// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Internal defines, don't edit and expect things to work // ------------------------------------------------------- #define DEBUG 0 #define LOITER_RANGE 30 // for calculating power outside of loiter radius // GPS baud rates // -------------- #define NO_GPS 38400 #define NMEA_GPS 38400 #define EM406_GPS 57600 #define UBLOX_GPS 38400 #define ARDU_IMU 38400 #define MTK_GPS 38400 #define SIM_GPS 38400 // GPS type codes - use the names, not the numbers #define GPS_PROTOCOL_NONE -1 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_NMEA 0 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_SIRF 1 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_UBLOX 2 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_IMU 3 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK 4 // Radio channels // Note channels are from 0! // // XXX these should be CH_n defines from RC.h at some point. #define CH_ROLL 0 #define CH_PITCH 1 #define CH_THROTTLE 2 #define CH_RUDDER 3 #define CH_1 0 #define CH_2 1 #define CH_3 2 #define CH_4 3 #define CH_5 4 #define CH_6 5 #define CH_7 6 #define CH_8 7 #define WP_START_BYTE 0x130 // where in memory home WP is stored + all other WP #define WP_SIZE 14 // GCS enumeration #define GCS_PROTOCOL_STANDARD 0 // standard APM protocol #define GCS_PROTOCOL_SPECIAL 1 // special test protocol (?) #define GCS_PROTOCOL_LEGACY 2 // legacy ArduPilot protocol #define GCS_PROTOCOL_XPLANE 3 // X-Plane HIL simulation #define GCS_PROTOCOL_IMU 4 // ArdiPilot IMU output #define GCS_PROTOCOL_JASON 5 // Jason's special secret GCS protocol #define GCS_PROTOCOL_DEBUGTERMINAL 6 // Text-based interactive GCS #define GCS_PROTOCOL_NONE -1 // No GCS output // PID enumeration // --------------- #define CASE_SERVO_ROLL 0 #define CASE_SERVO_PITCH 1 #define CASE_SERVO_RUDDER 2 #define CASE_NAV_ROLL 3 #define CASE_NAV_PITCH_ASP 4 #define CASE_NAV_PITCH_ALT 5 #define CASE_TE_THROTTLE 6 #define CASE_ALT_THROTTLE 7 // Feedforward cases // ---------------- #define CASE_PITCH_COMP 0 #define CASE_RUDDER_MIX 1 #define CASE_P_TO_T 2 #define CASE_T_TO_P 3 // Auto Pilot modes // ---------------- #define MANUAL 0 #define CIRCLE 1 // When flying sans GPS, and we loose the radio, just circle #define STABILIZE 2 #define FLY_BY_WIRE_A 5 // Fly By Wire A has left stick horizontal => desired roll angle, left stick vertical => desired pitch angle, right stick vertical = manual throttle #define FLY_BY_WIRE_B 6 // Fly By Wire B has left stick horizontal => desired roll angle, left stick vertical => desired pitch angle, right stick vertical => desired airspeed // Fly By Wire B = Fly By Wire A if you have AIRSPEED_SENSOR 0 #define AUTO 10 #define RTL 11 #define LOITER 12 #define TAKEOFF 13 #define LAND 14 // Command IDs - Must #define CMD_BLANK 0x00 // there is no command stored in the mem location requested #define CMD_WAYPOINT 0x10 #define CMD_LOITER 0x11 #define CMD_LOITER_N_TURNS 0x12 #define CMD_LOITER_TIME 0x13 #define CMD_RTL 0x14 #define CMD_LAND 0x15 #define CMD_TAKEOFF 0x16 // Command IDs - May #define CMD_DELAY 0x20 #define CMD_CLIMB 0x21 // NOT IMPLEMENTED #define CMD_LAND_OPTIONS 0x22 // pitch in deg, airspeed m/s, throttle %, track WP 1 or 0 // Command IDs - Now //#define CMD_AP_MODE 0x30 #define CMD_RESET_INDEX 0x31 #define CMD_GOTO_INDEX 0x32 // NOT IMPLEMENTED #define CMD_GETVAR_INDEX 0x33 #define CMD_SENDVAR_INDEX 0x34 #define CMD_TELEMETRY 0x35 #define CMD_THROTTLE_CRUISE 0x40 #define CMD_AIRSPEED_CRUISE 0x41 #define CMD_RESET_HOME 0x44 #define CMD_KP_GAIN 0x60 #define CMD_KI_GAIN 0x61 #define CMD_KD_GAIN 0x62 #define CMD_KI_MAX 0x63 #define CMD_KFF_GAIN 0x64 #define CMD_RADIO_TRIM 0x70 #define CMD_RADIO_MAX 0x71 #define CMD_RADIO_MIN 0x72 #define CMD_RADIO_MIN 0x72 #define CMD_ELEVON_TRIM 0x73 #define CMD_INDEX 0x75 // sets the current Must index #define CMD_REPEAT 0x80 #define CMD_RELAY 0x81 #define CMD_SERVO 0x82 // move servo N to PWM value //repeating events #define NO_REPEAT 0 #define CH_4_TOGGLE 1 #define CH_5_TOGGLE 2 #define CH_6_TOGGLE 3 #define CH_7_TOGGLE 4 #define RELAY_TOGGLE 5 #define STOP_REPEAT 10 // GCS Message ID's #define MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE 0x00 #define MSG_HEARTBEAT 0x01 #define MSG_ATTITUDE 0x02 #define MSG_LOCATION 0x03 #define MSG_PRESSURE 0x04 #define MSG_STATUS_TEXT 0x05 #define MSG_PERF_REPORT 0x06 #define MSG_COMMAND 0x22 #define MSG_VALUE 0x32 #define MSG_PID 0x42 #define MSG_TRIMS 0x50 #define MSG_MINS 0x51 #define MSG_MAXS 0x52 #define MSG_IMU_OUT 0x53 #define SEVERITY_LOW 1 #define SEVERITY_MEDIUM 2 #define SEVERITY_HIGH 3 #define SEVERITY_CRITICAL 4 // Logging parameters #define LOG_ATTITUDE_MSG 0x01 #define LOG_GPS_MSG 0x02 #define LOG_MODE_MSG 0X03 #define LOG_CONTROL_TUNING_MSG 0X04 #define LOG_NAV_TUNING_MSG 0X05 #define LOG_PERFORMANCE_MSG 0X06 #define LOG_RAW_MSG 0x07 #define LOG_CMD_MSG 0x08 #define LOG_STARTUP_MSG 0x09 #define TYPE_AIRSTART_MSG 0x00 #define TYPE_GROUNDSTART_MSG 0x01 #define MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_FAST 0 #define MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_MED 2 #define MASK_LOG_GPS 4 #define MASK_LOG_PM 8 #define MASK_LOG_CTUN 16 #define MASK_LOG_NTUN 32 #define MASK_LOG_MODE 64 #define MASK_LOG_RAW 128 #define MASK_LOG_CMD 256 // Yaw modes #define YAW_MODE_COORDINATE_TURNS 0 #define YAW_MODE_HOLD_HEADING 1 #define YAW_MODE_SLIP 2 // Waypoint Modes // ---------------- #define ABS_WP 0 #define REL_WP 1 // Command Queues // --------------- #define COMMAND_MUST 0 #define COMMAND_MAY 1 #define COMMAND_NOW 2 // Events // ------ #define EVENT_WILL_REACH_WAYPOINT 1 #define EVENT_SET_NEW_WAYPOINT_INDEX 2 #define EVENT_LOADED_WAYPOINT 3 #define EVENT_LOOP 4 //GPS_fix #define VALID_GPS 0x00 #define BAD_GPS 0x01 #define FAILED_GPS 0x03 #define BATTERY_VOLTAGE(x) (x*(INPUT_VOLTAGE/1024.0))*VOLT_DIV_RATIO #define AIRSPEED_CH 7 // The external ADC channel for the airspeed sensor #define BATTERY_PIN1 0 // These are the pins for the voltage dividers #define BATTERY_PIN2 1 #define BATTERY_PIN3 2 #define BATTERY_PIN4 3 #define RELAY_PIN 47 // Hardware Parameters #define SLIDE_SWITCH_PIN 40 #define PUSHBUTTON_PIN 41 #define A_LED_PIN 37 //36 = B, 37 = A, 35 = C #define B_LED_PIN 36 #define C_LED_PIN 35 #define HOLD_ALT_ABOVE_HOME 8 // bitmask value // IMU Parameters #define ADC_CONSTRAINT 900 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define ADC_WARM_CYCLES 200 #define SPEEDFILT 400 // centimeters/second #define GYRO_TEMP_CH 3 // The ADC channel reading the gyro temperature // ADC : Voltage reference 3.3v / 12bits(4096 steps) => 0.8mV/ADC step // ADXL335 Sensitivity(from datasheet) => 330mV/g, 0.8mV/ADC step => 330/0.8 = 412 // Tested value : 418 #define GRAVITY 418 //this equivalent to 1G in the raw data coming from the accelerometer #define Accel_Scale(x) x*(GRAVITY/9.81)//Scaling the raw data of the accel to actual acceleration in meters for seconds square #define ToRad(x) (x*0.01745329252) // *pi/180 #define ToDeg(x) (x*57.2957795131) // *180/pi // IDG500 Sensitivity (from datasheet) => 2.0mV/ยบ/s, 0.8mV/ADC step => 0.8/3.33 = 0.4 // Tested values : 0.4026, ?, 0.4192 #define Gyro_Gain_X 0.4 //X axis Gyro gain #define Gyro_Gain_Y 0.41 //Y axis Gyro gain #define Gyro_Gain_Z 0.41 //Z axis Gyro gain #define Gyro_Scaled_X(x) x*ToRad(Gyro_Gain_X) //Return the scaled ADC raw data of the gyro in radians for second #define Gyro_Scaled_Y(x) x*ToRad(Gyro_Gain_Y) //Return the scaled ADC raw data of the gyro in radians for second #define Gyro_Scaled_Z(x) x*ToRad(Gyro_Gain_Z) //Return the scaled ADC raw data of the gyro in radians for second #define Kp_ROLLPITCH 0.0014 // Pitch&Roll Drift Correction Proportional Gain #define Ki_ROLLPITCH 0.0000003 // Pitch&Roll Drift Correction Integrator Gain #define Kp_YAW 0.8 // Yaw Drift Correction Porportional Gain #define Ki_YAW 0.00004 // Yaw Drift CorrectionIntegrator Gain /*For debugging purposes*/ #define OUTPUTMODE 1 //If value = 1 will print the corrected data, 0 will print uncorrected data of the gyros (with drift), 2 Accel only data #define EEPROM_MAX_ADDR 4096 // Radio setup #define EE_TRIM 0x00 #define EE_MIN 0x10 #define EE_MAX 0x20 #define EE_ELEVON1_TRIM 0x30 #define EE_ELEVON2_TRIM 0x32 // user gains #define EE_XTRACK_GAIN 0x34 #define EE_XTRACK_ANGLE 0x36 #define EE_ALT_MIX 0x3B #define EE_HEAD_MAX 0x38 #define EE_PITCH_MAX 0x39 #define EE_PITCH_MIN 0x3A #define EE_KP 0x40 #define EE_KI 0x60 #define EE_KD 0x80 #define EE_IMAX 0xA0 #define EE_KFF 0xC0 #define EE_AN_OFFSET 0xE0 #define EE_PITCH_TARGET 0x127 //mission specific #define EE_CONFIG 0X0F8 #define EE_WP_MODE 0x0F9 #define EE_YAW_MODE 0x0FA // not used #define EE_WP_TOTAL 0x0FB #define EE_WP_INDEX 0x0FC #define EE_WP_RADIUS 0x0FD #define EE_LOITER_RADIUS 0x0FE #define EE_ALT_HOLD_HOME 0x0FF // user configs #define EE_AIRSPEED_CRUISE 0x103 #define EE_AIRSPEED_RATIO 0x104 #define EE_AIRSPEED_FBW_MIN 0x108 #define EE_AIRSPEED_FBW_MAX 0x109 #define EE_THROTTLE_MIN 0x10A #define EE_THROTTLE_CRUISE 0x10B #define EE_THROTTLE_MAX 0x10C #define EE_THROTTLE_FAILSAFE 0x10D #define EE_THROTTLE_FS_VALUE 0x10E #define EE_THROTTLE_FAILSAFE_ACTION 0x110 #define EE_FLIGHT_MODE_CHANNEL 0x112 #define EE_AUTO_TRIM 0x113 #define EE_LOG_BITMASK 0x114 #define EE_REVERSE_SWITCH 0x120 #define EE_FLIGHT_MODES 0x121 // sensors #define EE_ABS_PRESS_GND 0x116 #define EE_GND_TEMP 0x11A #define EE_GND_ALT 0x11C #define EE_AP_OFFSET 0x11E // log #define EE_LAST_LOG_PAGE 0xE00 #define EE_LAST_LOG_NUM 0xE02 #define EE_LOG_1_START 0xE04 // bits in log_bitmask #define LOGBIT_ATTITUDE_FAST (1<<0) #define LOGBIT_ATTITUDE_MED (1<<1) #define LOGBIT_GPS (1<<2) #define LOGBIT_PM (1<<3) #define LOGBIT_CTUN (1<<4) #define LOGBIT_NTUN (1<<5) #define LOGBIT_MODE (1<<6) #define LOGBIT_RAW (1<<7) #define LOGBIT_CMD (1<<8)