#pragma once #include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> #include <Filter/LowPassFilter.h> #include <AP_InertialNav/AP_InertialNav.h> #include <AP_HAL/Semaphores.h> class AP_SurfaceDistance { public: AP_SurfaceDistance(Rotation rot, const AP_InertialNav& inav, uint8_t i) : rotation(rot), inertial_nav(inav), instance(i) {}; void update(); // check if the last healthy range finder reading is too old to be considered valid bool data_stale(void); // helper to check that rangefinder was last reported as enabled and healthy bool enabled_and_healthy(void) const; // get inertially interpolated rangefinder height bool get_rangefinder_height_interpolated_cm(int32_t& ret) const; bool enabled; // not to be confused with rangefinder enabled, this state is to be set by the vehicle. bool alt_healthy; // true if we can trust the altitude from the rangefinder int16_t alt_cm; // tilt compensated altitude (in cm) from rangefinder float inertial_alt_cm; // inertial alt at time of last rangefinder sample LowPassFilterFloat alt_cm_filt {0.5}; // altitude filter int16_t alt_cm_glitch_protected; // last glitch protected altitude int8_t glitch_count; // non-zero number indicates rangefinder is glitching uint32_t glitch_cleared_ms; // system time glitch cleared float terrain_offset_cm; // filtered terrain offset (e.g. terrain's height above EKF origin) private: #if HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED void Log_Write(void) const; #endif // multi-thread access support HAL_Semaphore sem; const uint8_t instance; uint8_t status; uint32_t last_healthy_ms; const AP_InertialNav& inertial_nav; const Rotation rotation; };