// this file is inserted (by chibios_hwdef.py) into hwdef.h when // configuring for bootloader builds #define HAL_DSHOT_ALARM_ENABLED 0 #define HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED 0 #define HAL_SCHEDULER_ENABLED 0 // bootloaders *definitely* don't use the FFT library: #ifndef HAL_GYROFFT_ENABLED #define HAL_GYROFFT_ENABLED 0 #endif // bootloaders use serial directly: #ifndef AP_HAL_UARTDRIVER_ENABLED #define AP_HAL_UARTDRIVER_ENABLED 0 #endif // bootloaders don't talk to the GCS: #ifndef HAL_GCS_ENABLED #define HAL_GCS_ENABLED 0 #endif #define HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS 0 // bootloader does not save temperature cals etc: #ifndef HAL_ENABLE_SAVE_PERSISTENT_PARAMS #define HAL_ENABLE_SAVE_PERSISTENT_PARAMS 0 #endif // make diagnosing Faults (e.g. HardFault) harder, but save bytes: #ifndef AP_FAULTHANDLER_DEBUG_VARIABLES_ENABLED #define AP_FAULTHANDLER_DEBUG_VARIABLES_ENABLED 0 #endif #ifndef AP_WATCHDOG_SAVE_FAULT_ENABLED #define AP_WATCHDOG_SAVE_FAULT_ENABLED 0 #endif // less LWIP functionality in the bootloader #define LWIP_DHCP 0 #define LWIP_UDP 1 #define LWIP_PPP 0 #define LWIP_IGMP 1 #define LWIP_ALTCP 0 #define IP_FORWARD 0 #define LWIP_SINGLE_NETIF 1 #define SO_REUSE 0 #define LWIP_SOCKET_POLL 0 #define LINK_STATS 0 #define ICMP_STATS 0 #define IPFRAG_STATS 0 #define TCP_STATS 0 #define ARP_PROXYARP_SUPPORT 0 #define LWIP_HAVE_LOOPIF 0 #define LWIP_NETIF_LOOPBACK 0 /* we need DMA on H7 to allow for ECC error checking Note that ChibiOS uses #ifdef for STM32_DMA_REQUIRED not #if */ #if !defined(STM32_DMA_REQUIRED) && defined(STM32H7) #define STM32_DMA_REQUIRED 1 #endif #ifndef HAL_OS_POSIX_IO #define HAL_OS_POSIX_IO 0 #endif #define AP_NETWORKING_CAN_MCAST_BRIDGING_ENABLED 0