#pragma once

#include <AP_Common/Location.h>

  magnetic data derived from WMM
class AP_Declination
     * Calculates the magnetic intensity, declination and inclination at a given WGS-84 latitude and longitude.
     * Assumes a WGS-84 height of zero
     * latitude and longitude have units of degrees
     * declination and inclination are returned in degrees
     * intensity is returned in Gauss
     * Boolean returns false if latitude and longitude are outside the valid input range of +-60 latitude and +-180 longitude
    static bool get_mag_field_ef(float latitude_deg, float longitude_deg, float &intensity_gauss, float &declination_deg, float &inclination_deg);

      get earth field as a Vector3f in Gauss given a Location
    static Vector3f get_earth_field_ga(const Location &loc);

      get declination in degrees for a given latitude_deg and longitude_deg
    static float get_declination(float latitude_deg, float longitude_deg);
    static const float SAMPLING_RES;
    static const float SAMPLING_MIN_LAT;
    static const float SAMPLING_MAX_LAT;
    static const float SAMPLING_MIN_LON;
    static const float SAMPLING_MAX_LON;

    static const float declination_table[19][37];
    static const float inclination_table[19][37];
    static const float intensity_table[19][37];