using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO.Ports; namespace ArdupilotMega { public partial class SerialInput : Form { System.Threading.Thread t12; static bool threadrun = false; static internal SerialPort comPort = new SerialPort(); static internal PointLatLngAlt lastgotolocation = new PointLatLngAlt(0, 0, 0, "Goto last"); static internal PointLatLngAlt gotolocation = new PointLatLngAlt(0, 0, 0, "Goto"); static internal int intalt = 100; public SerialInput() { InitializeComponent(); CMB_serialport.DataSource = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); if (threadrun) { BUT_connect.Text = "Stop"; } } private void BUT_connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comPort.IsOpen) { threadrun = false; comPort.Close(); BUT_connect.Text = "Connect"; } else { try { comPort.PortName = CMB_serialport.Text; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Invalid PortName"); return; } try { comPort.BaudRate = int.Parse(CMB_baudrate.Text); } catch {MessageBox.Show("Invalid BaudRate"); return;} try { comPort.Open(); } catch {MessageBox.Show("Error Connecting\nif using com0com please rename the ports to COM??"); return;} string alt = "100"; if (MainV2.cs.firmware == MainV2.Firmwares.ArduCopter2) { alt = (10 * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist).ToString("0"); } else { alt = (100 * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist).ToString("0"); } if (DialogResult.Cancel == Common.InputBox("Enter Alt", "Enter Alt", ref alt)) return; intalt = (int)(100 * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist); if (!int.TryParse(alt, out intalt)) { MessageBox.Show("Bad Alt"); return; } t12 = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(mainloop)) { IsBackground = true, Name = "Nmea Input" }; t12.Start(); BUT_connect.Text = "Stop"; } } void mainloop() { threadrun = true; int counter = 0; while (threadrun) { try { string line = comPort.ReadLine(); //string line = string.Format("$GP{0},{1:HHmmss},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},", "GGA", DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), Math.Abs(lat * 100), < 0 ? "S" : "N", Math.Abs(lng * 100), MainV2.cs.lng < 0 ? "W" : "E", MainV2.cs.gpsstatus, MainV2.cs.satcount, MainV2.cs.gpshdop, MainV2.cs.alt, "M", 0, "M", ""); if (line.StartsWith("$GPGGA")) // { int c1 = line.IndexOf(',',0)+ 1; int c2 = line.IndexOf(',', c1) + 1; int c3 = line.IndexOf(',', c2) + 1; int c4 = line.IndexOf(',', c3 ) + 1; int c5 = line.IndexOf(',', c4 ) + 1; int c6 = line.IndexOf(',', c5 ) + 1; int c7 = line.IndexOf(',', c6 ) + 1; int c8 = line.IndexOf(',', c7 ) + 1; int c9 = line.IndexOf(',', c8 ) + 1; int c10 = line.IndexOf(',', c9 ) + 1; int c11 = line.IndexOf(',', c10 ) + 1; int c12 = line.IndexOf(',', c11) + 1; gotolocation.Lat = double.Parse(line.Substring(c2, c3 - c2 - 1)) / 100.0; gotolocation.Lat = (int)gotolocation.Lat + ((gotolocation.Lat - (int)gotolocation.Lat) / 0.60); if (line.Substring(c3, c4 - c3 - 1) == "S") gotolocation.Lat *= -1; gotolocation.Lng = double.Parse(line.Substring(c4, c5 - c4 - 1)) / 100.0; gotolocation.Lng = (int)gotolocation.Lng + ((gotolocation.Lng - (int)gotolocation.Lng) / 0.60); if (line.Substring(c5, c6 - c5 - 1) == "W") gotolocation.Lng *= -1; gotolocation.Alt = intalt; // double.Parse(line.Substring(c9, c10 - c9 - 1)) + } if (counter % 10 == 0 && gotolocation.Lat != 0 && gotolocation.Lng != 0 && gotolocation.Alt != 0) // 200 * 10 = 2 sec /// lastgotolocation != gotolocation && { Console.WriteLine("Sending follow wp " +DateTime.Now.ToString("h:MM:ss")+" "+ gotolocation.Lat + " " + gotolocation.Lng + " " +gotolocation.Alt); lastgotolocation = new PointLatLngAlt(gotolocation); Locationwp gotohere = new Locationwp(); = (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.WAYPOINT; gotohere.alt = (float)(gotolocation.Alt); = (float)(gotolocation.Lat); gotohere.lng = (float)(gotolocation.Lng); try { updateLocationLabel(gotohere); } catch { } if (MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.IsOpen && MainV2.givecomport == false) { try { MainV2.givecomport = true; MainV2.comPort.setWP(gotohere, 0, MAVLink.MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, (byte)2); MainV2.givecomport = false; } catch { MainV2.givecomport = false; } } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); counter++; } catch { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } } } private void updateLocationLabel(Locationwp plla) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { LBL_location.Text = gotolocation.Lat + " " + gotolocation.Lng + " " + gotolocation.Alt; } ); } private void SerialOutput_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { } // Calculates the checksum for a sentence string GetChecksum(string sentence) { // Loop through all chars to get a checksum int Checksum = 0; foreach (char Character in sentence.ToCharArray()) { switch (Character) { case '$': // Ignore the dollar sign break; case '*': // Stop processing before the asterisk continue; default: // Is this the first value for the checksum? if (Checksum == 0) { // Yes. Set the checksum to the value Checksum = Convert.ToByte(Character); } else { // No. XOR the checksum with this character's value Checksum = Checksum ^ Convert.ToByte(Character); } break; } } // Return the checksum formatted as a two-character hexadecimal return Checksum.ToString("X2"); } } }