/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- /* ArduCopter parameter definitions This firmware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #define GSCALAR(v, name) { g.v.vtype, name, Parameters::k_param_ ## v, &g.v } #define GGROUP(v, name, class) { AP_PARAM_GROUP, name, Parameters::k_param_ ## v, &g.v, class::var_info } #define GOBJECT(v, name, class) { AP_PARAM_GROUP, name, Parameters::k_param_ ## v, &v, class::var_info } static const AP_Param::Info var_info[] PROGMEM = { GSCALAR(format_version, "SYSID_SW_MREV"), GSCALAR(software_type, "SYSID_SW_TYPE"), GSCALAR(sysid_this_mav, "SYSID_THISMAV"), GSCALAR(sysid_my_gcs, "SYSID_MYGCS"), GSCALAR(serial3_baud, "SERIAL3_BAUD"), // @Param: ALT_HOLD_RTL // @DisplayName: Alt Hold RTL // @Description: This is the altitude the model will move to before Returning to Launch // @Units: Meters // @Range: 0 400 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(RTL_altitude, "ALT_HOLD_RTL"), // @Param: SONAR_ENABLE // @DisplayName: Enable Sonar // @Description: Setting this to Enabled(1) will enable the sonar. Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable the sonar // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Standard GSCALAR(sonar_enabled, "SONAR_ENABLE"), GSCALAR(sonar_type, "SONAR_TYPE"), GSCALAR(battery_monitoring, "BATT_MONITOR"), // @Param: VOLT_DIVIDER // @DisplayName: Voltage Divider // @Description: TODO GSCALAR(volt_div_ratio, "VOLT_DIVIDER"), GSCALAR(curr_amp_per_volt, "AMP_PER_VOLT"), GSCALAR(input_voltage, "INPUT_VOLTS"), GSCALAR(pack_capacity, "BATT_CAPACITY"), // @Param: MAG_ENABLE // @DisplayName: Enable Compass // @Description: Setting this to Enabled(1) will enable the compass. Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable the compass // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Standard GSCALAR(compass_enabled, "MAG_ENABLE"), // @Param: FLOW_ENABLE // @DisplayName: Enable Optical Flow // @Description: Setting this to Enabled(1) will enable optical flow. Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable optical flow // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Standard GSCALAR(optflow_enabled, "FLOW_ENABLE"), // @Param: LOW_VOLT // @DisplayName: Low Voltage // @Description: Set this to the voltage you want to represent low voltage // @Range: 0 20 // @Increment: .1 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(low_voltage, "LOW_VOLT"), // @Param: SUPER_SIMPLE // @DisplayName: Enable Super Simple Mode // @Description: Setting this to Enabled(1) will enable Super Simple Mode. Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable Super Simple Mode // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Standard GSCALAR(super_simple, "SUPER_SIMPLE"), // @Param: RTL_LAND // @DisplayName: RTL Land // @Description: Setting this to Enabled(1) will enable landing after RTL. Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable landing after RTL. // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Standard GSCALAR(rtl_land_enabled, "RTL_LAND"), // @Param: APPROACH_ALT // @DisplayName: Alt Hold RTL // @Description: This is the altitude the model will move to before Returning to Launch // @Units: Meters // @Range: 1 10 // @Increment: .1 // @User: Standard GSCALAR(rtl_approach_alt, "APPROACH_ALT"), GSCALAR(waypoint_mode, "WP_MODE"), GSCALAR(command_total, "WP_TOTAL"), GSCALAR(command_index, "WP_INDEX"), GSCALAR(command_nav_index, "WP_MUST_INDEX"), GSCALAR(waypoint_radius, "WP_RADIUS"), GSCALAR(loiter_radius, "WP_LOITER_RAD"), GSCALAR(waypoint_speed_max, "WP_SPEED_MAX"), GSCALAR(crosstrack_gain, "XTRK_GAIN_SC"), GSCALAR(auto_land_timeout, "AUTO_LAND"), GSCALAR(throttle_min, "THR_MIN"), GSCALAR(throttle_max, "THR_MAX"), GSCALAR(throttle_fs_enabled, "THR_FAILSAFE"), GSCALAR(throttle_fs_action, "THR_FS_ACTION"), GSCALAR(throttle_fs_value, "THR_FS_VALUE"), GSCALAR(throttle_cruise, "TRIM_THROTTLE"), GSCALAR(flight_mode1, "FLTMODE1"), GSCALAR(flight_mode2, "FLTMODE2"), GSCALAR(flight_mode3, "FLTMODE3"), GSCALAR(flight_mode4, "FLTMODE4"), GSCALAR(flight_mode5, "FLTMODE5"), GSCALAR(flight_mode6, "FLTMODE6"), GSCALAR(simple_modes, "SIMPLE"), GSCALAR(log_bitmask, "LOG_BITMASK"), GSCALAR(log_last_filenumber, "LOG_LASTFILE"), // THOR // Added to allow change of Rate in the Mission planner GSCALAR(toy_yaw_rate, "TOY_RATE"), GSCALAR(esc_calibrate, "ESC"), GSCALAR(radio_tuning, "TUNE"), GSCALAR(radio_tuning_low, "TUNE_LOW"), GSCALAR(radio_tuning_high, "TUNE_HIGH"), GSCALAR(frame_orientation, "FRAME"), GSCALAR(ch7_option, "CH7_OPT"), GSCALAR(auto_slew_rate, "AUTO_SLEW"), #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME GGROUP(heli_servo_1, "HS1_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(heli_servo_2, "HS2_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(heli_servo_3, "HS3_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(heli_servo_4, "HS4_", RC_Channel), #endif // RC channel //----------- GGROUP(rc_1, "RC1_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(rc_2, "RC2_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(rc_3, "RC3_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(rc_4, "RC4_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(rc_5, "RC5_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(rc_6, "RC6_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(rc_7, "RC7_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(rc_8, "RC8_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(rc_camera_pitch, "CAM_P_", RC_Channel), GGROUP(rc_camera_roll, "CAM_R_", RC_Channel), // @Param: RC_SPEED // @DisplayName: ESC Update Speed // @Description: This is the speed in Hertz that your ESCs will receive updates // @Units: Hertz (Hz) // @Values: 125,400,490 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(rc_speed, "RC_SPEED"), // variable //--------- GSCALAR(camera_pitch_gain, "CAM_P_G"), GSCALAR(camera_roll_gain, "CAM_R_G"), GSCALAR(stabilize_d, "STAB_D"), // @Param: STAB_D_S // @DisplayName: Stabilize D Schedule // @Description: This value is a percentage of scheduling applied to the Stabilize D term. // @Range: 0 1 // @Increment: .01 // @User: Advanced GSCALAR(stabilize_d_schedule, "STAB_D_S"), GSCALAR(acro_p, "ACRO_P"), GSCALAR(axis_lock_p, "AXIS_P"), GSCALAR(axis_enabled, "AXIS_ENABLE"), GSCALAR(copter_leds_mode, "LED_MODE"), // PID controller //--------------- GGROUP(pid_rate_roll, "RATE_RLL_", AC_PID), GGROUP(pid_rate_pitch, "RATE_PIT_", AC_PID), GGROUP(pid_rate_yaw, "RATE_YAW_", AC_PID), GGROUP(pid_loiter_rate_lat, "LOITER_LAT_", AC_PID), GGROUP(pid_loiter_rate_lon, "LOITER_LON_", AC_PID), GGROUP(pid_nav_lat, "NAV_LAT_", AC_PID), GGROUP(pid_nav_lon, "NAV_LON_", AC_PID), GGROUP(pid_throttle, "THR_RATE_", AC_PID), GGROUP(pid_optflow_roll, "OF_RLL_", AC_PID), GGROUP(pid_optflow_pitch, "OF_PIT_", AC_PID), // PI controller //-------------- GGROUP(pi_stabilize_roll, "STB_RLL_", APM_PI), GGROUP(pi_stabilize_pitch, "STB_PIT_", APM_PI), GGROUP(pi_stabilize_yaw, "STB_YAW_", APM_PI), GGROUP(pi_alt_hold, "THR_ALT_", APM_PI), GGROUP(pi_loiter_lat, "HLD_LAT_", APM_PI), GGROUP(pi_loiter_lon, "HLD_LON_", APM_PI), // variables not in the g class which contain EEPROM saved variables // @Group: COMPASS_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Compass/Compass.cpp GOBJECT(compass, "COMPASS_", Compass), GOBJECT(gcs0, "SR0_", GCS_MAVLINK), GOBJECT(gcs3, "SR3_", GCS_MAVLINK), // @Group: IMU_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_IMU/IMU.cpp GOBJECT(imu, "IMU_", IMU), // @Group: AHRS_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS_DCM.cpp, ../libraries/AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS_Quaternion.cpp GOBJECT(ahrs, "AHRS_", AP_AHRS), #ifdef DESKTOP_BUILD GOBJECT(sitl, "SIM_", SITL), #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // @Group: H_ // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsHeli.cpp GOBJECT(motors, "H_", AP_MotorsHeli), #else GOBJECT(motors, "MOT_", AP_Motors), #endif }; static void load_parameters(void) { // setup the AP_Var subsystem for storage to EEPROM if (!AP_Param::setup(var_info, sizeof(var_info)/sizeof(var_info[0]), WP_START_BYTE)) { // this can only happen on startup, and its a definate coding // error. Best not to continue so the programmer catches it while (1) { Serial.println_P(PSTR("ERROR: Failed to setup AP_Param")); delay(1000); } } if (!g.format_version.load() || g.format_version != Parameters::k_format_version) { // erase all parameters Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Firmware change: erasing EEPROM...\n")); AP_Param::erase_all(); // save the current format version g.format_version.set_and_save(Parameters::k_format_version); default_dead_zones(); Serial.println_P(PSTR("done.")); } else { unsigned long before = micros(); // Load all auto-loaded EEPROM variables AP_Param::load_all(); Serial.printf_P(PSTR("load_all took %luus\n"), micros() - before); } }