/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* simulate ship takeoff/landing */ #include "SIM_Ship.h" #include "SITL.h" #include #include "SIM_Aircraft.h" #include // use a spare channel for send. This is static to avoid mavlink // header import in SIM_Ship.h static const mavlink_channel_t mavlink_ch = (mavlink_channel_t)(MAVLINK_COMM_0+6); using namespace SITL; // SITL Ship parameters const AP_Param::GroupInfo ShipSim::var_info[] = { AP_GROUPINFO("ENABLE", 1, ShipSim, enable, 0), AP_GROUPINFO("SPEED", 2, ShipSim, speed, 3), AP_GROUPINFO("PSIZE", 3, ShipSim, path_size, 1000), AP_GROUPINFO("SYSID", 4, ShipSim, sys_id, 17), AP_GROUPINFO("DSIZE", 5, ShipSim, deck_size, 10), AP_GROUPEND }; /* update a simulated vehicle */ void Ship::update(float delta_t) { // acceletate over time to keep EKF happy const float max_accel = 3.0; const float dspeed_max = max_accel * delta_t; speed = constrain_float(sim->speed.get(), speed-dspeed_max, speed+dspeed_max); // calculate how far around the circle we go float circumference = M_PI * sim->path_size.get(); float dist = delta_t * speed; float dangle = (dist / circumference) * 360.0; if (delta_t > 0) { yaw_rate = radians(dangle) / delta_t; } heading_deg += dangle; heading_deg = wrap_360(heading_deg); Vector2f dpos(dist, 0); dpos.rotate(radians(heading_deg)); position += dpos; } ShipSim::ShipSim() { if (!valid_channel(mavlink_ch)) { AP_HAL::panic("Invalid mavlink channel for ShipSim"); } AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info); } /* get ground speed adjustment if we are landed on the ship */ Vector2f ShipSim::get_ground_speed_adjustment(const Location &loc, float &yaw_rate) { if (!enable) { yaw_rate = 0; return Vector2f(0,0); } Location shiploc = home; shiploc.offset(ship.position.x, ship.position.y); if (loc.get_distance(shiploc) > deck_size) { yaw_rate = 0; return Vector2f(0,0); } Vector2f vel(ship.speed, 0); vel.rotate(radians(ship.heading_deg)); yaw_rate = ship.yaw_rate; return vel; } /* update the ShipSim peripheral state */ void ShipSim::update(void) { if (!enable) { return; } auto *sitl = AP::sitl(); uint32_t now_us = AP_HAL::micros(); if (!initialised) { home = sitl->state.home; if (home.lat == 0 && home.lng == 0) { return; } initialised = true; ::printf("ShipSim home %f %f\n", home.lat*1.0e-7, home.lng*1.0e-7); ship.sim = this; last_update_us = now_us; last_report_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); } float dt = (now_us - last_update_us)*1.0e-6; last_update_us = now_us; ship.update(dt); uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); if (now_ms - last_report_ms >= reporting_period_ms) { last_report_ms = now_ms; send_report(); } } /* send a report to the vehicle control code over MAVLink */ void ShipSim::send_report(void) { if (!mavlink_connected && mav_socket.connect(target_address, target_port)) { ::printf("ShipSim connected to %s:%u\n", target_address, (unsigned)target_port); mavlink_connected = true; } if (!mavlink_connected) { return; } uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); mavlink_message_t msg; uint16_t len; uint8_t buf[300]; const uint8_t component_id = MAV_COMP_ID_USER10; if (now - last_heartbeat_ms >= 1000) { last_heartbeat_ms = now; mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack_chan(sys_id.get(), component_id, mavlink_ch, &msg, MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT, MAV_AUTOPILOT_INVALID, 0, 0, 0); len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf, &msg); mav_socket.send(buf, len); } /* send a GLOBAL_POSITION_INT messages */ Location loc = home; loc.offset(ship.position.x, ship.position.y); int32_t alt; bool have_alt = false; #if AP_TERRAIN_AVAILABLE auto &terrain = AP::terrain(); float height; if (terrain.enabled() && terrain.height_amsl(loc, height, true)) { alt = height * 1000; have_alt = true; } #endif if (!have_alt) { // assume home altitude alt = home.alt; } Vector2f vel(ship.speed, 0); vel.rotate(radians(ship.heading_deg)); mavlink_msg_global_position_int_pack_chan(sys_id, component_id, mavlink_ch, &msg, now, loc.lat, loc.lng, alt, 0, vel.x*100, vel.y*100, 0, ship.heading_deg*100); len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf, &msg); if (len > 0) { mav_socket.send(buf, len); } }