// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
 *  logic for dealing with the current command in the mission and home location

 *  set_next_WP - sets the target location the vehicle should fly to
static void set_next_WP(const struct Location &loc)
    if (auto_state.next_wp_no_crosstrack) {
        // we should not try to cross-track for this waypoint
        prev_WP_loc = current_loc;
        // use cross-track for the next waypoint
        auto_state.next_wp_no_crosstrack = false;
        auto_state.no_crosstrack = true;
    } else {
        // copy the current WP into the OldWP slot
        prev_WP_loc = next_WP_loc;
        auto_state.no_crosstrack = false;

    // Load the next_WP slot
    // ---------------------
    next_WP_loc = loc;

    // if lat and lon is zero, then use current lat/lon
    // this allows a mission to contain a "loiter on the spot"
    // command
    if (next_WP_loc.lat == 0 && next_WP_loc.lng == 0) {
        next_WP_loc.lat = current_loc.lat;
        next_WP_loc.lng = current_loc.lng;
        // additionally treat zero altitude as current altitude
        if (next_WP_loc.alt == 0) {
            next_WP_loc.alt = current_loc.alt;
            next_WP_loc.flags.relative_alt = false;
            next_WP_loc.flags.terrain_alt = false;

    // convert relative alt to absolute alt
    if (next_WP_loc.flags.relative_alt) {
        next_WP_loc.flags.relative_alt = false;
        next_WP_loc.alt += home.alt;

    // are we already past the waypoint? This happens when we jump
    // waypoints, and it can cause us to skip a waypoint. If we are
    // past the waypoint when we start on a leg, then use the current
    // location as the previous waypoint, to prevent immediately
    // considering the waypoint complete
    if (location_passed_point(current_loc, prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc)) {
        gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW, PSTR("Resetting prev_WP"));
        prev_WP_loc = current_loc;

    // used to control FBW and limit the rate of climb
    // -----------------------------------------------

    // zero out our loiter vals to watch for missed waypoints



static void set_guided_WP(void)
    if (g.loiter_radius < 0) {
        loiter.direction = -1;
    } else {
        loiter.direction = 1;

    // copy the current location into the OldWP slot
    // ---------------------------------------
    prev_WP_loc = current_loc;

    // Load the next_WP slot
    // ---------------------
    next_WP_loc = guided_WP_loc;

    // used to control FBW and limit the rate of climb
    // -----------------------------------------------



// run this at setup on the ground
// -------------------------------
static void init_home()
    gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW, PSTR("init home"));

    home_is_set = true;

    gcs_send_text_fmt(PSTR("gps alt: %lu"), (unsigned long)home.alt);

    // Save Home to EEPROM

    // Save prev loc
    // -------------
    next_WP_loc = prev_WP_loc = home;

    // Load home for a default guided_WP
    // -------------
    guided_WP_loc = home;
    guided_WP_loc.alt += g.RTL_altitude_cm;

  update home location from GPS
  this is called as long as we have 3D lock and the arming switch is
  not pushed
static void update_home()