/* GPS_IMU.cpp - IMU/X-Plane GPS library for Arduino */ #include "GPS_IMU.h" #include #include "WProgram.h" // Constructors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GPS_IMU_Class::GPS_IMU_Class() { } // Public Methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GPS_IMU_Class::Init(void) { ck_a = 0; ck_b = 0; IMU_step = 0; NewData = 0; Fix = 0; PrintErrors = 0; IMU_timer = millis(); //Restarting timer... // Initialize serial port #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) Serial1.begin(38400); // Serial port 1 on ATMega1280/2560 #else Serial.begin(38400); #endif } // optimization : This code donīt wait for data, only proccess the data available // We can call this function on the main loop (50Hz loop) // If we get a complete packet this function calls parse_IMU_gps() to parse and update the GPS info. void GPS_IMU_Class::Read(void) { static unsigned long GPS_timer = 0; byte data; int numc = 0; static byte message_num = 0; #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) // If AtMega1280/2560 then Serial port 1... numc = Serial.available(); #else numc = Serial.available(); #endif if (numc > 0){ for (int i=0;i 28){ IMU_step = 0; //Bad data, so restart to IMU_step zero and try again. payload_counter = 0; ck_a = 0; ck_b = 0; //payload_error_count++; } break; case 5: message_num = data; checksum(data); IMU_step++; break; case 6: // Payload data read... // We stay in this state until we reach the payload_length buffer[payload_counter] = data; checksum(data); payload_counter++; if (payload_counter >= payload_length) { IMU_step++; } break; case 7: IMU_ck_a = data; // First checksum byte IMU_step++; break; case 8: IMU_ck_b = data; // Second checksum byte // We end the IMU/GPS read... // Verify the received checksum with the generated checksum.. if((ck_a == IMU_ck_a) && (ck_b == IMU_ck_b)) { if (message_num == 0x02) { IMU_join_data(); IMU_timer = millis(); } else if (message_num == 0x03) { GPS_join_data(); GPS_timer = millis(); } else if (message_num == 0x04) { IMU2_join_data(); IMU_timer = millis(); } else if (message_num == 0x0a) { //PERF_join_data(); } else { Serial.print("Invalid message number = "); Serial.println(message_num,DEC); } } else { Serial.println("XXX Checksum error"); //bad checksum //imu_checksum_error_count++; } // Variable initialization IMU_step = 0; payload_counter = 0; ck_a = 0; ck_b = 0; IMU_timer = millis(); //Restarting timer... break; } }// End for... } // If we don't receive GPS packets in 2 seconds => Bad FIX state if ((millis() - GPS_timer) > 3000){ Fix = 0; } if (PrintErrors){ Serial.println("ERR:GPS_TIMEOUT!!"); } } /**************************************************************** * ****************************************************************/ void GPS_IMU_Class::IMU_join_data(void) { int j; //Verifing if we are in class 1, you can change this "IF" for a "Switch" in case you want to use other IMU classes.. //In this case all the message im using are in class 1, to know more about classes check PAGE 60 of DataSheet. //Storing IMU roll intUnion.byte[0] = buffer[j++]; intUnion.byte[1] = buffer[j++]; roll_sensor = intUnion.word; //Storing IMU pitch intUnion.byte[0] = buffer[j++]; intUnion.byte[1] = buffer[j++]; pitch_sensor = intUnion.word; //Storing IMU heading (yaw) intUnion.byte[0] = buffer[j++]; intUnion.byte[1] = buffer[j++]; Ground_Course = intUnion.word; imu_ok = true; } void GPS_IMU_Class::IMU2_join_data() { int j=0; //Storing IMU roll intUnion.byte[0] = buffer[j++]; intUnion.byte[1] = buffer[j++]; roll_sensor = intUnion.word; //Storing IMU pitch intUnion.byte[0] = buffer[j++]; intUnion.byte[1] = buffer[j++]; pitch_sensor = intUnion.word; //Storing IMU heading (yaw) intUnion.byte[0] = buffer[j++]; intUnion.byte[1] = buffer[j++]; Ground_Course = (unsigned int)intUnion.word; //Storing airspeed intUnion.byte[0] = buffer[j++]; intUnion.byte[1] = buffer[j++]; airspeed = intUnion.word; imu_ok = true; } void GPS_IMU_Class::GPS_join_data(void) { //gps_messages_received++; int j = 0; Longitude = join_4_bytes(&buffer[j]); // Lat and Lon * 10**7 j += 4; Lattitude = join_4_bytes(&buffer[j]); j += 4; //Storing GPS Height above the sea level intUnion.byte[0] = buffer[j++]; intUnion.byte[1] = buffer[j++]; Altitude = (long)intUnion.word * 10; // Altitude in meters * 100 //Storing Speed (3-D) intUnion.byte[0] = buffer[j++]; intUnion.byte[1] = buffer[j++]; Speed_3d = Ground_Speed = (float)intUnion.word; // Speed in M/S * 100 //We skip the gps ground course because we use yaw value from the IMU for ground course j += 2; Time = join_4_bytes(&buffer[j]); // Time of Week in milliseconds j +=4; imu_health = buffer[j++]; NewData = 1; Fix = 1; } /**************************************************************** * ****************************************************************/ // Join 4 bytes into a long long GPS_IMU_Class::join_4_bytes(unsigned char Buffer[]) { longUnion.byte[0] = *Buffer; longUnion.byte[1] = *(Buffer+1); longUnion.byte[2] = *(Buffer+2); longUnion.byte[3] = *(Buffer+3); return(longUnion.dword); } /**************************************************************** * ****************************************************************/ // checksum algorithm void GPS_IMU_Class::checksum(byte IMU_data) { ck_a+=IMU_data; ck_b+=ck_a; } GPS_IMU_Class GPS;