# encoding: utf-8 from __future__ import print_function from waflib import Build, ConfigSet, Configure, Context, Errors, Logs, Options, Utils from waflib.Configure import conf from waflib.Scripting import run_command from waflib.TaskGen import before_method, feature import os.path, os from collections import OrderedDict import ap_persistent SOURCE_EXTS = [ '*.S', '*.c', '*.cpp', ] COMMON_VEHICLE_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES = [ 'AP_Airspeed', 'AP_AccelCal', 'AP_ADC', 'AP_AHRS', 'AP_Airspeed', 'AP_Baro', 'AP_BattMonitor', 'AP_BoardConfig', 'AP_Camera', 'AP_CANManager', 'AP_Common', 'AP_Compass', 'AP_Declination', 'AP_GPS', 'AP_HAL', 'AP_HAL_Empty', 'AP_InertialSensor', 'AP_Math', 'AP_Mission', 'AP_DAL', 'AP_NavEKF', 'AP_NavEKF2', 'AP_NavEKF3', 'AP_Notify', 'AP_OpticalFlow', 'AP_Param', 'AP_Rally', 'AP_RangeFinder', 'AP_Scheduler', 'AP_SerialManager', 'AP_Terrain', 'AP_Vehicle', 'AP_InternalError', 'AP_Logger', 'Filter', 'GCS_MAVLink', 'RC_Channel', 'SRV_Channel', 'StorageManager', 'AP_Tuning', 'AP_RPM', 'AP_RSSI', 'AP_Mount', 'AP_Module', 'AP_Button', 'AP_ICEngine', 'AP_Frsky_Telem', 'AP_FlashStorage', 'AP_Relay', 'AP_ServoRelayEvents', 'AP_Volz_Protocol', 'AP_SBusOut', 'AP_IOMCU', 'AP_Parachute', 'AP_PiccoloCAN', 'AP_PiccoloCAN/piccolo_protocol', 'AP_RAMTRON', 'AP_RCProtocol', 'AP_Radio', 'AP_TempCalibration', 'AP_VisualOdom', 'AP_BLHeli', 'AP_ROMFS', 'AP_Proximity', 'AP_Gripper', 'AP_RTC', 'AC_Sprayer', 'AC_Fence', 'AC_Avoidance', 'AP_LandingGear', 'AP_RobotisServo', 'AP_NMEA_Output', 'AP_Filesystem', 'AP_ADSB', 'AP_ADSB/sagetech-sdk', 'AC_PID', 'AP_SerialLED', 'AP_EFI', 'AP_Hott_Telem', 'AP_ESC_Telem', 'AP_Stats', 'AP_GyroFFT', 'AP_RCTelemetry', 'AP_Generator', 'AP_MSP', 'AP_OLC', 'AP_WheelEncoder', 'AP_ExternalAHRS', 'AP_VideoTX', 'AP_FETtecOneWire', 'AP_TemperatureSensor', 'AP_Torqeedo', 'AP_CustomRotations', 'AP_AIS', 'AP_OpenDroneID', 'AP_CheckFirmware', ] def get_legacy_defines(sketch_name, bld): # If we are building heli, we adjust the build directory define so that # we do not need to actually split heli and copter directories if bld.cmd == 'heli' or 'heli' in bld.targets: return [ 'APM_BUILD_DIRECTORY=APM_BUILD_Heli', 'SKETCH="' + sketch_name + '"', 'SKETCHNAME="' + sketch_name + '"', ] return [ 'APM_BUILD_DIRECTORY=APM_BUILD_' + sketch_name, 'SKETCH="' + sketch_name + '"', 'SKETCHNAME="' + sketch_name + '"', ] IGNORED_AP_LIBRARIES = [ 'doc', 'AP_Scripting', # this gets explicitly included when it is needed and should otherwise never be globbed in ] def ap_autoconfigure(execute_method): """ Decorator that enables context commands to run *configure* as needed. """ def execute(self): """ Wraps :py:func:`waflib.Context.Context.execute` on the context class """ if 'tools/' in self.targets: raise Errors.WafError('\"tools\" name has been replaced with \"tool\" for build please use that!') if not Configure.autoconfig: return execute_method(self) # Disable autoconfig so waf's version doesn't run (and don't end up on loop of bad configure) Configure.autoconfig = False if self.variant == '': raise Errors.WafError('The project is badly configured: run "waf configure" again!') env = ConfigSet.ConfigSet() do_config = False try: p = os.path.join(Context.out_dir, Build.CACHE_DIR, self.variant + Build.CACHE_SUFFIX) env.load(p) except EnvironmentError: raise Errors.WafError('The project is not configured for board {0}: run "waf configure --board {0} [...]" first!'.format(self.variant)) lock_env = ConfigSet.ConfigSet() try: lock_env.load(os.path.join(Context.top_dir, Options.lockfile)) except EnvironmentError: Logs.warn('Configuring the project') do_config = True else: if lock_env.run_dir != Context.run_dir: do_config = True else: h = 0 for f in env.CONFIGURE_FILES: try: h = Utils.h_list((h, Utils.readf(f, 'rb'))) except EnvironmentError: do_config = True break else: do_config = h != env.CONFIGURE_HASH if do_config: cmd = lock_env.config_cmd or 'configure' tmp = Options.options.__dict__ if env.OPTIONS and sorted(env.OPTIONS.keys()) == sorted(tmp.keys()): Options.options.__dict__ = env.OPTIONS else: raise Errors.WafError('The project configure options have changed: run "waf configure" again!') try: run_command(cmd) finally: Options.options.__dict__ = tmp run_command(self.cmd) else: return execute_method(self) return execute def ap_configure_post_recurse(): post_recurse_orig = Configure.ConfigurationContext.post_recurse def post_recurse(self, node): post_recurse_orig(self, node) self.all_envs[self.variant].CONFIGURE_FILES = self.files self.all_envs[self.variant].CONFIGURE_HASH = self.hash return post_recurse @conf def ap_get_all_libraries(bld): if bld.env.BOOTLOADER: # we don't need the full set of libraries for the bootloader build return ['AP_HAL'] libraries = [] for lib_node in bld.srcnode.ant_glob('libraries/*', dir=True, src=False): name = lib_node.name if name in IGNORED_AP_LIBRARIES: continue if name.startswith('AP_HAL'): continue if name == 'SITL': continue libraries.append(name) libraries.extend(['AP_HAL', 'AP_HAL_Empty']) return libraries @conf def ap_common_vehicle_libraries(bld): libraries = COMMON_VEHICLE_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES if bld.env.DEST_BINFMT == 'pe': libraries += [ 'AC_Fence', 'AC_AttitudeControl', ] return libraries _grouped_programs = {} @conf def ap_program(bld, program_groups='bin', program_dir=None, use_legacy_defines=True, program_name=None, **kw): if 'target' in kw: bld.fatal('Do not pass target for program') if 'defines' not in kw: kw['defines'] = [] if 'source' not in kw: kw['source'] = bld.path.ant_glob(SOURCE_EXTS) if not program_name: program_name = bld.path.name if use_legacy_defines: kw['defines'].extend(get_legacy_defines(bld.path.name, bld)) kw['features'] = kw.get('features', []) + bld.env.AP_PROGRAM_FEATURES program_groups = Utils.to_list(program_groups) if not program_dir: program_dir = program_groups[0] name = os.path.join(program_dir, program_name) tg_constructor = bld.program if bld.env.AP_PROGRAM_AS_STLIB: tg_constructor = bld.stlib else: if bld.env.STATIC_LINKING: kw['features'].append('static_linking') tg = tg_constructor( target='#%s' % name, name=name, program_name=program_name, program_dir=program_dir, **kw ) if 'use' in kw and bld.env.STATIC_LINKING: # ensure we link against vehicle library tg.env.STLIB += [kw['use']] for group in program_groups: _grouped_programs.setdefault(group, {}).update({tg.name : tg}) @conf def ap_example(bld, **kw): kw['program_groups'] = 'examples' ap_program(bld, use_legacy_defines=False, **kw) def unique_list(items): '''remove duplicate elements from a list while maintaining ordering''' return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(items)) @conf def ap_stlib(bld, **kw): if 'name' not in kw: bld.fatal('Missing name for ap_stlib') if 'ap_vehicle' not in kw: bld.fatal('Missing ap_vehicle for ap_stlib') if 'ap_libraries' not in kw: bld.fatal('Missing ap_libraries for ap_stlib') kw['ap_libraries'] = unique_list(kw['ap_libraries'] + bld.env.AP_LIBRARIES) for l in kw['ap_libraries']: bld.ap_library(l, kw['ap_vehicle']) kw['features'] = kw.get('features', []) + ['cxx', 'cxxstlib'] kw['target'] = kw['name'] kw['source'] = [] bld.stlib(**kw) _created_program_dirs = set() @feature('cxxstlib', 'cxxprogram') @before_method('process_rule') def ap_create_program_dir(self): if not hasattr(self, 'program_dir'): return if self.program_dir in _created_program_dirs: return self.bld.bldnode.make_node(self.program_dir).mkdir() _created_program_dirs.add(self.program_dir) @feature('cxxstlib') @before_method('process_rule') def ap_stlib_target(self): if self.target.startswith('#'): self.target = self.target[1:] self.target = '#%s' % os.path.join('lib', self.target) @conf def ap_find_tests(bld, use=[]): if not bld.env.HAS_GTEST: return features = [] if bld.cmd == 'check': features.append('test') use = Utils.to_list(use) use.append('GTEST') includes = [bld.srcnode.abspath() + '/tests/'] for f in bld.path.ant_glob(incl='*.cpp'): ap_program( bld, features=features, includes=includes, source=[f], use=use, program_name=f.change_ext('').name, program_groups='tests', use_legacy_defines=False, cxxflags=['-Wno-undef'], ) _versions = [] @conf def ap_version_append_str(ctx, k, v): ctx.env['AP_VERSION_ITEMS'] += [(k, '"{}"'.format(os.environ.get(k, v)))] @conf def ap_version_append_int(ctx, k, v): ctx.env['AP_VERSION_ITEMS'] += [(k, '{}'.format(os.environ.get(k, v)))] @conf def write_version_header(ctx, tgt): with open(tgt, 'w') as f: print( '''// auto-generated header, do not edit #pragma once #ifndef FORCE_VERSION_H_INCLUDE #error ap_version.h should never be included directly. You probably want to include AP_Common/AP_FWVersion.h #endif ''', file=f) for k, v in ctx.env['AP_VERSION_ITEMS']: print('#define {} {}'.format(k, v), file=f) @conf def ap_find_benchmarks(bld, use=[]): if not bld.env.HAS_GBENCHMARK: return includes = [bld.srcnode.abspath() + '/benchmarks/'] to_remove = '-Werror=suggest-override' if to_remove in bld.env.CXXFLAGS: need_remove = True else: need_remove = False if need_remove: while to_remove in bld.env.CXXFLAGS: bld.env.CXXFLAGS.remove(to_remove) for f in bld.path.ant_glob(incl='*.cpp'): ap_program( bld, features=['gbenchmark'], includes=includes, source=[f], use=use, program_name=f.change_ext('').name, program_groups='benchmarks', use_legacy_defines=False, ) def test_summary(bld): from io import BytesIO import sys if not hasattr(bld, 'utest_results'): Logs.info('check: no test run') return fails = [] for filename, exit_code, out, err in bld.utest_results: Logs.pprint('GREEN' if exit_code == 0 else 'YELLOW', ' %s' % filename, 'returned %d' % exit_code) if exit_code != 0: fails.append(filename) elif not bld.options.check_verbose: continue if len(out): buf = BytesIO(out) for line in buf: print(" OUT: %s" % line.decode(), end='', file=sys.stderr) print() if len(err): buf = BytesIO(err) for line in buf: print(" ERR: %s" % line.decode(), end='', file=sys.stderr) print() if not fails: Logs.info('check: All %u tests passed!' % len(bld.utest_results)) return Logs.error('check: %u of %u tests failed' % (len(fails), len(bld.utest_results))) for filename in fails: Logs.error(' %s' % filename) bld.fatal('check: some tests failed') _build_commands = {} def _process_build_command(bld): if bld.cmd not in _build_commands: return params = _build_commands[bld.cmd] targets = params['targets'] if targets: if bld.targets: bld.targets += ',' + targets else: bld.targets = targets program_group_list = Utils.to_list(params['program_group_list']) bld.options.program_group.extend(program_group_list) def build_command(name, targets=None, program_group_list=[], doc='build shortcut'): _build_commands[name] = dict( targets=targets, program_group_list=program_group_list, ) class context_class(Build.BuildContext): cmd = name context_class.__doc__ = doc def _select_programs_from_group(bld): groups = bld.options.program_group if not groups: if bld.targets: groups = [] else: groups = ['bin'] if 'all' in groups: groups = list(_grouped_programs.keys()) groups.remove('bin') # Remove `bin` so as not to duplicate all items in bin for group in groups: if group not in _grouped_programs: bld.fatal('Group %s not found' % group) target_names = _grouped_programs[group].keys() for name in target_names: if bld.targets: bld.targets += ',' + name else: bld.targets = name def options(opt): opt.ap_groups = { 'configure': opt.add_option_group('Ardupilot configure options'), 'linux': opt.add_option_group('Linux boards configure options'), 'build': opt.add_option_group('Ardupilot build options'), 'check': opt.add_option_group('Ardupilot check options'), 'clean': opt.add_option_group('Ardupilot clean options'), } g = opt.ap_groups['build'] g.add_option('--program-group', action='append', default=[], help='''Select all programs that go in / for the build. Example: `waf --program-group examples` builds all examples. The special group "all" selects all programs. ''') g.add_option('--upload', action='store_true', help='''Upload applicable targets to a connected device. Not all platforms may support this. Example: `waf copter --upload` means "build arducopter and upload it to my board". ''') g.add_option('--upload-port', action='store', dest='upload_port', default=None, help='''Specify the port to be used with the --upload option. For example a port of /dev/ttyS10 indicates that serial port 10 shuld be used. ''') g = opt.ap_groups['check'] g.add_option('--check-verbose', action='store_true', help='Output all test programs.') g.add_option('--define', action='append', help='Add C++ define to build.') g = opt.ap_groups['clean'] g.add_option('--clean-all-sigs', action='store_true', help='''Clean signatures for all tasks. By default, tasks that scan for implicit dependencies (like the compilation tasks) keep the dependency information across clean commands, so that that information is changed only when really necessary. Also, some tasks that don't really produce files persist their signature. This option avoids that behavior when cleaning the build. ''') g.add_option('--asan', action='store_true', help='''Build using the macOS clang Address Sanitizer. In order to run with Address Sanitizer support llvm-symbolizer is required to be on the PATH. This option is only supported on macOS versions of clang. ''') g.add_option('--ubsan', action='store_true', help='''Build using the gcc undefined behaviour sanitizer''') g.add_option('--ubsan-abort', action='store_true', help='''Build using the gcc undefined behaviour sanitizer and abort on error''') def build(bld): bld.add_pre_fun(_process_build_command) bld.add_pre_fun(_select_programs_from_group)