/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-

 * control_sport.pde - init and run calls for sport flight mode

// sport_init - initialise sport controller
static bool sport_init(bool ignore_checks)
    return true;

// sport_run - runs the sport controller
// should be called at 100hz or more
static void sport_run()
    float target_roll_rate, target_pitch_rate, target_yaw_rate;
    float target_climb_rate = 0;

    // if not armed or throttle at zero, set throttle to zero and exit immediately
    if(!motors.armed() || g.rc_3.control_in <= 0) {
        attitude_control.set_throttle_out(0, false);

    // apply SIMPLE mode transform

    // get pilot's desired roll and pitch rates

    // calculate rate requests
    target_roll_rate = g.rc_1.control_in * g.acro_rp_p;
    target_pitch_rate = g.rc_2.control_in * g.acro_rp_p;
    int32_t roll_angle = wrap_180_cd(ahrs.roll_sensor);
    target_roll_rate = -constrain_int32(roll_angle, -ACRO_LEVEL_MAX_ANGLE, ACRO_LEVEL_MAX_ANGLE) * g.acro_balance_roll;

    // Calculate trainer mode earth frame rate command for pitch
    int32_t pitch_angle = wrap_180_cd(ahrs.pitch_sensor);
    target_pitch_rate = -constrain_int32(pitch_angle, -ACRO_LEVEL_MAX_ANGLE, ACRO_LEVEL_MAX_ANGLE) * g.acro_balance_pitch;

    if (roll_angle > aparm.angle_max){
        target_roll_rate -=  g.acro_rp_p*(roll_angle-aparm.angle_max);
    }else if (roll_angle < -aparm.angle_max) {
        target_roll_rate -=  g.acro_rp_p*(roll_angle+aparm.angle_max);

    if (pitch_angle > aparm.angle_max){
        target_pitch_rate -=  g.acro_rp_p*(pitch_angle-aparm.angle_max);
    }else if (pitch_angle < -aparm.angle_max) {
        target_pitch_rate -=  g.acro_rp_p*(pitch_angle+aparm.angle_max);

    // get pilot's desired yaw rate
    target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(g.rc_4.control_in);

    // get pilot desired climb rate
    target_climb_rate = get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(g.rc_3.control_in);

    // check for pilot requested take-off
    if (ap.land_complete && target_climb_rate > 0) {
        // indicate we are taking off
        // clear i term when we're taking off

    // reset target lean angles and heading while landed
    if (ap.land_complete) {
        // move throttle to minimum to keep us on the ground
        attitude_control.set_throttle_out(0, false);
        // call attitude controller
        attitude_control.rate_ef_roll_pitch_yaw(target_roll_rate, target_pitch_rate, target_yaw_rate);

        // call throttle controller
        if (sonar_alt_health >= SONAR_ALT_HEALTH_MAX) {
            // if sonar is ok, use surface tracking
            target_climb_rate = get_throttle_surface_tracking(target_climb_rate, pos_control.get_alt_target(), G_Dt);

        // call position controller
        pos_control.set_alt_target_from_climb_rate(target_climb_rate, G_Dt);