-- This script is an example of writing to CAN bus -- Load CAN driver, using the scripting protocol and with a buffer size of 5 local driver = CAN.get_device(5) -- transfer ID of the message were sending local Transfer_ID = 0 -- RGB colours in 0 - 255 range, and RGB fade speed local red = 255 local green = 0 local blue = 0 local fade_speed = 5 function update() -- send UAVCAN Light command -- uavcan.equipment.indication.LightsCommand -- note that as we don't do dynamic node allocation, the target light device must have a static node ID msg = CANFrame() -- extended frame, priority 30, message ID 1081 and node ID 11 -- lua cannot handle numbers so large, so we have to use uint32_t userdata msg:id( (uint32_t(1) << 31) | (uint32_t(30) << 24) | (uint32_t(1081) << 8) | uint32_t(11) ) msg:data(0,0) -- set light_id = 0 -- convert colors to 565 rgb local red_5bit = red >> 3 local green_6bit = green >> 2 local blue_5bit = blue >> 3 -- first is made up of 5 bits red and 3 bits of green msg:data(1, (red_5bit << 3) | (green_6bit >> 3)) -- remaining 3 bits of green and 5 of blue msg:data(2, ((green_6bit << 5) | blue_5bit) & 0xFF) -- Tail includes, start of transfer, end of transfer, toggle and transfer ID bits. msg:data(3, (1 << 7) | (1 << 6) | Transfer_ID) Transfer_ID = Transfer_ID + 1 -- transfer ID is 5 bits if Transfer_ID > 31 then Transfer_ID = 0 end -- sending 4 bytes of data msg:dlc(4) -- write the frame with a 10000us timeout driver:write_frame(msg, 10000) -- basic RGB fade if red > 0 and blue == 0 then red = red - fade_speed green = green + fade_speed end if green > 0 and red == 0 then green = green - fade_speed blue = blue + fade_speed end if blue > 0 and green == 0 then red = red + fade_speed blue = blue - fade_speed end return update, 100 end return update()