/* Copyright (C) 2021 Kraus Hamdani Aerospace Inc. All rights reserved. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Author: GDL90/UCP protocol by uAvionix, 2021. Implemented by: Tom Pittenger */ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_ID_HEARTBEAT = 0, GDL90_ID_OWNSHIP_REPORT = 10, // 0x0A GDL90_ID_OWNSHIP_GEOMETRIC_ALTITUDE = 11, // 0x0B GDL90_ID_IDENTIFICATION = 37, // 0x25 GDL90_ID_SENSOR_MESSAGE = 40, // 0x28 GDL90_ID_TRANSPONDER_CONFIG = 43, // 0x2B GDL90_ID_MESSAGE_REQUEST = 44, // 0x2C GDL90_ID_TRANSPONDER_CONTROL = 45, // 0x2D GDL90_ID_GPS_DATA = 46, // 0x2E GDL90_ID_TRANSPONDER_STATUS = 47, // 0x2F } GDL90_MESSAGE_ID; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_NIC_BARO_UNVERIFIED = 0, // Baro is Gilman bases, and not cross checked ADSB_NIC_BARO_VERIFIED = 1, // Baro is cross-checked, or not Gilman based } ADSB_NIC_BARO; // Barometric Altitude Integrity Code typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_AIRBORNE_SUBSONIC = 0, ADSB_AIRBORNE_SUPERSONIC = 1, ADSB_ON_GROUND = 2, // 3 Reserved } ADSB_AIR_GROUND_STATE; // Determines how horizontal velocity fields are processed in UAT typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_EMERGENCY_NONE = 0, ADSB_EMERGENCY_GENERAL = 1, ADSB_EMERGENCY_MEDICAL = 2, ADSB_EMERGENCY_MINIMUM_FUEL = 3, ADSB_EMERGENCY_NO_COMMUNICATION = 4, ADSB_EMERGNECY_INTERFERENCE = 5, ADSB_EMERGENCY_DOWNED_AIRCRAFT = 6, ADSB_EMERGENCY_UAS_LOST_LINK = 7, // 7 Reserved } ADSB_EMERGENCY_STATUS; #define GDL90_TRANSPONDER_CONTROL_VERSION (2) #if GDL90_TRANSPONDER_CONTROL_VERSION == 1 typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; uint8_t version; ADSB_NIC_BARO baroCrossChecked : 1; ADSB_AIR_GROUND_STATE airGroundState : 2; uint8_t identActive : 1; uint8_t modeAEnabled : 1; uint8_t modeCEnabled : 1; uint8_t modeSEnabled : 1; uint8_t es1090TxEnabled : 1; int32_t externalBaroAltitude_mm; uint16_t squawkCode; ADSB_EMERGENCY_STATUS emergencyState; uint8_t callsign[8]; } GDL90_TRANSPONDER_CONTROL_MSG; #elif GDL90_TRANSPONDER_CONTROL_VERSION == 2 typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; uint8_t version; ADSB_NIC_BARO baroCrossChecked : 1; ADSB_AIR_GROUND_STATE airGroundState : 2; uint8_t identActive : 1; uint8_t modeAEnabled : 1; uint8_t modeCEnabled : 1; uint8_t modeSEnabled : 1; uint8_t es1090TxEnabled : 1; int32_t externalBaroAltitude_mm; uint16_t squawkCode; ADSB_EMERGENCY_STATUS emergencyState; uint8_t callsign[8]; uint8_t rfu : 7; uint8_t x_bit : 1; } GDL90_TRANSPONDER_CONTROL_MSG; #endif #define GDL90_TRANSPONDER_STATUS_VERSION (1) // Version 1 is the correct UCP format; version 3 is half-duplex and not used by the ping200x #define GDL90_STATUS_MAX_ALTITUDE_FT (101338) #define GDL90_STATUS_MIN_ALTITUDE_FT (-1000) #if GDL90_TRANSPONDER_STATUS_VERSION == 1 typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; uint8_t version; uint8_t rfu : 2; uint8_t x_bit : 1; uint8_t identActive : 1; uint8_t modeAEnabled : 1; uint8_t modeCEnabled : 1; uint8_t modeSEnabled : 1; uint8_t es1090TxEnabled : 1; uint16_t modeARepliesPerSecond; uint16_t modecRepliesPerSecond; uint16_t modeSRepliesPerSecond; uint16_t squawkCode; } GDL90_TRANSPONDER_STATUS_MSG; #endif #if GDL90_TRANSPONDER_STATUS_VERSION == 3 typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; uint8_t version; uint8_t indicatingOnGround : 1; uint8_t interrogatedSinceLast : 1; uint8_t fault : 1; uint8_t identActive : 1; uint8_t modeAEnabled : 1; uint8_t modeCEnabled : 1; uint8_t modeSEnabled : 1; uint8_t es1090TxEnabled : 1; uint8_t latitude[3]; uint8_t longitude[3]; uint32_t track_Heading : 8; uint32_t horizontalVelocity :12; uint32_t altitude :12; uint16_t squawkCode; uint8_t NIC : 4; uint8_t NACp : 4; uint8_t temperature; uint16_t crc; } GDL90_TRANSPONDER_STATUS_MSG; #endif typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { uint8_t HPLfdeActive : 1; uint8_t fault : 1; uint8_t HrdMagNorth : 1; uint8_t reserved : 5; } GDL90_GPS_NAV_STATE; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { GPS_FIX_NONE = 0, GPS_FIX_NO_FIX = 1, GPS_FIX_2D = 2, GPS_FIX_3D = 3, GPS_FIX_DIFFERENTIAL = 4, GPS_FIX_RTK = 5, } GPS_FIX; typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; uint8_t version; uint32_t utcTime_s; // Time since GPS epoch int32_t latitude_ddE7; int32_t longitude_ddE7; int32_t altitudeGnss_mm; // Height about WGS84 ellipsoid // Protection Limits. FD or SBAS-based depending on state bits uint32_t HPL_mm; uint32_t VPL_cm; // FOMS uint32_t horizontalFOM_mm; uint16_t verticalFOM_cm; uint16_t horizontalVelocityFOM_mmps; uint16_t verticalVelocityFOM_mmps; // Velocities int16_t verticalVelocity_cmps; int32_t northVelocity_mmps; // millimeter/s int32_t eastVelocity_mmps; // State GPS_FIX fixType; GDL90_GPS_NAV_STATE navState; uint8_t satsUsed; } GDL90_GPS_DATA_V2; #define GDL90_GPS_DATA_VERSION (2) typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; uint8_t version; GDL90_MESSAGE_ID reqMsgId; } GDL90_TRANSPONDER_MESSAGE_REQUEST_V2; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_BARO_DATA_SOURCE_INTERNAL = 0, GDL90_BARO_DATA_SOURCE_EXTERNAL, }GDL90_BARO_DATA_SOURCE; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_SDA_UNKNOWN = 0, ADSB_SDA_10_NEG3 = 1, ADSB_SDA_10_NEG5 = 2, ADSB_SDA_10_NEG7 = 3, } ADSB_SDA; // System Design Assurance typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_SIL_UNKNOWN = 0, ADSB_SIL_10_NEG3 = 1, ADSB_SIL_10_NEG5 = 2, ADSB_SIL_10_NEG7 = 3, } ADSB_SIL; // Source Integrity Level typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_AV_LW_NO_DATA = 0, ADSB_AV_LW_15M_23M = 1, ADSB_AV_LW_25M_28P5M = 2, ADSB_AV_LW_25M_34M = 3, ADSB_AV_LW_35M_33M = 4, ADSB_AV_LW_35M_38M = 5, ADSB_AV_LW_45M_39P5M = 6, ADSB_AV_LW_45M_45M = 7, ADSB_AV_LW_55M_45M = 8, ADSB_AV_LW_55M_52M = 9, ADSB_AV_LW_65M_59P5M = 10, ADSB_AV_LW_65M_67M = 11, ADSB_AV_LW_75M_72P5M = 12, ADSB_AV_LW_75M_80M = 13, ADSB_AV_LW_85M_80M = 14, ADSB_AV_LW_85M_90M = 15, } ADSB_AIRCRAFT_LENGTH_WIDTH; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_NOT_UAT_IN_CAPABLE = 0, ADSB_UAT_IN_CAPABLE = 1 } ADSB_UAT_IN_CAPABILITY; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_NOT_1090ES_IN_CAPABLE = 0, ADSB_1090ES_IN_CAPABLE = 1 } ADSB_1090ES_IN_CAPABILITY; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_GPS_LON_NO_DATA = 0, ADSB_GPS_LON_FROM_SENSOR = 1, // 2 - 31 valid values in 2 meter increments } ADSB_GPS_LONGITUDINAL_OFFSET; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_GPS_LAT_NO_DATA = 0, ADSB_GPS_LAT_LEFT_2M = 1, ADSB_GPS_LAT_LEFT_4M = 2, ADSB_GPS_LAT_LEFT_6M = 3, ADSB_GPS_LAT_0M = 4, ADSB_GPS_LAT_RIGHT_2M = 5, ADSB_GPS_LAT_RIGHT_4M = 6, ADSB_GPS_LAT_RIGHT_6M = 7, } ADSB_GPS_LATERAL_OFFSET; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { ADSB_EMITTER_NO_INFO = 0, ADSB_EMITTER_LIGHT = 1, ADSB_EMITTER_SMALL = 2, ADSB_EMITTER_LARGE = 3, ADSB_EMITTER_HIGH_VORTEX_LARGE = 4, ADSB_EMITTER_HEAVY = 5, ADSB_EMITTER_HIGHLY_MANUV = 6, ADSB_EMITTER_ROTOCRAFT = 7, // 8 Unassigned ADSB_EMITTER_GLIDER = 9, ADSB_EMITTER_LIGHTER_AIR = 10, ADSB_EMITTER_PARACHUTE = 11, ADSB_EMITTER_ULTRA_LIGHT = 12, // 13 Unassigned ADSB_EMITTER_UAV = 14, ADSB_EMITTER_SPACE = 15, // 16 Unassigned // Surface types ADSB_EMITTER_EMERGENCY_SURFACE = 17, ADSB_EMITTER_SERVICE_SURFACE = 18, // Obstacle types ADSB_EMITTER_POINT_OBSTACLE = 19, ADSB_EMITTER_CLUSTER_OBSTACLE = 20, ADSB_EMITTER_LINE_OBSTACLE = 21, // 22 - 39 Reserved } ADSB_EMITTER; // ADSB Emitter Category typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { PING_COM_1200_BAUD = 0, PING_COM_2400_BAUD = 1, PING_COM_4800_BAUD = 2, PING_COM_9600_BAUD = 3, PING_COM_19200_BAUD = 4, PING_COM_38400_BAUD = 5, PING_COM_57600_BAUD = 6, PING_COM_115200_BAUD = 7, PING_COM_921600_BAUD = 8, } PING_COM_RATE; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { CONFIG_VALIDITY_ICAO = 1 << 0, CONFIG_VALIDITY_SIL = 1 << 1, CONFIG_VALIDITY_SDA = 1 << 2, CONFIG_VALIDITY_BARO_ALT_SOURCE = 1 << 3, CONFIG_VALIDITY_AIRCRAFT_MAX_SPEED = 1 << 4, CONFIG_VALIDITY_TEST_MODE = 1 << 5, CONFIG_VALIDITY_ADSB_IN_CAP = 1 << 6, CONFIG_VALIDITY_AIRCRAFT_LEN_WIDTH = 1 << 7, CONFIG_VALIDITY_ANT_LAT_OFFSET = 1 << 8, CONFIG_VALIDITY_ANT_LONG_OFFSET = 1 << 9, CONFIG_VALIDITY_AIRCRAFT_REG = 1 << 10, CONFIG_VALIDITY_AIRCRAFT_STALL_SPEED = 1 << 11, CONFIG_VALIDITY_AIRCRAFT_EMITTER_TYPE = 1 << 12, CONFIG_VALIDITY_DEF_1090ES_TX_MODE = 1 << 13, CONFIG_VALIDITY_DEF_MODES_REPLY_MODE = 1 << 14, CONFIG_VALIDITY_DEF_MODEC_REPLY_MODE = 1 << 15, CONFIG_VALIDITY_DEF_MODEA_REPLY_MODE = 1 << 16, CONFIG_VALIDITY_SERIAL_BAUD_RATE = 1 << 17, CONFIG_VALIDITY_DEF_MODEA_SQUAWK = 1 << 18, CONFIG_VALIDITY_BARO_100 = 1 << 19, CONFIG_VALIDITY_IN_PROTOCOL = 1 << 20, CONFIG_VALIDITY_OUT_PROTOCOL = 1 << 21, } CONFIG_VALIDITY; typedef union __attribute__((__packed__)) { struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { uint32_t icaoValid : 1; uint32_t silValid : 1; uint32_t sdaValid : 1; uint32_t baroAltSourceValid : 1; uint32_t aircraftMaxSpeedValid : 1; uint32_t testModeValid : 1; uint32_t adsbInCapValid : 1; uint32_t aircraftLenWidthValid : 1; uint32_t aircraftLatOffsetValid : 1; uint32_t aircraftLongOffsetValid : 1; uint32_t aircraftRegValid : 1; uint32_t aircraftStallSpeedValid : 1; uint32_t aircraftEmitterCatValid : 1; uint32_t default1090ExTxModeValid : 1; uint32_t defaultModeSReplyModeValid : 1; uint32_t defaultModeCReplyModeValid : 1; uint32_t defaultModeAReplyModeValid : 1; uint32_t serialBaudRateValid : 1; uint32_t defaultModeASquawkValid : 1; uint32_t baro100Valid : 1; uint32_t inProtocolValid : 1; uint32_t outProtocolValid : 1; uint32_t reserved : 10; }; CONFIG_VALIDITY raw; } CONFIG_VALIDITY_BITMASK; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { PING_PROTOCOL_NONE = 0, PING_PROTOCOL_MAVLINK = 1 << 0, PING_PROTOCOL_UCP = 1 << 1, PING_PROTOCOL_APOLLO = 1 << 9, PING_PROTOCOL_UCP_HD = 1 << 10, } PING_PROTOCOL; typedef union { struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { uint16_t mavlink : 1; uint16_t ucp : 1; uint16_t reserved1 : 7; uint16_t apollo : 1; uint16_t ucphd : 1; uint16_t reserved2 : 5; }; PING_PROTOCOL raw; } PING_PROTOCOL_MASK; typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; uint8_t version; uint8_t icaoAddress[3]; uint8_t maxSpeed : 3; GDL90_BARO_DATA_SOURCE baroAltSource : 1; ADSB_SDA SDA : 2; ADSB_SIL SIL : 2; ADSB_AIRCRAFT_LENGTH_WIDTH lengthWidth : 4; ADSB_1090ES_IN_CAPABILITY es1090InCapable : 1; ADSB_UAT_IN_CAPABILITY uatInCapable : 1; uint8_t testMode : 2; ADSB_GPS_LONGITUDINAL_OFFSET longitudinalOffset : 5; ADSB_GPS_LATERAL_OFFSET lateralOffset : 3; uint8_t registration[8]; uint16_t stallSpeed_cmps; ADSB_EMITTER emitterType; PING_COM_RATE baudRate : 4; uint8_t modeAEnabled : 1; uint8_t modeCEnabled : 1; uint8_t modeSEnabled : 1; uint8_t es1090TxEnabled : 1; uint16_t defaultSquawk; CONFIG_VALIDITY_BITMASK valdityBitmask; uint8_t rfu : 7; uint8_t baro100 : 1; PING_PROTOCOL_MASK inProtocol; PING_PROTOCOL_MASK outProtocol; uint16_t crc; } GDL90_TRANSPONDER_CONFIG_MSG_V4_V5; typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { uint8_t fwMajorVersion; uint8_t fwMinorVersion; uint8_t fwBuildVersion; uint8_t hwId; // TODO Ugh should be 16 bits uint64_t serialNumber; } GDL90_DEVICE_ID; typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; uint8_t protocolVersion; GDL90_DEVICE_ID primary; GDL90_DEVICE_ID secondary; uint8_t primaryFWID; uint32_t primaryCRC; uint8_t secondaryFWID; uint32_t secondaryCRC; uint8_t primaryFwPartNumber[15]; uint8_t secondaryFwPartNumber[15]; uint16_t crc; } GDL90_IDENTIFICATION_V3; #define GDL90_IDENT_PROTOCOL_VERSION (3) typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { struct { uint8_t uatInitialized : 1; // GDL90 public spec defines next bit as reserved // uAvionix maps extra failure condition uint8_t functionFailureGnssDataFrequency : 1; uint8_t ratcs : 1; uint8_t gpsBatteryLow : 1; uint8_t addressType : 1; uint8_t ident : 1; uint8_t maintenanceRequired : 1; uint8_t gpsPositionValid : 1; } one; struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { uint8_t utcOk : 1; // GDL90 public spec defines next four bits as reserved // uAvionix maps extra failure conditions uint8_t functionFailureGnssUnavailable : 1; uint8_t functionFailureGnssNo3dFix : 1; uint8_t functionFailureBroadcastMonitor : 1; uint8_t functionFailureTransmitSystem : 1; uint8_t csaNotAvailable : 1; uint8_t csaRequested : 1; uint8_t timestampMsb : 1; } two; } GDL90_HEARTBEAT_STATUS; typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; GDL90_HEARTBEAT_STATUS status; uint16_t timestamp; // Need to flip before TX union { struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { uint16_t uatMessages : 10; uint16_t rfu : 1; uint16_t uplinkMessages : 5; }; uint16_t messageCount; }; uint16_t crc; } GDL90_HEARTBEAT; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_ADDRESS_ADSB_ICAO, GDL90_ADDRESS_ADSB_SELF_ASSIGNED, GDL90_ADDRESS_TISB_ICAO, GDL90_ADDRESS_TISB_TRACK_ID, GDL90_ADDRESS_SURFACE, GDL90_ADDRESS_GROUND_BEACON, } GDL90_ADDRESS_TYPE; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_NO_ALERT, GDL90_ALERT, } GDL90_TRAFFIC_ALERT; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MISC_INVALID, GDL90_MISC_TRUE_TRACK, GDL90_MISC_HEADING_MAGNETIC, GDL90_MISC_HEADING_TRUE, } GDL90_MISC_TRACK_TYPE; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MISC_REPORT_UPDATED, GDL90_MISC_REPORT_EXTRAPOLATED, } GDL90_MISC_REPORT_TYPE; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MISC_ON_GROUND, GDL90_MISC_AIRBORNE, } GDL90_MISC_AG_STATE; typedef union { struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MISC_TRACK_TYPE track : 2; GDL90_MISC_REPORT_TYPE reportType : 1; GDL90_MISC_AG_STATE agState : 1; }; uint8_t data; } GDL90_MISCELLANEOUS; typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_ADDRESS_TYPE addressType: 4; GDL90_TRAFFIC_ALERT trafficAlert : 4; uint8_t address[3]; uint8_t latitude[3]; // 180 deg / 2^23 uint8_t longitude[3]; // 180 deg / 2^23 // Byte order must be flipped before TX union { struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { uint16_t misc : 4; uint16_t altitude : 12; }; uint16_t altitudeMisc; }; uint8_t NACp : 4; uint8_t NIC : 4; // Byte order must be flipped before TX union { struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { uint32_t heading : 8; uint32_t verticalVelocity : 12; uint32_t horizontalVelocity : 12; }; uint32_t velocities; }; uint8_t emitterCategory; uint8_t callsign[8]; uint8_t rfu : 4; uint8_t emergencyCode : 4; } GDL90_REPORT; typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; GDL90_REPORT report; uint16_t crc; } GDL90_OWNSHIP_REPORT; typedef GDL90_OWNSHIP_REPORT GDL90_TRAFFIC_REPORT; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_NO_WARNING, GDL90_WARNING, } GDL90_VERTICAL_WARNING; typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; uint16_t geometricAltitude; // 5 ft resolution // Must be endian swapped before TX union { struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { uint16_t verticalFOM : 15; GDL90_VERTICAL_WARNING verticalWarning : 1; }; uint16_t veritcalMetrics; }; uint16_t crc; } GDL90_OWNSHIP_GEO_ALTITUDE; typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_SENSOR_AHRS = 0, GDL90_SENSOR_BARO = 1, GDL90_SENSOR_CO = 2, GDL90_SENSOR_DEVICE = 3 } GDL90_SENSOR_TYPE; typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) { GDL90_MESSAGE_ID messageId; GDL90_SENSOR_TYPE sensorType; uint32_t pressure_mbarE2; int32_t pressureAlt_mm; int16_t temperature_cE2; uint16_t crc; } GDL90_SENSOR_BARO_MESSAGE;