using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput; using System.Reflection; namespace ArdupilotMega { public class Joystick { Device joystick; JoystickState state; public bool enabled = false; byte[] buttonpressed = new byte[128]; public string name; public bool elevons = false; public static Joystick self; struct JoyChannel { public int channel; public joystickaxis axis; public bool reverse; public int expo; } struct JoyButton { public int buttonno; public string mode; } ~Joystick() { try { joystick.Unacquire(); } catch { } } public Joystick() { self = this; } JoyChannel[] JoyChannels = new JoyChannel[9]; // we are base 1 JoyButton[] JoyButtons = new JoyButton[128]; // base 0 public static DeviceList getDevices() { return Manager.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, EnumDevicesFlags.AttachedOnly); } public bool start(string name) { = name; DeviceList joysticklist = Manager.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, EnumDevicesFlags.AttachedOnly); bool found = false; foreach (DeviceInstance device in joysticklist) { if (device.ProductName == name) { joystick = new Device(device.InstanceGuid); found = true; break; } } if (!found) return false; joystick.SetDataFormat(DeviceDataFormat.Joystick); joystick.Acquire(); enabled = true; System.Threading.Thread t11 = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(mainloop)) { Name = "Joystick loop", Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.AboveNormal, IsBackground = true }; t11.Start(); return true; } public static joystickaxis getMovingAxis(string name, int threshold) { = name; DeviceList joysticklist = Manager.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, EnumDevicesFlags.AttachedOnly); bool found = false; Device joystick = null; foreach (DeviceInstance device in joysticklist) { if (device.ProductName == name) { joystick = new Device(device.InstanceGuid); found = true; break; } } if (!found) return joystickaxis.ARx; joystick.SetDataFormat(DeviceDataFormat.Joystick); joystick.Acquire(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please ensure you have calibrated your joystick in Windows first"); joystick.Poll(); JoystickState obj = joystick.CurrentJoystickState; Hashtable values = new Hashtable(); Type type = obj.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { values[property.Name] = int.Parse(property.GetValue(obj, null).ToString()); } values["Slider1"] = obj.GetSlider()[0]; values["Slider2"] = obj.GetSlider()[1]; System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please move the joystick axis you want assigned to this function after clicking ok"); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; while (start.AddSeconds(10) > DateTime.Now) { joystick.Poll(); JoystickState nextstate = joystick.CurrentJoystickState; int[] slider = nextstate.GetSlider(); type = nextstate.GetType(); properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { //Console.WriteLine("Name: " + property.Name + ", Value: " + property.GetValue(obj, null)); Console.WriteLine("test name {0} old {1} new {2} ", property.Name, values[property.Name], int.Parse(property.GetValue(nextstate, null).ToString())); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", (int)values[property.Name], (int.Parse(property.GetValue(nextstate, null).ToString()) + threshold)); if ((int)values[property.Name] > (int.Parse(property.GetValue(nextstate, null).ToString()) + threshold) || (int)values[property.Name] < (int.Parse(property.GetValue(nextstate, null).ToString()) - threshold)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", property.Name); joystick.Unacquire(); return (joystickaxis)Enum.Parse(typeof(joystickaxis), property.Name); } } // slider1 if ((int)values["Slider1"] > (slider[0] + threshold) || (int)values["Slider1"] < (slider[0] - threshold)) { joystick.Unacquire(); return joystickaxis.Slider1; } // slider2 if ((int)values["Slider2"] > (slider[1] + threshold) || (int)values["Slider2"] < (slider[1] - threshold)) { joystick.Unacquire(); return joystickaxis.Slider2; } } System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No valid option was detected"); return joystickaxis.None; } public static int getPressedButton(string name) { = name; DeviceList joysticklist = Manager.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, EnumDevicesFlags.AttachedOnly); bool found = false; Device joystick = null; foreach (DeviceInstance device in joysticklist) { if (device.ProductName == name) { joystick = new Device(device.InstanceGuid); found = true; break; } } if (!found) return -1; joystick.SetDataFormat(DeviceDataFormat.Joystick); joystick.Acquire(); joystick.Poll(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please press the joystick button you want assigned to this function after clicking ok"); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; while (start.AddSeconds(10) > DateTime.Now) { joystick.Poll(); JoystickState nextstate = joystick.CurrentJoystickState; byte[] buttons = nextstate.GetButtons(); for (int a = 0; a < joystick.Caps.NumberButtons; a++) { if (buttons[a] > 0) return a; } } System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No valid option was detected"); return -1; } public void setReverse(int channel, bool reverse) { JoyChannels[channel].reverse = reverse; } public void setAxis(int channel, joystickaxis axis) { JoyChannels[channel].axis = axis; } public void setChannel(int channel, joystickaxis axis, bool reverse, int expo) { JoyChannel joy = new JoyChannel(); joy.axis = axis; = channel; joy.expo = expo; joy.reverse = reverse; JoyChannels[channel] = joy; } public void setButton(int arrayoffset,int buttonid,string mode1) { JoyButtons[arrayoffset] = new JoyButton() { buttonno = buttonid, mode = mode1 }; } public void changeButton(int buttonid, int newid) { JoyButtons[buttonid].buttonno = newid; } int BOOL_TO_SIGN(bool input) { if (input == true) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } /// /// Updates the rcoverride values and controls the mode changes /// void mainloop() { while (enabled) { try { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); //joystick stuff joystick.Poll(); state = joystick.CurrentJoystickState; int[] slider = state.GetSlider(); if (elevons) { //g.channel_roll.set_pwm(BOOL_TO_SIGN(g.reverse_elevons) * (BOOL_TO_SIGN(g.reverse_ch2_elevon) * int(ch2_temp - elevon2_trim) - BOOL_TO_SIGN(g.reverse_ch1_elevon) * int(ch1_temp - elevon1_trim)) / 2 + 1500); //g.channel_pitch.set_pwm( (BOOL_TO_SIGN(g.reverse_ch2_elevon) * int(ch2_temp - elevon2_trim) + BOOL_TO_SIGN(g.reverse_ch1_elevon) * int(ch1_temp - elevon1_trim)) / 2 + 1500); ushort roll = pickchannel(1, JoyChannels[1].axis, false, JoyChannels[1].expo); ushort pitch = pickchannel(2, JoyChannels[2].axis, false, JoyChannels[2].expo); if (getJoystickAxis(1) != Joystick.joystickaxis.None) MainV2.cs.rcoverridech1 = (ushort)(BOOL_TO_SIGN(JoyChannels[1].reverse) * ((int)(pitch - 1500) - (int)(roll - 1500)) / 2 + 1500); if (getJoystickAxis(2) != Joystick.joystickaxis.None) MainV2.cs.rcoverridech2 = (ushort)(BOOL_TO_SIGN(JoyChannels[2].reverse) * ((int)(pitch - 1500) + (int)(roll - 1500)) / 2 + 1500); } else { if (getJoystickAxis(1) != Joystick.joystickaxis.None) MainV2.cs.rcoverridech1 = pickchannel(1, JoyChannels[1].axis, JoyChannels[1].reverse, JoyChannels[1].expo);//(ushort)(((int)state.Rz / 65.535) + 1000); if (getJoystickAxis(2) != Joystick.joystickaxis.None) MainV2.cs.rcoverridech2 = pickchannel(2, JoyChannels[2].axis, JoyChannels[2].reverse, JoyChannels[2].expo);//(ushort)(((int)state.Y / 65.535) + 1000); } if (getJoystickAxis(3) != Joystick.joystickaxis.None) MainV2.cs.rcoverridech3 = pickchannel(3, JoyChannels[3].axis, JoyChannels[3].reverse, JoyChannels[3].expo);//(ushort)(1000 - ((int)slider[0] / 65.535) + 1000); if (getJoystickAxis(4) != Joystick.joystickaxis.None) MainV2.cs.rcoverridech4 = pickchannel(4, JoyChannels[4].axis, JoyChannels[4].reverse, JoyChannels[4].expo);//(ushort)(((int)state.X / 65.535) + 1000); foreach (JoyButton but in JoyButtons) { if (but.buttonno != -1 && getButtonState(but.buttonno)) { string mode = but.mode; MainV2.instance.BeginInvoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker)delegate() { try { MainV2.comPort.setMode(mode); } catch { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Failed to change Modes"); } }); } } //Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", MainV2.cs.rcoverridech1, MainV2.cs.rcoverridech2, MainV2.cs.rcoverridech3, MainV2.cs.rcoverridech4); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Joystick thread error "+ex.ToString()); } // so we cant fall out } } public enum joystickaxis { None, Pass, ARx, ARy, ARz, AX, AY, AZ, FRx, FRy, FRz, FX, FY, FZ, Rx, Ry, Rz, VRx, VRy, VRz, VX, VY, VZ, X, Y, Z, Slider1, Slider2 } const int RESXu = 1024; const int RESXul = 1024; const int RESXl = 1024; const int RESKul = 100; /* ushort expou(ushort x, ushort k) { // k*x*x*x + (1-k)*x return ((ulong)x*x*x/0x10000*k/(RESXul*RESXul/0x10000) + (RESKul-k)*x+RESKul/2)/RESKul; } // expo-funktion: // --------------- // kmplot // f(x,k)=exp(ln(x)*k/10) ;P[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20] // f(x,k)=x*x*x*k/10 + x*(1-k/10) ;P[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] // f(x,k)=x*x*k/10 + x*(1-k/10) ;P[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] // f(x,k)=1+(x-1)*(x-1)*(x-1)*k/10 + (x-1)*(1-k/10) ;P[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] short expo(short x, short k) { if (k == 0) return x; short y; bool neg = x < 0; if (neg) x = -x; if (k < 0) { y = RESXu - expou((ushort)(RESXu - x), (ushort)-k); } else { y = expou((ushort)x, (ushort)k); } return neg ? -y : y; } */ public Device AcquireJoystick(string name) { DeviceList joysticklist = Manager.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, EnumDevicesFlags.AttachedOnly); bool found = false; foreach (DeviceInstance device in joysticklist) { if (device.ProductName == name) { joystick = new Device(device.InstanceGuid); found = true; break; } } if (!found) return null; joystick.SetDataFormat(DeviceDataFormat.Joystick); joystick.Acquire(); return joystick; } public void UnAcquireJoyStick() { joystick.Unacquire(); } bool getButtonState(int buttonno) { byte[] buts = state.GetButtons(); bool ans = buts[buttonno] > 0 && buttonpressed[buttonno] == 0; // press check + debounce buttonpressed[buttonno] = buts[buttonno]; // set only this button return ans; } public int getNumButtons() { return joystick.Caps.NumberButtons; } public joystickaxis getJoystickAxis(int channel) { try { return JoyChannels[channel].axis; } catch { return joystickaxis.None; } } public bool isButtonPressed(int buttonno) { byte[] buts = state.GetButtons(); if (buts == null || JoyButtons[buttonno].buttonno < 0) return false; return buts[JoyButtons[buttonno].buttonno] > 0; } public ushort getValueForChannel(int channel, string name) { joystick.Poll(); state = joystick.CurrentJoystickState; ushort ans = pickchannel(channel, JoyChannels[channel].axis, JoyChannels[channel].reverse, JoyChannels[channel].expo); Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1} = {2}",channel,ans, state.X); return ans; } ushort pickchannel(int chan, joystickaxis axis, bool rev, int expo) { int min, max, trim = 0; if (MainV2.comPort.param.Count > 0) { try { min = (int)(float)(MainV2.comPort.param["RC" + chan + "_MIN"]); max = (int)(float)(MainV2.comPort.param["RC" + chan + "_MAX"]); trim = (int)(float)(MainV2.comPort.param["RC" + chan + "_TRIM"]); } catch { min = 1000; max = 2000; trim = 1500; } } else { min = 1000; max = 2000; trim = 1500; } if (chan == 3) { trim = (min + max) / 2; // trim = min; // throttle } int range = Math.Abs(max - min); int working = 0; switch (axis) { case joystickaxis.None: working = ushort.MaxValue / 2; break; case joystickaxis.Pass: working = (int)(((float)(trim - min) / range) * ushort.MaxValue); break; case joystickaxis.ARx: working = state.ARx; break; case joystickaxis.ARy: working = state.ARy; break; case joystickaxis.ARz: working = state.ARz; break; case joystickaxis.AX: working = state.AX; break; case joystickaxis.AY: working = state.AY; break; case joystickaxis.AZ: working = state.AZ; break; case joystickaxis.FRx: working = state.FRx; break; case joystickaxis.FRy: working = state.FRy; break; case joystickaxis.FRz: working = state.FRz; break; case joystickaxis.FX: working = state.FX; break; case joystickaxis.FY: working = state.FY; break; case joystickaxis.FZ: working = state.FZ; break; case joystickaxis.Rx: working = state.Rx; break; case joystickaxis.Ry: working = state.Ry; break; case joystickaxis.Rz: working = state.Rz; break; case joystickaxis.VRx: working = state.VRx; break; case joystickaxis.VRy: working = state.VRy; break; case joystickaxis.VRz: working = state.VRz; break; case joystickaxis.VX: working = state.VX; break; case joystickaxis.VY: working = state.VY; break; case joystickaxis.VZ: working = state.VZ; break; case joystickaxis.X: working = state.X; break; case joystickaxis.Y: working = state.Y; break; case joystickaxis.Z: working = state.Z; break; case joystickaxis.Slider1: int[] slider = state.GetSlider(); working = slider[0]; break; case joystickaxis.Slider2: int[] slider1 = state.GetSlider(); working = slider1[1]; break; } // between 0 and 65535 - convert to int -500 to 500 working = (int)(working / 65.535) - 500; if (rev) working *= -1; // calc scale from actualy pwm range float scale = range / 1000.0f; // save for later int raw = working; double B = 4 * (expo / 100.0); double A = 1 - 0.25*B; double t_in = working / 1000.0; double t_out = 0; double mid = trim / 1000.0; t_out = A * (t_in) + B * Math.Pow((t_in), 3); t_out = mid + t_out * scale; // Console.WriteLine("tin {0} tout {1}",t_in,t_out); working = (int)(t_out * 1000); if (expo == 0) { working = (int)(raw) + trim; } //add limits to movement working = Math.Max(min, working); working = Math.Min(max, working); return (ushort)working; } } }