/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "WheelEncoder_Quadrature.h" #include extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; // constructor AP_WheelEncoder_Quadrature::AP_WheelEncoder_Quadrature(AP_WheelEncoder &frontend, uint8_t instance, AP_WheelEncoder::WheelEncoder_State &state) : AP_WheelEncoder_Backend(frontend, instance, state) { } // check if pin has changed and initialise gpio event callback void AP_WheelEncoder_Quadrature::update_pin(uint8_t &pin, uint8_t new_pin, uint8_t &pin_value) { if (new_pin == pin) { // no change return; } // remove old gpio event callback if present if (pin != (uint8_t)-1 && !hal.gpio->detach_interrupt(pin)) { gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "WEnc: Failed to detach from pin %u", pin); // ignore this failure or the user may be stuck } pin = new_pin; // install interrupt handler on rising or falling edge of gpio for pin a if (new_pin != (uint8_t)-1) { if (!hal.gpio->attach_interrupt( pin, FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_WheelEncoder_Quadrature::irq_handler, void, uint8_t, bool, uint32_t), AP_HAL::GPIO::INTERRUPT_BOTH)) { gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "WEnc: Failed to attach to pin %u", pin); } pin_value = hal.gpio->read(pin); } } void AP_WheelEncoder_Quadrature::update(void) { update_pin(last_pin_a, get_pin_a(), last_pin_a_value); update_pin(last_pin_b, get_pin_b(), last_pin_b_value); static uint32_t last_warn_ms = 0; const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (now - last_warn_ms > 1000) { last_warn_ms = now; } // disable interrupts to prevent race with irq_handler void *irqstate = hal.scheduler->disable_interrupts_save(); // copy distance and error count so it is accessible to front end _state.distance_count = irq_state.distance_count; _state.total_count = irq_state.total_count; _state.error_count = irq_state.error_count; _state.last_reading_ms = irq_state.last_reading_ms; // restore interrupts hal.scheduler->restore_interrupts(irqstate); } // convert pin a and pin b state to a wheel encoder phase uint8_t AP_WheelEncoder_Quadrature::pin_ab_to_phase(bool pin_a, bool pin_b) { if (!pin_a) { if (!pin_b) { // A = 0, B = 0 return 0; } else { // A = 0, B = 1 return 1; } } else { if (!pin_b) { // A = 1, B = 0 return 3; } else { // A = 1, B = 1 return 2; } } return (uint8_t)pin_a << 1 | (uint8_t)pin_b; } void AP_WheelEncoder_Quadrature::update_phase_and_error_count() { // convert pin state before and after to phases uint8_t phase_after = pin_ab_to_phase(last_pin_a_value, last_pin_b_value); // look for invalid changes uint8_t step_forward = irq_state.phase < 3 ? irq_state.phase+1 : 0; uint8_t step_back = irq_state.phase > 0 ? irq_state.phase-1 : 3; if (phase_after == step_forward) { irq_state.phase = phase_after; irq_state.distance_count++; } else if (phase_after == step_back) { irq_state.phase = phase_after; irq_state.distance_count--; } else { irq_state.error_count++; } irq_state.total_count++; } void AP_WheelEncoder_Quadrature::irq_handler(uint8_t pin, bool pin_value, uint32_t timestamp) { // sanity check if (last_pin_a == 0 || last_pin_b == 0) { return; } // update distance and error counts if (pin == last_pin_a) { last_pin_a_value = pin_value; } else if (pin == last_pin_b) { last_pin_b_value = pin_value; } else { return; }; update_phase_and_error_count(); // record update time irq_state.last_reading_ms = timestamp; }