#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Fly Copter in SITL AP_FLAKE8_CLEAN ''' from __future__ import print_function import copy import math import os import shutil import time import numpy from pymavlink import mavutil from pymavlink import mavextra from pymavlink import rotmat from pysim import util from pysim import vehicleinfo from common import AutoTest from common import NotAchievedException, AutoTestTimeoutException, PreconditionFailedException from common import Test from common import MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK from pymavlink.rotmat import Vector3 # get location of scripts testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) SITL_START_LOCATION = mavutil.location(-35.362938, 149.165085, 584, 270) # Flight mode switch positions are set-up in arducopter.param to be # switch 1 = Circle # switch 2 = Land # switch 3 = RTL # switch 4 = Auto # switch 5 = Loiter # switch 6 = Stabilize class AutoTestCopter(AutoTest): @staticmethod def get_not_armable_mode_list(): return ["AUTO", "AUTOTUNE", "BRAKE", "CIRCLE", "FLIP", "LAND", "RTL", "SMART_RTL", "AVOID_ADSB", "FOLLOW"] @staticmethod def get_not_disarmed_settable_modes_list(): return ["FLIP", "AUTOTUNE"] @staticmethod def get_no_position_not_settable_modes_list(): return [] @staticmethod def get_position_armable_modes_list(): return ["DRIFT", "GUIDED", "LOITER", "POSHOLD", "THROW"] @staticmethod def get_normal_armable_modes_list(): return ["ACRO", "ALT_HOLD", "SPORT", "STABILIZE", "GUIDED_NOGPS"] def log_name(self): return "ArduCopter" def test_filepath(self): return os.path.realpath(__file__) def set_current_test_name(self, name): self.current_test_name_directory = "ArduCopter_Tests/" + name + "/" def sitl_start_location(self): return SITL_START_LOCATION def mavproxy_options(self): ret = super(AutoTestCopter, self).mavproxy_options() if self.frame != 'heli': ret.append('--quadcopter') return ret def sitl_streamrate(self): return 5 def vehicleinfo_key(self): return 'ArduCopter' def default_frame(self): return "+" def apply_defaultfile_parameters(self): # Copter passes in a defaults_filepath in place of applying # parameters afterwards. pass def defaults_filepath(self): return self.model_defaults_filepath(self.frame) def wait_disarmed_default_wait_time(self): return 120 def close(self): super(AutoTestCopter, self).close() # [2014/05/07] FC Because I'm doing a cross machine build # (source is on host, build is on guest VM) I cannot hard link # This flag tells me that I need to copy the data out if self.copy_tlog: shutil.copy(self.logfile, self.buildlog) def is_copter(self): return True def get_stick_arming_channel(self): return int(self.get_parameter("RCMAP_YAW")) def get_disarm_delay(self): return int(self.get_parameter("DISARM_DELAY")) def set_autodisarm_delay(self, delay): self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", delay) def user_takeoff(self, alt_min=30): '''takeoff using mavlink takeoff command''' self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 0, # param1 0, # param2 0, # param3 0, # param4 0, # param5 0, # param6 alt_min # param7 ) self.progress("Ran command") self.wait_for_alt(alt_min) def takeoff(self, alt_min=30, takeoff_throttle=1700, require_absolute=True, mode="STABILIZE", timeout=120): """Takeoff get to 30m altitude.""" self.progress("TAKEOFF") self.change_mode(mode) if not self.armed(): self.wait_ready_to_arm(require_absolute=require_absolute, timeout=timeout) self.zero_throttle() self.arm_vehicle() if mode == 'GUIDED': self.user_takeoff(alt_min=alt_min) else: self.set_rc(3, takeoff_throttle) self.wait_for_alt(alt_min=alt_min, timeout=timeout) self.hover() self.progress("TAKEOFF COMPLETE") def wait_for_alt(self, alt_min=30, timeout=30, max_err=5): """Wait for minimum altitude to be reached.""" self.wait_altitude(alt_min - 1, (alt_min + max_err), relative=True, timeout=timeout) def land_and_disarm(self, timeout=60): """Land the quad.""" self.progress("STARTING LANDING") self.change_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed(timeout=timeout) def wait_landed_and_disarmed(self, min_alt=6, timeout=60): """Wait to be landed and disarmed""" m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.relative_alt / 1000.0 # mm -> m if alt > min_alt: self.wait_for_alt(min_alt, timeout=timeout) # self.wait_statustext("SIM Hit ground", timeout=timeout) self.wait_disarmed() def hover(self, hover_throttle=1500): self.set_rc(3, hover_throttle) # Climb/descend to a given altitude def setAlt(self, desiredAlt=50): pos = self.mav.location(relative_alt=True) if pos.alt > desiredAlt: self.set_rc(3, 1300) self.wait_altitude((desiredAlt-5), desiredAlt, relative=True) if pos.alt < (desiredAlt-5): self.set_rc(3, 1800) self.wait_altitude((desiredAlt-5), desiredAlt, relative=True) self.hover() # Takeoff, climb to given altitude, and fly east for 10 seconds def takeoffAndMoveAway(self, dAlt=50, dDist=50): self.progress("Centering sticks") self.set_rc_from_map({ 1: 1500, 2: 1500, 3: 1000, 4: 1500, }) self.takeoff(alt_min=dAlt) self.change_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.progress("Yaw to east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(90) self.set_rc(4, 1500) self.progress("Fly eastbound away from home") self.set_rc(2, 1800) self.delay_sim_time(10) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.hover() self.progress("Copter staging 50 meters east of home at 50 meters altitude In mode Alt Hold") # loiter - fly south west, then loiter within 5m position and altitude def loiter(self, holdtime=10, maxaltchange=5, maxdistchange=5): """Hold loiter position.""" self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # first aim south east self.progress("turn south east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(170) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly south east 50m self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(50) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # wait for copter to slow moving self.wait_groundspeed(0, 2) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_altitude = m.alt start = self.mav.location() tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Holding loiter at %u meters for %u seconds" % (start_altitude, holdtime)) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + holdtime: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() delta = self.get_distance(start, pos) alt_delta = math.fabs(m.alt - start_altitude) self.progress("Loiter Dist: %.2fm, alt:%u" % (delta, m.alt)) if alt_delta > maxaltchange: raise NotAchievedException( "Loiter alt shifted %u meters (> limit %u)" % (alt_delta, maxaltchange)) if delta > maxdistchange: raise NotAchievedException( "Loiter shifted %u meters (> limit of %u)" % (delta, maxdistchange)) self.progress("Loiter OK for %u seconds" % holdtime) self.progress("Climb to 30m") self.change_alt(30) self.progress("Descend to 20m") self.change_alt(20) self.do_RTL() def watch_altitude_maintained(self, min_alt, max_alt, timeout=10): '''watch alt, relative alt must remain between min_alt and max_alt''' tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: return m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) if m.alt <= min_alt: raise NotAchievedException("Altitude not maintained: want >%f got=%f" % (min_alt, m.alt)) def test_mode_ALT_HOLD(self): self.takeoff(10, mode="ALT_HOLD") self.watch_altitude_maintained(9, 11, timeout=5) # feed in full elevator and aileron input and make sure we # retain altitude: self.set_rc_from_map({ 1: 1000, 2: 1000, }) self.watch_altitude_maintained(9, 11, timeout=5) self.set_rc_from_map({ 1: 1500, 2: 1500, }) self.do_RTL() def fly_to_origin(self, final_alt=10): origin = self.poll_message("GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN") self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.guided_move_global_relative_alt(origin.latitude, origin.longitude, final_alt) def change_alt(self, alt_min, climb_throttle=1920, descend_throttle=1080): """Change altitude.""" def adjust_altitude(current_alt, target_alt, accuracy): if math.fabs(current_alt - target_alt) <= accuracy: self.hover() elif current_alt < target_alt: self.set_rc(3, climb_throttle) else: self.set_rc(3, descend_throttle) self.wait_altitude( (alt_min - 5), alt_min, relative=True, called_function=lambda current_alt, target_alt: adjust_altitude(current_alt, target_alt, 1) ) self.hover() def setGCSfailsafe(self, paramValue=0): # Slow down the sim rate if GCS Failsafe is in use if paramValue == 0: self.set_parameter("FS_GCS_ENABLE", paramValue) self.set_parameter("SIM_SPEEDUP", 10) else: self.set_parameter("SIM_SPEEDUP", 4) self.set_parameter("FS_GCS_ENABLE", paramValue) # fly a square in alt_hold mode def fly_square(self, side=50, timeout=300): self.takeoff(20, mode="ALT_HOLD") """Fly a square, flying N then E .""" tstart = self.get_sim_time() # ensure all sticks in the middle self.set_rc_from_map({ 1: 1500, 2: 1500, 3: 1500, 4: 1500, }) # switch to loiter mode temporarily to stop us from rising self.change_mode('LOITER') # first aim north self.progress("turn right towards north") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(10) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # save bottom left corner of box as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 1 & 2") self.save_wp() # switch back to ALT_HOLD mode self.change_mode('ALT_HOLD') # pitch forward to fly north self.progress("Going north %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(2, 1300) self.wait_distance(side) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # save top left corner of square as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 3") self.save_wp() # roll right to fly east self.progress("Going east %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(1, 1700) self.wait_distance(side) self.set_rc(1, 1500) # save top right corner of square as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 4") self.save_wp() # pitch back to fly south self.progress("Going south %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(2, 1700) self.wait_distance(side) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # save bottom right corner of square as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 5") self.save_wp() # roll left to fly west self.progress("Going west %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(1, 1300) self.wait_distance(side) self.set_rc(1, 1500) # save bottom left corner of square (should be near home) as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 6") self.save_wp() # reduce throttle again self.set_rc(3, 1500) # descend to 10m self.progress("Descend to 10m in Loiter") self.change_mode('LOITER') self.set_rc(3, 1200) time_left = timeout - (self.get_sim_time() - tstart) self.progress("timeleft = %u" % time_left) if time_left < 20: time_left = 20 self.wait_altitude(-10, 10, timeout=time_left, relative=True) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.save_wp() # save the stored mission to file mavproxy = self.start_mavproxy() num_wp = self.save_mission_to_file_using_mavproxy( mavproxy, os.path.join(testdir, "ch7_mission.txt")) self.stop_mavproxy(mavproxy) if not num_wp: self.fail_list.append("save_mission_to_file") self.progress("save_mission_to_file failed") self.progress("test: Fly a mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) self.progress("test: MISSION COMPLETE: passed!") self.land_and_disarm() # enter RTL mode and wait for the vehicle to disarm def do_RTL(self, distance_min=None, check_alt=True, distance_max=10, timeout=250): """Enter RTL mode and wait for the vehicle to disarm at Home.""" self.change_mode("RTL") self.hover() self.wait_rtl_complete(check_alt=check_alt, distance_max=distance_max, timeout=timeout) def wait_rtl_complete(self, check_alt=True, distance_max=10, timeout=250): """Wait for RTL to reach home and disarm""" self.progress("Waiting RTL to reach Home and disarm") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.relative_alt / 1000.0 # mm -> m home_distance = self.distance_to_home(use_cached_home=True) home = "" alt_valid = alt <= 1 distance_valid = home_distance < distance_max if check_alt: if alt_valid and distance_valid: home = "HOME" else: if distance_valid: home = "HOME" self.progress("Alt: %.02f HomeDist: %.02f %s" % (alt, home_distance, home)) # our post-condition is that we are disarmed: if not self.armed(): if home == "": raise NotAchievedException("Did not get home") # success! return raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not get home and disarm") def fly_loiter_to_alt(self): """loiter to alt""" self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("PLND_ENABLED", 1) self.set_parameter("PLND_TYPE", 4) self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() self.reboot_sitl() num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_loiter_to_alt.txt") self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1550) self.wait_current_waypoint(2) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) self.wait_disarmed() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex # Tests all actions and logic behind the radio failsafe def fly_throttle_failsafe(self, side=60, timeout=360): self.start_subtest("If you haven't taken off yet RC failure should be instant disarm") self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", 0) self.arm_vehicle() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.disarm_wait(timeout=1) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", 10) # Trigger an RC failure with the failsafe disabled. Verify no action taken. self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe disabled test: FS_THR_ENABLE=0 should take no failsafe action") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 0) self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 0) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe disabled test") # Trigger an RC failure, verify radio failsafe triggers, # restore radio, verify RC function by changing modes to cicle # and stabilize. self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe recovery test") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_rc(5, 1050) self.wait_mode("CIRCLE") self.set_rc(5, 1950) self.wait_mode("STABILIZE") self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe recovery test") # Trigger and RC failure, verify failsafe triggers and RTL completes self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe RTL with no options test: FS_THR_ENABLE=1 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.wait_rtl_complete() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe RTL with no options test") # Trigger and RC failure, verify failsafe triggers and land completes self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe LAND with no options test: FS_THR_ENABLE=3 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 3) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe LAND with no options test") # Trigger and RC failure, verify failsafe triggers and SmartRTL completes self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe SmartRTL->RTL with no options test: FS_THR_ENABLE=4 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 4) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("SMART_RTL") self.wait_disarmed() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe SmartRTL->RTL with no options test") # Trigger and RC failure, verify failsafe triggers and SmartRTL completes self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe SmartRTL->Land with no options test: FS_THR_ENABLE=5 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 5) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("SMART_RTL") self.wait_disarmed() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe SmartRTL_Land with no options test") # Trigger a GPS failure and RC failure, verify RTL fails into # land mode and completes self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe RTL fails into land mode due to bad position.") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 1) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS_DISABLE', 1) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS_DISABLE', 0) self.wait_ekf_happy() self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe RTL fails into land mode due to bad position.") # Trigger a GPS failure and RC failure, verify SmartRTL fails # into land mode and completes self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe SmartRTL->RTL fails into land mode due to bad position.") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 4) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS_DISABLE', 1) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS_DISABLE', 0) self.wait_ekf_happy() self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe SmartRTL->RTL fails into land mode due to bad position.") # Trigger a GPS failure and RC failure, verify SmartRTL fails # into land mode and completes self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe SmartRTL->LAND fails into land mode due to bad position.") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 5) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS_DISABLE', 1) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS_DISABLE', 0) self.wait_ekf_happy() self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe SmartRTL->LAND fails into land mode due to bad position.") # Trigger a GPS failure, then restore the GPS. Trigger an RC # failure, verify SmartRTL fails into RTL and completes self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe SmartRTL->RTL fails into RTL mode due to no path.") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 4) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS_DISABLE', 1) self.wait_statustext("SmartRTL deactivated: bad position", timeout=60) self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS_DISABLE', 0) self.wait_ekf_happy() self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.wait_rtl_complete() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe SmartRTL->RTL fails into RTL mode due to no path.") # Trigger a GPS failure, then restore the GPS. Trigger an RC # failure, verify SmartRTL fails into Land and completes self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe SmartRTL->LAND fails into land mode due to no path.") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 5) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS_DISABLE', 1) self.wait_statustext("SmartRTL deactivated: bad position", timeout=60) self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS_DISABLE', 0) self.wait_ekf_happy() self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe SmartRTL->LAND fails into land mode due to no path.") # Trigger an RC failure in guided mode with the option enabled # to continue in guided. Verify no failsafe action takes place self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe with option to continue in guided mode: FS_THR_ENABLE=1 & FS_OPTIONS=4") self.set_parameter("SYSID_MYGCS", self.mav.source_system) self.setGCSfailsafe(1) self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 1) self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 4) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("GUIDED") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.change_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.setGCSfailsafe(0) # self.change_mode("RTL") # self.wait_disarmed() self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe with option to continue in guided mode") # Trigger an RC failure in AUTO mode with the option enabled # to continue the mission. Verify no failsafe action takes # place self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe RTL with option to continue mission: FS_THR_ENABLE=1 & FS_OPTIONS=1") self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 1) self.progress("# Load copter_mission") num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_mission.txt", strict=False) if not num_wp: raise NotAchievedException("load copter_mission failed") # self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.change_mode("AUTO") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("AUTO") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("AUTO") # self.change_mode("RTL") # self.wait_disarmed() self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe RTL with option to continue mission") # Trigger an RC failure in AUTO mode without the option # enabled to continue. Verify failsafe triggers and RTL # completes self.start_subtest("Radio failsafe RTL in mission without " "option to continue should RTL: FS_THR_ENABLE=1 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.wait_rtl_complete() self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.end_subtest("Completed Radio failsafe RTL in mission without option to continue") self.progress("All radio failsafe tests complete") self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 0) self.reboot_sitl() # Tests all actions and logic behind the GCS failsafe def fly_gcs_failsafe(self, side=60, timeout=360): try: self.test_gcs_failsafe(side=side, timeout=timeout) except Exception as ex: self.setGCSfailsafe(0) self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 0) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() raise ex def test_gcs_failsafe(self, side=60, timeout=360): # Test double-SmartRTL; ensure we do SmarRTL twice rather than # landing (tests fix for actual bug) self.set_parameter("SYSID_MYGCS", self.mav.source_system) self.context_push() self.start_subtest("GCS failsafe SmartRTL twice") self.setGCSfailsafe(3) self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 8) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_mode("SMART_RTL") self.wait_disarmed() self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe") def ensure_smartrtl(mav, m): if m.get_type() != "HEARTBEAT": return # can't use mode_is here because we're in the message hook print("Mode: %s" % self.mav.flightmode) if self.mav.flightmode != "SMART_RTL": raise NotAchievedException("Not in SMART_RTL") self.install_message_hook_context(ensure_smartrtl) self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe") self.wait_disarmed() self.end_subtest("GCS failsafe SmartRTL twice") self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.context_pop() # Trigger telemetry loss with failsafe disabled. Verify no action taken. self.start_subtest("GCS failsafe disabled test: FS_GCS_ENABLE=0 should take no failsafe action") self.setGCSfailsafe(0) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.end_subtest("Completed GCS failsafe disabled test") # Trigger telemetry loss with failsafe enabled. Verify # failsafe triggers to RTL. Restore telemetry, verify failsafe # clears, and change modes. self.start_subtest("GCS failsafe recovery test: FS_GCS_ENABLE=1 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.setGCSfailsafe(1) self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 0) self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.change_mode("LOITER") self.end_subtest("Completed GCS failsafe recovery test") # Trigger telemetry loss with failsafe enabled. Verify failsafe triggers and RTL completes self.start_subtest("GCS failsafe RTL with no options test: FS_GCS_ENABLE=1 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.setGCSfailsafe(1) self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 0) self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.wait_rtl_complete() self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.end_subtest("Completed GCS failsafe RTL with no options test") # Trigger telemetry loss with failsafe enabled. Verify failsafe triggers and land completes self.start_subtest("GCS failsafe LAND with no options test: FS_GCS_ENABLE=5 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.setGCSfailsafe(5) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.end_subtest("Completed GCS failsafe land with no options test") # Trigger telemetry loss with failsafe enabled. Verify failsafe triggers and SmartRTL completes self.start_subtest("GCS failsafe SmartRTL->RTL with no options test: FS_GCS_ENABLE=3 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.setGCSfailsafe(3) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_mode("SMART_RTL") self.wait_disarmed() self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.end_subtest("Completed GCS failsafe SmartRTL->RTL with no options test") # Trigger telemetry loss with failsafe enabled. Verify failsafe triggers and SmartRTL completes self.start_subtest("GCS failsafe SmartRTL->Land with no options test: FS_GCS_ENABLE=4 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.setGCSfailsafe(4) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_mode("SMART_RTL") self.wait_disarmed() self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.end_subtest("Completed GCS failsafe SmartRTL->Land with no options test") # Trigger telemetry loss with an invalid failsafe value. Verify failsafe triggers and RTL completes self.start_subtest("GCS failsafe invalid value with no options test: FS_GCS_ENABLE=99 & FS_OPTIONS=0") self.setGCSfailsafe(99) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.wait_rtl_complete() self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.end_subtest("Completed GCS failsafe invalid value with no options test") # Trigger telemetry loss with failsafe enabled to test FS_OPTIONS settings self.start_subtest("GCS failsafe with option bit tests: FS_GCS_ENABLE=1 & FS_OPTIONS=64/2/16") num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_mission.txt", strict=False) if not num_wp: raise NotAchievedException("load copter_mission failed") self.setGCSfailsafe(1) self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 16) self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.progress("Testing continue in pilot controlled modes") self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe - Continuing Pilot Control", timeout=60) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.progress("Testing continue in auto mission") self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 2) self.change_mode("AUTO") self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe - Continuing Auto Mode", timeout=60) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("AUTO") self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.progress("Testing continue landing in land mode") self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 8) self.change_mode("LAND") self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe - Continuing Landing", timeout=60) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.wait_statustext("GCS Failsafe Cleared", timeout=60) self.end_subtest("Completed GCS failsafe with option bits") self.setGCSfailsafe(0) self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 0) self.progress("All GCS failsafe tests complete") self.reboot_sitl() # Tests all actions and logic behind the battery failsafe def fly_battery_failsafe(self, timeout=300): ex = None try: self.test_battery_failsafe(timeout=timeout) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.set_parameter('BATT_LOW_VOLT', 0) self.set_parameter('BATT_CRT_VOLT', 0) self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_LOW_ACT', 0) self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_CRT_ACT', 0) self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 0) self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_battery_failsafe(self, timeout=300): self.progress("Configure battery failsafe parameters") self.set_parameters({ 'SIM_SPEEDUP': 4, 'BATT_LOW_VOLT': 11.5, 'BATT_CRT_VOLT': 10.1, 'BATT_FS_LOW_ACT': 0, 'BATT_FS_CRT_ACT': 0, 'FS_OPTIONS': 0, 'SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE': 12.5, }) # Trigger low battery condition with failsafe disabled. Verify # no action taken. self.start_subtest("Batt failsafe disabled test") self.takeoffAndMoveAway() m = self.mav.recv_match(type='BATTERY_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m.charge_state != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_OK: raise NotAchievedException("Expected state ok") self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 11.4) self.wait_statustext("Battery 1 is low", timeout=60) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='BATTERY_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m.charge_state != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_LOW: raise NotAchievedException("Expected state low") self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 10.0) self.wait_statustext("Battery 1 is critical", timeout=60) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='BATTERY_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m.charge_state != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_CRITICAL: raise NotAchievedException("Expected state critical") self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.change_mode("RTL") self.wait_rtl_complete() self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 12.5) self.reboot_sitl() self.end_subtest("Completed Batt failsafe disabled test") # TWO STAGE BATTERY FAILSAFE: Trigger low battery condition, # then critical battery condition. Verify RTL and Land actions # complete. self.start_subtest("Two stage battery failsafe test with RTL and Land") self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.delay_sim_time(3) self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_LOW_ACT', 2) self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_CRT_ACT', 1) self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 11.4) self.wait_statustext("Battery 1 is low", timeout=60) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.delay_sim_time(10) self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 10.0) self.wait_statustext("Battery 1 is critical", timeout=60) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 12.5) self.reboot_sitl() self.end_subtest("Completed two stage battery failsafe test with RTL and Land") # TWO STAGE BATTERY FAILSAFE: Trigger low battery condition, # then critical battery condition. Verify both SmartRTL # actions complete self.start_subtest("Two stage battery failsafe test with SmartRTL") self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_LOW_ACT', 3) self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_CRT_ACT', 4) self.delay_sim_time(10) self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 11.4) self.wait_statustext("Battery 1 is low", timeout=60) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("SMART_RTL") self.change_mode("LOITER") self.delay_sim_time(10) self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 10.0) self.wait_statustext("Battery 1 is critical", timeout=60) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("SMART_RTL") self.wait_disarmed() self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 12.5) self.reboot_sitl() self.end_subtest("Completed two stage battery failsafe test with SmartRTL") # Trigger low battery condition in land mode with FS_OPTIONS # set to allow land mode to continue. Verify landing completes # uninterrupted. self.start_subtest("Battery failsafe with FS_OPTIONS set to continue landing") self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 8) self.change_mode("LAND") self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 11.4) self.wait_statustext("Battery 1 is low", timeout=60) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 12.5) self.reboot_sitl() self.end_subtest("Completed battery failsafe with FS_OPTIONS set to continue landing") # Trigger a critical battery condition, which triggers a land # mode failsafe. Trigger an RC failure. Verify the RC failsafe # is prevented from stopping the low battery landing. self.start_subtest("Battery failsafe critical landing") self.takeoffAndMoveAway(100, 50) self.set_parameter('FS_OPTIONS', 0) self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_LOW_ACT', 1) self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_CRT_ACT', 1) self.set_parameter('FS_THR_ENABLE', 1) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 10.0) self.wait_statustext("Battery 1 is critical", timeout=60) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.delay_sim_time(10) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) self.delay_sim_time(10) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 12.5) self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.reboot_sitl() self.end_subtest("Completed battery failsafe critical landing") # Trigger low battery condition with failsafe set to terminate. Copter will disarm and crash. self.start_subtest("Battery failsafe terminate") self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_LOW_ACT', 5) self.delay_sim_time(10) self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 11.4) self.wait_statustext("Battery 1 is low", timeout=60) self.wait_disarmed() self.end_subtest("Completed terminate failsafe test") self.progress("All Battery failsafe tests complete") # Tests the vibration failsafe def test_vibration_failsafe(self): self.context_push() # takeoff in Loiter to 20m self.takeoff(20, mode="LOITER") # simulate accel bias caused by high vibration self.set_parameters({ 'SIM_ACC1_BIAS_Z': 2, 'SIM_ACC2_BIAS_Z': 2, 'SIM_ACC3_BIAS_Z': 2, }) # wait for Vibration compensation warning and change to LAND mode self.wait_statustext("Vibration compensation ON", timeout=30) self.change_mode("LAND") # check vehicle descends to 2m or less within 40 seconds self.wait_altitude(-5, 2, timeout=40, relative=True) # force disarm of vehicle (it will likely not automatically disarm) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) # revert simulated accel bias and reboot to restore EKF health self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() # fly_stability_patch - fly south, then hold loiter within 5m # position and altitude and reduce 1 motor to 60% efficiency def fly_stability_patch(self, holdtime=30, maxaltchange=5, maxdistchange=10): self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # first south self.progress("turn south") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(180) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly west 80m self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(80) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # wait for copter to slow moving self.wait_groundspeed(0, 2) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_altitude = m.alt start = self.mav.location() tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Holding loiter at %u meters for %u seconds" % (start_altitude, holdtime)) # cut motor 1's to efficiency self.progress("Cutting motor 1 to 65% efficiency") self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 0.65) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + holdtime: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() delta = self.get_distance(start, pos) alt_delta = math.fabs(m.alt - start_altitude) self.progress("Loiter Dist: %.2fm, alt:%u" % (delta, m.alt)) if alt_delta > maxaltchange: raise NotAchievedException( "Loiter alt shifted %u meters (> limit %u)" % (alt_delta, maxaltchange)) if delta > maxdistchange: raise NotAchievedException( ("Loiter shifted %u meters (> limit of %u)" % (delta, maxdistchange))) # restore motor 1 to 100% efficiency self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 1.0) self.progress("Stability patch and Loiter OK for %us" % holdtime) self.progress("RTL after stab patch") self.do_RTL() def debug_arming_issue(self): while True: self.send_mavlink_arm_command() m = self.mav.recv_match(blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue if m.get_type() in ["STATUSTEXT", "COMMAND_ACK"]: print("Got: %s" % str(m)) if self.mav.motors_armed(): self.progress("Armed") return # fly_fence_test - fly east until you hit the horizontal circular fence avoid_behave_slide = 0 def fly_fence_avoid_test_radius_check(self, timeout=180, avoid_behave=avoid_behave_slide): using_mode = "LOITER" # must be something which adjusts velocity! self.change_mode(using_mode) self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) # fence self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 2) # circle fence_radius = 15 self.set_parameter("FENCE_RADIUS", fence_radius) fence_margin = 3 self.set_parameter("FENCE_MARGIN", fence_margin) self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("AVOID_BEHAVE", avoid_behave) self.set_parameter("RC10_OPTION", 40) # avoid-enable self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.set_rc(10, 2000) home_distance = self.distance_to_home(use_cached_home=True) if home_distance > 5: raise PreconditionFailedException("Expected to be within 5m of home") self.zero_throttle() self.arm_vehicle() self.set_rc(3, 1700) self.wait_altitude(10, 100, relative=True) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1400) self.wait_distance_to_home(12, 20) tstart = self.get_sim_time() push_time = 70 # push against barrier for 60 seconds failed_max = False failed_min = False while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > push_time: self.progress("Push time up") break # make sure we don't RTL: if not self.mode_is(using_mode): raise NotAchievedException("Changed mode away from %s" % using_mode) distance = self.distance_to_home(use_cached_home=True) inner_radius = fence_radius - fence_margin want_min = inner_radius - 1 # allow 1m either way want_max = inner_radius + 1 # allow 1m either way self.progress("Push: distance=%f %f want_max: if failed_max is False: self.progress("Failed max") failed_max = True if failed_min and failed_max: raise NotAchievedException("Failed both min and max checks. Clever") if failed_min: raise NotAchievedException("Failed min") if failed_max: raise NotAchievedException("Failed max") self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.do_RTL() def fly_fence_avoid_test(self, timeout=180): self.fly_fence_avoid_test_radius_check(avoid_behave=1, timeout=timeout) self.fly_fence_avoid_test_radius_check(avoid_behave=0, timeout=timeout) def assert_prearm_failure(self, expected_statustext, timeout=5, ignore_prearm_failures=[]): seen_statustext = False seen_command_ack = False self.drain_mav() tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() arm_last_send = 0 while True: if seen_command_ack and seen_statustext: break now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException( "Did not see failure-to-arm messages (statustext=%s command_ack=%s" % (seen_statustext, seen_command_ack)) if now - arm_last_send > 1: arm_last_send = now self.send_mavlink_arm_command() m = self.mav.recv_match(blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue if m.get_type() == "STATUSTEXT": if expected_statustext in m.text: self.progress("Got: %s" % str(m)) seen_statustext = True elif "PreArm" in m.text and m.text[8:] not in ignore_prearm_failures: self.progress("Got: %s" % str(m)) raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected prearm failure (%s)" % m.text) if m.get_type() == "COMMAND_ACK": print("Got: %s" % str(m)) if m.command == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM: if m.result != 4: raise NotAchievedException("command-ack says we didn't fail to arm") self.progress("Got: %s" % str(m)) seen_command_ack = True if self.mav.motors_armed(): raise NotAchievedException("Armed when we shouldn't have") # fly_fence_test - fly east until you hit the horizontal circular fence def fly_fence_test(self, timeout=180): # enable fence, disable avoidance self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 0) self.change_mode("LOITER") self.wait_ready_to_arm() # fence requires home to be set: m = self.poll_home_position() if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive HOME_POSITION") self.progress("home: %s" % str(m)) self.start_subtest("ensure we can't arm if outside fence") self.load_fence("fence-in-middle-of-nowhere.txt") self.delay_sim_time(5) # let fence check run so it loads-from-eeprom self.assert_prearm_failure("vehicle outside fence") self.progress("Failed to arm outside fence (good!)") self.clear_fence() self.delay_sim_time(5) # let fence breach clear self.drain_mav() self.end_subtest("ensure we can't arm if outside fence") self.start_subtest("ensure we can't arm with bad radius") self.context_push() self.set_parameter("FENCE_RADIUS", -1) self.assert_prearm_failure("Invalid FENCE_RADIUS value") self.context_pop() self.progress("Failed to arm with bad radius") self.drain_mav() self.end_subtest("ensure we can't arm with bad radius") self.start_subtest("ensure we can't arm with bad alt") self.context_push() self.set_parameter("FENCE_ALT_MAX", -1) self.assert_prearm_failure("Invalid FENCE_ALT_MAX value") self.context_pop() self.progress("Failed to arm with bad altitude") self.end_subtest("ensure we can't arm with bad radius") self.start_subtest("Check breach-fence behaviour") self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 2) self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # first east self.progress("turn east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(160, timeout=60) self.set_rc(4, 1500) fence_radius = self.get_parameter("FENCE_RADIUS") self.progress("flying forward (east) until we hit fence") pitching_forward = True self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.progress("Waiting for fence breach") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while not self.mode_is("RTL"): if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 30: raise NotAchievedException("Did not breach fence") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.relative_alt / 1000.0 # mm -> m home_distance = self.distance_to_home(use_cached_home=True) self.progress("Alt: %.02f HomeDistance: %.02f (fence radius=%f)" % (alt, home_distance, fence_radius)) self.progress("Waiting until we get home and disarm") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.relative_alt / 1000.0 # mm -> m home_distance = self.distance_to_home(use_cached_home=True) self.progress("Alt: %.02f HomeDistance: %.02f" % (alt, home_distance)) # recenter pitch sticks once we're home so we don't fly off again if pitching_forward and home_distance < 50: pitching_forward = False self.set_rc(2, 1475) # disable fence self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 0) if (alt <= 1 and home_distance < 10) or (not self.armed() and home_distance < 10): # reduce throttle self.zero_throttle() self.change_mode("LAND") self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.progress("Reached home OK") self.zero_throttle() return # give we're testing RTL, doing one here probably doesn't make sense home_distance = self.distance_to_home(use_cached_home=True) raise AutoTestTimeoutException( "Fence test failed to reach home (%fm distance) - " "timed out after %u seconds" % (home_distance, timeout,)) # fly_alt_max_fence_test - fly up until you hit the fence ceiling def fly_alt_max_fence_test(self): self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") """Hold loiter position.""" # enable fence, disable avoidance self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 0) self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 1) self.change_alt(10) # first east self.progress("turning east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(160, timeout=60) self.set_rc(4, 1500) self.progress("flying east 20m") self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(20) self.progress("flying up") self.set_rc_from_map({ 2: 1500, 3: 1800, }) # wait for fence to trigger self.wait_mode('RTL', timeout=120) self.wait_rtl_complete() self.zero_throttle() # fly_alt_min_fence_test - fly down until you hit the fence floor def fly_alt_min_fence_test(self): self.takeoff(30, mode="LOITER", timeout=60) # enable fence, disable avoidance self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 0) self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 8) self.set_parameter("FENCE_ALT_MIN", 20) self.change_alt(30) # Activate the floor fence # TODO this test should run without requiring this self.do_fence_enable() # first east self.progress("turn east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(160, timeout=60) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly forward (east) at least 20m self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(20) # stop flying forward and start flying down: self.set_rc_from_map({ 2: 1500, 3: 1200, }) # wait for fence to trigger self.wait_mode('RTL', timeout=120) self.wait_rtl_complete() # Disable the fence using mavlink command to ensure cleaned up SITL state self.do_fence_disable() self.zero_throttle() def fly_fence_floor_enabled_landing(self): """ fly_fence_floor_enabled_landing. Ensures we can initiate and complete an RTL while the fence is enabled. """ fence_bit = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE self.progress("Test Landing while fence floor enabled") self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 0) self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 15) self.set_parameter("FENCE_ALT_MIN", 10) self.set_parameter("FENCE_ALT_MAX", 20) self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.user_takeoff(alt_min=15) # Check fence is enabled self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_enabled() # Change to RC controlled mode self.change_mode('LOITER') self.set_rc(3, 1800) self.wait_mode('RTL', timeout=120) self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.assert_fence_enabled() # Assert fence is not healthy self.assert_sensor_state(fence_bit, healthy=False) # Disable the fence using mavlink command to ensure cleaned up SITL state self.do_fence_disable() self.assert_fence_disabled() def fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test(self, timeout=30, max_distance=20): """fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test. Fly south east in loiter and test reaction to gps glitch.""" self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # turn on simulator display of gps and actual position if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(True) # set-up gps glitch array glitch_lat = [0.0002996, 0.0006958, 0.0009431, 0.0009991, 0.0009444, 0.0007716, 0.0006221] glitch_lon = [0.0000717, 0.0000912, 0.0002761, 0.0002626, 0.0002807, 0.0002049, 0.0001304] glitch_num = len(glitch_lat) self.progress("GPS Glitches:") for i in range(1, glitch_num): self.progress("glitch %d %.7f %.7f" % (i, glitch_lat[i], glitch_lon[i])) # turn south east self.progress("turn south east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) try: self.wait_heading(150) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly forward (south east) at least 60m self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(60) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # wait for copter to slow down except Exception as e: if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) raise e # record time and position tstart = self.get_sim_time() tnow = tstart start_pos = self.sim_location() # initialise current glitch glitch_current = 0 self.progress("Apply first glitch") self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y", glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # record position for 30 seconds while tnow < tstart + timeout: tnow = self.get_sim_time_cached() desired_glitch_num = int((tnow - tstart) * 2.2) if desired_glitch_num > glitch_current and glitch_current != -1: glitch_current = desired_glitch_num # turn off glitching if we've reached the end of glitch list if glitch_current >= glitch_num: glitch_current = -1 self.progress("Completed Glitches") self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y", 0) else: self.progress("Applying glitch %u" % glitch_current) # move onto the next glitch self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y", glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # start displaying distance moved after all glitches applied if glitch_current == -1: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.alt/1000.0 # mm -> m curr_pos = self.sim_location() moved_distance = self.get_distance(curr_pos, start_pos) self.progress("Alt: %.02f Moved: %.0f" % (alt, moved_distance)) if moved_distance > max_distance: raise NotAchievedException( "Moved over %u meters, Failed!" % max_distance) else: self.drain_mav() # disable gps glitch if glitch_current != -1: self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y", 0) if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) self.progress("GPS glitch test passed!" " stayed within %u meters for %u seconds" % (max_distance, timeout)) self.do_RTL() # re-arming is problematic because the GPS is glitching! self.reboot_sitl() def fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test2(self): """test vehicle handles GPS glitch (aka EKF Reset) without twitching""" self.context_push() self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # wait for vehicle to level self.wait_attitude(desroll=0, despitch=0, timeout=10, tolerance=1) # apply glitch self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", 0.001) # check lean angles remain stable for 20 seconds tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart < 20: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) roll_deg = math.degrees(m.roll) pitch_deg = math.degrees(m.pitch) self.progress("checking att: roll=%f pitch=%f " % (roll_deg, pitch_deg)) if abs(roll_deg) > 2 or abs(pitch_deg) > 2: raise NotAchievedException("fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test2 failed, roll or pitch moved during GPS glitch") # RTL, remove glitch and reboot sitl self.do_RTL() self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() # fly_gps_glitch_auto_test - fly mission and test reaction to gps glitch def fly_gps_glitch_auto_test(self, timeout=180): # set-up gps glitch array glitch_lat = [0.0002996, 0.0006958, 0.0009431, 0.0009991, 0.0009444, 0.0007716, 0.0006221] glitch_lon = [0.0000717, 0.0000912, 0.0002761, 0.0002626, 0.0002807, 0.0002049, 0.0001304] glitch_num = len(glitch_lat) self.progress("GPS Glitches:") for i in range(1, glitch_num): self.progress("glitch %d %.7f %.7f" % (i, glitch_lat[i], glitch_lon[i])) # Fly mission #1 self.progress("# Load copter_glitch_mission") # load the waypoint count num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_glitch_mission.txt", strict=False) if not num_wp: raise NotAchievedException("load copter_glitch_mission failed") # turn on simulator display of gps and actual position if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(True) self.progress("test: Fly a mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.zero_throttle() self.arm_vehicle() # switch into AUTO mode and raise throttle self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) # wait until 100m from home try: self.wait_distance(100, 5, 90) except Exception as e: if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) raise e # record time and position tstart = self.get_sim_time() # initialise current glitch glitch_current = 0 self.progress("Apply first glitch") self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y", glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # record position for 30 seconds while glitch_current < glitch_num: tnow = self.get_sim_time() desired_glitch_num = int((tnow - tstart) * 2.2) if desired_glitch_num > glitch_current and glitch_current != -1: glitch_current = desired_glitch_num # apply next glitch if glitch_current < glitch_num: self.progress("Applying glitch %u" % glitch_current) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y", glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # turn off glitching self.progress("Completed Glitches") self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y", 0) # continue with the mission self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) # wait for arrival back home self.wait_distance_to_home(0, 10, timeout=timeout) # turn off simulator display of gps and actual position if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) self.progress("GPS Glitch test Auto completed: passed!") self.wait_disarmed() # re-arming is problematic because the GPS is glitching! self.reboot_sitl() # fly_simple - assumes the simple bearing is initialised to be # directly north flies a box with 100m west, 15 seconds north, # 50 seconds east, 15 seconds south def fly_simple(self, side=50): self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # set SIMPLE mode for all flight modes self.set_parameter("SIMPLE", 63) # switch to stabilize mode self.change_mode('STABILIZE') self.set_rc(3, 1545) # fly south 50m self.progress("# Flying south %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(1, 1300) self.wait_distance(side, 5, 60) self.set_rc(1, 1500) # fly west 8 seconds self.progress("# Flying west for 8 seconds") self.set_rc(2, 1300) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() < (tstart + 8): self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # fly north 25 meters self.progress("# Flying north %u meters" % (side/2.0)) self.set_rc(1, 1700) self.wait_distance(side/2, 5, 60) self.set_rc(1, 1500) # fly east 8 seconds self.progress("# Flying east for 8 seconds") self.set_rc(2, 1700) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() < (tstart + 8): self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # hover in place self.hover() self.do_RTL(timeout=500) # fly_super_simple - flies a circle around home for 45 seconds def fly_super_simple(self, timeout=45): self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # fly forward 20m self.progress("# Flying forward 20 meters") self.set_rc(2, 1300) self.wait_distance(20, 5, 60) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # set SUPER SIMPLE mode for all flight modes self.set_parameter("SUPER_SIMPLE", 63) # switch to stabilize mode self.change_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.set_rc(3, 1500) # start copter yawing slowly self.set_rc(4, 1550) # roll left for timeout seconds self.progress("# rolling left from pilot's POV for %u seconds" % timeout) self.set_rc(1, 1300) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() < (tstart + timeout): self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) # stop rolling and yawing self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # restore simple mode parameters to default self.set_parameter("SUPER_SIMPLE", 0) # hover in place self.hover() self.do_RTL() # fly_circle - flies a circle with 20m radius def fly_circle(self, holdtime=36): # the following should not be required. But there appears to # be a physics failure in the simulation which is causing CI # to fall over a lot. -pb 202007021209 self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # face west self.progress("turn west") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(270) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # set CIRCLE radius self.set_parameter("CIRCLE_RADIUS", 3000) # fly forward (east) at least 100m self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(100) # return pitch stick back to middle self.set_rc(2, 1500) # set CIRCLE mode self.change_mode('CIRCLE') # wait m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_altitude = m.alt tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Circle at %u meters for %u seconds" % (start_altitude, holdtime)) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + holdtime: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.progress("heading %d" % m.heading) self.progress("CIRCLE OK for %u seconds" % holdtime) self.do_RTL() # test_mag_fail - test failover of compass in EKF def test_mag_fail(self): # we want both EK2 and EK3 self.set_parameter("EK2_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("EK3_ENABLE", 1) self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") self.change_mode('CIRCLE') self.delay_sim_time(20) self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") self.progress("Failing first compass") self.set_parameter("SIM_MAG1_FAIL", 1) # we want for the message twice, one for EK2 and again for EK3 self.wait_statustext("EKF2 IMU0 switching to compass 1", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("EKF3 IMU0 switching to compass 1", check_context=True) self.progress("compass switch 1 OK") self.delay_sim_time(2) self.context_clear_collection("STATUSTEXT") self.progress("Failing 2nd compass") self.set_parameter("SIM_MAG2_FAIL", 1) self.wait_statustext("EKF2 IMU0 switching to compass 2", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("EKF3 IMU0 switching to compass 2", check_context=True) self.progress("compass switch 2 OK") self.delay_sim_time(2) self.context_clear_collection("STATUSTEXT") self.progress("Failing 3rd compass") self.set_parameter("SIM_MAG3_FAIL", 1) self.delay_sim_time(2) self.set_parameter("SIM_MAG1_FAIL", 0) self.wait_statustext("EKF2 IMU0 switching to compass 0", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("EKF3 IMU0 switching to compass 0", check_context=True) self.progress("compass switch 0 OK") self.do_RTL() def fly_flip(self): ex = None try: self.set_message_rate_hz(mavutil.mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE, 100) self.takeoff(20) self.hover() old_speedup = self.get_parameter("SIM_SPEEDUP") self.set_parameter('SIM_SPEEDUP', 1) self.progress("Flipping in roll") self.set_rc(1, 1700) self.send_cmd_do_set_mode('FLIP') # don't wait for success self.wait_attitude(despitch=0, desroll=45, tolerance=30) self.wait_attitude(despitch=0, desroll=90, tolerance=30) self.wait_attitude(despitch=0, desroll=-45, tolerance=30) self.progress("Waiting for level") self.set_rc(1, 1500) # can't change quickly enough! self.wait_attitude(despitch=0, desroll=0, tolerance=5) self.progress("Regaining altitude") self.change_mode('ALT_HOLD') self.wait_for_alt(20, max_err=40) self.progress("Flipping in pitch") self.set_rc(2, 1700) self.send_cmd_do_set_mode('FLIP') # don't wait for success self.wait_attitude(despitch=45, desroll=0, tolerance=30) # can't check roll here as it flips from 0 to -180.. self.wait_attitude(despitch=90, tolerance=30) self.wait_attitude(despitch=-45, tolerance=30) self.progress("Waiting for level") self.set_rc(2, 1500) # can't change quickly enough! self.wait_attitude(despitch=0, desroll=0, tolerance=5) self.set_parameter('SIM_SPEEDUP', old_speedup) self.do_RTL() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.set_message_rate_hz(mavutil.mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE, 0) if ex is not None: raise ex def configure_EKFs_to_use_optical_flow_instead_of_GPS(self): '''configure EKF to use optical flow instead of GPS''' ahrs_ekf_type = self.get_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE") if ahrs_ekf_type == 2: self.set_parameter("EK2_GPS_TYPE", 3) if ahrs_ekf_type == 3: self.set_parameters({ "EK3_SRC1_POSXY": 0, "EK3_SRC1_VELXY": 5, "EK3_SRC1_VELZ": 0, }) def optical_flow(self): '''test optical low works''' self.start_subtest("Make sure no crash if no rangefinder") self.set_parameter("SIM_FLOW_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("FLOW_TYPE", 10) self.configure_EKFs_to_use_optical_flow_instead_of_GPS() self.reboot_sitl() self.change_mode('LOITER') self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_statustext("Need Position Estimate", timeout=300) # fly_optical_flow_limits - test EKF navigation limiting def fly_optical_flow_limits(self): ex = None self.context_push() try: self.set_parameter("SIM_FLOW_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("FLOW_TYPE", 10) self.configure_EKFs_to_use_optical_flow_instead_of_GPS() self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_DISABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_TERRAIN", 0) self.reboot_sitl() # we can't takeoff in loiter as we need flow healthy self.takeoff(alt_min=5, mode='ALT_HOLD', require_absolute=False, takeoff_throttle=1800) self.change_mode('LOITER') # speed should be limited to <10m/s self.set_rc(2, 1000) tstart = self.get_sim_time() timeout = 60 started_climb = False while self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart < timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) spd = math.sqrt(m.vx**2 + m.vy**2) * 0.01 alt = m.relative_alt*0.001 # calculate max speed from altitude above the ground margin = 2.0 max_speed = alt * 1.5 + margin self.progress("%0.1f: Low Speed: %f (want <= %u) alt=%.1f" % (self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart, spd, max_speed, alt)) if spd > max_speed: raise NotAchievedException(("Speed should be limited by" "EKF optical flow limits")) # after 30 seconds start climbing if not started_climb and self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 30: started_climb = True self.set_rc(3, 1900) self.progress("Moving higher") # check altitude is not climbing above 35m if alt > 35: raise NotAchievedException("Alt should be limited by EKF optical flow limits") except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.context_pop() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_autotune(self): """Test autotune mode""" rlld = self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_D") rlli = self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_I") rllp = self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_P") self.set_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_SMAX", 1) self.takeoff(10) # hold position in loiter self.change_mode('AUTOTUNE') tstart = self.get_sim_time() sim_time_expected = 5000 deadline = tstart + sim_time_expected while self.get_sim_time_cached() < deadline: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() m = self.mav.recv_match(type='STATUSTEXT', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue self.progress("STATUSTEXT (%u<%u): %s" % (now, deadline, m.text)) if "AutoTune: Success" in m.text: self.progress("AUTOTUNE OK (%u seconds)" % (now - tstart)) # near enough for now: self.change_mode('LAND') self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() # check the original gains have been re-instated if (rlld != self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_D") or rlli != self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_I") or rllp != self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_P")): raise NotAchievedException("AUTOTUNE gains still present") return raise NotAchievedException("AUTOTUNE failed (%u seconds)" % (self.get_sim_time() - tstart)) def fly_autotune_switch(self): """Test autotune on a switch with gains being saved""" # autotune changes a set of parameters on the vehicle which # are not in our context. That changes the flight # characterstics, which we can't afford between runs. So # completely reset the simulated vehicle after the run is # complete by "customising" the commandline here: self.customise_SITL_commandline([]) self.context_push() ex = None try: self.fly_autotune_switch_body() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_autotune_switch_body(self): self.set_parameter("RC8_OPTION", 17) self.set_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_FLTT", 20) rlld = self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_D") rlli = self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_I") rllp = self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_P") rllt = self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_FLTT") self.progress("AUTOTUNE pre-gains are P:%f I:%f D:%f" % (self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_P"), self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_I"), self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_D"))) self.takeoff(10, mode='LOITER') # hold position in loiter and run autotune self.set_rc(8, 1850) self.wait_mode('AUTOTUNE') tstart = self.get_sim_time() sim_time_expected = 5000 deadline = tstart + sim_time_expected while self.get_sim_time_cached() < deadline: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() m = self.mav.recv_match(type='STATUSTEXT', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue self.progress("STATUSTEXT (%u<%u): %s" % (now, deadline, m.text)) if "AutoTune: Success" in m.text: self.progress("AUTOTUNE OK (%u seconds)" % (now - tstart)) # Check original gains are re-instated self.set_rc(8, 1100) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.progress("AUTOTUNE original gains are P:%f I:%f D:%f" % (self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_P"), self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_I"), self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_D"))) if (rlld != self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_D") or rlli != self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_I") or rllp != self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_P")): raise NotAchievedException("AUTOTUNE gains still present") # Use autotuned gains self.set_rc(8, 1850) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.progress("AUTOTUNE testing gains are P:%f I:%f D:%f" % (self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_P"), self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_I"), self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_D"))) if (rlld == self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_D") or rlli == self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_I") or rllp == self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_P")): raise NotAchievedException("AUTOTUNE gains not present in pilot testing") # land without changing mode self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.wait_for_alt(0) self.wait_disarmed() # Check gains are still there after disarm if (rlld == self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_D") or rlli == self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_I") or rllp == self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_P")): raise NotAchievedException("AUTOTUNE gains not present on disarm") self.reboot_sitl() # Check gains are still there after reboot if (rlld == self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_D") or rlli == self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_I") or rllp == self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_P")): raise NotAchievedException("AUTOTUNE gains not present on reboot") # Check FLTT is unchanged if rllt != self.get_parameter("ATC_RAT_RLL_FLTT"): raise NotAchievedException("AUTOTUNE FLTT was modified") return raise NotAchievedException("AUTOTUNE failed (%u seconds)" % (self.get_sim_time() - tstart)) # fly_auto_test - fly mission which tests a significant number of commands def fly_auto_test(self): # Fly mission #1 self.progress("# Load copter_mission") # load the waypoint count num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_mission.txt", strict=False) if not num_wp: raise NotAchievedException("load copter_mission failed") self.fly_loaded_mission(num_wp) self.progress("Auto mission completed: passed!") def fly_loaded_mission(self, num_wp): '''fly mission loaded on vehicle. FIXME: get num_wp from vehicle''' self.progress("test: Fly a mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.change_mode("LOITER") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # switch into AUTO mode and raise throttle self.change_mode("AUTO") self.set_rc(3, 1500) # fly the mission self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) # set throttle to minimum self.zero_throttle() # wait for disarm self.wait_disarmed() self.progress("MOTORS DISARMED OK") # fly_auto_test using CAN GPS - fly mission which tests normal operation alongside CAN GPS def fly_auto_test_using_can_gps(self): self.set_parameter("CAN_P1_DRIVER", 1) self.set_parameter("GPS_TYPE", 9) self.set_parameter("GPS_TYPE2", 9) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS2_DISABLE", 0) self.context_push() self.set_parameter("ARMING_CHECK", 1 << 3) self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.reboot_sitl() # Test UAVCAN GPS ordering working gps1_det_text = self.wait_text("GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN.*", regex=True, check_context=True) gps2_det_text = self.wait_text("GPS 2: specified as UAVCAN.*", regex=True, check_context=True) gps1_nodeid = int(gps1_det_text.split('-')[1]) gps2_nodeid = int(gps2_det_text.split('-')[1]) if gps1_nodeid is None or gps2_nodeid is None: raise NotAchievedException("GPS not ordered per the order of Node IDs") self.context_stop_collecting('STATUSTEXT') GPS_Order_Tests = [[gps2_nodeid, gps2_nodeid, gps2_nodeid, 0, "PreArm: Same Node Id {} set for multiple GPS".format(gps2_nodeid)], [gps1_nodeid, int(gps2_nodeid/2), gps1_nodeid, 0, "Selected GPS Node {} not set as instance {}".format(int(gps2_nodeid/2), 2)], [int(gps1_nodeid/2), gps2_nodeid, 0, gps2_nodeid, "Selected GPS Node {} not set as instance {}".format(int(gps1_nodeid/2), 1)], [gps1_nodeid, gps2_nodeid, gps1_nodeid, gps2_nodeid, ""], [gps2_nodeid, gps1_nodeid, gps2_nodeid, gps1_nodeid, ""], [gps1_nodeid, 0, gps1_nodeid, gps2_nodeid, ""], [0, gps2_nodeid, gps1_nodeid, gps2_nodeid, ""]] for case in GPS_Order_Tests: self.progress("############################### Trying Case: " + str(case)) self.set_parameter("GPS1_CAN_OVRIDE", case[0]) self.set_parameter("GPS2_CAN_OVRIDE", case[1]) self.drain_mav() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.reboot_sitl() gps1_det_text = None gps2_det_text = None try: gps1_det_text = self.wait_text("GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN.*", regex=True, check_context=True) except AutoTestTimeoutException: pass try: gps2_det_text = self.wait_text("GPS 2: specified as UAVCAN.*", regex=True, check_context=True) except AutoTestTimeoutException: pass self.context_stop_collecting('STATUSTEXT') self.change_mode('LOITER') if case[2] == 0 and case[3] == 0: if gps1_det_text or gps2_det_text: raise NotAchievedException("Failed ordering for requested CASE:", case) if case[2] == 0 or case[3] == 0: if bool(gps1_det_text is not None) == bool(gps2_det_text is not None): print(gps1_det_text) print(gps2_det_text) raise NotAchievedException("Failed ordering for requested CASE:", case) if gps1_det_text: if case[2] != int(gps1_det_text.split('-')[1]): raise NotAchievedException("Failed ordering for requested CASE:", case) if gps2_det_text: if case[3] != int(gps2_det_text.split('-')[1]): raise NotAchievedException("Failed ordering for requested CASE:", case) if len(case[4]): self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, 1, # ARM 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, timeout=10, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED) self.wait_statustext(case[4], check_context=True) self.context_stop_collecting('STATUSTEXT') self.progress("############################### All GPS Order Cases Tests Passed") self.context_pop() self.fly_auto_test() def fly_motor_fail(self, fail_servo=0, fail_mul=0.0, holdtime=30): """Test flight with reduced motor efficiency""" # we only expect an octocopter to survive ATM: servo_counts = { # 2: 6, # hexa 3: 8, # octa # 5: 6, # Y6 } frame_class = int(self.get_parameter("FRAME_CLASS")) if frame_class not in servo_counts: self.progress("Test not relevant for frame_class %u" % frame_class) return servo_count = servo_counts[frame_class] if fail_servo < 0 or fail_servo > servo_count: raise ValueError('fail_servo outside range for frame class') self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") self.change_alt(alt_min=50) # Get initial values start_hud = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_attitude = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) hover_time = 5 try: tstart = self.get_sim_time() int_error_alt = 0 int_error_yaw_rate = 0 int_error_yaw = 0 self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) failed = False while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > holdtime + hover_time: break servo = self.mav.recv_match(type='SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW', blocking=True) hud = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) attitude = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) if not failed and now - tstart > hover_time: self.progress("Killing motor %u (%u%%)" % (fail_servo+1, fail_mul)) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_FAIL", fail_servo) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", fail_mul) failed = True if failed: self.progress("Hold Time: %f/%f" % (now-tstart, holdtime)) servo_pwm = [servo.servo1_raw, servo.servo2_raw, servo.servo3_raw, servo.servo4_raw, servo.servo5_raw, servo.servo6_raw, servo.servo7_raw, servo.servo8_raw] self.progress("PWM output per motor") for i, pwm in enumerate(servo_pwm[0:servo_count]): if pwm > 1900: state = "oversaturated" elif pwm < 1200: state = "undersaturated" else: state = "OK" if failed and i == fail_servo: state += " (failed)" self.progress("servo %u [pwm=%u] [%s]" % (i+1, pwm, state)) alt_delta = hud.alt - start_hud.alt yawrate_delta = attitude.yawspeed - start_attitude.yawspeed yaw_delta = attitude.yaw - start_attitude.yaw self.progress("Alt=%fm (delta=%fm)" % (hud.alt, alt_delta)) self.progress("Yaw rate=%f (delta=%f) (rad/s)" % (attitude.yawspeed, yawrate_delta)) self.progress("Yaw=%f (delta=%f) (deg)" % (attitude.yaw, yaw_delta)) dt = self.get_sim_time() - now int_error_alt += abs(alt_delta/dt) int_error_yaw_rate += abs(yawrate_delta/dt) int_error_yaw += abs(yaw_delta/dt) self.progress("## Error Integration ##") self.progress(" Altitude: %fm" % int_error_alt) self.progress(" Yaw rate: %f rad/s" % int_error_yaw_rate) self.progress(" Yaw: %f deg" % int_error_yaw) self.progress("----") if int_error_yaw_rate > 0.1: raise NotAchievedException("Vehicle is spinning") if alt_delta < -20: raise NotAchievedException("Vehicle is descending") self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_FAIL", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 1.0) except Exception as e: self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_FAIL", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 1.0) raise e self.do_RTL() def fly_motor_vibration(self): """Test flight with motor vibration""" self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_rc_default() # magic tridge EKF type that dramatically speeds up the test self.set_parameters({ "AHRS_EKF_TYPE": 10, "INS_LOG_BAT_MASK": 3, "INS_LOG_BAT_OPT": 0, "LOG_BITMASK": 958, "LOG_DISARMED": 0, "SIM_VIB_MOT_MAX": 350, # these are real values taken from a 180mm Quad: "SIM_GYR1_RND": 20, "SIM_ACC1_RND": 5, "SIM_ACC2_RND": 5, "SIM_INS_THR_MIN": 0.1, }) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(15, mode="ALT_HOLD") hover_time = 15 tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + hover_time: self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) tend = self.get_sim_time() # if we don't reduce vibes here then the landing detector # may not trigger self.set_parameter("SIM_VIB_MOT_MAX", 0) self.do_RTL() psd = self.mavfft_fttd(1, 0, tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6) # ignore the first 20Hz and look for a peak at -15dB or more ignore_bins = 20 freq = psd["F"][numpy.argmax(psd["X"][ignore_bins:]) + ignore_bins] if numpy.amax(psd["X"][ignore_bins:]) < -15 or freq < 180 or freq > 300: raise NotAchievedException( "Did not detect a motor peak, found %f at %f dB" % (freq, numpy.amax(psd["X"][ignore_bins:]))) else: self.progress("Detected motor peak at %fHz" % freq) # now add a notch and check that post-filter the peak is squashed below 40dB self.set_parameters({ "INS_LOG_BAT_OPT": 2, "INS_NOTCH_ENABLE": 1, "INS_NOTCH_FREQ": freq, "INS_NOTCH_ATT": 50, "INS_NOTCH_BW": freq/2, "SIM_VIB_MOT_MAX": 350, }) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(15, mode="ALT_HOLD") tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + hover_time: self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) tend = self.get_sim_time() self.set_parameter("SIM_VIB_MOT_MAX", 0) self.do_RTL() psd = self.mavfft_fttd(1, 0, tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6) freq = psd["F"][numpy.argmax(psd["X"][ignore_bins:]) + ignore_bins] peakdB = numpy.amax(psd["X"][ignore_bins:]) if peakdB < -23: self.progress("Did not detect a motor peak, found %f at %f dB" % (freq, peakdB)) else: raise NotAchievedException("Detected peak %.1f Hz %.2f dB" % (freq, peakdB)) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_vision_position(self): """Disable GPS navigation, enable Vicon input.""" # scribble down a location we can set origin to: self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--uartF=sim:vicon:"]) self.progress("Waiting for location") self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() old_pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) print("old_pos=%s" % str(old_pos)) self.context_push() ex = None try: # configure EKF to use external nav instead of GPS ahrs_ekf_type = self.get_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE") if ahrs_ekf_type == 2: self.set_parameter("EK2_GPS_TYPE", 3) if ahrs_ekf_type == 3: self.set_parameter("EK3_SRC1_POSXY", 6) self.set_parameter("EK3_SRC1_VELXY", 6) self.set_parameter("EK3_SRC1_POSZ", 6) self.set_parameter("EK3_SRC1_VELZ", 6) self.set_parameter("GPS_TYPE", 0) self.set_parameter("VISO_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("SERIAL5_PROTOCOL", 1) self.reboot_sitl() # without a GPS or some sort of external prompting, AP # doesn't send system_time messages. So prompt it: self.mav.mav.system_time_send(int(time.time() * 1000000), 0) self.progress("Waiting for non-zero-lat") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: self.mav.mav.set_gps_global_origin_send(1, old_pos.lat, old_pos.lon, old_pos.alt) gpi = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) self.progress("gpi=%s" % str(gpi)) if gpi.lat != 0: break if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 60: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not get non-zero lat") self.takeoff() self.set_rc(1, 1600) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: vicon_pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE', blocking=True) # print("vpe=%s" % str(vicon_pos)) self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) # self.progress("gpi=%s" % str(gpi)) if vicon_pos.x > 40: break if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 100: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Vicon showed no movement") # recenter controls: self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.progress("# Enter RTL") self.change_mode('RTL') self.set_rc(3, 1500) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 200: raise NotAchievedException("Did not disarm") self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) # print("gpi=%s" % str(gpi)) self.mav.recv_match(type='SIMSTATE', blocking=True) # print("ss=%s" % str(ss)) # wait for RTL disarm: if not self.armed(): break except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.zero_throttle() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_body_frame_odom(self): """Disable GPS navigation, enable input of VISION_POSITION_DELTA.""" if self.get_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE") != 3: # only tested on this EKF return self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--uartF=sim:vicon:"]) if self.current_onboard_log_contains_message("XKFD"): raise NotAchievedException("Found unexpected XKFD message") # scribble down a location we can set origin to: self.progress("Waiting for location") self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() old_pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) print("old_pos=%s" % str(old_pos)) # configure EKF to use external nav instead of GPS self.set_parameters({ "EK3_SRC1_POSXY": 6, "EK3_SRC1_VELXY": 6, "EK3_SRC1_POSZ": 6, "EK3_SRC1_VELZ": 6, "GPS_TYPE": 0, "VISO_TYPE": 1, "SERIAL5_PROTOCOL": 1, "SIM_VICON_TMASK": 8, # send VISION_POSITION_DELTA }) self.reboot_sitl() # without a GPS or some sort of external prompting, AP # doesn't send system_time messages. So prompt it: self.mav.mav.system_time_send(int(time.time() * 1000000), 0) self.progress("Waiting for non-zero-lat") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: self.mav.mav.set_gps_global_origin_send(1, old_pos.lat, old_pos.lon, old_pos.alt) gpi = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) self.progress("gpi=%s" % str(gpi)) if gpi.lat != 0: break if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 60: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not get non-zero lat") self.takeoff(alt_min=5, mode='ALT_HOLD', require_absolute=False, takeoff_throttle=1800) self.change_mode('LAND') # TODO: something more elaborate here - EKF will only aid # relative position self.wait_disarmed() if not self.current_onboard_log_contains_message("XKFD"): raise NotAchievedException("Did not find expected XKFD message") def fly_gps_vicon_switching(self): """Fly GPS and Vicon switching test""" self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--uartF=sim:vicon:"]) """Setup parameters including switching to EKF3""" self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameters({ "VISO_TYPE": 2, # enable vicon "SERIAL5_PROTOCOL": 2, "EK3_ENABLE": 1, "EK3_SRC2_POSXY": 6, # External Nav "EK3_SRC2_POSZ": 6, # External Nav "EK3_SRC2_VELXY": 6, # External Nav "EK3_SRC2_VELZ": 6, # External Nav "EK3_SRC2_YAW": 6, # External Nav "RC7_OPTION": 80, # RC aux switch 7 set to Viso Align "RC8_OPTION": 90, # RC aux switch 8 set to EKF source selector "EK2_ENABLE": 0, "AHRS_EKF_TYPE": 3, }) self.reboot_sitl() # switch to use GPS self.set_rc(8, 1000) # ensure we can get a global position: self.poll_home_position(timeout=120) # record starting position old_pos = self.get_global_position_int() print("old_pos=%s" % str(old_pos)) # align vicon yaw with ahrs heading self.set_rc(7, 2000) # takeoff to 10m in Loiter self.progress("Moving to ensure location is tracked") self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER", require_absolute=True, timeout=720) # fly forward in Loiter self.set_rc(2, 1300) # disable vicon self.set_parameter("SIM_VICON_FAIL", 1) # ensure vehicle remain in Loiter for 15 seconds tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() - tstart < 15: if not self.mode_is('LOITER'): raise NotAchievedException("Expected to stay in loiter for >15 seconds") # re-enable vicon self.set_parameter("SIM_VICON_FAIL", 0) # switch to vicon, disable GPS and wait 10sec to ensure vehicle remains in Loiter self.set_rc(8, 1500) self.set_parameter("GPS_TYPE", 0) # ensure vehicle remain in Loiter for 15 seconds tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() - tstart < 15: if not self.mode_is('LOITER'): raise NotAchievedException("Expected to stay in loiter for >15 seconds") # RTL and check vehicle arrives within 10m of home self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.do_RTL() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_rtl_speed(self): """Test RTL Speed parameters""" rtl_speed_ms = 7 wpnav_speed_ms = 4 wpnav_accel_mss = 3 tolerance = 0.5 self.load_mission("copter_rtl_speed.txt") self.set_parameter('WPNAV_ACCEL', wpnav_accel_mss * 100) self.set_parameter('RTL_SPEED', rtl_speed_ms * 100) self.set_parameter('WPNAV_SPEED', wpnav_speed_ms * 100) self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1600) self.wait_altitude(19, 25, relative=True) self.wait_groundspeed(wpnav_speed_ms-tolerance, wpnav_speed_ms+tolerance) self.monitor_groundspeed(wpnav_speed_ms, timeout=20) self.change_mode('RTL') self.wait_groundspeed(rtl_speed_ms-tolerance, rtl_speed_ms+tolerance) self.monitor_groundspeed(rtl_speed_ms, timeout=5) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_groundspeed(0-tolerance, 0+tolerance) self.wait_groundspeed(wpnav_speed_ms-tolerance, wpnav_speed_ms+tolerance) self.monitor_groundspeed(wpnav_speed_ms, tolerance=0.6, timeout=5) self.do_RTL() def fly_nav_delay(self): """Fly a simple mission that has a delay in it.""" self.load_mission("copter_nav_delay.txt") self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", 0) self.change_mode("LOITER") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode("AUTO") self.set_rc(3, 1600) count_start = -1 count_stop = -1 tstart = self.get_sim_time() last_mission_current_msg = 0 last_seq = None while self.armed(): # we RTL at end of mission now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 200: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not disarm as expected") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_CURRENT', blocking=True) at_delay_item = "" if m.seq == 3: at_delay_item = "(At delay item)" if count_start == -1: count_start = now if ((now - last_mission_current_msg) > 1 or m.seq != last_seq): dist = None x = self.mav.messages.get("NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT", None) if x is not None: dist = x.wp_dist self.progress("MISSION_CURRENT.seq=%u dist=%s %s" % (m.seq, dist, at_delay_item)) last_mission_current_msg = self.get_sim_time_cached() last_seq = m.seq if m.seq > 3: if count_stop == -1: count_stop = now calculated_delay = count_stop - count_start want_delay = 59 # should reflect what's in the mission file self.progress("Stopped for %u seconds (want >=%u seconds)" % (calculated_delay, want_delay)) if calculated_delay < want_delay: raise NotAchievedException("Did not delay for long enough") def test_rangefinder(self): ex = None self.context_push() self.progress("Making sure we don't ordinarily get RANGEFINDER") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='RANGEFINDER', blocking=True, timeout=5) if m is not None: raise NotAchievedException("Received unexpected RANGEFINDER msg") # may need to force a rotation if some other test has used the # rangefinder... self.progress("Ensure no RFND messages in log") self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 1) if self.current_onboard_log_contains_message("RFND"): raise NotAchievedException("Found unexpected RFND message") try: self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 10) # rangefinder self.set_rc(9, 2000) self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Making sure we now get RANGEFINDER messages") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='RANGEFINDER', blocking=True, timeout=10) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get expected RANGEFINDER msg") self.progress("Checking RangeFinder is marked as enabled in mavlink") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=10) flags = m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled if not flags & mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION: raise NotAchievedException("Laser not enabled in SYS_STATUS") self.progress("Disabling laser using switch") self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.progress("Checking RangeFinder is marked as disabled in mavlink") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=10) flags = m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled if flags & mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION: raise NotAchievedException("Laser enabled in SYS_STATUS") self.progress("Re-enabling rangefinder") self.set_rc(9, 2000) self.delay_sim_time(1) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=10) flags = m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled if not flags & mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION: raise NotAchievedException("Laser not enabled in SYS_STATUS") self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") m_r = self.mav.recv_match(type='RANGEFINDER', blocking=True) m_p = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) if abs(m_r.distance - m_p.relative_alt/1000) > 1: raise NotAchievedException( "rangefinder/global position int mismatch %0.2f vs %0.2f" % (m_r.distance, m_p.relative_alt/1000)) self.land_and_disarm() if not self.current_onboard_log_contains_message("RFND"): raise NotAchievedException("Did not see expected RFND message") except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_terrain_spline_mission(self): self.set_parameter("TERRAIN_ENABLE", 0) self.fly_mission("wp.txt") def WPNAV_SPEED(self): '''ensure resetting WPNAV_SPEED works''' loc = self.poll_home_position() alt = 20 loc.alt = alt items = [] # 100 waypoints in a line, 10m apart in a northerly direction # for i in range(1, 100): # items.append((mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, i*10, 0, alt)) # 1 waypoint a long way away items.append((mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 2000, 0, alt),) items.append((mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH, 0, 0, 0)) self.upload_simple_relhome_mission(items) start_speed_ms = self.get_parameter('WPNAV_SPEED') / 100.0 self.takeoff(20) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_groundspeed(start_speed_ms-1, start_speed_ms+1, minimum_duration=10) for speed_ms in 7, 8, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 7: self.set_parameter('WPNAV_SPEED', speed_ms*100) self.wait_groundspeed(speed_ms-1, speed_ms+1, minimum_duration=10) self.do_RTL() def WPNAV_SPEED_UP(self): '''ensure resetting WPNAV_SPEED_UP works''' items = [] # 1 waypoint a long way up items.append((mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, 0, 20000),) items.append((mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH, 0, 0, 0)) self.upload_simple_relhome_mission(items) start_speed_ms = self.get_parameter('WPNAV_SPEED_UP') / 100.0 minimum_duration = 5 self.takeoff(20) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_climbrate(start_speed_ms-1, start_speed_ms+1, minimum_duration=minimum_duration) for speed_ms in 7, 8, 7, 8, 6, 2: self.set_parameter('WPNAV_SPEED_UP', speed_ms*100) self.wait_climbrate(speed_ms-1, speed_ms+1, minimum_duration=minimum_duration) self.do_RTL(timeout=240) def WPNAV_SPEED_DN(self): '''ensure resetting WPNAV_SPEED_DN works''' items = [] # 1 waypoint a long way back down items.append((mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, 0, 10),) items.append((mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH, 0, 0, 0)) self.upload_simple_relhome_mission(items) minimum_duration = 5 self.takeoff(500, timeout=60) self.change_mode('AUTO') start_speed_ms = self.get_parameter('WPNAV_SPEED_DN') / 100.0 self.wait_climbrate(-start_speed_ms-1, -start_speed_ms+1, minimum_duration=minimum_duration) for speed_ms in 7, 8, 7, 8, 6, 2: self.set_parameter('WPNAV_SPEED_DN', speed_ms*100) self.wait_climbrate(-speed_ms-1, -speed_ms+1, minimum_duration=minimum_duration) self.do_RTL() def fly_mission(self, filename, strict=True): num_wp = self.load_mission(filename, strict=strict) self.set_parameter("AUTO_OPTIONS", 3) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_waypoint(num_wp-1, num_wp-1) self.wait_disarmed() def test_surface_tracking(self): ex = None self.context_push() # we must start mavproxy here as otherwise we can't get the # terrain database tiles - this leads to random failures in # CI! mavproxy = self.start_mavproxy() try: self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 10) # rangefinder self.set_rc(9, 2000) self.reboot_sitl() # needed for both rangefinder and initial position self.assert_vehicle_location_is_at_startup_location() self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") lower_surface_pos = mavutil.location(-35.362421, 149.164534, 584, 270) here = self.mav.location() bearing = self.get_bearing(here, lower_surface_pos) self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.guided_achieve_heading(bearing) self.change_mode("LOITER") self.delay_sim_time(2) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) orig_absolute_alt_mm = m.alt self.progress("Original alt: absolute=%f" % orig_absolute_alt_mm) self.progress("Flying somewhere which surface is known lower compared to takeoff point") self.set_rc(2, 1450) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > 200: raise NotAchievedException("Did not reach lower point") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) x = mavutil.location(m.lat/1e7, m.lon/1e7, m.alt/1e3, 0) dist = self.get_distance(x, lower_surface_pos) delta = (orig_absolute_alt_mm - m.alt)/1000.0 self.progress("Distance: %fm abs-alt-delta: %fm" % (dist, delta)) if dist < 15: if delta < 0.8: raise NotAchievedException("Did not dip in altitude as expected") break self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.do_RTL() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) ex = e self.stop_mavproxy(mavproxy) self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_rangefinder_switchover(self): """test that the EKF correctly handles the switchover between baro and rangefinder""" ex = None self.context_push() try: self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() self.set_parameters({ "RNGFND1_MAX_CM": 1500 }) # configure EKF to use rangefinder for altitude at low altitudes ahrs_ekf_type = self.get_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE") if ahrs_ekf_type == 2: self.set_parameter("EK2_RNG_USE_HGT", 70) if ahrs_ekf_type == 3: self.set_parameter("EK3_RNG_USE_HGT", 70) self.reboot_sitl() # needed for both rangefinder and initial position self.assert_vehicle_location_is_at_startup_location() self.change_mode("LOITER") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.set_rc(3, 1800) self.set_rc(2, 1200) # wait till we get to 50m self.wait_altitude(50, 52, True, 60) self.change_mode("RTL") # wait till we get to 25m self.wait_altitude(25, 27, True, 120) # level up self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.wait_altitude(14, 15, relative=True) self.wait_rtl_complete() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_parachute(self): self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.set_parameter("CHUTE_ENABLED", 1) self.set_parameter("CHUTE_TYPE", 10) self.set_parameter("SERVO9_FUNCTION", 27) self.set_parameter("SIM_PARA_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_PARA_PIN", 9) self.progress("Test triggering parachute in mission") self.load_mission("copter_parachute_mission.txt") self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1600) self.wait_statustext('BANG', timeout=60) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Test triggering with mavlink message") self.takeoff(20) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_PARACHUTE, 2, # release 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.wait_statustext('BANG', timeout=60) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Testing three-position switch") self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 23) # parachute 3pos self.progress("Test manual triggering") self.takeoff(20) self.set_rc(9, 2000) self.wait_statustext('BANG', timeout=60) self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() self.context_push() self.progress("Crashing with 3pos switch in enable position") self.takeoff(40) self.set_rc(9, 1500) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_FAIL", 1) self.wait_statustext('BANG', timeout=60) self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() self.context_pop() self.progress("Crashing with 3pos switch in disable position") loiter_alt = 10 self.takeoff(loiter_alt, mode='LOITER') self.set_rc(9, 1100) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_FAIL", 1) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + 5: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='STATUSTEXT', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue if "BANG" in m.text: self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.reboot_sitl() raise NotAchievedException("Parachute deployed when disabled") self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def test_motortest(self, timeout=60): self.start_subtest("Testing PWM output") pwm_in = 1300 # default frame is "+" - start motor of 2 is "B", which is # motor 1... see # https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/connect-escs-and-motors.html self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOTOR_TEST, 2, # start motor mavutil.mavlink.MOTOR_TEST_THROTTLE_PWM, pwm_in, # pwm-to-output 2, # timeout in seconds 2, # number of motors to output 0, # compass learning 0, timeout=timeout) # long timeouts here because there's a pause before we start motors self.wait_servo_channel_value(1, pwm_in, timeout=10) self.wait_servo_channel_value(4, pwm_in, timeout=10) self.wait_statustext("finished motor test") self.end_subtest("Testing PWM output") self.start_subtest("Testing percentage output") percentage = 90.1 # since MOT_SPIN_MIN and MOT_SPIN_MAX are not set, the RC3 # min/max are used. expected_pwm = 1000 + (self.get_parameter("RC3_MAX") - self.get_parameter("RC3_MIN")) * percentage/100.0 self.progress("expected pwm=%f" % expected_pwm) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOTOR_TEST, 2, # start motor mavutil.mavlink.MOTOR_TEST_THROTTLE_PERCENT, percentage, # pwm-to-output 2, # timeout in seconds 2, # number of motors to output 0, # compass learning 0, timeout=timeout) self.wait_servo_channel_value(1, expected_pwm, timeout=10) self.wait_servo_channel_value(4, expected_pwm, timeout=10) self.wait_statustext("finished motor test") self.end_subtest("Testing percentage output") def fly_precision_landing_drivers(self): """Use PrecLand backends precision messages to land aircraft.""" self.context_push() for backend in [4, 2]: # SITL, SITL-IRLOCK ex = None try: self.set_parameter("PLND_ENABLED", 1) self.set_parameter("PLND_TYPE", backend) self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() self.set_parameter("SIM_SONAR_SCALE", 12) start = self.mav.location() target = start (target.lat, target.lng) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, 4, -4) self.progress("Setting target to %f %f" % (target.lat, target.lng)) self.set_parameter("SIM_PLD_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_PLD_LAT", target.lat) self.set_parameter("SIM_PLD_LON", target.lng) self.set_parameter("SIM_PLD_HEIGHT", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_PLD_ALT_LMT", 15) self.set_parameter("SIM_PLD_DIST_LMT", 10) self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Waiting for location") self.zero_throttle() self.takeoff(10, 1800, mode="LOITER") self.change_mode("LAND") self.zero_throttle() self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) new_pos = self.mav.location() delta = self.get_distance(target, new_pos) self.progress("Landed %f metres from target position" % delta) max_delta = 1 if delta > max_delta: raise NotAchievedException("Did not land close enough to target position (%fm > %fm" % (delta, max_delta)) if not self.current_onboard_log_contains_message("PL"): raise NotAchievedException("Did not see expected PL message") except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.reboot_sitl() self.zero_throttle() self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("All done") if ex is not None: raise ex def get_system_clock_utc(self, time_seconds): # this is a copy of ArduPilot's AP_RTC function! # separate time into ms, sec, min, hour and days but all expressed # in milliseconds time_ms = time_seconds * 1000 ms = time_ms % 1000 sec_ms = (time_ms % (60 * 1000)) - ms min_ms = (time_ms % (60 * 60 * 1000)) - sec_ms - ms hour_ms = (time_ms % (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) - min_ms - sec_ms - ms # convert times as milliseconds into appropriate units secs = sec_ms / 1000 mins = min_ms / (60 * 1000) hours = hour_ms / (60 * 60 * 1000) return (hours, mins, secs, 0) def calc_delay(self, seconds, delay_for_seconds): # delay-for-seconds has to be long enough that we're at the # waypoint before that time. Otherwise we'll try to wait a # day.... if delay_for_seconds >= 3600: raise ValueError("Won't handle large delays") (hours, mins, secs, ms) = self.get_system_clock_utc(seconds) self.progress("Now is %uh %um %us" % (hours, mins, secs)) secs += delay_for_seconds # add seventeen seconds mins += int(secs/60) secs %= 60 hours += int(mins / 60) mins %= 60 if hours > 24: raise ValueError("Way too big a delay") self.progress("Delay until %uh %um %us" % (hours, mins, secs)) return (hours, mins, secs, 0) def reset_delay_item(self, seq, seconds_in_future): frame = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT command = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_DELAY # retrieve mission item and check it: tried_set = False hours = None mins = None secs = None while True: self.progress("Requesting item") self.mav.mav.mission_request_send(1, 1, seq) st = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_ITEM', blocking=True, timeout=1) if st is None: continue print("Item: %s" % str(st)) have_match = (tried_set and st.seq == seq and st.command == command and st.param2 == hours and st.param3 == mins and st.param4 == secs) if have_match: return self.progress("Mission mismatch") m = None tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 3: raise NotAchievedException( "Did not receive MISSION_REQUEST") self.mav.mav.mission_write_partial_list_send(1, 1, seq, seq) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_REQUEST', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue if m.seq != st.seq: continue break self.progress("Sending absolute-time mission item") # we have to change out the delay time... now = self.mav.messages["SYSTEM_TIME"] if now is None: raise PreconditionFailedException("Never got SYSTEM_TIME") if now.time_unix_usec == 0: raise PreconditionFailedException("system time is zero") (hours, mins, secs, ms) = self.calc_delay(now.time_unix_usec/1000000, seconds_in_future) self.mav.mav.mission_item_send( 1, # target system 1, # target component seq, # seq frame, # frame command, # command 0, # current 1, # autocontinue 0, # p1 (relative seconds) hours, # p2 mins, # p3 secs, # p4 0, # p5 0, # p6 0) # p7 tried_set = True ack = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_ACK', blocking=True, timeout=1) self.progress("Received ack: %s" % str(ack)) def fly_nav_delay_abstime(self): """fly a simple mission that has a delay in it""" self.fly_nav_delay_abstime_x(87) def fly_nav_delay_abstime_x(self, delay_for, expected_delay=None): """fly a simple mission that has a delay in it, expect a delay""" if expected_delay is None: expected_delay = delay_for self.load_mission("copter_nav_delay.txt") self.change_mode("LOITER") self.wait_ready_to_arm() delay_item_seq = 3 self.reset_delay_item(delay_item_seq, delay_for) delay_for_seconds = delay_for reset_at_m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYSTEM_TIME', blocking=True) reset_at = reset_at_m.time_unix_usec/1000000 self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode("AUTO") self.set_rc(3, 1600) count_stop = -1 tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.armed(): # we RTL at end of mission now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 240: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not disarm as expected") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_CURRENT', blocking=True) at_delay_item = "" if m.seq == delay_item_seq: at_delay_item = "(delay item)" self.progress("MISSION_CURRENT.seq=%u %s" % (m.seq, at_delay_item)) if m.seq > delay_item_seq: if count_stop == -1: count_stop_m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYSTEM_TIME', blocking=True) count_stop = count_stop_m.time_unix_usec/1000000 calculated_delay = count_stop - reset_at error = abs(calculated_delay - expected_delay) self.progress("Stopped for %u seconds (want >=%u seconds)" % (calculated_delay, delay_for_seconds)) if error > 2: raise NotAchievedException("delay outside expectations") def fly_nav_takeoff_delay_abstime(self): """make sure taking off at a specific time works""" self.load_mission("copter_nav_delay_takeoff.txt") self.change_mode("LOITER") self.wait_ready_to_arm() delay_item_seq = 2 delay_for_seconds = 77 self.reset_delay_item(delay_item_seq, delay_for_seconds) reset_at = self.get_sim_time_cached() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode("AUTO") self.set_rc(3, 1600) # should not take off for about least 77 seconds tstart = self.get_sim_time() took_off = False while self.armed(): now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 200: # timeout break m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_CURRENT', blocking=True) now = self.get_sim_time_cached() self.progress("%s" % str(m)) if m.seq > delay_item_seq: if not took_off: took_off = True delta_time = now - reset_at if abs(delta_time - delay_for_seconds) > 2: raise NotAchievedException(( "Did not take off on time " "measured=%f want=%f" % (delta_time, delay_for_seconds))) if not took_off: raise NotAchievedException("Did not take off") def fly_zigzag_mode(self): '''test zigzag mode''' # set channel 8 for zigzag savewp and recentre it self.set_parameter("RC8_OPTION", 61) self.takeoff(alt_min=5, mode='LOITER') ZIGZAG = 24 j = 0 slowdown_speed = 0.3 # because Copter takes a long time to actually stop self.start_subtest("Conduct ZigZag test for all 4 directions") while j < 4: self.progress("## Align heading with the run-way (j=%d)##" % j) self.set_rc(8, 1500) self.set_rc(4, 1420) self.wait_heading(352-j*90) self.set_rc(4, 1500) self.change_mode(ZIGZAG) self.progress("## Record Point A ##") self.set_rc(8, 1100) # record point A self.set_rc(1, 1700) # fly side-way for 20m self.wait_distance(20) self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.wait_groundspeed(0, slowdown_speed) # wait until the copter slows down self.progress("## Record Point A ##") self.set_rc(8, 1500) # pilot always have to cross mid position when changing for low to high position self.set_rc(8, 1900) # record point B i = 1 while i < 2: self.start_subtest("Run zigzag A->B and B->A (i=%d)" % i) self.progress("## fly forward for 10 meter ##") self.set_rc(2, 1300) self.wait_distance(10) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # re-centre pitch rc control self.wait_groundspeed(0, slowdown_speed) # wait until the copter slows down self.set_rc(8, 1500) # switch to mid position self.progress("## auto execute vector BA ##") self.set_rc(8, 1100) self.wait_distance(17) # wait for it to finish self.wait_groundspeed(0, slowdown_speed) # wait until the copter slows down self.progress("## fly forward for 10 meter ##") self.set_rc(2, 1300) # fly forward for 10 meter self.wait_distance(10) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # re-centre pitch rc control self.wait_groundspeed(0, slowdown_speed) # wait until the copter slows down self.set_rc(8, 1500) # switch to mid position self.progress("## auto execute vector AB ##") self.set_rc(8, 1900) self.wait_distance(17) # wait for it to finish self.wait_groundspeed(0, slowdown_speed) # wait until the copter slows down i = i + 1 # test the case when pilot switch to manual control during the auto flight self.start_subtest("test the case when pilot switch to manual control during the auto flight") self.progress("## fly forward for 10 meter ##") self.set_rc(2, 1300) # fly forward for 10 meter self.wait_distance(10) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # re-centre pitch rc control self.wait_groundspeed(0, 0.3) # wait until the copter slows down self.set_rc(8, 1500) # switch to mid position self.progress("## auto execute vector BA ##") self.set_rc(8, 1100) # switch to low position, auto execute vector BA self.wait_distance(8) # purposely switch to manual halfway self.set_rc(8, 1500) self.wait_groundspeed(0, slowdown_speed) # copter should slow down here self.progress("## Manual control to fly forward ##") self.set_rc(2, 1300) # manual control to fly forward self.wait_distance(8) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # re-centre pitch rc control self.wait_groundspeed(0, slowdown_speed) # wait until the copter slows down self.progress("## continue vector BA ##") self.set_rc(8, 1100) # copter should continue mission here self.wait_distance(8) # wait for it to finish rest of BA self.wait_groundspeed(0, slowdown_speed) # wait until the copter slows down self.set_rc(8, 1500) # switch to mid position self.progress("## auto execute vector AB ##") self.set_rc(8, 1900) # switch to execute AB again self.wait_distance(17) # wait for it to finish self.wait_groundspeed(0, slowdown_speed) # wait until the copter slows down self.change_mode('LOITER') j = j + 1 self.do_RTL() def test_setting_modes_via_modeswitch(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: fltmode_ch = 5 self.set_parameter("FLTMODE_CH", fltmode_ch) self.set_rc(fltmode_ch, 1000) # PWM for mode1 testmodes = [("FLTMODE1", 4, "GUIDED", 1165), ("FLTMODE2", 13, "SPORT", 1295), ("FLTMODE3", 6, "RTL", 1425), ("FLTMODE4", 7, "CIRCLE", 1555), ("FLTMODE5", 1, "ACRO", 1685), ("FLTMODE6", 17, "BRAKE", 1815), ] for mode in testmodes: (parm, parm_value, name, pwm) = mode self.set_parameter(parm, parm_value) for mode in reversed(testmodes): (parm, parm_value, name, pwm) = mode self.set_rc(fltmode_ch, pwm) self.wait_mode(name) for mode in testmodes: (parm, parm_value, name, pwm) = mode self.set_rc(fltmode_ch, pwm) self.wait_mode(name) for mode in reversed(testmodes): (parm, parm_value, name, pwm) = mode self.set_rc(fltmode_ch, pwm) self.wait_mode(name) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_setting_modes_via_auxswitch(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: fltmode_ch = int(self.get_parameter("FLTMODE_CH")) self.set_rc(fltmode_ch, 1000) self.wait_mode("CIRCLE") self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.set_rc(10, 1000) self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 18) # land self.set_parameter("RC10_OPTION", 55) # guided self.set_rc(9, 1900) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.set_rc(10, 1900) self.wait_mode("GUIDED") self.set_rc(10, 1000) # this re-polls the mode switch self.wait_mode("CIRCLE") except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_guided_stop(self, timeout=20, groundspeed_tolerance=0.05, climb_tolerance=0.01): """stop the vehicle moving in guided mode""" self.progress("Stopping vehicle") tstart = self.get_sim_time() # send a position-control command self.mav.mav.set_position_target_local_ned_send( 0, # timestamp 1, # target system_id 1, # target component id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_BODY_NED, MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.POS_ONLY | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.LAST_BYTE, # mask specifying use-only-x-y-z 0, # x 0, # y 0, # z 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0, # afx 0, # afy 0, # afz 0, # yaw 0, # yawrate ) while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Vehicle did not stop") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) if (m.groundspeed < groundspeed_tolerance and m.climb < climb_tolerance): break def fly_guided_move_global_relative_alt(self, lat, lon, alt): startpos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) self.mav.mav.set_position_target_global_int_send( 0, # timestamp 1, # target system_id 1, # target component id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.POS_ONLY, # mask specifying use-only-lat-lon-alt lat, # lat lon, # lon alt, # alt 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0, # afx 0, # afy 0, # afz 0, # yaw 0, # yawrate ) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 200: raise NotAchievedException("Did not move far enough") # send a position-control command pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) delta = self.get_distance_int(startpos, pos) self.progress("delta=%f (want >10)" % delta) if delta > 10: break def fly_guided_move_local(self, x, y, z_up, timeout=100): """move the vehicle using MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED""" startpos = self.mav.recv_match(type='LOCAL_POSITION_NED', blocking=True) self.progress("startpos=%s" % str(startpos)) tstart = self.get_sim_time() # send a position-control command self.mav.mav.set_position_target_local_ned_send( 0, # timestamp 1, # target system_id 1, # target component id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.POS_ONLY | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.LAST_BYTE, # mask specifying use-only-x-y-z x, # x y, # y -z_up,# z 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0, # afx 0, # afy 0, # afz 0, # yaw 0, # yawrate ) while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Did not reach destination") if self.distance_to_local_position((x, y, -z_up)) < 1: break def test_guided_local_position_target(self, x, y, z_up): """ Check target position being received by vehicle """ # set POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED message rate using SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL self.progress("Setting local target in NED: (%f, %f, %f)" % (x, y, -z_up)) self.progress("Setting rate to 1 Hz") self.set_message_rate_hz(mavutil.mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED, 1) # mask specifying use only xyz target_typemask = MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.POS_ONLY # set position target self.mav.mav.set_position_target_local_ned_send( 0, # timestamp 1, # target system_id 1, # target component id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, target_typemask | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.LAST_BYTE, x, # x y, # y -z_up, # z 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0, # afx 0, # afy 0, # afz 0, # yaw 0, # yawrate ) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED', blocking=True, timeout=2) self.progress("Received local target: %s" % str(m)) if not (m.type_mask == (target_typemask | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.LAST_BYTE) or m.type_mask == target_typemask): raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive proper mask: expected=%u or %u, got=%u" % ((target_typemask | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.LAST_BYTE), target_typemask, m.type_mask)) if x - m.x > 0.1: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive proper target position x: wanted=%f got=%f" % (x, m.x)) if y - m.y > 0.1: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive proper target position y: wanted=%f got=%f" % (y, m.y)) if z_up - (-m.z) > 0.1: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive proper target position z: wanted=%f got=%f" % (z_up, -m.z)) def test_guided_local_velocity_target(self, vx, vy, vz_up, timeout=3): " Check local target velocity being recieved by vehicle " self.progress("Setting local NED velocity target: (%f, %f, %f)" % (vx, vy, -vz_up)) self.progress("Setting POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED message rate to 10Hz") self.set_message_rate_hz(mavutil.mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED, 10) # mask specifying use only vx,vy,vz & accel. Even though we don't test acceltargets below currently # a velocity only mask returns a velocity & accel mask target_typemask = (MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.POS_IGNORE | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.YAW_IGNORE | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.YAW_RATE_IGNORE) # Drain old messages and ignore the ramp-up to the required target velocity tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart < timeout: # send velocity-control command self.mav.mav.set_position_target_local_ned_send( 0, # timestamp 1, # target system_id 1, # target component id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, target_typemask | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.LAST_BYTE, 0, # x 0, # y 0, # z vx, # vx vy, # vy -vz_up, # vz 0, # afx 0, # afy 0, # afz 0, # yaw 0, # yawrate ) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive any message for 1 sec") self.progress("Received local target: %s" % str(m)) # Check the last received message if not (m.type_mask == (target_typemask | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.LAST_BYTE) or m.type_mask == target_typemask): raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive proper mask: expected=%u or %u, got=%u" % ((target_typemask | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.LAST_BYTE), target_typemask, m.type_mask)) if vx - m.vx > 0.1: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive proper target velocity vx: wanted=%f got=%f" % (vx, m.vx)) if vy - m.vy > 0.1: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive proper target velocity vy: wanted=%f got=%f" % (vy, m.vy)) if vz_up - (-m.vz) > 0.1: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive proper target velocity vz: wanted=%f got=%f" % (vz_up, -m.vz)) self.progress("Received proper target velocity commands") def test_position_target_message_mode(self): " Ensure that POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED messages are sent in Guided Mode only " self.hover() self.change_mode('LOITER') self.progress("Setting POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED message rate to 10Hz") self.set_message_rate_hz(mavutil.mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED, 10) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + 5: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue raise NotAchievedException("Received POSITION_TARGET message in LOITER mode: %s" % str(m)) self.progress("Did not receive any POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED message in LOITER mode. Success") def earth_to_body(self, vector): r = mavextra.rotation(self.mav.messages["ATTITUDE"]).invert() # print("r=%s" % str(r)) return r * vector def loiter_to_ne(self, x, y, z, timeout=40): '''loiter to x, y, z from origin (in metres), z is *up*''' dest_ned = rotmat.Vector3(x, y, -z) tstart = self.get_sim_time() success_start = -1 while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Did not loiter to ne!") m_pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='LOCAL_POSITION_NED', blocking=True) pos_ned = rotmat.Vector3(m_pos.x, m_pos.y, m_pos.z) # print("dest_ned=%s" % str(dest_ned)) # print("pos_ned=%s" % str(pos_ned)) delta_ef = dest_ned - pos_ned # print("delta_ef=%s" % str(delta_ef)) # determine if we've successfully navigated to close to # where we should be: dist = math.sqrt(delta_ef.x * delta_ef.x + delta_ef.y * delta_ef.y) dist_max = 0.15 self.progress("dist=%f want <%f" % (dist, dist_max)) if dist < dist_max: # success! We've gotten within our target distance if success_start == -1: success_start = now elif now - success_start > 10: self.progress("Yay!") break else: success_start = -1 delta_bf = self.earth_to_body(delta_ef) # print("delta_bf=%s" % str(delta_bf)) angle_x = math.atan2(delta_bf.y, delta_bf.z) angle_y = -math.atan2(delta_bf.x, delta_bf.z) distance = math.sqrt(delta_bf.x * delta_bf.x + delta_bf.y * delta_bf.y + delta_bf.z * delta_bf.z) # att = self.mav.messages["ATTITUDE"] # print("r=%f p=%f y=%f" % (math.degrees(att.roll), math.degrees(att.pitch), math.degrees(att.yaw))) # print("angle_x=%s angle_y=%s" % (str(math.degrees(angle_x)), str(math.degrees(angle_y)))) # print("distance=%s" % str(distance)) self.mav.mav.landing_target_send( 0, # time_usec 1, # target_num mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, # frame; AP ignores angle_x, # angle x (radians) angle_y, # angle y (radians) distance, # distance to target 0.01, # size of target in radians, X-axis 0.01 # size of target in radians, Y-axis ) def fly_payload_place_mission(self): """Test payload placing in auto.""" self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() self.set_parameter("GRIP_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("GRIP_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_GRPS_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_GRPS_PIN", 8) self.set_parameter("SERVO8_FUNCTION", 28) self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 19) self.reboot_sitl() self.set_rc(9, 2000) # load the mission: self.load_mission("copter_payload_place.txt") self.progress("Waiting for location") self.mav.location() self.zero_throttle() self.change_mode('STABILIZE') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.wait_text("Gripper load releas", timeout=90) self.wait_disarmed() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("All done") if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_guided_change_submode(self): """"Ensure we can move around in guided after a takeoff command.""" '''start by disabling GCS failsafe, otherwise we immediately disarm due to (apparently) not receiving traffic from the GCS for too long. This is probably a function of --speedup''' self.set_parameter("FS_GCS_ENABLE", 0) self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", 0) # until traffic problems are fixed self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.user_takeoff(alt_min=10) self.start_subtest("yaw through absolute angles using MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW") self.guided_achieve_heading(45) self.guided_achieve_heading(135) self.start_subtest("move the vehicle using set_position_target_global_int") # the following numbers are 5-degree-latitude and 5-degrees # longitude - just so that we start to really move a lot. self.fly_guided_move_global_relative_alt(5, 5, 10) self.start_subtest("move the vehicle using MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED") self.fly_guided_stop(groundspeed_tolerance=0.1) self.fly_guided_move_local(5, 5, 10) self.start_subtest("Check target position received by vehicle using SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL") self.test_guided_local_position_target(5, 5, 10) self.test_guided_local_velocity_target(2, 2, 1) self.test_position_target_message_mode() self.do_RTL() def test_gripper_mission(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.load_mission("copter-gripper-mission.txt") self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.assert_vehicle_location_is_at_startup_location() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.wait_statustext("Gripper Grabbed", timeout=60) self.wait_statustext("Gripper Released", timeout=60) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) self.change_mode('LAND') ex = e self.context_pop() self.wait_disarmed() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_spline_last_waypoint(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.load_mission("copter-spline-last-waypoint.txt") self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.wait_altitude(10, 3000, relative=True) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.do_RTL() self.wait_disarmed() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_manual_throttle_mode_change(self): self.set_parameter("FS_GCS_ENABLE", 0) # avoid GUIDED instant disarm self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode("ACRO") self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.set_rc(3, 1700) self.watch_altitude_maintained(-1, 0.2) # should not take off in guided self.run_cmd_do_set_mode( "ACRO", want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED) self.run_cmd_do_set_mode( "STABILIZE", want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED) self.run_cmd_do_set_mode( "DRIFT", want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED) self.progress("Check setting an invalid mode") self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MODE_FLAG_CUSTOM_MODE_ENABLED, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED, timeout=1 ) self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.run_cmd_do_set_mode("ACRO") self.wait_disarmed() def test_mount_pitch(self, despitch, despitch_tolerance, timeout=10, hold=0): tstart = self.get_sim_time() success_start = 0 while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Mount pitch not achieved") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MOUNT_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=5) # self.progress("pitch=%f roll=%f yaw=%f" % # (m.pointing_a, m.pointing_b, m.pointing_c)) mount_pitch = m.pointing_a/100.0 # centidegrees to degrees if abs(despitch - mount_pitch) > despitch_tolerance: self.progress("Mount pitch incorrect: got=%f want=%f (+/- %f)" % (mount_pitch, despitch, despitch_tolerance)) success_start = 0 continue self.progress("Mount pitch correct: %f degrees == %f" % (mount_pitch, despitch)) if success_start == 0: success_start = now continue if now - success_start > hold: self.progress("Mount pitch achieved") return def do_pitch(self, pitch): '''pitch aircraft in guided/angle mode''' self.mav.mav.set_attitude_target_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 1, # target sysid 1, # target compid 0, # bitmask of things to ignore mavextra.euler_to_quat([0, math.radians(pitch), 0]), # att 0, # roll rate (rad/s) 1, # pitch rate 0, # yaw rate 0.5) # thrust, 0 to 1, translated to a climb/descent rate def setup_servo_mount(self, roll_servo=5, pitch_servo=6, yaw_servo=7): '''configure a rpy servo mount; caller responsible for required rebooting''' self.progress("Setting up servo mount") self.set_parameter("MNT_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % roll_servo, 8) # roll self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % pitch_servo, 7) # pitch self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % yaw_servo, 6) # yaw def test_mount(self): ex = None self.context_push() old_srcSystem = self.mav.mav.srcSystem self.mav.mav.srcSystem = 250 self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", 0) try: '''start by disabling GCS failsafe, otherwise we immediately disarm due to (apparently) not receiving traffic from the GCS for too long. This is probably a function of --speedup''' self.set_parameter("FS_GCS_ENABLE", 0) self.setup_servo_mount() self.reboot_sitl() # to handle MNT_TYPE changing # make sure we're getting mount status and gimbal reports self.mav.recv_match(type='MOUNT_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=5) self.mav.recv_match(type='GIMBAL_REPORT', blocking=True, timeout=5) # test pitch isn't stabilising: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MOUNT_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=5) if m.pointing_a != 0 or m.pointing_b != 0 or m.pointing_c != 0: raise NotAchievedException("Mount stabilising when not requested") self.change_mode('GUIDED') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.user_takeoff() despitch = 10 despitch_tolerance = 3 self.progress("Pitching vehicle") self.do_pitch(despitch) # will time out! self.wait_pitch(despitch, despitch_tolerance) # check we haven't modified: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MOUNT_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=5) if m.pointing_a != 0 or m.pointing_b != 0 or m.pointing_c != 0: raise NotAchievedException("Mount stabilising when not requested") self.progress("Enable pitch stabilization using MOUNT_CONFIGURE") self.mav.mav.mount_configure_send( 1, # target system 1, # target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_RC_TARGETING, 0, # stab-roll 1, # stab-pitch 0) self.do_pitch(despitch) self.test_mount_pitch(-despitch, 1) self.progress("Disable pitch using MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE") self.do_pitch(despitch) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_RC_TARGETING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 0) self.progress("Point somewhere using MOUNT_CONTROL (ANGLE)") self.do_pitch(despitch) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_MAVLINK_TARGETING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) self.mav.mav.mount_control_send( 1, # target system 1, # target component 20 * 100, # pitch 20 * 100, # roll (centidegrees) 0, # yaw 0 # save position ) self.test_mount_pitch(20, 1) self.progress("Point somewhere using MOUNT_CONTROL (GPS)") self.do_pitch(despitch) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_GPS_POINT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) start = self.mav.location() self.progress("start=%s" % str(start)) (t_lat, t_lon) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, 10, 20) t_alt = 0 self.progress("loc %f %f %f" % (start.lat, start.lng, start.alt)) self.progress("targetting %f %f %f" % (t_lat, t_lon, t_alt)) self.do_pitch(despitch) self.mav.mav.mount_control_send( 1, # target system 1, # target component int(t_lat * 1e7), # lat int(t_lon * 1e7), # lon t_alt * 100, # alt 0 # save position ) self.test_mount_pitch(-52, 5) # now test RC targetting self.progress("Testing mount RC targetting") # this is a one-off; ArduCopter *will* time out this directive! self.progress("Levelling aircraft") self.mav.mav.set_attitude_target_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 1, # target sysid 1, # target compid 0, # bitmask of things to ignore mavextra.euler_to_quat([0, 0, 0]), # att 1, # roll rate (rad/s) 1, # pitch rate 1, # yaw rate 0.5) # thrust, 0 to 1, translated to a climb/descent rate self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_RC_TARGETING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) try: self.context_push() self.set_parameter('MNT_RC_IN_ROLL', 11) self.set_parameter('MNT_RC_IN_TILT', 12) self.set_parameter('MNT_RC_IN_PAN', 13) self.progress("Testing RC angular control") # default RC min=1100 max=1900 self.set_rc_from_map({ 11: 1500, 12: 1500, 13: 1500, }) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 1) self.progress("Testing RC input down 1/4 of its range in the output, should be down 1/4 range in output") rc12_in = 1400 rc12_min = 1100 # default rc12_max = 1900 # default angmin_tilt = -45.0 # default angmax_tilt = 45.0 # default expected_pitch = (float(rc12_in-rc12_min)/float(rc12_max-rc12_min) * (angmax_tilt-angmin_tilt)) + angmin_tilt self.progress("expected mount pitch: %f" % expected_pitch) if expected_pitch != -11.25: raise NotAchievedException("Calculation wrong - defaults changed?!") self.set_rc(12, rc12_in) self.test_mount_pitch(-11.25, 0.01) self.set_rc(12, 1800) self.test_mount_pitch(33.75, 0.01) self.set_rc_from_map({ 11: 1500, 12: 1500, 13: 1500, }) try: self.progress( "Issue https://discuss.ardupilot.org/t/" "gimbal-limits-with-storm32-backend-mavlink-not-applied-correctly/51438" ) self.context_push() self.set_parameter("RC12_MIN", 1000) self.set_parameter("RC12_MAX", 2000) self.set_parameter("MNT_ANGMIN_TIL", -9000) self.set_parameter("MNT_ANGMAX_TIL", 1000) self.set_rc(12, 1000) self.test_mount_pitch(-90.00, 0.01) self.set_rc(12, 2000) self.test_mount_pitch(10.00, 0.01) self.set_rc(12, 1500) self.test_mount_pitch(-40.00, 0.01) finally: self.context_pop() self.set_rc(12, 1500) self.progress("Testing RC rate control") self.set_parameter('MNT_JSTICK_SPD', 10) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 1) self.set_rc(12, 1300) self.test_mount_pitch(-5, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(-10, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(-15, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(-20, 1) self.set_rc(12, 1700) self.test_mount_pitch(-15, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(-10, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(-5, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(5, 1) self.progress("Reverting to angle mode") self.set_parameter('MNT_JSTICK_SPD', 0) self.set_rc(12, 1500) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 0.1) self.context_pop() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) self.context_pop() raise e self.progress("Testing mount ROI behaviour") self.drain_mav_unparsed() self.test_mount_pitch(0, 0.1) start = self.mav.location() self.progress("start=%s" % str(start)) (roi_lat, roi_lon) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, 10, 20) roi_alt = 0 self.progress("Using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION") self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION, 0, 0, 0, 0, roi_lat, roi_lon, roi_alt, ) self.test_mount_pitch(-52, 5) start = self.mav.location() (roi_lat, roi_lon) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, -100, -200) roi_alt = 0 self.progress("Using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI") self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI, 0, 0, 0, 0, roi_lat, roi_lon, roi_alt, ) self.test_mount_pitch(-7.5, 1) start = self.mav.location() (roi_lat, roi_lon) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, -100, -200) roi_alt = 0 self.progress("Using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI (COMMAND_INT)") self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(roi_lat*1e7), int(roi_lon*1e7), roi_alt, frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, ) self.test_mount_pitch(-7.5, 1) self.progress("Using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI (COMMAND_INT), absolute-alt-frame") # this is pointing essentially straight down self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(roi_lat*1e7), int(roi_lon*1e7), roi_alt, frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, ) self.test_mount_pitch(-70, 1, hold=2) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_NEUTRAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 0.1) self.progress("Testing mount roi-sysid behaviour") self.test_mount_pitch(0, 0.1) start = self.mav.location() self.progress("start=%s" % str(start)) (roi_lat, roi_lon) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, 10, 20) roi_alt = 0 self.progress("Using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_SYSID") self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_SYSID, 250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) self.mav.mav.global_position_int_send( 0, # time boot ms int(roi_lat * 1e7), int(roi_lon * 1e7), 0 * 1000, # mm alt amsl 0 * 1000, # relalt mm UP! 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0 # heading ) self.test_mount_pitch(-89, 5, hold=2) self.mav.mav.global_position_int_send( 0, # time boot ms int(roi_lat * 1e7), int(roi_lon * 1e7), 670 * 1000, # mm alt amsl 100 * 1000, # mm UP! 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0 # heading ) self.test_mount_pitch(68, 5, hold=2) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_NEUTRAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 0.1) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.mav.mav.srcSystem = old_srcSystem self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() # to handle MNT_TYPE changing if ex is not None: raise ex def MountYawVehicleForMountROI(self): self.context_push() self.set_parameter("SYSID_MYGCS", self.mav.source_system) yaw_servo = 7 self.setup_servo_mount(yaw_servo=yaw_servo) self.reboot_sitl() # to handle MNT_TYPE changing self.progress("checking ArduCopter yaw-aircraft-for-roi") ex = None try: self.takeoff(20, mode='GUIDED') m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.progress("current heading %u" % m.heading) self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % yaw_servo, 0) # yaw self.progress("Waiting for check_servo_map to do its job") self.delay_sim_time(5) self.progress("Pointing North") self.guided_achieve_heading(0) self.delay_sim_time(5) start = self.mav.location() (roi_lat, roi_lon) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, -100, -100) roi_alt = 0 self.progress("Using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI") self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI, 0, 0, 0, 0, roi_lat, roi_lon, roi_alt, ) self.progress("Waiting for vehicle to point towards ROI") self.wait_heading(225, timeout=600, minimum_duration=2) # the following numbers are 1-degree-latitude and # 0-degrees longitude - just so that we start to # really move a lot. there = mavutil.location(1, 0, 0, 0) self.progress("Starting to move") self.mav.mav.set_position_target_global_int_send( 0, # timestamp 1, # target system_id 1, # target component id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.POS_ONLY | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.LAST_BYTE, # mask specifying use-only-lat-lon-alt there.lat, # lat there.lng, # lon there.alt, # alt 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0, # afx 0, # afy 0, # afz 0, # yaw 0, # yawrate ) self.progress("Starting to move changes the target") bearing = self.bearing_to(there) self.wait_heading(bearing, timeout=600, minimum_duration=2) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI, 0, 0, 0, 0, roi_lat, roi_lon, roi_alt, ) self.progress("Wait for vehicle to point sssse due to moving") self.wait_heading(170, timeout=600, minimum_duration=1) self.do_RTL() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_throw_mode(self): # test boomerang mode: self.progress("Throwing vehicle away") self.set_parameters({ "THROW_NEXTMODE": 6, "SIM_SHOVE_Z": -30, "SIM_SHOVE_X": -20, }) self.change_mode('THROW') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() try: self.set_parameter("SIM_SHOVE_TIME", 500) except ValueError: # the shove resets this to zero pass tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.wait_mode('RTL') max_good_tdelta = 15 tdelta = self.get_sim_time() - tstart self.progress("Vehicle in RTL") self.wait_rtl_complete() self.progress("Vehicle disarmed") if tdelta > max_good_tdelta: raise NotAchievedException("Took too long to enter RTL: %fs > %fs" % (tdelta, max_good_tdelta)) self.progress("Vehicle returned") def hover_and_check_matched_frequency_with_fft(self, dblevel=-15, minhz=200, maxhz=300, peakhz=None, reverse=None): # find a motor peak self.takeoff(10, mode="ALT_HOLD") hover_time = 15 tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + hover_time: self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) vfr_hud = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) tend = self.get_sim_time() self.do_RTL() psd = self.mavfft_fttd(1, 0, tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6) # batch sampler defaults give 1024 fft and sample rate of 1kz so roughly 1hz/bin freq = psd["F"][numpy.argmax(psd["X"][minhz:maxhz]) + minhz] * (1000. / 1024.) peakdb = numpy.amax(psd["X"][minhz:maxhz]) if peakdb < dblevel or (peakhz is not None and abs(freq - peakhz) / peakhz > 0.05): if reverse is not None: self.progress("Did not detect a motor peak, found %fHz at %fdB" % (freq, peakdb)) else: raise NotAchievedException("Did not detect a motor peak, found %fHz at %fdB" % (freq, peakdb)) else: if reverse is not None: raise NotAchievedException( "Detected motor peak at %fHz, throttle %f%%, %fdB" % (freq, vfr_hud.throttle, peakdb)) else: self.progress("Detected motor peak at %fHz, throttle %f%%, %fdB" % (freq, vfr_hud.throttle, peakdb)) return freq, vfr_hud, peakdb def fly_dynamic_notches(self): """Use dynamic harmonic notch to control motor noise.""" self.progress("Flying with dynamic notches") self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameters({ "AHRS_EKF_TYPE": 10, "INS_LOG_BAT_MASK": 3, "INS_LOG_BAT_OPT": 0, "INS_GYRO_FILTER": 100, # set the gyro filter high so we can observe behaviour "LOG_BITMASK": 958, "LOG_DISARMED": 0, "SIM_VIB_MOT_MAX": 350, "SIM_GYR1_RND": 20, }) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(10, mode="ALT_HOLD") # find a motor peak freq, vfr_hud, peakdb = self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency_with_fft(-15, 200, 300) # now add a dynamic notch and check that the peak is squashed self.set_parameters({ "INS_LOG_BAT_OPT": 2, "INS_HNTCH_ENABLE": 1, "INS_HNTCH_FREQ": freq, "INS_HNTCH_REF": vfr_hud.throttle/100., "INS_HNTCH_HMNCS": 5, # first and third harmonic "INS_HNTCH_ATT": 50, "INS_HNTCH_BW": freq/2, }) self.reboot_sitl() freq, vfr_hud, peakdb1 = self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency_with_fft(-10, 20, 350, reverse=True) # now add double dynamic notches and check that the peak is squashed self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_OPTS", 1) self.reboot_sitl() freq, vfr_hud, peakdb2 = self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency_with_fft(-15, 20, 350, reverse=True) # double-notch should do better, but check for within 5% if peakdb2 * 1.05 > peakdb1: raise NotAchievedException( "Double-notch peak was higher than single-notch peak %fdB > %fdB" % (peakdb2, peakdb1)) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_esc_telemetry_notches(self): """Use dynamic harmonic notch to control motor noise via ESC telemetry.""" self.progress("Flying with ESC telemetry driven dynamic notches") self.set_rc_default() self.set_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE", 10) self.set_parameter("INS_LOG_BAT_MASK", 3) self.set_parameter("INS_LOG_BAT_OPT", 0) # set the gyro filter high so we can observe behaviour self.set_parameter("INS_GYRO_FILTER", 100) self.set_parameter("LOG_BITMASK", 958) self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_VIB_MOT_MAX", 350) self.set_parameter("SIM_GYR1_RND", 20) self.set_parameter("SIM_ESC_TELEM", 1) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(10, mode="ALT_HOLD") # find a motor peak freq, vfr_hud, peakdb = self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency_with_fft(-15, 200, 300) # now add a dynamic notch and check that the peak is squashed self.set_parameter("INS_LOG_BAT_OPT", 2) self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_FREQ", 80) self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_REF", 1.0) # first and third harmonic self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_HMNCS", 5) self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_ATT", 50) self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_BW", 40) self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_MODE", 3) self.reboot_sitl() freq, vfr_hud, peakdb1 = self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency_with_fft(-10, 20, 350, reverse=True) # now add notch-per motor and check that the peak is squashed self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_OPTS", 2) self.reboot_sitl() freq, vfr_hud, peakdb2 = self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency_with_fft(-15, 20, 350, reverse=True) # notch-per-motor should do better, but check for within 5% if peakdb2 * 1.05 > peakdb1: raise NotAchievedException( "Notch-per-motor peak was higher than single-notch peak %fdB > %fdB" % (peakdb2, peakdb1)) def hover_and_check_matched_frequency(self, dblevel=-15, minhz=200, maxhz=300, fftLength=32, peakhz=None): # find a motor peak self.takeoff(10, mode="ALT_HOLD") hover_time = 15 tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + hover_time: self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) vfr_hud = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) tend = self.get_sim_time() self.do_RTL() psd = self.mavfft_fttd(1, 0, tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6) # batch sampler defaults give 1024 fft and sample rate of 1kz so roughly 1hz/bin scale = 1000. / 1024. sminhz = int(minhz * scale) smaxhz = int(maxhz * scale) freq = psd["F"][numpy.argmax(psd["X"][sminhz:smaxhz]) + sminhz] peakdb = numpy.amax(psd["X"][sminhz:smaxhz]) if peakdb < dblevel: raise NotAchievedException("Did not detect a motor peak, found %fHz at %fdB" % (freq, peakdb)) elif peakhz is not None and abs(freq - peakhz) / peakhz > 0.05: raise NotAchievedException("Did not detect a motor peak at %fHz, found %fHz at %fdB" % (peakhz, freq, peakdb)) else: self.progress("Detected motor peak at %fHz, throttle %f%%, %fdB" % (freq, vfr_hud.throttle, peakdb)) # we have a peak make sure that the FFT detected something close # logging is at 10Hz mlog = self.dfreader_for_current_onboard_log() # accuracy is determined by sample rate and fft length, given our use of quinn we could probably use half of this freqDelta = 1000. / fftLength pkAvg = freq nmessages = 1 m = mlog.recv_match( type='FTN1', blocking=False, condition="FTN1.TimeUS>%u and FTN1.TimeUS<%u" % (tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6) ) freqs = [] while m is not None: nmessages = nmessages + 1 freqs.append(m.PkAvg) m = mlog.recv_match( type='FTN1', blocking=False, condition="FTN1.TimeUS>%u and FTN1.TimeUS<%u" % (tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6) ) # peak within resolution of FFT length pkAvg = numpy.median(numpy.asarray(freqs)) self.progress("Detected motor peak at %fHz processing %d messages" % (pkAvg, nmessages)) # peak within 5% if abs(pkAvg - freq) > freqDelta: raise NotAchievedException("FFT did not detect a motor peak at %f, found %f, wanted %f" % (dblevel, pkAvg, freq)) return freq def fly_gyro_fft_harmonic(self): """Use dynamic harmonic notch to control motor noise with harmonic matching of the first harmonic.""" # basic gyro sample rate test self.progress("Flying with gyro FFT harmonic - Gyro sample rate") self.context_push() ex = None # we are dealing with probabalistic scenarios involving threads, have two bites at the cherry try: self.start_subtest("Hover to calculate approximate hover frequency") # magic tridge EKF type that dramatically speeds up the test self.set_parameters({ "AHRS_EKF_TYPE": 10, "EK2_ENABLE": 0, "EK3_ENABLE": 0, "INS_LOG_BAT_MASK": 3, "INS_LOG_BAT_OPT": 0, "INS_GYRO_FILTER": 100, "INS_FAST_SAMPLE": 0, "LOG_BITMASK": 958, "LOG_DISARMED": 0, "SIM_DRIFT_SPEED": 0, "SIM_DRIFT_TIME": 0, "FFT_THR_REF": self.get_parameter("MOT_THST_HOVER"), "SIM_GYR1_RND": 20, # enable a noisy gyro }) # motor peak enabling FFT will also enable the arming # check, self-testing the functionality self.set_parameters({ "FFT_ENABLE": 1, "FFT_MINHZ": 50, "FFT_MAXHZ": 450, "FFT_SNR_REF": 10, }) # Step 1: inject actual motor noise and use the FFT to track it self.set_parameters({ "SIM_VIB_MOT_MAX": 250, # gives a motor peak at about 175Hz "FFT_WINDOW_SIZE": 64, "FFT_WINDOW_OLAP": 0.75, }) self.reboot_sitl() freq = self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency(-15, 100, 250, 64) # Step 2: add a second harmonic and check the first is still tracked self.start_subtest("Add a fixed frequency harmonic at twice the hover frequency " "and check the right harmonic is found") self.set_parameters({ "SIM_VIB_FREQ_X": freq * 2, "SIM_VIB_FREQ_Y": freq * 2, "SIM_VIB_FREQ_Z": freq * 2, "SIM_VIB_MOT_MULT": 0.25, # halve the motor noise so that the higher harmonic dominates }) self.reboot_sitl() self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency(-15, 100, 250, 64, None) # Step 3: switch harmonics mid flight and check for tracking self.start_subtest("Switch harmonics mid flight and check the right harmonic is found") self.set_parameter("FFT_HMNC_PEAK", 0) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(10, mode="ALT_HOLD") hover_time = 10 tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + hover_time: self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) vfr_hud = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.set_parameter("SIM_VIB_MOT_MULT", 5.0) self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + hover_time: self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) vfr_hud = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) tend = self.get_sim_time() self.do_RTL() mlog = self.dfreader_for_current_onboard_log() m = mlog.recv_match( type='FTN1', blocking=False, condition="FTN1.TimeUS>%u and FTN1.TimeUS<%u" % (tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6)) freqs = [] while m is not None: freqs.append(m.PkAvg) m = mlog.recv_match( type='FTN1', blocking=False, condition="FTN1.TimeUS>%u and FTN1.TimeUS<%u" % (tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6)) # peak within resolution of FFT length, the highest energy peak switched but our detection should not pkAvg = numpy.median(numpy.asarray(freqs)) freqDelta = 1000. / self.get_parameter("FFT_WINDOW_SIZE") if abs(pkAvg - freq) > freqDelta: raise NotAchievedException("FFT did not detect a harmonic motor peak, found %f, wanted %f" % (pkAvg, freq)) # Step 4: dynamic harmonic self.start_subtest("Enable dynamic harmonics and make sure both frequency peaks are attenuated") # find a motor peak freq, vfr_hud, peakdb = self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency_with_fft(-15, 100, 350) # now add a dynamic notch and check that the peak is squashed self.set_parameters({ "INS_LOG_BAT_OPT": 2, "INS_HNTCH_ENABLE": 1, "INS_HNTCH_HMNCS": 3, "INS_HNTCH_MODE": 4, "INS_HNTCH_FREQ": freq, "INS_HNTCH_REF": vfr_hud.throttle/100.0, "INS_HNTCH_ATT": 100, "INS_HNTCH_BW": freq/2, "INS_HNTCH_OPTS": 3, }) self.reboot_sitl() # 5db is far in excess of the attenuation that the double dynamic-harmonic notch is able # to provide (-7dB on average), but without the notch the peak is around 20dB so still a safe test self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency_with_fft(5, 100, 350, reverse=True) self.set_parameters({ "SIM_VIB_FREQ_X": 0, "SIM_VIB_FREQ_Y": 0, "SIM_VIB_FREQ_Z": 0, "SIM_VIB_MOT_MULT": 1.0, }) # prevent update parameters from messing with the settings when we pop the context self.set_parameter("FFT_ENABLE", 0) self.reboot_sitl() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() # need a final reboot because weird things happen to your # vehicle state when switching back from EKF type 10! self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_gyro_fft(self): """Use dynamic harmonic notch to control motor noise.""" # basic gyro sample rate test self.progress("Flying with gyro FFT - Gyro sample rate") self.context_push() ex = None try: # magic tridge EKF type that dramatically speeds up the test self.set_parameters({ "AHRS_EKF_TYPE": 10, "EK2_ENABLE": 0, "EK3_ENABLE": 0, "INS_LOG_BAT_MASK": 3, "INS_LOG_BAT_OPT": 0, "INS_GYRO_FILTER": 100, "INS_FAST_SAMPLE": 0, "LOG_BITMASK": 958, "LOG_DISARMED": 0, "SIM_DRIFT_SPEED": 0, "SIM_DRIFT_TIME": 0, "SIM_GYR1_RND": 20, # enable a noisy motor peak }) # enabling FFT will also enable the arming check, # self-testing the functionality self.set_parameters({ "FFT_ENABLE": 1, "FFT_MINHZ": 50, "FFT_MAXHZ": 450, "FFT_SNR_REF": 10, "FFT_WINDOW_SIZE": 128, "FFT_WINDOW_OLAP": 0.75, "FFT_SAMPLE_MODE": 0, }) # Step 1: inject a very precise noise peak at 250hz and make sure the in-flight fft # can detect it really accurately. For a 128 FFT the frequency resolution is 8Hz so # a 250Hz peak should be detectable within 5% self.start_subtest("Inject noise at 250Hz and check the FFT can find the noise") self.set_parameters({ "SIM_VIB_FREQ_X": 250, "SIM_VIB_FREQ_Y": 250, "SIM_VIB_FREQ_Z": 250, }) self.reboot_sitl() # find a motor peak self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency(-15, 100, 350, 128, 250) # Step 1b: run the same test with an FFT length of 256 which is needed to flush out a # whole host of bugs related to uint8_t. This also tests very accurately the frequency resolution self.set_parameter("FFT_WINDOW_SIZE", 256) self.start_subtest("Inject noise at 250Hz and check the FFT can find the noise") self.reboot_sitl() # find a motor peak self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency(-15, 100, 350, 256, 250) self.set_parameter("FFT_WINDOW_SIZE", 128) # Step 2: inject actual motor noise and use the standard length FFT to track it self.start_subtest("Hover and check that the FFT can find the motor noise") self.set_parameters({ "SIM_VIB_FREQ_X": 0, "SIM_VIB_FREQ_Y": 0, "SIM_VIB_FREQ_Z": 0, "SIM_VIB_MOT_MAX": 250, # gives a motor peak at about 175Hz "FFT_WINDOW_SIZE": 32, "FFT_WINDOW_OLAP": 0.5, }) self.reboot_sitl() freq = self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency(-15, 100, 250, 32) self.set_parameter("SIM_VIB_MOT_MULT", 1.) # Step 3: add a FFT dynamic notch and check that the peak is squashed self.start_subtest("Add a dynamic notch, hover and check that the noise peak is now gone") self.set_parameters({ "INS_LOG_BAT_OPT": 2, "INS_HNTCH_ENABLE": 1, "INS_HNTCH_FREQ": freq, "INS_HNTCH_REF": 1.0, "INS_HNTCH_ATT": 50, "INS_HNTCH_BW": freq/2, "INS_HNTCH_MODE": 4, }) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(10, mode="ALT_HOLD") hover_time = 15 self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + hover_time: self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) tend = self.get_sim_time() # fly fast forrest! self.set_rc(3, 1900) self.set_rc(2, 1200) self.wait_groundspeed(5, 1000) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.do_RTL() psd = self.mavfft_fttd(1, 0, tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6) # batch sampler defaults give 1024 fft and sample rate of 1kz so roughly 1hz/bin scale = 1000. / 1024. sminhz = int(100 * scale) smaxhz = int(350 * scale) freq = psd["F"][numpy.argmax(psd["X"][sminhz:smaxhz]) + sminhz] peakdb = numpy.amax(psd["X"][sminhz:smaxhz]) if peakdb < 0: self.progress("Did not detect a motor peak, found %fHz at %fdB" % (freq, peakdb)) else: raise NotAchievedException("Detected %fHz motor peak at %fdB" % (freq, peakdb)) # Step 4: loop sample rate test with larger window self.start_subtest("Hover and check that the FFT can find the motor noise when running at fast loop rate") # we are limited to half the loop rate for frequency detection self.set_parameters({ "FFT_MAXHZ": 185, "INS_LOG_BAT_OPT": 0, "SIM_VIB_MOT_MAX": 220, "FFT_WINDOW_SIZE": 64, "FFT_WINDOW_OLAP": 0.75, "FFT_SAMPLE_MODE": 1, }) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(10, mode="ALT_HOLD") self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + hover_time: self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) tend = self.get_sim_time() self.do_RTL() # prevent update parameters from messing with the settings when we pop the context self.set_parameter("FFT_ENABLE", 0) self.reboot_sitl() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() # must reboot after we move away from EKF type 10 to EKF2 or EKF3 self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_brake_mode(self): # test brake mode self.progress("Testing brake mode") self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") self.progress("Ensuring RC inputs have no effect in brake mode") self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1200) self.wait_groundspeed(5, 1000) self.change_mode("BRAKE") self.wait_groundspeed(0, 1) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.do_RTL() self.progress("Ran brake mode") def fly_guided_move_to(self, destination, timeout=30): '''move to mavutil.location location; absolute altitude''' tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.mav.mav.set_position_target_global_int_send( 0, # timestamp 1, # target system_id 1, # target component id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.POS_ONLY | MAV_POS_TARGET_TYPE_MASK.LAST_BYTE, # mask specifying use-only-lat-lon-alt int(destination.lat * 1e7), # lat int(destination.lng * 1e7), # lon destination.alt, # alt 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0, # afx 0, # afy 0, # afz 0, # yaw 0, # yawrate ) while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException() delta = self.get_distance(self.mav.location(), destination) self.progress("delta=%f (want <1)" % delta) if delta < 1: break def test_altitude_types(self): '''start by disabling GCS failsafe, otherwise we immediately disarm due to (apparently) not receiving traffic from the GCS for too long. This is probably a function of --speedup''' '''this test flies the vehicle somewhere lower than were it started. It then disarms. It then arms, which should reset home to the new, lower altitude. This delta should be outside 1m but within a few metres of the old one. ''' # we must start mavproxy here as otherwise we can't get the # terrain database tiles - this leads to random failures in # CI! mavproxy = self.start_mavproxy() self.set_parameter("FS_GCS_ENABLE", 0) self.change_mode('GUIDED') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) max_initial_home_alt_m = 500 if m.relative_alt > max_initial_home_alt_m: raise NotAchievedException("Initial home alt too high (%fm > %fm)" % (m.relative_alt*1000, max_initial_home_alt_m*1000)) orig_home_offset_mm = m.alt - m.relative_alt self.user_takeoff(5) self.progress("Flying to low position") current_alt = self.mav.location().alt # 10m delta low_position = mavutil.location(-35.358273, 149.169165, current_alt, 0) low_position = mavutil.location(-35.36200016, 149.16415599, current_alt, 0) self.fly_guided_move_to(low_position, timeout=240) self.change_mode('LAND') # expecting home to change when disarmed self.wait_landed_and_disarmed() # wait a while for home to move (it shouldn't): self.delay_sim_time(10) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) new_home_offset_mm = m.alt - m.relative_alt home_offset_delta_mm = orig_home_offset_mm - new_home_offset_mm self.progress("new home offset: %f delta=%f" % (new_home_offset_mm, home_offset_delta_mm)) self.progress("gpi=%s" % str(m)) max_home_offset_delta_mm = 10 if home_offset_delta_mm > max_home_offset_delta_mm: raise NotAchievedException("Large home offset delta: want<%f got=%f" % (max_home_offset_delta_mm, home_offset_delta_mm)) self.progress("Ensuring home moves when we arm") self.change_mode('GUIDED') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) post_arming_home_offset_mm = m.alt - m.relative_alt self.progress("post-arming home offset: %f" % (post_arming_home_offset_mm)) self.progress("gpi=%s" % str(m)) min_post_arming_home_offset_delta_mm = -2500 max_post_arming_home_offset_delta_mm = -4000 delta_between_original_home_alt_offset_and_new_home_alt_offset_mm = post_arming_home_offset_mm - orig_home_offset_mm self.progress("delta=%f-%f=%f" % ( post_arming_home_offset_mm, orig_home_offset_mm, delta_between_original_home_alt_offset_and_new_home_alt_offset_mm)) self.progress("Home moved %fm vertically" % (delta_between_original_home_alt_offset_and_new_home_alt_offset_mm/1000.0)) if delta_between_original_home_alt_offset_and_new_home_alt_offset_mm > min_post_arming_home_offset_delta_mm: raise NotAchievedException( "Home did not move vertically on arming: want<=%f got=%f" % (min_post_arming_home_offset_delta_mm, delta_between_original_home_alt_offset_and_new_home_alt_offset_mm)) if delta_between_original_home_alt_offset_and_new_home_alt_offset_mm < max_post_arming_home_offset_delta_mm: raise NotAchievedException( "Home moved too far vertically on arming: want>=%f got=%f" % (max_post_arming_home_offset_delta_mm, delta_between_original_home_alt_offset_and_new_home_alt_offset_mm)) self.wait_disarmed() self.stop_mavproxy(mavproxy) def fly_precision_companion(self): """Use Companion PrecLand backend precision messages to loiter.""" self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("PLND_ENABLED", 1) # enable companion backend: self.set_parameter("PLND_TYPE", 1) self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() # set up a channel switch to enable precision loiter: self.set_parameter("RC7_OPTION", 39) self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Waiting for location") self.mav.location() self.zero_throttle() self.change_mode('STABILIZE') self.wait_ready_to_arm() # we should be doing precision loiter at this point start = self.mav.recv_match(type='LOCAL_POSITION_NED', blocking=True) self.arm_vehicle() self.set_rc(3, 1800) alt_min = 10 self.wait_altitude(alt_min, (alt_min + 5), relative=True) self.set_rc(3, 1500) # move away a little self.set_rc(2, 1550) self.wait_distance(5, accuracy=1) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.change_mode('LOITER') # turn precision loiter on: self.set_rc(7, 2000) # try to drag aircraft to a position 5 metres north-east-east: self.loiter_to_ne(start.x + 5, start.y + 10, start.z + 10) self.loiter_to_ne(start.x + 5, start.y - 10, start.z + 10) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.zero_throttle() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("All done") if ex is not None: raise ex def loiter_requires_position(self): # ensure we can't switch to LOITER without position self.progress("Ensure we can't enter LOITER without position") self.context_push() self.set_parameter("GPS_TYPE", 2) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_DISABLE", 1) # if there is no GPS at all then we must direct EK3 to not use # it at all. Otherwise it will never initialise, as it wants # to calculate the lag and size its delay buffers accordingly. self.set_parameters({ "EK3_SRC1_POSXY": 0, "EK3_SRC1_VELZ": 0, "EK3_SRC1_VELXY": 0, }) self.reboot_sitl() # check for expected EKF flags ahrs_ekf_type = self.get_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE") expected_ekf_flags = (mavutil.mavlink.ESTIMATOR_ATTITUDE | mavutil.mavlink.ESTIMATOR_VELOCITY_VERT | mavutil.mavlink.ESTIMATOR_POS_VERT_ABS | mavutil.mavlink.ESTIMATOR_CONST_POS_MODE) if ahrs_ekf_type == 2: expected_ekf_flags = expected_ekf_flags | mavutil.mavlink.ESTIMATOR_PRED_POS_HORIZ_REL self.wait_ekf_flags(expected_ekf_flags, 0, timeout=120) # arm in Stabilize and attempt to switch to Loiter self.change_mode('STABILIZE') self.arm_vehicle() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.run_cmd_do_set_mode( "LOITER", want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED) self.wait_statustext("requires position", check_context=True) self.disarm_vehicle() self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() def test_arm_feature(self): self.loiter_requires_position() super(AutoTestCopter, self).test_arm_feature() def test_parameter_checks(self): self.test_parameter_checks_poscontrol("PSC") def fly_poshold_takeoff(self): """ensure vehicle stays put until it is ready to fly""" self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("PILOT_TKOFF_ALT", 700) self.change_mode('POSHOLD') self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.delay_sim_time(2) # check we are still on the ground... m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) if abs(m.relative_alt) > 100: raise NotAchievedException("Took off prematurely") self.progress("Pushing throttle up") self.set_rc(3, 1710) self.delay_sim_time(0.5) self.progress("Bringing back to hover throttle") self.set_rc(3, 1500) # make sure we haven't already reached alt: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) max_initial_alt = 2000 if abs(m.relative_alt) > max_initial_alt: raise NotAchievedException("Took off too fast (%f > %f" % (abs(m.relative_alt), max_initial_alt)) self.progress("Monitoring takeoff-to-alt") self.wait_altitude(6.9, 8, relative=True) self.progress("Making sure we stop at our takeoff altitude") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() - tstart < 5: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) delta = abs(7000 - m.relative_alt) self.progress("alt=%f delta=%f" % (m.relative_alt/1000, delta/1000)) if delta > 1000: raise NotAchievedException("Failed to maintain takeoff alt") self.progress("takeoff OK") except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.land_and_disarm() self.set_rc(8, 1000) self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def initial_mode(self): return "STABILIZE" def initial_mode_switch_mode(self): return "STABILIZE" def default_mode(self): return "STABILIZE" def rc_defaults(self): ret = super(AutoTestCopter, self).rc_defaults() ret[3] = 1000 ret[5] = 1800 # mode switch return ret def test_manual_control(self): '''test manual_control mavlink message''' self.set_parameter("SYSID_MYGCS", self.mav.source_system) self.change_mode('STABILIZE') self.takeoff(10) tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() want_pitch_degrees = -12 while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 10: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not reach pitch") self.progress("Sending pitch-forward") self.mav.mav.manual_control_send( 1, # target system 500, # x (pitch) 32767, # y (roll) 32767, # z (thrust) 32767, # r (yaw) 0) # button mask m = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True, timeout=1) print("m=%s" % str(m)) if m is None: continue p = math.degrees(m.pitch) self.progress("pitch=%f want<=%f" % (p, want_pitch_degrees)) if p <= want_pitch_degrees: break self.mav.mav.manual_control_send( 1, # target system 32767, # x (pitch) 32767, # y (roll) 32767, # z (thrust) 32767, # r (yaw) 0) # button mask self.do_RTL() def check_avoidance_corners(self): self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") self.set_rc(2, 1400) west_loc = mavutil.location(-35.363007, 149.164911, 0, 0) self.wait_location(west_loc, accuracy=6) north_loc = mavutil.location(-35.362908, 149.165051, 0, 0) self.reach_heading_manual(0) self.wait_location(north_loc, accuracy=6, timeout=200) self.reach_heading_manual(90) east_loc = mavutil.location(-35.363013, 149.165194, 0, 0) self.wait_location(east_loc, accuracy=6) self.reach_heading_manual(225) self.wait_location(west_loc, accuracy=6, timeout=200) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.do_RTL() def OBSTACLE_DISTANCE_3D_test_angle(self, angle): now = self.get_sim_time_cached() distance = 15 right = distance * math.sin(math.radians(angle)) front = distance * math.cos(math.radians(angle)) down = 0 expected_distance_cm = distance * 100 # expected orientation expected_orientation = int((angle+22.5)/45) % 8 self.progress("Angle %f expected orient %u" % (angle, expected_orientation)) tstart = self.get_sim_time() last_send = 0 while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 10: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get correct angle back") if now - last_send > 0.1: self.progress("ang=%f sending front=%f right=%f" % (angle, front, right)) self.mav.mav.obstacle_distance_3d_send( int(now*1000), # time_boot_ms mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD, 65535, front, # x (m) right, # y (m) down, # z (m) 0, # min_distance (m) 20 # max_distance (m) ) last_send = now m = self.mav.recv_match(type="DISTANCE_SENSOR", blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue # self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) if m.orientation != expected_orientation: # self.progress("Wrong orientation (want=%u got=%u)" % # (expected_orientation, m.orientation)) continue if abs(m.current_distance - expected_distance_cm) > 1: # self.progress("Wrong distance (want=%f got=%f)" % # (expected_distance_cm, m.current_distance)) continue self.progress("distance-at-angle good") break def OBSTACLE_DISTANCE_3D(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameters({ "SERIAL5_PROTOCOL": 1, "PRX_TYPE": 2, }) self.reboot_sitl() for angle in range(0, 360): self.OBSTACLE_DISTANCE_3D_test_angle(angle) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_proximity_avoidance_test_corners(self): self.start_subtest("Corners") self.context_push() ex = None try: self.load_fence("copter-avoidance-fence.txt") self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("PRX_TYPE", 10) self.set_parameter("RC10_OPTION", 40) # proximity-enable self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Enabling proximity") self.set_rc(10, 2000) self.check_avoidance_corners() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.clear_fence() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_proximity_avoidance_test_alt_no_avoid(self): self.start_subtest("Alt-no-avoid") self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("PRX_TYPE", 2) self.set_parameter("AVOID_ALT_MIN", 10) self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() self.reboot_sitl() tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.change_mode('LOITER') while True: if self.armed(): break if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 60: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not arm") self.mav.mav.distance_sensor_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 10, # min_distance cm 500, # max_distance cm 400, # current_distance cm mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER, # type 26, # id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_NONE, # orientation 255 # covariance ) self.send_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, 1, # ARM 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.wait_heartbeat() self.takeoff(15, mode='LOITER') self.progress("Poking vehicle; should avoid") def shove(a, b): self.mav.mav.distance_sensor_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 10, # min_distance cm 500, # max_distance cm 20, # current_distance cm mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER, # type 21, # id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_NONE, # orientation 255 # covariance ) self.wait_speed_vector_bf( Vector3(-0.4, 0.0, 0.0), timeout=10, called_function=shove, ) self.change_alt(5) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 10: break vel = self.get_body_frame_velocity() if vel.length() > 0.3: raise NotAchievedException("Moved too much (%s)" % (str(vel),)) shove(None, None) except Exception as e: self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) ex = e self.context_pop() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_proximity_avoidance_test(self): self.fly_proximity_avoidance_test_alt_no_avoid() self.fly_proximity_avoidance_test_corners() def fly_fence_avoidance_test(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.load_fence("copter-avoidance-fence.txt") self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) self.check_avoidance_corners() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.clear_fence() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) if ex is not None: raise ex def global_position_int_for_location(self, loc, time_boot, heading=0): return self.mav.mav.global_position_int_encode( int(time_boot * 1000), # time_boot_ms int(loc.lat * 1e7), int(loc.lng * 1e7), int(loc.alt * 1000), # alt in mm 20, # relative alt - urp. vx=0, vy=0, vz=0, hdg=heading ) def fly_follow_mode(self): self.set_parameter("FOLL_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("FOLL_SYSID", self.mav.source_system) foll_ofs_x = 30 # metres self.set_parameter("FOLL_OFS_X", -foll_ofs_x) self.set_parameter("FOLL_OFS_TYPE", 1) # relative to other vehicle heading self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") self.set_parameter("SIM_SPEEDUP", 1) self.change_mode("FOLLOW") new_loc = self.mav.location() new_loc_offset_n = 20 new_loc_offset_e = 30 self.location_offset_ne(new_loc, new_loc_offset_n, new_loc_offset_e) self.progress("new_loc: %s" % str(new_loc)) heading = 0 if self.mavproxy is not None: self.mavproxy.send("map icon %f %f greenplane %f\n" % (new_loc.lat, new_loc.lng, heading)) expected_loc = copy.copy(new_loc) self.location_offset_ne(expected_loc, -foll_ofs_x, 0) if self.mavproxy is not None: self.mavproxy.send("map icon %f %f hoop\n" % (expected_loc.lat, expected_loc.lng)) self.progress("expected_loc: %s" % str(expected_loc)) last_sent = 0 tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 60: raise NotAchievedException("Did not FOLLOW") if now - last_sent > 0.5: gpi = self.global_position_int_for_location(new_loc, now, heading=heading) gpi.pack(self.mav.mav) self.mav.mav.send(gpi) self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() delta = self.get_distance(expected_loc, pos) max_delta = 3 self.progress("position delta=%f (want <%f)" % (delta, max_delta)) if delta < max_delta: break self.do_RTL() def get_global_position_int(self, timeout=30): tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get good global_position_int") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True, timeout=1) self.progress("GPI: %s" % str(m)) if m is None: continue if m.lat != 0 or m.lon != 0: return m def fly_beacon_position(self): self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_ready_to_arm(require_absolute=True) old_pos = self.get_global_position_int() print("old_pos=%s" % str(old_pos)) self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("BCN_TYPE", 10) self.set_parameter("BCN_LATITUDE", SITL_START_LOCATION.lat) self.set_parameter("BCN_LONGITUDE", SITL_START_LOCATION.lng) self.set_parameter("BCN_ALT", SITL_START_LOCATION.alt) self.set_parameter("BCN_ORIENT_YAW", 0) self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 4) self.set_parameter("GPS_TYPE", 0) self.set_parameter("EK3_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("EK3_SRC1_POSXY", 4) # Beacon self.set_parameter("EK3_SRC1_POSZ", 1) # Baro self.set_parameter("EK3_SRC1_VELXY", 0) # None self.set_parameter("EK3_SRC1_VELZ", 0) # None self.set_parameter("EK2_ENABLE", 0) self.set_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE", 3) self.reboot_sitl() # turn off GPS arming checks. This may be considered a # bug that we need to do this. old_arming_check = int(self.get_parameter("ARMING_CHECK")) if old_arming_check == 1: old_arming_check = 1 ^ 25 - 1 new_arming_check = int(old_arming_check) & ~(1 << 3) self.set_parameter("ARMING_CHECK", new_arming_check) self.reboot_sitl() # require_absolute=True infers a GPS is present self.wait_ready_to_arm(require_absolute=False) tstart = self.get_sim_time() timeout = 20 while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get new position like old position") self.progress("Fetching location") new_pos = self.get_global_position_int() pos_delta = self.get_distance_int(old_pos, new_pos) max_delta = 1 self.progress("delta=%u want <= %u" % (pos_delta, max_delta)) if pos_delta <= max_delta: break self.progress("Moving to ensure location is tracked") self.takeoff(10, mode="STABILIZE") self.change_mode("CIRCLE") tstart = self.get_sim_time() max_delta = 0 max_allowed_delta = 10 while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: break pos_delta = self.get_distance_int(self.sim_location_int(), self.get_global_position_int()) self.progress("pos_delta=%f max_delta=%f max_allowed_delta=%f" % (pos_delta, max_delta, max_allowed_delta)) if pos_delta > max_delta: max_delta = pos_delta if pos_delta > max_allowed_delta: raise NotAchievedException("Vehicle location not tracking simulated location (%f > %f)" % (pos_delta, max_allowed_delta)) self.progress("Tracked location just fine (max_delta=%f)" % max_delta) self.change_mode("LOITER") self.wait_groundspeed(0, 0.3, timeout=120) self.land_and_disarm() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_beacon_avoidance_test(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("BCN_TYPE", 10) self.set_parameter("BCN_LATITUDE", int(SITL_START_LOCATION.lat)) self.set_parameter("BCN_LONGITUDE", int(SITL_START_LOCATION.lng)) self.set_parameter("BCN_ORIENT_YAW", 45) self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 4) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") self.set_rc(2, 1400) west_loc = mavutil.location(-35.362919, 149.165055, 0, 0) self.wait_location(west_loc, accuracy=7) self.reach_heading_manual(0) north_loc = mavutil.location(-35.362881, 149.165103, 0, 0) self.wait_location(north_loc, accuracy=7) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.set_rc(1, 1600) east_loc = mavutil.location(-35.362986, 149.165227, 0, 0) self.wait_location(east_loc, accuracy=7) self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1600) south_loc = mavutil.location(-35.363025, 149.165182, 0, 0) self.wait_location(south_loc, accuracy=7) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.do_RTL() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.clear_fence() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_wind_baro_compensation(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.customise_SITL_commandline( ["--defaults", ','.join(self.model_defaults_filepath('Callisto'))], model="octa-quad:@ROMFS/models/Callisto.json", wipe=True, ) wind_spd_truth = 8.0 wind_dir_truth = 90.0 self.set_parameter("EK3_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("EK2_ENABLE", 0) self.set_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE", 3) self.set_parameter("BARO1_WCF_ENABLE", 1.000000) self.reboot_sitl() self.set_parameter("EK3_DRAG_BCOEF_X", 361.000000) self.set_parameter("EK3_DRAG_BCOEF_Y", 361.000000) self.set_parameter("EK3_DRAG_MCOEF", 0.082000) self.set_parameter("BARO1_WCF_FWD", -0.300000) self.set_parameter("BARO1_WCF_BCK", -0.300000) self.set_parameter("BARO1_WCF_RGT", 0.300000) self.set_parameter("BARO1_WCF_LFT", 0.300000) self.set_parameter("SIM_BARO_WCF_FWD", -0.300000) self.set_parameter("SIM_BARO_WCF_BAK", -0.300000) self.set_parameter("SIM_BARO_WCF_RGT", 0.300000) self.set_parameter("SIM_BARO_WCF_LFT", 0.300000) self.set_parameter("SIM_WIND_DIR", wind_dir_truth) self.set_parameter("SIM_WIND_SPD", wind_spd_truth) self.set_parameter("SIM_WIND_T", 1.000000) self.reboot_sitl() # require_absolute=True infers a GPS is present self.wait_ready_to_arm(require_absolute=False) self.progress("Climb to 20m in LOITER and yaw spin for 30 seconds") self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") self.set_rc(4, 1400) self.delay_sim_time(30) # check wind esitmates m = self.mav.recv_match(type='WIND', blocking=True) speed_error = abs(m.speed - wind_spd_truth) angle_error = abs(m.direction - wind_dir_truth) if (speed_error > 1.0): raise NotAchievedException("Wind speed incorrect - want %f +-1 got %f m/s" % (wind_spd_truth, m.speed)) if (angle_error > 15.0): raise NotAchievedException( "Wind direction incorrect - want %f +-15 got %f deg" % (wind_dir_truth, m.direction)) self.progress("Wind estimate is good, now check height variation for 30 seconds") # check height stability over another 30 seconds z_min = 1E6 z_max = -1E6 tstart = self.get_sim_time() while (self.get_sim_time() < tstart + 30): m = self.mav.recv_match(type='LOCAL_POSITION_NED', blocking=True) if (m.z > z_max): z_max = m.z if (m.z < z_min): z_min = m.z if (z_max-z_min > 0.5): raise NotAchievedException("Height variation is excessive") self.progress("Height variation is good") self.set_rc(4, 1500) self.land_and_disarm() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def wait_generator_speed_and_state(self, rpm_min, rpm_max, want_state, timeout=240): self.drain_mav() tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Did not move to state/speed") m = self.mav.recv_match(type="GENERATOR_STATUS", blocking=True, timeout=10) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get GENERATOR_STATUS") if m.generator_speed < rpm_min: self.progress("Too slow (%u<%u)" % (m.generator_speed, rpm_min)) continue if m.generator_speed > rpm_max: self.progress("Too fast (%u>%u)" % (m.generator_speed, rpm_max)) continue if m.status != want_state: self.progress("Wrong state (got=%u want=%u)" % (m.status, want_state)) break self.progress("Got generator speed and state") def test_richenpower(self): self.set_parameter("SERIAL5_PROTOCOL", 30) self.set_parameter("SIM_RICH_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SERVO8_FUNCTION", 42) self.set_parameter("SIM_RICH_CTRL", 8) self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 85) self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 1) self.set_parameter("BATT2_MONITOR", 17) self.set_parameter("GEN_TYPE", 3) self.reboot_sitl() self.set_rc(9, 1000) # remember this is a switch position - stop self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--uartF=sim:richenpower"]) self.wait_statustext("requested state is not RUN", timeout=60) self.set_message_rate_hz("GENERATOR_STATUS", 10) self.drain_mav_unparsed() self.wait_generator_speed_and_state(0, 0, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_GENERATOR_STATUS_FLAG_OFF) messages = [] def my_message_hook(mav, m): if m.get_type() != 'STATUSTEXT': return messages.append(m) self.install_message_hook(my_message_hook) try: self.set_rc(9, 2000) # remember this is a switch position - run finally: self.remove_message_hook(my_message_hook) if "Generator HIGH" not in [x.text for x in messages]: self.wait_statustext("Generator HIGH", timeout=60) self.set_rc(9, 1000) # remember this is a switch position - stop self.wait_statustext("requested state is not RUN", timeout=200) self.set_rc(9, 1500) # remember this is a switch position - idle self.wait_generator_speed_and_state(3000, 8000, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_GENERATOR_STATUS_FLAG_IDLE) self.set_rc(9, 2000) # remember this is a switch position - run # self.wait_generator_speed_and_state(3000, 30000, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_GENERATOR_STATUS_FLAG_WARMING_UP) self.wait_generator_speed_and_state(8000, 30000, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_GENERATOR_STATUS_FLAG_GENERATING) bs = self.mav.recv_match( type="BATTERY_STATUS", condition="BATTERY_STATUS.id==1", # id is zero-indexed timeout=1, blocking=True ) if bs is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive BATTERY_STATUS") self.progress("Received battery status: %s" % str(bs)) want_bs_volt = 50000 if bs.voltages[0] != want_bs_volt: raise NotAchievedException("Battery voltage not as expected (want=%f) got=(%f)" % (want_bs_volt, bs.voltages[0],)) self.progress("Moving *back* to idle") self.set_rc(9, 1500) # remember this is a switch position - idle self.wait_generator_speed_and_state(3000, 10000, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_GENERATOR_STATUS_FLAG_IDLE) self.progress("Moving *back* to run") self.set_rc(9, 2000) # remember this is a switch position - run self.wait_generator_speed_and_state(8000, 30000, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_GENERATOR_STATUS_FLAG_GENERATING) self.set_message_rate_hz("GENERATOR_STATUS", -1) self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 0) if not self.current_onboard_log_contains_message("GEN"): raise NotAchievedException("Did not find expected GEN message") def test_ie24(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("SERIAL5_PROTOCOL", 30) self.set_parameter("SERIAL5_BAUD", 115200) self.set_parameter("GEN_TYPE", 2) self.set_parameter("BATT2_MONITOR", 17) self.set_parameter("SIM_IE24_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 1) self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--uartF=sim:ie24"]) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.disarm_vehicle() # Test for pre-arm check fail when state is not running self.start_subtest("If you haven't taken off generator error should cause instant failsafe and disarm") self.set_parameter("SIM_IE24_STATE", 8) self.wait_statustext("Status not running", timeout=40) self.try_arm(result=False, expect_msg="Status not running") self.set_parameter("SIM_IE24_STATE", 2) # Explicitly set state to running # Test that error code does result in failsafe self.start_subtest("If you haven't taken off generator error should cause instant failsafe and disarm") self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", 0) self.arm_vehicle() self.set_parameter("SIM_IE24_ERROR", 30) self.disarm_wait(timeout=1) self.set_parameter("SIM_IE24_ERROR", 0) self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", 10) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_aux_switch_options(self): self.set_parameter("RC7_OPTION", 58) # clear waypoints self.load_mission("copter_loiter_to_alt.txt") self.set_rc(7, 1000) self.assert_mission_count(5) self.progress("Clear mission") self.set_rc(7, 2000) self.delay_sim_time(1) # allow switch to debounce self.assert_mission_count(0) self.set_rc(7, 1000) self.set_parameter("RC7_OPTION", 24) # reset mission self.delay_sim_time(2) self.load_mission("copter_loiter_to_alt.txt") set_wp = 4 self.set_current_waypoint(set_wp) self.wait_current_waypoint(set_wp, timeout=10) self.progress("Reset mission") self.set_rc(7, 2000) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.drain_mav() self.wait_current_waypoint(0, timeout=10) self.set_rc(7, 1000) def test_aux_functions_in_mission(self): self.load_mission("aux_functions.txt") self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.wait_mode('ALT_HOLD') self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_rtl_complete() def fly_rangefinder_drivers_fly(self, rangefinders): '''ensure rangefinder gives height-above-ground''' self.change_mode('GUIDED') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() expected_alt = 5 self.user_takeoff(alt_min=expected_alt) rf = self.mav.recv_match(type="RANGEFINDER", timeout=1, blocking=True) if rf is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive rangefinder message") gpi = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True, timeout=1) if gpi is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive GLOBAL_POSITION_INT message") if abs(rf.distance - gpi.relative_alt/1000.0) > 1: raise NotAchievedException( "rangefinder alt (%s) disagrees with global-position-int.relative_alt (%s)" % (rf.distance, gpi.relative_alt/1000.0) ) for i in range(0, len(rangefinders)): name = rangefinders[i] self.progress("i=%u (%s)" % (i, name)) ds = self.mav.recv_match( type="DISTANCE_SENSOR", timeout=2, blocking=True, condition="DISTANCE_SENSOR.id==%u" % i ) if ds is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive DISTANCE_SENSOR message for id==%u (%s)" % (i, name)) self.progress("Got: %s" % str(ds)) if abs(ds.current_distance/100.0 - gpi.relative_alt/1000.0) > 1: raise NotAchievedException( "distance sensor.current_distance (%f) (%s) disagrees with global-position-int.relative_alt (%s)" % (ds.current_distance/100.0, name, gpi.relative_alt/1000.0)) self.land_and_disarm() self.progress("Ensure RFND messages in log") if not self.current_onboard_log_contains_message("RFND"): raise NotAchievedException("No RFND messages in log") def fly_proximity_mavlink_distance_sensor(self): self.start_subtest("Test mavlink proximity sensor using DISTANCE_SENSOR messages") # noqa self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("SERIAL5_PROTOCOL", 1) self.set_parameter("PRX_TYPE", 2) # mavlink self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Should be unhealthy while we don't send messages") self.assert_sensor_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_PROXIMITY, True, True, False) self.progress("Should be healthy while we're sending good messages") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > 5: raise NotAchievedException("Sensor did not come good") self.mav.mav.distance_sensor_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 10, # min_distance cm 50, # max_distance cm 20, # current_distance cm mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER, # type 21, # id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_NONE, # orientation 255 # covariance ) if self.sensor_has_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_PROXIMITY, True, True, True): self.progress("Sensor has good state") break self.delay_sim_time(0.1) self.progress("Should be unhealthy again if we stop sending messages") self.delay_sim_time(1) self.assert_sensor_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_PROXIMITY, True, True, False) # now make sure we get echoed back the same sorts of things we send: # distances are in cm distance_map = { mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_NONE: 30, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_45: 35, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_90: 20, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_135: 15, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_180: 70, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_225: 80, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_270: 10, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_YAW_315: 90, } wanted_distances = copy.copy(distance_map) sensor_enum = mavutil.mavlink.enums["MAV_SENSOR_ORIENTATION"] def my_message_hook(mav, m): if m.get_type() != 'DISTANCE_SENSOR': return self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) want = distance_map[m.orientation] got = m.current_distance # ArduPilot's floating point conversions make it imprecise: delta = abs(want-got) if delta > 1: self.progress( "Wrong distance (%s): want=%f got=%f" % (sensor_enum[m.orientation].name, want, got)) return if m.orientation not in wanted_distances: return self.progress( "Correct distance (%s): want=%f got=%f" % (sensor_enum[m.orientation].name, want, got)) del wanted_distances[m.orientation] self.install_message_hook_context(my_message_hook) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > 5: raise NotAchievedException("Sensor did not give right distances") # noqa for (orient, dist) in distance_map.items(): self.mav.mav.distance_sensor_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 10, # min_distance cm 90, # max_distance cm dist, # current_distance cm mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER, # type 21, # id orient, # orientation 255 # covariance ) self.wait_heartbeat() if len(wanted_distances.keys()) == 0: break except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_rangefinder_mavlink_distance_sensor(self): self.start_subtest("Test mavlink rangefinder using DISTANCE_SENSOR messages") self.context_push() self.set_parameter('RTL_ALT_TYPE', 0) ex = None try: self.set_parameter("SERIAL5_PROTOCOL", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 10) self.reboot_sitl() self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MAX_CM", 32767) self.progress("Should be unhealthy while we don't send messages") self.assert_sensor_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION, True, True, False) self.progress("Should be healthy while we're sending good messages") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > 5: raise NotAchievedException("Sensor did not come good") self.mav.mav.distance_sensor_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 10, # min_distance 50, # max_distance 20, # current_distance mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER, # type 21, # id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_PITCH_270, # orientation 255 # covariance ) if self.sensor_has_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION, True, True, True): self.progress("Sensor has good state") break self.delay_sim_time(0.1) self.progress("Should be unhealthy again if we stop sending messages") self.delay_sim_time(1) self.assert_sensor_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION, True, True, False) self.progress("Landing gear should deploy with current_distance below min_distance") self.change_mode('STABILIZE') timeout = 60 tstart = self.get_sim_time() while not self.sensor_has_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_PREARM_CHECK, True, True, True): if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Failed to become armable after %f seconds" % timeout) self.mav.mav.distance_sensor_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 100, # min_distance (cm) 2500, # max_distance (cm) 200, # current_distance (cm) mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER, # type 21, # id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_PITCH_270, # orientation 255 # covariance ) self.arm_vehicle() self.set_parameter("SERVO10_FUNCTION", 29) self.set_parameter("LGR_DEPLOY_ALT", 1) self.set_parameter("LGR_RETRACT_ALT", 10) # metres self.delay_sim_time(1) # servo function maps only periodically updated # self.send_debug_trap() self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_AIRFRAME_CONFIGURATION, 0, 0, # deploy 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 5: raise NotAchievedException("Retraction did not happen") self.mav.mav.distance_sensor_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 100, # min_distance (cm) 6000, # max_distance (cm) 1500, # current_distance (cm) mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER, # type 21, # id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_PITCH_270, # orientation 255 # covariance ) self.delay_sim_time(0.1) try: self.wait_text("LandingGear: RETRACT", check_context=True, timeout=0.1) except Exception: continue self.progress("Retracted") break # self.send_debug_trap() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 5: raise NotAchievedException("Deployment did not happen") self.progress("Sending distance-sensor message") self.mav.mav.distance_sensor_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 300, # min_distance 500, # max_distance 250, # current_distance mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER, # type 21, # id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SENSOR_ROTATION_PITCH_270, # orientation 255 # covariance ) try: self.wait_text("LandingGear: DEPLOY", check_context=True, timeout=0.1) except Exception: continue self.progress("Deployed") break self.disarm_vehicle() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_gsf(self): '''test the Gaussian Sum filter''' ex = None self.context_push() try: self.set_parameter("EK2_ENABLE", 1) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(20, mode='LOITER') self.set_rc(2, 1400) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.progress("Path: %s" % self.current_onboard_log_filepath()) dfreader = self.dfreader_for_current_onboard_log() self.do_RTL() except Exception as e: self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex # ensure log messages present want = set(["XKY0", "XKY1", "NKY0", "NKY1"]) still_want = want while len(still_want): m = dfreader.recv_match(type=want) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get %s" % want) still_want.remove(m.get_type()) def fly_rangefinder_mavlink(self): self.fly_rangefinder_mavlink_distance_sensor() # explicit test for the mavlink driver as it doesn't play so nice: self.set_parameter("SERIAL5_PROTOCOL", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 10) self.customise_SITL_commandline(['--uartF=sim:rf_mavlink']) self.change_mode('GUIDED') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() expected_alt = 5 self.user_takeoff(alt_min=expected_alt) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > 5: raise NotAchievedException("Mavlink rangefinder not working") rf = self.mav.recv_match(type="RANGEFINDER", timeout=1, blocking=True) if rf is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive rangefinder message") gpi = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True, timeout=1) if gpi is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive GLOBAL_POSITION_INT message") if abs(rf.distance - gpi.relative_alt/1000.0) > 1: print("rangefinder alt (%s) disagrees with global-position-int.relative_alt (%s)" % (rf.distance, gpi.relative_alt/1000.0)) continue ds = self.mav.recv_match( type="DISTANCE_SENSOR", timeout=2, blocking=True, ) if ds is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive DISTANCE_SENSOR message") self.progress("Got: %s" % str(ds)) if abs(ds.current_distance/100.0 - gpi.relative_alt/1000.0) > 1: print( "distance sensor.current_distance (%f) disagrees with global-position-int.relative_alt (%s)" % (ds.current_distance/100.0, gpi.relative_alt/1000.0)) continue break self.progress("mavlink rangefinder OK") self.land_and_disarm() def fly_rangefinder_driver_maxbotix(self): ex = None try: self.context_push() self.start_subtest("No messages") rf = self.mav.recv_match(type="DISTANCE_SENSOR", timeout=5, blocking=True) if rf is not None: raise NotAchievedException("Receiving DISTANCE_SENSOR when I shouldn't be") self.start_subtest("Default address") self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 2) # maxbotix self.reboot_sitl() self.do_timesync_roundtrip() rf = self.mav.recv_match(type="DISTANCE_SENSOR", timeout=5, blocking=True) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(rf)) if rf is None: raise NotAchievedException("Didn't receive DISTANCE_SENSOR when I should've") self.start_subtest("Explicitly set to default address") self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 2) # maxbotix self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_ADDR", 0x70) self.reboot_sitl() self.do_timesync_roundtrip() rf = self.mav.recv_match(type="DISTANCE_SENSOR", timeout=5, blocking=True) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(rf)) if rf is None: raise NotAchievedException("Didn't receive DISTANCE_SENSOR when I should've") self.start_subtest("Explicitly set to non-default address") self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_ADDR", 0x71) self.reboot_sitl() self.do_timesync_roundtrip() rf = self.mav.recv_match(type="DISTANCE_SENSOR", timeout=5, blocking=True) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(rf)) if rf is None: raise NotAchievedException("Didn't receive DISTANCE_SENSOR when I should've") self.start_subtest("Two MaxBotix RangeFinders") self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 2) # maxbotix self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_ADDR", 0x70) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MIN_CM", 150) self.set_parameter("RNGFND2_TYPE", 2) # maxbotix self.set_parameter("RNGFND2_ADDR", 0x71) self.set_parameter("RNGFND2_MIN_CM", 250) self.reboot_sitl() self.do_timesync_roundtrip() for i in [0, 1]: rf = self.mav.recv_match( type="DISTANCE_SENSOR", timeout=5, blocking=True, condition="DISTANCE_SENSOR.id==%u" % i ) self.progress("Got id==%u (%s)" % (i, str(rf))) if rf is None: raise NotAchievedException("Didn't receive DISTANCE_SENSOR when I should've") expected_dist = 150 if i == 1: expected_dist = 250 if rf.min_distance != expected_dist: raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected min_cm (want=%u got=%u)" % (expected_dist, rf.min_distance)) self.context_pop() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_rangefinder_drivers(self): self.set_parameter("RTL_ALT", 500) self.set_parameter("RTL_ALT_TYPE", 1) drivers = [ ("lightwareserial", 8), # autodetected between this and -binary ("lightwareserial-binary", 8), ("USD1_v0", 11), ("USD1_v1", 11), ("leddarone", 12), ("maxsonarseriallv", 13), ("nmea", 17), ("wasp", 18), ("benewake_tf02", 19), ("blping", 23), ("benewake_tfmini", 20), ("lanbao", 26), ("benewake_tf03", 27), ("gyus42v2", 31), ] while len(drivers): do_drivers = drivers[0:3] drivers = drivers[3:] command_line_args = [] self.context_push() for (offs, cmdline_argument, serial_num) in [(0, '--uartE', 4), (1, '--uartF', 5), (2, '--uartG', 6)]: if len(do_drivers) > offs: (sim_name, rngfnd_param_value) = do_drivers[offs] command_line_args.append("%s=sim:%s" % (cmdline_argument, sim_name)) serial_param_name = "SERIAL%u_PROTOCOL" % serial_num self.set_parameter(serial_param_name, 9) # rangefinder self.set_parameter("RNGFND%u_TYPE" % (offs+1), rngfnd_param_value) self.customise_SITL_commandline(command_line_args) self.fly_rangefinder_drivers_fly([x[0] for x in do_drivers]) self.context_pop() self.fly_rangefinder_mavlink() i2c_drivers = [ ("maxbotixi2cxl", 2), ] while len(i2c_drivers): do_drivers = i2c_drivers[0:9] i2c_drivers = i2c_drivers[9:] count = 1 for d in do_drivers: (sim_name, rngfnd_param_value) = d self.set_parameter("RNGFND%u_TYPE" % count, rngfnd_param_value) count += 1 self.reboot_sitl() self.fly_rangefinder_drivers_fly([x[0] for x in do_drivers]) def fly_ship_takeoff(self): # test ship takeoff self.wait_groundspeed(0, 2) self.set_parameter("SIM_SHIP_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_SHIP_SPEED", 10) self.set_parameter("SIM_SHIP_DSIZE", 2) self.wait_ready_to_arm() # we should be moving with the ship self.wait_groundspeed(9, 11) self.takeoff(10) # above ship our speed drops to 0 self.wait_groundspeed(0, 2) self.land_and_disarm() # ship will have moved on, so we land on the water which isn't moving self.wait_groundspeed(0, 2) def test_parameter_validation(self): # wait 10 seconds for initialisation self.delay_sim_time(10) self.progress("invalid; min must be less than max:") self.set_parameter("MOT_PWM_MIN", 100) self.set_parameter("MOT_PWM_MAX", 50) self.drain_mav() self.assert_prearm_failure("Check MOT_PWM_MIN/MAX") self.progress("invalid; min must be less than max (equal case):") self.set_parameter("MOT_PWM_MIN", 100) self.set_parameter("MOT_PWM_MAX", 100) self.drain_mav() self.assert_prearm_failure("Check MOT_PWM_MIN/MAX") def test_alt_estimate_prearm(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: # disable barometer so there is no altitude source self.set_parameter("SIM_BARO_DISABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_BARO2_DISABL", 1) self.wait_gps_disable(position_vertical=True) # turn off arming checks (mandatory arming checks will still be run) self.set_parameter("ARMING_CHECK", 0) # delay 12 sec to allow EKF to lose altitude estimate self.delay_sim_time(12) self.change_mode("ALT_HOLD") self.assert_prearm_failure("Need Alt Estimate") # force arm vehicle in stabilize to bypass barometer pre-arm checks self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.arm_vehicle() self.set_rc(3, 1700) try: self.change_mode("ALT_HOLD", timeout=10) except AutoTestTimeoutException: self.progress("PASS not able to set mode without Position : %s" % "ALT_HOLD") # check that mode change to ALT_HOLD has failed (it should) if self.mode_is("ALT_HOLD"): raise NotAchievedException("Changed to ALT_HOLD with no altitude estimate") except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) if ex is not None: raise ex def test_ekf_source(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("EK3_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE", 3) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.start_subtest("bad yaw source") self.set_parameter("EK3_SRC3_YAW", 17) self.assert_prearm_failure("Check EK3_SRC3_YAW") self.context_push() self.start_subtest("missing required yaw source") self.set_parameter("EK3_SRC3_YAW", 3) # External Yaw with Compass Fallback self.set_parameter("COMPASS_USE", 0) self.set_parameter("COMPASS_USE2", 0) self.set_parameter("COMPASS_USE3", 0) self.assert_prearm_failure("EK3 sources require Compass") self.context_pop() except Exception as e: self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_replay_gps_bit(self): self.set_parameters({ "LOG_REPLAY": 1, "LOG_DISARMED": 1, "EK3_ENABLE": 1, "EK2_ENABLE": 1, "AHRS_TRIM_X": 0.01, "AHRS_TRIM_Y": -0.03, "GPS_TYPE2": 1, "GPS_POS1_X": 0.1, "GPS_POS1_Y": 0.2, "GPS_POS1_Z": 0.3, "GPS_POS2_X": -0.1, "GPS_POS2_Y": -0.02, "GPS_POS2_Z": -0.31, "INS_POS1_X": 0.12, "INS_POS1_Y": 0.14, "INS_POS1_Z": -0.02, "INS_POS2_X": 0.07, "INS_POS2_Y": 0.012, "INS_POS2_Z": -0.06, "RNGFND1_TYPE": 1, "RNGFND1_PIN": 0, "RNGFND1_SCALING": 30, "RNGFND1_POS_X": 0.17, "RNGFND1_POS_Y": -0.07, "RNGFND1_POS_Z": -0.005, "SIM_SONAR_SCALE": 30, "SIM_GPS2_DISABLE": 0, }) self.reboot_sitl() current_log_filepath = self.current_onboard_log_filepath() self.progress("Current log path: %s" % str(current_log_filepath)) self.change_mode("LOITER") self.wait_ready_to_arm(require_absolute=True) self.arm_vehicle() self.takeoffAndMoveAway() self.do_RTL() self.reboot_sitl() return current_log_filepath def test_replay_beacon_bit(self): self.set_parameter("LOG_REPLAY", 1) self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 1) old_onboard_logs = sorted(self.log_list()) self.fly_beacon_position() new_onboard_logs = sorted(self.log_list()) log_difference = [x for x in new_onboard_logs if x not in old_onboard_logs] return log_difference[2] def test_replay_optical_flow_bit(self): self.set_parameter("LOG_REPLAY", 1) self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 1) old_onboard_logs = sorted(self.log_list()) self.fly_optical_flow_limits() new_onboard_logs = sorted(self.log_list()) log_difference = [x for x in new_onboard_logs if x not in old_onboard_logs] print("log difference: %s" % str(log_difference)) return log_difference[0] def test_gps_blending(self): '''ensure we get dataflash log messages for blended instance''' self.context_push() ex = None try: # configure: self.set_parameter("GPS_TYPE2", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS2_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS2_DISABLE", 0) self.set_parameter("GPS_AUTO_SWITCH", 2) self.reboot_sitl() # ensure we're seeing the second GPS: tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 60: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get good GPS2_RAW message") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GPS2_RAW', blocking=True, timeout=1) self.progress("%s" % str(m)) if m is None: continue if m.lat == 0: continue break # create a log we can expect blended data to appear in: self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.delay_sim_time(5) self.disarm_vehicle() # inspect generated log for messages: dfreader = self.dfreader_for_current_onboard_log() wanted = set([0, 1, 2]) seen_primary_change = False while True: m = dfreader.recv_match(type=["GPS", "EV"]) # disarmed if m is None: break mtype = m.get_type() if mtype == 'GPS': try: wanted.remove(m.I) except KeyError: continue elif mtype == 'EV': if m.Id == 67: # GPS_PRIMARY_CHANGED seen_primary_change = True if len(wanted) == 0 and seen_primary_change: break if len(wanted): raise NotAchievedException("Did not get all three GPS types") if not seen_primary_change: raise NotAchievedException("Did not see primary change") except Exception as e: self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_callisto(self): self.customise_SITL_commandline( ["--defaults", ','.join(self.model_defaults_filepath('Callisto')), ], model="octa-quad:@ROMFS/models/Callisto.json", wipe=True, ) self.takeoff(10) self.do_RTL() def fly_each_frame(self): vinfo = vehicleinfo.VehicleInfo() copter_vinfo_options = vinfo.options[self.vehicleinfo_key()] known_broken_frames = { 'cwx': "missing defaults file", 'deca-cwx': 'missing defaults file', 'djix': "missing defaults file", 'heli-compound': "wrong binary, different takeoff regime", 'heli-dual': "wrong binary, different takeoff regime", 'heli': "wrong binary, different takeoff regime", 'heli-blade360': "wrong binary, different takeoff regime", 'tri': "bad yaw rate", } for frame in sorted(copter_vinfo_options["frames"].keys()): self.start_subtest("Testing frame (%s)" % str(frame)) if frame in known_broken_frames: self.progress("Actually, no I'm not - it is known-broken (%s)" % (known_broken_frames[frame])) continue frame_bits = copter_vinfo_options["frames"][frame] print("frame_bits: %s" % str(frame_bits)) if frame_bits.get("external", False): self.progress("Actually, no I'm not - it is an external simulation") continue model = frame_bits.get("model", frame) # the model string for Callisto has crap in it.... we # should really have another entry in the vehicleinfo data # to carry the path to the JSON. actual_model = model.split(":")[0] defaults = self.model_defaults_filepath(actual_model) if type(defaults) != list: defaults = [defaults] self.customise_SITL_commandline( ["--defaults", ','.join(defaults), ], model=model, wipe=True, ) # add a listener that verifies yaw looks good: def verify_yaw(mav, m): if m.get_type() != 'ATTITUDE': return yawspeed_thresh_rads = math.radians(10) if m.yawspeed > yawspeed_thresh_rads: raise NotAchievedException("Excessive yaw on takeoff: %f deg/s > %f deg/s (frame=%s)" % (math.degrees(m.yawspeed), math.degrees(yawspeed_thresh_rads), frame)) self.install_message_hook(verify_yaw) self.takeoff(10) self.remove_message_hook(verify_yaw) self.hover() self.change_mode('ALT_HOLD') self.delay_sim_time(1) def verify_rollpitch(mav, m): if m.get_type() != 'ATTITUDE': return pitch_thresh_rad = math.radians(2) if m.pitch > pitch_thresh_rad: raise NotAchievedException("Excessive pitch %f deg > %f deg" % (math.degrees(m.pitch), math.degrees(pitch_thresh_rad))) roll_thresh_rad = math.radians(2) if m.roll > roll_thresh_rad: raise NotAchievedException("Excessive roll %f deg > %f deg" % (math.degrees(m.roll), math.degrees(roll_thresh_rad))) self.install_message_hook(verify_rollpitch) for i in range(5): self.set_rc(4, 2000) self.delay_sim_time(0.5) self.set_rc(4, 1500) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.remove_message_hook(verify_rollpitch) self.do_RTL() def test_replay(self): '''test replay correctness''' self.progress("Building Replay") util.build_SITL('tool/Replay', clean=False, configure=False) self.test_replay_bit(self.test_replay_gps_bit) self.test_replay_bit(self.test_replay_beacon_bit) self.test_replay_bit(self.test_replay_optical_flow_bit) def test_replay_bit(self, bit): self.context_push() current_log_filepath = bit() self.progress("Running replay on (%s)" % current_log_filepath) util.run_cmd( ['build/sitl/tool/Replay', current_log_filepath], directory=util.topdir(), checkfail=True, show=True, output=True, ) self.context_pop() replay_log_filepath = self.current_onboard_log_filepath() self.progress("Replay log path: %s" % str(replay_log_filepath)) check_replay = util.load_local_module("Tools/Replay/check_replay.py") ok = check_replay.check_log(replay_log_filepath, self.progress, verbose=True) if not ok: raise NotAchievedException("check_replay failed") def DefaultIntervalsFromFiles(self): ex = None intervals_filepath = util.reltopdir("message-intervals-chan0.txt") self.progress("Using filepath (%s)" % intervals_filepath) try: with open(intervals_filepath, "w") as f: f.write("""30 50 28 100 29 200 """) # other tests may have explicitly set rates, so wipe parameters: def custom_stream_rate_setter(): for stream in mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DATA_STREAM_EXTRA3, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DATA_STREAM_RC_CHANNELS: self.set_streamrate(5, stream=stream) self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], wipe=True, set_streamrate_callback=custom_stream_rate_setter, ) self.assert_message_rate_hz("ATTITUDE", 20) self.assert_message_rate_hz("SCALED_PRESSURE", 5) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e os.unlink(intervals_filepath) self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def BaroDrivers(self): sensors = [ ("MS5611", 2), ] for (name, bus) in sensors: self.context_push() if bus is not None: self.set_parameter("BARO_EXT_BUS", bus) self.set_parameter("BARO_PROBE_EXT", 1 << 2) self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # insert listener to compare airspeeds: messages = [None, None, None] global count count = 0 def check_pressure(mav, m): global count m_type = m.get_type() count += 1 # if count > 500: # if press_abs[0] is None or press_abs[1] is None: # raise NotAchievedException("Not receiving messages") if m_type == 'SCALED_PRESSURE3': off = 2 elif m_type == 'SCALED_PRESSURE2': off = 1 elif m_type == 'SCALED_PRESSURE': off = 0 else: return messages[off] = m if None in messages: return first = messages[0] for msg in messages[1:]: delta_press_abs = abs(first.press_abs - msg.press_abs) if delta_press_abs > 0.5: # 50 Pa leeway raise NotAchievedException("Press_Abs mismatch (press1=%s press2=%s)" % (first, msg)) delta_temperature = abs(first.temperature - msg.temperature) if delta_temperature > 300: # that's 3-degrees leeway raise NotAchievedException("Temperature mismatch (t1=%s t2=%s)" % (first, msg)) self.install_message_hook_context(check_pressure) self.fly_mission("copter_mission.txt", strict=False) if None in messages: raise NotAchievedException("Missing a message") self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() def test_copter_gps_zero(self): # https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/issues/14236 self.progress("arm the vehicle and takeoff in Guided") self.takeoff(20, mode='GUIDED') self.progress("fly 50m North (or whatever)") old_pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) self.fly_guided_move_global_relative_alt(50, 0, 20) self.set_parameter('GPS_TYPE', 0) self.drain_mav() tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 30 and self.mode_is('LAND'): self.progress("Bug not reproduced") break m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True, timeout=1) self.progress("Received (%s)" % str(m)) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("No GLOBAL_POSITION_INT?!") pos_delta = self.get_distance_int(old_pos, m) self.progress("Distance: %f" % pos_delta) if pos_delta < 5: raise NotAchievedException("Bug reproduced - returned to near origin") self.wait_disarmed() self.reboot_sitl() def test_SMART_RTL(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.progress("arm the vehicle and takeoff in Guided") self.takeoff(20, mode='GUIDED') self.progress("fly around a bit (or whatever)") locs = [ (50, 0, 20), (-50, 50, 20), (-50, 0, 20), ] for (lat, lng, alt) in locs: self.fly_guided_move_local(lat, lng, alt) self.change_mode('SMART_RTL') for (lat, lng, alt) in reversed(locs): self.wait_distance_to_local_position( (lat, lng, -alt), 0, 10, timeout=60 ) self.wait_disarmed() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def get_ground_effect_duration_from_current_onboard_log(self, bit, ignore_multi=False): '''returns a duration in seconds we were expecting to interact with the ground. Will die if there's more than one such block of time and ignore_multi is not set (will return first duration otherwise) ''' ret = [] dfreader = self.dfreader_for_current_onboard_log() seen_expected_start_TimeUS = None first = None last = None while True: m = dfreader.recv_match(type="XKF4") if m is None: break last = m if first is None: first = m # self.progress("%s" % str(m)) expected = m.SS & (1 << bit) if expected: if seen_expected_start_TimeUS is None: seen_expected_start_TimeUS = m.TimeUS continue else: if seen_expected_start_TimeUS is not None: duration = (m.TimeUS - seen_expected_start_TimeUS)/1000000.0 ret.append(duration) seen_expected_start_TimeUS = None if seen_expected_start_TimeUS is not None: duration = (last.TimeUS - seen_expected_start_TimeUS)/1000000.0 ret.append(duration) return ret def get_takeoffexpected_durations_from_current_onboard_log(self, ignore_multi=False): return self.get_ground_effect_duration_from_current_onboard_log(11, ignore_multi=ignore_multi) def get_touchdownexpected_durations_from_current_onboard_log(self, ignore_multi=False): return self.get_ground_effect_duration_from_current_onboard_log(12, ignore_multi=ignore_multi) def ThrowDoubleDrop(self): # test boomerang mode: self.progress("Getting a lift to altitude") self.set_parameters({ "SIM_SHOVE_Z": -11, "THROW_TYPE": 1, # drop "MOT_SPOOL_TIME": 2, }) self.change_mode('THROW') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() try: self.set_parameter("SIM_SHOVE_TIME", 30000) except ValueError: # the shove resets this to zero pass self.wait_altitude(100, 1000, timeout=100, relative=True) self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.wait_statustext("throw detected - spooling motors", check_context=True, timeout=10) self.wait_statustext("throttle is unlimited - uprighting", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("uprighted - controlling height", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("height achieved - controlling position", check_context=True) self.progress("Waiting for still") self.wait_speed_vector(Vector3(0, 0, 0)) self.change_mode('ALT_HOLD') self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.wait_disarmed(timeout=90) self.zero_throttle() self.progress("second flight") self.upload_square_mission_items_around_location(self.poll_home_position()) self.set_parameters({ "THROW_NEXTMODE": 3, # auto }) self.change_mode('THROW') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() try: self.set_parameter("SIM_SHOVE_TIME", 30000) except ValueError: # the shove resets this to zero pass self.wait_altitude(100, 1000, timeout=100, relative=True) self.wait_statustext("throw detected - spooling motors", check_context=True, timeout=10) self.wait_statustext("throttle is unlimited - uprighting", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("uprighted - controlling height", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("height achieved - controlling position", check_context=True) self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.wait_disarmed(timeout=240) def GroundEffectCompensation_takeOffExpected(self): self.change_mode('ALT_HOLD') self.set_parameter("LOG_FILE_DSRMROT", 1) self.progress("Making sure we'll have a short log to look at") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.disarm_vehicle() # arm the vehicle and let it disarm normally. This should # yield a log where the EKF considers a takeoff imminent until # disarm self.start_subtest("Check ground effect compensation remains set in EKF while we're at idle on the ground") self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_disarmed() durations = self.get_takeoffexpected_durations_from_current_onboard_log() duration = durations[0] want = 9 self.progress("takeoff-expected duration: %fs" % (duration,)) if duration < want: # assumes default 10-second DISARM_DELAY raise NotAchievedException("Should have been expecting takeoff for longer than %fs (want>%f)" % (duration, want)) self.start_subtest("takeoffExpected should be false very soon after we launch into the air") self.takeoff(mode='ALT_HOLD', alt_min=5) self.change_mode('LAND') self.wait_disarmed() durations = self.get_takeoffexpected_durations_from_current_onboard_log(ignore_multi=True) self.progress("touchdown-durations: %s" % str(durations)) duration = durations[0] self.progress("takeoff-expected-duration %f" % (duration,)) want_lt = 5 if duration >= want_lt: raise NotAchievedException("Was expecting takeoff for longer than expected; got=%f want<=%f" % (duration, want_lt)) def MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW_absolute(self): self.start_subtest("absolute") self.takeoff(20, mode='GUIDED') m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) initial_heading = m.heading self.progress("Ensuring initial heading is steady") target = initial_heading self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW, target, # target angle 10, # degrees/second 1, # -1 is counter-clockwise, 1 clockwise 0, # 1 for relative, 0 for absolute 0, # p5 0, # p6 0, # p7 ) self.wait_heading(target, minimum_duration=2, timeout=50) degsecond = 2 def rate_watcher(mav, m): if m.get_type() != 'ATTITUDE': return if abs(math.degrees(m.yawspeed)) > 5*degsecond: raise NotAchievedException("Moved too fast (%f>%f)" % (math.degrees(m.yawspeed), 5*degsecond)) self.install_message_hook_context(rate_watcher) self.progress("Yaw CW 60 degrees") target = initial_heading + 60 part_way_target = initial_heading + 10 self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW, target, # target angle degsecond, # degrees/second 1, # -1 is counter-clockwise, 1 clockwise 0, # 1 for relative, 0 for absolute 0, # p5 0, # p6 0, # p7 ) self.wait_heading(part_way_target) self.wait_heading(target, minimum_duration=2) self.progress("Yaw CCW 60 degrees") target = initial_heading part_way_target = initial_heading + 30 self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW, target, # target angle degsecond, # degrees/second -1, # -1 is counter-clockwise, 1 clockwise 0, # 1 for relative, 0 for absolute 0, # p5 0, # p6 0, # p7 ) self.wait_heading(part_way_target) self.wait_heading(target, minimum_duration=2) self.do_RTL() def MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW_relative(self): pass def MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW(self): self.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW_absolute() self.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW_relative() def GroundEffectCompensation_touchDownExpected(self): self.zero_throttle() self.change_mode('ALT_HOLD') self.set_parameter("LOG_FILE_DSRMROT", 1) self.progress("Making sure we'll have a short log to look at") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.disarm_vehicle() self.start_subtest("Make sure touchdown-expected duration is about right") self.takeoff(20, mode='ALT_HOLD') self.change_mode('LAND') self.wait_disarmed() durations = self.get_touchdownexpected_durations_from_current_onboard_log(ignore_multi=True) self.progress("touchdown-durations: %s" % str(durations)) duration = durations[-1] expected = 23 # this is the time in the final descent phase of LAND if abs(duration - expected) > 5: raise NotAchievedException("Was expecting roughly %fs of touchdown expected, got %f" % (expected, duration)) def upload_square_mission_items_around_location(self, loc): alt = 20 loc.alt = alt items = [ (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 0, 0, alt) ] for (ofs_n, ofs_e) in (20, 20), (20, -20), (-20, -20), (-20, 20), (20, 20): items.append((mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, ofs_n, ofs_e, alt)) items.append((mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH, 0, 0, 0)) self.upload_simple_relhome_mission(items) def RefindGPS(self): # https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/issues/14236 self.progress("arm the vehicle and takeoff in Guided") self.takeoff(20, mode='GUIDED') self.progress("fly 50m North (or whatever)") old_pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) self.fly_guided_move_global_relative_alt(50, 0, 20) self.set_parameter('GPS_TYPE', 0) self.drain_mav() tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 30 and self.mode_is('LAND'): self.progress("Bug not reproduced") break m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True, timeout=1) self.progress("Received (%s)" % str(m)) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("No GLOBAL_POSITION_INT?!") pos_delta = self.get_distance_int(old_pos, m) self.progress("Distance: %f" % pos_delta) if pos_delta < 5: raise NotAchievedException("Bug reproduced - returned to near origin") self.set_parameter('GPS_TYPE', 1) self.do_RTL() def GPSForYaw(self): self.context_push() self.load_default_params_file("copter-gps-for-yaw.parm") self.reboot_sitl() ex = None try: self.wait_gps_fix_type_gte(6, message_type="GPS2_RAW", verbose=True) m = self.assert_receive_message("GPS2_RAW") self.progress(self.dump_message_verbose(m)) want = 27000 if abs(m.yaw - want) > 500: raise NotAchievedException("Expected to get GPS-from-yaw (want %f got %f)" % (want, m.yaw)) self.wait_ready_to_arm() except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex # a wrapper around all the 1A,1B,1C..etc tests for travis def tests1(self): ret = ([]) ret.extend(self.tests1a()) ret.extend(self.tests1b()) ret.extend(self.tests1c()) ret.extend(self.tests1d()) ret.extend(self.tests1e()) return ret def FETtecESC_flight(self): '''fly with servo outputs from FETtec ESC''' self.start_subtest("FETtec ESC flight") num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_mission.txt", strict=False) self.fly_loaded_mission(num_wp) def FETtecESC_esc_power_checks(self): '''Make sure state machine copes with ESCs rebooting''' self.start_subtest("FETtec ESC reboot") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.progress("Turning off an ESC off ") mask = int(self.get_parameter("SIM_FTOWESC_POW")) for mot_id_to_kill in 1, 2: self.progress("Turning ESC=%u off" % mot_id_to_kill) self.set_parameter("SIM_FTOWESC_POW", mask & ~(1 << mot_id_to_kill)) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.assert_prearm_failure("are not running") self.progress("Turning it back on") self.set_parameter("SIM_FTOWESC_POW", mask) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.progress("Turning ESC=%u off (again)" % mot_id_to_kill) self.set_parameter("SIM_FTOWESC_POW", mask & ~(1 << mot_id_to_kill)) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.assert_prearm_failure("are not running") self.progress("Turning it back on") self.set_parameter("SIM_FTOWESC_POW", mask) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.progress("Turning all ESCs off") self.set_parameter("SIM_FTOWESC_POW", 0) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.assert_prearm_failure("are not running") self.progress("Turning them back on") self.set_parameter("SIM_FTOWESC_POW", mask) self.wait_ready_to_arm() def fettec_assert_bad_mask(self, mask): '''assert the mask is bad for fettec driver''' self.start_subsubtest("Checking mask (%s) is bad" % (mask,)) self.context_push() self.set_parameter("SERVO_FTW_MASK", mask) self.reboot_sitl() tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 20: raise NotAchievedException("Expected mask to be only problem within 20 seconds") try: self.assert_prearm_failure("Invalid motor mask") break except NotAchievedException: self.delay_sim_time(1) self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() def fettec_assert_good_mask(self, mask): '''assert the mask is bad for fettec driver''' self.start_subsubtest("Checking mask (%s) is good" % (mask,)) self.context_push() self.set_parameter("SERVO_FTW_MASK", mask) self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() def FETtecESC_safety_switch(self): mot = self.find_first_set_bit(int(self.get_parameter("SERVO_FTW_MASK"))) + 1 self.wait_esc_telem_rpm(mot, 0, 0) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.context_push() self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", 0) self.arm_vehicle() # we have to wait for a while for the arming tone to go out # before the motors will spin: self.wait_esc_telem_rpm( esc=mot, rpm_min=17640, rpm_max=17640, minimum_duration=2, timeout=5, ) self.set_safetyswitch_on() self.wait_esc_telem_rpm(mot, 0, 0) self.set_safetyswitch_off() self.wait_esc_telem_rpm( esc=mot, rpm_min=17640, rpm_max=17640, minimum_duration=2, timeout=5, ) self.context_pop() self.wait_disarmed() def FETtecESC_btw_mask_checks(self): '''ensure prearm checks work as expected''' for bad_mask in [0b1000000000000, 0b10100000000000]: self.fettec_assert_bad_mask(bad_mask) for good_mask in [0b00001, 0b00101, 0b110000000000]: self.fettec_assert_good_mask(good_mask) def FETtecESC(self): self.set_parameters({ "SERIAL5_PROTOCOL": 38, "SERVO_FTW_MASK": 0b11101000, "SIM_FTOWESC_ENA": 1, "SERVO1_FUNCTION": 0, "SERVO2_FUNCTION": 0, "SERVO3_FUNCTION": 0, "SERVO4_FUNCTION": 33, "SERVO5_FUNCTION": 0, "SERVO6_FUNCTION": 34, "SERVO7_FUNCTION": 35, "SERVO8_FUNCTION": 36, }) self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--uartF=sim:fetteconewireesc"]) self.FETtecESC_safety_switch() self.FETtecESC_esc_power_checks() self.FETtecESC_btw_mask_checks() self.FETtecESC_flight() def tests1a(self): '''return list of all tests''' ret = super(AutoTestCopter, self).tests() # about 5 mins and ~20 initial tests from autotest/common.py ret.extend([ ("NavDelayTakeoffAbsTime", "Fly Nav Delay (takeoff)", self.fly_nav_takeoff_delay_abstime), # 19s ("NavDelayAbsTime", "Fly Nav Delay (AbsTime)", self.fly_nav_delay_abstime), # 20s ("NavDelay", "Fly Nav Delay", self.fly_nav_delay), # 19s ("GuidedSubModeChange", "Test submode change", self.fly_guided_change_submode), ("MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW", "Test response to MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW", self.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW), ("LoiterToAlt", "Loiter-To-Alt", self.fly_loiter_to_alt), # 25s ("PayLoadPlaceMission", "Payload Place Mission", self.fly_payload_place_mission), # 44s ("PrecisionLoiterCompanion", "Precision Loiter (Companion)", self.fly_precision_companion), # 29s ("PrecisionLandingSITL", "Precision Landing drivers (SITL)", self.fly_precision_landing_drivers), # 29s ("SetModesViaModeSwitch", "Set modes via modeswitch", self.test_setting_modes_via_modeswitch), ("SetModesViaAuxSwitch", "Set modes via auxswitch", self.test_setting_modes_via_auxswitch), ("AuxSwitchOptions", "Test random aux mode options", self.test_aux_switch_options), ("AuxFunctionsInMission", "Test use of auxilliary functions in missions", self.test_aux_functions_in_mission), ("AutoTune", "Fly AUTOTUNE mode", self.fly_autotune), # 73s ]) return ret def tests1b(self): '''return list of all tests''' ret = ([ ("ThrowMode", "Fly Throw Mode", self.fly_throw_mode), ("BrakeMode", "Fly Brake Mode", self.fly_brake_mode), ("RecordThenPlayMission", "Use switches to toggle in mission, then fly it", self.fly_square), # 27s ("ThrottleFailsafe", "Test Throttle Failsafe", self.fly_throttle_failsafe), # 173s ("GCSFailsafe", "Test GCS Failsafe", self.fly_gcs_failsafe), # 239s # this group has the smallest runtime right now at around # 5mins, so add more tests here, till its around # 9-10mins, then make a new group ]) return ret def tests1c(self): '''return list of all tests''' ret = ([ ("BatteryFailsafe", "Fly Battery Failsafe", self.fly_battery_failsafe), # 164s ("VibrationFailsafe", "Test Vibration Failsafe", self.test_vibration_failsafe), ("StabilityPatch", "Fly stability patch", lambda: self.fly_stability_patch(30)), # 17s ("OBSTACLE_DISTANCE_3D", "Test proximity avoidance slide behaviour in 3D", self.OBSTACLE_DISTANCE_3D), # ??s ("AC_Avoidance_Proximity", "Test proximity avoidance slide behaviour", self.fly_proximity_avoidance_test), # 41s ("AC_Avoidance_Fence", "Test fence avoidance slide behaviour", self.fly_fence_avoidance_test), ("AC_Avoidance_Beacon", "Test beacon avoidance slide behaviour", self.fly_beacon_avoidance_test), # 28s ("BaroWindCorrection", "Test wind estimation and baro position error compensation", self.fly_wind_baro_compensation), ("SetpointGlobalPos", "Test setpoint global position", self.test_set_position_global_int), ("ThrowDoubleDrop", "Test a more complicated drop-mode scenario", self.ThrowDoubleDrop), ("SetpointGlobalVel", "Test setpoint global velocity", self.test_set_velocity_global_int), ("SplineTerrain", "Test Splines and Terrain", self.test_terrain_spline_mission), ]) return ret def tests1d(self): '''return list of all tests''' ret = ([ ("HorizontalFence", "Test horizontal fence", self.fly_fence_test), # 20s ("HorizontalAvoidFence", "Test horizontal Avoidance fence", self.fly_fence_avoid_test), ("MaxAltFence", "Test Max Alt Fence", self.fly_alt_max_fence_test), # 26s ("MinAltFence", "Test Min Alt Fence", self.fly_alt_min_fence_test), # 26s ("FenceFloorEnabledLanding", "Test Landing with Fence floor enabled", self.fly_fence_floor_enabled_landing), ("AutoTuneSwitch", "Fly AUTOTUNE on a switch", self.fly_autotune_switch), # 105s ("GPSGlitchLoiter", "GPS Glitch Loiter Test", self.fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test), # 30s ("GPSGlitchLoiter2", "GPS Glitch Loiter Test2", self.fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test2), # 30s ("GPSGlitchAuto", "GPS Glitch Auto Test", self.fly_gps_glitch_auto_test), ("ModeAltHold", "Test AltHold Mode", self.test_mode_ALT_HOLD), ("ModeLoiter", "Test Loiter Mode", self.loiter), ("SimpleMode", "Fly in SIMPLE mode", self.fly_simple), ("SuperSimpleCircle", "Fly a circle in SUPER SIMPLE mode", self.fly_super_simple), # 38s ("ModeCircle", "Fly CIRCLE mode", self.fly_circle), # 27s ("MagFail", "Test magnetometer failure", self.test_mag_fail), ("OpticalFlow", "Test Optical Flow", self.optical_flow), ("OpticalFlowLimits", "Fly Optical Flow limits", self.fly_optical_flow_limits), # 27s ("MotorFail", "Fly motor failure test", self.fly_motor_fail), ("Flip", "Fly Flip Mode", self.fly_flip), ("CopterMission", "Fly copter mission", self.fly_auto_test), # 37s ("SplineLastWaypoint", "Test Spline as last waypoint", self.test_spline_last_waypoint), ("Gripper", "Test gripper", self.test_gripper), # 28s ("TestGripperMission", "Test Gripper mission items", self.test_gripper_mission), ("VisionPosition", "Fly Vision Position", self.fly_vision_position), # 24s ("BodyFrameOdom", "Fly Body Frame Odometry Code", self.fly_body_frame_odom), # 24s ("GPSViconSwitching", "Fly GPS and Vicon Switching", self.fly_gps_vicon_switching), ]) return ret def tests1e(self): '''return list of all tests''' ret = ([ ("BeaconPosition", "Fly Beacon Position", self.fly_beacon_position), # 56s ("RTLSpeed", "Fly RTL Speed", self.fly_rtl_speed), ("Mount", "Test Camera/Antenna Mount", self.test_mount), # 74s ("MountYawVehicleForMountROI", "Test Camera/Antenna Mount vehicle yawing for ROI", self.MountYawVehicleForMountROI), ("Button", "Test Buttons", self.test_button), ("ShipTakeoff", "Fly Simulated Ship Takeoff", self.fly_ship_takeoff), ("RangeFinder", "Test RangeFinder Basic Functionality", self.test_rangefinder), # 23s ("BaroDrivers", "Test Baro Drivers", self.BaroDrivers), ("SurfaceTracking", "Test Surface Tracking", self.test_surface_tracking), # 45s ("Parachute", "Test Parachute Functionality", self.test_parachute), ("ParameterChecks", "Test Arming Parameter Checks", self.test_parameter_checks), ("ManualThrottleModeChange", "Check manual throttle mode changes denied on high throttle", self.fly_manual_throttle_mode_change), ("MANUAL_CONTROL", "Test mavlink MANUAL_CONTROL", self.test_manual_control), ("ZigZag", "Fly ZigZag Mode", self.fly_zigzag_mode), # 58s ("PosHoldTakeOff", "Fly POSHOLD takeoff", self.fly_poshold_takeoff), ("FOLLOW", "Fly follow mode", self.fly_follow_mode), # 80s ("RangeFinderDrivers", "Test rangefinder drivers", self.fly_rangefinder_drivers), # 62s ("MaxBotixI2CXL", "Test maxbotix rangefinder drivers", self.fly_rangefinder_driver_maxbotix), # 62s ("MAVProximity", "Test MAVLink proximity driver", self.fly_proximity_mavlink_distance_sensor, ), ("ParameterValidation", "Test parameters are checked for validity", self.test_parameter_validation), ("AltTypes", "Test Different Altitude Types", self.test_altitude_types), ("RichenPower", "Test RichenPower generator", self.test_richenpower), ("IE24", "Test IntelligentEnergy 2.4kWh generator", self.test_ie24), ("LogUpload", "Log upload", self.log_upload), ]) return ret # a wrapper around all the 2A,2B,2C..etc tests for travis def tests2(self): ret = ([]) ret.extend(self.tests2a()) ret.extend(self.tests2b()) return ret def tests2a(self): '''return list of all tests''' ret = ([ # something about SITLCompassCalibration appears to fail # this one, so we put it first: ("FixedYawCalibration", "Test Fixed Yaw Calibration", # about 20 secs self.test_fixed_yaw_calibration), # we run this single 8min-and-40s test on its own, apart from # requiring FixedYawCalibration right before it because without it, it fails to calibrate ("SITLCompassCalibration", # this autotest appears to interfere with FixedYawCalibration, no idea why. "Test SITL onboard compass calibration", self.test_mag_calibration), ]) return ret def tests2b(self): # this block currently around 9.5mins here '''return list of all tests''' ret = ([ Test("MotorVibration", "Fly motor vibration test", self.fly_motor_vibration), Test("DynamicNotches", "Fly Dynamic Notches", self.fly_dynamic_notches, attempts=8), Test("PositionWhenGPSIsZero", "Ensure position doesn't zero when GPS lost", self.test_copter_gps_zero), Test("DynamicRpmNotches", "Fly Dynamic Notches driven by ESC Telemetry", self.fly_esc_telemetry_notches, attempts=8), Test("RefindGPS", "Refind the GPS and attempt to RTL rather than continue to land", self.RefindGPS), Test("GyroFFT", "Fly Gyro FFT", self.fly_gyro_fft, attempts=8), Test("GyroFFTHarmonic", "Fly Gyro FFT Harmonic Matching", self.fly_gyro_fft_harmonic, attempts=8), Test("CompassReordering", "Test Compass reordering when priorities are changed", self.test_mag_reordering), # 40sec? Test("CRSF", "Test RC CRSF", self.test_crsf), # 20secs ish Test("MotorTest", "Run Motor Tests", self.test_motortest), # 20secs ish Test("AltEstimation", "Test that Alt Estimation is mandatory for ALT_HOLD", self.test_alt_estimate_prearm), # 20secs ish Test("EKFSource", "Check EKF Source Prearms work", self.test_ekf_source), Test("GSF", "Check GSF", self.test_gsf), Test("SMART_RTL", "Check SMART_RTL", self.test_SMART_RTL), Test("FlyEachFrame", "Fly each supported internal frame", self.fly_each_frame), Test("GPSBlending", "Test GPS Blending", self.test_gps_blending), Test("DataFlash", "Test DataFlash Block backend", self.test_dataflash_sitl), Test("DataFlashErase", "Test DataFlash Block backend erase", self.test_dataflash_erase), Test("Callisto", "Test Callisto", self.test_callisto), Test("Replay", "Test Replay", self.test_replay), Test("FETtecESC", "Test FETtecESC", self.FETtecESC), Test("GroundEffectCompensation_touchDownExpected", "Test EKF's handling of touchdown-expected", self.GroundEffectCompensation_touchDownExpected), Test("GroundEffectCompensation_takeOffExpected", "Test EKF's handling of takeoff-expected", self.GroundEffectCompensation_takeOffExpected), Test("WPNAV_SPEED", "Change speed during misison", self.WPNAV_SPEED), Test("WPNAV_SPEED_UP", "Change speed (up) during misison", self.WPNAV_SPEED_UP), Test("WPNAV_SPEED_DN", "Change speed (down) during misison", self.WPNAV_SPEED_DN), Test("GPSForYaw", "Moving baseline GPS yaw", self.GPSForYaw), ("DefaultIntervalsFromFiles", "Test setting default mavlink message intervals from files", self.DefaultIntervalsFromFiles), Test("GPSTypes", "Test simulated GPS types", self.GPSTypes), Test("MultipleGPS", "Test multi-GPS behaviour", self.MultipleGPS), Test("LogUpload", "Log upload", self.log_upload), ]) return ret def testcan(self): ret = ([ ("CANGPSCopterMission", "Fly copter mission", self.fly_auto_test_using_can_gps), ]) return ret def tests(self): ret = [] ret.extend(self.tests1()) ret.extend(self.tests2()) return ret def disabled_tests(self): return { "Parachute": "See https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/issues/4702", "HorizontalAvoidFence": "See https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/issues/11525", "AltEstimation": "See https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/issues/15191", "GroundEffectCompensation_takeOffExpected": "Flapping", "GroundEffectCompensation_touchDownExpected": "Flapping", } class AutoTestCopterTests1(AutoTestCopter): def tests(self): return self.tests1() class AutoTestCopterTests1a(AutoTestCopter): def tests(self): return self.tests1a() class AutoTestCopterTests1b(AutoTestCopter): def tests(self): return self.tests1b() class AutoTestCopterTests1c(AutoTestCopter): def tests(self): return self.tests1c() class AutoTestCopterTests1d(AutoTestCopter): def tests(self): return self.tests1d() class AutoTestCopterTests1e(AutoTestCopter): def tests(self): return self.tests1e() class AutoTestCopterTests2(AutoTestCopter): def tests(self): return self.tests2() class AutoTestCopterTests2a(AutoTestCopter): def tests(self): return self.tests2a() class AutoTestCopterTests2b(AutoTestCopter): def tests(self): return self.tests2b() class AutoTestCAN(AutoTestCopter): def tests(self): return self.testcan()