#if AP_DDS_ENABLED #include "AP_DDS_ExternalControl.h" #include "AP_DDS_Frames.h" #include bool AP_DDS_External_Control::handle_velocity_control(geometry_msgs_msg_TwistStamped& cmd_vel) { auto *external_control = AP::externalcontrol(); if (external_control == nullptr) { return false; } if (strcmp(cmd_vel.header.frame_id, MAP_FRAME) != 0) { // Although REP-147 says cmd_vel should be in body frame, all the AP math is done in earth frame. // This is because accounting for the gravity vector. // Although the ROS 2 interface could support body-frame velocity control in the future, // it is currently not supported. return false; } // Convert commands from ENU to NED frame Vector3f linear_velocity { float(cmd_vel.twist.linear.y), float(cmd_vel.twist.linear.x), float(-cmd_vel.twist.linear.z) }; const float yaw_rate = -cmd_vel.twist.angular.z; return external_control->set_linear_velocity_and_yaw_rate(linear_velocity, yaw_rate); } #endif // AP_DDS_ENABLED