-- This script is an example of manipulating the message stream rates -- -- It will periodically run and adjust all the messages to their desired loop rates -- It can be modified to only run once, however some GCS's will manipulate the rates -- during the initial connection, so by resetting them periodically we ensure we get -- the expected telemetry rate -- intervals is a table which contains a table for each entry we want to adjust -- each entry is arranged as {the serial link to adjust, the mavlink message ID, and the broadcast interval in Hz} local intervals = {{0, uint32_t(30), 2.0}, -- First serial, ATTITUDE, 2Hz {0, uint32_t(163), 5.0}} -- First serial, AHRS, 5Hz local loop_time = 5000 -- number of ms between runs function update() -- this is the loop which periodically runs for i = 1, #intervals do -- we want to iterate over every specified interval local channel, message, interval_hz = table.unpack(intervals[i]) -- this extracts the channel, MAVLink ID, and interval gcs:set_message_interval(channel, message, math.floor(1000000 / interval_hz)) -- actually sets the interval as appropriate end return update, loop_time -- reschedules the loop end return update() -- run immediately before starting to reschedule