''' Fly ArduPlane in SITL AP_FLAKE8_CLEAN ''' from __future__ import print_function import copy import math import os import signal from pymavlink import quaternion from pymavlink import mavutil from pymavlink.rotmat import Vector3 import vehicle_test_suite from vehicle_test_suite import AutoTestTimeoutException from vehicle_test_suite import NotAchievedException from vehicle_test_suite import OldpymavlinkException from vehicle_test_suite import PreconditionFailedException from vehicle_test_suite import Test from vehicle_test_suite import WaitModeTimeout from pysim import vehicleinfo from pysim import util import operator # get location of scripts testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) SITL_START_LOCATION = mavutil.location(-35.362938, 149.165085, 585, 354) WIND = "0,180,0.2" # speed,direction,variance class AutoTestPlane(vehicle_test_suite.TestSuite): @staticmethod def get_not_armable_mode_list(): return [] @staticmethod def get_not_disarmed_settable_modes_list(): return ["FOLLOW"] @staticmethod def get_no_position_not_settable_modes_list(): return [] @staticmethod def get_position_armable_modes_list(): return ["GUIDED", "AUTO"] @staticmethod def get_normal_armable_modes_list(): return ["MANUAL", "STABILIZE", "ACRO"] def log_name(self): return "ArduPlane" def default_speedup(self): return 100 def test_filepath(self): return os.path.realpath(__file__) def sitl_start_location(self): return SITL_START_LOCATION def defaults_filepath(self): return os.path.join(testdir, 'default_params/plane-jsbsim.parm') def set_current_test_name(self, name): self.current_test_name_directory = "ArduPlane_Tests/" + name + "/" def default_frame(self): return "plane-elevrev" def apply_defaultfile_parameters(self): # plane passes in a defaults_filepath in place of applying # parameters afterwards. pass def is_plane(self): return True def get_stick_arming_channel(self): return int(self.get_parameter("RCMAP_YAW")) def get_disarm_delay(self): return int(self.get_parameter("LAND_DISARMDELAY")) def set_autodisarm_delay(self, delay): self.set_parameter("LAND_DISARMDELAY", delay) def takeoff(self, alt=150, alt_max=None, relative=True, mode=None, timeout=None): """Takeoff to altitude.""" if mode == "TAKEOFF": return self.takeoff_in_TAKEOFF(alt=alt, relative=relative, timeout=timeout) return self.takeoff_in_FBWA(alt=alt, alt_max=alt_max, relative=relative, timeout=timeout) def takeoff_in_TAKEOFF(self, alt=150, relative=True, mode=None, alt_epsilon=2, timeout=None): if relative is not True: raise ValueError("Only relative alt supported ATM") self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.context_push() self.set_parameter('TKOFF_ALT', alt) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_altitude(alt-alt_epsilon, alt+alt_epsilon, relative=True, timeout=timeout) self.context_pop() def takeoff_in_FBWA(self, alt=150, alt_max=None, relative=True, mode=None, timeout=30): if alt_max is None: alt_max = alt + 30 self.change_mode("FBWA") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # some rudder to counteract the prop torque self.set_rc(4, 1700) # some up elevator to keep the tail down self.set_rc(2, 1200) # get it moving a bit first self.set_rc(3, 1300) self.wait_groundspeed(6, 100) # a bit faster again, straighten rudder self.set_rc_from_map({ 3: 1600, 4: 1500, }) self.wait_groundspeed(12, 100) # hit the gas harder now, and give it some more elevator self.set_rc_from_map({ 2: 1100, 3: 2000, }) # gain a bit of altitude self.wait_altitude(alt, alt_max, timeout=timeout, relative=relative) # level off self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.progress("TAKEOFF COMPLETE") def fly_left_circuit(self): """Fly a left circuit, 200m on a side.""" self.change_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.wait_level_flight() self.progress("Flying left circuit") # do 4 turns for i in range(0, 4): # hard left self.progress("Starting turn %u" % i) self.set_rc(1, 1000) self.wait_heading(270 - (90*i), accuracy=10) self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.progress("Starting leg %u" % i) self.wait_distance(100, accuracy=20) self.progress("Circuit complete") def fly_RTL(self): """Fly to home.""" self.progress("Flying home in RTL") target_loc = self.home_position_as_mav_location() target_loc.alt += 100 self.change_mode('RTL') self.wait_location(target_loc, accuracy=120, height_accuracy=20, timeout=180) self.progress("RTL Complete") def NeedEKFToArm(self): """Ensure the EKF must be healthy for the vehicle to arm.""" self.progress("Ensuring we need EKF to be healthy to arm") self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS1_ENABLE", 0) self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") tstart = self.get_sim_time() success = False for run_cmd in self.run_cmd, self.run_cmd_int: while not success: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 60: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get correct failure reason") run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_RUN_PREARM_CHECKS) try: self.wait_statustext(".*AHRS: not using configured AHRS type.*", timeout=1, check_context=True, regex=True) success = True continue except AutoTestTimeoutException: pass self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS1_ENABLE", 1) self.wait_ready_to_arm() def fly_LOITER(self, num_circles=4): """Loiter where we are.""" self.progress("Testing LOITER for %u turns" % num_circles) self.change_mode('LOITER') m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) initial_alt = m.alt self.progress("Initial altitude %u\n" % initial_alt) while num_circles > 0: self.wait_heading(0, accuracy=10, timeout=60) self.wait_heading(180, accuracy=10, timeout=60) num_circles -= 1 self.progress("Loiter %u circles left" % num_circles) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) final_alt = m.alt self.progress("Final altitude %u initial %u\n" % (final_alt, initial_alt)) self.change_mode('FBWA') if abs(final_alt - initial_alt) > 20: raise NotAchievedException("Failed to maintain altitude") self.progress("Completed Loiter OK") def fly_CIRCLE(self, num_circles=1): """Circle where we are.""" self.progress("Testing CIRCLE for %u turns" % num_circles) self.change_mode('CIRCLE') m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) initial_alt = m.alt self.progress("Initial altitude %u\n" % initial_alt) while num_circles > 0: self.wait_heading(0, accuracy=10, timeout=60) self.wait_heading(180, accuracy=10, timeout=60) num_circles -= 1 self.progress("CIRCLE %u circles left" % num_circles) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) final_alt = m.alt self.progress("Final altitude %u initial %u\n" % (final_alt, initial_alt)) self.change_mode('FBWA') if abs(final_alt - initial_alt) > 20: raise NotAchievedException("Failed to maintain altitude") self.progress("Completed CIRCLE OK") def wait_level_flight(self, accuracy=5, timeout=30): """Wait for level flight.""" tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Waiting for level flight") self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.set_rc(4, 1500) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) roll = math.degrees(m.roll) pitch = math.degrees(m.pitch) self.progress("Roll=%.1f Pitch=%.1f" % (roll, pitch)) if math.fabs(roll) <= accuracy and math.fabs(pitch) <= accuracy: self.progress("Attained level flight") return raise NotAchievedException("Failed to attain level flight") def change_altitude(self, altitude, accuracy=30, relative=False): """Get to a given altitude.""" if relative: altitude += self.home_position_as_mav_location().alt self.change_mode('FBWA') alt_error = self.mav.messages['VFR_HUD'].alt - altitude if alt_error > 0: self.set_rc(2, 2000) else: self.set_rc(2, 1000) self.wait_altitude(altitude-accuracy/2, altitude+accuracy/2) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.progress("Reached target altitude at %u" % self.mav.messages['VFR_HUD'].alt) return self.wait_level_flight() def axial_left_roll(self, count=1): """Fly a left axial roll.""" # full throttle! self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.change_altitude(300, relative=True) # fly the roll in manual self.change_mode('MANUAL') while count > 0: self.progress("Starting roll") self.set_rc(1, 1000) try: self.wait_roll(-150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(0, accuracy=90) except Exception as e: self.set_rc(1, 1500) raise e count -= 1 # back to FBWA self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.change_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) return self.wait_level_flight() def inside_loop(self, count=1): """Fly a inside loop.""" # full throttle! self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.change_altitude(300, relative=True) # fly the loop in manual self.change_mode('MANUAL') while count > 0: self.progress("Starting loop") self.set_rc(2, 1000) self.wait_pitch(-60, accuracy=20) self.wait_pitch(0, accuracy=20) count -= 1 # back to FBWA self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.change_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) return self.wait_level_flight() def set_attitude_target(self, tolerance=10): """Test setting of attitude target in guided mode.""" self.change_mode("GUIDED") steps = [{"name": "roll-over", "roll": 60, "pitch": 0, "yaw": 0, "throttle": 0, "type_mask": 0b10000001}, {"name": "roll-back", "roll": 0, "pitch": 0, "yaw": 0, "throttle": 0, "type_mask": 0b10000001}, {"name": "pitch-up+throttle", "roll": 0, "pitch": 20, "yaw": 0, "throttle": 1, "type_mask": 0b11000010}, {"name": "pitch-back", "roll": 0, "pitch": 0, "yaw": 0, "throttle": 0, "type_mask": 0b10000010}] state_wait = "wait" state_hold = "hold" try: for step in steps: step_start = self.get_sim_time_cached() state = state_wait state_start = self.get_sim_time_cached() while True: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True, timeout=0.1) now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - step_start > 30: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Manuevers not completed") if m is None: continue angle_error = 0 if (step["type_mask"] & 0b00000001) or (step["type_mask"] == 0b10000000): angle_error += abs(math.degrees(m.roll) - step["roll"]) if (step["type_mask"] & 0b00000010) or (step["type_mask"] == 0b10000000): angle_error += abs(math.degrees(m.pitch) - step["pitch"]) if (step["type_mask"] & 0b00000100) or (step["type_mask"] == 0b10000000): # Strictly we should angle wrap, by plane doesn't support yaw correctly anyway so its not tested here angle_error += abs(math.degrees(m.yaw) - step["yaw"]) # Note were not checking throttle, however the SITL plane needs full throttle to meet the # target pitch attitude, Pitch test will fail without throttle override if state == state_wait: # Reduced tolerance for initial trigger if angle_error < (tolerance * 0.25): state = state_hold state_start = now # Allow 10 seconds to reach attitude if (now - state_start) > 10: raise NotAchievedException(step["name"] + ": Failed to get to set attitude") elif state == state_hold: # Give 2 seconds to stabilize if (now - state_start) > 2 and not (angle_error < tolerance): raise NotAchievedException(step["name"] + ": Failed to hold set attitude") # Hold for 10 seconds if (now - state_start) > 12: # move onto next step self.progress("%s Done" % (step["name"])) break self.progress("%s %s error: %f" % (step["name"], state, angle_error)) time_boot_millis = 0 # FIXME target_system = 1 # FIXME target_component = 1 # FIXME type_mask = step["type_mask"] ^ 0xFF # FIXME # attitude in radians: q = quaternion.Quaternion([math.radians(step["roll"]), math.radians(step["pitch"]), math.radians(step["yaw"])]) self.mav.mav.set_attitude_target_send(time_boot_millis, target_system, target_component, type_mask, q, 0, # roll rate, not used in AP 0, # pitch rate, not used in AP 0, # yaw rate, not used in AP step["throttle"]) except Exception as e: self.change_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) raise e # back to FBWA self.change_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) self.wait_level_flight() def test_stabilize(self, count=1): """Fly stabilize mode.""" # full throttle! self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.set_rc(2, 1300) self.change_altitude(300, relative=True) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.change_mode('STABILIZE') while count > 0: self.progress("Starting roll") self.set_rc(1, 2000) self.wait_roll(-150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(0, accuracy=90) count -= 1 self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.wait_roll(0, accuracy=5) # back to FBWA self.change_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) return self.wait_level_flight() def test_acro(self, count=1): """Fly ACRO mode.""" # full throttle! self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.set_rc(2, 1300) self.change_altitude(300, relative=True) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.change_mode('ACRO') while count > 0: self.progress("Starting roll") self.set_rc(1, 1000) self.wait_roll(-150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(0, accuracy=90) count -= 1 self.set_rc(1, 1500) # back to FBWA self.change_mode('FBWA') self.wait_level_flight() self.change_mode('ACRO') count = 2 while count > 0: self.progress("Starting loop") self.set_rc(2, 1000) self.wait_pitch(-60, accuracy=20) self.wait_pitch(0, accuracy=20) count -= 1 self.set_rc(2, 1500) # back to FBWA self.change_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) return self.wait_level_flight() def test_FBWB(self, mode='FBWB'): """Fly FBWB or CRUISE mode.""" self.change_mode(mode) self.set_rc(3, 1700) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # lock in the altitude by asking for an altitude change then releasing self.set_rc(2, 1000) self.wait_distance(50, accuracy=20) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.wait_distance(50, accuracy=20) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) initial_alt = m.alt self.progress("Initial altitude %u\n" % initial_alt) self.progress("Flying right circuit") # do 4 turns for i in range(0, 4): # hard left self.progress("Starting turn %u" % i) self.set_rc(1, 1800) try: self.wait_heading(0 + (90*i), accuracy=20, timeout=60) except Exception as e: self.set_rc(1, 1500) raise e self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.progress("Starting leg %u" % i) self.wait_distance(100, accuracy=20) self.progress("Circuit complete") self.progress("Flying rudder left circuit") # do 4 turns for i in range(0, 4): # hard left self.progress("Starting turn %u" % i) self.set_rc(4, 1900) try: self.wait_heading(360 - (90*i), accuracy=20, timeout=60) except Exception as e: self.set_rc(4, 1500) raise e self.set_rc(4, 1500) self.progress("Starting leg %u" % i) self.wait_distance(100, accuracy=20) self.progress("Circuit complete") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) final_alt = m.alt self.progress("Final altitude %u initial %u\n" % (final_alt, initial_alt)) # back to FBWA self.change_mode('FBWA') if abs(final_alt - initial_alt) > 20: raise NotAchievedException("Failed to maintain altitude") return self.wait_level_flight() def fly_mission(self, filename, mission_timeout=60.0, strict=True, quadplane=False): """Fly a mission from a file.""" self.progress("Flying mission %s" % filename) num_wp = self.load_mission(filename, strict=strict)-1 self.fly_mission_waypoints(num_wp, mission_timeout=mission_timeout, quadplane=quadplane) def fly_mission_waypoints(self, num_wp, mission_timeout=60.0, quadplane=False): self.set_current_waypoint(0, check_afterwards=False) self.context_push() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_waypoint(1, num_wp, max_dist=60, timeout=mission_timeout) self.wait_groundspeed(0, 0.5, timeout=mission_timeout) if quadplane: self.wait_statustext("Throttle disarmed", timeout=200, check_context=True) else: self.wait_statustext("Auto disarmed", timeout=60, check_context=True) self.context_pop() self.progress("Mission OK") def DO_REPOSITION(self): '''Test mavlink DO_REPOSITION command''' self.progress("Takeoff") self.takeoff(alt=50) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.progress("Entering guided and flying somewhere constant") self.change_mode("GUIDED") loc = self.mav.location() self.location_offset_ne(loc, 500, 500) new_alt = 100 self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION, p5=int(loc.lat * 1e7), p6=int(loc.lng * 1e7), p7=new_alt, # alt frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, ) self.wait_altitude(new_alt-10, new_alt, timeout=30, relative=True) self.install_terrain_handlers_context() self.location_offset_ne(loc, 500, 500) terrain_height_wanted = 150 self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(loc.lat*1e7), int(loc.lng*1e7), terrain_height_wanted, # alt frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT, ) # move to specific terrain-relative altitude and hold for <n> seconds tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() achieve_start = None tr = None while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 120: raise NotAchievedException("Did not move to correct terrain alt") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='TERRAIN_REPORT', blocking=True, timeout=1) tr = m terrain_height_achieved = m.current_height self.progress("terrain_alt=%f want=%f" % (terrain_height_achieved, terrain_height_wanted)) if m is None: continue if abs(terrain_height_wanted - terrain_height_achieved) > 5: if achieve_start is not None: self.progress("Achieve stop") achieve_start = None elif achieve_start is None: self.progress("Achieve start") achieve_start = self.get_sim_time_cached() if achieve_start is not None: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - achieve_start > 10: break m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True, timeout=1) self.progress("TR: %s" % tr) self.progress("GPI: %s" % m) min_delta = 4 delta = abs(m.relative_alt/1000.0 - tr.current_height) if abs(delta < min_delta): raise NotAchievedException("Expected altitude delta (want=%f got=%f)" % (min_delta, delta)) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=180) def ExternalPositionEstimate(self): '''Test mavlink EXTERNAL_POSITION_ESTIMATE command''' if not hasattr(mavutil.mavlink, 'MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_POSITION_ESTIMATE'): raise OldpymavlinkException("pymavlink too old; upgrade pymavlink to get MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_POSITION_ESTIMATE") # noqa self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_altitude(48, 52, relative=True) loc = self.mav.location() self.location_offset_ne(loc, 2000, 2000) # setting external position fail while we have GPS lock self.progress("set new position with GPS") self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_POSITION_ESTIMATE, p1=self.get_sim_time()-1, # transmit time p2=0.5, # processing delay p3=50, # accuracy p5=int(loc.lat * 1e7), p6=int(loc.lng * 1e7), p7=float("NaN"), # alt frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED, ) self.progress("disable the GPS") self.run_auxfunc( 65, 2, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED ) # fly for a bit to get into non-aiding state self.progress("waiting 20 seconds") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + 20: self.wait_heartbeat() self.progress("getting base position") gpi = self.mav.recv_match( type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True, timeout=5 ) loc = mavutil.location(gpi.lat*1e-7, gpi.lon*1e-7, 0, 0) self.progress("set new position with no GPS") self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_POSITION_ESTIMATE, p1=self.get_sim_time()-1, # transmit time p2=0.5, # processing delay p3=50, # accuracy p5=gpi.lat+1, p6=gpi.lon+1, p7=float("NaN"), # alt frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED ) self.progress("waiting 3 seconds") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + 3: self.wait_heartbeat() gpi2 = self.mav.recv_match( type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True, timeout=5 ) loc2 = mavutil.location(gpi2.lat*1e-7, gpi2.lon*1e-7, 0, 0) dist = self.get_distance(loc, loc2) self.progress("dist is %.1f" % dist) if dist > 200: raise NotAchievedException("Position error dist=%.1f" % dist) self.progress("re-enable the GPS") self.run_auxfunc( 65, 0, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED ) self.progress("flying home") self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def DeepStall(self): '''Test DeepStall Landing''' # self.fly_deepstall_absolute() self.fly_deepstall_relative() def fly_deepstall_absolute(self): self.start_subtest("DeepStall Relative Absolute") deepstall_elevator_pwm = 1661 self.set_parameters({ "LAND_TYPE": 1, "LAND_DS_ELEV_PWM": deepstall_elevator_pwm, "RTL_AUTOLAND": 1, }) self.load_mission("plane-deepstall-mission.txt") self.change_mode("AUTO") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.progress("Waiting for deepstall messages") # note that the following two don't necessarily happen in this # order, but at very high speedups we may miss the elevator # PWM if we first look for the text (due to the get_sim_time() # in wait_servo_channel_value) self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') # assume elevator is on channel 2: self.wait_servo_channel_value(2, deepstall_elevator_pwm, timeout=240) self.wait_text("Deepstall: Entry: ", check_context=True) self.disarm_wait(timeout=120) self.progress("Flying home") self.set_current_waypoint(0, check_afterwards=False) self.takeoff(10) self.set_parameter("LAND_TYPE", 0) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def fly_deepstall_relative(self): self.start_subtest("DeepStall Relative") deepstall_elevator_pwm = 1661 self.set_parameters({ "LAND_TYPE": 1, "LAND_DS_ELEV_PWM": deepstall_elevator_pwm, "RTL_AUTOLAND": 1, }) self.load_mission("plane-deepstall-relative-mission.txt") self.change_mode("AUTO") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_current_waypoint(4) # assume elevator is on channel 2: self.wait_servo_channel_value(2, deepstall_elevator_pwm, timeout=240) self.progress("Waiting for stage DEEPSTALL_STAGE_LAND") self.assert_receive_message( 'DEEPSTALL', condition='DEEPSTALL.stage==6', timeout=240, ) self.progress("Reached stage DEEPSTALL_STAGE_LAND") self.disarm_wait(timeout=120) self.set_current_waypoint(0, check_afterwards=False) self.progress("Flying home") self.set_current_waypoint(0, check_afterwards=False) self.takeoff(100) self.set_parameter("LAND_TYPE", 0) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=240) def SmartBattery(self): '''Test smart battery logging etc''' self.set_parameters({ "BATT_MONITOR": 16, # Maxell battery monitor }) # Must reboot sitl after setting montior type for SMBus parameters to be set due to dynamic group self.reboot_sitl() self.set_parameters({ "BATT_I2C_BUS": 2, # specified in SIM_I2C.cpp "BATT_I2C_ADDR": 11, # specified in SIM_I2C.cpp }) self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_ready_to_arm() m = self.assert_receive_message('BATTERY_STATUS', timeout=10) if m.voltages_ext[0] == 65536: raise NotAchievedException("Flag value rather than voltage") if abs(m.voltages_ext[0] - 1000) > 300: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get good ext voltage (got=%f)" % (m.voltages_ext[0],)) self.arm_vehicle() self.delay_sim_time(5) self.disarm_vehicle() if not self.current_onboard_log_contains_message("BCL2"): raise NotAchievedException("Expected BCL2 message") def context_push_do_change_speed(self): # the following lines ensure we revert these parameter values # - DO_CHANGE_AIRSPEED is a permanent vehicle change! self.context_push() self.set_parameters({ "AIRSPEED_CRUISE": self.get_parameter("AIRSPEED_CRUISE"), "MIN_GROUNDSPEED": self.get_parameter("MIN_GROUNDSPEED"), "TRIM_THROTTLE": self.get_parameter("TRIM_THROTTLE"), }) def DO_CHANGE_SPEED(self): '''Test DO_CHANGE_SPEED command/item''' self.set_parameters({ "RTL_AUTOLAND": 1, }) self.context_push_do_change_speed() self.DO_CHANGE_SPEED_mavlink_long() self.context_pop() self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.zero_throttle() self.context_push_do_change_speed() self.DO_CHANGE_SPEED_mavlink_int() self.context_pop() self.context_push_do_change_speed() self.DO_CHANGE_SPEED_mission() self.context_pop() def DO_CHANGE_SPEED_mission(self): '''test DO_CHANGE_SPEED as a mission item''' self.start_subtest("DO_CHANGE_SPEED_mission") self.load_mission("mission.txt") self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.progress("Takeoff") self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.takeoff(alt=10) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.start_subtest("Check initial speed") self.change_mode('AUTO') checks = [ (1, self.get_parameter("AIRSPEED_CRUISE")), (3, 10), (5, 20), (7, 15), ] for (current_waypoint, want_airspeed) in checks: self.wait_current_waypoint(current_waypoint, timeout=150) self.wait_airspeed(want_airspeed-1, want_airspeed+1, minimum_duration=5, timeout=120) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def DO_CHANGE_SPEED_mavlink_int(self): self.DO_CHANGE_SPEED_mavlink(self.run_cmd_int) def DO_CHANGE_SPEED_mavlink_long(self): self.DO_CHANGE_SPEED_mavlink(self.run_cmd) def DO_CHANGE_SPEED_mavlink(self, run_cmd_method): '''test DO_CHANGE_SPEED as a mavlink command''' self.progress("Takeoff") self.takeoff(alt=100, mode="TAKEOFF", timeout=120) self.set_rc(3, 1500) # ensure we know what the airspeed is: self.progress("Entering guided and flying somewhere constant") self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION, p5=12345, # lat* 1e7 p6=12345, # lon* 1e7 p7=100, # alt frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, ) self.delay_sim_time(10) self.progress("Ensuring initial speed is known and relatively constant") initial_speed = 22.0 timeout = 15 self.wait_airspeed(initial_speed-1, initial_speed+1, minimum_duration=5, timeout=timeout) self.start_subtest("Setting groundspeed") for new_target_groundspeed in initial_speed + 5, initial_speed + 2: run_cmd_method( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED, p1=1, # groundspeed p2=new_target_groundspeed, p3=-1, # throttle / no change p4=0, # absolute values ) self.wait_groundspeed(new_target_groundspeed-2, new_target_groundspeed+2, timeout=80, minimum_duration=5) self.progress("Adding some wind, ensuring groundspeed holds") self.set_parameter("SIM_WIND_SPD", 5) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.wait_groundspeed(new_target_groundspeed-2, new_target_groundspeed+2, timeout=40, minimum_duration=5) self.set_parameter("SIM_WIND_SPD", 0) # clear target groundspeed run_cmd_method( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED, p1=1, # groundspeed p2=0, p3=-1, # throttle / no change p4=0, # absolute values ) self.start_subtest("Setting airspeed") for new_target_airspeed in initial_speed - 5, initial_speed + 5: run_cmd_method( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED, p1=0, # airspeed p2=new_target_airspeed, p3=-1, # throttle / no change p4=0, # absolute values ) self.wait_airspeed(new_target_airspeed-2, new_target_airspeed+2, minimum_duration=5) self.context_push() self.progress("Adding some wind, hoping groundspeed increases/decreases") self.set_parameters({ "SIM_WIND_SPD": 7, "SIM_WIND_DIR": 270, }) self.delay_sim_time(5) timeout = 10 tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Did not achieve groundspeed delta") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) delta = abs(m.airspeed - m.groundspeed) want_delta = 5 self.progress("groundspeed and airspeed should be different (have=%f want=%f)" % (delta, want_delta)) if delta > want_delta: break self.context_pop() # cancel minimum groundspeed: run_cmd_method( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED, p1=0, # groundspeed p2=-2, # return to default p3=0, # throttle / no change p4=0, # absolute values ) # cancel airspeed: run_cmd_method( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED, p1=1, # airspeed p2=-2, # return to default p3=0, # throttle / no change p4=0, # absolute values ) self.start_subtest("Setting throttle") self.set_parameter('ARSPD_USE', 0) # setting throttle only effective without airspeed for (set_throttle, expected_throttle) in (97, 79), (60, 51), (95, 77): run_cmd_method( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED, p1=3, # throttle p2=0, p3=set_throttle, # throttle / no change p4=0, # absolute values ) self.wait_message_field_values('VFR_HUD', { "throttle": expected_throttle, }, minimum_duration=5, epsilon=2) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=240) def fly_home_land_and_disarm(self, timeout=120): filename = "flaps.txt" self.progress("Using %s to fly home" % filename) self.load_generic_mission(filename) self.change_mode("AUTO") # don't set current waypoint to 8 unless we're distant from it # or we arrive instantly and never see it as our current # waypoint: self.wait_distance_to_waypoint(8, 100, 10000000) self.set_current_waypoint(8) # TODO: reflect on file to find this magic waypoint number? # self.wait_waypoint(7, num_wp-1, timeout=500) # we # tend to miss the final waypoint by a fair bit, and # this is probably too noisy anyway? self.wait_disarmed(timeout=timeout) def TestFlaps(self): """Test flaps functionality.""" filename = "flaps.txt" flaps_ch = 5 flaps_ch_min = 1000 flaps_ch_trim = 1500 flaps_ch_max = 2000 servo_ch = 5 servo_ch_min = 1200 servo_ch_trim = 1300 servo_ch_max = 1800 self.set_parameters({ "SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % servo_ch: 3, # flapsauto "RC%u_OPTION" % flaps_ch: 208, # Flaps RCx_OPTION "LAND_FLAP_PERCNT": 50, "LOG_DISARMED": 1, "RTL_AUTOLAND": 1, "RC%u_MIN" % flaps_ch: flaps_ch_min, "RC%u_MAX" % flaps_ch: flaps_ch_max, "RC%u_TRIM" % flaps_ch: flaps_ch_trim, "SERVO%u_MIN" % servo_ch: servo_ch_min, "SERVO%u_MAX" % servo_ch: servo_ch_max, "SERVO%u_TRIM" % servo_ch: servo_ch_trim, }) self.progress("check flaps are not deployed") self.set_rc(flaps_ch, flaps_ch_min) self.wait_servo_channel_value(servo_ch, servo_ch_min, timeout=3) self.progress("deploy the flaps") self.set_rc(flaps_ch, flaps_ch_max) tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.wait_servo_channel_value(servo_ch, servo_ch_max) tstop = self.get_sim_time_cached() delta_time = tstop - tstart delta_time_min = 0.5 delta_time_max = 1.5 if delta_time < delta_time_min or delta_time > delta_time_max: raise NotAchievedException(( "Flaps Slew not working (%f seconds)" % (delta_time,))) self.progress("undeploy flaps") self.set_rc(flaps_ch, flaps_ch_min) self.wait_servo_channel_value(servo_ch, servo_ch_min) self.progress("Flying mission %s" % filename) self.load_mission(filename) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # flaps should deploy for landing (RC input value used for position?!) self.wait_servo_channel_value(servo_ch, flaps_ch_trim, timeout=300) # flaps should undeploy at the end self.wait_servo_channel_value(servo_ch, servo_ch_min, timeout=30) self.progress("Flaps OK") def TestRCRelay(self): '''Test Relay RC Channel Option''' self.set_parameters({ "RELAY1_FUNCTION": 1, # Enable relay as a standard relay pin "RC12_OPTION": 28 # Relay On/Off }) self.set_rc(12, 1000) self.reboot_sitl() # needed for RC12_OPTION and RELAY1_FUNCTION to take effect off = self.get_parameter("SIM_PIN_MASK") if off: raise PreconditionFailedException("SIM_MASK_PIN off") # allow time for the RC library to register initial value: self.delay_sim_time(1) self.set_rc(12, 2000) self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_heartbeat() on = self.get_parameter("SIM_PIN_MASK") if not on: raise NotAchievedException("SIM_PIN_MASK doesn't reflect ON") self.set_rc(12, 1000) self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_heartbeat() off = self.get_parameter("SIM_PIN_MASK") if off: raise NotAchievedException("SIM_PIN_MASK doesn't reflect OFF") def TestRCCamera(self): '''Test RC Option - Camera Trigger''' self.set_parameter("RC12_OPTION", 9) # CameraTrigger self.set_parameter("CAM1_TYPE", 1) # Camera with servo trigger self.reboot_sitl() # needed for RC12_OPTION to take effect x = self.mav.messages.get("CAMERA_FEEDBACK", None) if x is not None: raise PreconditionFailedException("Receiving CAMERA_FEEDBACK?!") self.set_rc(12, 2000) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart < 10: x = self.mav.messages.get("CAMERA_FEEDBACK", None) if x is not None: break self.wait_heartbeat() self.set_rc(12, 1000) if x is None: raise NotAchievedException("No CAMERA_FEEDBACK message received") self.wait_ready_to_arm() original_alt = self.get_altitude() takeoff_alt = 30 self.takeoff(takeoff_alt) self.set_rc(12, 2000) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.set_rc(12, 1000) x = self.mav.messages.get("CAMERA_FEEDBACK", None) if abs(x.alt_rel - takeoff_alt) > 10: raise NotAchievedException("Bad relalt (want=%f vs got=%f)" % (takeoff_alt, x.alt_rel)) if abs(x.alt_msl - (original_alt+30)) > 10: raise NotAchievedException("Bad absalt (want=%f vs got=%f)" % (original_alt+30, x.alt_msl)) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def ThrottleFailsafe(self): '''Fly throttle failsafe''' self.change_mode('MANUAL') m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) receiver_bit = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_RC_RECEIVER self.progress("Testing receiver enabled") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & receiver_bit)): raise PreconditionFailedException() self.progress("Testing receiver present") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_present & receiver_bit)): raise PreconditionFailedException() self.progress("Testing receiver health") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & receiver_bit)): raise PreconditionFailedException() self.progress("Ensure we know original throttle value") self.wait_rc_channel_value(3, 1000) self.set_parameter("THR_FS_VALUE", 960) self.progress("Failing receiver (throttle-to-950)") self.context_collect("HEARTBEAT") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 2) # throttle-to-950 self.wait_mode('RTL') # long failsafe if (self.get_mode_from_mode_mapping("CIRCLE") not in [x.custom_mode for x in self.context_stop_collecting("HEARTBEAT")]): raise NotAchievedException("Did not go via circle mode") self.progress("Ensure we've had our throttle squashed to 950") self.wait_rc_channel_value(3, 950) self.do_timesync_roundtrip() m = self.assert_receive_message('SYS_STATUS') self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) self.progress("Testing receiver enabled") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not enabled") self.progress("Testing receiver present") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_present & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not present") # skip this until RC is fixed # self.progress("Testing receiver health") # if (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & receiver_bit): # raise NotAchievedException("Sensor healthy when it shouldn't be") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) # have to allow time for RC to be fetched from SITL self.delay_sim_time(0.5) self.do_timesync_roundtrip() m = self.assert_receive_message('SYS_STATUS') self.progress("Testing receiver enabled") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not enabled") self.progress("Testing receiver present") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_present & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not present") self.progress("Testing receiver health") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not healthy2") self.change_mode('MANUAL') self.progress("Failing receiver (no-pulses)") self.context_collect("HEARTBEAT") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) # no-pulses self.wait_mode('RTL') # long failsafe if (self.get_mode_from_mode_mapping("CIRCLE") not in [x.custom_mode for x in self.context_stop_collecting("HEARTBEAT")]): raise NotAchievedException("Did not go via circle mode") self.do_timesync_roundtrip() m = self.assert_receive_message('SYS_STATUS') self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) self.progress("Testing receiver enabled") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not enabled") self.progress("Testing receiver present") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_present & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not present") self.progress("Testing receiver health") if (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & receiver_bit): raise NotAchievedException("Sensor healthy when it shouldn't be") self.progress("Making RC work again") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) # have to allow time for RC to be fetched from SITL self.progress("Giving receiver time to recover") self.delay_sim_time(0.5) self.do_timesync_roundtrip() m = self.assert_receive_message('SYS_STATUS') self.progress("Testing receiver enabled") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not enabled") self.progress("Testing receiver present") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_present & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not present") self.progress("Testing receiver health") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not healthy") self.change_mode('MANUAL') self.progress("Ensure long failsafe can trigger when short failsafe disabled") self.context_push() self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") self.set_parameters({ "FS_SHORT_ACTN": 3, # 3 means disabled "SIM_RC_FAIL": 1, }) self.wait_statustext("Long failsafe on", check_context=True) self.wait_mode("RTL") # self.context_clear_collection("STATUSTEXT") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.wait_text("Long Failsafe Cleared", check_context=True) self.change_mode("MANUAL") self.progress("Trying again with THR_FS_VALUE") self.set_parameters({ "THR_FS_VALUE": 960, "SIM_RC_FAIL": 2, }) self.wait_statustext("Long Failsafe on", check_context=True) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.context_pop() self.start_subtest("Not use RC throttle input when THR_FAILSAFE==2") self.takeoff(100) self.set_rc(3, 1800) self.set_rc(1, 2000) self.wait_attitude(desroll=45, timeout=1) self.context_push() self.set_parameters({ "THR_FAILSAFE": 2, "SIM_RC_FAIL": 1, # no pulses }) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.wait_attitude(desroll=0, timeout=5) self.assert_servo_channel_value(3, self.get_parameter("RC3_MIN")) self.set_parameters({ "SIM_RC_FAIL": 0, # fix receiver }) self.zero_throttle() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() def ThrottleFailsafeFence(self): '''Fly fence survives throttle failsafe''' fence_bit = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE self.progress("Checking fence is not present before being configured") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) if (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & fence_bit): raise NotAchievedException("Fence enabled before being configured") self.change_mode('MANUAL') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.load_fence("CMAC-fence.txt") self.set_parameter("RC7_OPTION", 11) # AC_Fence uses Aux switch functionality self.set_parameter("FENCE_ACTION", 4) # Fence action Brake self.set_rc_from_map({ 3: 1000, 7: 2000, }) # Turn fence on with aux function m = self.mav.recv_match(type='FENCE_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=2) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Got FENCE_STATUS unexpectedly") self.progress("Checking fence is initially OK") self.wait_sensor_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE, present=True, enabled=True, healthy=True, verbose=True, timeout=30) self.set_parameter("THR_FS_VALUE", 960) self.progress("Failing receiver (throttle-to-950)") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 2) # throttle-to-950 self.wait_mode("CIRCLE") self.delay_sim_time(1) # give self.do_timesync_roundtrip() self.progress("Checking fence is OK after receiver failure (bind-values)") fence_bit = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE m = self.assert_receive_message('SYS_STATUS') if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & fence_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Fence not enabled after RC fail") self.do_fence_disable() # Ensure the fence is disabled after test def GCSFailsafe(self): '''Ensure Long-Failsafe works on GCS loss''' self.start_subtest("Test Failsafe: RTL") self.load_sample_mission() self.set_parameters({ "FS_GCS_ENABL": 1, "FS_LONG_ACTN": 1, "RTL_AUTOLAND": 1, "SYSID_MYGCS": self.mav.source_system, }) self.takeoff() self.change_mode('LOITER') self.progress("Disconnecting GCS") self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_mode("RTL", timeout=10) self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.end_subtest("Completed RTL Failsafe test") self.start_subtest("Test Failsafe: FBWA Glide") self.set_parameters({ "FS_LONG_ACTN": 2, }) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.progress("Disconnecting GCS") self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_mode("FBWA", timeout=10) self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.end_subtest("Completed FBWA Failsafe test") self.start_subtest("Test Failsafe: Deploy Parachute") self.load_mission("plane-parachute-mission.txt") self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.set_parameters({ "CHUTE_ENABLED": 1, "CHUTE_TYPE": 10, "SERVO9_FUNCTION": 27, "SIM_PARA_ENABLE": 1, "SIM_PARA_PIN": 9, "FS_LONG_ACTN": 3, }) self.change_mode("AUTO") self.progress("Disconnecting GCS") self.set_heartbeat_rate(0) self.wait_statustext("BANG", timeout=60) self.set_heartbeat_rate(self.speedup) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() self.end_subtest("Completed Parachute Failsafe test") def TestGripperMission(self): '''Test Gripper mission items''' self.set_parameter("RTL_AUTOLAND", 1) self.load_mission("plane-gripper-mission.txt") self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_statustext("Gripper Grabbed", timeout=60) self.wait_statustext("Gripper Released", timeout=60) self.wait_statustext("Auto disarmed", timeout=60) def assert_fence_sys_status(self, present, enabled, health): self.delay_sim_time(1) self.do_timesync_roundtrip() m = self.assert_receive_message('SYS_STATUS', timeout=1) tests = [ ("present", present, m.onboard_control_sensors_present), ("enabled", enabled, m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled), ("health", health, m.onboard_control_sensors_health), ] bit = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE for test in tests: (name, want, field) = test got = (field & bit) != 0 if want != got: raise NotAchievedException("fence status incorrect; %s want=%u got=%u" % (name, want, got)) def wait_circling_point_with_radius(self, loc, want_radius, epsilon=5.0, min_circle_time=5, timeout=120): on_radius_start_heading = None average_radius = 0.0 circle_time_start = 0 done_time = False done_angle = False tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > timeout: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not get onto circle") here = self.mav.location() got_radius = self.get_distance(loc, here) average_radius = 0.95*average_radius + 0.05*got_radius on_radius = abs(got_radius - want_radius) < epsilon m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) heading = m.heading on_string = "off" got_angle = "" if on_radius_start_heading is not None: got_angle = "%0.2f" % abs(on_radius_start_heading - heading) # FIXME on_string = "on" want_angle = 180 # we don't actually get this (angle-substraction issue. But we get enough... self.progress("wait-circling: got-r=%0.2f want-r=%f avg-r=%f %s want-a=%0.1f got-a=%s" % (got_radius, want_radius, average_radius, on_string, want_angle, got_angle)) if on_radius: if on_radius_start_heading is None: on_radius_start_heading = heading average_radius = got_radius circle_time_start = self.get_sim_time() continue if abs(on_radius_start_heading - heading) > want_angle: # FIXME done_angle = True if self.get_sim_time() - circle_time_start > min_circle_time: done_time = True if done_time and done_angle: return continue if on_radius_start_heading is not None: average_radius = 0.0 on_radius_start_heading = None circle_time_start = 0 def MODE_SWITCH_RESET(self): '''test the MODE_SWITCH_RESET auxiliary function''' self.set_parameters({ "RC9_OPTION": 96, }) self.progress("Using RC to change modes") self.set_rc(8, 1500) self.wait_mode('FBWA') self.progress("Killing RC to engage RC failsafe") self.set_parameter('SIM_RC_FAIL', 1) self.wait_mode('RTL') self.progress("Reinstating RC") self.set_parameter('SIM_RC_FAIL', 0) self.progress("Ensuring we don't automatically revert mode") self.delay_sim_time(2) self.assert_mode_is('RTL') self.progress("Ensuring MODE_SWITCH_RESET switch resets to pre-failsafe mode") self.set_rc(9, 2000) self.wait_mode('FBWA') def FenceStatic(self): '''Test Basic Fence Functionality''' self.progress("Checking for bizarre healthy-when-not-present-or-enabled") self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 4) # Start by only setting polygon fences, otherwise fence will report present self.assert_fence_sys_status(False, False, True) self.load_fence("CMAC-fence.txt") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='FENCE_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=2) if m is not None: raise NotAchievedException("Got FENCE_STATUS unexpectedly") self.set_parameter("FENCE_ACTION", 0) # report only self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, True) self.set_parameter("FENCE_ACTION", 1) # RTL self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, True) self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, True, True) m = self.assert_receive_message('FENCE_STATUS', timeout=2) if m.breach_status: raise NotAchievedException("Breached fence unexpectedly (%u)" % (m.breach_status)) self.do_fence_disable() self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, True) self.set_parameter("FENCE_ACTION", 1) self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, True) self.set_parameter("FENCE_ACTION", 0) self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, True) self.clear_fence() if self.get_parameter("FENCE_TOTAL") != 0: raise NotAchievedException("Expected zero points remaining") self.assert_fence_sys_status(False, False, True) self.progress("Trying to enable fence with no points") self.do_fence_enable(want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED) # test a rather unfortunate behaviour: self.progress("Killing a live fence with fence-clear") self.load_fence("CMAC-fence.txt") self.set_parameter("FENCE_ACTION", 1) # AC_FENCE_ACTION_RTL_AND_LAND == 1. mavutil.mavlink.FENCE_ACTION_RTL == 4 self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, True, True) self.clear_fence() self.wait_sensor_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE, False, False, True) if self.get_parameter("FENCE_TOTAL") != 0: raise NotAchievedException("Expected zero points remaining") self.assert_fence_sys_status(False, False, True) self.do_fence_disable() # ensure that a fence is present if it is tin can, min alt or max alt self.progress("Test other fence types (tin-can, min alt, max alt") self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 1) # max alt self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, True) self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 8) # min alt self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, True) self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 2) # tin can self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, True) # Test cannot arm if outside of fence and fence is enabled self.progress("Test Arming while vehicle below FENCE_ALT_MIN") default_fence_alt_min = self.get_parameter("FENCE_ALT_MIN") self.set_parameter("FENCE_ALT_MIN", 50) self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 8) # Enables minimum altitude breaches self.do_fence_enable() self.delay_sim_time(2) # Allow breach to propagate self.assert_fence_enabled() self.try_arm(False, "Vehicle breaching Min Alt fence") self.do_fence_disable() self.set_parameter("FENCE_ALT_MIN", default_fence_alt_min) # Test arming outside inclusion zone self.progress("Test arming while Vehicle breaching of inclusion zone") self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 4) # Enables polygon fence types self.upload_fences_from_locations([( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_INCLUSION, [ mavutil.location(1.000, 1.000, 0, 0), mavutil.location(1.000, 1.001, 0, 0), mavutil.location(1.001, 1.001, 0, 0), mavutil.location(1.001, 1.000, 0, 0) ] )]) self.delay_sim_time(10) # let fence check run so it loads-from-eeprom self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_enabled() self.delay_sim_time(2) # Allow breach to propagate self.try_arm(False, "Vehicle breaching Polygon fence") self.do_fence_disable() self.clear_fence() self.progress("Test arming while vehicle inside exclusion zone") self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 4) # Enables polygon fence types home_loc = self.mav.location() locs = [ mavutil.location(home_loc.lat - 0.001, home_loc.lng - 0.001, 0, 0), mavutil.location(home_loc.lat - 0.001, home_loc.lng + 0.001, 0, 0), mavutil.location(home_loc.lat + 0.001, home_loc.lng + 0.001, 0, 0), mavutil.location(home_loc.lat + 0.001, home_loc.lng - 0.001, 0, 0), ] self.upload_fences_from_locations([ (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_EXCLUSION, locs), ]) self.delay_sim_time(10) # let fence check run so it loads-from-eeprom self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_enabled() self.delay_sim_time(2) # Allow breach to propagate self.try_arm(False, "Vehicle breaching Polygon fence") self.do_fence_disable() def test_fence_breach_circle_at(self, loc, disable_on_breach=False): self.load_fence("CMAC-fence.txt") want_radius = 100 # when ArduPlane is fixed, remove this fudge factor REALLY_BAD_FUDGE_FACTOR = 1.16 expected_radius = REALLY_BAD_FUDGE_FACTOR * want_radius self.set_parameters({ "RTL_RADIUS": want_radius, "NAVL1_LIM_BANK": 60, "FENCE_ACTION": 1, # AC_FENCE_ACTION_RTL_AND_LAND == 1. mavutil.mavlink.FENCE_ACTION_RTL == 4 }) self.wait_ready_to_arm() # need an origin to load fence self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, True, True) self.takeoff(alt=45, alt_max=300) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > 30: raise NotAchievedException("Did not breach fence") m = self.assert_receive_message('FENCE_STATUS', timeout=2) if m.breach_status == 0: continue # we've breached; check our state; if m.breach_type != mavutil.mavlink.FENCE_BREACH_BOUNDARY: raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected breach type %u" % (m.breach_type,)) if m.breach_count == 0: raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected breach count %u" % (m.breach_count,)) self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, True, False) break self.wait_circling_point_with_radius(loc, expected_radius) self.do_fence_disable() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def FenceRTL(self): '''Test Fence RTL''' self.progress("Testing FENCE_ACTION_RTL no rally point") # have to disable the fence once we've breached or we breach # it as part of the loiter-at-home! self.test_fence_breach_circle_at(self.home_position_as_mav_location()) def FenceRTLRally(self): '''Test Fence RTL Rally''' self.progress("Testing FENCE_ACTION_RTL with rally point") self.wait_ready_to_arm() loc = self.home_relative_loc_ne(50, -50) self.upload_rally_points_from_locations([loc]) self.test_fence_breach_circle_at(loc) def FenceRetRally(self): """ Tests the FENCE_RET_RALLY flag, either returning to fence return point, or rally point """ target_system = 1 target_component = 1 self.progress("Testing FENCE_ACTION_RTL with fence rally point") self.wait_ready_to_arm() # Grab a location for fence return point, and upload it. fence_loc = self.home_position_as_mav_location() self.location_offset_ne(fence_loc, 50, 50) fence_return_mission_items = [ self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( target_system, target_component, 0, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT, 0, # current 0, # autocontinue 0, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 int(fence_loc.lat * 1e7), # latitude int(fence_loc.lng * 1e7), # longitude 0, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE ) ] self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, fence_return_mission_items) self.delay_sim_time(1) # Grab a location for rally point, and upload it. rally_loc = self.home_relative_loc_ne(-50, 50) self.upload_rally_points_from_locations([rally_loc]) return_radius = 100 return_alt = 80 self.set_parameters({ "RTL_RADIUS": return_radius, "FENCE_ACTION": 6, # Set Fence Action to Guided "FENCE_TYPE": 8, # Only use fence floor "FENCE_RET_ALT": return_alt, }) self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_enabled() self.takeoff(alt=50, alt_max=300) # Trigger fence breach, fly to rally location self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_RET_RALLY": 1, "FENCE_ALT_MIN": 60, }) self.wait_circling_point_with_radius(rally_loc, return_radius) self.set_parameter("FENCE_ALT_MIN", 0) # Clear fence breach # 10 second fence min retrigger time self.delay_sim_time(15) # Fly up before re-triggering fence breach. Fly to fence return point self.change_altitude(30, relative=True) self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_RET_RALLY": 0, "FENCE_ALT_MIN": 60, }) self.wait_altitude(altitude_min=return_alt-3, altitude_max=return_alt+3, relative=True) self.wait_circling_point_with_radius(fence_loc, return_radius) self.do_fence_disable() # Disable fence so we can land self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() # Pack it up, we're going home. def TerrainRally(self): """ Tests terrain follow with a rally point """ self.context_push() self.install_terrain_handlers_context() def terrain_following_above_80m(mav, m): if m.get_type() == 'TERRAIN_REPORT': if m.current_height < 50: raise NotAchievedException( "TERRAIN_REPORT.current_height below 50m %fm" % m.current_height) if m.get_type() == 'VFR_HUD': if m.groundspeed < 2: raise NotAchievedException("hit ground") def terrain_wait_path(loc1, loc2, steps): '''wait till we have terrain for N steps from loc1 to loc2''' tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() self.progress("Waiting for terrain data") while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 60: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get correct required terrain") for i in range(steps): lat = loc1.lat + i * (loc2.lat-loc1.lat)/steps lon = loc1.lng + i * (loc2.lng-loc1.lng)/steps self.mav.mav.terrain_check_send(int(lat*1.0e7), int(lon*1.0e7)) report = self.assert_receive_message('TERRAIN_REPORT', timeout=60) self.progress("Terrain pending=%u" % report.pending) if report.pending == 0: break self.progress("Got required terrain") self.wait_ready_to_arm() homeloc = self.mav.location() guided_loc = mavutil.location(-35.39723762, 149.07284612, homeloc.alt+99.0, 0) rally_loc = mavutil.location(-35.3654952000, 149.1558698000, homeloc.alt+100, 0) terrain_wait_path(homeloc, rally_loc, 10) # set a rally point to the west of home self.upload_rally_points_from_locations([rally_loc]) self.set_parameter("TKOFF_ALT", 100) self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.set_parameter("TERRAIN_FOLLOW", 1) self.wait_altitude(90, 120, timeout=30, relative=True) self.progress("Done takeoff") self.install_message_hook_context(terrain_following_above_80m) self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.send_do_reposition(guided_loc, frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT) self.progress("Flying to guided location") self.wait_location( guided_loc, accuracy=200, timeout=600, height_accuracy=10, ) self.progress("Reached guided location") self.set_parameter("RALLY_LIMIT_KM", 50) self.change_mode("RTL") self.progress("Flying to rally point") self.wait_location( rally_loc, accuracy=200, timeout=600, height_accuracy=10, ) self.progress("Reached rally point with TERRAIN_FOLLOW") # Fly back to guided location self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.send_do_reposition(guided_loc, frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT) self.progress("Flying to back to guided location") # Disable terrain following and re-load rally point with relative to terrain altitude self.set_parameter("TERRAIN_FOLLOW", 0) rally_item = [self.create_MISSION_ITEM_INT( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT, x=int(rally_loc.lat*1e7), y=int(rally_loc.lng*1e7), z=rally_loc.alt, frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT, mission_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY )] self.correct_wp_seq_numbers(rally_item) self.check_rally_upload_download(rally_item) # Once back at guided location re-trigger RTL self.wait_location( guided_loc, accuracy=200, timeout=600, height_accuracy=10, ) self.change_mode("RTL") self.progress("Flying to rally point") self.wait_location( rally_loc, accuracy=200, timeout=600, height_accuracy=10, ) self.progress("Reached rally point with terrain alt frame") self.context_pop() self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def Parachute(self): '''Test Parachute''' self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.set_parameters({ "CHUTE_ENABLED": 1, "CHUTE_TYPE": 10, "SERVO9_FUNCTION": 27, "SIM_PARA_ENABLE": 1, "SIM_PARA_PIN": 9, }) self.load_mission("plane-parachute-mission.txt") self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_statustext("BANG", timeout=60) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def ParachuteSinkRate(self): '''Test Parachute (SinkRate triggering)''' self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.set_parameters({ "CHUTE_ENABLED": 1, "CHUTE_TYPE": 10, "SERVO9_FUNCTION": 27, "SIM_PARA_ENABLE": 1, "SIM_PARA_PIN": 9, "CHUTE_CRT_SINK": 9, }) self.progress("Takeoff") self.takeoff(alt=300) self.progress("Diving") self.set_rc(2, 2000) self.wait_statustext("BANG", timeout=60) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def run_subtest(self, desc, func): self.start_subtest(desc) func() def fly_ahrs2_test(self): '''check secondary estimator is looking OK''' ahrs2 = self.assert_receive_message('AHRS2', verbose=1) gpi = self.assert_receive_message('GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', verbose=1) if self.get_distance_int(gpi, ahrs2) > 10: raise NotAchievedException("Secondary location looks bad") self.check_attitudes_match() def MainFlight(self): '''Lots of things in one flight''' self.change_mode('MANUAL') self.progress("Asserting we do support transfer of fence via mission item protocol") self.assert_capability(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MISSION_FENCE) self.run_subtest("Takeoff", self.takeoff) self.run_subtest("Set Attitude Target", self.set_attitude_target) self.run_subtest("Fly left circuit", self.fly_left_circuit) self.run_subtest("Left roll", lambda: self.axial_left_roll(1)) self.run_subtest("Inside loop", self.inside_loop) self.run_subtest("Stablize test", self.test_stabilize) self.run_subtest("ACRO test", self.test_acro) self.run_subtest("FBWB test", self.test_FBWB) self.run_subtest("CRUISE test", lambda: self.test_FBWB(mode='CRUISE')) self.run_subtest("RTL test", self.fly_RTL) self.run_subtest("LOITER test", self.fly_LOITER) self.run_subtest("CIRCLE test", self.fly_CIRCLE) self.run_subtest("AHRS2 test", self.fly_ahrs2_test) self.run_subtest("Mission test", lambda: self.fly_mission("ap1.txt", strict=False)) def PitotBlockage(self): '''Test detection and isolation of a blocked pitot tube''' self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_OPTIONS": 15, "ARSPD_USE": 1, "SIM_WIND_SPD": 7, "SIM_WIND_DIR": 0, "ARSPD_WIND_MAX": 15, }) self.takeoff(alt=50, mode='TAKEOFF') # simulate the effect of a blocked pitot tube self.set_parameter("ARSPD_RATIO", 0.1) self.delay_sim_time(10) if (self.get_parameter("ARSPD_USE") == 0): self.progress("Faulty Sensor Disabled") else: raise NotAchievedException("Airspeed Sensor Not Disabled") self.delay_sim_time(20) # simulate the effect of blockage partially clearing self.set_parameter("ARSPD_RATIO", 1.0) self.delay_sim_time(60) if (self.get_parameter("ARSPD_USE") == 0): self.progress("Faulty Sensor Remains Disabled") else: raise NotAchievedException("Fault Sensor Re-Enabled") # simulate the effect of blockage fully clearing self.set_parameter("ARSPD_RATIO", 2.0) self.delay_sim_time(60) if (self.get_parameter("ARSPD_USE") == 1): self.progress("Sensor Re-Enabled") else: raise NotAchievedException("Airspeed Sensor Not Re-Enabled") self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL(self): '''Test AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL''' self.progress("Ensure no AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL on ground") self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_AUTOCAL": 1, "ARSPD_PIN": 2, "ARSPD_RATIO": 0, "ARSPD2_RATIO": 4, "ARSPD2_TYPE": 3, # MS5525 "ARSPD2_BUS": 1, "ARSPD2_AUTOCAL": 1, "SIM_ARSPD2_OFS": 1900, # default is 2013 "RTL_AUTOLAND": 1, }) self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.reboot_sitl() self.assert_not_receive_message('AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL', timeout=5) # these are boot-time calibration messages: self.wait_statustext('Airspeed 1 calibrated', check_context=True, timeout=30) self.wait_statustext('Airspeed 2 calibrated', check_context=True) mission_filepath = "flaps.txt" self.load_mission(mission_filepath) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode("AUTO") self.progress("Ensure AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL in air") self.assert_receive_message('AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL') self.wait_statustext("Airspeed 0 ratio reset", check_context=True, timeout=70) self.wait_statustext("Airspeed 1 ratio reset", check_context=True, timeout=70) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def deadreckoning_main(self, disable_airspeed_sensor=False): self.context_push() self.set_parameter("EK3_OPTIONS", 1) self.set_parameter("AHRS_OPTIONS", 3) self.set_parameter("LOG_REPLAY", 1) self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_ready_to_arm() if disable_airspeed_sensor: max_allowed_divergence = 300 else: max_allowed_divergence = 150 self.install_message_hook_context(vehicle_test_suite.TestSuite.ValidateGlobalPositionIntAgainstSimState(self, max_allowed_divergence=max_allowed_divergence)) # noqa try: # wind is from the West: self.set_parameter("SIM_WIND_DIR", 270) # light winds: self.set_parameter("SIM_WIND_SPD", 10) if disable_airspeed_sensor: self.set_parameter("ARSPD_USE", 0) self.takeoff(50) loc = self.mav.location() self.location_offset_ne(loc, 500, 500) self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION, p1=0, p2=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DO_REPOSITION_FLAGS_CHANGE_MODE, p5=int(loc.lat * 1e7), p6=int(loc.lng * 1e7), p7=100, # alt frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, ) self.wait_location(loc, accuracy=100) self.progress("Orbit with GPS and learn wind") # allow longer to learn wind if there is no airspeed sensor if disable_airspeed_sensor: self.delay_sim_time(60) else: self.delay_sim_time(20) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS1_ENABLE", 0) self.progress("Continue orbit without GPS") self.delay_sim_time(20) self.change_mode("RTL") self.wait_distance_to_home(100, 200, timeout=200) # go into LOITER to create additonal time for a GPS re-enable test self.change_mode("LOITER") self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS1_ENABLE", 1) t_enabled = self.get_sim_time() # The EKF should wait for GPS checks to pass when we are still able to navigate using dead reckoning # to prevent bad GPS being used when coming back after loss of lock due to interence. self.wait_ekf_flags(mavutil.mavlink.ESTIMATOR_POS_HORIZ_ABS, 0, timeout=15) if self.get_sim_time() < (t_enabled+9): raise NotAchievedException("GPS use re-started too quickly") # wait for EKF and vehicle position to stabilise, then test response to jamming self.delay_sim_time(20) self.set_parameter("AHRS_OPTIONS", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS1_JAM", 1) self.delay_sim_time(10) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS1_JAM", 0) t_enabled = self.get_sim_time() # The EKF should wait for GPS checks to pass when we are still able to navigate using dead reckoning # to prevent bad GPS being used when coming back after loss of lock due to interence. # The EKF_STATUS_REPORT does not tell us when the good to align check passes, so the minimum time # value of 3.0 seconds is an arbitrary value set on inspection of dataflash logs from this test self.wait_ekf_flags(mavutil.mavlink.ESTIMATOR_POS_HORIZ_ABS, 0, timeout=15) time_since_jamming_stopped = self.get_sim_time() - t_enabled if time_since_jamming_stopped < 3: raise NotAchievedException("GPS use re-started %f sec after jamming stopped" % time_since_jamming_stopped) self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() finally: pass self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() def Deadreckoning(self): '''Test deadreckoning support''' self.deadreckoning_main() def DeadreckoningNoAirSpeed(self): '''Test deadreckoning support with no airspeed sensor''' self.deadreckoning_main(disable_airspeed_sensor=True) def ClimbBeforeTurn(self): '''Test climb-before-turn''' self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.set_parameters({ "FLIGHT_OPTIONS": 0, "RTL_ALTITUDE": 80, "RTL_AUTOLAND": 1, }) takeoff_alt = 10 self.takeoff(alt=takeoff_alt) self.change_mode("CRUISE") self.wait_distance_to_home(500, 1000, timeout=60) self.change_mode("RTL") expected_alt = self.get_parameter("RTL_ALTITUDE") home = self.home_position_as_mav_location() distance = self.get_distance(home, self.mav.location()) self.wait_altitude(expected_alt - 10, expected_alt + 10, relative=True, timeout=80) new_distance = self.get_distance(home, self.mav.location()) # We should be closer to home. if new_distance > distance: raise NotAchievedException( "Expected to be closer to home (was %fm, now %fm)." % (distance, new_distance) ) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() self.set_current_waypoint(0, check_afterwards=False) self.change_mode("MANUAL") self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.set_parameters({ "FLIGHT_OPTIONS": 16, "RTL_ALTITUDE": 100, }) self.takeoff(alt=takeoff_alt) self.change_mode("CRUISE") self.wait_distance_to_home(500, 1000, timeout=60) self.change_mode("RTL") home = self.home_position_as_mav_location() distance = self.get_distance(home, self.mav.location()) self.wait_altitude(expected_alt - 10, expected_alt + 10, relative=True, timeout=80) new_distance = self.get_distance(home, self.mav.location()) # We should be farther from to home. if new_distance < distance: raise NotAchievedException( "Expected to be farther from home (was %fm, now %fm)." % (distance, new_distance) ) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=240) def RTL_CLIMB_MIN(self): '''Test RTL_CLIMB_MIN''' self.wait_ready_to_arm() rtl_climb_min = 100 self.set_parameter("RTL_CLIMB_MIN", rtl_climb_min) takeoff_alt = 50 self.takeoff(alt=takeoff_alt) self.change_mode('CRUISE') self.wait_distance_to_home(1000, 1500, timeout=60) post_cruise_alt = self.get_altitude(relative=True) self.change_mode('RTL') expected_alt = self.get_parameter("RTL_ALTITUDE") if expected_alt == -1: expected_alt = self.get_altitude(relative=True) # ensure we're about half-way-down at the half-way-home stage: self.wait_distance_to_nav_target( 0, 500, timeout=240, ) alt = self.get_altitude(relative=True) expected_halfway_alt = expected_alt + (post_cruise_alt + rtl_climb_min - expected_alt)/2.0 if abs(alt - expected_halfway_alt) > 30: raise NotAchievedException("Not half-way-down and half-way-home (want=%f got=%f" % (expected_halfway_alt, alt)) self.progress("Half-way-down at half-way-home (want=%f vs got=%f)" % (expected_halfway_alt, alt)) rtl_radius = self.get_parameter("RTL_RADIUS") if rtl_radius == 0: rtl_radius = self.get_parameter("WP_LOITER_RAD") self.wait_distance_to_nav_target( 0, rtl_radius, timeout=120, ) alt = self.get_altitude(relative=True) if abs(alt - expected_alt) > 10: raise NotAchievedException( "Expected to have %fm altitude at end of RTL (got %f)" % (expected_alt, alt)) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def sample_enable_parameter(self): return "Q_ENABLE" def RangeFinder(self): '''Test RangeFinder Basic Functionality''' self.progress("Making sure we don't ordinarily get RANGEFINDER") self.assert_not_receive_message('RANGEFINDER') self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() self.reboot_sitl() '''ensure rangefinder gives height-above-ground''' self.load_mission("plane-gripper-mission.txt") # borrow this self.set_parameter("RTL_AUTOLAND", 1) self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_waypoint(5, 5, max_dist=100) rf = self.assert_receive_message('RANGEFINDER') gpi = self.assert_receive_message('GLOBAL_POSITION_INT') if abs(rf.distance - gpi.relative_alt/1000.0) > 3: raise NotAchievedException( "rangefinder alt (%s) disagrees with global-position-int.relative_alt (%s)" % (rf.distance, gpi.relative_alt/1000.0)) self.wait_statustext("Auto disarmed", timeout=60) self.progress("Ensure RFND messages in log") if not self.current_onboard_log_contains_message("RFND"): raise NotAchievedException("No RFND messages in log") def rc_defaults(self): ret = super(AutoTestPlane, self).rc_defaults() ret[3] = 1000 ret[8] = 1800 return ret def initial_mode_switch_mode(self): return "MANUAL" def default_mode(self): return "MANUAL" def PIDTuning(self): '''Test PID Tuning''' self.change_mode("FBWA") # we don't update PIDs in MANUAL super(AutoTestPlane, self).PIDTuning() def AuxModeSwitch(self): '''Set modes via auxswitches''' self.set_parameter("FLTMODE1", 1) # circle self.set_rc(8, 950) self.wait_mode("CIRCLE") self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.set_rc(10, 1000) self.set_parameters({ "RC9_OPTION": 4, # RTL "RC10_OPTION": 55, # guided }) self.set_rc(9, 1900) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.set_rc(10, 1900) self.wait_mode("GUIDED") self.progress("resetting both switches - should go back to CIRCLE") self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.set_rc(10, 1000) self.wait_mode("CIRCLE") self.set_rc(9, 1900) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.set_rc(10, 1900) self.wait_mode("GUIDED") self.progress("Resetting switch should repoll mode switch") self.set_rc(10, 1000) # this re-polls the mode switch self.wait_mode("CIRCLE") self.set_rc(9, 1000) def wait_for_collision_threat_to_clear(self): '''wait to get a "clear" collision message", then slurp remaining messages''' last_collision = self.get_sim_time() while True: now = self.get_sim_time() if now - last_collision > 5: return self.progress("Waiting for collision message") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='COLLISION', blocking=True, timeout=1) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) if m is None: continue last_collision = now def SimADSB(self): '''Tests to ensure simulated ADSB sensor continues to function''' self.set_parameters({ "SIM_ADSB_COUNT": 1, "ADSB_TYPE": 1, }) self.reboot_sitl() self.assert_receive_message('ADSB_VEHICLE', timeout=30) def ADSBResumeActionResumeLoiter(self): '''ensure we resume auto mission or enter loiter''' self.set_parameters({ "ADSB_TYPE": 1, "AVD_ENABLE": 1, "AVD_F_ACTION": mavutil.mavlink.MAV_COLLISION_ACTION_MOVE_HORIZONTALLY, "AVD_F_RCVRY": 3, # resume auto or loiter }) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(50) # fly North, create thread to east, wait for flying east self.start_subtest("Testing loiter resume") self.reach_heading_manual(0) here = self.mav.location() self.test_adsb_send_threatening_adsb_message(here, offset_ne=(0, 30)) self.wait_mode('AVOID_ADSB') # recovery has the vehicle circling a point... but we don't # know which point. So wait 'til it looks like it is # circling, then grab the point, then check we're circling # it... self.wait_heading(290) self.wait_heading(300) dest = self.position_target_loc() REALLY_BAD_FUDGE_FACTOR = 1.25 # FIXME expected_radius = REALLY_BAD_FUDGE_FACTOR * self.get_parameter('WP_LOITER_RAD') self.wait_circling_point_with_radius(dest, expected_radius) self.start_subtest("Testing mission resume") self.reach_heading_manual(270) self.load_generic_mission("CMAC-circuit.txt", strict=False) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_current_waypoint(2) self.test_adsb_send_threatening_adsb_message(here, offset_ne=(0, 30)) self.wait_mode('AVOID_ADSB') self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def ADSBFailActionRTL(self): '''test ADSB avoidance action of RTL''' # message ADSB_VEHICLE 37 -353632614 1491652305 0 584070 0 0 0 "bob" 3 1 255 17 self.set_parameter("RC12_OPTION", 38) # avoid-adsb self.set_rc(12, 2000) self.set_parameters({ "ADSB_TYPE": 1, "AVD_ENABLE": 1, "AVD_F_ACTION": mavutil.mavlink.MAV_COLLISION_ACTION_RTL, }) self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_ready_to_arm() here = self.mav.location() self.change_mode("FBWA") self.delay_sim_time(2) # TODO: work out why this is required... self.test_adsb_send_threatening_adsb_message(here) self.progress("Waiting for collision message") m = self.assert_receive_message('COLLISION', timeout=4) if m.threat_level != 2: raise NotAchievedException("Expected some threat at least") if m.action != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_COLLISION_ACTION_RTL: raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect action; want=%u got=%u" % (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_COLLISION_ACTION_RTL, m.action)) self.wait_mode("RTL") self.progress("Sending far-away ABSD_VEHICLE message") self.mav.mav.adsb_vehicle_send( 37, # ICAO address int(here.lat+1 * 1e7), int(here.lng * 1e7), mavutil.mavlink.ADSB_ALTITUDE_TYPE_PRESSURE_QNH, int(here.alt*1000 + 10000), # 10m up 0, # heading in cdeg 0, # horizontal velocity cm/s 0, # vertical velocity cm/s "bob".encode("ascii"), # callsign mavutil.mavlink.ADSB_EMITTER_TYPE_LIGHT, 1, # time since last communication 65535, # flags 17 # squawk ) self.wait_for_collision_threat_to_clear() self.change_mode("FBWA") self.progress("Disabling ADSB-avoidance with RC channel") self.set_rc(12, 1000) self.delay_sim_time(1) # let the switch get polled self.test_adsb_send_threatening_adsb_message(here) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='COLLISION', blocking=True, timeout=4) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) if m is not None: raise NotAchievedException("Got collision message when I shouldn't have") def GuidedRequest(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): '''Test handling of MISSION_ITEM in guided mode''' self.progress("Takeoff") self.takeoff(alt=50) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.start_subtest("Ensure command bounced outside guided mode") desired_relative_alt = 33 loc = self.mav.location() self.location_offset_ne(loc, 300, 300) loc.alt += desired_relative_alt self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_send( target_system, target_component, 0, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 2, # current - guided-mode request 0, # autocontinue 0, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 int(loc.lat * 1e7), # latitude int(loc.lng * 1e7), # longitude loc.alt, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) m = self.assert_receive_message('MISSION_ACK', timeout=5) if m.type != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_ERROR: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get appropriate error") self.start_subtest("Enter guided and flying somewhere constant") self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_send( target_system, target_component, 0, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 2, # current - guided-mode request 0, # autocontinue 0, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 int(loc.lat * 1e7), # latitude int(loc.lng * 1e7), # longitude desired_relative_alt, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) m = self.assert_receive_message('MISSION_ACK', timeout=5) if m.type != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get accepted response") self.wait_location(loc, accuracy=100) # based on loiter radius self.wait_altitude(altitude_min=desired_relative_alt-3, altitude_max=desired_relative_alt+3, relative=True, timeout=30) self.start_subtest("changing alt with mission item in guided mode") # test changing alt only - NOTE - this is still a # NAV_WAYPOINT, not a changel-alt request! desired_relative_alt = desired_relative_alt + 50 self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_send( target_system, target_component, 0, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 3, # current - change-alt request 0, # autocontinue 0, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 0, # latitude 0, desired_relative_alt, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) self.wait_altitude(altitude_min=desired_relative_alt-3, altitude_max=desired_relative_alt+3, relative=True, timeout=30) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def LOITER(self): '''Test Loiter mode''' # first test old loiter behavour self.set_parameter("FLIGHT_OPTIONS", 0) self.takeoff(alt=200) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.change_mode("LOITER") self.progress("Doing a bit of loitering to start with") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 60: break m = self.assert_receive_message('VFR_HUD') new_throttle = m.throttle alt = m.alt m = self.assert_receive_message('ATTITUDE', timeout=5) pitch = math.degrees(m.pitch) self.progress("Pitch:%f throttle:%u alt:%f" % (pitch, new_throttle, alt)) m = self.assert_receive_message('VFR_HUD', timeout=5) initial_throttle = m.throttle initial_alt = m.alt self.progress("Initial throttle: %u" % initial_throttle) # pitch down, ensure throttle decreases: rc2_max = self.get_parameter("RC2_MAX") self.set_rc(2, int(rc2_max)) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() '''stick-mixing is pushing the aircraft down. It doesn't want to go down (the target loiter altitude hasn't changed), so it tries to add energy by increasing the throttle. ''' if now - tstart > 60: raise NotAchievedException("Did not see increase in throttle") m = self.assert_receive_message('VFR_HUD', timeout=5) new_throttle = m.throttle alt = m.alt m = self.assert_receive_message('ATTITUDE', timeout=5) pitch = math.degrees(m.pitch) self.progress("Pitch:%f throttle:%u alt:%f" % (pitch, new_throttle, alt)) if new_throttle - initial_throttle > 20: self.progress("Throttle delta achieved") break self.progress("Centering elevator and ensuring we get back to loiter altitude") self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.wait_altitude(initial_alt-1, initial_alt+1) # Test new loiter behavour self.set_parameter("FLIGHT_OPTIONS", 1 << 12) # should decend at max stick self.set_rc(2, int(rc2_max)) self.wait_altitude(initial_alt - 110, initial_alt - 90, timeout=90) # should not climb back at mid stick self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.delay_sim_time(60) self.wait_altitude(initial_alt - 110, initial_alt - 90) # should climb at min stick self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_altitude(initial_alt - 10, initial_alt + 10, timeout=90) # return stick to center and fly home self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def CPUFailsafe(self): '''In lockup Plane should copy RC inputs to RC outputs''' self.plane_CPUFailsafe() def LargeMissions(self): '''Test Manipulation of Large missions''' self.load_mission("Kingaroy-vlarge.txt", strict=False) self.load_mission("Kingaroy-vlarge2.txt", strict=False) def Soaring(self): '''Test Soaring feature''' model = "plane-soaring" self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model=model, defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath(model), wipe=True) self.load_mission('CMAC-soar.txt', strict=False) # Enable thermalling RC rc_chan = 0 for i in range(8): rcx_option = self.get_parameter('RC{0}_OPTION'.format(i+1)) if rcx_option == 88: rc_chan = i+1 break if rc_chan == 0: raise NotAchievedException("Did not find soaring enable channel option.") self.set_rc_from_map({ rc_chan: 1900, }) self.set_parameters({ "SOAR_VSPEED": 0.55, "SOAR_MIN_THML_S": 25, }) self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Wait to detect thermal self.progress("Waiting for thermal") self.wait_mode('THERMAL', timeout=600) # Wait to climb to SOAR_ALT_MAX self.progress("Waiting for climb to max altitude") alt_max = self.get_parameter('SOAR_ALT_MAX') self.wait_altitude(alt_max-10, alt_max, timeout=600, relative=True) # Wait for AUTO self.progress("Waiting for AUTO mode") self.wait_mode('AUTO') # Disable thermals self.set_parameter("SIM_THML_SCENARI", 0) # Wait to descend to SOAR_ALT_MIN self.progress("Waiting for glide to min altitude") alt_min = self.get_parameter('SOAR_ALT_MIN') self.wait_altitude(alt_min-10, alt_min, timeout=600, relative=True) self.progress("Waiting for throttle up") self.wait_servo_channel_value(3, 1200, timeout=5, comparator=operator.gt) self.progress("Waiting for climb to cutoff altitude") alt_ctf = self.get_parameter('SOAR_ALT_CUTOFF') self.wait_altitude(alt_ctf-10, alt_ctf, timeout=600, relative=True) # Allow time to suppress throttle and start descent. self.delay_sim_time(20) # Now set FBWB mode self.change_mode('FBWB') self.delay_sim_time(5) # Now disable soaring (should hold altitude) self.set_parameter("SOAR_ENABLE", 0) self.delay_sim_time(10) # And reenable. This should force throttle-down self.set_parameter("SOAR_ENABLE", 1) self.delay_sim_time(10) # Now wait for descent and check throttle up self.wait_altitude(alt_min-10, alt_min, timeout=600, relative=True) self.progress("Waiting for climb") self.wait_altitude(alt_ctf-10, alt_ctf, timeout=600, relative=True) # Back to auto self.change_mode('AUTO') # Reenable thermals self.set_parameter("SIM_THML_SCENARI", 1) # Disable soaring using RC channel. self.set_rc(rc_chan, 1100) # Wait to get back to waypoint before thermal. self.progress("Waiting to get back to position") self.wait_current_waypoint(3, timeout=1200) # Enable soaring with mode changes suppressed) self.set_rc(rc_chan, 1500) # Make sure this causes throttle down. self.wait_servo_channel_value(3, 1200, timeout=3, comparator=operator.lt) self.progress("Waiting for next WP with no thermalling") self.wait_waypoint(4, 4, timeout=1200, max_dist=120) # Disarm self.disarm_vehicle_expect_fail() self.progress("Mission OK") def SpeedToFly(self): '''Test soaring speed-to-fly''' model = "plane-soaring" self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model=model, defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath(model), wipe=True) self.load_mission('CMAC-soar.txt', strict=False) self.set_parameters({ "SIM_THML_SCENARI": 0, # Turn off environmental thermals. "SOAR_ALT_MAX": 1000, # remove source of random failure }) # Get thermalling RC channel rc_chan = 0 for i in range(8): rcx_option = self.get_parameter('RC{0}_OPTION'.format(i+1)) if rcx_option == 88: rc_chan = i+1 break if rc_chan == 0: raise NotAchievedException("Did not find soaring enable channel option.") # Disable soaring self.set_rc(rc_chan, 1100) self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Wait for to 400m before starting. self.wait_altitude(390, 400, timeout=600, relative=True) # Wait 10s to stabilize. self.delay_sim_time(30) # Enable soaring (no automatic thermalling) self.set_rc(rc_chan, 1500) self.set_parameters({ "SOAR_CRSE_ARSPD": -1, # Enable speed to fly. "SOAR_VSPEED": 1, # Set appropriate McCready. "SIM_WIND_SPD": 0, }) self.progress('Waiting a few seconds before determining the "trim" airspeed.') self.delay_sim_time(20) m = self.assert_receive_message('VFR_HUD') trim_airspeed = m.airspeed self.progress("Using trim_airspeed=%f" % (trim_airspeed,)) min_airspeed = self.get_parameter("AIRSPEED_MIN") max_airspeed = self.get_parameter("AIRSPEED_MAX") if trim_airspeed > max_airspeed: raise NotAchievedException("trim airspeed > max_airspeed (%f>%f)" % (trim_airspeed, max_airspeed)) if trim_airspeed < min_airspeed: raise NotAchievedException("trim airspeed < min_airspeed (%f<%f)" % (trim_airspeed, min_airspeed)) self.progress("Adding updraft") self.set_parameters({ "SIM_WIND_SPD": 1, 'SIM_WIND_DIR_Z': 90, }) self.progress("Waiting for vehicle to move slower in updraft") self.wait_airspeed(0, trim_airspeed-0.5, minimum_duration=10, timeout=120) self.progress("Adding downdraft") self.set_parameter('SIM_WIND_DIR_Z', -90) self.progress("Waiting for vehicle to move faster in downdraft") self.wait_airspeed(trim_airspeed+0.5, trim_airspeed+100, minimum_duration=10, timeout=120) self.progress("Zeroing wind and increasing McCready") self.set_parameters({ "SIM_WIND_SPD": 0, "SOAR_VSPEED": 2, }) self.progress("Waiting for airspeed to increase with higher VSPEED") self.wait_airspeed(trim_airspeed+0.5, trim_airspeed+100, minimum_duration=10, timeout=120) # mcReady tests don't work ATM, so just return early: # takes too long to land, so just make it all go away: self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() return self.start_subtest('Test McReady values') # Disable soaring self.set_rc(rc_chan, 1100) # Wait for to 400m before starting. self.wait_altitude(390, 400, timeout=600, relative=True) # Enable soaring self.set_rc(rc_chan, 2000) self.progress("Find airspeed with 1m/s updraft and mcready=1") self.set_parameters({ "SOAR_VSPEED": 1, "SIM_WIND_SPD": 1, }) self.delay_sim_time(20) m = self.assert_receive_message('VFR_HUD') mcready1_speed = m.airspeed self.progress("airspeed is %f" % mcready1_speed) self.progress("Reducing McCready") self.set_parameters({ "SOAR_VSPEED": 0.5, }) self.progress("Waiting for airspeed to decrease with lower McReady") self.wait_airspeed(0, mcready1_speed-0.5, minimum_duration=10, timeout=120) self.progress("Increasing McCready") self.set_parameters({ "SOAR_VSPEED": 1.5, }) self.progress("Waiting for airspeed to decrease with lower McReady") self.wait_airspeed(mcready1_speed+0.5, mcready1_speed+100, minimum_duration=10, timeout=120) # takes too long to land, so just make it all go away: self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def AirspeedDrivers(self): '''Test AirSpeed drivers''' airspeed_sensors = [ ("MS5525", 3, 1), ("DLVR", 7, 2), ("SITL", 100, 0), ] for (name, t, bus) in airspeed_sensors: self.context_push() if bus is not None: self.set_parameter("ARSPD2_BUS", bus) self.set_parameter("ARSPD2_TYPE", t) self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # insert listener to compare airspeeds: airspeed = [None, None] # don't start testing until we've seen real speed from # both sensors. This gets us out of the noise area. global initial_airspeed_threshold_reached initial_airspeed_threshold_reached = False def check_airspeeds(mav, m): global initial_airspeed_threshold_reached m_type = m.get_type() if (m_type == 'NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT' and m.name == 'AS2'): airspeed[1] = m.value elif m_type == 'VFR_HUD': airspeed[0] = m.airspeed else: return if airspeed[0] is None or airspeed[1] is None: return if airspeed[0] < 2 or airspeed[1] < 2: # this mismatch can occur on takeoff, or when we # smack into the ground at the end of the mission return if not initial_airspeed_threshold_reached: if not (airspeed[0] > 10 or airspeed[1] > 10): return initial_airspeed_threshold_reached = True delta = abs(airspeed[0] - airspeed[1]) if delta > 2: raise NotAchievedException("Airspeed mismatch (as1=%f as2=%f)" % (airspeed[0], airspeed[1])) self.install_message_hook_context(check_airspeeds) self.fly_mission("ap1.txt", strict=False) if airspeed[0] is None: raise NotAchievedException("Never saw an airspeed1") if airspeed[1] is None: raise NotAchievedException("Never saw an airspeed2") self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() def TerrainMission(self): '''Test terrain following in mission''' self.install_terrain_handlers_context() num_wp = self.load_mission("ap-terrain.txt") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() global max_alt max_alt = 0 def record_maxalt(mav, m): global max_alt if m.get_type() != 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT': return if m.relative_alt/1000.0 > max_alt: max_alt = m.relative_alt/1000.0 self.install_message_hook_context(record_maxalt) self.fly_mission_waypoints(num_wp-1, mission_timeout=600) if max_alt < 200: raise NotAchievedException("Did not follow terrain") def Terrain(self): '''test AP_Terrain''' self.reboot_sitl() # we know the terrain height at CMAC self.install_terrain_handlers_context() self.wait_ready_to_arm() loc = self.mav.location() lng_int = int(loc.lng * 1e7) lat_int = int(loc.lat * 1e7) # FIXME: once we have a pre-populated terrain cache this # should require an instantly correct report to pass tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() last_terrain_report_pending = -1 while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 60: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get correct terrain report") self.mav.mav.terrain_check_send(lat_int, lng_int) report = self.mav.recv_match(type='TERRAIN_REPORT', blocking=True, timeout=60) self.progress(self.dump_message_verbose(report)) if report.spacing != 0: break # we will keep trying to long as the number of pending # tiles is dropping: if last_terrain_report_pending == -1: last_terrain_report_pending = report.pending elif report.pending < last_terrain_report_pending: last_terrain_report_pending = report.pending tstart = now self.delay_sim_time(1) self.progress(self.dump_message_verbose(report)) expected_terrain_height = 583.5 if abs(report.terrain_height - expected_terrain_height) > 0.5: raise NotAchievedException("Expected terrain height=%f got=%f" % (expected_terrain_height, report.terrain_height)) def TerrainLoiter(self): '''Test terrain following in loiter''' self.context_push() self.install_terrain_handlers_context() self.set_parameters({ "TERRAIN_FOLLOW": 1, # enable terrain following in loiter "WP_LOITER_RAD": 2000, # set very large loiter rad to get some terrain changes }) alt = 200 self.takeoff(alt*0.9, alt*1.1) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.change_mode("LOITER") self.progress("loitering at %um" % alt) tstart = self.get_sim_time() timeout = 60*15 # enough time to do one and a bit circles max_delta = 0 while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > timeout: break gpi = self.assert_receive_message('GLOBAL_POSITION_INT') terrain = self.assert_receive_message('TERRAIN_REPORT') rel_alt = terrain.current_height self.progress("%um above terrain (%um bove home)" % (rel_alt, gpi.relative_alt/1000.0)) if rel_alt > alt*1.2 or rel_alt < alt * 0.8: raise NotAchievedException("Not terrain following") delta = abs(rel_alt - gpi.relative_alt/1000.0) if delta > max_delta: max_delta = delta want_max_delta = 30 if max_delta < want_max_delta: raise NotAchievedException( "Expected terrain and home alts to vary more than they did (max=%u want=%u)" % (max_delta, want_max_delta)) self.context_pop() self.progress("Returning home") self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(240) def fly_external_AHRS(self, sim, eahrs_type, mission): """Fly with external AHRS""" self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--serial4=sim:%s" % sim]) self.set_parameters({ "EAHRS_TYPE": eahrs_type, "SERIAL4_PROTOCOL": 36, "SERIAL4_BAUD": 230400, "GPS1_TYPE": 21, "AHRS_EKF_TYPE": 11, "INS_GYR_CAL": 1, }) self.reboot_sitl() self.delay_sim_time(5) self.progress("Running accelcal") self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p5=4, timeout=5, ) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.fly_mission(mission) def wait_and_maintain_wind_estimate( self, want_speed, want_dir, timeout=10, speed_tolerance=0.5, dir_tolerance=5, **kwargs): '''wait for wind estimate to reach speed and direction''' def validator(last, _min, _max): '''returns false of spd or direction is too-far wrong''' (spd, di) = last _min_spd, _min_dir = _min _max_spd, _max_dir = _max if spd < _min_spd or spd > _max_spd: return False # my apologies to whoever is staring at this and wondering # why we're not wrapping angles here... if di < _min_dir or di > _max_dir: return False return True def value_getter(): '''returns a tuple of (wind_speed, wind_dir), where wind_dir is 45 if wind is coming from NE''' m = self.assert_receive_message("WIND") return (m.speed, m.direction) class ValueAverager(object): def __init__(self): self.speed_average = -1 self.dir_average = -1 self.count = 0.0 def add_value(self, value): (spd, di) = value if self.speed_average == -1: self.speed_average = spd self.dir_average = di else: self.speed_average += spd self.di_average += spd self.count += 1 return (self.speed_average/self.count, self.dir_average/self.count) def reset(self): self.count = 0 self.speed_average = -1 self.dir_average = -1 self.wait_and_maintain_range( value_name="WindEstimates", minimum=(want_speed-speed_tolerance, want_dir-dir_tolerance), maximum=(want_speed+speed_tolerance, want_dir+dir_tolerance), current_value_getter=value_getter, value_averager=ValueAverager(), validator=lambda last, _min, _max: validator(last, _min, _max), timeout=timeout, **kwargs ) def WindEstimates(self): '''fly non-external AHRS, ensure wind estimate correct''' self.set_parameters({ "SIM_WIND_SPD": 5, "SIM_WIND_DIR": 45, }) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.takeoff(70) # default wind sim wind is a sqrt function up to 60m self.change_mode('LOITER') # use default estimator to determine when to check others: self.wait_and_maintain_wind_estimate(5, 45, timeout=120) for ahrs_type in 0, 2, 3, 10: self.start_subtest("Checking AHRS_EKF_TYPE=%u" % ahrs_type) self.set_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE", ahrs_type) self.wait_and_maintain_wind_estimate( 5, 45, speed_tolerance=1, timeout=30 ) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def VectorNavEAHRS(self): '''Test VectorNav EAHRS support''' self.fly_external_AHRS("VectorNav", 1, "ap1.txt") def MicroStrainEAHRS5(self): '''Test MicroStrain EAHRS series 5 support''' self.fly_external_AHRS("MicroStrain5", 2, "ap1.txt") def MicroStrainEAHRS7(self): '''Test MicroStrain EAHRS series 7 support''' self.fly_external_AHRS("MicroStrain7", 7, "ap1.txt") def InertialLabsEAHRS(self): '''Test InertialLabs EAHRS support''' self.fly_external_AHRS("ILabs", 5, "ap1.txt") def GpsSensorPreArmEAHRS(self): '''Test pre-arm checks related to EAHRS_SENSORS using the MicroStrain7 driver''' self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--serial4=sim:MicroStrain7"]) self.set_parameters({ "EAHRS_TYPE": 7, "SERIAL4_PROTOCOL": 36, "SERIAL4_BAUD": 230400, "GPS1_TYPE": 0, # Disabled (simulate user setup error) "GPS2_TYPE": 0, # Disabled (simulate user setup error) "AHRS_EKF_TYPE": 11, "INS_GYR_CAL": 1, "EAHRS_SENSORS": 13, # GPS is enabled }) self.reboot_sitl() self.delay_sim_time(5) self.progress("Running accelcal") self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p5=4, timeout=5, ) self.assert_prearm_failure("ExternalAHRS: Incorrect number", # Cut short due to message limits. timeout=30, other_prearm_failures_fatal=False) self.set_parameters({ "EAHRS_TYPE": 7, "SERIAL4_PROTOCOL": 36, "SERIAL4_BAUD": 230400, "GPS1_TYPE": 1, # Auto "GPS2_TYPE": 21, # EARHS "AHRS_EKF_TYPE": 11, "INS_GYR_CAL": 1, "EAHRS_SENSORS": 13, # GPS is enabled }) self.reboot_sitl() self.delay_sim_time(5) self.progress("Running accelcal") self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p5=4, timeout=5, ) # Check prearm success with MicroStrain when the first GPS is occupied by another GPS. # This supports the use case of comparing MicroStrain dual antenna to another GPS. self.wait_ready_to_arm() def get_accelvec(self, m): return Vector3(m.xacc, m.yacc, m.zacc) * 0.001 * 9.81 def get_gyrovec(self, m): return Vector3(m.xgyro, m.ygyro, m.zgyro) * 0.001 * math.degrees(1) def IMUTempCal(self): '''Test IMU temperature calibration''' self.progress("Setting up SITL temperature profile") self.set_parameters({ "SIM_IMUT1_ENABLE" : 1, "SIM_IMUT1_ACC1_X" : 120000.000000, "SIM_IMUT1_ACC1_Y" : -190000.000000, "SIM_IMUT1_ACC1_Z" : 1493.864746, "SIM_IMUT1_ACC2_X" : -51.624416, "SIM_IMUT1_ACC2_Y" : 10.364172, "SIM_IMUT1_ACC2_Z" : -7878.000000, "SIM_IMUT1_ACC3_X" : -0.514242, "SIM_IMUT1_ACC3_Y" : 0.862218, "SIM_IMUT1_ACC3_Z" : -234.000000, "SIM_IMUT1_GYR1_X" : -5122.513817, "SIM_IMUT1_GYR1_Y" : -3250.470428, "SIM_IMUT1_GYR1_Z" : -2136.346676, "SIM_IMUT1_GYR2_X" : 30.720505, "SIM_IMUT1_GYR2_Y" : 17.778447, "SIM_IMUT1_GYR2_Z" : 0.765997, "SIM_IMUT1_GYR3_X" : -0.003572, "SIM_IMUT1_GYR3_Y" : 0.036346, "SIM_IMUT1_GYR3_Z" : 0.015457, "SIM_IMUT1_TMAX" : 70.0, "SIM_IMUT1_TMIN" : -20.000000, "SIM_IMUT2_ENABLE" : 1, "SIM_IMUT2_ACC1_X" : -160000.000000, "SIM_IMUT2_ACC1_Y" : 198730.000000, "SIM_IMUT2_ACC1_Z" : 27812.000000, "SIM_IMUT2_ACC2_X" : 30.658159, "SIM_IMUT2_ACC2_Y" : 32.085022, "SIM_IMUT2_ACC2_Z" : 1572.000000, "SIM_IMUT2_ACC3_X" : 0.102912, "SIM_IMUT2_ACC3_Y" : 0.229734, "SIM_IMUT2_ACC3_Z" : 172.000000, "SIM_IMUT2_GYR1_X" : 3173.925644, "SIM_IMUT2_GYR1_Y" : -2368.312836, "SIM_IMUT2_GYR1_Z" : -1796.497177, "SIM_IMUT2_GYR2_X" : 13.029696, "SIM_IMUT2_GYR2_Y" : -10.349280, "SIM_IMUT2_GYR2_Z" : -15.082653, "SIM_IMUT2_GYR3_X" : 0.004831, "SIM_IMUT2_GYR3_Y" : -0.020528, "SIM_IMUT2_GYR3_Z" : 0.009469, "SIM_IMUT2_TMAX" : 70.000000, "SIM_IMUT2_TMIN" : -20.000000, "SIM_IMUT_END" : 45.000000, "SIM_IMUT_START" : 3.000000, "SIM_IMUT_TCONST" : 75.000000, "SIM_DRIFT_SPEED" : 0, "INS_GYR_CAL" : 0, }) self.set_parameter("SIM_IMUT_FIXED", 12) self.progress("Running accel cal") self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p5=4, timeout=5, ) self.progress("Running gyro cal") self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p5=1, timeout=5, ) self.set_parameters({ "SIM_IMUT_FIXED": 0, "INS_TCAL1_ENABLE": 2, "INS_TCAL1_TMAX": 42, "INS_TCAL2_ENABLE": 2, "INS_TCAL2_TMAX": 42, "SIM_SPEEDUP": 200, }) self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 1) self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Waiting for IMU temperature") self.assert_reach_imu_temperature(43, timeout=600) if self.get_parameter("INS_TCAL1_ENABLE") != 1.0: raise NotAchievedException("TCAL1 did not complete") if self.get_parameter("INS_TCAL2_ENABLE") != 1.0: raise NotAchievedException("TCAL2 did not complete") self.progress("Logging with calibration enabled") self.reboot_sitl() self.assert_reach_imu_temperature(43, timeout=600) self.progress("Testing with compensation enabled") test_temperatures = range(10, 45, 5) corrected = {} uncorrected = {} for temp in test_temperatures: self.progress("Testing temperature %.1f" % temp) self.set_parameter("SIM_IMUT_FIXED", temp) self.delay_sim_time(2) for msg in ['RAW_IMU', 'SCALED_IMU2']: m = self.assert_receive_message(msg, timeout=2) temperature = m.temperature*0.01 if abs(temperature - temp) > 0.2: raise NotAchievedException("incorrect %s temperature %.1f should be %.1f" % (msg, temperature, temp)) accel = self.get_accelvec(m) gyro = self.get_gyrovec(m) accel2 = accel + Vector3(0, 0, 9.81) corrected[temperature] = (accel2, gyro) self.progress("Testing with compensation disabled") self.set_parameters({ "INS_TCAL1_ENABLE": 0, "INS_TCAL2_ENABLE": 0, }) gyro_threshold = 0.2 accel_threshold = 0.2 for temp in test_temperatures: self.progress("Testing temperature %.1f" % temp) self.set_parameter("SIM_IMUT_FIXED", temp) self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_heartbeat() for msg in ['RAW_IMU', 'SCALED_IMU2']: m = self.assert_receive_message(msg, timeout=2) temperature = m.temperature*0.01 if abs(temperature - temp) > 0.2: raise NotAchievedException("incorrect %s temperature %.1f should be %.1f" % (msg, temperature, temp)) accel = self.get_accelvec(m) gyro = self.get_gyrovec(m) accel2 = accel + Vector3(0, 0, 9.81) uncorrected[temperature] = (accel2, gyro) for temp in test_temperatures: (accel, gyro) = corrected[temp] self.progress("Corrected gyro at %.1f %s" % (temp, gyro)) self.progress("Corrected accel at %.1f %s" % (temp, accel)) for temp in test_temperatures: (accel, gyro) = uncorrected[temp] self.progress("Uncorrected gyro at %.1f %s" % (temp, gyro)) self.progress("Uncorrected accel at %.1f %s" % (temp, accel)) bad_value = False for temp in test_temperatures: (accel, gyro) = corrected[temp] if gyro.length() > gyro_threshold: raise NotAchievedException("incorrect corrected at %.1f gyro %s" % (temp, gyro)) if accel.length() > accel_threshold: raise NotAchievedException("incorrect corrected at %.1f accel %s" % (temp, accel)) (accel, gyro) = uncorrected[temp] if gyro.length() > gyro_threshold*2: bad_value = True if accel.length() > accel_threshold*2: bad_value = True if not bad_value: raise NotAchievedException("uncompensated IMUs did not vary enough") # the above tests change the internal persistent state of the # vehicle in ways that autotest doesn't track (magically set # parameters). So wipe the vehicle's eeprom: self.reset_SITL_commandline() def EKFlaneswitch(self): '''Test EKF3 Affinity and Lane Switching''' # new lane swtich available only with EK3 self.set_parameters({ "EK3_ENABLE": 1, "EK2_ENABLE": 0, "AHRS_EKF_TYPE": 3, "EK3_AFFINITY": 15, # enable affinity for all sensors "EK3_IMU_MASK": 3, # use only 2 IMUs "GPS2_TYPE": 1, "SIM_GPS2_ENABLE": 1, "SIM_BARO_COUNT": 2, "SIM_BAR2_DISABLE": 0, "ARSPD2_TYPE": 2, "ARSPD2_USE": 1, "ARSPD2_PIN": 2, }) # some parameters need reboot to take effect self.reboot_sitl() self.lane_switches = [] # add an EKF lane switch hook def statustext_hook(mav, message): if message.get_type() != 'STATUSTEXT': return # example msg: EKF3 lane switch 1 if not message.text.startswith("EKF3 lane switch "): return newlane = int(message.text[-1]) self.lane_switches.append(newlane) self.install_message_hook_context(statustext_hook) # get flying self.takeoff(alt=50) self.change_mode('CIRCLE') ################################################################### self.progress("Checking EKF3 Lane Switching trigger from all sensors") ################################################################### self.start_subtest("ACCELEROMETER: Change z-axis offset") # create an accelerometer error by changing the Z-axis offset self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") old_parameter = self.get_parameter("INS_ACCOFFS_Z") self.wait_statustext( text="EKF3 lane switch", timeout=30, the_function=self.set_parameter("INS_ACCOFFS_Z", old_parameter + 5), check_context=True) if self.lane_switches != [1]: raise NotAchievedException("Expected lane switch 1, got %s" % str(self.lane_switches[-1])) # Cleanup self.set_parameter("INS_ACCOFFS_Z", old_parameter) self.context_clear_collection("STATUSTEXT") self.wait_heading(0, accuracy=10, timeout=60) self.wait_heading(180, accuracy=10, timeout=60) ################################################################### self.start_subtest("BAROMETER: Freeze to last measured value") self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") # create a barometer error by inhibiting any pressure change while changing altitude old_parameter = self.get_parameter("SIM_BAR2_FREEZE") self.set_parameter("SIM_BAR2_FREEZE", 1) self.wait_statustext( text="EKF3 lane switch", timeout=30, the_function=lambda: self.set_rc(2, 2000), check_context=True) if self.lane_switches != [1, 0]: raise NotAchievedException("Expected lane switch 0, got %s" % str(self.lane_switches[-1])) # Cleanup self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.set_parameter("SIM_BAR2_FREEZE", old_parameter) self.context_clear_collection("STATUSTEXT") self.wait_heading(0, accuracy=10, timeout=60) self.wait_heading(180, accuracy=10, timeout=60) ################################################################### self.start_subtest("GPS: Apply GPS Velocity Error in NED") self.context_push() self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") # create a GPS velocity error by adding a random 2m/s # noise on each axis def sim_gps_verr(): self.set_parameters({ "SIM_GPS1_VERR_X": self.get_parameter("SIM_GPS1_VERR_X") + 2, "SIM_GPS1_VERR_Y": self.get_parameter("SIM_GPS1_VERR_Y") + 2, "SIM_GPS1_VERR_Z": self.get_parameter("SIM_GPS1_VERR_Z") + 2, }) self.wait_statustext(text="EKF3 lane switch", timeout=30, the_function=sim_gps_verr, check_context=True) if self.lane_switches != [1, 0, 1]: raise NotAchievedException("Expected lane switch 1, got %s" % str(self.lane_switches[-1])) # Cleanup self.context_pop() self.context_clear_collection("STATUSTEXT") self.wait_heading(0, accuracy=10, timeout=60) self.wait_heading(180, accuracy=10, timeout=60) ################################################################### self.start_subtest("MAGNETOMETER: Change X-Axis Offset") self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") # create a magnetometer error by changing the X-axis offset old_parameter = self.get_parameter("SIM_MAG2_OFS_X") self.wait_statustext( text="EKF3 lane switch", timeout=30, the_function=self.set_parameter("SIM_MAG2_OFS_X", old_parameter + 150), check_context=True) if self.lane_switches != [1, 0, 1, 0]: raise NotAchievedException("Expected lane switch 0, got %s" % str(self.lane_switches[-1])) # Cleanup self.set_parameter("SIM_MAG2_OFS_X", old_parameter) self.context_clear_collection("STATUSTEXT") self.wait_heading(0, accuracy=10, timeout=60) self.wait_heading(180, accuracy=10, timeout=60) ################################################################### self.start_subtest("AIRSPEED: Fail to constant value") self.context_push() self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") old_parameter = self.get_parameter("SIM_ARSPD_FAIL") def fail_speed(): self.change_mode("GUIDED") loc = self.mav.location() self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION, p5=int(loc.lat * 1e7), p6=int(loc.lng * 1e7), p7=50, # alt frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, ) self.delay_sim_time(5) # create an airspeed sensor error by freezing to the # current airspeed then changing the airspeed demand # to a higher value and waiting for the TECS speed # loop to diverge m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.set_parameter("SIM_ARSPD_FAIL", m.airspeed) self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED, p1=0, # airspeed p2=30, p3=-1, # throttle / no change p4=0, # absolute values ) self.wait_statustext(text="EKF3 lane switch", timeout=30, the_function=fail_speed, check_context=True) if self.lane_switches != [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]: raise NotAchievedException("Expected lane switch 1, got %s" % str(self.lane_switches[-1])) # Cleanup self.set_parameter("SIM_ARSPD_FAIL", old_parameter) self.change_mode('CIRCLE') self.context_pop() self.context_clear_collection("STATUSTEXT") self.wait_heading(0, accuracy=10, timeout=60) self.wait_heading(180, accuracy=10, timeout=60) ################################################################### self.progress("GYROSCOPE: Change Y-Axis Offset") self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") # create a gyroscope error by changing the Y-axis offset old_parameter = self.get_parameter("INS_GYR2OFFS_Y") self.wait_statustext( text="EKF3 lane switch", timeout=30, the_function=self.set_parameter("INS_GYR2OFFS_Y", old_parameter + 1), check_context=True) if self.lane_switches != [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]: raise NotAchievedException("Expected lane switch 0, got %s" % str(self.lane_switches[-1])) # Cleanup self.set_parameter("INS_GYR2OFFS_Y", old_parameter) self.context_clear_collection("STATUSTEXT") ################################################################### self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) def FenceAltCeilFloor(self): '''Tests the fence ceiling and floor''' self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_TYPE": 9, # Set fence type to max and min alt "FENCE_ACTION": 0, # Set action to report "FENCE_ALT_MAX": 200, "FENCE_ALT_MIN": 100, }) # Grab Home Position self.wait_ready_to_arm() startpos = self.mav.location() cruise_alt = 150 self.takeoff(cruise_alt) # note that while we enable the fence here, since the action # is set to report-only the fence continues to show as # not-enabled in the assert calls below self.do_fence_enable() self.progress("Fly above ceiling and check for breach") self.change_altitude(startpos.alt + cruise_alt + 80) self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, False) self.progress("Return to cruise alt") self.change_altitude(startpos.alt + cruise_alt) self.progress("Ensure breach has clearned") self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, True) self.progress("Fly below floor and check for breach") self.change_altitude(startpos.alt + cruise_alt - 80) self.progress("Ensure breach has clearned") self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, False, False) self.do_fence_disable() self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=150) def FenceMinAltAutoEnable(self): '''Tests autoenablement of the alt min fence and fences on arming''' self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_TYPE": 9, # Set fence type to min alt and max alt "FENCE_ACTION": 1, # Set action to RTL "FENCE_ALT_MIN": 25, "FENCE_ALT_MAX": 100, "FENCE_AUTOENABLE": 3, "FENCE_ENABLE" : 0, "RTL_AUTOLAND" : 2, }) # check we can takeoff again for i in [1, 2]: # Grab Home Position self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # max alt fence should now be enabled if i == 1: self.assert_fence_enabled() self.takeoff(alt=50, mode='TAKEOFF') self.change_mode("FBWA") self.set_rc(3, 1100) # lower throttle self.progress("Waiting for RTL") tstart = self.get_sim_time() mode = "RTL" while not self.mode_is(mode, drain_mav=False): self.mav.messages['HEARTBEAT'].custom_mode self.progress("mav.flightmode=%s Want=%s Alt=%f" % ( self.mav.flightmode, mode, self.get_altitude(relative=True))) if (self.get_sim_time_cached() > tstart + 120): raise WaitModeTimeout("Did not change mode") self.progress("Got mode %s" % mode) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() self.change_mode("FBWA") self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_ALL) self.set_current_waypoint(0, check_afterwards=False) self.set_rc(3, 1000) # lower throttle def FenceMinAltEnableAutoland(self): '''Tests autolanding when alt min fence is enabled''' self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_TYPE": 12, # Set fence type to min alt and max alt "FENCE_ACTION": 1, # Set action to RTL "FENCE_ALT_MIN": 20, "FENCE_AUTOENABLE": 0, "FENCE_ENABLE" : 1, "RTL_AUTOLAND" : 2, }) # Grab Home Position self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.takeoff(alt=50, mode='TAKEOFF') self.change_mode("FBWA") self.set_rc(3, 1100) # lower throttle self.progress("Waiting for RTL") tstart = self.get_sim_time() mode = "RTL" while not self.mode_is(mode, drain_mav=False): self.mav.messages['HEARTBEAT'].custom_mode self.progress("mav.flightmode=%s Want=%s Alt=%f" % ( self.mav.flightmode, mode, self.get_altitude(relative=True))) if (self.get_sim_time_cached() > tstart + 120): raise WaitModeTimeout("Did not change mode") self.progress("Got mode %s" % mode) # switch to FBWA self.change_mode("FBWA") self.set_rc(3, 1500) # raise throttle self.wait_altitude(25, 35, timeout=50, relative=True) self.set_rc(3, 1000) # lower throttle # Now check we can land self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def FenceMinAltAutoEnableAbort(self): '''Tests autoenablement of the alt min fence and fences on arming''' self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_TYPE": 8, # Set fence type to min alt "FENCE_ACTION": 1, # Set action to RTL "FENCE_ALT_MIN": 25, "FENCE_ALT_MAX": 100, "FENCE_AUTOENABLE": 3, "FENCE_ENABLE" : 0, "RTL_AUTOLAND" : 2, }) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.takeoff(alt=50, mode='TAKEOFF') self.change_mode("FBWA") # min alt fence should now be enabled self.assert_fence_enabled() self.set_rc(3, 1100) # lower throttle self.progress("Waiting for RTL") tstart = self.get_sim_time() mode = "RTL" while not self.mode_is(mode, drain_mav=False): self.mav.messages['HEARTBEAT'].custom_mode self.progress("mav.flightmode=%s Want=%s Alt=%f" % ( self.mav.flightmode, mode, self.get_altitude(relative=True))) if (self.get_sim_time_cached() > tstart + 120): raise WaitModeTimeout("Did not change mode") self.progress("Got mode %s" % mode) self.load_generic_mission("flaps.txt") self.change_mode("AUTO") self.wait_distance_to_waypoint(8, 100, 10000000) self.set_current_waypoint(8) # abort the landing self.wait_altitude(10, 20, timeout=200, relative=True) self.change_mode("CRUISE") self.set_rc(2, 1200) # self.set_rc(3, 1600) # raise throttle self.wait_altitude(30, 40, timeout=200, relative=True) # min alt fence should now be re-enabled self.assert_fence_enabled() self.change_mode("AUTO") self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_ALL) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=150) def FenceAutoEnableDisableSwitch(self): '''Tests autoenablement of regular fences and manual disablement''' self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_TYPE": 9, # Set fence type to min alt, max alt "FENCE_ACTION": 1, # Set action to RTL "FENCE_ALT_MIN": 50, "FENCE_ALT_MAX": 100, "FENCE_AUTOENABLE": 2, "FENCE_OPTIONS" : 1, "FENCE_ENABLE" : 1, "FENCE_RADIUS" : 300, "FENCE_RET_ALT" : 0, "FENCE_RET_RALLY" : 0, "FENCE_TOTAL" : 0, "RTL_ALTITUDE" : 75, "TKOFF_ALT" : 75, "RC7_OPTION" : 11, # AC_Fence uses Aux switch functionality }) self.reboot_sitl() self.context_collect("STATUSTEXT") fence_bit = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE # Grab Home Position self.mav.recv_match(type='HOME_POSITION', blocking=True) self.set_rc(7, 1000) # Turn fence off with aux function, does not impact later auto-enable self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.progress("Check fence disabled at boot") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) if (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & fence_bit): raise NotAchievedException("Fence is enabled at boot") cruise_alt = 75 self.takeoff(cruise_alt, mode='TAKEOFF') self.progress("Fly above ceiling and check there is a breach") self.change_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.set_rc(2, 1000) self.wait_statustext("Max Alt fence breached", timeout=10, check_context=True) self.wait_mode('RTL') m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) if (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & fence_bit): raise NotAchievedException("Fence ceiling not breached") self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.progress("Wait for RTL alt reached") self.wait_altitude(cruise_alt-5, cruise_alt+5, relative=True, timeout=30) self.progress("Return to cruise alt") self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.change_altitude(cruise_alt, relative=True) self.progress("Check fence breach cleared") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & fence_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Fence breach not cleared") self.progress("Fly below floor and check for breach") self.set_rc(2, 2000) self.wait_statustext("Min Alt fence breached", timeout=10, check_context=True) self.wait_mode("RTL") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) if (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & fence_bit): raise NotAchievedException("Fence floor not breached") self.change_mode("FBWA") self.progress("Fly above floor and check fence is enabled") self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.change_altitude(75, relative=True) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & fence_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Fence Floor not enabled") self.progress("Toggle fence enable/disable") self.set_rc(7, 2000) self.delay_sim_time(2) self.set_rc(7, 1000) self.delay_sim_time(2) self.progress("Check fence is disabled") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) if (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & fence_bit): raise NotAchievedException("Fence disable with switch failed") self.progress("Fly below floor and check for no breach") self.change_altitude(40, relative=True) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & fence_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Fence floor breached") self.progress("Return to cruise alt") self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.change_altitude(cruise_alt, relative=True) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=250) def FenceCircleExclusionAutoEnable(self): '''Tests autolanding when alt min fence is enabled''' self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_TYPE": 2, # Set fence type to circle "FENCE_ACTION": 1, # Set action to RTL "FENCE_AUTOENABLE": 2, "FENCE_ENABLE" : 0, "RTL_AUTOLAND" : 2, }) fence_loc = self.home_position_as_mav_location() self.location_offset_ne(fence_loc, 300, 0) self.upload_fences_from_locations([( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_CIRCLE_EXCLUSION, { "radius" : 100, "loc" : fence_loc } )]) self.takeoff(alt=50, mode='TAKEOFF') self.change_mode("FBWA") self.set_rc(3, 1100) # lower throttle self.progress("Waiting for RTL") self.wait_mode('RTL') # Now check we can land self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def FenceEnableDisableSwitch(self): '''Tests enablement and disablement of fences on a switch''' fence_bit = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_TYPE": 4, # Set fence type to polyfence "FENCE_ACTION": 6, # Set action to GUIDED "FENCE_ALT_MIN": 10, "FENCE_ENABLE" : 0, "RC7_OPTION" : 11, # AC_Fence uses Aux switch functionality }) self.progress("Checking fence is not present before being configured") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) if (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & fence_bit): raise NotAchievedException("Fence enabled before being configured") self.wait_ready_to_arm() # takeoff at a lower altitude to avoid immediately breaching polyfence self.takeoff(alt=25) self.change_mode("FBWA") self.load_fence("CMAC-fence.txt") self.set_rc_from_map({ 3: 1500, 7: 2000, }) # Turn fence on with aux function m = self.mav.recv_match(type='FENCE_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=2) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Got FENCE_STATUS unexpectedly") self.progress("Checking fence is initially OK") self.wait_sensor_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE, present=True, enabled=True, healthy=True, verbose=False, timeout=30) self.progress("Waiting for GUIDED") tstart = self.get_sim_time() mode = "GUIDED" while not self.mode_is(mode, drain_mav=False): self.mav.messages['HEARTBEAT'].custom_mode self.progress("mav.flightmode=%s Want=%s Alt=%f" % ( self.mav.flightmode, mode, self.get_altitude(relative=True))) if (self.get_sim_time_cached() > tstart + 120): raise WaitModeTimeout("Did not change mode") self.progress("Got mode %s" % mode) # check we are in breach self.assert_fence_enabled() self.set_rc_from_map({ 7: 1000, }) # Turn fence off with aux function # wait to no longer be in breach self.delay_sim_time(5) self.assert_fence_disabled() self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=250) self.do_fence_disable() # Ensure the fence is disabled after test def FenceEnableDisableAux(self): '''Tests enablement and disablement of fences via aux command''' fence_bit = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE enable = 0 self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_TYPE": 12, # Set fence type to polyfence + AltMin "FENCE_ALT_MIN": 10, "FENCE_ENABLE" : enable, }) if not enable: self.progress("Checking fence is not present before being configured") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) if (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & fence_bit): raise NotAchievedException("Fence enabled before being configured") self.load_fence("CMAC-fence.txt") self.wait_ready_to_arm() # takeoff at a lower altitude to avoid immediately breaching polyfence self.takeoff(alt=25) self.change_mode("CRUISE") self.wait_distance(150, accuracy=20) self.run_auxfunc( 11, 2, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED ) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='FENCE_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=2) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Got FENCE_STATUS unexpectedly") self.progress("Checking fence is initially OK") self.wait_sensor_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_GEOFENCE, present=True, enabled=True, healthy=True, verbose=False, timeout=30) self.progress("Waiting for RTL") tstart = self.get_sim_time() mode = "RTL" while not self.mode_is(mode, drain_mav=False): self.mav.messages['HEARTBEAT'].custom_mode self.progress("mav.flightmode=%s Want=%s Alt=%f" % ( self.mav.flightmode, mode, self.get_altitude(relative=True))) if (self.get_sim_time_cached() > tstart + 120): raise WaitModeTimeout("Did not change mode") self.progress("Got mode %s" % mode) # check we are in breach self.assert_fence_enabled() self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, True, False) # wait until we get home self.wait_distance_to_home(50, 100, timeout=200) # now check we are now not in breach self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, True, True) # Turn fence off with aux function self.run_auxfunc( 11, 0, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED ) # switch back to cruise self.change_mode("CRUISE") self.wait_distance(150, accuracy=20) # re-enable the fences self.run_auxfunc( 11, 2, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED ) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='FENCE_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=2) self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Got FENCE_STATUS unexpectedly") self.progress("Waiting for RTL") tstart = self.get_sim_time() mode = "RTL" while not self.mode_is(mode, drain_mav=False): self.mav.messages['HEARTBEAT'].custom_mode self.progress("mav.flightmode=%s Want=%s Alt=%f" % ( self.mav.flightmode, mode, self.get_altitude(relative=True))) if (self.get_sim_time_cached() > tstart + 120): raise WaitModeTimeout("Did not change mode") self.progress("Got mode %s" % mode) # wait to no longer be in breach self.wait_distance_to_home(50, 100, timeout=200) self.assert_fence_sys_status(True, True, True) # fly home and land with fences still enabled self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=250) self.do_fence_disable() # Ensure the fence is disabled after test def FenceBreachedChangeMode(self): '''Tests manual mode change after fence breach, as set with FENCE_OPTIONS''' """ Attempts to change mode while a fence is breached. mode should change should fail if fence option bit is set""" self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_ACTION": 1, "FENCE_TYPE": 4, }) home_loc = self.mav.location() locs = [ mavutil.location(home_loc.lat - 0.001, home_loc.lng - 0.001, 0, 0), mavutil.location(home_loc.lat - 0.001, home_loc.lng + 0.001, 0, 0), mavutil.location(home_loc.lat + 0.001, home_loc.lng + 0.001, 0, 0), mavutil.location(home_loc.lat + 0.001, home_loc.lng - 0.001, 0, 0), ] self.upload_fences_from_locations([ (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_INCLUSION, locs), ]) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.takeoff(alt=50) self.change_mode("CRUISE") self.wait_distance(250, accuracy=15) self.progress("Enable fence and initiate fence action") self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_enabled() self.wait_mode("RTL") # We should RTL because of fence breach self.progress("User mode change to cruise should retrigger fence action") try: # mode change should time out, 'WaitModeTimeout' exception is the desired resut # cant wait too long or the vehicle will be inside fence and allow the mode change self.change_mode("CRUISE", timeout=10) raise NotAchievedException("Should not change mode in fence breach") except WaitModeTimeout: pass except Exception as e: raise e # enable mode change self.set_parameter("FENCE_OPTIONS", 0) self.progress("Check user mode change to LOITER is allowed") self.change_mode("LOITER") # Fly for 20 seconds and make sure still in LOITER mode self.delay_sim_time(20) if not self.mode_is("LOITER"): raise NotAchievedException("Fence should not re-trigger") # reset options parameter self.set_parameter("FENCE_OPTIONS", 1) self.progress("Test complete, disable fence and come home") self.do_fence_disable() self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def FenceNoFenceReturnPoint(self): '''Tests calculated return point during fence breach when no fence return point present''' """ Attempts to change mode while a fence is breached. This should revert to the mode specified by the fence action. """ want_radius = 100 # Fence Return Radius self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_ACTION": 6, "FENCE_TYPE": 4, "RTL_RADIUS": want_radius, "NAVL1_LIM_BANK": 60, }) home_loc = self.mav.location() locs = [ mavutil.location(home_loc.lat - 0.003, home_loc.lng - 0.001, 0, 0), mavutil.location(home_loc.lat - 0.003, home_loc.lng + 0.003, 0, 0), mavutil.location(home_loc.lat + 0.001, home_loc.lng + 0.003, 0, 0), mavutil.location(home_loc.lat + 0.001, home_loc.lng - 0.001, 0, 0), ] self.upload_fences_from_locations([ (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_INCLUSION, locs), ]) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.takeoff(alt=50) self.change_mode("CRUISE") self.wait_distance(150, accuracy=20) self.progress("Enable fence and initiate fence action") self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_enabled() self.wait_mode("GUIDED", timeout=120) # We should RTL because of fence breach self.delay_sim_time(60) items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) if len(items) != 4: raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected fencepoint count (want=%u got=%u)" % (4, len(items))) # Check there are no fence return points specified still for fence_loc in items: if fence_loc.command == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT: raise NotAchievedException( "Unexpected fence return point found (%u) got %u" % (fence_loc.command, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT)) # Work out the approximate return point when no fence return point present # Logic taken from AC_PolyFence_loader.cpp min_loc = self.mav.location() max_loc = self.mav.location() for new_loc in locs: if new_loc.lat < min_loc.lat: min_loc.lat = new_loc.lat if new_loc.lng < min_loc.lng: min_loc.lng = new_loc.lng if new_loc.lat > max_loc.lat: max_loc.lat = new_loc.lat if new_loc.lng > max_loc.lng: max_loc.lng = new_loc.lng # Generate the return location based on min and max locs ret_lat = (min_loc.lat + max_loc.lat) / 2 ret_lng = (min_loc.lng + max_loc.lng) / 2 ret_loc = mavutil.location(ret_lat, ret_lng, 0, 0) self.progress("Return loc: (%s)" % str(ret_loc)) # Wait for guided return to vehicle calculated fence return location self.wait_distance_to_location(ret_loc, 90, 110) self.wait_circling_point_with_radius(ret_loc, 92) self.progress("Test complete, disable fence and come home") self.do_fence_disable() self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def FenceNoFenceReturnPointInclusion(self): '''Tests using home as fence return point when none is present, and no inclusion fence is uploaded''' """ Test result when a breach occurs and No fence return point is present and no inclusion fence is present and exclusion fence is present """ want_radius = 100 # Fence Return Radius self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_ACTION": 6, "FENCE_TYPE": 2, "FENCE_RADIUS": 300, "RTL_RADIUS": want_radius, "NAVL1_LIM_BANK": 60, }) self.clear_fence() self.delay_sim_time(1) self.wait_ready_to_arm() home_loc = self.mav.location() self.takeoff(alt=50) self.change_mode("CRUISE") self.wait_distance(150, accuracy=20) self.progress("Enable fence and initiate fence action") self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_enabled() self.wait_mode("GUIDED") # We should RTL because of fence breach self.delay_sim_time(30) items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) if len(items) != 0: raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected fencepoint count (want=%u got=%u)" % (0, len(items))) # Check there are no fence return points specified still for fence_loc in items: if fence_loc.command == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT: raise NotAchievedException( "Unexpected fence return point found (%u) got %u" % (fence_loc.command, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT)) # Wait for guided return to vehicle calculated fence return location self.wait_distance_to_location(home_loc, 90, 110) self.wait_circling_point_with_radius(home_loc, 92) self.progress("Test complete, disable fence and come home") self.do_fence_disable() self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def FenceDisableUnderAction(self): '''Tests Disabling fence while undergoing action caused by breach''' """ Fence breach will cause the vehicle to enter guided mode. Upon breach clear, check the vehicle is in the expected mode""" self.set_parameters({ "FENCE_ALT_MIN": 50, # Sets the fence floor "FENCE_TYPE": 8, # Only use fence floor for breaches }) self.wait_ready_to_arm() def attempt_fence_breached_disable(start_mode, end_mode, expected_mode, action): self.set_parameter("FENCE_ACTION", action) # Set Fence Action to Guided self.change_mode(start_mode) self.arm_vehicle() self.do_fence_enable() self.assert_fence_enabled() self.wait_mode(expected_mode) self.do_fence_disable() self.assert_fence_disabled() self.wait_mode(end_mode) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) attempt_fence_breached_disable(start_mode="FBWA", end_mode="RTL", expected_mode="RTL", action=1) attempt_fence_breached_disable(start_mode="FBWA", end_mode="FBWA", expected_mode="GUIDED", action=6) attempt_fence_breached_disable(start_mode="FBWA", end_mode="FBWA", expected_mode="GUIDED", action=7) def _MAV_CMD_DO_AUX_FUNCTION(self, run_cmd): '''Test triggering Auxiliary Functions via mavlink''' self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.run_auxfunc(64, 2, run_cmd=run_cmd) # 64 == reverse throttle self.wait_statustext("RevThrottle: ENABLE", check_context=True) self.run_auxfunc(64, 0, run_cmd=run_cmd) self.wait_statustext("RevThrottle: DISABLE", check_context=True) self.run_auxfunc(65, 2, run_cmd=run_cmd) # 65 == GPS_DISABLE self.start_subtest("Bad auxfunc") self.run_auxfunc( 65231, 2, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED, run_cmd=run_cmd, ) self.start_subtest("Bad switchpos") self.run_auxfunc( 62, 17, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_DENIED, run_cmd=run_cmd, ) def MAV_CMD_DO_AUX_FUNCTION(self): '''Test triggering Auxiliary Functions via mavlink''' self._MAV_CMD_DO_AUX_FUNCTION(run_cmd=self.run_cmd) self._MAV_CMD_DO_AUX_FUNCTION(run_cmd=self.run_cmd_int) def FlyEachFrame(self): '''Fly each supported internal frame''' vinfo = vehicleinfo.VehicleInfo() vinfo_options = vinfo.options[self.vehicleinfo_key()] known_broken_frames = { "plane-tailsitter": "unstable in hover; unflyable in cruise", "quadplane-can" : "needs CAN periph", "stratoblimp" : "not expected to fly normally", "glider" : "needs balloon lift", } for frame in sorted(vinfo_options["frames"].keys()): self.start_subtest("Testing frame (%s)" % str(frame)) if frame in known_broken_frames: self.progress("Actually, no I'm not - it is known-broken (%s)" % (known_broken_frames[frame])) continue frame_bits = vinfo_options["frames"][frame] print("frame_bits: %s" % str(frame_bits)) if frame_bits.get("external", False): self.progress("Actually, no I'm not - it is an external simulation") continue model = frame_bits.get("model", frame) defaults = self.model_defaults_filepath(frame) if not isinstance(defaults, list): defaults = [defaults] self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], defaults_filepath=defaults, model=model, wipe=True, ) mission_file = "basic.txt" quadplane = self.get_parameter('Q_ENABLE') if quadplane: mission_file = "basic-quadplane.txt" tailsitter = self.get_parameter('Q_TAILSIT_ENABLE') if tailsitter: # tailsitter needs extra re-boot to pick up the rotated AHRS view self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.fly_mission(mission_file, strict=False, quadplane=quadplane, mission_timeout=400.0) self.wait_disarmed() def AutoLandMode(self): '''Test AUTOLAND mode''' self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--home", "-35.362938,149.165085,585,173"]) self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.takeoff(alt=80, mode='TAKEOFF') self.wait_text("Autoland direction", check_context=True) self.change_mode(26) self.wait_disarmed(120) self.progress("Check the landed heading matches takeoff") self.wait_heading(173, accuracy=5, timeout=1) loc = mavutil.location(-35.362938, 149.165085, 585, 173) if self.get_distance(loc, self.mav.location()) > 35: raise NotAchievedException("Did not land close to home") def RCDisableAirspeedUse(self): '''Test RC DisableAirspeedUse option''' self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 106) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.wait_sensor_state( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_DIFFERENTIAL_PRESSURE, True, True, True) self.set_rc(9, 2000) self.wait_sensor_state( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_DIFFERENTIAL_PRESSURE, True, False, True) self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.wait_sensor_state( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_DIFFERENTIAL_PRESSURE, True, True, True) def WatchdogHome(self): '''Ensure home is restored after watchdog reset''' if self.gdb: # we end up signalling the wrong process. I think. # Probably need to have a "sitl_pid()" method to get the # ardupilot process's PID. self.progress("######## Skipping WatchdogHome test under GDB") return ex = None try: self.progress("Enabling watchdog") self.set_parameter("BRD_OPTIONS", 1 << 0) self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.progress("Explicitly setting home to a known location") orig_home = self.poll_home_position() new_home = orig_home new_home.latitude = new_home.latitude + 1000 new_home.longitude = new_home.longitude + 2000 new_home.altitude = new_home.altitude + 300000 # 300 metres self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME, p5=new_home.latitude, p6=new_home.longitude, p7=new_home.altitude/1000.0, # mm => m ) old_bootcount = self.get_parameter('STAT_BOOTCNT') self.progress("Forcing watchdog reset") os.kill(self.sitl.pid, signal.SIGALRM) self.detect_and_handle_reboot(old_bootcount) self.wait_statustext("WDG:") self.wait_statustext("IMU1 is using GPS") # won't be come armable self.progress("Verifying home position") post_reboot_home = self.poll_home_position() delta = self.get_distance_int(new_home, post_reboot_home) max_delta = 1 if delta > max_delta: raise NotAchievedException( "New home not where it should be (dist=%f) (want=%s) (got=%s)" % (delta, str(new_home), str(post_reboot_home))) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) ex = e self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def AUTOTUNE(self): '''Test AutoTune mode''' self.takeoff(100) self.change_mode('AUTOTUNE') self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') tstart = self.get_sim_time() axis = "Roll" rc_value = 1000 while True: timeout = 600 if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Did not complete within %u seconds" % timeout) try: m = self.wait_statustext("%s: Finished" % axis, check_context=True, timeout=0.1) self.progress("Got %s" % str(m)) if axis == "Roll": axis = "Pitch" elif axis == "Pitch": break else: raise ValueError("Bug: %s" % axis) except AutoTestTimeoutException: pass self.delay_sim_time(1) if rc_value == 1000: rc_value = 2000 elif rc_value == 2000: rc_value = 1000 elif rc_value == 1000: rc_value = 2000 else: raise ValueError("Bug") if axis == "Roll": self.set_rc(1, rc_value) self.set_rc(2, 1500) elif axis == "Pitch": self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(2, rc_value) else: raise ValueError("Bug") tdelta = self.get_sim_time() - tstart self.progress("Finished in %0.1f seconds" % (tdelta,)) self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.change_mode('FBWA') self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=tdelta+240) def AutotuneFiltering(self): '''Test AutoTune mode with filter updates disabled''' self.set_parameters({ "AUTOTUNE_OPTIONS": 3, # some filtering is required for autotune to complete "RLL_RATE_FLTD": 10, "PTCH_RATE_FLTD": 10, "RLL_RATE_FLTT": 20, "PTCH_RATE_FLTT": 20, }) self.AUTOTUNE() def LandingDrift(self): '''Circuit with baro drift''' self.customise_SITL_commandline([], wipe=True) self.set_analog_rangefinder_parameters() self.set_parameters({ "SIM_BARO_DRIFT": -0.02, "SIM_TERRAIN": 0, "RNGFND_LANDING": 1, "LAND_SLOPE_RCALC": 2, "LAND_ABORT_DEG": 1, }) self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Load and start mission self.load_mission("ap-circuit.txt", strict=True) self.set_current_waypoint(1, check_afterwards=True) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_current_waypoint(1, timeout=5) self.wait_groundspeed(0, 10, timeout=5) # Wait for landing waypoint self.wait_current_waypoint(9, timeout=1200) # Wait for landing restart self.wait_current_waypoint(5, timeout=60) # Wait for landing waypoint (second attempt) self.wait_current_waypoint(9, timeout=1200) self.wait_disarmed(timeout=180) def TakeoffAuto1(self): '''Test the behaviour of an AUTO takeoff, pt1.''' ''' Conditions: - ARSPD_USE=1 - TKOFF_OPTIONS[0]=0 - TKOFF_THR_MAX < THR_MAX ''' self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model='plane-catapult', defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath("plane") ) self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_USE": 1.0, "THR_MAX": 100.0, "TKOFF_THR_MAX": 80.0, "TKOFF_THR_MINACC": 3.0, "TECS_PITCH_MAX": 35.0, "PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG": 35.0, "RTL_AUTOLAND": 2, # The mission contains a DO_LAND_START item. }) # Load and start mission. It contains a MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF item at 100m. self.wait_ready_to_arm() # Load and start mission. It contains a MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF item at 100m. self.load_mission("catapult.txt", strict=True) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.arm_vehicle() # Throw the catapult. self.set_servo(7, 2000) # Wait until we're midway through the climb. test_alt = 50 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) # Ensure that by then the aircraft still goes at max allowed throttle. target_throttle = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX")) self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, target_throttle-10, target_throttle+10) # Wait for landing waypoint. self.wait_current_waypoint(11, timeout=1200) self.wait_disarmed(120) def TakeoffAuto2(self): '''Test the behaviour of an AUTO takeoff, pt2.''' ''' Conditions: - ARSPD_USE=0 - TKOFF_OPTIONS[0]=0 - TKOFF_THR_MAX > THR_MAX ''' self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model='plane-catapult', defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath("plane") ) self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_USE": 0.0, "THR_MAX": 80.0, "TKOFF_THR_MAX": 100.0, "TKOFF_THR_MINACC": 3.0, "TECS_PITCH_MAX": 35.0, "PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG": 35.0, "RTL_AUTOLAND": 2, # The mission contains a DO_LAND_START item. }) # Load and start mission. It contains a MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF item at 100m. self.wait_ready_to_arm() # Load and start mission. It contains a MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF item at 100m. self.load_mission("catapult.txt", strict=True) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.arm_vehicle() # Throw the catapult. self.set_servo(7, 2000) # Wait until we're midway through the climb. test_alt = 50 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) # Ensure that by then the aircraft still goes at max allowed throttle. target_throttle = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX")) self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, target_throttle-10, target_throttle+10) # Wait for landing waypoint. self.wait_current_waypoint(11, timeout=1200) self.wait_disarmed(120) def TakeoffAuto3(self): '''Test the behaviour of an AUTO takeoff, pt3.''' ''' Conditions: - ARSPD_USE=1 - TKOFF_OPTIONS[0]=1 ''' self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model='plane-catapult', defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath("plane") ) self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_USE": 1.0, "THR_MAX": 80.0, "THR_MIN": 0.0, "TKOFF_OPTIONS": 1.0, "TKOFF_THR_MAX": 100.0, "TKOFF_THR_MINACC": 3.0, "TECS_PITCH_MAX": 35.0, "TKOFF_THR_MAX_T": 3.0, "PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG": 35.0, "RTL_AUTOLAND": 2, # The mission contains a DO_LAND_START item. }) # Load and start mission. It contains a MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF item at 100m. self.wait_ready_to_arm() # Load and start mission. It contains a MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF item at 100m. self.load_mission("catapult.txt", strict=True) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.arm_vehicle() # Throw the catapult. self.set_servo(7, 2000) # Ensure that TKOFF_THR_MAX_T is respected. self.delay_sim_time(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX_T")-1) target_throttle = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX")) self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, target_throttle-10, target_throttle+10) # Ensure that after that the aircraft does not go full throttle anymore. test_alt = 50 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) w = vehicle_test_suite.WaitAndMaintainServoChannelValue( self, 3, # throttle 1000+10*self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX")-10, comparator=operator.lt, minimum_duration=1, ) w.run() # Wait for landing waypoint. self.wait_current_waypoint(11, timeout=1200) self.wait_disarmed(120) def TakeoffAuto4(self): '''Test the behaviour of an AUTO takeoff, pt4.''' ''' Conditions: - ARSPD_USE=0 - TKOFF_OPTIONS[0]=1 ''' self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model='plane-catapult', defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath("plane") ) self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_USE": 0.0, "THR_MAX": 80.0, "THR_MIN": 0.0, "TKOFF_OPTIONS": 1.0, "TKOFF_THR_MAX": 100.0, "TKOFF_THR_MINACC": 3.0, "TECS_PITCH_MAX": 35.0, "TKOFF_THR_MAX_T": 3.0, "PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG": 35.0, "RTL_AUTOLAND": 2, # The mission contains a DO_LAND_START item. }) self.wait_ready_to_arm() # Load and start mission. It contains a MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF item at 100m. self.load_mission("catapult.txt", strict=True) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.arm_vehicle() # Throw the catapult. self.set_servo(7, 2000) # Ensure that TKOFF_THR_MAX_T is respected. self.delay_sim_time(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX_T")-1) target_throttle = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX")) self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, target_throttle-10, target_throttle+10) # Ensure that after that the aircraft still goes to maximum throttle. test_alt = 50 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) target_throttle = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX")) self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, target_throttle-10, target_throttle+10) # Wait for landing waypoint. self.wait_current_waypoint(11, timeout=1200) self.wait_disarmed(120) def TakeoffTakeoff1(self): '''Test the behaviour of a takeoff in TAKEOFF mode, pt1.''' ''' Conditions: - ARSPD_USE=1 - TKOFF_OPTIONS[0]=0 - TKOFF_THR_MAX < THR_MAX ''' self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model='plane-catapult', defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath("plane") ) self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_USE": 1.0, "THR_MAX": 100.0, "TKOFF_LVL_ALT": 30.0, "TKOFF_ALT": 80.0, "TKOFF_OPTIONS": 0.0, "TKOFF_THR_MINACC": 3.0, "TKOFF_THR_MAX": 80.0, "TECS_PITCH_MAX": 35.0, "PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG": 35.0, }) self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Throw the catapult. self.set_servo(7, 2000) # Check whether we're at max throttle below TKOFF_LVL_ALT. test_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_LVL_ALT")-10 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) target_throttle = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX")) self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, target_throttle-10, target_throttle+10) # Check whether we're still at max throttle past TKOFF_LVL_ALT. test_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_LVL_ALT")+10 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) target_throttle = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX")) self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, target_throttle-10, target_throttle+10) # Wait for the takeoff to complete. target_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_ALT") self.wait_altitude(target_alt-5, target_alt, relative=True) # Wait a bit for the Takeoff altitude to settle. self.delay_sim_time(5) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def TakeoffTakeoff2(self): '''Test the behaviour of a takeoff in TAKEOFF mode, pt2.''' ''' Conditions: - ARSPD_USE=1 - TKOFF_OPTIONS[0]=1 - TKOFF_THR_MAX < THR_MAX ''' self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model='plane-catapult', defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath("plane") ) self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_USE": 1.0, "THR_MAX": 100.0, "TKOFF_LVL_ALT": 30.0, "TKOFF_ALT": 80.0, "TKOFF_OPTIONS": 1.0, "TKOFF_THR_MINACC": 3.0, "TKOFF_THR_MAX": 80.0, "TECS_PITCH_MAX": 35.0, "PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG": 35.0, }) self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Throw the catapult. self.set_servo(7, 2000) # Check whether we're at max throttle below TKOFF_LVL_ALT. test_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_LVL_ALT")-10 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) target_throttle = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX")) self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, target_throttle-10, target_throttle+10) # Check whether we've receded from max throttle past TKOFF_LVL_ALT. test_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_LVL_ALT")+10 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) thr_min = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MIN"))-1 thr_max = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX"))-10 self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, thr_min, thr_max) # Wait for the takeoff to complete. target_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_ALT") self.wait_altitude(target_alt-5, target_alt, relative=True) # Wait a bit for the Takeoff altitude to settle. self.delay_sim_time(5) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def TakeoffTakeoff3(self): '''Test the behaviour of a takeoff in TAKEOFF mode, pt3.''' ''' This is the same as case #1, but with disabled airspeed sensor. Conditions: - ARSPD_USE=0 - TKOFF_OPTIONS[0]=0 - TKOFF_THR_MAX < THR_MAX ''' self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model='plane-catapult', defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath("plane") ) self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_USE": 0.0, "THR_MAX": 100.0, "TKOFF_DIST": 400.0, "TKOFF_LVL_ALT": 30.0, "TKOFF_ALT": 100.0, "TKOFF_OPTIONS": 0.0, "TKOFF_THR_MINACC": 3.0, "TKOFF_THR_MAX": 80.0, "TECS_PITCH_MAX": 35.0, "PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG": 35.0, }) self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Throw the catapult. self.set_servo(7, 2000) # we expect to maintain this throttle level past the takeoff # altitude through to our takeoff altitude: expected_takeoff_throttle = 1000+10*self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_MAX") # Check whether we're at max throttle below TKOFF_LVL_ALT. test_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_LVL_ALT")-10 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) w = vehicle_test_suite.WaitAndMaintainServoChannelValue( self, 3, # throttle expected_takeoff_throttle, epsilon=10, minimum_duration=1, ) w.run() # Check whether we're still at max throttle past TKOFF_LVL_ALT. test_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_LVL_ALT")+10 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) w = vehicle_test_suite.WaitAndMaintainServoChannelValue( self, 3, # throttle expected_takeoff_throttle, epsilon=10, minimum_duration=1, ) w.run() # Wait for the takeoff to complete. target_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_ALT") self.wait_altitude(target_alt-2.5, target_alt+2.5, relative=True, minimum_duration=10, timeout=30) self.reboot_sitl(force=True) def TakeoffTakeoff4(self): '''Test the behaviour of a takeoff in TAKEOFF mode, pt4.''' ''' This is the same as case #3, but with almost stock parameters and without a catapult. Conditions: - ARSPD_USE=0 ''' self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model='plane-catapult', defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath("plane") ) self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_USE": 0.0, }) self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Check whether we're at max throttle below TKOFF_LVL_ALT. test_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_LVL_ALT")-10 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) target_throttle = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("THR_MAX")) self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, target_throttle-10, target_throttle+10) # Check whether we're still at max throttle past TKOFF_LVL_ALT. test_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_LVL_ALT")+10 self.wait_altitude(test_alt, test_alt+2, relative=True) target_throttle = 1000+10*(self.get_parameter("THR_MAX")) self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, target_throttle-10, target_throttle+10) # Wait for the takeoff to complete. target_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_ALT") self.wait_altitude(target_alt-5, target_alt, relative=True) # Wait a bit for the Takeoff altitude to settle. self.delay_sim_time(5) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def TakeoffTakeoff5(self): '''Test the behaviour of a takeoff with no compass''' self.set_parameters({ "COMPASS_USE": 0, "COMPASS_USE2": 0, "COMPASS_USE3": 0, }) import copy start_loc = copy.copy(SITL_START_LOCATION) start_loc.heading = 175 self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--home=%.9f,%.9f,%.2f,%.1f" % ( start_loc.lat, start_loc.lng, start_loc.alt, start_loc.heading)]) self.reboot_sitl() self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") # waiting for the EKF to be happy won't work self.delay_sim_time(20) self.arm_vehicle() target_alt = self.get_parameter("TKOFF_ALT") self.wait_altitude(target_alt-5, target_alt, relative=True) # Wait a bit for the Takeoff altitude to settle. self.delay_sim_time(5) bearing_margin = 35 loc = self.mav.location() bearing_from_home = self.get_bearing(start_loc, loc) if bearing_from_home < 0: bearing_from_home += 360 if abs(bearing_from_home - start_loc.heading) > bearing_margin: raise NotAchievedException(f"Did not takeoff in the right direction {bearing_from_home}") self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def TakeoffGround(self): '''Test a rolling TAKEOFF.''' self.set_parameters({ "TKOFF_ROTATE_SPD": 15.0, }) self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Check that we demand minimum pitch below rotation speed. self.wait_groundspeed(8, 10) m = self.assert_receive_message('NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT', timeout=5) nav_pitch = m.nav_pitch if nav_pitch > 5.1 or nav_pitch < 4.9: raise NotAchievedException(f"Did not achieve correct takeoff pitch ({nav_pitch}).") # Check whether we've achieved correct target pitch after rotation. self.wait_groundspeed(23, 24) m = self.assert_receive_message('NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT', timeout=5) nav_pitch = m.nav_pitch if nav_pitch > 15.1 or nav_pitch < 14.9: raise NotAchievedException(f"Did not achieve correct takeoff pitch ({nav_pitch}).") self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def TakeoffIdleThrottle(self): '''Apply idle throttle before takeoff.''' self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model='plane-catapult', defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath("plane") ) self.set_parameters({ "TKOFF_THR_IDLE": 20.0, "TKOFF_THR_MINSPD": 3.0, }) self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Ensure that the throttle rises to idle throttle. expected_idle_throttle = 1000+10*self.get_parameter("TKOFF_THR_IDLE") self.assert_servo_channel_range(3, expected_idle_throttle-10, expected_idle_throttle+10) # Launch the catapult self.set_servo(6, 1000) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.change_mode('RTL') self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def TakeoffBadLevelOff(self): '''Ensure that the takeoff can be completed under 0 pitch demand.''' ''' When using no airspeed, the pitch level-off will eventually command 0 pitch demand. Ensure that the plane can climb the final 2m to deem the takeoff complete. ''' self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model='plane-catapult', defaults_filepath=self.model_defaults_filepath("plane") ) self.set_parameters({ "ARSPD_USE": 0.0, "PTCH_TRIM_DEG": -10.0, "RTL_AUTOLAND": 2, # The mission contains a DO_LAND_START item. "TKOFF_ALT": 50.0, "TKOFF_DIST": 1000.0, "TKOFF_THR_MAX": 75.0, "TKOFF_THR_MINACC": 3.0, }) self.load_mission("flaps_tkoff_50.txt") self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Throw the catapult. self.set_servo(7, 2000) # Wait until we've reached the takeoff altitude. target_alt = 50 self.wait_altitude(target_alt-1, target_alt+1, relative=True, timeout=30) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) def DCMFallback(self): '''Really annoy the EKF and force fallback''' self.reboot_sitl() self.delay_sim_time(30) self.takeoff(50) self.change_mode('CIRCLE') self.context_push() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.set_parameters({ "EK3_POS_I_GATE": 0, "SIM_GPS1_HZ": 1, "SIM_GPS1_LAG_MS": 1000, }) self.wait_statustext("DCM Active", check_context=True, timeout=60) self.wait_statustext("EKF3 Active", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("DCM Active", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("EKF3 Active", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("DCM Active", check_context=True) self.wait_statustext("EKF3 Active", check_context=True) self.context_stop_collecting('STATUSTEXT') self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() def ForcedDCM(self): '''Switch to DCM mid-flight''' self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.takeoff(50) self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.set_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE", 0) self.wait_statustext("DCM Active", check_context=True) self.context_stop_collecting('STATUSTEXT') self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def EFITest(self, efi_type, name, sim_name, check_fuel_flow=True): '''method to be called by EFI tests''' self.start_subtest("EFI Test for (%s)" % name) self.assert_not_receiving_message('EFI_STATUS') self.set_parameters({ 'SIM_EFI_TYPE': efi_type, 'EFI_TYPE': efi_type, 'SERIAL5_PROTOCOL': 24, 'RPM1_TYPE': 10, }) self.customise_SITL_commandline( ["--serial5=sim:%s" % sim_name, ], ) self.wait_ready_to_arm() baro_m = self.assert_receive_message("SCALED_PRESSURE") self.progress(self.dump_message_verbose(baro_m)) baro_temperature = baro_m.temperature / 100.0 # cDeg->deg m = self.assert_received_message_field_values("EFI_STATUS", { "throttle_out": 0, "health": 1, }, very_verbose=1) if abs(baro_temperature - m.intake_manifold_temperature) > 1: raise NotAchievedException( "Bad intake manifold temperature (want=%f got=%f)" % (baro_temperature, m.intake_manifold_temperature)) self.arm_vehicle() self.set_rc(3, 1300) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 10: raise NotAchievedException("RPM1 and EFI_STATUS.rpm did not match") rpm_m = self.assert_receive_message("RPM", verbose=1) want_rpm = 1000 if rpm_m.rpm1 < want_rpm: continue m = self.assert_receive_message("EFI_STATUS", verbose=1) if abs(m.rpm - rpm_m.rpm1) > 100: continue break self.progress("now we're started, check a few more values") # note that megasquirt drver doesn't send throttle, so throttle_out is zero! m = self.assert_received_message_field_values("EFI_STATUS", { "health": 1, }, very_verbose=1) m = self.wait_message_field_values("EFI_STATUS", { "throttle_position": 31, "intake_manifold_temperature": 28, }, very_verbose=1, epsilon=2) if check_fuel_flow: if abs(m.fuel_flow - 0.2) < 0.0001: raise NotAchievedException("Expected fuel flow") self.set_rc(3, 1000) # need to force disarm as the is_flying flag can trigger with the engine running self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) def MegaSquirt(self): '''test MegaSquirt driver''' self.EFITest( 1, "MegaSquirt", "megasquirt", check_fuel_flow=False, ) def Hirth(self): '''Test Hirth EFI''' self.EFITest(8, "Hirth", "hirth") def GlideSlopeThresh(self): '''Test rebuild glide slope if above and climbing''' # Test that GLIDE_SLOPE_THRESHOLD correctly controls re-planning glide slope # in the scenario that aircraft is above planned slope and slope is positive (climbing). # # # Behaviour with GLIDE_SLOPE_THRESH = 0 (no slope replanning) # (2).. __(4) # | \..__/ # | __/ # (3) # # Behaviour with GLIDE_SLOPE_THRESH = 5 (slope replanning when >5m error) # (2)........__(4) # | __/ # | __/ # (3) # Solid is plan, dots are actual flightpath. self.load_mission('rapid-descent-then-climb.txt', strict=False) self.set_current_waypoint(1) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # # Initial run with GLIDE_SLOPE_THR = 5 (default). # self.set_parameter("GLIDE_SLOPE_THR", 5) # Wait for waypoint commanding rapid descent, followed by climb. self.wait_current_waypoint(5, timeout=1200) # Altitude should not descend significantly below the initial altitude init_altitude = self.get_altitude(relative=True, timeout=2) timeout = 600 wpnum = 7 tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > timeout: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not get wanted current waypoint") if (self.get_altitude(relative=True, timeout=2) - init_altitude) < -10: raise NotAchievedException("Descended >10m before reaching desired waypoint,\ indicating slope was not replanned") seq = self.mav.waypoint_current() self.progress("Waiting for wp=%u current=%u" % (wpnum, seq)) if seq == wpnum: break self.set_current_waypoint(2) # # Second run with GLIDE_SLOPE_THR = 0 (no re-plan). # self.set_parameter("GLIDE_SLOPE_THR", 0) # Wait for waypoint commanding rapid descent, followed by climb. self.wait_current_waypoint(5, timeout=1200) # This time altitude should descend significantly below the initial altitude init_altitude = self.get_altitude(relative=True, timeout=2) timeout = 600 wpnum = 7 tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > timeout: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not get wanted altitude") seq = self.mav.waypoint_current() self.progress("Waiting for wp=%u current=%u" % (wpnum, seq)) if seq == wpnum: raise NotAchievedException("Reached desired waypoint without first decending 10m,\ indicating slope was replanned unexpectedly") if (self.get_altitude(relative=True, timeout=2) - init_altitude) < -10: break # Disarm self.wait_disarmed(timeout=600) self.progress("Mission OK") def MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): '''test MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS mission item''' alt = 100 seq = 0 items = [] tests = [ (self.home_relative_loc_ne(50, -50), 100, 0.3), (self.home_relative_loc_ne(100, 50), 1005, 3), ] # add a home position: items.append(self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( target_system, target_component, seq, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, # current 0, # autocontinue 0, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 0, # latitude 0, # longitude 0, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION)) seq += 1 # add takeoff items.append(self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( target_system, target_component, seq, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 0, # current 0, # autocontinue 0, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 0, # latitude 0, # longitude alt, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION)) seq += 1 # add circles for (loc, radius, turn) in tests: items.append(self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( target_system, target_component, seq, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS, 0, # current 0, # autocontinue turn, # p1 0, # p2 radius, # p3 0, # p4 int(loc.lat*1e7), # latitude int(loc.lng*1e7), # longitude alt, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION)) seq += 1 # add an RTL items.append(self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( target_system, target_component, seq, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH, 0, # current 0, # autocontinue 0, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 0, # latitude 0, # longitude 0, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION)) seq += 1 self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION, items) downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) ofs = 2 self.progress("Checking downloaded mission is as expected") for (loc, radius, turn) in tests: downloaded = downloaded_items[ofs] if radius > 255: # ArduPilot only stores % 10 radius = radius - radius % 10 if downloaded.param3 != radius: raise NotAchievedException( "Did not get expected radius for item %u; want=%f got=%f" % (ofs, radius, downloaded.param3)) if turn > 0 and turn < 1: # ArduPilot stores fractions in 8 bits (*256) and unpacks it (/256) turn = int(turn*256) / 256.0 if downloaded.param1 != turn: raise NotAchievedException( "Did not get expected turn for item %u; want=%f got=%f" % (ofs, turn, downloaded.param1)) ofs += 1 self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.set_parameter("NAVL1_LIM_BANK", 50) self.wait_current_waypoint(2) for (loc, expected_radius, _) in tests: self.wait_circling_point_with_radius( loc, expected_radius, epsilon=20.0, timeout=240, ) self.set_current_waypoint(self.current_waypoint()+1) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm(timeout=180) def MidAirDisarmDisallowed(self): '''Ensure mid-air disarm is not possible''' self.takeoff(50) disarmed = False try: self.disarm_vehicle() disarmed = True except ValueError as e: self.progress("Got %s" % repr(e)) if "Expected MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED got MAV_RESULT_FAILED" not in str(e): raise e if disarmed: raise NotAchievedException("Disarmed when we shouldn't have") # should still be able to force-disarm: self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def AerobaticsScripting(self): '''Fixed Wing Aerobatics''' applet_script = "Aerobatics/FixedWing/plane_aerobatics.lua" airshow = "Aerobatics/FixedWing/Schedules/AirShow.txt" trick72 = "trick72.txt" model = "plane-3d" self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model=model, defaults_filepath="Tools/autotest/models/plane-3d.parm", wipe=True) self.context_push() self.install_applet_script_context(applet_script) self.install_applet_script_context(airshow, install_name=trick72) self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.reboot_sitl() self.set_parameter("TRIK_ENABLE", 1) self.set_rc(7, 1000) # disable tricks self.scripting_restart() self.wait_text("Enabled 3 aerobatic tricks", check_context=True) self.set_parameters({ "TRIK1_ID": 72, "RC7_OPTION" : 300, # activation switch "RC9_OPTION" : 301, # selection switch "SIM_SPEEDUP": 5, # need to give some cycles to lua }) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_altitude(30, 40, timeout=30, relative=True) self.change_mode("CRUISE") self.set_rc(9, 1000) # select first trick self.delay_sim_time(1) self.set_rc(7, 1500) # show selected trick self.wait_text("Trick 1 selected (SuperAirShow)", check_context=True) self.set_rc(7, 2000) # activate trick self.wait_text("Trick 1 started (SuperAirShow)", check_context=True) highest_error = 0 while True: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT', blocking=True, timeout=2) if not m: break if m.name != 'PERR': continue highest_error = max(highest_error, m.value) if highest_error > 15: raise NotAchievedException("path error %.1f" % highest_error) if highest_error == 0: raise NotAchievedException("path error not reported") self.progress("Finished trick, max error=%.1fm" % highest_error) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) messages = self.context_collection('STATUSTEXT') self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() # check all messages to see if we got all tricks tricks = ["Loop", "HalfReverseCubanEight", "ScaleFigureEight", "Immelmann", "Split-S", "RollingCircle", "HumptyBump", "HalfCubanEight", "BarrelRoll", "CrossBoxTopHat", "TriangularLoop", "Finishing SuperAirShow!"] texts = [m.text for m in messages] for t in tricks: if t in texts: self.progress("Completed trick %s" % t) else: raise NotAchievedException("Missing trick %s" % t) def UniversalAutoLandScript(self): '''Test UniversalAutoLandScript''' applet_script = "UniversalAutoLand.lua" self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--home", "-35.362938,149.165085,585,173"]) self.install_applet_script_context(applet_script) self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.set_parameters({ "SCR_ENABLE" : 1, "SCR_VM_I_COUNT" : 1000000, "RTL_AUTOLAND" : 2 }) self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_text("Loaded UniversalAutoLand.lua", check_context=True) self.set_parameters({ "AUTOLAND_ENABLE" : 1, "AUTOLAND_WP_ALT" : 55, "AUTOLAND_WP_DIST" : 400 }) self.scripting_restart() self.wait_text("Scripting: restarted", check_context=True) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode("AUTO") self.wait_text("Captured initial takeoff direction", check_context=True) self.wait_disarmed(120) self.progress("Check the landed heading matches takeoff") self.wait_heading(173, accuracy=5, timeout=1) loc = mavutil.location(-35.362938, 149.165085, 585, 173) if self.get_distance(loc, self.mav.location()) > 35: raise NotAchievedException("Did not land close to home") def SDCardWPTest(self): '''test BRD_SD_MISSION support''' spiral_script = "mission_spiral.lua" self.context_push() self.install_example_script(spiral_script) self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.set_parameters({ "BRD_SD_MISSION" : 64, "SCR_ENABLE" : 1, "SCR_VM_I_COUNT" : 1000000 }) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_text("Loaded spiral mission creator", check_context=True) self.set_parameters({ "SCR_USER2": 19, # radius "SCR_USER3": -35.36322, # lat "SCR_USER4": 149.16525, # lon "SCR_USER5": 684.13, # alt }) count = (65536 // 15) - 1 self.progress("Creating spiral mission of size %s" % count) self.set_parameter("SCR_USER1", count) self.wait_text("Created spiral of size %u" % count, check_context=True) self.progress("Checking spiral before reboot") self.set_parameter("SCR_USER6", count) self.wait_text("Compared spiral of size %u OK" % count, check_context=True) self.set_parameter("SCR_USER6", 0) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Checking spiral after reboot") self.set_parameter("SCR_USER6", count) self.wait_text("Compared spiral of size %u OK" % count, check_context=True) self.remove_installed_script(spiral_script) self.context_pop() self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.reboot_sitl() def MANUAL_CONTROL(self): '''test MANUAL_CONTROL mavlink message''' self.set_parameter("SYSID_MYGCS", self.mav.source_system) self.progress("Takeoff") self.takeoff(alt=50) self.change_mode('FBWA') tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() roll_input = -500 want_roll_degrees = -12 while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 10: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not reach roll") self.progress("Sending roll-left") self.mav.mav.manual_control_send( 1, # target system 32767, # x (pitch) roll_input, # y (roll) 32767, # z (thrust) 32767, # r (yaw) 0) # button mask m = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True, timeout=1) print("m=%s" % str(m)) if m is None: continue p = math.degrees(m.roll) self.progress("roll=%f want<=%f" % (p, want_roll_degrees)) if p <= want_roll_degrees: break self.mav.mav.manual_control_send( 1, # target system 32767, # x (pitch) 32767, # y (roll) 32767, # z (thrust) 32767, # r (yaw) 0) # button mask self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def mission_home_point(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): '''just an empty-ish item-int to store home''' return self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( target_system, target_component, 0, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, # current 0, # autocontinue 0, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 0, # latitude 0, # longitude 0, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) def mission_jump_tag(self, tag, target_system=1, target_component=1): '''create a jump tag mission item''' return self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( target_system, target_component, 0, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_JUMP_TAG, 0, # current 0, # autocontinue tag, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 0, # latitude 0, # longitude 0, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) def mission_do_jump_tag(self, tag, target_system=1, target_component=1): '''create a jump tag mission item''' return self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( target_system, target_component, 0, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP_TAG, 0, # current 0, # autocontinue tag, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 0, # latitude 0, # longitude 0, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) def mission_anonymous_waypoint(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): '''just a boring waypoint''' return self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( target_system, target_component, 0, # seq mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, # current 0, # autocontinue 0, # p1 0, # p2 0, # p3 0, # p4 1, # latitude 1, # longitude 1, # altitude mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) def renumber_mission_items(self, mission): count = 0 for item in mission: item.seq = count count += 1 def MissionJumpTags_missing_jump_target(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): self.start_subtest("Check missing-jump-tag behaviour") jump_target = 2 mission = [ self.mission_home_point(), self.mission_anonymous_waypoint(), self.mission_anonymous_waypoint(), self.mission_jump_tag(jump_target), self.mission_anonymous_waypoint(), self.mission_anonymous_waypoint(), ] self.renumber_mission_items(mission) self.check_mission_upload_download(mission) self.progress("Checking incorrect tag behaviour") self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP_TAG, p1=jump_target + 1, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED ) self.progress("Checking correct tag behaviour") self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP_TAG, p1=jump_target, ) self.assert_current_waypoint(4) def MissionJumpTags_do_jump_to_bad_tag(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): mission = [ self.mission_home_point(), self.mission_anonymous_waypoint(), self.mission_do_jump_tag(17), self.mission_anonymous_waypoint(), ] self.renumber_mission_items(mission) self.check_mission_upload_download(mission) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.arm_vehicle() self.set_current_waypoint(2, check_afterwards=False) self.assert_mode('RTL') self.disarm_vehicle() def MissionJumpTags_jump_tag_at_end_of_mission(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): mission = [ self.mission_home_point(), self.mission_anonymous_waypoint(), self.mission_jump_tag(17), ] # Jumping to an end of a mission, either DO_JUMP or DO_JUMP_TAG will result in a failed attempt. # The failure is from mission::set_current_cmd() returning false if it can not find any NAV # commands on or after the index. Two scenarios: # 1) AUTO mission triggered: The the set_command will fail and it will cause an RTL event # (Harder to test, need vehicle to actually reach the waypoint) # 2) GCS/MAVLink: It will return MAV_RESULT_FAILED and there's on change to the mission. (Easy to test) self.renumber_mission_items(mission) self.check_mission_upload_download(mission) self.progress("Checking correct tag behaviour") self.change_mode('AUTO') self.arm_vehicle() self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP_TAG, p1=17, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED ) self.disarm_vehicle() def MissionJumpTags(self): '''test MAV_CMD_JUMP_TAG''' self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.MissionJumpTags_missing_jump_target() self.MissionJumpTags_do_jump_to_bad_tag() self.MissionJumpTags_jump_tag_at_end_of_mission() def AltResetBadGPS(self): '''Tests the handling of poor GPS lock pre-arm alt resets''' self.set_parameters({ "SIM_GPS1_GLTCH_Z": 0, "SIM_GPS1_ACC": 0.3, }) self.wait_ready_to_arm() m = self.assert_receive_message('GLOBAL_POSITION_INT') relalt = m.relative_alt*0.001 if abs(relalt) > 3: raise NotAchievedException("Bad relative alt %.1f" % relalt) self.progress("Setting low accuracy, glitching GPS") self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS1_ACC", 40) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS1_GLTCH_Z", -47) self.progress("Waiting 10s for height update") self.delay_sim_time(10) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() m = self.assert_receive_message('GLOBAL_POSITION_INT') relalt = m.relative_alt*0.001 if abs(relalt) > 3: raise NotAchievedException("Bad glitching relative alt %.1f" % relalt) self.disarm_vehicle() # reboot to clear potentially bad state def trigger_airspeed_cal(self): self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p3=1, ) def AirspeedCal(self): '''test Airspeed calibration''' self.start_subtest('1 airspeed sensor') self.context_push() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.trigger_airspeed_cal() self.wait_statustext('Airspeed 1 calibrated', check_context=True) self.context_pop() self.context_push() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.start_subtest('0 airspeed sensors') self.set_parameter('ARSPD_TYPE', 0) self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_statustext('No airspeed sensor', check_context=True) self.trigger_airspeed_cal() self.delay_sim_time(5) if self.statustext_in_collections('Airspeed 1 calibrated'): raise NotAchievedException("Did not disable airspeed sensor?!") self.context_pop() self.start_subtest('2 airspeed sensors') self.set_parameter('ARSPD_TYPE', 100) self.set_parameter('ARSPD2_TYPE', 100) self.reboot_sitl() self.context_push() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.trigger_airspeed_cal() self.wait_statustext('Airspeed 1 calibrated', check_context=True) self.wait_statustext('Airspeed 2 calibrated', check_context=True) self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() def RunMissionScript(self): '''Test run_mission.py script''' script = os.path.join('Tools', 'autotest', 'run_mission.py') self.stop_SITL() util.run_cmd([ util.reltopdir(script), self.binary, 'plane', self.generic_mission_filepath_for_filename("flaps.txt"), ]) self.start_SITL() def MAV_CMD_GUIDED_CHANGE_ALTITUDE(self): '''test handling of MAV_CMD_GUIDED_CHANGE_ALTITUDE''' self.install_terrain_handlers_context() self.start_subtest("set home relative altitude") self.takeoff(30, relative=True) self.change_mode('GUIDED') for alt in 50, 70: self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_GUIDED_CHANGE_ALTITUDE, p7=alt, frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, ) self.wait_altitude(alt-1, alt+1, timeout=30, relative=True) # test for #24535 self.start_subtest("switch to loiter and resume guided maintains home relative altitude") self.change_mode('LOITER') self.delay_sim_time(5) self.change_mode('GUIDED') self.wait_altitude( alt-3, # NOTE: reuse of alt from above loop! alt+3, minimum_duration=10, timeout=30, relative=True, ) # test that this works if switching between RELATIVE (HOME) and GLOBAL(AMSL) self.start_subtest("set global/AMSL altitude, switch to loiter and resume guided") alt = 625 self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_GUIDED_CHANGE_ALTITUDE, p7=alt, frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, ) self.wait_altitude(alt-3, alt+3, timeout=30, relative=False) self.change_mode('LOITER') self.delay_sim_time(5) self.change_mode('GUIDED') self.wait_altitude( alt-5, # NOTE: reuse of alt from above CHANGE_ALTITUDE alt+5, minimum_duration=10, timeout=30, relative=False, ) # test that this works if switching between RELATIVE (HOME) and terrain self.start_subtest("set terrain altitude, switch to loiter and resume guided") self.change_mode('GUIDED') alt = 100 self.run_cmd_int( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_GUIDED_CHANGE_ALTITUDE, p7=alt, frame=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT, ) self.wait_altitude( alt-5, # NOTE: reuse of alt from abovE alt+5, # use a 5m buffer as the plane needs to go up and down a bit to maintain terrain distance minimum_duration=10, timeout=30, relative=False, altitude_source="TERRAIN_REPORT.current_height" ) self.change_mode('LOITER') self.delay_sim_time(5) self.change_mode('GUIDED') self.wait_altitude( alt-5, # NOTE: reuse of alt from abovE alt+5, # use a 5m buffer as the plane needs to go up and down a bit to maintain terrain distance minimum_duration=10, timeout=30, relative=False, altitude_source="TERRAIN_REPORT.current_height" ) self.delay_sim_time(5) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def _MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION(self, command): self.context_push() self.start_subtest("Denied when armed") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() command( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p1=1, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED, ) self.disarm_vehicle() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.start_subtest("gyro cal") command( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p1=1, ) self.start_subtest("baro cal") command( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p3=1, ) self.wait_statustext('Barometer calibration complete', check_context=True) # accelcal skipped here, it is checked elsewhere self.start_subtest("ins trim") command( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p5=2, ) # enforced delay between cals: self.delay_sim_time(5) self.start_subtest("simple accel cal") command( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p5=4, ) # simple gyro cal makes the GPS units go unhealthy as they are # not maintaining their update rate (gyro cal is synchronous # in the main loop). Usually ~30 seconds to recover... self.wait_gps_sys_status_not_present_or_enabled_and_healthy(timeout=60) self.start_subtest("force save accels") command( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p5=76, ) self.start_subtest("force save compasses") command( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, p2=76, ) self.context_pop() def MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION(self): '''test MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION mavlink handling''' self._MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION(self.run_cmd) self._MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION(self.run_cmd_int) def MAV_CMD_DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT(self): '''fly upside-down mission item''' alt = 30 wps = self.create_simple_relhome_mission([ (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 0, 0, alt), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 400, 0, alt), self.create_MISSION_ITEM_INT( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT, p1=1, ), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 800, 0, alt), self.create_MISSION_ITEM_INT( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT, p1=0, ), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 1200, 0, alt), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH, 0, 0, 0), ]) self.check_mission_upload_download(wps) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_current_waypoint(2) # upright flight self.wait_message_field_values("NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT", { "nav_roll": 0, "nav_pitch": 0, }, epsilon=10) def check_altitude(mav, m): global initial_airspeed_threshold_reached m_type = m.get_type() if m_type != 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT': return if abs(30 - m.relative_alt * 0.001) > 15: raise NotAchievedException("Bad altitude while flying inverted") self.context_push() self.install_message_hook_context(check_altitude) self.wait_current_waypoint(4) # inverted flight self.wait_message_field_values("NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT", { "nav_roll": 180, "nav_pitch": 9, }, epsilon=10,) self.wait_current_waypoint(6) # upright flight self.wait_message_field_values("NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT", { "nav_roll": 0, "nav_pitch": 0, }, epsilon=10) self.context_pop() # remove the check_altitude call self.wait_current_waypoint(7) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE(self): '''test enabling autotune via mavlink''' self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE, p1=1) self.wait_statustext('Started autotune', check_context=True) self.run_cmd_int(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE, p1=0) self.wait_statustext('Stopped autotune', check_context=True) def DO_PARACHUTE(self): '''test triggering parachute via mavlink''' self.set_parameters({ "CHUTE_ENABLED": 1, "CHUTE_TYPE": 10, "SERVO9_FUNCTION": 27, "SIM_PARA_ENABLE": 1, "SIM_PARA_PIN": 9, "FS_LONG_ACTN": 3, }) for command in self.run_cmd, self.run_cmd_int: self.wait_servo_channel_value(9, 1100) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() command( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_PARACHUTE, p1=mavutil.mavlink.PARACHUTE_RELEASE, ) self.wait_servo_channel_value(9, 1300) self.disarm_vehicle() self.reboot_sitl() def _MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND(self, command): self.load_mission("mission.txt") self.set_parameter("RTL_AUTOLAND", 3) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_current_waypoint(6) command(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND, p1=150) self.wait_current_waypoint(5) self.wait_altitude(135, 165, relative=True) self.wait_disarmed(timeout=300) def MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND(self): '''test MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND as a mavlink command''' self._MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND(self.run_cmd) self._MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND(self.run_cmd_int) def _MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION(self, command): self.set_parameters({ "AFS_ENABLE": 1, "SYSID_MYGCS": self.mav.source_system, "AFS_TERM_ACTION": 42, }) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') command(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION, p1=1) self.wait_disarmed() self.wait_text('Terminating due to GCS request', check_context=True) self.reboot_sitl() def MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION(self): '''test MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION works on Plane''' self._MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION(self.run_cmd) self._MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION(self.run_cmd_int) def MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START(self): '''test MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START as mavlink command''' self.set_parameters({ "RTL_AUTOLAND": 3, }) self.upload_simple_relhome_mission([ (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 0, 0, 30), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM, 0, 0, 30), self.create_MISSION_ITEM_INT( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START, ), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 800, 0, 0), ]) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.start_subtest("DO_LAND_START as COMMAND_LONG") self.wait_current_waypoint(2) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START) self.wait_current_waypoint(4) self.start_subtest("DO_LAND_START as COMMAND_INT") self.set_current_waypoint(2) self.run_cmd_int(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START) self.wait_current_waypoint(4) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def MAV_CMD_NAV_ALTITUDE_WAIT(self): '''test MAV_CMD_NAV_ALTITUDE_WAIT mission item, wiggling only''' # Load a single waypoint self.upload_simple_relhome_mission([ self.create_MISSION_ITEM_INT( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_ALTITUDE_WAIT, p1=1000, # 1000m alt threshold, this should not trigger p2=10, # 10m/s descent rate, this should not trigger p3=10 # servo wiggle every 10 seconds ) ]) # Set initial conditions for servo wiggle testing servo_wiggled = {1: False, 2: False, 4: False} def look_for_wiggle(mav, m): if m.get_type() == 'SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW': # Throttle must be zero if m.servo3_raw != 1000: raise NotAchievedException( "Throttle must be 0 in altitude wait, got %f" % m.servo3_raw) # Check if all servos wiggle if m.servo1_raw != 1500: servo_wiggled[1] = True if m.servo2_raw != 1500: servo_wiggled[2] = True if m.servo4_raw != 1500: servo_wiggled[4] = True # Start mission self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # Check outputs self.context_push() self.install_message_hook_context(look_for_wiggle) # Wait for a bit to let message hook sample self.delay_sim_time(60) self.context_pop() # If the mission item completes as there is no other waypoints we will end up in RTL if not self.mode_is('AUTO'): raise NotAchievedException("Must still be in AUTO") # Raise error if not all servos have wiggled if not all(servo_wiggled.values()): raise NotAchievedException("Not all servos have moved within the test frame") self.disarm_vehicle() def start_flying_simple_rehome_mission(self, items): '''uploads items, changes mode to auto, waits ready to arm and arms vehicle. If the first item it a takeoff you can expect the vehicle to fly after this method returns ''' self.upload_simple_relhome_mission(items) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() def InteractTest(self): '''just takeoff''' if self.mavproxy is None: raise NotAchievedException("Must be started with --map") self.start_flying_simple_rehome_mission([ (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 0, 0, 30), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 800, 0, 0), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 800, 800, 0), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, 400, 0), ]) self.wait_current_waypoint(4) self.set_parameter('SIM_SPEEDUP', 1) self.mavproxy.interact() def MAV_CMD_MISSION_START(self): '''test MAV_CMD_MISSION_START starts AUTO''' self.upload_simple_relhome_mission([ (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 800, 0, 0), ]) for run_cmd in self.run_cmd, self.run_cmd_int: self.change_mode('LOITER') run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_MISSION_START) self.wait_mode('AUTO') def MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM(self): '''test receiving MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM from GCS''' self.takeoff(10) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM) self.wait_mode('LOITER') self.change_mode('GUIDED') self.run_cmd_int(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM) self.wait_mode('LOITER') self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH(self): '''test receiving MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH from GCS''' self.set_parameter('RTL_AUTOLAND', 1) self.start_flying_simple_rehome_mission([ (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 0, 0, 30), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM, 0, 0, 30), self.create_MISSION_ITEM_INT( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START, ), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 800, 0, 0), ]) for i in self.run_cmd, self.run_cmd_int: self.wait_current_waypoint(2) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH) self.wait_current_waypoint(4) self.set_current_waypoint(2) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def location_from_ADSB_VEHICLE(self, m): '''return a mavutil.location extracted from an ADSB_VEHICLE mavlink message''' if m.altitude_type != mavutil.mavlink.ADSB_ALTITUDE_TYPE_GEOMETRIC: raise ValueError("Expected geometric alt") return mavutil.location( m.lat*1e-7, m.lon*1e-7, m.altitude/1000.0585, # mm -> m m.heading * 0.01 # centidegrees -> degrees ) def SagetechMXS(self): '''test Sagetech MXS ADSB device driver''' sim_name = "sagetech_mxs" self.set_parameters({ "SERIAL5_PROTOCOL": 35, "ADSB_TYPE": 4, # Sagetech-MXS "SIM_ADSB_TYPES": 8, # Sagetech-MXS "SIM_ADSB_COUNT": 5, }) self.customise_SITL_commandline(["--serial5=sim:%s" % sim_name]) m = self.assert_receive_message("ADSB_VEHICLE") adsb_vehicle_loc = self.location_from_ADSB_VEHICLE(m) self.progress("ADSB Vehicle at loc %s" % str(adsb_vehicle_loc)) home = self.home_position_as_mav_location() self.assert_distance(home, adsb_vehicle_loc, 0, 10000) def MinThrottle(self): '''Make sure min throttle does not apply in manual mode and does in FBWA''' servo_min = self.get_parameter("RC3_MIN") servo_max = self.get_parameter("RC3_MAX") min_throttle = 10 servo_min_throttle = servo_min + (servo_max - servo_min) * (min_throttle / 100) # Set min throttle self.set_parameter('THR_MIN', min_throttle) # Should be 0 throttle while disarmed self.change_mode("MANUAL") self.drain_mav() # make sure we have the latest data before checking throttle output self.assert_servo_channel_value(3, servo_min) # Arm and check throttle is still 0 in manual self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.drain_mav() self.assert_servo_channel_value(3, servo_min) # FBWA should apply throttle min self.change_mode("FBWA") self.drain_mav() self.assert_servo_channel_value(3, servo_min_throttle) # But not when disarmed self.disarm_vehicle() self.drain_mav() self.assert_servo_channel_value(3, servo_min) def ClimbThrottleSaturation(self): '''check what happens when throttle is saturated in GUIDED''' self.set_parameters({ "TECS_CLMB_MAX": 30, "TKOFF_ALT": 1000, }) self.change_mode("TAKEOFF") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_message_field_values('VFR_HUD', { "throttle": 100, }, minimum_duration=30, timeout=90) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def GuidedAttitudeNoGPS(self): '''test that guided-attitude still works with no GPS''' self.takeoff(50) self.change_mode('GUIDED') self.context_push() self.set_parameter('SIM_GPS1_ENABLE', 0) self.delay_sim_time(30) self.set_attitude_target() self.context_pop() self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def ScriptStats(self): '''test script stats logging''' self.context_push() self.set_parameters({ 'SCR_ENABLE': 1, 'SCR_DEBUG_OPTS': 8, # runtime memory usage and time }) self.install_test_scripts_context([ "math.lua", "strings.lua", ]) self.install_example_script_context('simple_loop.lua') self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.reboot_sitl() self.wait_statustext('hello, world') delay = 20 self.delay_sim_time(delay, reason='gather some stats') self.wait_statustext("math.lua exceeded time limit", check_context=True, timeout=0) dfreader = self.dfreader_for_current_onboard_log() seen_hello_world = False # runtime = None while True: m = dfreader.recv_match(type=['SCR']) if m is None: break if m.Name == "simple_loop.lua": seen_hello_world = True # if m.Name == "math.lua": # runtime = m.Runtime if not seen_hello_world: raise NotAchievedException("Did not see simple_loop.lua script") # self.progress(f"math took {runtime} seconds to run over {delay} seconds") # if runtime == 0: # raise NotAchievedException("Expected non-zero runtime for math") self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() def GPSPreArms(self): '''ensure GPS prearm checks work''' self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.start_subtest('DroneCAN sanity checks') self.set_parameter('GPS1_TYPE', 9) self.set_parameter('GPS2_TYPE', 9) self.set_parameter('GPS1_CAN_OVRIDE', 130) self.set_parameter('GPS2_CAN_OVRIDE', 130) self.assert_prearm_failure( "set for multiple GPS", other_prearm_failures_fatal=False, ) def SetHomeAltChange(self): '''check modes retain altitude when home alt changed''' for mode in 'FBWB', 'CRUISE', 'LOITER': self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.wait_ready_to_arm() home = self.home_position_as_mav_location() target_alt = 20 self.takeoff(target_alt, mode="TAKEOFF") self.delay_sim_time(20) # Give some time to altitude to stabilize. self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.change_mode(mode) higher_home = copy.copy(home) higher_home.alt += 40 self.set_home(higher_home) self.wait_altitude(home.alt+target_alt-5, home.alt+target_alt+5, relative=False, minimum_duration=10, timeout=11) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def SetHomeAltChange2(self): '''ensure TECS operates predictably as home altitude changes continuously''' ''' This can happen when performing a ship landing, where the home coordinates are continuously set by the ship GNSS RX. ''' self.set_parameter('TRIM_THROTTLE', 70) self.wait_ready_to_arm() home = self.home_position_as_mav_location() target_alt = 20 self.takeoff(target_alt, mode="TAKEOFF") self.change_mode("LOITER") self.delay_sim_time(20) # Let the plane settle. tstart = self.get_sim_time() test_time = 10 # Run the test for 10s. pub_freq = 10 for i in range(test_time*pub_freq): tnow = self.get_sim_time() higher_home = copy.copy(home) # Produce 1Hz sine waves in home altitude change. higher_home.alt += 40*math.sin((tnow-tstart)*(2*math.pi)) self.set_home(higher_home) if tnow-tstart > test_time: break self.delay_sim_time(1.0/pub_freq) # Test if the altitude is still within bounds. self.wait_altitude(home.alt+target_alt-5, home.alt+target_alt+5, relative=False, minimum_duration=1, timeout=2) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def SetHomeAltChange3(self): '''same as SetHomeAltChange, but the home alt change occurs during TECS operation''' self.wait_ready_to_arm() home = self.home_position_as_mav_location() target_alt = 20 self.takeoff(target_alt, mode="TAKEOFF") self.change_mode("LOITER") self.delay_sim_time(20) # Let the plane settle. higher_home = copy.copy(home) higher_home.alt += 40 self.set_home(higher_home) self.wait_altitude(home.alt+target_alt-5, home.alt+target_alt+5, relative=False, minimum_duration=10, timeout=10.1) self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def ForceArm(self): '''check force-arming functionality''' self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS1_ENABLE", 0) # 21196 is the mavlink standard, 2989 is legacy for magic_value in 21196, 2989: self.wait_sensor_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_PREARM_CHECK, present=True, enabled=True, healthy=False, ) self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, p1=1, # ARM p2=0, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED, ) self.run_cmd( mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, p1=1, # ARM p2=magic_value, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED, ) self.disarm_vehicle() def _MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE(self, command): self.reboot_sitl() def cmp_with_variance(a, b, p): return abs(a - b) < p def check_eq(speed, direction, ret_dir, timeout=1): command(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE, p1=speed, p3=direction) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException( f"Failed to set wind speed or/and direction: speed != {speed} or direction != {direction}") m = self.assert_receive_message("WIND") if cmp_with_variance(m.speed, speed, 0.5) and cmp_with_variance(m.direction, ret_dir, 5): return True check_eq(1, 45, 45) check_eq(2, 90, 90) check_eq(3, 120, 120) check_eq(4, 180, -180) check_eq(5, 240, -120) check_eq(6, 320, -40) check_eq(7, 360, 0) command(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE, p1=-2, p3=90, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_DENIED) command(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE, p1=2, p3=-90, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_DENIED) command(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE, p1=-2, p3=-90, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_DENIED) command(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE, p1=2, p3=370, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_DENIED) def MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE(self): '''test MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE as a mavlink command''' self._MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE(self.run_cmd) self._MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE(self.run_cmd_int) def GliderPullup(self): '''test pullup of glider after ALTITUDE_WAIT''' self.start_subtest("test glider pullup") self.customise_SITL_commandline( [], model="glider", defaults_filepath="Tools/autotest/default_params/glider.parm", wipe=True) self.set_parameter('LOG_DISARMED', 1) self.set_parameters({ "PUP_ENABLE": 1, "SERVO6_FUNCTION": 0, # balloon lift "SERVO10_FUNCTION": 156, # lift release "EK3_IMU_MASK": 1, # lane switches just make log harder to read "AHRS_OPTIONS": 4, # don't disable airspeed based on EKF checks "ARSPD_OPTIONS": 0, # don't disable airspeed "ARSPD_WIND_GATE": 0, }) self.set_servo(6, 1000) self.load_mission("glider-pullup-mission.txt") self.change_mode("AUTO") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.context_collect('STATUSTEXT') self.progress("Start balloon lift") self.set_servo(6, 2000) self.wait_text("Reached altitude", check_context=True, timeout=1000) self.wait_text("Start pullup airspeed", check_context=True) self.wait_text("Pullup airspeed", check_context=True) self.wait_text("Pullup pitch", check_context=True) self.wait_text("Pullup level", check_context=True) self.wait_text("Loiter to alt complete", check_context=True, timeout=1000) self.wait_text("Flare", check_context=True, timeout=400) self.wait_text("Auto disarmed", check_context=True, timeout=200) def BadRollChannelDefined(self): '''ensure we don't die with a bad Roll channel defined''' self.set_parameter("RCMAP_ROLL", 17) def MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT(self): '''test loiter to alt mission item''' self.upload_simple_relhome_mission([ (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 0, 0, 30), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT, 0, 0, 500), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT, 0, 0, 100), (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 800, 0, 0), ]) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.wait_altitude(450, 475, relative=True, timeout=600) self.wait_altitude(75, 125, relative=True, timeout=600) self.wait_current_waypoint(4) self.fly_home_land_and_disarm() def tests(self): '''return list of all tests''' ret = [] ret.extend(self.tests1a()) ret.extend(self.tests1b()) return ret def tests1a(self): ret = [] ret = super(AutoTestPlane, self).tests() ret.extend([ self.AuxModeSwitch, self.TestRCCamera, self.TestRCRelay, self.ThrottleFailsafe, self.NeedEKFToArm, self.ThrottleFailsafeFence, self.TestFlaps, self.DO_CHANGE_SPEED, self.DO_REPOSITION, self.GuidedRequest, self.MainFlight, self.TestGripperMission, self.Parachute, self.ParachuteSinkRate, self.DO_PARACHUTE, self.PitotBlockage, self.AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL, self.RangeFinder, self.FenceStatic, self.FenceRTL, self.FenceRTLRally, self.FenceRetRally, self.FenceAltCeilFloor, self.FenceMinAltAutoEnable, self.FenceMinAltEnableAutoland, self.FenceMinAltAutoEnableAbort, self.FenceAutoEnableDisableSwitch, Test(self.FenceCircleExclusionAutoEnable, speedup=20), self.FenceEnableDisableSwitch, self.FenceEnableDisableAux, self.FenceBreachedChangeMode, self.FenceNoFenceReturnPoint, self.FenceNoFenceReturnPointInclusion, self.FenceDisableUnderAction, self.ADSBFailActionRTL, self.ADSBResumeActionResumeLoiter, self.SimADSB, self.Button, self.FRSkySPort, self.FRSkyPassThroughStatustext, self.FRSkyPassThroughSensorIDs, self.FRSkyMAVlite, self.FRSkyD, self.LTM, self.DEVO, self.AdvancedFailsafe, self.LOITER, self.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS, self.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT, self.DeepStall, self.WatchdogHome, self.LargeMissions, self.Soaring, self.Terrain, self.TerrainMission, self.UniversalAutoLandScript, ]) return ret def tests1b(self): return [ self.TerrainLoiter, self.VectorNavEAHRS, self.MicroStrainEAHRS5, self.MicroStrainEAHRS7, self.InertialLabsEAHRS, self.GpsSensorPreArmEAHRS, self.Deadreckoning, self.DeadreckoningNoAirSpeed, self.EKFlaneswitch, self.AirspeedDrivers, self.RTL_CLIMB_MIN, self.ClimbBeforeTurn, self.IMUTempCal, self.MAV_CMD_DO_AUX_FUNCTION, self.SmartBattery, self.FlyEachFrame, self.AutoLandMode, self.RCDisableAirspeedUse, self.AHRS_ORIENTATION, self.AHRSTrim, self.LandingDrift, self.TakeoffAuto1, self.TakeoffAuto2, self.TakeoffAuto3, self.TakeoffAuto4, self.TakeoffTakeoff1, self.TakeoffTakeoff2, self.TakeoffTakeoff3, self.TakeoffTakeoff4, self.TakeoffTakeoff5, self.TakeoffGround, self.TakeoffIdleThrottle, self.TakeoffBadLevelOff, self.ForcedDCM, self.DCMFallback, self.MAVFTP, self.AUTOTUNE, self.AutotuneFiltering, self.MegaSquirt, self.Hirth, self.MSP_DJI, self.SpeedToFly, self.GlideSlopeThresh, self.HIGH_LATENCY2, self.MidAirDisarmDisallowed, self.AerobaticsScripting, self.MANUAL_CONTROL, self.RunMissionScript, self.WindEstimates, self.AltResetBadGPS, self.AirspeedCal, self.MissionJumpTags, Test(self.GCSFailsafe, speedup=8), self.SDCardWPTest, self.NoArmWithoutMissionItems, self.MODE_SWITCH_RESET, self.ExternalPositionEstimate, self.SagetechMXS, self.MAV_CMD_GUIDED_CHANGE_ALTITUDE, self.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, self.MAV_CMD_DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT, self.MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE, self.MAV_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND, self.MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION, self.MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START, self.MAV_CMD_NAV_ALTITUDE_WAIT, self.InteractTest, self.MAV_CMD_MISSION_START, self.TerrainRally, self.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM, self.MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH, self.MinThrottle, self.ClimbThrottleSaturation, self.GuidedAttitudeNoGPS, self.ScriptStats, self.GPSPreArms, self.SetHomeAltChange, self.SetHomeAltChange2, self.SetHomeAltChange3, self.ForceArm, self.MAV_CMD_EXTERNAL_WIND_ESTIMATE, self.GliderPullup, self.BadRollChannelDefined, ] def disabled_tests(self): return { "LandingDrift": "Flapping test. See https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/issues/20054", "InteractTest": "requires user interaction", "ClimbThrottleSaturation": "requires https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/pull/27106 to pass", } class AutoTestPlaneTests1a(AutoTestPlane): def tests(self): return self.tests1a() class AutoTestPlaneTests1b(AutoTestPlane): def tests(self): return self.tests1b()