// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- #ifndef PARAMETERS_H #define PARAMETERS_H #include // Global parameter class. // class Parameters { public: // The version of the layout as described by the parameter enum. // // When changing the parameter enum in an incompatible fashion, this // value should be incremented by one. // // The increment will prevent old parameters from being used incorrectly // by newer code. // static const uint16_t k_format_version = 13; // The parameter software_type is set up solely for ground station use // and identifies the software type (eg ArduPilotMega versus ArduCopterMega) // GCS will interpret values 0-9 as ArduPilotMega. Developers may use // values within that range to identify different branches. // static const uint16_t k_software_type = 0; // 0 for APM trunk enum { // Layout version number, always key zero. // k_param_format_version = 0, k_param_software_type, // Misc // k_param_auto_trim, k_param_switch_enable, k_param_log_bitmask, k_param_pitch_trim, k_param_mix_mode, k_param_reverse_elevons, k_param_reverse_ch1_elevon, k_param_reverse_ch2_elevon, k_param_flap_1_percent, k_param_flap_1_speed, k_param_flap_2_percent, k_param_flap_2_speed, k_param_num_resets, k_param_log_last_filenumber, // *** Deprecated - remove with next eeprom number change k_param_reset_switch_chan, k_param_manual_level, // 110: Telemetry control // k_param_gcs0 = 110, // stream rates for port0 k_param_gcs3, // stream rates for port3 k_param_sysid_this_mav, k_param_sysid_my_gcs, k_param_serial3_baud, // 120: Fly-by-wire control // k_param_flybywire_airspeed_min = 120, k_param_flybywire_airspeed_max, k_param_FBWB_min_altitude, // 0=disabled, minimum value for altitude in cm (for first time try 30 meters = 3000 cm) // // 130: Sensor parameters // k_param_imu = 130, // sensor calibration k_param_altitude_mix, k_param_airspeed_ratio, k_param_ground_temperature, k_param_ground_pressure, k_param_compass_enabled, k_param_compass, k_param_battery_monitoring, k_param_volt_div_ratio, k_param_curr_amp_per_volt, k_param_input_voltage, k_param_pack_capacity, k_param_airspeed_offset, k_param_sonar_enabled, k_param_airspeed_enabled, k_param_ahrs, // AHRS group k_param_airspeed_use, // // 150: Navigation parameters // k_param_crosstrack_gain = 150, k_param_crosstrack_entry_angle, k_param_roll_limit, k_param_pitch_limit_max, k_param_pitch_limit_min, k_param_airspeed_cruise, k_param_RTL_altitude, k_param_inverted_flight_ch, k_param_min_gndspeed, // // 170: Radio settings // k_param_channel_roll = 170, k_param_channel_pitch, k_param_channel_throttle, k_param_channel_rudder, k_param_rc_5, k_param_rc_6, k_param_rc_7, k_param_rc_8, k_param_throttle_min, k_param_throttle_max, k_param_throttle_fs_enabled, k_param_throttle_fs_value, k_param_throttle_cruise, k_param_short_fs_action, k_param_long_fs_action, k_param_gcs_heartbeat_fs_enabled, k_param_throttle_slewrate, // // 200: Feed-forward gains // k_param_kff_pitch_compensation = 200, k_param_kff_rudder_mix, k_param_kff_pitch_to_throttle, k_param_kff_throttle_to_pitch, // // 210: flight modes // k_param_flight_mode_channel = 210, k_param_flight_mode1, k_param_flight_mode2, k_param_flight_mode3, k_param_flight_mode4, k_param_flight_mode5, k_param_flight_mode6, // // 220: Waypoint data // k_param_waypoint_mode = 220, k_param_command_total, k_param_command_index, k_param_waypoint_radius, k_param_loiter_radius, k_param_fence_action, k_param_fence_total, k_param_fence_channel, k_param_fence_minalt, k_param_fence_maxalt, // // 240: PID Controllers // // Heading-to-roll PID: // heading error from command to roll command deviation from trim // (bank to turn strategy) // k_param_pidNavRoll = 240, // Roll-to-servo PID: // roll error from command to roll servo deviation from trim // (tracks commanded bank angle) // k_param_pidServoRoll, // // Pitch control // // Pitch-to-servo PID: // pitch error from command to pitch servo deviation from trim // (front-side strategy) // k_param_pidServoPitch, // Airspeed-to-pitch PID: // airspeed error from command to pitch servo deviation from trim // (back-side strategy) // k_param_pidNavPitchAirspeed, // // Yaw control // // Yaw-to-servo PID: // yaw rate error from command to yaw servo deviation from trim // (stabilizes dutch roll) // k_param_pidServoRudder, // // Throttle control // // Energy-to-throttle PID: // total energy error from command to throttle servo deviation from trim // (throttle back-side strategy alternative) // k_param_pidTeThrottle, // Altitude-to-pitch PID: // altitude error from command to pitch servo deviation from trim // (throttle front-side strategy alternative) // k_param_pidNavPitchAltitude, // 254,255: reserved }; AP_Int16 format_version; AP_Int8 software_type; // Telemetry control // AP_Int16 sysid_this_mav; AP_Int16 sysid_my_gcs; AP_Int8 serial3_baud; // Feed-forward gains // AP_Float kff_pitch_compensation; AP_Float kff_rudder_mix; AP_Float kff_pitch_to_throttle; AP_Float kff_throttle_to_pitch; // Crosstrack navigation // AP_Float crosstrack_gain; AP_Int16 crosstrack_entry_angle; // Estimation // AP_Float altitude_mix; AP_Float airspeed_ratio; AP_Int16 airspeed_offset; // Waypoints // AP_Int8 waypoint_mode; AP_Int8 command_total; AP_Int8 command_index; AP_Int8 waypoint_radius; AP_Int8 loiter_radius; #if GEOFENCE_ENABLED == ENABLED AP_Int8 fence_action; AP_Int8 fence_total; AP_Int8 fence_channel; AP_Int16 fence_minalt; // meters AP_Int16 fence_maxalt; // meters #endif // Fly-by-wire // AP_Int8 flybywire_airspeed_min; AP_Int8 flybywire_airspeed_max; AP_Int16 FBWB_min_altitude; // Throttle // AP_Int8 throttle_min; AP_Int8 throttle_max; AP_Int8 throttle_slewrate; AP_Int8 throttle_fs_enabled; AP_Int16 throttle_fs_value; AP_Int8 throttle_cruise; // Failsafe AP_Int8 short_fs_action; AP_Int8 long_fs_action; AP_Int8 gcs_heartbeat_fs_enabled; // Flight modes // AP_Int8 flight_mode_channel; AP_Int8 flight_mode1; AP_Int8 flight_mode2; AP_Int8 flight_mode3; AP_Int8 flight_mode4; AP_Int8 flight_mode5; AP_Int8 flight_mode6; // Navigational maneuvering limits // AP_Int16 roll_limit; AP_Int16 pitch_limit_max; AP_Int16 pitch_limit_min; // Misc // AP_Int8 auto_trim; AP_Int8 switch_enable; AP_Int8 mix_mode; AP_Int8 reverse_elevons; AP_Int8 reverse_ch1_elevon; AP_Int8 reverse_ch2_elevon; AP_Int16 num_resets; AP_Int16 log_bitmask; AP_Int16 log_last_filenumber; // *** Deprecated - remove with next eeprom number change AP_Int8 reset_switch_chan; AP_Int8 manual_level; AP_Int16 airspeed_cruise; AP_Int16 min_gndspeed; AP_Int16 pitch_trim; AP_Int16 RTL_altitude; AP_Int16 ground_temperature; AP_Int32 ground_pressure; AP_Int8 compass_enabled; AP_Int16 angle_of_attack; AP_Int8 battery_monitoring; // 0=disabled, 3=voltage only, 4=voltage and current AP_Float volt_div_ratio; AP_Float curr_amp_per_volt; AP_Float input_voltage; AP_Int16 pack_capacity; // Battery pack capacity less reserve AP_Int8 inverted_flight_ch; // 0=disabled, 1-8 is channel for inverted flight trigger AP_Int8 sonar_enabled; AP_Int8 airspeed_enabled; AP_Int8 airspeed_use; AP_Int8 flap_1_percent; AP_Int8 flap_1_speed; AP_Int8 flap_2_percent; AP_Int8 flap_2_speed; // RC channels RC_Channel channel_roll; RC_Channel channel_pitch; RC_Channel channel_throttle; RC_Channel channel_rudder; RC_Channel_aux rc_5; RC_Channel_aux rc_6; RC_Channel_aux rc_7; RC_Channel_aux rc_8; // PID controllers // PID pidNavRoll; PID pidServoRoll; PID pidServoPitch; PID pidNavPitchAirspeed; PID pidServoRudder; PID pidTeThrottle; PID pidNavPitchAltitude; Parameters() : format_version (k_format_version), software_type (k_software_type), sysid_this_mav (MAV_SYSTEM_ID), sysid_my_gcs (255), serial3_baud (SERIAL3_BAUD/1000), kff_pitch_compensation (PITCH_COMP), kff_rudder_mix (RUDDER_MIX), kff_pitch_to_throttle (P_TO_T), kff_throttle_to_pitch (T_TO_P), crosstrack_gain (XTRACK_GAIN_SCALED), crosstrack_entry_angle (XTRACK_ENTRY_ANGLE_CENTIDEGREE), altitude_mix (ALTITUDE_MIX), airspeed_ratio (AIRSPEED_RATIO), airspeed_offset (0), /* XXX waypoint_mode missing here */ command_total (0), command_index (0), waypoint_radius (WP_RADIUS_DEFAULT), loiter_radius (LOITER_RADIUS_DEFAULT), #if GEOFENCE_ENABLED == ENABLED fence_action (0), fence_total (0), fence_channel (0), fence_minalt (0), fence_maxalt (0), #endif flybywire_airspeed_min (AIRSPEED_FBW_MIN), flybywire_airspeed_max (AIRSPEED_FBW_MAX), throttle_min (THROTTLE_MIN), throttle_max (THROTTLE_MAX), throttle_slewrate (THROTTLE_SLEW_LIMIT), throttle_fs_enabled (THROTTLE_FAILSAFE), throttle_fs_value (THROTTLE_FS_VALUE), throttle_cruise (THROTTLE_CRUISE), short_fs_action (SHORT_FAILSAFE_ACTION), long_fs_action (LONG_FAILSAFE_ACTION), gcs_heartbeat_fs_enabled(GCS_HEARTBEAT_FAILSAFE), flight_mode_channel (FLIGHT_MODE_CHANNEL), flight_mode1 (FLIGHT_MODE_1), flight_mode2 (FLIGHT_MODE_2), flight_mode3 (FLIGHT_MODE_3), flight_mode4 (FLIGHT_MODE_4), flight_mode5 (FLIGHT_MODE_5), flight_mode6 (FLIGHT_MODE_6), roll_limit (HEAD_MAX_CENTIDEGREE), pitch_limit_max (PITCH_MAX_CENTIDEGREE), pitch_limit_min (PITCH_MIN_CENTIDEGREE), auto_trim (AUTO_TRIM), switch_enable (REVERSE_SWITCH), mix_mode (ELEVON_MIXING), reverse_elevons (ELEVON_REVERSE), reverse_ch1_elevon (ELEVON_CH1_REVERSE), reverse_ch2_elevon (ELEVON_CH2_REVERSE), num_resets (0), log_bitmask (DEFAULT_LOG_BITMASK), log_last_filenumber (0), reset_switch_chan (0), manual_level (MANUAL_LEVEL), airspeed_cruise (AIRSPEED_CRUISE_CM), min_gndspeed (MIN_GNDSPEED_CM), pitch_trim (0), RTL_altitude (ALT_HOLD_HOME_CM), FBWB_min_altitude (ALT_HOLD_FBW_CM), ground_temperature (0), ground_pressure (0), compass_enabled (MAGNETOMETER), flap_1_percent (FLAP_1_PERCENT), flap_1_speed (FLAP_1_SPEED), flap_2_percent (FLAP_2_PERCENT), flap_2_speed (FLAP_2_SPEED), battery_monitoring (DISABLED), volt_div_ratio (VOLT_DIV_RATIO), curr_amp_per_volt (CURR_AMP_PER_VOLT), input_voltage (INPUT_VOLTAGE), pack_capacity (HIGH_DISCHARGE), inverted_flight_ch (0), sonar_enabled (SONAR_ENABLED), airspeed_enabled (AIRSPEED_SENSOR), airspeed_use (1), // PID controller initial P initial I initial D initial imax //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pidNavRoll (NAV_ROLL_P, NAV_ROLL_I, NAV_ROLL_D, NAV_ROLL_INT_MAX_CENTIDEGREE), pidServoRoll (SERVO_ROLL_P, SERVO_ROLL_I, SERVO_ROLL_D, SERVO_ROLL_INT_MAX_CENTIDEGREE), pidServoPitch (SERVO_PITCH_P, SERVO_PITCH_I, SERVO_PITCH_D, SERVO_PITCH_INT_MAX_CENTIDEGREE), pidNavPitchAirspeed (NAV_PITCH_ASP_P, NAV_PITCH_ASP_I, NAV_PITCH_ASP_D, NAV_PITCH_ASP_INT_MAX_CMSEC), pidServoRudder (SERVO_YAW_P, SERVO_YAW_I, SERVO_YAW_D, SERVO_YAW_INT_MAX), pidTeThrottle (THROTTLE_TE_P, THROTTLE_TE_I, THROTTLE_TE_D, THROTTLE_TE_INT_MAX), pidNavPitchAltitude (NAV_PITCH_ALT_P, NAV_PITCH_ALT_I, NAV_PITCH_ALT_D, NAV_PITCH_ALT_INT_MAX_CM) {} }; #endif // PARAMETERS_H