/* DataFlash.cpp - DataFlash log library for AT45DB161 Code by Jordi Muñoz and Jose Julio. DIYDrones.com This code works with boards based on ATMega168/328 and ATMega1280/2560 using SPI port This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Dataflash library for AT45DB161D flash memory Memory organization : 4096 pages of 512 bytes or 528 bytes Maximun write bandwidth : 512 bytes in 14ms This code is written so the master never has to wait to write the data on the eeprom Methods: Init() : Library initialization (SPI initialization) StartWrite(page) : Start a write session. page=start page. WriteByte(data) : Write a byte WriteInt(data) : Write an integer (2 bytes) WriteLong(data) : Write a long (4 bytes) StartRead(page) : Start a read on (page) GetWritePage() : Returns the last page written to GetPage() : Returns the last page read ReadByte() ReadInt() ReadLong() Properties: */ #include #include "DataFlash.h" #include #define OVERWRITE_DATA 1 // 0: When reach the end page stop, 1: Start overwriting from page 1 // *** INTERNAL FUNCTIONS *** void dataflash_CS_inactive() { digitalWrite(DF_SLAVESELECT,HIGH); //disable device } void dataflash_CS_active() { digitalWrite(DF_SLAVESELECT,LOW); //enable device } // Constructors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DataFlash_Class::DataFlash_Class() { } // Public Methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DataFlash_Class::Init(void) { pinMode(DF_DATAOUT, OUTPUT); pinMode(DF_DATAIN, INPUT); pinMode(DF_SPICLOCK,OUTPUT); pinMode(DF_SLAVESELECT,OUTPUT); #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) pinMode(DF_RESET,OUTPUT); // Reset the chip digitalWrite(DF_RESET,LOW); delay(1); digitalWrite(DF_RESET,HIGH); #endif df_Read_END=false; dataflash_CS_inactive(); //disable device // Setup SPI Master, Mode 3, fosc/4 = 4MHz SPI.begin(); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE3); SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2); // get page size: 512 or 528 df_PageSize=PageSize(); } // This function is mainly to test the device void DataFlash_Class::ReadManufacturerID() { dataflash_CS_active(); // activate dataflash command decoder // Read manufacturer and ID command... SPI.transfer(DF_READ_MANUFACTURER_AND_DEVICE_ID); df_manufacturer = SPI.transfer(0xff); df_device_0 = SPI.transfer(0xff); df_device_1 = SPI.transfer(0xff); SPI.transfer(0xff); dataflash_CS_inactive(); // Reset dataflash command decoder } // Read the status register byte DataFlash_Class::ReadStatusReg() { byte tmp; dataflash_CS_active(); // activate dataflash command decoder // Read status command SPI.transfer(DF_STATUS_REGISTER_READ); tmp = SPI.transfer(0x00); // We only want to extract the READY/BUSY bit dataflash_CS_inactive(); // Reset dataflash command decoder return tmp; } // Read the status of the DataFlash inline byte DataFlash_Class::ReadStatus() { return(ReadStatusReg()&0x80); // We only want to extract the READY/BUSY bit } inline unsigned int DataFlash_Class::PageSize() { return(528-((ReadStatusReg()&0x01)<<4)); // if first bit 1 trhen 512 else 528 bytes } // Wait until DataFlash is in ready state... void DataFlash_Class::WaitReady() { while(!ReadStatus()); } void DataFlash_Class::PageToBuffer(unsigned char BufferNum, unsigned int PageAdr) { dataflash_CS_active(); // activate dataflash command decoder if (BufferNum==1) SPI.transfer(DF_TRANSFER_PAGE_TO_BUFFER_1); else SPI.transfer(DF_TRANSFER_PAGE_TO_BUFFER_2); if(df_PageSize==512){ SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 7)); SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 1)); }else{ SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 6)); SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 2)); } SPI.transfer(0x00); // don´t care bytes dataflash_CS_inactive(); //initiate the transfer dataflash_CS_active(); while(!ReadStatus()); //monitor the status register, wait until busy-flag is high dataflash_CS_inactive(); } void DataFlash_Class::BufferToPage (unsigned char BufferNum, unsigned int PageAdr, unsigned char wait) { dataflash_CS_active(); // activate dataflash command decoder if (BufferNum==1) SPI.transfer(DF_BUFFER_1_TO_PAGE_WITH_ERASE); else SPI.transfer(DF_BUFFER_2_TO_PAGE_WITH_ERASE); if(df_PageSize==512){ SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 7)); SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 1)); }else{ SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 6)); SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 2)); } SPI.transfer(0x00); // don´t care bytes dataflash_CS_inactive(); //initiate the transfer dataflash_CS_active(); // Check if we need to wait to write the buffer to memory or we can continue... if (wait) while(!ReadStatus()); //monitor the status register, wait until busy-flag is high dataflash_CS_inactive(); //deactivate dataflash command decoder } void DataFlash_Class::BufferWrite (unsigned char BufferNum, unsigned int IntPageAdr, unsigned char Data) { dataflash_CS_active(); // activate dataflash command decoder if (BufferNum==1) SPI.transfer(DF_BUFFER_1_WRITE); else SPI.transfer(DF_BUFFER_2_WRITE); SPI.transfer(0x00); //don't cares SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(IntPageAdr>>8)); //upper part of internal buffer address SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(IntPageAdr)); //lower part of internal buffer address SPI.transfer(Data); //write data byte dataflash_CS_inactive(); // disable dataflash command decoder } unsigned char DataFlash_Class::BufferRead (unsigned char BufferNum, unsigned int IntPageAdr) { byte tmp; dataflash_CS_active(); // activate dataflash command decoder if (BufferNum==1) SPI.transfer(DF_BUFFER_1_READ); else SPI.transfer(DF_BUFFER_2_READ); SPI.transfer(0x00); //don't cares SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(IntPageAdr>>8)); //upper part of internal buffer address SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(IntPageAdr)); //lower part of internal buffer address SPI.transfer(0x00); //don't cares tmp = SPI.transfer(0x00); //read data byte dataflash_CS_inactive(); // deactivate dataflash command decoder return (tmp); } // *** END OF INTERNAL FUNCTIONS *** void DataFlash_Class::PageErase (unsigned int PageAdr) { dataflash_CS_active(); // activate dataflash command decoder SPI.transfer(DF_PAGE_ERASE); // Command if(df_PageSize==512){ SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 7)); SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 1)); }else{ SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr >> 6)); SPI.transfer((unsigned char)(PageAdr << 2)); } SPI.transfer(0x00); // "dont cares" dataflash_CS_inactive(); //initiate flash page erase dataflash_CS_active(); while(!ReadStatus()); dataflash_CS_inactive(); // deactivate dataflash command decoder } void DataFlash_Class::ChipErase () { dataflash_CS_active(); // activate dataflash command decoder // opcodes for chip erase SPI.transfer(DF_CHIP_ERASE_0); SPI.transfer(DF_CHIP_ERASE_1); SPI.transfer(DF_CHIP_ERASE_2); SPI.transfer(DF_CHIP_ERASE_3); dataflash_CS_inactive(); //initiate flash page erase dataflash_CS_active(); while(!ReadStatus()); dataflash_CS_inactive(); // deactivate dataflash command decoder } // *** DATAFLASH PUBLIC FUNCTIONS *** void DataFlash_Class::StartWrite(int PageAdr) { df_BufferNum=1; df_BufferIdx=4; df_PageAdr=PageAdr; df_Stop_Write=0; WaitReady(); // We are starting a new page - write FileNumber and FilePage BufferWrite(df_BufferNum,0,df_FileNumber>>8); // High byte BufferWrite(df_BufferNum,1,df_FileNumber&0xFF); // Low byte BufferWrite(df_BufferNum,2,df_FilePage>>8); // High byte BufferWrite(df_BufferNum,3,df_FilePage&0xFF); // Low byte } void DataFlash_Class::FinishWrite(void) { df_BufferIdx=0; BufferToPage(df_BufferNum,df_PageAdr,0); // Write Buffer to memory, NO WAIT df_PageAdr++; if (OVERWRITE_DATA==1) { if (df_PageAdr>DF_LAST_PAGE) // If we reach the end of the memory, start from the begining df_PageAdr = 1; } else { if (df_PageAdr>DF_LAST_PAGE) // If we reach the end of the memory, stop here df_Stop_Write=1; } if (df_BufferNum==1) // Change buffer to continue writing... df_BufferNum=2; else df_BufferNum=1; } void DataFlash_Class::WriteByte(byte data) { if (!df_Stop_Write) { BufferWrite(df_BufferNum,df_BufferIdx,data); df_BufferIdx++; if (df_BufferIdx >= df_PageSize) // End of buffer? { df_BufferIdx=4; //(4 bytes for FileNumber, FilePage) BufferToPage(df_BufferNum,df_PageAdr,0); // Write Buffer to memory, NO WAIT df_PageAdr++; if (OVERWRITE_DATA==1) { if (df_PageAdr>DF_LAST_PAGE) // If we reach the end of the memory, start from the begining df_PageAdr = 1; } else { if (df_PageAdr>DF_LAST_PAGE) // If we reach the end of the memory, stop here df_Stop_Write=1; } if (df_BufferNum==1) // Change buffer to continue writing... df_BufferNum=2; else df_BufferNum=1; // We are starting a new page - write FileNumber and FilePage BufferWrite(df_BufferNum,0,df_FileNumber>>8); // High byte BufferWrite(df_BufferNum,1,df_FileNumber&0xFF); // Low byte df_FilePage++; BufferWrite(df_BufferNum,2,df_FilePage>>8); // High byte BufferWrite(df_BufferNum,3,df_FilePage&0xFF); // Low byte } } } void DataFlash_Class::WriteInt(int data) { WriteByte(data>>8); // High byte WriteByte(data&0xFF); // Low byte } void DataFlash_Class::WriteLong(long data) { WriteByte(data>>24); // First byte WriteByte(data>>16); WriteByte(data>>8); WriteByte(data&0xFF); // Last byte } // Get the last page written to int DataFlash_Class::GetWritePage() { return(df_PageAdr); } // Get the last page read int DataFlash_Class::GetPage() { return(df_Read_PageAdr-1); } void DataFlash_Class::StartRead(int PageAdr) { df_Read_BufferNum=1; df_Read_BufferIdx=4; df_Read_PageAdr=PageAdr; WaitReady(); PageToBuffer(df_Read_BufferNum,df_Read_PageAdr); // Write Memory page to buffer //Serial.print(df_Read_PageAdr, DEC); Serial.print("\t"); df_Read_PageAdr++; // We are starting a new page - read FileNumber and FilePage df_FileNumber = BufferRead(df_Read_BufferNum,0); // High byte //Serial.print(df_FileNumber, DEC); Serial.print("\t"); df_FileNumber = (df_FileNumber<<8) | BufferRead(df_Read_BufferNum,1); // Low byte //Serial.println(df_FileNumber, DEC); Serial.print("\t"); df_FilePage = BufferRead(df_Read_BufferNum,2); // High byte df_FilePage = (df_FilePage<<8) | BufferRead(df_Read_BufferNum,3); // Low byte } byte DataFlash_Class::ReadByte() { byte result; WaitReady(); result = BufferRead(df_Read_BufferNum,df_Read_BufferIdx); df_Read_BufferIdx++; if (df_Read_BufferIdx >= df_PageSize) // End of buffer? { df_Read_BufferIdx=4; //(4 bytes for FileNumber, FilePage) PageToBuffer(df_Read_BufferNum,df_Read_PageAdr); // Write memory page to Buffer df_Read_PageAdr++; if (df_Read_PageAdr>DF_LAST_PAGE) // If we reach the end of the memory, start from the begining { df_Read_PageAdr = 0; df_Read_END = true; } // We are starting a new page - read FileNumber and FilePage df_FileNumber = BufferRead(df_Read_BufferNum,0); // High byte df_FileNumber = (df_FileNumber<<8) | BufferRead(df_Read_BufferNum,1); // Low byte df_FilePage = BufferRead(df_Read_BufferNum,2); // High byte df_FilePage = (df_FilePage<<8) | BufferRead(df_Read_BufferNum,3); // Low byte } return result; } int DataFlash_Class::ReadInt() { int result; result = ReadByte(); // High byte result = (result<<8) | ReadByte(); // Low byte return result; } long DataFlash_Class::ReadLong() { long result; result = ReadByte(); // First byte result = (result<<8) | ReadByte(); result = (result<<8) | ReadByte(); result = (result<<8) | ReadByte(); // Last byte return result; } void DataFlash_Class::SetFileNumber(uint16_t FileNumber) { df_FileNumber = FileNumber; df_FilePage = 1; } uint16_t DataFlash_Class::GetFileNumber() { return df_FileNumber; } uint16_t DataFlash_Class::GetFilePage() { return df_FilePage; } // make one instance for the user to use DataFlash_Class DataFlash;