#!/usr/bin/env python """ script to build the latest binaries for each vehicle type, ready to upload Peter Barker, August 2017 based on build_binaries.sh by Andrew Tridgell, March 2013 """ from __future__ import print_function import datetime import distutils.dir_util import optparse import os import re import shutil import time import subprocess import sys import zlib # local imports import generate_manifest class build_binaries(object): def __init__(self, tags): self.tags = tags self.dirty = False def progress(self, string): '''pretty-print progress''' print("BB: %s" % string) def run_git(self, args): '''run git with args git_args; returns git's output''' cmd_list = ["git"] cmd_list.extend(args) return self.run_program("BB-GIT", cmd_list) def board_branch_bit(self, board): '''return a fragment which might modify the branch name''' if board in ["apm1", "apm2"]: return "-AVR" return None def board_options(self, board): '''return board-specific options''' if board == "bebop": return ["--static"] return [] def run_waf(self, args): if os.path.exists("waf"): waf = "./waf" else: waf = os.path.join(".", "modules", "waf", "waf-light") cmd_list = [waf] cmd_list.extend(args) self.run_program("BB-WAF", cmd_list) def run_program(self, prefix, cmd_list): self.progress("Running (%s)" % " ".join(cmd_list)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, bufsize=1, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = "" while True: x = p.stdout.readline() if len(x) == 0: if os.waitpid(p.pid, 0): break # select not available on Windows... probably... time.sleep(0.1) continue output += x x = x.rstrip() print("%s: %s" % (prefix, x)) return output def run_make(self, args): cmd_list = ["make"] cmd_list.extend(args) self.run_program("BB-MAKE", cmd_list) def run_git_update_submodules(self): '''if submodules are present initialise and update them''' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.basedir, ".gitmodules")): self.run_git(["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "-f"]) def checkout(self, vehicle, ctag, cboard=None, cframe=None): '''attempt to check out a git tree. Various permutations are attempted based on ctag - for examplle, if the board is avr and ctag is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR''' if self.dirty: self.progress("Skipping checkout for dirty build") return True self.progress("Trying checkout %s %s %s %s" % (vehicle, ctag, cboard, cframe)) self.run_git(['stash']) if ctag == "latest": vtag = "master" else: vtag = "%s-%s" % (vehicle, ctag) branches = [] if cframe is not None: # try frame specific tag branches.append("%s-%s" % (vtag, cframe)) if cboard is not None: bbb = self.board_branch_bit(cboard) if bbb is not None: # try board type specific branch extension branches.append("".join([vtag, bbb])) branches.append(vtag) for branch in branches: try: self.progress("Trying branch %s" % branch) self.run_git(["checkout", "-f", branch]) self.run_git_update_submodules() self.run_git(["log", "-1"]) return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: self.progress("Checkout branch %s failed" % branch) pass self.progress("Failed to find tag for %s %s %s %s" % (vehicle, ctag, cboard, cframe)) return False def skip_board_waf(self, board): '''check if we should skip this build because we don't support the board in this release ''' try: if self.string_in_filepath(board, os.path.join(self.basedir, 'Tools', 'ardupilotwaf', 'boards.py')): return False except IOError as e: if e.errno != 2: raise self.progress("Skipping unsupported board %s" % (board,)) return True def skip_frame(self, board, frame): '''returns true if this board/frame combination should not be built''' if frame == "heli": if board in ["bebop", "aerofc-v1"]: self.progress("Skipping heli build for %s" % board) return True return False def first_line_of_filepath(self, filepath): '''returns the first (text) line from filepath''' with open(filepath) as fh: line = fh.readline() return line def skip_build(self, buildtag, builddir): '''check if we should skip this build because we have already built this version ''' if os.getenv("FORCE_BUILD", False): return False if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.basedir, '.gitmodules')): self.progress("Skipping build without submodules") return True bname = os.path.basename(builddir) ldir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(builddir))), buildtag, bname) # FIXME: WTF oldversion_filepath = os.path.join(ldir, "git-version.txt") if not os.path.exists(oldversion_filepath): self.progress("%s doesn't exist - building" % oldversion_filepath) return False oldversion = self.first_line_of_filepath(oldversion_filepath) newversion = self.run_git(["log", "-1"]) newversion = newversion.splitlines()[0] oldversion = oldversion.rstrip() newversion = newversion.rstrip() self.progress("oldversion=%s newversion=%s" % (oldversion, newversion,)) if oldversion == newversion: self.progress("Skipping build - version match (%s)" % (newversion,)) return True self.progress("%s needs rebuild" % (ldir,)) return False def write_string_to_filepath(self, string, filepath): '''writes the entirety of string to filepath''' with open(filepath, "w") as x: x.write(string) def addfwversion_gitversion(self, destdir, src): # create git-version.txt: gitlog = self.run_git(["log", "-1"]) gitversion_filepath = os.path.join(destdir, "git-version.txt") gitversion_content = gitlog versionfile = os.path.join(src, "version.h") if os.path.exists(versionfile): content = self.read_string_from_filepath(versionfile) match = re.search('define.THISFIRMWARE "([^"]+)"', content) if match is None: self.progress("Failed to retrieve THISFIRMWARE from version.h") self.progress("Content: (%s)" % content) self.progress("Writing version info to %s" % (gitversion_filepath,)) gitversion_content += "\nAPMVERSION: %s\n" % (match.group(1)) else: self.progress("%s does not exist" % versionfile) self.write_string_to_filepath(gitversion_content, gitversion_filepath) def addfwversion_firmwareversiontxt(self, destdir, src): # create firmware-version.txt versionfile = os.path.join(src, "version.h") if not os.path.exists(versionfile): self.progress("%s does not exist" % (versionfile,)) return; ss = ".*define +FIRMWARE_VERSION[ ]+(?P\d+)[ ]*,[ ]*" \ "(?P\d+)[ ]*,[ ]*(?P\d+)[ ]*,[ ]*" \ "(?P[A-Z_]+)[ ]*" content = self.read_string_from_filepath(versionfile) match = re.search(ss, content) if match is None: self.progress("Failed to retrieve FIRMWARE_VERSION from version.h") self.progress("Content: (%s)" % content) return ver = "%d.%d.%d-%s\n" % (int(match.group("major")), int(match.group("minor")), int(match.group("point")), match.group("type")) firmware_version_filepath = "firmware-version.txt" self.progress("Writing version (%s) to %s" % (ver, firmware_version_filepath,)) self.write_string_to_filepath( ver, os.path.join(destdir, firmware_version_filepath)) def addfwversion(self, destdir, src): '''write version information into destdir''' self.addfwversion_gitversion(destdir, src) self.addfwversion_firmwareversiontxt(destdir, src) def read_string_from_filepath(self, filepath): '''returns content of filepath as a string''' with open(filepath, 'rb') as fh: content = fh.read() return content def string_in_filepath(self, string, filepath): '''returns true if string exists in the contents of filepath''' return string in self.read_string_from_filepath(filepath) def copyit(self, afile, adir, tag, src): '''copies afile into various places, adding metadata''' bname = os.path.basename(adir) tdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(adir))), tag, bname) if tag == "latest": # we keep a permanent archive of all "latest" builds, # their path including a build timestamp: distutils.dir_util.mkpath(adir) self.progress("Copying $file to $adir") shutil.copy(afile, adir) self.addfwversion(adir, src) # the most recent build of every tag is kept around: self.progress("Copying %s to %s" % (afile, tdir)) distutils.dir_util.mkpath(tdir) self.addfwversion(tdir, src) shutil.copy(afile, tdir) def touch_filepath(self, filepath): '''creates a file at filepath, or updates the timestamp on filepath''' if os.path.exists(filepath): os.utime(filepath, None) else: with open(filepath, "a"): pass def build_vehicle_apm(self, tag, vehicle, board, vehicle_binaries_subdir, binaryname): self.progress("Building %s %s %s binaries" % (vehicle, tag, board)) if not self.checkout(vehicle, tag, board): self.progress("Failed checkout of %s %s %s" % (vehicle, board, tag)) self.error_count += 1 return framesuffix = "" ddir = os.path.join(self.binaries, vehicle_binaries_subdir, self.hdate_ym, self.hdate_ymdhm, "".join([board, framesuffix])) if self.skip_build(tag, ddir): return self.run_make(["-C", vehicle, "clean"]) self.run_make(["-C", vehicle, "-j4", board]) binaryname = vehicle # HACK! make targets are mixed-case path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "".join([vehicle, ".build"]), "".join([binaryname, framesuffix, ".hex"])) self.copyit(path, ddir, tag, vehicle) self.touch_filepath(os.path.join(self.binaries, vehicle_binaries_subdir, tag)) def build_vehicle(self, tag, vehicle, boards, vehicle_binaries_subdir, binaryname, px4_binaryname, frames=[None]): '''build vehicle binaries''' self.progress("Building %s %s binaries (cwd=%s)" % (vehicle, tag, os.getcwd())) # if not self.checkout(vehicle, tag): # self.progress("Failed to check out (%s)" % tag) # return # # begin pointless checkout # if not self.checkout(vehicle, "latest"): # self.progress("Failed to check out (%s)" % "latest") # return # # end pointless checkout for board in boards: if "apm" in board: # apm does't do frames self.build_vehicle_apm(tag, vehicle, board, vehicle_binaries_subdir, binaryname) continue self.progress("Building board: %s" % board) for frame in frames: if frame is not None: self.progress("Considering frame %s for board %s" % (frame, board)) if frame is None: framesuffix = "" else: framesuffix = "-%s" % frame if not self.checkout(vehicle, tag, board, frame): self.progress("Failed checkout of %s %s %s %s" % (vehicle, board, tag, frame)) self.error_count += 1 continue if self.skip_board_waf(board): continue self.progress("Building %s %s %s binaries %s" % (vehicle, tag, board, frame)) ddir = os.path.join(self.binaries, vehicle_binaries_subdir, self.hdate_ym, self.hdate_ymdhm, "".join([board, framesuffix])) if self.skip_build(tag, ddir): continue if self.skip_frame(board, frame): continue self.progress("Configuring for %s in %s" % (board, self.buildroot)) try: waf_opts = ["configure", "--board", board, "--out", self.buildroot, "clean"] waf_opts.extend(self.board_options(board)) self.run_waf(waf_opts) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: self.progress("waf configure failed") continue try: target = os.path.join("bin", "".join([binaryname, framesuffix])) self.run_waf(["build", "--targets", target]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: self.progress("Failed build of %s %s%s %s" % (vehicle, board, framesuffix, tag)) self.error_count += 1 continue bare_path = os.path.join(self.buildroot, board, "bin", "".join([binaryname, framesuffix])) px4_path = "".join([bare_path, ".px4"]) if os.path.exists(px4_path): path = px4_path else: path = bare_path self.copyit(path, ddir, tag, vehicle) # why is touching this important? -pb20170816 self.touch_filepath(os.path.join(self.binaries, vehicle_binaries_subdir, tag)) # PX4-building board = "px4" for frame in frames: self.progress("Building frame %s for board %s" % (frame, board)) if frame is None: framesuffix = "" else: framesuffix = "-%s" % frame if not self.checkout(vehicle, tag, "PX4", frame): self.progress("Failed checkout of %s %s %s %s" % (vehicle, "PX4", tag, frame)) self.error_count += 1 self.checkout(vehicle, "latest") continue try: deadwood = "../Build.%s" % vehicle if os.path.exists(deadwood): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(deadwood)) except Exception as e: self.progress("FIXME: narrow exception (%s)" % repr(e)) self.progress("Building %s %s PX4%s binaries" % (vehicle, tag, framesuffix)) ddir = os.path.join(self.binaries, vehicle_binaries_subdir, self.hdate_ym, self.hdate_ymdhm, "".join(["PX4", framesuffix])) if self.skip_build(tag, ddir): continue for v in ["v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v4pro"]: px4_v = "%s-%s" % (board, v) if self.skip_board_waf(px4_v): continue self.progress("Configuring for %s in %s" % (px4_v, self.buildroot)) try: self.run_waf(["configure", "--board", px4_v, "--out", self.buildroot, "clean"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: self.progress("waf configure failed") continue try: self.run_waf([ "build", "--targets", os.path.join("bin", "".join([binaryname, framesuffix]))]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: self.progress("Failed build of %s %s%s %s for %s" % (vehicle, board, framesuffix, tag, v)) self.error_count += 1 continue oldfile = os.path.join(self.buildroot, px4_v, "bin", "%s%s.px4" % (binaryname, framesuffix)) newfile = "%s-%s.px4" % (px4_binaryname, v) self.progress("Copying (%s) to (%s)" % (oldfile, newfile,)) try: shutil.copyfile(oldfile, newfile) except Exception as e: self.progress("FIXME: narrow exception (%s)" % repr(e)) self.progress("Failed build copy of %s PX4%s %s for %s" % (vehicle, framesuffix, tag, v)) self.error_count += 1 continue # FIXME: why the two stage copy?! self.copyit(newfile, ddir, tag, vehicle) self.checkout(vehicle, "latest") def common_boards(self): '''returns list of boards common to all vehicles''' # note that while we do not use these for AntennaTracker! return ["erlebrain2", "navio", "navio2", "pxf", "pxfmini"] def build_arducopter(self, tag): '''build Copter binaries''' boards = self.common_boards()[:] boards.extend(["aerofc-v1", "bebop"]) self.build_vehicle(tag, "ArduCopter", boards, "Copter", "arducopter", "ArduCopter", frames=[None, "heli"]) def build_arduplane(self, tag): '''build Plane binaries''' boards = self.common_boards()[:] boards.append("disco") self.build_vehicle(tag, "ArduPlane", boards, "Plane", "arduplane", "ArduPlane") def build_antennatracker(self, tag): '''build Tracker binaries''' boards = ['navio', 'navio2'] boards.append('apm2') self.build_vehicle(tag, "AntennaTracker", boards, "AntennaTracker", "antennatracker", "AntennaTracker",) def build_rover(self, tag): '''build Rover binaries''' boards = self.common_boards() boards.extend(['apm1', 'apm2']) self.build_vehicle(tag, "APMrover2", boards, "Rover", "ardurover", "APMrover2") def build_ardusub(self, tag): '''build Sub binaries''' self.build_vehicle(tag, "ArduSub", self.common_boards(), "Sub", "ardusub", "ArduSub") def generate_manifest(self): '''generate manigest files for GCS to download''' self.progress("Generating manifest") base_url = 'http://firmware.ardupilot.org' generator = generate_manifest.ManifestGenerator(self.binaries, base_url) content = generator.json() new_json_filepath = os.path.join(self.binaries, "manifest.json.new") self.write_string_to_filepath(content, new_json_filepath) # provide a pre-compressed manifest. For reference, a 7M manifest # "gzip -9"s to 300k in 1 second, "xz -e"s to 80k in 26 seconds compressed = zlib.compress(content, 9) new_json_filepath_gz = os.path.join(self.binaries, "manifest.json.gz.new") self.write_string_to_filepath(compressed, new_json_filepath_gz) json_filepath = os.path.join(self.binaries, "manifest.json") json_filepath_gz = os.path.join(self.binaries, "manifest.json.gz") shutil.move(new_json_filepath, json_filepath) shutil.move(new_json_filepath_gz, json_filepath_gz) self.progress("Manifest generation successful") def validate(self): '''run pre-run validation checks''' if "dirty" in self.tags: if len(self.tags) > 1: raise ValueError("dirty must be only tag if present (%s)" % (str(self.tags))) self.dirty = True def pollute_env_from_file(self, filepath): with open(filepath) as f: for line in f: try: (name, value) = str.split(line, "=") except ValueError as e: self.progress("%s: split failed: %s" % (filepath, str(e))) continue value = value.rstrip() self.progress("%s: %s=%s" % (filepath, name,value)) os.environ[name] = value def run(self): self.validate() prefix_bin_dirpath = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), "prefix", "bin") origin_env_path = os.environ.get("PATH") os.environ["PATH"] = ':'.join([prefix_bin_dirpath, origin_env_path, "/bin", "/usr/bin"]) self.tmpdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build.tmp.binaries') os.environ["TMPDIR"] = self.tmpdir print(self.tmpdir) if os.path.exists(self.tmpdir): self.progress("Removing (%s)" % (self.tmpdir,)) shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) self.progress("Building in %s" % self.tmpdir) now = datetime.datetime.now() self.progress(now) if not self.dirty: self.run_git(["checkout", "-f", "master"]) githash = self.run_git(["rev-parse", "HEAD"]) githash = githash.rstrip() self.progress("git hash: %s" % str(githash)) self.hdate_ym = now.strftime("%Y-%m") self.hdate_ymdhm = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%m") distutils.dir_util.mkpath(os.path.join("binaries", self.hdate_ym, self.hdate_ymdhm)) self.binaries = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..", "buildlogs", "binaries") self.basedir = os.getcwd() self.error_count = 0 if os.path.exists("config.mk"): # FIXME: narrow exception self.pollute_env_from_file("config.mk") if not self.dirty: self.run_git_update_submodules() self.buildroot = os.path.join(os.environ.get("TMPDIR"), "binaries.build") if os.path.exists(self.buildroot): shutil.rmtree(self.buildroot) for tag in self.tags: self.build_arducopter(tag) self.build_arduplane(tag) self.build_rover(tag) self.build_antennatracker(tag) self.build_ardusub(tag) if os.path.exists(self.tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) self.generate_manifest() sys.exit(self.error_count) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = optparse.OptionParser("build_binaries.py") parser.add_option("", "--tags", action="append", type="string", default=[], help="tags to build") cmd_opts, cmd_args = parser.parse_args() tags = cmd_opts.tags if len(tags) == 0: # FIXME: wedge this defaulting into parser somehow tags = ["stable", "beta", "latest"] bb = build_binaries(tags) bb.run()