out.bdmask = rx_io_packet.regs[2]; mode_out.esc_type = rx_io_packet.regs[3]; mode_out.reversible_mask = rx_io_packet.regs[4]; break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_HEATER_DUTY_CYCLE: reg_setup.heater_duty_cycle = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; last_heater_ms = last_ms; break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_REBOOT_BL: if (reg_status.flag_safety_off) { // don't allow reboot while armed return false; } // check the magic value if (rx_io_packet.regs[0] != REBOOT_BL_MAGIC) { return false; } schedule_reboot(100); break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_IGNORE_SAFETY: reg_setup.ignore_safety = rx_io_packet.regs[0]; ((ChibiOS::RCOutput *)hal.rcout)->set_safety_mask(reg_setup.ignore_safety); break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_DSM_BIND: if (dsm_bind_state == 0) { dsm_bind_state = 1; } break; case PAGE_REG_SETUP_RC_PROTOCOLS: { if (rx_io_packet.count == 2) { uint32_t v; memcpy(&v, &rx_io_packet.regs[0], 4); AP::RC().set_rc_protocols(v); } break; } default: break; } break; case PAGE_DIRECT_PWM: { if (override_active) { // no input when override is active break; } if (rx_io_packet.count > sizeof(reg_direct_pwm.pwm)/2) { return false; } /* copy channel data */ uint16_t i = 0, num_values = rx_io_packet.count; while ((i < IOMCU_MAX_RC_CHANNELS) && (num_values > 0)) { /* XXX range-check value? */ if (rx_io_packet.regs[i] != PWM_IGNORE_THIS_CHANNEL) { reg_direct_pwm.pwm[i] = rx_io_packet.regs[i]; } num_values--; i++; } fmu_data_received_time = last_ms; chEvtSignalI(thread_ctx, IOEVENT_PWM); break; } case PAGE_MIXING: { // multi-packet message uint16_t offset = rx_io_packet.offset, num_values = rx_io_packet.count; if (offset + num_values > sizeof(mixing)/2) { return false; } memcpy(((uint16_t *)&mixing)+offset, &rx_io_packet.regs[0], num_values*2); break; } case PAGE_FAILSAFE_PWM: { if (rx_io_packet.count != sizeof(reg_failsafe_pwm.pwm)/2) { return false; } memcpy((®_failsafe_pwm.pwm[0]), &rx_io_packet.regs[0], rx_io_packet.count*2); break; } case PAGE_GPIO: if (rx_io_packet.count != 1) { return false; } memcpy(&GPIO, &rx_io_packet.regs[0] + rx_io_packet.offset, sizeof(GPIO)); break; case PAGE_DSHOT: { if (rx_io_packet.count != sizeof(dshot)/2) { return false; } memcpy(((uint16_t *)&dshot)+rx_io_packet.offset, &rx_io_packet.regs[0], rx_io_packet.count*2); if(dshot.telem_mask) { hal.rcout->set_telem_request_mask(dshot.telem_mask); } if (dshot.command) { hal.rcout->send_dshot_command(dshot.command, dshot.chan, dshot.command_timeout_ms, dshot.repeat_count, dshot.priority); } break; } #if AP_IOMCU_PROFILED_SUPPORT_ENABLED case PAGE_PROFILED: if (rx_io_packet.count != 2 || (rx_io_packet.regs[0] & 0xFF) != PROFILED_ENABLE_MAGIC) { return false; } profiled_brg[0] = rx_io_packet.regs[0] >> 8; profiled_brg[1] = rx_io_packet.regs[1] & 0xFF; profiled_brg[2] = rx_io_packet.regs[1] >> 8; // push new led data profiled_num_led_pushed = 0; profiled_control_enabled = true; break; #endif default: break; } tx_io_packet.count = 0; tx_io_packet.code = CODE_SUCCESS; tx_io_packet.crc = 0; tx_io_packet.page = 0; tx_io_packet.offset = 0; tx_io_packet.crc = crc_crc8((const uint8_t *)&tx_io_packet, tx_io_packet.get_size()); return true; } void AP_IOMCU_FW::schedule_reboot(uint32_t time_ms) { do_reboot = true; reboot_time = last_ms + time_ms; } void AP_IOMCU_FW::calculate_fw_crc(void) { #define APP_SIZE_MAX 0xf000 #define APP_LOAD_ADDRESS 0x08001000 // compute CRC of the current firmware uint32_t sum = 0; for (unsigned p = 0; p < APP_SIZE_MAX; p += 4) { uint32_t bytes = *(uint32_t *)(p + APP_LOAD_ADDRESS); sum = crc32_small(sum, (const uint8_t *)&bytes, sizeof(bytes)); } reg_setup.crc[0] = sum & 0xFFFF; reg_setup.crc[1] = sum >> 16; } #if AP_IOMCU_PROFILED_SUPPORT_ENABLED // bitbang profiled bitstream, 8-10 chunks at a time // Max time taken per call is ~7us void AP_IOMCU_FW::profiled_update(void) { if (profiled_num_led_pushed > PROFILED_LED_LEN) { profiled_byte_index = 0; profiled_leading_zeros = PROFILED_LEADING_ZEROS; return; } // push 10 zero leading bits at a time if (profiled_leading_zeros != 0) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { palClearLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_INPUT); palSetLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_INPUT); profiled_leading_zeros--; } return; } if ((profiled_byte_index == 0) || (profiled_byte_index == PROFILED_OUTPUT_BYTE_LEN)) { // start bit palClearLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_INPUT); palSetLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_LED); palSetLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_INPUT); profiled_byte_index = 0; profiled_num_led_pushed++; } uint8_t byte_val = profiled_brg[profiled_byte_index]; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { palClearLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_INPUT); palWriteLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_LED, byte_val & 1); byte_val >>= 1; palSetLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_INPUT); } profiled_byte_index++; } #endif /* update safety state */ void AP_IOMCU_FW::safety_update(void) { uint32_t now = last_ms; if (now - safety_update_ms < 100) { // update safety at 10Hz return; } safety_update_ms = now; #if AP_IOMCU_PROFILED_SUPPORT_ENABLED if (profiled_control_enabled) { // set line mode to output for safety input pin palSetLineMode(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_INPUT, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); palSetLineMode(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_LED, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); return; } #endif bool safety_pressed = palReadLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_INPUT); if (safety_pressed) { if (reg_status.flag_safety_off && (reg_setup.arming & P_SETUP_ARMING_SAFETY_DISABLE_ON)) { safety_pressed = false; } else if ((!reg_status.flag_safety_off) && (reg_setup.arming & P_SETUP_ARMING_SAFETY_DISABLE_OFF)) { safety_pressed = false; } } if (safety_pressed) { safety_button_counter++; } else { safety_button_counter = 0; } if (safety_button_counter == 10) { // safety has been pressed for 1 second, change state reg_status.flag_safety_off = !reg_status.flag_safety_off; if (reg_status.flag_safety_off) { hal.rcout->force_safety_off(); } else { hal.rcout->force_safety_on(); } } // update the armed state hal.util->set_soft_armed((reg_setup.arming & P_SETUP_ARMING_FMU_ARMED) != 0); #if IOMCU_ENABLE_RESET_TEST { // deliberate lockup of IOMCU on 5s button press, for testing // watchdog static uint32_t safety_test_counter; static bool should_lockup; if (palReadLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_INPUT)) { safety_test_counter++; } else { safety_test_counter = 0; } if (safety_test_counter == 50) { should_lockup = true; } // wait for lockup for safety to be released so we don't end // up in the bootloader if (should_lockup && palReadLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_INPUT) == 0) { #if IOMCU_ENABLE_RESET_TEST == 1 // lockup with watchdog while (true) { hal.scheduler->delay(50); palToggleLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_LED); } #else // hard fault to simulate power reset or software fault void *foo = (void*)0xE000ED38; typedef void (*fptr)(); fptr gptr = (fptr) (void *) foo; gptr(); while (true) {} #endif } } #endif // IOMCU_ENABLE_RESET_TEST led_counter = (led_counter+1) % 16; const uint16_t led_pattern = reg_status.flag_safety_off?0xFFFF:0x5500; palWriteLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SAFETY_LED, (led_pattern & (1U << led_counter))?0:1); } /* update hal.rcout mode if needed */ void AP_IOMCU_FW::rcout_config_update(void) { // channels cannot be changed from within a lock zone // so needs to be done here if (GPIO.channel_mask != last_GPIO_channel_mask) { for (uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) { if ((GPIO.channel_mask & (1U << i)) != 0) { hal.rcout->disable_ch(i); hal.gpio->pinMode(101+i, HAL_GPIO_OUTPUT); } else { hal.rcout->enable_ch(i); } } last_GPIO_channel_mask = GPIO.channel_mask; } if (last_channel_mask != reg_setup.channel_mask) { for (uint8_t i=0; i<IOMCU_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { if (reg_setup.channel_mask & 1U << i) { hal.rcout->enable_ch(i); } else { hal.rcout->disable_ch(i); } } last_channel_mask = reg_setup.channel_mask; // channel enablement will affect the reported output mode uint32_t output_mask = 0; reg_status.rcout_mode = hal.rcout->get_output_mode(output_mask); reg_status.rcout_mask = uint8_t(0xFF & output_mask); } // see if there is anything to do, we only support setting the mode for a particular channel once if ((last_output_mode_mask & mode_out.mask) == mode_out.mask && (last_output_bdmask & mode_out.bdmask) == mode_out.bdmask && (last_output_reversible_mask & mode_out.reversible_mask) == mode_out.reversible_mask && last_output_esc_type == mode_out.esc_type) { return; } switch (mode_out.mode) { case AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_DSHOT150: case AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_DSHOT300: #if defined(STM32F103xB) || defined(STM32F103x8) case AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_DSHOT600: #endif #ifdef HAL_WITH_BIDIR_DSHOT hal.rcout->set_bidir_dshot_mask(mode_out.bdmask); #endif hal.rcout->set_reversible_mask(mode_out.reversible_mask); hal.rcout->set_dshot_esc_type(AP_HAL::RCOutput::DshotEscType(mode_out.esc_type)); hal.rcout->set_output_mode(mode_out.mask, (AP_HAL::RCOutput::output_mode)mode_out.mode); // enabling dshot changes the memory allocation reg_status.freemem = hal.util->available_memory(); last_output_mode_mask |= mode_out.mask; last_output_bdmask |= mode_out.bdmask; last_output_reversible_mask |= mode_out.reversible_mask; last_output_esc_type = mode_out.esc_type; break; case AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_ONESHOT: case AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_ONESHOT125: // setup to use a 1Hz frequency, so we only get output when we trigger hal.rcout->set_freq(mode_out.mask, 1); hal.rcout->set_output_mode(mode_out.mask, (AP_HAL::RCOutput::output_mode)mode_out.mode); last_output_mode_mask |= mode_out.mask; break; case AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_BRUSHED: // default to 2kHz for all channels for brushed output hal.rcout->set_freq(mode_out.mask, 2000); hal.rcout->set_esc_scaling(1000, 2000); hal.rcout->set_output_mode(mode_out.mask, AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_BRUSHED); hal.rcout->set_freq(mode_out.mask, reg_setup.pwm_altrate); last_output_mode_mask |= mode_out.mask; break; default: break; } uint32_t output_mask = 0; reg_status.rcout_mode = hal.rcout->get_output_mode(output_mask); reg_status.rcout_mask = uint8_t(0xFF & output_mask); } /* fill in failsafe PWM values */ void AP_IOMCU_FW::fill_failsafe_pwm(void) { for (uint8_t i=0; i<IOMCU_MAX_RC_CHANNELS; i++) { if (reg_status.flag_safety_off) { reg_direct_pwm.pwm[i] = reg_failsafe_pwm.pwm[i]; } else { reg_direct_pwm.pwm[i] = 0; } } if (mixing.enabled) { run_mixer(); } } void AP_IOMCU_FW::GPIO_write() { for (uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) { if ((GPIO.channel_mask & (1U << i)) != 0) { hal.gpio->write(101+i, (GPIO.output_mask & (1U << i)) != 0); } } } AP_HAL_MAIN();