/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-


#include <stdint.h>

#include <AP_ADC.h>
#include <AP_Math.h>
#include "AP_InertialSensor.h"

class AP_InertialSensor_Oilpan : public AP_InertialSensor

    AP_InertialSensor_Oilpan( AP_ADC * adc );

    /* Concrete implementation of AP_InertialSensor functions: */
    bool            update();
    bool            new_data_available();
    float           temperature();
    uint32_t        get_delta_time_micros();    // get_delta_time returns the time period in seconds overwhich the sensor data was collected    
    //uint32_t        get_last_sample_time_micros();  // last_sample_time - get time (in microseconds) that last sample was captured
    float           get_gyro_drift_rate();

    // get number of samples read from the sensors
    uint16_t        num_samples_available();

    uint16_t        _init_sensor(Sample_rate sample_rate);


    AP_ADC *                    _adc;

    float                       _temp;

    uint32_t                    _delta_time_micros;

    static const uint8_t        _sensors[6];
    static const int8_t         _sensor_signs[6];
    static const uint8_t        _gyro_temp_ch;

    static const float          _gravity;

    static const float          _gyro_gain_x;
    static const float          _gyro_gain_y;
    static const float          _gyro_gain_z;

    static const float          _adc_constraint;

    uint8_t                     _sample_threshold;