#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ ArduPilot automatic test suite. Andrew Tridgell, October 2011 AP_FLAKE8_CLEAN """ from __future__ import print_function import atexit import fnmatch import copy import glob import optparse import os import re import shutil import signal import subprocess import sys import time import traceback import blimp import rover import arducopter import arduplane import ardusub import antennatracker import quadplane import balancebot import sailboat import helicopter import examples from pysim import util from pymavlink.generator import mavtemplate from vehicle_test_suite import Test tester = None build_opts = None def buildlogs_dirpath(): """Return BUILDLOGS directory path.""" return os.getenv("BUILDLOGS", util.reltopdir("../buildlogs")) def buildlogs_path(path): """Return a string representing path in the buildlogs directory.""" bits = [buildlogs_dirpath()] if isinstance(path, list): bits.extend(path) else: bits.append(path) return os.path.join(*bits) def build_all_filepath(): """Get build_all.sh path.""" return util.reltopdir('Tools/scripts/build_all.sh') def build_all(): """Run the build_all.sh script.""" print("Running build_all.sh") if util.run_cmd(build_all_filepath(), directory=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0: print("Failed build_all.sh") return False return True def build_binaries(): """Run the build_binaries.py script.""" print("Running build_binaries.py") # copy the script (and various libraries used by the script) as it # changes git branch, which can change the script while running for thing in [ "board_list.py", "build_binaries_history.py", "build_binaries.py", "build_sizes/build_sizes.py", "generate_manifest.py", "gen_stable.py", ]: orig = util.reltopdir('Tools/scripts/%s' % thing) copy = util.reltopdir('./%s' % os.path.basename(thing)) shutil.copy2(orig, copy) if util.run_cmd("./build_binaries.py", directory=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0: print("Failed build_binaries.py") return False return True def build_examples(**kwargs): """Build examples.""" for target in 'Pixhawk1', 'navio', 'linux': print("Running build.examples for %s" % target) try: util.build_examples(target, **kwargs) except Exception as e: print("Failed build_examples on board=%s" % target) print(str(e)) return False return True def build_unit_tests(**kwargs): """Build tests.""" for target in ['linux', 'sitl']: print("Running build.unit_tests for %s" % target) try: util.build_tests(target, **kwargs) except Exception as e: print("Failed build.unit_tests on board=%s" % target) print(str(e)) return False return True def run_unit_test(test): """Run unit test file.""" print("Running (%s)" % test) subprocess.check_call([test]) def run_unit_tests(): """Run all unit tests files.""" success = True fail_list = [] for target in ['linux', 'sitl']: binary_dir = util.reltopdir(os.path.join('build', target, 'tests', )) tests = glob.glob("%s/*" % binary_dir) for test in tests: try: run_unit_test(test) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Exception running (%s)" % test) fail_list.append(target + '/' + os.path.basename(test)) success = False print("Failing tests:") for failure in fail_list: print(" %s" % failure) return success def run_clang_scan_build(): """Run Clang Scan-build utility.""" if util.run_cmd("scan-build python waf configure", directory=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0: print("Failed scan-build-configure") return False if util.run_cmd("scan-build python waf clean", directory=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0: print("Failed scan-build-clean") return False if util.run_cmd("scan-build python waf build", directory=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0: print("Failed scan-build-build") return False return True def param_parse_filepath(): """Get param_parse.py script path.""" return util.reltopdir('Tools/autotest/param_metadata/param_parse.py') def all_vehicles(): """Get all vehicles name.""" return ('ArduPlane', 'ArduCopter', 'Rover', 'AntennaTracker', 'ArduSub', 'Blimp', 'AP_Periph', ) def build_parameters(): """Run the param_parse.py script.""" print("Running param_parse.py") for vehicle in all_vehicles(): if util.run_cmd([param_parse_filepath(), '--vehicle', vehicle], directory=util.reltopdir('.')) != 0: print("Failed param_parse.py (%s)" % vehicle) return False return True def mavtogpx_filepath(): """Get mavtogpx script path.""" return util.reltopdir("modules/mavlink/pymavlink/tools/mavtogpx.py") def convert_gpx(): """Convert any tlog files to GPX and KML.""" mavlog = glob.glob(buildlogs_path("*.tlog")) passed = True for m in mavlog: util.run_cmd(mavtogpx_filepath() + " --nofixcheck " + m) gpx = m + '.gpx' kml = m + '.kml' try: util.run_cmd('gpsbabel -i gpx -f %s ' '-o kml,units=m,floating=1,extrude=1 -F %s' % (gpx, kml)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: passed = False try: util.run_cmd('zip %s.kmz %s.kml' % (m, m)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: passed = False util.run_cmd("mavflightview.py --imagefile=%s.png %s" % (m, m)) return passed def test_prerequisites(): """Check we have the right directories and tools to run tests.""" print("Testing prerequisites") util.mkdir_p(buildlogs_dirpath()) return True def alarm_handler(signum, frame): """Handle test timeout.""" global results, opts, tester try: print("Alarm handler called") if tester is not None: if tester.rc_thread is not None: tester.rc_thread_should_quit = True tester.rc_thread.join() tester.rc_thread = None results.add('TIMEOUT', '<span class="failed-text">FAILED</span>', opts.timeout) util.pexpect_close_all() convert_gpx() write_fullresults() os.killpg(0, signal.SIGKILL) except Exception: pass sys.exit(1) def should_run_step(step): """See if a step should be skipped.""" for skip in skipsteps: if fnmatch.fnmatch(step.lower(), skip.lower()): return False return True __bin_names = { "Copter": "arducopter", "CopterTests1a": "arducopter", "CopterTests1b": "arducopter", "CopterTests1c": "arducopter", "CopterTests1d": "arducopter", "CopterTests1e": "arducopter", "CopterTests2a": "arducopter", "CopterTests2b": "arducopter", "Plane": "arduplane", "PlaneTests1a": "arduplane", "PlaneTests1b": "arduplane", "Rover": "ardurover", "Tracker": "antennatracker", "Helicopter": "arducopter-heli", "QuadPlane": "arduplane", "Sub": "ardusub", "Blimp": "blimp", "BalanceBot": "ardurover", "Sailboat": "ardurover", "SITLPeriphUniversal": ("sitl_periph_universal", "AP_Periph"), "SITLPeriphBattMon": ("sitl_periph_battmon", "AP_Periph"), "CAN": "arducopter", "BattCAN": "arducopter", } def binary_path(step, debug=False): """Get vehicle binary path.""" try: vehicle = step.split(".")[1] except Exception: return None if vehicle not in __bin_names: # cope with builds that don't have a specific binary return None try: (config_name, binary_name) = __bin_names[vehicle] except ValueError: config_name = "sitl" binary_name = __bin_names[vehicle] binary = util.reltopdir(os.path.join('build', config_name, 'bin', binary_name)) if not os.path.exists(binary): if os.path.exists(binary + ".exe"): binary += ".exe" else: raise ValueError("Binary (%s) does not exist" % (binary,)) return binary def split_specific_test_step(step): """Extract test from argument.""" print('step=%s' % str(step)) m = re.match("((fly|drive|dive|test)[.][^.]+)[.](.*)", step) if m is None: return None return ((m.group(1), m.group(3))) def find_specific_test_to_run(step): """Find test to run in argument.""" t = split_specific_test_step(step) if t is None: return None (testname, test) = t return "%s.%s" % (testname, test) tester_class_map = { "test.Blimp": blimp.AutoTestBlimp, "test.Copter": arducopter.AutoTestCopter, "test.CopterTests1a": arducopter.AutoTestCopterTests1a, # 8m43s "test.CopterTests1b": arducopter.AutoTestCopterTests1b, # 8m5s "test.CopterTests1c": arducopter.AutoTestCopterTests1c, # 5m17s "test.CopterTests1d": arducopter.AutoTestCopterTests1d, # 8m20s "test.CopterTests1e": arducopter.AutoTestCopterTests1e, # 8m32s "test.CopterTests2a": arducopter.AutoTestCopterTests2a, # 8m23s "test.CopterTests2b": arducopter.AutoTestCopterTests2b, # 8m18s "test.Plane": arduplane.AutoTestPlane, "test.PlaneTests1a": arduplane.AutoTestPlaneTests1a, "test.PlaneTests1b": arduplane.AutoTestPlaneTests1b, "test.QuadPlane": quadplane.AutoTestQuadPlane, "test.Rover": rover.AutoTestRover, "test.BalanceBot": balancebot.AutoTestBalanceBot, "test.Sailboat": sailboat.AutoTestSailboat, "test.Helicopter": helicopter.AutoTestHelicopter, "test.Sub": ardusub.AutoTestSub, "test.Tracker": antennatracker.AutoTestTracker, "test.CAN": arducopter.AutoTestCAN, "test.BattCAN": arducopter.AutoTestBattCAN, } supplementary_test_binary_map = { "test.CAN": ["sitl_periph_universal:AP_Periph:0:Tools/autotest/default_params/periph.parm,Tools/autotest/default_params/quad-periph.parm", # noqa: E501 "sitl_periph_universal:AP_Periph:1:Tools/autotest/default_params/periph.parm"], "test.BattCAN": [ "sitl_periph_battmon:AP_Periph:0:Tools/autotest/default_params/periph-battmon.parm,Tools/autotest/default_params/quad-periph.parm", # noqa: E501 ], } def run_specific_test(step, *args, **kwargs): """Run a specific test.""" t = split_specific_test_step(step) if t is None: return [] (testname, test) = t tester_class = tester_class_map[testname] global tester tester = tester_class(*args, **kwargs) # print("Got %s" % str(tester)) for a in tester.tests(): if not isinstance(a, Test): a = Test(a) print("Got %s" % (a.name)) if a.name == test: return tester.autotest(tests=[a], allow_skips=False, step_name=step), tester print("Failed to find test %s on %s" % (test, testname)) sys.exit(1) def run_step(step): """Run one step.""" # remove old logs util.run_cmd('/bin/rm -f logs/*.BIN logs/LASTLOG.TXT') if step == "prerequisites": return test_prerequisites() build_opts = { "j": opts.j, "debug": opts.debug, "clean": not opts.no_clean, "configure": not opts.no_configure, "math_check_indexes": opts.math_check_indexes, "ekf_single": opts.ekf_single, "postype_single": opts.postype_single, "extra_configure_args": opts.waf_configure_args, "coverage": opts.coverage, "force_32bit" : opts.force_32bit, "ubsan" : opts.ubsan, "ubsan_abort" : opts.ubsan_abort, "num_aux_imus" : opts.num_aux_imus, "dronecan_tests" : opts.dronecan_tests, } if opts.Werror: build_opts['extra_configure_args'].append("--Werror") build_opts = build_opts vehicle_binary = None board = "sitl" if step == 'build.Plane': vehicle_binary = 'bin/arduplane' if step == 'build.Rover': vehicle_binary = 'bin/ardurover' if step == 'build.Copter': vehicle_binary = 'bin/arducopter' if step == 'build.Blimp': vehicle_binary = 'bin/blimp' if step == 'build.Tracker': vehicle_binary = 'bin/antennatracker' if step == 'build.Helicopter': vehicle_binary = 'bin/arducopter-heli' if step == 'build.Sub': vehicle_binary = 'bin/ardusub' if step == 'build.SITLPeriphUniversal': vehicle_binary = 'bin/AP_Periph' board = 'sitl_periph_universal' if step == 'build.SITLPeriphBattMon': vehicle_binary = 'bin/AP_Periph' board = 'sitl_periph_battmon' if step == 'build.Replay': return util.build_replay(board='SITL') if vehicle_binary is not None: try: binary = binary_path(step, debug=opts.debug) os.unlink(binary) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): pass return util.build_SITL( vehicle_binary, board=board, **build_opts ) binary = binary_path(step, debug=opts.debug) # see if we need any supplementary binaries supplementary_binaries = [] for k in supplementary_test_binary_map.keys(): if step.startswith(k): # this test needs to use supplementary binaries for supplementary_test_binary in supplementary_test_binary_map[k]: a = supplementary_test_binary.split(':') if len(a) != 4: raise ValueError("Bad supplementary_test_binary %s" % supplementary_test_binary) config_name = a[0] binary_name = a[1] instance_num = int(a[2]) param_file = a[3].split(",") bin_path = util.reltopdir(os.path.join('build', config_name, 'bin', binary_name)) customisation = '-I {}'.format(instance_num) sup_binary = {"binary" : bin_path, "customisation" : customisation, "param_file" : param_file} supplementary_binaries.append(sup_binary) # we are running in conjunction with a supplementary app # can't have speedup opts.speedup = 1.0 break fly_opts = { "viewerip": opts.viewerip, "use_map": opts.map, "valgrind": opts.valgrind, "callgrind": opts.callgrind, "gdb": opts.gdb, "gdb_no_tui": opts.gdb_no_tui, "lldb": opts.lldb, "gdbserver": opts.gdbserver, "breakpoints": opts.breakpoint, "disable_breakpoints": opts.disable_breakpoints, "_show_test_timings": opts.show_test_timings, "force_ahrs_type": opts.force_ahrs_type, "num_aux_imus" : opts.num_aux_imus, "replay": opts.replay, "logs_dir": buildlogs_dirpath(), "sup_binaries": supplementary_binaries, "reset_after_every_test": opts.reset_after_every_test, "build_opts": copy.copy(build_opts), "generate_junit": opts.junit, "enable_fgview": opts.enable_fgview, } if opts.speedup is not None: fly_opts["speedup"] = opts.speedup # handle "test.Copter" etc: if step in tester_class_map: # create an instance of the tester class: global tester tester = tester_class_map[step](binary, **fly_opts) # run the test and return its result and the tester itself return tester.autotest(None, step_name=step), tester # handle "test.Copter.CPUFailsafe" etc: specific_test_to_run = find_specific_test_to_run(step) if specific_test_to_run is not None: return run_specific_test(specific_test_to_run, binary, **fly_opts) if step == 'build.All': return build_all() if step == 'build.Binaries': return build_binaries() if step == 'build.examples': return build_examples(**build_opts) if step == 'run.examples': return examples.run_examples(debug=opts.debug, valgrind=False, gdb=False) if step == 'build.Parameters': return build_parameters() if step == 'convertgpx': return convert_gpx() if step == 'build.unit_tests': return build_unit_tests(**build_opts) if step == 'run.unit_tests': return run_unit_tests() if step == 'clang-scan-build': return run_clang_scan_build() raise RuntimeError("Unknown step %s" % step) class TestResult(object): """Test result class.""" def __init__(self, name, result, elapsed): """Init test result class.""" self.name = name self.result = result self.elapsed = "%.1f" % elapsed class TestFile(object): """Test result file.""" def __init__(self, name, fname): """Init test result file.""" self.name = name self.fname = fname class TestResults(object): """Test results class.""" def __init__(self): """Init test results class.""" self.date = time.asctime() self.githash = util.get_git_hash() self.tests = [] self.files = [] self.images = [] def add(self, name, result, elapsed): """Add a result.""" self.tests.append(TestResult(name, result, elapsed)) def addfile(self, name, fname): """Add a result file.""" self.files.append(TestFile(name, fname)) def addimage(self, name, fname): """Add a result image.""" self.images.append(TestFile(name, fname)) def addglob(self, name, pattern): """Add a set of files.""" for f in glob.glob(buildlogs_path(pattern)): self.addfile(name, os.path.basename(f)) def addglobimage(self, name, pattern): """Add a set of images.""" for f in glob.glob(buildlogs_path(pattern)): self.addimage(name, os.path.basename(f)) def generate_badge(self): """Get the badge template, populates and saves the result to buildlogs path.""" passed_tests = len([t for t in self.tests if "PASSED" in t.result]) total_tests = len(self.tests) badge_color = "#4c1" if passed_tests == total_tests else "#e05d44" badge_text = "{0}/{1}".format(passed_tests, total_tests) # Text length so it is not stretched by svg text_length = len(badge_text) * 70 # Load template file template_path = 'Tools/autotest/web/autotest-badge-template.svg' with open(util.reltopdir(template_path), "r") as f: template = f.read() # Add our results to the template badge = template.format(color=badge_color, text=badge_text, text_length=text_length) with open(buildlogs_path("autotest-badge.svg"), "w") as f: f.write(badge) def copy_tree(f, t, dirs_exist_ok=False): shutil.copytree(f, t, dirs_exist_ok=dirs_exist_ok) def write_webresults(results_to_write): """Write webpage results.""" t = mavtemplate.MAVTemplate() for h in glob.glob(util.reltopdir('Tools/autotest/web/*.html')): html = util.loadfile(h) f = open(buildlogs_path(os.path.basename(h)), mode='w') t.write(f, html, results_to_write) f.close() for f in glob.glob(util.reltopdir('Tools/autotest/web/*.png')): shutil.copy(f, buildlogs_path(os.path.basename(f))) copy_tree(util.reltopdir("Tools/autotest/web/css"), buildlogs_path("css"), dirs_exist_ok=True) results_to_write.generate_badge() def write_fullresults(): """Write out full results set.""" global results results.addglob("Google Earth track", '*.kmz') results.addfile('Full Logs', 'autotest-output.txt') results.addglob('DataFlash Log', '*-log.bin') results.addglob("MAVLink log", '*.tlog') results.addglob("GPX track", '*.gpx') # results common to all vehicles: vehicle_files = [ ('{vehicle} core', '{vehicle}.core'), ('{vehicle} ELF', '{vehicle}.elf'), ] vehicle_globs = [('{vehicle} log', '{vehicle}-*.BIN'), ] for vehicle in all_vehicles(): subs = {'vehicle': vehicle} for vehicle_file in vehicle_files: description = vehicle_file[0].format(**subs) filename = vehicle_file[1].format(**subs) results.addfile(description, filename) for vehicle_glob in vehicle_globs: description = vehicle_glob[0].format(**subs) glob = vehicle_glob[1].format(**subs) results.addglob(description, glob) results.addglob("CopterAVC log", 'CopterAVC-*.BIN') results.addfile("CopterAVC core", 'CopterAVC.core') results.addglob('APM:Libraries documentation', 'docs/libraries/index.html') results.addglob('APM:Plane documentation', 'docs/ArduPlane/index.html') results.addglob('APM:Copter documentation', 'docs/ArduCopter/index.html') results.addglob('APM:Rover documentation', 'docs/Rover/index.html') results.addglob('APM:Sub documentation', 'docs/ArduSub/index.html') results.addglob('APM:Blimp documentation', 'docs/Blimp/index.html') results.addglobimage("Flight Track", '*.png') write_webresults(results) def run_tests(steps): """Run a list of steps.""" global results corefiles = glob.glob("core*") corefiles.extend(glob.glob("ap-*.core")) if corefiles: print('Removing corefiles: %s' % str(corefiles)) for f in corefiles: os.unlink(f) diagnostic_files = [] for p in "dumpstack.sh_*", "dumpcore.sh_*", "autotest-*tlog": diagnostic_files.extend(glob.glob(p)) if diagnostic_files: print('Removing diagnostic files: %s' % str(diagnostic_files)) for f in diagnostic_files: os.unlink(f) passed = True failed = [] failed_testinstances = dict() for step in steps: util.pexpect_close_all() t1 = time.time() print(">>>> RUNNING STEP: %s at %s" % (step, time.asctime())) try: success = run_step(step) testinstance = None if isinstance(success, tuple): (success, testinstance) = success if success: results.add(step, '<span class="passed-text">PASSED</span>', time.time() - t1) print(">>>> PASSED STEP: %s at %s" % (step, time.asctime())) else: print(">>>> FAILED STEP: %s at %s" % (step, time.asctime())) passed = False failed.append(step) if testinstance is not None: if failed_testinstances.get(step) is None: failed_testinstances[step] = [] failed_testinstances[step].append(testinstance) results.add(step, '<span class="failed-text">FAILED</span>', time.time() - t1) except Exception as msg: passed = False failed.append(step) print(">>>> FAILED STEP: %s at %s (%s)" % (step, time.asctime(), msg)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) results.add(step, '<span class="failed-text">FAILED</span>', time.time() - t1) global tester if tester is not None and tester.rc_thread is not None: if passed: print("BAD: RC Thread still alive after run_step") tester.rc_thread_should_quit = True tester.rc_thread.join() tester.rc_thread = None if not passed: keys = failed_testinstances.keys() if len(keys): print("Failure Summary:") for key in keys: print(" %s:" % key) for testinstance in failed_testinstances[key]: for failure in testinstance.fail_list: print(" " + str(failure)) print("FAILED %u tests: %s" % (len(failed), failed)) util.pexpect_close_all() write_fullresults() return passed vehicle_list = ['Sub', 'Copter', 'Plane', 'Tracker', 'Rover', 'QuadPlane', 'BalanceBot', 'Helicopter', 'Sailboat', 'Blimp'] def list_subtests(): """Print the list of tests and tests description for each vehicle.""" for vehicle in sorted(vehicle_list): tester_class = tester_class_map["test.%s" % vehicle] tester = tester_class("/bin/true", None) subtests = tester.tests() sorted_list = [] for subtest in subtests: if str(type(subtest)) == "<class 'method'>": subtest = Test(subtest) sorted_list.append([subtest.name, subtest.description]) sorted_list.sort() print("%s:" % vehicle) for subtest in sorted_list: print(" %s: %s" % (subtest[0], subtest[1])) print("") def list_subtests_for_vehicle(vehicle_type): """Print the list of tests for a vehicle.""" # Check that we aren't in a sub test if "Test" in vehicle_type: vehicle_type = re.findall('[A-Z][a-z0-9]*', vehicle_type)[0] if vehicle_type in vehicle_list: tester_class = tester_class_map["test.%s" % vehicle_type] tester = tester_class("/bin/true", None) subtests = tester.tests() sorted_list = [] for subtest in subtests: if not isinstance(subtest, Test): subtest = Test(subtest) sorted_list.append([subtest.name, subtest.description]) sorted_list.sort() for subtest in sorted_list: print("%s " % subtest[0], end='') print("") # needed to clear the trailing % if __name__ == "__main__": ''' main program ''' os.environ['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1' if sys.platform != "darwin": os.putenv('TMPDIR', util.reltopdir('tmp')) class MyOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): """Custom option parse class.""" def format_epilog(self, formatter): """Retun customized option parser epilog.""" return self.epilog parser = MyOptionParser( "autotest", epilog="" "e.g. autotest.py build.Rover test.Rover # test Rover\n" "e.g. autotest.py build.Rover test.Rover build.Plane test.Plane # test Rover and Plane\n" "e.g. autotest.py --debug --valgrind build.Rover test.Rover # test Rover under Valgrind\n" "e.g. autotest.py --debug --gdb build.Tracker test.Tracker # run Tracker under gdb\n" "e.g. autotest.py --debug --gdb build.Sub test.Sub.DiveManual # do specific Sub test\n" ) parser.add_option("--autotest-server", action='store_true', default=False, help='Run in autotest-server mode; dangerous!') parser.add_option("--skip", type='string', default='', help='list of steps to skip (comma separated)') parser.add_option("--list", action='store_true', default=False, help='list the available steps') parser.add_option("--list-subtests", action='store_true', default=False, help='list available subtests e.g. test.Copter') parser.add_option("--viewerip", default=None, help='IP address to send MAVLink and fg packets to') parser.add_option("--enable-fgview", action='store_true', help="Enable FlightGear output") parser.add_option("--map", action='store_true', default=False, help='show map') parser.add_option("--experimental", default=False, action='store_true', help='enable experimental tests') parser.add_option("--timeout", default=None, type='int', help='maximum runtime in seconds') parser.add_option("--show-test-timings", action="store_true", default=False, help="show how long each test took to run") parser.add_option("--validate-parameters", action="store_true", default=False, help="validate vehicle parameter files") parser.add_option("--Werror", action='store_true', default=False, help='configure with --Werror') parser.add_option("--junit", default=False, action='store_true', help='Generate Junit XML tests report') group_build = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Build options") group_build.add_option("--no-configure", default=False, action='store_true', help='do not configure before building', dest="no_configure") group_build.add_option("", "--waf-configure-args", action="append", dest="waf_configure_args", type="string", default=[], help="extra arguments passed to waf in configure") group_build.add_option("-j", default=None, type='int', help='build CPUs') group_build.add_option("--no-clean", default=False, action='store_true', help='do not clean before building', dest="no_clean") group_build.add_option("--debug", default=None, action='store_true', help='make built SITL binaries debug binaries') group_build.add_option("--no-debug", default=None, action='store_true', help='do not make built SITL binaries debug binaries') group_build.add_option("--coverage", default=False, action='store_true', help='make built binaries coverage binaries') group_build.add_option("--enable-math-check-indexes", default=False, action="store_true", dest="math_check_indexes", help="enable checking of math indexes") group_build.add_option("--postype-single", default=False, action="store_true", dest="postype_single", help="force single precision copter position controller") group_build.add_option("--ekf-single", default=False, action="store_true", dest="ekf_single", help="force single precision EKF") group_build.add_option("--force-32bit", default=False, action='store_true', dest="force_32bit", help="compile sitl using 32-bit") group_build.add_option("", "--ubsan", default=False, action='store_true', dest="ubsan", help="compile sitl with undefined behaviour sanitiser") group_build.add_option("", "--ubsan-abort", default=False, action='store_true', dest="ubsan_abort", help="compile sitl with undefined behaviour sanitiser and abort on error") group_build.add_option("--num-aux-imus", dest="num_aux_imus", default=0, type='int', help='number of auxiliary IMUs to simulate') group_build.add_option("--enable-dronecan-tests", default=False, action='store_true', dest="dronecan_tests", help="enable dronecan tests") parser.add_option_group(group_build) group_sim = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Simulation options") group_sim.add_option("--speedup", default=None, type='int', help='speedup to run the simulations at') group_sim.add_option("--valgrind", default=False, action='store_true', help='run ArduPilot binaries under valgrind') group_sim.add_option("", "--callgrind", action='store_true', default=False, help="enable valgrind for performance analysis (slow!!)") group_sim.add_option("--gdb", default=False, action='store_true', help='run ArduPilot binaries under gdb') group_sim.add_option("--gdb-no-tui", default=False, action='store_true', help='when running under GDB do NOT start in TUI mode') group_sim.add_option("--gdbserver", default=False, action='store_true', help='run ArduPilot binaries under gdbserver') group_sim.add_option("--lldb", default=False, action='store_true', help='run ArduPilot binaries under lldb') group_sim.add_option("-B", "--breakpoint", type='string', action="append", default=[], help="add a breakpoint at given location in debugger") group_sim.add_option("--disable-breakpoints", default=False, action='store_true', help="disable all breakpoints before starting") group_sim.add_option("", "--force-ahrs-type", dest="force_ahrs_type", default=None, help="force a specific AHRS type (e.g. 10 for SITL-ekf") group_sim.add_option("", "--replay", action='store_true', help="enable replay logging for tests") parser.add_option_group(group_sim) group_completion = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Completion helpers") group_completion.add_option("--list-vehicles", action='store_true', default=False, help='list available vehicles') group_completion.add_option("--list-vehicles-test", action='store_true', default=False, help='list available vehicle tester') group_completion.add_option("--list-subtests-for-vehicle", type='string', default="", help='list available subtests for a vehicle e.g Copter') group_completion.add_option("--reset-after-every-test", action='store_true', default=False, help='reset everything after every test run') parser.add_option_group(group_completion) opts, args = parser.parse_args() # canonicalise on opts.debug: if opts.debug is None and opts.no_debug is None: # default is to create debug SITL binaries opts.debug = True elif opts.debug is not None and opts.no_debug is not None: if opts.debug == opts.no_debug: raise ValueError("no_debug != !debug") elif opts.no_debug is not None: opts.debug = not opts.no_debug if opts.timeout is None: opts.timeout = 5400 # adjust if we're running in a regime which may slow us down e.g. Valgrind if opts.valgrind: opts.timeout *= 10 elif opts.callgrind: opts.timeout *= 10 elif opts.gdb: opts.timeout = None steps = [ 'prerequisites', 'build.Binaries', 'build.All', 'build.Parameters', 'build.Replay', 'build.unit_tests', 'run.unit_tests', 'build.examples', 'run.examples', 'build.Plane', 'test.Plane', 'test.QuadPlane', 'build.Rover', 'test.Rover', 'test.BalanceBot', 'test.Sailboat', 'build.Copter', 'test.Copter', 'build.Helicopter', 'test.Helicopter', 'build.Tracker', 'test.Tracker', 'build.Sub', 'test.Sub', 'build.Blimp', 'test.Blimp', 'build.SITLPeriphUniversal', 'test.CAN', 'build.SITLPeriphBattMon', 'test.BattCAN', # convertgps disabled as it takes 5 hours # 'convertgpx', ] moresteps = [ 'test.CopterTests1a', 'test.CopterTests1b', 'test.CopterTests1c', 'test.CopterTests1d', 'test.CopterTests1e', 'test.CopterTests2a', 'test.CopterTests2b', 'test.PlaneTests1a', 'test.PlaneTests1b', 'clang-scan-build', ] # canonicalise the step names. This allows # backwards-compatability from the hodge-podge # fly.ArduCopter/drive.APMrover2 to the more common test.Copter # test.Rover step_mapping = { "build.ArduPlane": "build.Plane", "build.ArduCopter": "build.Copter", "build.APMrover2": "build.Rover", "build.ArduSub": "build.Sub", "build.AntennaTracker": "build.Tracker", "fly.ArduCopter": "test.Copter", "fly.ArduPlane": "test.Plane", "fly.QuadPlane": "test.QuadPlane", "dive.ArduSub": "test.Sub", "drive.APMrover2": "test.Rover", "drive.BalanceBot": "test.BalanceBot", "drive.balancebot": "test.BalanceBot", "fly.CopterAVC": "test.Helicopter", "test.AntennaTracker": "test.Tracker", "fly.ArduCopterTests1a": "test.CopterTests1a", "fly.ArduCopterTests1b": "test.CopterTests1b", "fly.ArduCopterTests1c": "test.CopterTests1c", "fly.ArduCopterTests1d": "test.CopterTests1d", "fly.ArduCopterTests1e": "test.CopterTests1e", "fly.ArduCopterTests2a": "test.CopterTests2a", "fly.ArduCopterTests2b": "test.CopterTests2b", } # form up a list of bits NOT to run, mapping from old step names # to new step names as appropriate. skipsteps = opts.skip.split(',') new_skipsteps = [] for skipstep in skipsteps: if skipstep in step_mapping: new_skipsteps.append(step_mapping[skipstep]) else: new_skipsteps.append(skipstep) skipsteps = new_skipsteps # ensure we catch timeouts signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler) if opts.timeout is not None: signal.alarm(opts.timeout) if opts.list: for step in steps: print(step) sys.exit(0) if opts.list_subtests: list_subtests() sys.exit(0) if opts.list_subtests_for_vehicle: list_subtests_for_vehicle(opts.list_subtests_for_vehicle) sys.exit(0) if opts.list_vehicles_test: print(' '.join(__bin_names.keys())) sys.exit(0) if opts.list_vehicles: print(' '.join(vehicle_list)) sys.exit(0) util.mkdir_p(buildlogs_dirpath()) lckfile = buildlogs_path('autotest.lck') print("lckfile=%s" % repr(lckfile)) lck = util.lock_file(lckfile) if lck is None: print("autotest is locked - exiting. lckfile=(%s)" % (lckfile,)) sys.exit(0) atexit.register(util.pexpect_close_all) # provide backwards-compatability from (e.g.) drive.APMrover2 -> test.Rover newargs = [] for arg in args: for _from, to in step_mapping.items(): arg = re.sub("^%s" % _from, to, arg) newargs.append(arg) args = newargs if len(args) == 0 and not opts.autotest_server: print("Steps must be supplied; try --list and/or --list-subtests or --help") sys.exit(1) if len(args) > 0: # allow a wildcard list of steps matched = [] for a in args: matches = [step for step in steps if fnmatch.fnmatch(step.lower(), a.lower())] x = find_specific_test_to_run(a) if x is not None: matches.append(x) if a in moresteps: matches.append(a) if not len(matches): print("No steps matched {}".format(a)) sys.exit(1) matched.extend(matches) steps = matched # skip steps according to --skip option: steps_to_run = [s for s in steps if should_run_step(s)] results = TestResults() try: if not run_tests(steps_to_run): sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("KeyboardInterrupt caught; closing pexpect connections") util.pexpect_close_all() raise except Exception: # make sure we kill off any children util.pexpect_close_all() raise