// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "AP_MotorsHeli_RSC.h" extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; // recalc_scalers - recalculates various scalers used. Should be called at about 1hz to allow users to see effect of changing parameters void AP_MotorsHeli_RSC::recalc_scalers() { // recalculate rotor ramp up increment if (_ramp_time <= 0) { _ramp_time = 1; } _ramp_increment = 1000.0f / (_ramp_time * _loop_rate); // recalculate rotor runup increment if (_runup_time <= 0 ) { _runup_time = 1; } if (_runup_time < _ramp_time) { _runup_time = _ramp_time; } _runup_increment = 1000.0f / (_runup_time * _loop_rate); } // output - update value to send to ESC/Servo void AP_MotorsHeli_RSC::output(uint8_t state) { switch (state){ case ROTOR_CONTROL_STOP: _control_speed = 0; // ramp input to zero _control_out = 0; // force ramp output to zero _estimated_speed = 0; // force speed estimate to zero break; case ROTOR_CONTROL_IDLE: _control_speed = _idle_speed; // set control speed to idle speed if (_control_out < _idle_speed){ _control_out = _idle_speed; // if control output is less than idle speed, force ramp function to jump to idle speed } break; case ROTOR_CONTROL_ACTIVE: _control_speed = _desired_speed; // set control speed to desired speed break; } // run speed ramp function to slew output smoothly speed_ramp(_control_speed); // update rotor speed estimate update_speed_estimate(); // output to rsc servo write_rsc(_control_out); } // speed_ramp - ramps speed towards target, result put in _control_out void AP_MotorsHeli_RSC::speed_ramp(int16_t speed_target) { // range check speed_target speed_target = constrain_int16(speed_target,0,1000); // ramp output upwards towards target if (_control_out < speed_target) { // allow control output to jump to estimated speed if (_control_out < _estimated_speed) { _control_out = _estimated_speed; } // ramp up slowly to target _control_out += _ramp_increment; if (_control_out > speed_target) { _control_out = speed_target; } }else{ // ramping down happens instantly _control_out = speed_target; } } // update_speed_estimate - function to estimate speed void AP_MotorsHeli_RSC::update_speed_estimate() { // ramp speed estimate towards control out if (_estimated_speed < _control_out) { _estimated_speed += _runup_increment; if (_estimated_speed > _control_out) { _estimated_speed = _control_out; } }else{ _estimated_speed -= _runup_increment; if (_estimated_speed < _control_out) { _estimated_speed = _control_out; } } // update run-up complete flag if (!_runup_complete && _control_out > _idle_speed && _estimated_speed >= _control_out) { _runup_complete = true; } if (_runup_complete && _estimated_speed <= _critical_speed) { _runup_complete = false; } } // write_rsc - outputs pwm onto output rsc channel // servo_out parameter is of the range 0 ~ 1000 void AP_MotorsHeli_RSC::write_rsc(int16_t servo_out) { _servo_output.servo_out = servo_out; _servo_output.calc_pwm(); hal.rcout->write(_servo_output_channel, _servo_output.radio_out); }