#!/bin/bash # Usage - From ardupilot root directory, run - libraries/SITL/examples/follow-copter.sh $GCS_IP # $GCS_IP is the IP address of the system running the GCs, by default is # Use "follow-mavproxy.sh" to run MAVProxy with all vehicles # Or connect your GCS using multicast UDP # If you can't use multicast, you can connect via UDP on vehicle 1, which will relay telemetry # from the other vehicles # Kill all SITL binaries when exiting trap "killall -9 arducopter" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT # Get the ArduPilot directory (ROOTDIR) SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" ROOTDIR="$(dirname "$(dirname "$(dirname $SCRIPT_DIR)")")" COPTER=$ROOTDIR/build/sitl/bin/arducopter # Drones will be located here HOMELAT=-35.280252 HOMELONG=149.005821 HOMEALT=597.3 # Set GCS_IP address if [ -z $1 ]; then GCS_IP="" else GCS_IP=$1 fi # Check if SITL copter has been built if [ -f "$COPTER" ] then echo "Found SITL executable" else echo "SITL executable not found ($COPTER). Exiting" exit fi # Check if Platform is Native Linux, WSL or Cygwin # Needed for correct multicast addressing unameOut="$(uname -s)" if [ "$(expr substr $unameOut 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then # Check for WSL if grep -q Microsoft /proc/version; then MCAST_IP_PORT="" # Native Linux else MCAST_IP_PORT="" # Use default IP, port fi elif [ "$(expr substr $unameOut 1 6)" == "CYGWIN" ]; then MCAST_IP_PORT="" fi BASE_DEFAULTS="$ROOTDIR/Tools/autotest/default_params/copter.parm" [ -x "$COPTER" ] || { ./waf configure --board sitl ./waf copter } # Set number of extra copters to be simulated, change this for increasing the count NCOPTERS="4" # start up main (leader) copter in the subdir (copter1) echo "Starting copter 1" mkdir -p copter1 # create default parameter file for the leader cat < copter1/leader.parm SYSID_THISMAV 1 AUTO_OPTIONS 7 EOF pushd copter1 $COPTER --model quad --home=$HOMELAT,$HOMELONG,$HOMEALT,0 --uartA udpclient:$GCS_IP --uartC mcast:$MCAST_IP_PORT --defaults $BASE_DEFAULTS,leader.parm & popd # now start other copters to follow the first, using # a separate directory to keep the eeprom.bin and logs separate # each copter will have an offset starting location (5*SYSID,5*SYSID)m from leader copter # each copter will follow at SYSID*5m in X dir from leader for i in $(seq $NCOPTERS); do SYSID=$(expr $i + 1) echo "Starting copter $SYSID" mkdir -p copter$SYSID # create default parameter file for the follower cat < copter$i/follow.parm SYSID_THISMAV $SYSID FOLL_ENABLE 1 FOLL_OFS_X $(echo "-5*$i" | bc -l) FOLL_OFS_TYPE 1 FOLL_SYSID 1 FOLL_DIST_MAX 1000 FOLL_YAW_BEHAVE 2 FOLL_ALT_TYPE 1 AUTO_OPTIONS 7 EOF pushd copter$i LAT=$(echo "$HOMELAT + 0.0005*$i" | bc -l) LONG=$(echo "$HOMELONG + 0.0005*$i" | bc -l) $COPTER --model quad --home=$LAT,$LONG,$HOMEALT,0 --uartA tcp:0 --uartC mcast:$MCAST_IP_PORT --instance $i --defaults $BASE_DEFAULTS,follow.parm & popd done wait