-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------- VTX LUA for SMARTAUDIO 2.0 ------------- ------------based on work by---------------------- ---------Craig Fitches 07/07/2020 ---------------- -------------Mods by H. Wurzburg ----------------- ------------clean up by Peter Hall---------------- -----------------HARDWARE------------------ -- tested on CUAVv5Nano and TX8111 VTX -- Prerequisites ---------------------------------- -- 1. Only works in Ardupilot 4.1dev or later -- 2. FC with 2MB cache for LUA Scripting -- 3. Currently only works with SmartAudio 2.0 ------------ Instructions ------------------------ -- 1. Set an unused Serial port in Ardupilot to protocol 28 (scripting) and option 4 (half-duplex) -- 2. Setup an rc channel's RXc_OPTION to 300 for changing power and SCR_USER1 parameter for initial power upon boot ---------and set to -1 for unchanged, 0 (PitMode),1,2,3, or 4 for power level (1 lowest,4 maximum) -- 3. Attach the UART's TX for the Serial port chosen above to the VTX's SmartAudio input -- init local variables local startup_pwr = param:get('SCR_USER1') local scripting_rc = rc:find_channel_for_option(300) local port = serial:find_serial(0) local _current_power = -1 -- hexadecimal smart audio 2.0 commands local power_commands = {} power_commands[1] = { {0x00,0x00,0xAA,0x55,0x0B,0x01,0x01,0xF8,0x00}, "VTX Pit Mode" } power_commands[2] = { {0x00,0x00,0xAA,0x55,0x05,0x01,0x00,0x6B,0x00}, "VTX PWR LOW" } -- SMARTAUDIO_V2_COMMAND_POWER_0 power_commands[3] = { {0x00,0x00,0xAA,0x55,0x05,0x01,0x01,0xBE,0x00}, "VTX PWR MED" } -- SMARTAUDIO_V2_COMMAND_POWER_1 power_commands[4] = { {0x00,0x00,0xAA,0x55,0x05,0x01,0x02,0x14,0x00}, "VTX PWR HIGH" } -- SMARTAUDIO_V2_COMMAND_POWER_2 power_commands[5] = { {0x00,0x00,0xAA,0x55,0x05,0x01,0x03,0xC1,0x00}, "VTX PWR MAX" } -- SMARTAUDIO_V2_COMMAND_POWER_3 -- return a power level from 1 to 5 as set with a switch function get_power() input = scripting_rc:norm_input() -- - 1 to 1 input = (input + 1) * 2 -- 0 to 4 return math.floor(input+0.5) + 1 -- integer 1 to 5 end -- set the power in the range 1 to 5 function setPower(power) if power == _current_power then return end updateSerial(power_commands[power][1]) gcs:send_text(4, power_commands[power][2]) _current_power = power end -- write output to the serial port function updateSerial(value) for count = 1, #value do port:write(value[count]) end end ---- main update --- function update() setPower(get_power()) return update, 500 end -- initialization function init() -- check if setup properly if not port then gcs:send_text(0, "SmartAudio: No Scripting Serial Port") return end if not scripting_rc then gcs:send_text(0, "SmartAudio: No RC option for scripting") return end port:begin(4800) -- Set initial power after boot based on SCR_USER1 if startup_pwr then -- make sure we found the param if startup_pwr >= 0 and startup_pwr < 5 then setPower(math.floor(startup_pwr) + 1) -- set the current power local to that requested by the rc in -- this prevents instantly changing the power from the startup value _current_power = get_power() end end return update, 500 end return init, 2000 --Wait 2 sec before initializing, gives time for RC in to come good in SITL, also gives a better chance to see errors