#include "Plane.h"

  calculate speed scaling number for control surfaces. This is applied
  to PIDs to change the scaling of the PID with speed. At high speed
  we move the surfaces less, and at low speeds we move them more.
float Plane::calc_speed_scaler(void)
    float aspeed, speed_scaler;
    if (ahrs.airspeed_estimate(aspeed)) {
        if (aspeed > auto_state.highest_airspeed && hal.util->get_soft_armed()) {
            auto_state.highest_airspeed = aspeed;
        if (aspeed > 0.0001f) {
            speed_scaler = g.scaling_speed / aspeed;
        } else {
            speed_scaler = 2.0;
        // ensure we have scaling over the full configured airspeed
        float scale_min = MIN(0.5, (0.5 * aparm.airspeed_min) / g.scaling_speed);
        float scale_max = MAX(2.0, (1.5 * aparm.airspeed_max) / g.scaling_speed);
        speed_scaler = constrain_float(speed_scaler, scale_min, scale_max);

        if (quadplane.in_vtol_mode() && hal.util->get_soft_armed()) {
            // when in VTOL modes limit surface movement at low speed to prevent instability
            float threshold = aparm.airspeed_min * 0.5;
            if (aspeed < threshold) {
                float new_scaler = linear_interpolate(0.001, g.scaling_speed / threshold, aspeed, 0, threshold);
                speed_scaler = MIN(speed_scaler, new_scaler);

                // we also decay the integrator to prevent an integrator from before
                // we were at low speed persistint at high speed
    } else if (hal.util->get_soft_armed()) {
        // scale assumed surface movement using throttle output
        float throttle_out = MAX(SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_throttle), 1);
        speed_scaler = sqrtf(THROTTLE_CRUISE / throttle_out);
        // This case is constrained tighter as we don't have real speed info
        speed_scaler = constrain_float(speed_scaler, 0.6f, 1.67f);
    } else {
        // no speed estimate and not armed, use a unit scaling
        speed_scaler = 1;
    if (!plane.ahrs.airspeed_sensor_enabled()  && 
        (plane.g2.flight_options & FlightOptions::SURPRESS_TKOFF_SCALING) &&
        (plane.flight_stage == AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF)) { //scaling is surpressed during climb phase of automatic takeoffs with no airspeed sensor being used due to problems with inaccurate airspeed estimates
        return MIN(speed_scaler, 1.0f) ;
    return speed_scaler;

  return true if the current settings and mode should allow for stick mixing
bool Plane::stick_mixing_enabled(void)
    if (!rc().has_valid_input()) {
        // never stick mix without valid RC
        return false;
    const bool stickmixing = fence_stickmixing();
    const bool stickmixing = true;
    if (control_mode == &mode_qrtl &&
        quadplane.poscontrol.get_state() >= QuadPlane::QPOS_POSITION1) {
        // user may be repositioning
        return false;
    if (quadplane.in_vtol_land_poscontrol()) {
        // user may be repositioning
        return false;
    if (control_mode->does_auto_throttle() && plane.control_mode->does_auto_navigation()) {
        // we're in an auto mode. Check the stick mixing flag
        if (g.stick_mixing != StickMixing::NONE &&
            g.stick_mixing != StickMixing::VTOL_YAW &&
            stickmixing) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    if (failsafe.rc_failsafe && g.fs_action_short == FS_ACTION_SHORT_FBWA) {
        // don't do stick mixing in FBWA glide mode
        return false;

    // non-auto mode. Always do stick mixing
    return true;

  this is the main roll stabilization function. It takes the
  previously set nav_roll calculates roll servo_out to try to
  stabilize the plane at the given roll
void Plane::stabilize_roll(float speed_scaler)
    if (fly_inverted()) {
        // we want to fly upside down. We need to cope with wrap of
        // the roll_sensor interfering with wrap of nav_roll, which
        // would really confuse the PID code. The easiest way to
        // handle this is to ensure both go in the same direction from
        // zero
        nav_roll_cd += 18000;
        if (ahrs.roll_sensor < 0) nav_roll_cd -= 36000;

    const float roll_out = stabilize_roll_get_roll_out(speed_scaler);
    SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron, roll_out);

float Plane::stabilize_roll_get_roll_out(float speed_scaler)
    if (!quadplane.use_fw_attitude_controllers()) {
        // use the VTOL rate for control, to ensure consistency
        const auto &pid_info = quadplane.attitude_control->get_rate_roll_pid().get_pid_info();
        const float roll_out = rollController.get_rate_out(degrees(pid_info.target), speed_scaler);
        /* when slaving fixed wing control to VTOL control we need to decay the integrator to prevent
           opposing integrators balancing between the two controllers
        return roll_out;

    bool disable_integrator = false;
    if (control_mode == &mode_stabilize && channel_roll->get_control_in() != 0) {
        disable_integrator = true;
    return rollController.get_servo_out(nav_roll_cd - ahrs.roll_sensor, speed_scaler, disable_integrator,
                                        ground_mode && !(plane.g2.flight_options & FlightOptions::DISABLE_GROUND_PID_SUPPRESSION));

  this is the main pitch stabilization function. It takes the
  previously set nav_pitch and calculates servo_out values to try to
  stabilize the plane at the given attitude.
void Plane::stabilize_pitch(float speed_scaler)
    int8_t force_elevator = takeoff_tail_hold();
    if (force_elevator != 0) {
        // we are holding the tail down during takeoff. Just convert
        // from a percentage to a -4500..4500 centidegree angle
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator, 45*force_elevator);

    const float pitch_out = stabilize_pitch_get_pitch_out(speed_scaler);
    SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator, pitch_out);

float Plane::stabilize_pitch_get_pitch_out(float speed_scaler)
    if (!quadplane.use_fw_attitude_controllers()) {
        // use the VTOL rate for control, to ensure consistency
        const auto &pid_info = quadplane.attitude_control->get_rate_pitch_pid().get_pid_info();
        const int32_t pitch_out = pitchController.get_rate_out(degrees(pid_info.target), speed_scaler);
        /* when slaving fixed wing control to VTOL control we need to decay the integrator to prevent
           opposing integrators balancing between the two controllers
        return pitch_out;
    // if LANDING_FLARE RCx_OPTION switch is set and in FW mode, manual throttle,throttle idle then set pitch to LAND_PITCH_CD if flight option FORCE_FLARE_ATTITUDE is set
    const bool quadplane_in_transition = quadplane.in_transition();
    const bool quadplane_in_transition = false;

    int32_t demanded_pitch = nav_pitch_cd + g.pitch_trim_cd + SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_throttle) * g.kff_throttle_to_pitch;
    bool disable_integrator = false;
    if (control_mode == &mode_stabilize && channel_pitch->get_control_in() != 0) {
        disable_integrator = true;
    /* force landing pitch if:
       - flare switch high
       - throttle stick at zero thrust
       - in fixed wing non auto-throttle mode
    if (!quadplane_in_transition &&
        !control_mode->is_vtol_mode() &&
        !control_mode->does_auto_throttle() &&
        flare_mode == FlareMode::ENABLED_PITCH_TARGET &&
        throttle_at_zero()) {
        demanded_pitch = landing.get_pitch_cd();

    return pitchController.get_servo_out(demanded_pitch - ahrs.pitch_sensor, speed_scaler, disable_integrator,
                                         ground_mode && !(plane.g2.flight_options & FlightOptions::DISABLE_GROUND_PID_SUPPRESSION));

  this gives the user control of the aircraft in stabilization modes
void Plane::stabilize_stick_mixing_direct()
    if (!stick_mixing_enabled() ||
        control_mode == &mode_acro ||
        control_mode == &mode_fbwa ||
        control_mode == &mode_autotune ||
        control_mode == &mode_fbwb ||
        control_mode == &mode_cruise ||
        control_mode == &mode_qstabilize ||
        control_mode == &mode_qhover ||
        control_mode == &mode_qloiter ||
        control_mode == &mode_qland ||
        control_mode == &mode_qrtl ||
        control_mode == &mode_qacro ||
        control_mode == &mode_qautotune ||
        control_mode == &mode_training) {
    float aileron = SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron);
    aileron = channel_roll->stick_mixing(aileron);
    SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron, aileron);

    float elevator = SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator);
    elevator = channel_pitch->stick_mixing(elevator);
    SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator, elevator);

  this gives the user control of the aircraft in stabilization modes
  using FBW style controls
void Plane::stabilize_stick_mixing_fbw()
    if (!stick_mixing_enabled() ||
        control_mode == &mode_acro ||
        control_mode == &mode_fbwa ||
        control_mode == &mode_autotune ||
        control_mode == &mode_fbwb ||
        control_mode == &mode_cruise ||
        control_mode == &mode_qstabilize ||
        control_mode == &mode_qhover ||
        control_mode == &mode_qloiter ||
        control_mode == &mode_qland ||
        control_mode == &mode_qacro ||
        control_mode == &mode_qautotune ||
        control_mode == &mode_training) {
    // do FBW style stick mixing. We don't treat it linearly
    // however. For inputs up to half the maximum, we use linear
    // addition to the nav_roll and nav_pitch. Above that it goes
    // non-linear and ends up as 2x the maximum, to ensure that
    // the user can direct the plane in any direction with stick
    // mixing.
    float roll_input = channel_roll->norm_input();
    if (roll_input > 0.5f) {
        roll_input = (3*roll_input - 1);
    } else if (roll_input < -0.5f) {
        roll_input = (3*roll_input + 1);
    nav_roll_cd += roll_input * roll_limit_cd;
    nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(nav_roll_cd, -roll_limit_cd, roll_limit_cd);
    float pitch_input = channel_pitch->norm_input();
    if (pitch_input > 0.5f) {
        pitch_input = (3*pitch_input - 1);
    } else if (pitch_input < -0.5f) {
        pitch_input = (3*pitch_input + 1);
    if (fly_inverted()) {
        pitch_input = -pitch_input;
    if (pitch_input > 0) {
        nav_pitch_cd += pitch_input * aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd;
    } else {
        nav_pitch_cd += -(pitch_input * pitch_limit_min_cd);
    nav_pitch_cd = constrain_int32(nav_pitch_cd, pitch_limit_min_cd, aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd.get());

  stabilize the yaw axis. There are 3 modes of operation:

    - hold a specific heading with ground steering
    - rate controlled with ground steering
    - yaw control for coordinated flight    
void Plane::stabilize_yaw(float speed_scaler)
    if (landing.is_flaring()) {
        // in flaring then enable ground steering
        steering_control.ground_steering = true;
    } else {
        // otherwise use ground steering when no input control and we
        // are below the GROUND_STEER_ALT
        steering_control.ground_steering = (channel_roll->get_control_in() == 0 && 
                                            fabsf(relative_altitude) < g.ground_steer_alt);
        if (!landing.is_ground_steering_allowed()) {
            // don't use ground steering on landing approach
            steering_control.ground_steering = false;

      first calculate steering_control.steering for a nose or tail
      wheel. We use "course hold" mode for the rudder when either performing
      a flare (when the wings are held level) or when in course hold in
      FBWA mode (when we are below GROUND_STEER_ALT)
    if (landing.is_flaring() ||
        (steer_state.hold_course_cd != -1 && steering_control.ground_steering)) {
    } else if (steering_control.ground_steering) {

      now calculate steering_control.rudder for the rudder

  a special stabilization function for training mode
void Plane::stabilize_training(float speed_scaler)
    const float rexpo = roll_in_expo(false);
    const float pexpo = pitch_in_expo(false);
    if (training_manual_roll) {
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron, rexpo);
    } else {
        // calculate what is needed to hold
        if ((nav_roll_cd > 0 && rexpo < SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron)) ||
            (nav_roll_cd < 0 && rexpo > SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron))) {
            // allow user to get out of the roll
            SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron, rexpo);

    if (training_manual_pitch) {
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator, pexpo);
    } else {
        if ((nav_pitch_cd > 0 && pexpo < SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator)) ||
            (nav_pitch_cd < 0 && pexpo > SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator))) {
            // allow user to get back to level
            SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator, pexpo);


  this is the ACRO mode stabilization function. It does rate
  stabilization on roll and pitch axes
void Plane::stabilize_acro(float speed_scaler)
    const float rexpo = roll_in_expo(true);
    const float pexpo = pitch_in_expo(true);
    float roll_rate = (rexpo/SERVO_MAX) * g.acro_roll_rate;
    float pitch_rate = (pexpo/SERVO_MAX) * g.acro_pitch_rate;

      check for special roll handling near the pitch poles
    if (g.acro_locking && is_zero(roll_rate)) {
          we have no roll stick input, so we will enter "roll locked"
          mode, and hold the roll we had when the stick was released
        if (!acro_state.locked_roll) {
            acro_state.locked_roll = true;
            acro_state.locked_roll_err = 0;
        } else {
            acro_state.locked_roll_err += ahrs.get_gyro().x * G_Dt;
        int32_t roll_error_cd = -ToDeg(acro_state.locked_roll_err)*100;
        nav_roll_cd = ahrs.roll_sensor + roll_error_cd;
        // try to reduce the integrated angular error to zero. We set
        // 'stabilze' to true, which disables the roll integrator
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron, rollController.get_servo_out(roll_error_cd,
                                                                                             true, false));
    } else {
          aileron stick is non-zero, use pure rate control until the
          user releases the stick
        acro_state.locked_roll = false;
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron, rollController.get_rate_out(roll_rate,  speed_scaler));

    if (g.acro_locking && is_zero(pitch_rate)) {
          user has zero pitch stick input, so we lock pitch at the
          point they release the stick
        if (!acro_state.locked_pitch) {
            acro_state.locked_pitch = true;
            acro_state.locked_pitch_cd = ahrs.pitch_sensor;
        // try to hold the locked pitch. Note that we have the pitch
        // integrator enabled, which helps with inverted flight
        nav_pitch_cd = acro_state.locked_pitch_cd;
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator, pitchController.get_servo_out(nav_pitch_cd - ahrs.pitch_sensor,
                                                                                               false, false));
    } else {
          user has non-zero pitch input, use a pure rate controller
        acro_state.locked_pitch = false;
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator, pitchController.get_rate_out(pitch_rate, speed_scaler));

    steering_control.steering = rudder_input();

    if (g.acro_yaw_rate > 0 && yawController.rate_control_enabled()) {
        // user has asked for yaw rate control with yaw rate scaled by ACRO_YAW_RATE
        const float rudd_expo = rudder_in_expo(true);
        const float yaw_rate = (rudd_expo/SERVO_MAX) * g.acro_yaw_rate;
        steering_control.steering = steering_control.rudder = yawController.get_rate_out(yaw_rate,  speed_scaler, false);
    } else if (plane.g2.flight_options & FlightOptions::ACRO_YAW_DAMPER) {
        // use yaw controller
    } else {
          manual rudder
        steering_control.rudder = steering_control.steering;

  main stabilization function for all 3 axes
void Plane::stabilize()
    if (control_mode == &mode_manual) {
        // reset steering controls
        steer_state.locked_course = false;
        steer_state.locked_course_err = 0;
    float speed_scaler = get_speed_scaler();

    uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
    bool allow_stick_mixing = true;
    if (quadplane.available()) {
        quadplane.transition->set_FW_roll_pitch(nav_pitch_cd, nav_roll_cd, allow_stick_mixing);

    if (now - last_stabilize_ms > 2000) {
        // if we haven't run the rate controllers for 2 seconds then
        // reset the integrators

        // and reset steering controls
        steer_state.locked_course = false;
        steer_state.locked_course_err = 0;
    last_stabilize_ms = now;

    if (control_mode == &mode_training) {
    } else if ((control_mode == &mode_auto &&
               mission.get_current_nav_cmd().id == MAV_CMD_NAV_SCRIPT_TIME) || (nav_scripting.enabled && nav_scripting.current_ms > 0)) {
        // scripting is in control of roll and pitch rates and throttle
        const float aileron = rollController.get_rate_out(nav_scripting.roll_rate_dps, speed_scaler);
        const float elevator = pitchController.get_rate_out(nav_scripting.pitch_rate_dps, speed_scaler);
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron, aileron);
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator, elevator);
        if (yawController.rate_control_enabled()) {
            const float rudder = yawController.get_rate_out(nav_scripting.yaw_rate_dps, speed_scaler, false);
            steering_control.rudder = rudder;
        if (AP_HAL::millis() - nav_scripting.current_ms > 50) { //set_target_throttle_rate_rpy has not been called from script in last 50ms
            nav_scripting.current_ms = 0;
    } else if (control_mode == &mode_acro) {
    } else if (control_mode->is_vtol_mode() && !quadplane.tailsitter.in_vtol_transition(now)) {
        // run controlers specific to this mode

        // we also stabilize using fixed wing surfaces
        if (plane.control_mode->mode_number() == Mode::Number::QACRO) {
        } else {
    } else {
        if (allow_stick_mixing && g.stick_mixing == StickMixing::FBW && control_mode != &mode_stabilize) {
        if (allow_stick_mixing && (g.stick_mixing == StickMixing::DIRECT || control_mode == &mode_stabilize)) {

      see if we should zero the attitude controller integrators. 
    if (is_zero(get_throttle_input()) &&
        fabsf(relative_altitude) < 5.0f && 
        fabsf(barometer.get_climb_rate()) < 0.5f &&
        ahrs.groundspeed() < 3) {
        // we are low, with no climb rate, and zero throttle, and very
        // low ground speed. Zero the attitude controller
        // integrators. This prevents integrator buildup pre-takeoff.

        // if moving very slowly also zero the steering integrator
        if (ahrs.groundspeed() < 1) {

void Plane::calc_throttle()
    if (aparm.throttle_cruise <= 1) {
        // user has asked for zero throttle - this may be done by a
        // mission which wants to turn off the engine for a parachute
        // landing
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_throttle, 0.0);

    float commanded_throttle = TECS_controller.get_throttle_demand();

    // Received an external msg that guides throttle in the last 3 seconds?
    if (control_mode->is_guided_mode() &&
            plane.guided_state.last_forced_throttle_ms > 0 &&
            millis() - plane.guided_state.last_forced_throttle_ms < 3000) {
        commanded_throttle = plane.guided_state.forced_throttle;

    SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_throttle, commanded_throttle);

* Calculate desired roll/pitch/yaw angles (in medium freq loop)

  calculate yaw control for coordinated flight
void Plane::calc_nav_yaw_coordinated(float speed_scaler)
    bool disable_integrator = false;
    int16_t rudder_in = rudder_input();

    int16_t commanded_rudder;

    // Received an external msg that guides yaw in the last 3 seconds?
    if (control_mode->is_guided_mode() &&
            plane.guided_state.last_forced_rpy_ms.z > 0 &&
            millis() - plane.guided_state.last_forced_rpy_ms.z < 3000) {
        commanded_rudder = plane.guided_state.forced_rpy_cd.z;
    } else if (control_mode == &mode_autotune && g.acro_yaw_rate > 0 && yawController.rate_control_enabled()) {
        // user is doing an AUTOTUNE with yaw rate control
        const float rudd_expo = rudder_in_expo(true);
        const float yaw_rate = (rudd_expo/SERVO_MAX) * g.acro_yaw_rate;
        commanded_rudder = yawController.get_rate_out(yaw_rate,  speed_scaler, false);
    } else {
        if (control_mode == &mode_stabilize && rudder_in != 0) {
            disable_integrator = true;

        commanded_rudder = yawController.get_servo_out(speed_scaler, disable_integrator);

        // add in rudder mixing from roll
        commanded_rudder += SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron) * g.kff_rudder_mix;
        commanded_rudder += rudder_in;

    steering_control.rudder = constrain_int16(commanded_rudder, -4500, 4500);

  calculate yaw control for ground steering with specific course
void Plane::calc_nav_yaw_course(void)
    // holding a specific navigation course on the ground. Used in
    // auto-takeoff and landing
    int32_t bearing_error_cd = nav_controller->bearing_error_cd();
    steering_control.steering = steerController.get_steering_out_angle_error(bearing_error_cd);
    if (stick_mixing_enabled()) {
        steering_control.steering = channel_rudder->stick_mixing(steering_control.steering);
    steering_control.steering = constrain_int16(steering_control.steering, -4500, 4500);

  calculate yaw control for ground steering
void Plane::calc_nav_yaw_ground(void)
    if (gps.ground_speed() < 1 && 
        is_zero(get_throttle_input()) &&
        flight_stage != AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF &&
        flight_stage != AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_ABORT_LAND) {
        // manual rudder control while still
        steer_state.locked_course = false;
        steer_state.locked_course_err = 0;
        steering_control.steering = rudder_input();

    // if we haven't been steering for 1s then clear locked course
    const uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
    if (now_ms - steer_state.last_steer_ms > 1000) {
        steer_state.locked_course = false;
    steer_state.last_steer_ms = now_ms;

    float steer_rate = (rudder_input()/4500.0f) * g.ground_steer_dps;
    if (flight_stage == AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF ||
        flight_stage == AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_ABORT_LAND) {
        steer_rate = 0;
    if (!is_zero(steer_rate)) {
        // pilot is giving rudder input
        steer_state.locked_course = false;        
    } else if (!steer_state.locked_course) {
        // pilot has released the rudder stick or we are still - lock the course
        steer_state.locked_course = true;
        if (flight_stage != AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF &&
            flight_stage != AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_ABORT_LAND) {
            steer_state.locked_course_err = 0;

    if (!steer_state.locked_course) {
        // use a rate controller at the pilot specified rate
        steering_control.steering = steerController.get_steering_out_rate(steer_rate);
    } else {
        // use a error controller on the summed error
        int32_t yaw_error_cd = -ToDeg(steer_state.locked_course_err)*100;
        steering_control.steering = steerController.get_steering_out_angle_error(yaw_error_cd);
    steering_control.steering = constrain_int16(steering_control.steering, -4500, 4500);

  calculate a new nav_pitch_cd from the speed height controller
void Plane::calc_nav_pitch()
    // Calculate the Pitch of the plane
    // --------------------------------
    int32_t commanded_pitch = TECS_controller.get_pitch_demand();

    // Received an external msg that guides roll in the last 3 seconds?
    if (control_mode->is_guided_mode() &&
            plane.guided_state.last_forced_rpy_ms.y > 0 &&
            millis() - plane.guided_state.last_forced_rpy_ms.y < 3000) {
        commanded_pitch = plane.guided_state.forced_rpy_cd.y;

    nav_pitch_cd = constrain_int32(commanded_pitch, pitch_limit_min_cd, aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd.get());

  calculate a new nav_roll_cd from the navigation controller
void Plane::calc_nav_roll()
    int32_t commanded_roll = nav_controller->nav_roll_cd();

    // Received an external msg that guides roll in the last 3 seconds?
    if (control_mode->is_guided_mode() &&
            plane.guided_state.last_forced_rpy_ms.x > 0 &&
            millis() - plane.guided_state.last_forced_rpy_ms.x < 3000) {
        commanded_roll = plane.guided_state.forced_rpy_cd.x;
    // guided_state.target_heading is radians at this point between -pi and pi ( defaults to -4 )
    } else if ((control_mode == &mode_guided) && (guided_state.target_heading_type != GUIDED_HEADING_NONE) ) {
        uint32_t tnow = AP_HAL::millis();
        float delta = (tnow - guided_state.target_heading_time_ms) * 1e-3f;
        guided_state.target_heading_time_ms = tnow;

        float error = 0.0f;
        if (guided_state.target_heading_type == GUIDED_HEADING_HEADING) {
            error = wrap_PI(guided_state.target_heading - AP::ahrs().yaw);
        } else {
            Vector2f groundspeed = AP::ahrs().groundspeed_vector();
            error = wrap_PI(guided_state.target_heading - atan2f(-groundspeed.y, -groundspeed.x) + M_PI);

        float bank_limit = degrees(atanf(guided_state.target_heading_accel_limit/GRAVITY_MSS)) * 1e2f;

        g2.guidedHeading.update_error(error); // push error into AC_PID , possible improvement is to use update_all instead.?

        float i = g2.guidedHeading.get_i(); // get integrator TODO
        if (((is_negative(error) && !guided_state.target_heading_limit_low) || (is_positive(error) && !guided_state.target_heading_limit_high))) {
            i = g2.guidedHeading.get_i();

        float desired = g2.guidedHeading.get_p() + i + g2.guidedHeading.get_d();
        guided_state.target_heading_limit_low = (desired <= -bank_limit);
        guided_state.target_heading_limit_high = (desired >= bank_limit);
        commanded_roll = constrain_float(desired, -bank_limit, bank_limit);

    nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(commanded_roll, -roll_limit_cd, roll_limit_cd);

  adjust nav_pitch_cd for STAB_PITCH_DOWN_CD. This is used to make
  keeping up good airspeed in FBWA mode easier, as the plane will
  automatically pitch down a little when at low throttle. It makes
  FBWA landings without stalling much easier.
void Plane::adjust_nav_pitch_throttle(void)
    int8_t throttle = throttle_percentage();
    if (throttle >= 0 && throttle < aparm.throttle_cruise && flight_stage != AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_VTOL) {
        float p = (aparm.throttle_cruise - throttle) / (float)aparm.throttle_cruise;
        nav_pitch_cd -= g.stab_pitch_down * 100.0f * p;

  calculate a new aerodynamic_load_factor and limit nav_roll_cd to
  ensure that the load factor does not take us below the sustainable
void Plane::update_load_factor(void)
    float demanded_roll = fabsf(nav_roll_cd*0.01f);
    if (demanded_roll > 85) {
        // limit to 85 degrees to prevent numerical errors
        demanded_roll = 85;
    aerodynamic_load_factor = 1.0f / safe_sqrt(cosf(radians(demanded_roll)));

    if (quadplane.available() && quadplane.transition->set_FW_roll_limit(roll_limit_cd)) {
        nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(nav_roll_cd, -roll_limit_cd, roll_limit_cd);

    if (!aparm.stall_prevention) {
        // stall prevention is disabled
    if (fly_inverted()) {
        // no roll limits when inverted
    if (quadplane.tailsitter.active()) {
        // no limits while hovering

    float max_load_factor = smoothed_airspeed / MAX(aparm.airspeed_min, 1);
    if (max_load_factor <= 1) {
        // our airspeed is below the minimum airspeed. Limit roll to
        // 25 degrees
        nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(nav_roll_cd, -2500, 2500);
        roll_limit_cd = MIN(roll_limit_cd, 2500);
    } else if (max_load_factor < aerodynamic_load_factor) {
        // the demanded nav_roll would take us past the aerodymamic
        // load limit. Limit our roll to a bank angle that will keep
        // the load within what the airframe can handle. We always
        // allow at least 25 degrees of roll however, to ensure the
        // aircraft can be maneuvered with a bad airspeed estimate. At
        // 25 degrees the load factor is 1.1 (10%)
        int32_t roll_limit = degrees(acosf(sq(1.0f / max_load_factor)))*100;
        if (roll_limit < 2500) {
            roll_limit = 2500;
        nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(nav_roll_cd, -roll_limit, roll_limit);
        roll_limit_cd = MIN(roll_limit_cd, roll_limit);