   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once

#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Notify/AP_Notify.h>
#include <AP_SerialManager/AP_SerialManager.h>
#include <AP_HAL/utility/RingBuffer.h>

#define FRSKY_TELEM_PAYLOAD_STATUS_CAPACITY          5 // size of the message buffer queue (max number of messages waiting to be sent)

for FrSky D protocol (D-receivers)
// FrSky sensor hub data IDs
#define DATA_ID_GPS_ALT_BP          0x01
#define DATA_ID_TEMP1               0x02
#define DATA_ID_FUEL                0x04
#define DATA_ID_TEMP2               0x05
#define DATA_ID_GPS_ALT_AP          0x09
#define DATA_ID_BARO_ALT_BP         0x10
#define DATA_ID_GPS_SPEED_BP        0x11
#define DATA_ID_GPS_LONG_BP         0x12
#define DATA_ID_GPS_LAT_BP          0x13
#define DATA_ID_GPS_COURS_BP        0x14
#define DATA_ID_GPS_SPEED_AP        0x19
#define DATA_ID_GPS_LONG_AP         0x1A
#define DATA_ID_GPS_LAT_AP          0x1B
#define DATA_ID_BARO_ALT_AP         0x21
#define DATA_ID_GPS_LONG_EW         0x22
#define DATA_ID_GPS_LAT_NS          0x23
#define DATA_ID_CURRENT             0x28
#define DATA_ID_VFAS                0x39

#define START_STOP_D                0x5E
#define BYTESTUFF_D                 0x5D

for FrSky SPort and SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) protocols (X-receivers)
// FrSky Sensor IDs
#define SENSOR_ID_VARIO             0x00 // Sensor ID  0
#define SENSOR_ID_FAS               0x22 // Sensor ID  2
#define SENSOR_ID_GPS               0x83 // Sensor ID  3
#define SENSOR_ID_SP2UR             0xC6 // Sensor ID  6
#define SENSOR_ID_28                0x1B // Sensor ID 28

// FrSky data IDs
#define GPS_LONG_LATI_FIRST_ID      0x0800
#define DIY_FIRST_ID                0x5000

#define START_STOP_SPORT            0x7E
#define BYTESTUFF_SPORT             0x7D
#define SPORT_DATA_FRAME            0x10
for FrSky SPort Passthrough
// data bits preparation
// for parameter data
#define PARAM_ID_OFFSET             24
#define PARAM_VALUE_LIMIT           0xFFFFFF
// for gps status data
#define GPS_SATS_LIMIT              0xF
#define GPS_STATUS_LIMIT            0x3
#define GPS_STATUS_OFFSET           4
#define GPS_HDOP_OFFSET             6
#define GPS_ADVSTATUS_OFFSET        14
#define GPS_ALTMSL_OFFSET           22
// for battery data
#define BATT_VOLTAGE_LIMIT          0x1FF
#define BATT_CURRENT_OFFSET         9
#define BATT_TOTALMAH_LIMIT         0x7FFF
#define BATT_TOTALMAH_OFFSET        17
// for autopilot status data
#define AP_CONTROL_MODE_LIMIT       0x1F
#define AP_SIMPLE_OFFSET            5
#define AP_SSIMPLE_OFFSET           6
#define AP_FLYING_OFFSET            7
#define AP_ARMED_OFFSET             8
#define AP_BATT_FS_OFFSET           9
#define AP_EKF_FS_OFFSET            10
#define AP_IMU_TEMP_MIN             19.0f
#define AP_IMU_TEMP_MAX             82.0f
#define AP_IMU_TEMP_OFFSET          26
// for home position related data
#define HOME_ALT_OFFSET             12
#define HOME_BEARING_LIMIT          0x7F
#define HOME_BEARING_OFFSET         25
// for velocity and yaw data
#define VELANDYAW_YAW_LIMIT         0x7FF
#define VELANDYAW_YAW_OFFSET        17
// for attitude (roll, pitch) and range data
// for fair scheduler
#define TIME_SLOT_MAX               11

class AP_Frsky_Telem {

    /* Do not allow copies */
    AP_Frsky_Telem(const AP_Frsky_Telem &other) = delete;
    AP_Frsky_Telem &operator=(const AP_Frsky_Telem&) = delete;

    // init - perform required initialisation
    bool init();

    // add statustext message to FrSky lib message queue
    void queue_message(MAV_SEVERITY severity, const char *text);

    // update error mask of sensors and subsystems. The mask uses the
    // MAV_SYS_STATUS_* values from mavlink. If a bit is set then it
    // indicates that the sensor or subsystem is present but not
    // functioning correctly
    uint32_t sensor_status_flags() const;

    AP_HAL::UARTDriver *_port;                  // UART used to send data to FrSky receiver
    AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol _protocol; // protocol used - detected using SerialManager's SERIAL#_PROTOCOL parameter
    uint16_t _crc;

    uint32_t check_sensor_status_timer;
    uint32_t check_ekf_status_timer;
    uint8_t _paramID;
    ObjectArray<mavlink_statustext_t> _statustext_queue;
        char lat_ns, lon_ew;
        uint16_t latdddmm;
        uint16_t latmmmm;
        uint16_t londddmm;
        uint16_t lonmmmm;
        uint16_t alt_gps_meters;
        uint16_t alt_gps_cm;
        uint16_t alt_nav_meters;
        uint16_t alt_nav_cm;
        int16_t speed_in_meter;
        uint16_t speed_in_centimeter;
    } _gps;

    struct PACKED
        bool send_latitude; // sizeof(bool) = 4 ?
        uint32_t gps_lng_sample;
        uint32_t last_poll_timer;
        uint32_t avg_packet_counter;
        uint32_t packet_timer[TIME_SLOT_MAX];
        uint32_t packet_weight[TIME_SLOT_MAX];
        uint8_t avg_packet_rate;
        uint8_t new_byte;
    } _passthrough;

        const uint32_t packet_min_period[TIME_SLOT_MAX] = {
            0,      //0x5000 text,      no rate limiter
            38,     //0x5006 attitude   20Hz
            280,    //0x800  GPS        3Hz
            280,    //0x800  GPS        3Hz
            250,    //0x5005 vel&yaw    4Hz
            500,    //0x5001 AP status  2Hz
            500,    //0x5002 GPS status 2Hz
            500,    //0x5004 home       2Hz
            500,    //0x5008 batt 2     2Hz
            500,    //0x5003 batt 1     2Hz
            1000   //0x5007 parameters 1Hz
    } _sport_config;

        bool sport_status;
        uint8_t fas_call;
        uint8_t gps_call;
        uint8_t vario_call;
        uint8_t various_call;
    } _SPort;
        uint32_t last_200ms_frame;
        uint32_t last_1000ms_frame;
    } _D;
        uint32_t chunk; // a "chunk" (four characters/bytes) at a time of the queued message to be sent
        uint8_t repeats; // send each message "chunk" 3 times to make sure the entire messsage gets through without getting cut
        uint8_t char_index; // index of which character to get in the message
    } _msg_chunk;
    // passthrough WFQ scheduler
    void update_avg_packet_rate();
    void passthrough_wfq_adaptive_scheduler(uint8_t prev_byte);
    // main transmission function when protocol is FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX)
    void send_SPort_Passthrough(void);
    // main transmission function when protocol is FrSky SPort
    void send_SPort(void);
    // main transmission function when protocol is FrSky D
    void send_D(void);
    // tick - main call to send updates to transmitter (called by scheduler at 1kHz)
    void loop(void);
    // methods related to the nuts-and-bolts of sending data
    void calc_crc(uint8_t byte);
    void send_crc(void);
    void send_byte(uint8_t value);
    void send_uint16(uint16_t id, uint16_t data);
    void send_uint32(uint8_t frame, uint16_t id, uint32_t data);

    // methods to convert flight controller data to FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) format
    bool get_next_msg_chunk(void);
    void check_sensor_status_flags(void);
    void check_ekf_status(void);
    uint32_t calc_param(void);
    uint32_t calc_gps_latlng(bool *send_latitude);
    uint32_t calc_gps_status(void);
    uint32_t calc_batt(uint8_t instance);
    uint32_t calc_ap_status(void);
    uint32_t calc_home(void);
    uint32_t calc_velandyaw(void);
    uint32_t calc_attiandrng(void);
    uint16_t prep_number(int32_t number, uint8_t digits, uint8_t power);

    // methods to convert flight controller data to FrSky D or SPort format
    void calc_nav_alt(void);
    float format_gps(float dec);
    void calc_gps_position(void);