 * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  Driver by Andrew Tridgell, Nov 2016
#include "AP_Compass_AK09916.h"

#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <utility>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define REG_COMPANY_ID      0x00
#define REG_DEVICE_ID       0x01
#define REG_ST1             0x10
#define REG_HXL             0x11
#define REG_HXH             0x12
#define REG_HYL             0x13
#define REG_HYH             0x14
#define REG_HZL             0x15
#define REG_HZH             0x16
#define REG_TMPS            0x17
#define REG_ST2             0x18
#define REG_CNTL1           0x30
#define REG_CNTL2           0x31
#define REG_CNTL3           0x32

#define REG_ICM_WHOAMI      0x00
#define REG_ICM_PWR_MGMT_1  0x06
#define REG_ICM_INT_PIN_CFG 0x0f

#define ICM_WHOAMI_VAL      0xEA

extern const AP_HAL::HAL &hal;

  probe for AK09916 directly on I2C
AP_Compass_Backend *AP_Compass_AK09916::probe(Compass &compass,
                                              AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::I2CDevice> dev,
                                              bool force_external,
                                              enum Rotation rotation)
    if (!dev) {
        return nullptr;
    AP_Compass_AK09916 *sensor = new AP_Compass_AK09916(compass, std::move(dev), nullptr,
                                                        rotation, AK09916_I2C);
    if (!sensor || !sensor->init()) {
        delete sensor;
        return nullptr;

    return sensor;

  probe for AK09916 connected via an ICM20948
AP_Compass_Backend *AP_Compass_AK09916::probe_ICM20948(Compass &compass,
                                                       AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::I2CDevice> dev,
                                                       AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::I2CDevice> dev_icm,
                                                       bool force_external,
                                                       enum Rotation rotation)
    if (!dev || !dev_icm) {
        return nullptr;
    AP_Compass_AK09916 *sensor = new AP_Compass_AK09916(compass, std::move(dev), std::move(dev_icm),
                                                        rotation, AK09916_ICM20948_I2C);
    if (!sensor || !sensor->init()) {
        delete sensor;
        return nullptr;

    return sensor;

AP_Compass_AK09916::AP_Compass_AK09916(Compass &compass,
                                       AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::Device> _dev,
                                       AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::Device> _dev_icm,
                                       bool _force_external,
                                       enum Rotation _rotation,
                                       enum bus_type _bus_type)
    : AP_Compass_Backend(compass)
    , bus_type(_bus_type)
    , dev(std::move(_dev))
    , dev_icm(std::move(_dev_icm))
    , force_external(_force_external)
    , rotation(_rotation)

bool AP_Compass_AK09916::init()
    if (!dev->get_semaphore()->take(HAL_SEMAPHORE_BLOCK_FOREVER)) {
        return false;

    if (bus_type == AK09916_ICM20948_I2C && dev_icm) {
        uint8_t rval;
        if (!dev_icm->read_registers(REG_ICM_WHOAMI, &rval, 1) ||
            rval != ICM_WHOAMI_VAL) {
            // not an ICM_WHOAMI
            goto fail;
        uint8_t retries = 5;
        do {
            // reset then bring sensor out of sleep mode
            if (!dev_icm->write_register(REG_ICM_PWR_MGMT_1, 0x80)) {
                goto fail;

            if (!dev_icm->write_register(REG_ICM_PWR_MGMT_1, 0x00)) {
                goto fail;
            // see if ICM20948 is sleeping
            if (!dev_icm->read_registers(REG_ICM_PWR_MGMT_1, &rval, 1)) {
                goto fail;
            if ((rval & 0x40) == 0) {
        } while (retries--);
        if (rval & 0x40) {
            // it didn't come out of sleep
            goto fail;

        // initially force i2c bypass off
        dev_icm->write_register(REG_ICM_INT_PIN_CFG, 0x00);

        // now check if a AK09916 shows up on the bus. If it does then
        // we have both a real AK09916 and a ICM20948 with an embedded
        // AK09916. In that case we will fail the driver load and use
        // the main AK09916 driver
        uint16_t whoami;
        if (dev->read_registers(REG_COMPANY_ID, (uint8_t *)&whoami, 2)) {
            // a device is replying on the AK09916 I2C address, don't
            // load the ICM20948
            hal.console->printf("ICM20948: AK09916 bus conflict\n");
            goto fail;

        // now force bypass on
        dev_icm->write_register(REG_ICM_INT_PIN_CFG, 0x02);

    uint16_t whoami;
    if (!dev->read_registers(REG_COMPANY_ID, (uint8_t *)&whoami, 2) ||
        whoami != 0x0948) {
        // not a AK09916
        goto fail;


    dev->write_register(REG_CNTL2, 0x08, true); // continuous 100Hz
    dev->write_register(REG_CNTL3, 0x00, true);

    /* register the compass instance in the frontend */
    compass_instance = register_compass();

    printf("Found a AK09916 on 0x%x as compass %u\n", dev->get_bus_id(), compass_instance);
    set_rotation(compass_instance, rotation);

    if (force_external) {
        set_external(compass_instance, true);
    dev->set_device_type(bus_type == AK09916_ICM20948_I2C?DEVTYPE_ICM20948:DEVTYPE_AK09916);
    set_dev_id(compass_instance, dev->get_bus_id());

    // call timer() at 100Hz
                                    FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_Compass_AK09916::timer, void));

    return true;

    return false;

void AP_Compass_AK09916::timer()
    struct PACKED {
        int16_t magx;
        int16_t magy;
        int16_t magz;
        uint8_t tmps;
        uint8_t status2;
    } data;
    const float to_utesla = 4912.0f / 32752.0f;
    const float utesla_to_milliGauss = 10;
    const float range_scale = to_utesla * utesla_to_milliGauss;
    Vector3f field;

    // check data ready
    uint8_t st1;
    if (!dev->read_registers(REG_ST1, &st1, 1) || !(st1 & 1)) {
        goto check_registers;

    if (!dev->read_registers(REG_HXL, (uint8_t *)&data, sizeof(data))) {
        goto check_registers;

    field(data.magx * range_scale, data.magy * range_scale, data.magz * range_scale);

    /* rotate raw_field from sensor frame to body frame */
    rotate_field(field, compass_instance);

    /* publish raw_field (uncorrected point sample) for calibration use */
    publish_raw_field(field, compass_instance);

    /* correct raw_field for known errors */
    correct_field(field, compass_instance);

    if (_sem->take(HAL_SEMAPHORE_BLOCK_FOREVER)) {
        accum += field;


void AP_Compass_AK09916::read()
    if (!_sem->take_nonblocking()) {
    if (accum_count == 0) {

    accum /= accum_count;

    publish_filtered_field(accum, compass_instance);

    accum_count = 0;