-- x-quad-cg-allocation.lua: Adjust the control allocation matrix for offset CoG. -- -- WARNING: This script is applicable only to X-type quadrotors and quadplanes. -- -- How To Use -- 1. Place this script in the "scripts" directory. -- 2. Set FRAME_CLASS or Q_FRAME_CLASS to 17 to enable the dynamic scriptable mixer. -- 3. Enable Lua scripting via the SCR_ENABLE parameter. -- 4. Reboot. -- 5. Fly the vehicle. -- 6. Adjust the value of the CGA_RATIO parameter. -- -- How It Works -- 1. The control allocation matrix is adjusted for thrust and pitch based on the ??? parameter value. --[[ Global definitions. --]] local MAV_SEVERITY = {EMERGENCY=0, ALERT=1, CRITICAL=2, ERROR=3, WARNING=4, NOTICE=5, INFO=6, DEBUG=7} local SCRIPT_NAME = "CoG adjust script" local LOOP_RATE_HZ = 10 local last_warning_time_ms = uint32_t() -- Time we last sent a warning message to the user. local WARNING_DEADTIME_MS = 1000 -- How often the user should be warned. local is_mixer_matrix_static = false local is_mixer_matrix_dynamic = false local last_ratio = 1 -- State machine states. local FSM_STATE = { INACTIVE = 0, INITIALIZE = 1, ACTIVE = 2, FINISHED = 3 } local current_state = FSM_STATE.INACTIVE local next_state = FSM_STATE.INACTIVE --[[ New parameter declarations --]] local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 139 local PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX = "CGA_" -- Bind a parameter to a variable. function bind_param(name) return Parameter(name) end -- Add a parameter and bind it to a variable. function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('Could not add param %s', name)) return bind_param(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name) end -- Add param table. assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 1), SCRIPT_NAME .. ': Could not add param table.') --[[ // @Param: CGA_RATIO // @DisplayName: CoG adjustment ratio // @Description: The ratio between the front and back motor outputs during steady-state hover. Positive when the CoG is in front of the motors midpoint (front motors work harder). // @Range: 0.5 2 // @User: Advanced --]] CGA_RATIO = bind_add_param('RATIO', 1, 1) -- Bindings to existing parameters --[[ Potential additions: --]] -- Warn the user, throttling the message rate. function warn_user(msg, severity) severity = severity or MAV_SEVERITY.WARNING -- Optional severity argument. if millis() - last_warning_time_ms > WARNING_DEADTIME_MS then gcs:send_text(severity, SCRIPT_NAME .. ": " .. msg) last_warning_time_ms = millis() end end -- Decide if the given ratio value makes sense. function sanitize_ratio(ratio) if (ratio < 0.5) or (ratio > 2) then warn_user("CGA_RATIO value out of bounds.", MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR) CGA_RATIO:set(1.0) return 1.0 -- Return default. else return ratio end end -- Normalize the throttle factors to max 1 function normalize_throttle(factors) -- Find maximum value. local max_factor = 0 for _, factor in ipairs(factors) do max_factor = math.max(max_factor, factor) end -- Adjust all values by it. normalized_factors = {} for _, factor in ipairs(factors) do table.insert(normalized_factors, factor / max_factor) end return normalized_factors end -- Calculate the thrust factors given a ratio. function build_factors(ratio) local r1 = 2.0/(1+ratio) local r2 = 2.0*ratio/(1+ratio) local quad_x_factors = {r2, r1, r2, r1} return normalize_throttle(quad_x_factors) end -- Adjust the dynamic motor mixer. function update_dynamic_mixer(ratio) Motors_dynamic:add_motor(0, 1) Motors_dynamic:add_motor(1, 3) Motors_dynamic:add_motor(2, 4) Motors_dynamic:add_motor(3, 2) factors = motor_factor_table() -- Roll stays as-is. factors:roll(0, -0.5) factors:roll(1, 0.5) factors:roll(2, 0.5) factors:roll(3, -0.5) -- Pitch stays as-is. factors:pitch(0, 0.5) factors:pitch(1, -0.5) factors:pitch(2, 0.5) factors:pitch(3, -0.5) -- Yaw stays as-is. factors:yaw(0, 0.5) factors:yaw(1, 0.5) factors:yaw(2, -0.5) factors:yaw(3, -0.5) -- Throttle is modulated. throttle_factors = build_factors(ratio) factors:throttle(0, throttle_factors[1]) factors:throttle(1, throttle_factors[2]) factors:throttle(2, throttle_factors[3]) factors:throttle(3, throttle_factors[4]) Motors_dynamic:load_factors(factors) if not Motors_dynamic:init(4) then warn_user("Failed to initialize motor matrix!", MAV_SEVERITY.EMERGENCY) else if ratio ~= last_ratio then warn_user("Set ratio to " .. tostring(ratio), MAV_SEVERITY.INFO) last_ratio = ratio end end motors:set_frame_string("Dynamic CoM adjust") end -- Adjust the static motor mixer. function update_static_mixer(ratio) MotorsMatrix:add_motor_raw(0,-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 2) MotorsMatrix:add_motor_raw(1, 0.5,-0.5, 0.5, 4) MotorsMatrix:add_motor_raw(2, 0.5, 0.5,-0.5, 1) MotorsMatrix:add_motor_raw(3,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 3) throttle_factors = build_factors(ratio) MotorsMatrix:set_throttle_factor(0, throttle_factors[1]) MotorsMatrix:set_throttle_factor(1, throttle_factors[2]) MotorsMatrix:set_throttle_factor(2, throttle_factors[3]) MotorsMatrix:set_throttle_factor(3, throttle_factors[4]) if not MotorsMatrix:init(4) then warn_user("Failed to initialize motor matrix!", MAV_SEVERITY.EMERGENCY) else if ratio ~= last_ratio then warn_user("Set ratio to " .. tostring(ratio), MAV_SEVERITY.INFO) last_ratio = ratio end end motors:set_frame_string("Static CoM adjust") end -- Decide if the UA is a Quad X quadplane. function inspect_frame_class_fw() Q_ENABLE = bind_param("Q_ENABLE") Q_FRAME_CLASS = bind_param("Q_FRAME_CLASS") if FWVersion:type()==3 then -- Test for the validity of the parameters. if Q_ENABLE:get()==1 then if Q_FRAME_CLASS:get()==15 then is_mixer_matrix_static = true elseif Q_FRAME_CLASS:get()==17 then is_mixer_matrix_dynamic = true end end end end -- Decide if the UA is a Quad X multicopter. function inspect_frame_class_mc() FRAME_CLASS = bind_param("FRAME_CLASS") if FWVersion:type()==2 then if FRAME_CLASS:get()==15 then is_mixer_matrix_static = true elseif FRAME_CLASS:get()==17 then is_mixer_matrix_dynamic = true end end end --[[ Activation conditions --]] -- Check for script activating conditions here. -- Check frame types. function can_start() result = is_mixer_matrix_static or is_mixer_matrix_dynamic return result end --[[ State machine --]] function fsm_step() if current_state == FSM_STATE.INACTIVE then if can_start() then next_state = FSM_STATE.INITIALIZE else next_state = FSM_STATE.FINISHED warn_user("Could not find scriptable mixer", MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR) end elseif current_state == FSM_STATE.INITIALIZE then if is_mixer_matrix_static then local ratio = sanitize_ratio(CGA_RATIO:get()) update_static_mixer(ratio) next_state = FSM_STATE.FINISHED else next_state = FSM_STATE.ACTIVE end elseif current_state == FSM_STATE.ACTIVE then -- Assert the parameter limits. local ratio = sanitize_ratio(CGA_RATIO:get()) -- Create the control allocation matrix parameters. update_dynamic_mixer(ratio) else gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, "Unexpected FSM state!") end current_state = next_state end -- Check once on boot if the frame type is suitable for this script. pcall(inspect_frame_class_mc) pcall(inspect_frame_class_fw) gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME .. string.format(" loaded.")) -- Wrapper around update() to catch errors. function protected_wrapper() local success, err = pcall(fsm_step) if not success then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.EMERGENCY, "Internal Error: " .. err) return protected_wrapper, 1000 end if current_state ~= FSM_STATE.FINISHED then return protected_wrapper, 1000.0/LOOP_RATE_HZ end end -- Start running update loop return protected_wrapper()