// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /***************************************************************************** * The init_ardupilot function processes everything we need for an in - air restart * We will determine later if we are actually on the ground and process a * ground start in that case. * *****************************************************************************/ #if CLI_ENABLED == ENABLED // Functions called from the top-level menu static int8_t process_logs(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv); // in Log.pde static int8_t setup_mode(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv); // in setup.pde static int8_t test_mode(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv); // in test.cpp static int8_t reboot_board(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv); // This is the help function // PSTR is an AVR macro to read strings from flash memory // printf_P is a version of print_f that reads from flash memory static int8_t main_menu_help(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv) { cliSerial->printf_P(PSTR("Commands:\n" " logs\n" " setup\n" " test\n" " reboot\n" "\n")); return(0); } // Command/function table for the top-level menu. const struct Menu::command main_menu_commands[] PROGMEM = { // command function called // ======= =============== {"logs", process_logs}, {"setup", setup_mode}, {"test", test_mode}, {"reboot", reboot_board}, {"help", main_menu_help}, }; // Create the top-level menu object. MENU(main_menu, THISFIRMWARE, main_menu_commands); static int8_t reboot_board(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv) { reboot_apm(); return 0; } // the user wants the CLI. It never exits static void run_cli(AP_HAL::UARTDriver *port) { cliSerial = port; Menu::set_port(port); port->set_blocking_writes(true); while (1) { main_menu.run(); } } #endif // CLI_ENABLED static void init_ardupilot() { #if USB_MUX_PIN > 0 // on the APM2 board we have a mux thet switches UART0 between // USB and the board header. If the right ArduPPM firmware is // installed we can detect if USB is connected using the // USB_MUX_PIN pinMode(USB_MUX_PIN, INPUT); ap_system.usb_connected = !digitalReadFast(USB_MUX_PIN); if (!ap_system.usb_connected) { // USB is not connected, this means UART0 may be a Xbee, with // its darned bricking problem. We can't write to it for at // least one second after powering up. Simplest solution for // now is to delay for 1 second. Something more elegant may be // added later delay(1000); } #endif // Console serial port // // The console port buffers are defined to be sufficiently large to support // the MAVLink protocol efficiently // cliSerial->begin(SERIAL0_BAUD, 128, 256); // GPS serial port. // #if GPS_PROTOCOL != GPS_PROTOCOL_IMU // standard gps running. Note that we need a 256 byte buffer for some // GPS types (eg. UBLOX) Serial1.begin(38400, 256, 16); #endif cliSerial->printf_P(PSTR("\n\nInit " THISFIRMWARE "\n\nFree RAM: %u\n"), memcheck_available_memory()); // // Initialize Wire and SPI libraries // #ifndef DESKTOP_BUILD I2c.begin(); I2c.timeOut(5); // initially set a fast I2c speed, and drop it on first failures I2c.setSpeed(true); #endif SPI.begin(); SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // 1MHZ SPI rate #if CONFIG_APM_HARDWARE == APM_HARDWARE_APM2 SPI3.begin(); SPI3.setSpeed(SPI3_SPEED_2MHZ); #endif // // Initialize the isr_registry. // isr_registry.init(); // // Report firmware version code expect on console (check of actual EEPROM format version is done in load_parameters function) // report_version(); // setup IO pins pinMode(A_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // GPS status LED digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, LED_OFF); pinMode(B_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // GPS status LED digitalWrite(B_LED_PIN, LED_OFF); pinMode(C_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // GPS status LED digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, LED_OFF); #if SLIDE_SWITCH_PIN > 0 pinMode(SLIDE_SWITCH_PIN, INPUT); // To enter interactive mode #endif #if CONFIG_PUSHBUTTON == ENABLED pinMode(PUSHBUTTON_PIN, INPUT); // unused #endif #if CONFIG_RELAY == ENABLED DDRL |= B00000100; // Set Port L, pin 2 to output for the relay #endif #if COPTER_LEDS == ENABLED pinMode(COPTER_LED_1, OUTPUT); //Motor LED pinMode(COPTER_LED_2, OUTPUT); //Motor LED pinMode(COPTER_LED_3, OUTPUT); //Motor LED pinMode(COPTER_LED_4, OUTPUT); //Motor LED pinMode(COPTER_LED_5, OUTPUT); //Motor or Aux LED pinMode(COPTER_LED_6, OUTPUT); //Motor or Aux LED pinMode(COPTER_LED_7, OUTPUT); //Motor or GPS LED pinMode(COPTER_LED_8, OUTPUT); //Motor or GPS LED if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 3) ) { piezo_beep(); } #endif // load parameters from EEPROM load_parameters(); // init the GCS gcs0.init(&Serial); #if USB_MUX_PIN > 0 if (!ap_system.usb_connected) { // we are not connected via USB, re-init UART0 with right // baud rate cliSerial->begin(map_baudrate(g.serial3_baud, SERIAL3_BAUD)); } #else // we have a 2nd serial port for telemetry Serial3.begin(map_baudrate(g.serial3_baud, SERIAL3_BAUD), 128, 256); gcs3.init(&Serial3); #endif // identify ourselves correctly with the ground station mavlink_system.sysid = g.sysid_this_mav; mavlink_system.type = 2; //MAV_QUADROTOR; #if LOGGING_ENABLED == ENABLED DataFlash.Init(); if (!DataFlash.CardInserted()) { gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW, PSTR("No dataflash inserted")); g.log_bitmask.set(0); } else if (DataFlash.NeedErase()) { gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW, PSTR("ERASING LOGS")); do_erase_logs(); } if (g.log_bitmask != 0) { DataFlash.start_new_log(); } #endif /* #ifdef RADIO_OVERRIDE_DEFAULTS { int16_t rc_override[8] = RADIO_OVERRIDE_DEFAULTS; APM_RC.setHIL(rc_override); } #endif */ #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME motors.servo_manual = false; motors.init_swash(); // heli initialisation #endif RC_Channel::set_apm_rc(&APM_RC); init_rc_in(); // sets up rc channels from radio init_rc_out(); // sets up the timer libs timer_scheduler.init( &isr_registry ); /* * setup the 'main loop is dead' check. Note that this relies on * the RC library being initialised. */ timer_scheduler.set_failsafe(failsafe_check); // initialise the analog port reader AP_AnalogSource_Arduino::init_timer(&timer_scheduler); #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE #if CONFIG_ADC == ENABLED // begin filtering the ADC Gyros adc.Init(&timer_scheduler); // APM ADC library initialization #endif // CONFIG_ADC barometer.init(&timer_scheduler); #endif // HIL_MODE // Do GPS init g_gps = &g_gps_driver; // GPS Initialization g_gps->init(GPS::GPS_ENGINE_AIRBORNE_1G); if(g.compass_enabled) init_compass(); // init the optical flow sensor if(g.optflow_enabled) { init_optflow(); } #if INERTIAL_NAV_XY == ENABLED || INERTIAL_NAV_Z == ENABLED // initialise inertial nav inertial_nav.init(); #endif #ifdef USERHOOK_INIT USERHOOK_INIT #endif #if CLI_ENABLED == ENABLED && CLI_SLIDER_ENABLED == ENABLED // If the switch is in 'menu' mode, run the main menu. // // Since we can't be sure that the setup or test mode won't leave // the system in an odd state, we don't let the user exit the top // menu; they must reset in order to fly. // if (check_startup_for_CLI()) { digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, LED_ON); // turn on setup-mode LED cliSerial->printf_P(PSTR("\nCLI:\n\n")); run_cli(cliSerial); } #else const prog_char_t *msg = PSTR("\nPress ENTER 3 times to start interactive setup\n"); cliSerial->println_P(msg); #if USB_MUX_PIN == 0 Serial3.println_P(msg); #endif #endif // CLI_ENABLED #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE // read Baro pressure at ground //----------------------------- init_barometer(); #endif // initialise sonar #if CONFIG_SONAR == ENABLED init_sonar(); #endif #if FRAME_CONIG == HELI_FRAME // initialise controller filters init_rate_controllers(); #endif // HELI_FRAME // initialize commands // ------------------- init_commands(); // set the correct flight mode // --------------------------- reset_control_switch(); startup_ground(); // now that initialisation of IMU has occurred increase SPI to 2MHz SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV8); // 2MHZ SPI rate #if LOGGING_ENABLED == ENABLED Log_Write_Startup(); #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Experimental AP_Limits library - set constraints, limits, fences, minima, maxima on various parameters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef AP_LIMITS // AP_Limits modules are stored as a _linked list_. That allows us to define an infinite number of modules // and also to allocate no space until we actually need to. // The linked list looks (logically) like this // [limits module] -> [first limit module] -> [second limit module] -> [third limit module] -> NULL // The details of the linked list are handled by the methods // modules_first, modules_current, modules_next, modules_last, modules_add // in limits limits.modules_add(&gpslock_limit); limits.modules_add(&geofence_limit); limits.modules_add(&altitude_limit); if (limits.debug()) { gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("Limits Modules Loaded")); AP_Limit_Module *m = limits.modules_first(); while (m) { gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW, get_module_name(m->get_module_id())); m = limits.modules_next(); } } #endif cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("\nReady to FLY ")); } //******************************************************************************** //This function does all the calibrations, etc. that we need during a ground start //******************************************************************************** static void startup_ground(void) { gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("GROUND START")); // Warm up and read Gyro offsets // ----------------------------- ins.init(AP_InertialSensor::COLD_START, ins_sample_rate, mavlink_delay, flash_leds, &timer_scheduler); #if CLI_ENABLED == ENABLED report_ins(); #endif // initialise ahrs (may push imu calibration into the mpu6000 if using that device). ahrs.init(&timer_scheduler); // setup fast AHRS gains to get right attitude ahrs.set_fast_gains(true); #if SECONDARY_DMP_ENABLED == ENABLED ahrs2.init(&timer_scheduler); ahrs2.set_as_secondary(true); ahrs2.set_fast_gains(true); #endif // reset the leds // --------------------------- clear_leds(); // when we re-calibrate the gyros, // all previous I values are invalid reset_I_all(); } // set_mode - change flight mode and perform any necessary initialisation static void set_mode(uint8_t mode) { // Switch to stabilize mode if requested mode requires a GPS lock if(!ap.home_is_set) { if (mode > ALT_HOLD && mode != TOY_A && mode != TOY_M && mode != OF_LOITER && mode != LAND) { mode = STABILIZE; } } // Switch to stabilize if OF_LOITER requested but no optical flow sensor if (mode == OF_LOITER && !g.optflow_enabled ) { mode = STABILIZE; } control_mode = mode; control_mode = constrain(control_mode, 0, NUM_MODES - 1); // used to stop fly_aways // set to false if we have low throttle motors.auto_armed(g.rc_3.control_in > 0); set_auto_armed(g.rc_3.control_in > 0); // if we change modes, we must clear landed flag set_land_complete(false); // debug to Serial terminal //cliSerial->println(flight_mode_strings[control_mode]); ap.loiter_override = false; // report the GPS and Motor arming status led_mode = NORMAL_LEDS; switch(control_mode) { case ACRO: ap.manual_throttle = true; ap.manual_attitude = true; set_yaw_mode(YAW_ACRO); set_roll_pitch_mode(ROLL_PITCH_ACRO); set_throttle_mode(THROTTLE_MANUAL); // reset acro axis targets to current attitude if(g.axis_enabled){ roll_axis = ahrs.roll_sensor; pitch_axis = ahrs.pitch_sensor; nav_yaw = ahrs.yaw_sensor; } break; case STABILIZE: ap.manual_throttle = true; ap.manual_attitude = true; set_yaw_mode(YAW_HOLD); set_roll_pitch_mode(ROLL_PITCH_STABLE); set_throttle_mode(STABILIZE_THROTTLE); break; case ALT_HOLD: ap.manual_throttle = false; ap.manual_attitude = true; set_yaw_mode(ALT_HOLD_YAW); set_roll_pitch_mode(ALT_HOLD_RP); set_throttle_mode(ALT_HOLD_THR); break; case AUTO: ap.manual_throttle = false; ap.manual_attitude = false; set_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW); set_roll_pitch_mode(AUTO_RP); set_throttle_mode(AUTO_THR); // loads the commands from where we left off init_commands(); break; case CIRCLE: ap.manual_throttle = false; ap.manual_attitude = false; // start circling around current location set_next_WP(¤t_loc); circle_WP = next_WP; // set yaw to point to center of circle yaw_look_at_WP = circle_WP; set_yaw_mode(YAW_LOOK_AT_LOCATION); set_roll_pitch_mode(CIRCLE_RP); set_throttle_mode(CIRCLE_THR); circle_angle = 0; break; case LOITER: ap.manual_throttle = false; ap.manual_attitude = false; set_yaw_mode(LOITER_YAW); set_roll_pitch_mode(LOITER_RP); set_throttle_mode(LOITER_THR); set_next_WP(¤t_loc); break; case POSITION: ap.manual_throttle = true; ap.manual_attitude = false; set_yaw_mode(YAW_HOLD); set_roll_pitch_mode(ROLL_PITCH_AUTO); set_throttle_mode(THROTTLE_MANUAL); set_next_WP(¤t_loc); break; case GUIDED: ap.manual_throttle = false; ap.manual_attitude = false; set_yaw_mode(YAW_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP); set_roll_pitch_mode(ROLL_PITCH_AUTO); set_throttle_mode(THROTTLE_AUTO); next_WP = current_loc; set_next_WP(&guided_WP); break; case LAND: if( ap.home_is_set ) { // switch to loiter if we have gps ap.manual_attitude = false; set_yaw_mode(LOITER_YAW); set_roll_pitch_mode(LOITER_RP); }else{ // otherwise remain with stabilize roll and pitch ap.manual_attitude = true; set_yaw_mode(YAW_HOLD); set_roll_pitch_mode(ROLL_PITCH_STABLE); } ap.manual_throttle = false; do_land(); break; case RTL: ap.manual_throttle = false; ap.manual_attitude = false; do_RTL(); break; case OF_LOITER: ap.manual_throttle = false; ap.manual_attitude = false; set_yaw_mode(OF_LOITER_YAW); set_roll_pitch_mode(OF_LOITER_RP); set_throttle_mode(OF_LOITER_THR); set_next_WP(¤t_loc); break; // THOR // These are the flight modes for Toy mode // See the defines for the enumerated values case TOY_A: ap.manual_throttle = false; ap.manual_attitude = true; set_yaw_mode(YAW_TOY); set_roll_pitch_mode(ROLL_PITCH_TOY); set_throttle_mode(THROTTLE_AUTO); wp_control = NO_NAV_MODE; // save throttle for fast exit of Alt hold saved_toy_throttle = g.rc_3.control_in; break; case TOY_M: ap.manual_throttle = false; ap.manual_attitude = true; set_yaw_mode(YAW_TOY); set_roll_pitch_mode(ROLL_PITCH_TOY); wp_control = NO_NAV_MODE; set_throttle_mode(THROTTLE_HOLD); break; default: break; } if(ap.failsafe) { // this is to allow us to fly home without interactive throttle control set_throttle_mode(THROTTLE_AUTO); ap.manual_throttle = false; // does not wait for us to be in high throttle, since the // Receiver will be outputting low throttle motors.auto_armed(true); set_auto_armed(true); } if(ap.manual_attitude) { // We are under manual attitude control // remove the navigation from roll and pitch command reset_nav_params(); // remove the wind compenstaion reset_wind_I(); } Log_Write_Mode(control_mode); } static void init_simple_bearing() { initial_simple_bearing = ahrs.yaw_sensor; Log_Write_Data(DATA_INIT_SIMPLE_BEARING, initial_simple_bearing); } #if CLI_SLIDER_ENABLED == ENABLED && CLI_ENABLED == ENABLED static bool check_startup_for_CLI() { return (digitalReadFast(SLIDE_SWITCH_PIN) == 0); } #endif // CLI_ENABLED /* * map from a 8 bit EEPROM baud rate to a real baud rate */ static uint32_t map_baudrate(int8_t rate, uint32_t default_baud) { switch (rate) { case 1: return 1200; case 2: return 2400; case 4: return 4800; case 9: return 9600; case 19: return 19200; case 38: return 38400; case 57: return 57600; case 111: return 111100; case 115: return 115200; } //cliSerial->println_P(PSTR("Invalid SERIAL3_BAUD")); return default_baud; } #if USB_MUX_PIN > 0 static void check_usb_mux(void) { bool usb_check = !digitalReadFast(USB_MUX_PIN); if (usb_check == ap_system.usb_connected) { return; } // the user has switched to/from the telemetry port ap_system.usb_connected = usb_check; if (ap_system.usb_connected) { cliSerial->begin(SERIAL0_BAUD); } else { cliSerial->begin(map_baudrate(g.serial3_baud, SERIAL3_BAUD)); } } #endif /* * called by gyro/accel init to flash LEDs so user * has some mesmerising lights to watch while waiting */ void flash_leds(bool on) { digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, on ? LED_OFF : LED_ON); digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, on ? LED_ON : LED_OFF); } #ifndef DESKTOP_BUILD /* * Read Vcc vs 1.1v internal reference */ uint16_t board_voltage(void) { static AP_AnalogSource_Arduino vcc(ANALOG_PIN_VCC); return vcc.read_vcc(); } #endif /* force a software reset of the APM */ static void reboot_apm(void) { cliSerial->printf_P(PSTR("REBOOTING\n")); delay(100); // let serial flush // see http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1250663814/ // for the method #if CONFIG_APM_HARDWARE == APM_HARDWARE_APM2 // this relies on the bootloader resetting the watchdog, which // APM1 doesn't do cli(); wdt_enable(WDTO_15MS); #else // this works on APM1 void (*fn)(void) = NULL; fn(); #endif while (1); } // // print_flight_mode - prints flight mode to serial port. // static void print_flight_mode(uint8_t mode) { switch (mode) { case STABILIZE: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("STABILIZE")); break; case ACRO: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("ACRO")); break; case ALT_HOLD: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("ALT_HOLD")); break; case AUTO: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("AUTO")); break; case GUIDED: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("GUIDED")); break; case LOITER: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("LOITER")); break; case RTL: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("RTL")); break; case CIRCLE: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("CIRCLE")); break; case POSITION: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("POSITION")); break; case LAND: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("LAND")); break; case OF_LOITER: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("OF_LOITER")); break; case TOY_M: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("TOY_M")); break; case TOY_A: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("TOY_A")); break; default: cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("---")); break; } }