// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- static void init_barometer(void) { barometer.calibrate(mavlink_delay); ahrs.set_barometer(&barometer); gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW, PSTR("barometer calibration complete")); } // filter altitude from the barometer with a 0.3 low pass // filter static LowPassFilterInt32 altitude_filter(0.3); // read the barometer and return the updated altitude in centimeters // above the calibration altitude static int32_t read_barometer(void) { barometer.read(); return altitude_filter.apply(barometer.get_altitude() * 100.0); } // in M/S * 100 static void read_airspeed(void) { airspeed.read(); calc_airspeed_errors(); } static void zero_airspeed(void) { airspeed.calibrate(mavlink_delay); gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("zero airspeed calibrated")); } static void read_battery(void) { if(g.battery_monitoring == 0) { battery_voltage1 = 0; return; } if(g.battery_monitoring == 3 || g.battery_monitoring == 4) { static AP_AnalogSource_Arduino batt_volt_pin(g.battery_volt_pin); // this copes with changing the pin at runtime batt_volt_pin.set_pin(g.battery_volt_pin); battery_voltage1 = BATTERY_VOLTAGE(batt_volt_pin.read_average()); } if(g.battery_monitoring == 4) { static AP_AnalogSource_Arduino batt_curr_pin(g.battery_curr_pin); // this copes with changing the pin at runtime batt_curr_pin.set_pin(g.battery_curr_pin); current_amps1 = CURRENT_AMPS(batt_curr_pin.read_average()); current_total1 += current_amps1 * (float)delta_ms_medium_loop * 0.0002778; // .0002778 is 1/3600 (conversion to hours) } #if BATTERY_EVENT == ENABLED if(battery_voltage1 < LOW_VOLTAGE) low_battery_event(); if(g.battery_monitoring == 4 && current_total1 > g.pack_capacity) low_battery_event(); #endif } // read the receiver RSSI as an 8 bit number for MAVLink // RC_CHANNELS_SCALED message void read_receiver_rssi(void) { #if RECEIVER_RSSI_PIN != -1 float ret = RSSI_pin.read(); receiver_rssi = constrain(ret, 0, 255); #endif } /* return current_loc.alt adjusted for ALT_OFFSET This is useful during long flights to account for barometer changes from the GCS, or to adjust the flying height of a long mission */ static int32_t adjusted_altitude_cm(void) { return current_loc.alt - (g.alt_offset*100); }