/* * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . * * Code by Siddharth Bharat Purohit */ #pragma once #include "AP_CANManager_config.h" #if HAL_CANMANAGER_ENABLED #include #include #include "AP_SLCANIface.h" #include "AP_CANDriver.h" #include #if HAL_GCS_ENABLED #include #include #endif #include "AP_CAN.h" class CANSensor; class AP_CANManager { public: AP_CANManager(); /* Do not allow copies */ CLASS_NO_COPY(AP_CANManager); static AP_CANManager* get_singleton() { if (_singleton == nullptr) { AP_HAL::panic("CANManager used before allocation."); } return _singleton; } enum LogLevel : uint8_t { LOG_NONE, LOG_ERROR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_INFO, LOG_DEBUG, }; __INITFUNC__ void init(void); // register a new driver bool register_driver(AP_CAN::Protocol dtype, AP_CANDriver *driver); // register a new auxillary sensor driver for 11 bit address frames bool register_11bit_driver(AP_CAN::Protocol dtype, CANSensor *sensor, uint8_t &driver_index); // returns number of active CAN Drivers uint8_t get_num_drivers(void) const { return HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS; } // return driver for index i AP_CANDriver* get_driver(uint8_t i) const { if (i < ARRAY_SIZE(_drivers)) { return _drivers[i]; } return nullptr; } // returns current log level LogLevel get_log_level(void) const { return LogLevel(_loglevel.get()); } // Method to log status and debug information for review while debugging void log_text(AP_CANManager::LogLevel loglevel, const char *tag, const char *fmt, ...) FMT_PRINTF(4,5); void log_retrieve(ExpandingString &str) const; // return driver type index i AP_CAN::Protocol get_driver_type(uint8_t i) const { if (i < ARRAY_SIZE(_driver_type_cache)) { return _driver_type_cache[i]; } return AP_CAN::Protocol::None; } static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[]; #if HAL_GCS_ENABLED bool handle_can_forward(mavlink_channel_t chan, const mavlink_command_int_t &packet, const mavlink_message_t &msg); void handle_can_frame(const mavlink_message_t &msg); void handle_can_filter_modify(const mavlink_message_t &msg); #endif private: // Parameter interface for CANIfaces class CANIface_Params { friend class AP_CANManager; public: CANIface_Params() { AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info); } static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[]; enum class Options : uint32_t { LOG_ALL_FRAMES = (1U<<0), }; bool option_is_set(Options option) const { return (_options & uint32_t(option)) != 0; } private: AP_Int8 _driver_number; AP_Int32 _bitrate; AP_Int32 _fdbitrate; AP_Int32 _options; #if AP_CAN_LOGGING_ENABLED && HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED uint8_t logging_id; #endif }; //Parameter Interface for CANDrivers class CANDriver_Params { friend class AP_CANManager; public: CANDriver_Params() { AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info); } static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[]; private: AP_Int8 _driver_type; AP_Int8 _driver_type_11bit; AP_CANDriver* _uavcan; AP_CANDriver* _piccolocan; }; CANIface_Params _interfaces[HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES]; AP_CANDriver* _drivers[HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS]; CANDriver_Params _drv_param[HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS]; AP_CAN::Protocol _driver_type_cache[HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS]; AP_Int8 _loglevel; uint8_t _num_drivers; #if AP_CAN_SLCAN_ENABLED SLCAN::CANIface _slcan_interface; #endif static AP_CANManager *_singleton; char* _log_buf; uint32_t _log_pos; HAL_Semaphore _sem; #if HAL_GCS_ENABLED /* handler for CAN frames from the registered callback, sending frames out as CAN_FRAME messages */ void can_frame_callback(uint8_t bus, const AP_HAL::CANFrame &frame, AP_HAL::CANIface::CanIOFlags flags); struct { mavlink_channel_t chan; uint8_t system_id; uint8_t component_id; uint8_t frame_counter; uint32_t last_callback_enable_ms; HAL_Semaphore sem; uint16_t num_filter_ids; uint16_t *filter_ids; uint8_t callback_id; uint8_t callback_bus; } can_forward; // buffer for MAVCAN frames struct BufferFrame { uint8_t bus; AP_HAL::CANFrame frame; }; ObjectBuffer *frame_buffer; void process_frame_buffer(void); #endif // HAL_GCS_ENABLED #if AP_CAN_LOGGING_ENABLED && HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED /* handler for CAN frames for logging */ void can_logging_callback(uint8_t bus, const AP_HAL::CANFrame &frame, AP_HAL::CANIface::CanIOFlags flags); void check_logging_enable(void); #endif }; namespace AP { AP_CANManager& can(); } #endif // HAL_CANMANAGER_ENABLED