#!/usr/bin/env python # Fly ArduPlane in SITL from __future__ import print_function import math import os import pexpect from pymavlink import quaternion from pymavlink import mavutil from pysim import util from common import AutoTest from common import AutoTestTimeoutException from common import NotAchievedException from common import PreconditionFailedException # get location of scripts testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) SITL_START_LOCATION = mavutil.location(-35.362938, 149.165085, 585, 354) WIND = "0,180,0.2" # speed,direction,variance class AutoTestPlane(AutoTest): def log_name(self): return "ArduPlane" def test_filepath(self): return os.path.realpath(__file__) def sitl_start_location(self): return SITL_START_LOCATION def defaults_filepath(self): return os.path.join(testdir, 'default_params/plane-jsbsim.parm') def default_frame(self): return "plane-elevrev" def apply_defaultfile_parameters(self): # plane passes in a defaults_file in place of applying # parameters afterwards. pass def is_plane(self): return True def get_stick_arming_channel(self): return int(self.get_parameter("RCMAP_YAW")) def get_disarm_delay(self): return int(self.get_parameter("LAND_DISARMDELAY")) def set_autodisarm_delay(self, delay): self.set_parameter("LAND_DISARMDELAY", delay) def takeoff(self, alt=150, alt_max=None, relative=True): """Takeoff to altitude.""" if alt_max is None: alt_max = alt + 30 self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # some rudder to counteract the prop torque self.set_rc(4, 1700) # some up elevator to keep the tail down self.set_rc(2, 1200) # get it moving a bit first self.set_rc(3, 1300) self.wait_groundspeed(6, 100) # a bit faster again, straighten rudder self.set_rc(3, 1600) self.set_rc(4, 1500) self.wait_groundspeed(12, 100) # hit the gas harder now, and give it some more elevator self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.set_rc(3, 2000) # gain a bit of altitude self.wait_altitude(alt, alt_max, timeout=30, relative=relative) # level off self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.progress("TAKEOFF COMPLETE") def fly_left_circuit(self): """Fly a left circuit, 200m on a side.""" self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.wait_level_flight() self.progress("Flying left circuit") # do 4 turns for i in range(0, 4): # hard left self.progress("Starting turn %u" % i) self.set_rc(1, 1000) self.wait_heading(270 - (90*i), accuracy=10) self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.progress("Starting leg %u" % i) self.wait_distance(100, accuracy=20) self.progress("Circuit complete") def fly_RTL(self): """Fly to home.""" self.progress("Flying home in RTL") self.mavproxy.send('switch 2\n') self.wait_mode('RTL') self.wait_location(self.homeloc, accuracy=120, target_altitude=self.homeloc.alt+100, height_accuracy=20, timeout=180) self.progress("RTL Complete") def fly_LOITER(self, num_circles=4): """Loiter where we are.""" self.progress("Testing LOITER for %u turns" % num_circles) self.mavproxy.send('loiter\n') self.wait_mode('LOITER') m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) initial_alt = m.alt self.progress("Initial altitude %u\n" % initial_alt) while num_circles > 0: self.wait_heading(0, accuracy=10, timeout=60) self.wait_heading(180, accuracy=10, timeout=60) num_circles -= 1 self.progress("Loiter %u circles left" % num_circles) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) final_alt = m.alt self.progress("Final altitude %u initial %u\n" % (final_alt, initial_alt)) self.mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') if abs(final_alt - initial_alt) > 20: raise NotAchievedException("Failed to maintain altitude") self.progress("Completed Loiter OK") def fly_CIRCLE(self, num_circles=1): """Circle where we are.""" self.progress("Testing CIRCLE for %u turns" % num_circles) self.mavproxy.send('mode CIRCLE\n') self.wait_mode('CIRCLE') m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) initial_alt = m.alt self.progress("Initial altitude %u\n" % initial_alt) while num_circles > 0: self.wait_heading(0, accuracy=10, timeout=60) self.wait_heading(180, accuracy=10, timeout=60) num_circles -= 1 self.progress("CIRCLE %u circles left" % num_circles) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) final_alt = m.alt self.progress("Final altitude %u initial %u\n" % (final_alt, initial_alt)) self.mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') if abs(final_alt - initial_alt) > 20: raise NotAchievedException("Failed to maintain altitude") self.progress("Completed CIRCLE OK") def wait_level_flight(self, accuracy=5, timeout=30): """Wait for level flight.""" tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Waiting for level flight") self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.set_rc(4, 1500) while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) roll = math.degrees(m.roll) pitch = math.degrees(m.pitch) self.progress("Roll=%.1f Pitch=%.1f" % (roll, pitch)) if math.fabs(roll) <= accuracy and math.fabs(pitch) <= accuracy: self.progress("Attained level flight") return raise NotAchievedException("Failed to attain level flight") def change_altitude(self, altitude, accuracy=30): """Get to a given altitude.""" self.mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') alt_error = self.mav.messages['VFR_HUD'].alt - altitude if alt_error > 0: self.set_rc(2, 2000) else: self.set_rc(2, 1000) self.wait_altitude(altitude-accuracy/2, altitude+accuracy/2) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.progress("Reached target altitude at %u" % self.mav.messages['VFR_HUD'].alt) return self.wait_level_flight() def axial_left_roll(self, count=1): """Fly a left axial roll.""" # full throttle! self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.change_altitude(self.homeloc.alt+300) # fly the roll in manual self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') self.wait_mode('MANUAL') while count > 0: self.progress("Starting roll") self.set_rc(1, 1000) try: self.wait_roll(-150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(0, accuracy=90) except Exception as e: self.set_rc(1, 1500) raise e count -= 1 # back to FBWA self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) return self.wait_level_flight() def inside_loop(self, count=1): """Fly a inside loop.""" # full throttle! self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.change_altitude(self.homeloc.alt+300) # fly the loop in manual self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') self.wait_mode('MANUAL') while count > 0: self.progress("Starting loop") self.set_rc(2, 1000) self.wait_pitch(-60, accuracy=20) self.wait_pitch(0, accuracy=20) count -= 1 # back to FBWA self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) return self.wait_level_flight() def set_attitude_target(self, tolerance=10): """Test setting of attitude target in guided mode.""" self.change_mode("GUIDED") # self.set_parameter("STALL_PREVENTION", 0) state_roll_over = "roll-over" state_stabilize_roll = "stabilize-roll" state_hold = "hold" state_roll_back = "roll-back" state_done = "done" tstart = self.get_sim_time() try: state = state_roll_over while state != state_done: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True, timeout=0.1) now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 20: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Manuevers not completed") if m is None: continue r = math.degrees(m.roll) if state == state_roll_over: target_roll_degrees = 60 if abs(r - target_roll_degrees) < tolerance: state = state_stabilize_roll stabilize_start = now elif state == state_stabilize_roll: # just give it a little time to sort it self out if now - stabilize_start > 2: state = state_hold hold_start = now elif state == state_hold: target_roll_degrees = 60 if now - hold_start > tolerance: state = state_roll_back if abs(r - target_roll_degrees) > tolerance: raise NotAchievedException("Failed to hold attitude") elif state == state_roll_back: target_roll_degrees = 0 if abs(r - target_roll_degrees) < tolerance: state = state_done else: raise ValueError("Unknown state %s" % str(state)) m_nav = self.mav.messages['NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT'] self.progress("%s Roll: %f desired=%f set=%f" % (state, r, m_nav.nav_roll, target_roll_degrees)) time_boot_millis = 0 # FIXME target_system = 1 # FIXME target_component = 1 # FIXME type_mask = 0b10000001 ^ 0xFF # FIXME # attitude in radians: q = quaternion.Quaternion([math.radians(target_roll_degrees), 0, 0]) roll_rate_radians = 0.5 pitch_rate_radians = 0 yaw_rate_radians = 0 thrust = 1.0 self.mav.mav.set_attitude_target_send(time_boot_millis, target_system, target_component, type_mask, q, roll_rate_radians, pitch_rate_radians, yaw_rate_radians, thrust) except Exception as e: self.mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) raise e # back to FBWA self.mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) self.wait_level_flight() def test_stabilize(self, count=1): """Fly stabilize mode.""" # full throttle! self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.set_rc(2, 1300) self.change_altitude(self.homeloc.alt+300) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.mavproxy.send("mode STABILIZE\n") self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') while count > 0: self.progress("Starting roll") self.set_rc(1, 2000) self.wait_roll(-150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(0, accuracy=90) count -= 1 self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.wait_roll(0, accuracy=5) # back to FBWA self.mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) return self.wait_level_flight() def test_acro(self, count=1): """Fly ACRO mode.""" # full throttle! self.set_rc(3, 2000) self.set_rc(2, 1300) self.change_altitude(self.homeloc.alt+300) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.mavproxy.send("mode ACRO\n") self.wait_mode('ACRO') while count > 0: self.progress("Starting roll") self.set_rc(1, 1000) self.wait_roll(-150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(150, accuracy=90) self.wait_roll(0, accuracy=90) count -= 1 self.set_rc(1, 1500) # back to FBWA self.mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') self.wait_level_flight() self.mavproxy.send("mode ACRO\n") self.wait_mode('ACRO') count = 2 while count > 0: self.progress("Starting loop") self.set_rc(2, 1000) self.wait_pitch(-60, accuracy=20) self.wait_pitch(0, accuracy=20) count -= 1 self.set_rc(2, 1500) # back to FBWA self.mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') self.set_rc(3, 1700) return self.wait_level_flight() def test_FBWB(self, mode='FBWB'): """Fly FBWB or CRUISE mode.""" self.mavproxy.send("mode %s\n" % mode) self.wait_mode(mode) self.set_rc(3, 1700) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # lock in the altitude by asking for an altitude change then releasing self.set_rc(2, 1000) self.wait_distance(50, accuracy=20) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.wait_distance(50, accuracy=20) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) initial_alt = m.alt self.progress("Initial altitude %u\n" % initial_alt) self.progress("Flying right circuit") # do 4 turns for i in range(0, 4): # hard left self.progress("Starting turn %u" % i) self.set_rc(1, 1800) try: self.wait_heading(0 + (90*i), accuracy=20, timeout=60) except Exception as e: self.set_rc(1, 1500) raise e self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.progress("Starting leg %u" % i) self.wait_distance(100, accuracy=20) self.progress("Circuit complete") self.progress("Flying rudder left circuit") # do 4 turns for i in range(0, 4): # hard left self.progress("Starting turn %u" % i) self.set_rc(4, 1900) try: self.wait_heading(360 - (90*i), accuracy=20, timeout=60) except Exception as e: self.set_rc(4, 1500) raise e self.set_rc(4, 1500) self.progress("Starting leg %u" % i) self.wait_distance(100, accuracy=20) self.progress("Circuit complete") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) final_alt = m.alt self.progress("Final altitude %u initial %u\n" % (final_alt, initial_alt)) # back to FBWA self.mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n') self.wait_mode('FBWA') if abs(final_alt - initial_alt) > 20: raise NotAchievedException("Failed to maintain altitude") return self.wait_level_flight() def fly_mission(self, filename): """Fly a mission from a file.""" self.progress("Flying mission %s" % filename) self.load_mission(filename) self.mavproxy.send('switch 1\n') # auto mode self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.wait_waypoint(1, 7, max_dist=60) self.wait_groundspeed(0, 0.5, timeout=60) self.mavproxy.expect("Auto disarmed") self.progress("Mission OK") def fly_flaps(self): """Test flaps functionality.""" filename = os.path.join(testdir, "flaps.txt") self.context_push() ex = None try: flaps_ch = 5 servo_ch = 5 self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % servo_ch, 3) # flapsauto self.set_parameter("FLAP_IN_CHANNEL", flaps_ch) self.set_parameter("LAND_FLAP_PERCNT", 50) self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 1) flaps_ch_min = 1000 flaps_ch_trim = 1500 flaps_ch_max = 2000 self.set_parameter("RC%u_MIN" % flaps_ch, flaps_ch_min) self.set_parameter("RC%u_MAX" % flaps_ch, flaps_ch_max) self.set_parameter("RC%u_TRIM" % flaps_ch, flaps_ch_trim) servo_ch_min = 1200 servo_ch_trim = 1300 servo_ch_max = 1800 self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_MIN" % servo_ch, servo_ch_min) self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_MAX" % servo_ch, servo_ch_max) self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_TRIM" % servo_ch, servo_ch_trim) self.progress("check flaps are not deployed") self.set_rc(flaps_ch, flaps_ch_min) self.wait_servo_channel_value(servo_ch, servo_ch_min) self.progress("deploy the flaps") self.set_rc(flaps_ch, flaps_ch_max) tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.wait_servo_channel_value(servo_ch, servo_ch_max) tstop = self.get_sim_time_cached() delta_time = tstop - tstart delta_time_min = 0.5 delta_time_max = 1.5 if delta_time < delta_time_min or delta_time > delta_time_max: raise NotAchievedException(( "Flaps Slew not working (%f seconds)" % (delta_time,))) self.progress("undeploy flaps") self.set_rc(flaps_ch, flaps_ch_min) self.wait_servo_channel_value(servo_ch, servo_ch_min) self.progress("Flying mission %s" % filename) self.load_mission(filename) self.mavproxy.send('wp set 1\n') self.mavproxy.send('switch 1\n') # auto mode self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() last_mission_current_msg = 0 last_seq = None while self.armed(): m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_CURRENT', blocking=True) time_delta = (self.get_sim_time_cached() - last_mission_current_msg) if (time_delta > 1 or m.seq != last_seq): dist = None x = self.mav.messages.get("NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT", None) if x is not None: dist = x.wp_dist self.progress("MISSION_CURRENT.seq=%u (dist=%s)" % (m.seq, str(dist))) last_mission_current_msg = self.get_sim_time_cached() last_seq = m.seq # flaps should undeploy at the end self.wait_servo_channel_value(servo_ch, servo_ch_min, timeout=30) # do a short flight in FBWA, watching for flaps # self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') # self.wait_mode('FBWA') # self.wait_seconds(10) # self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # self.wait_mode('MANUAL') # self.wait_seconds(10) self.progress("Flaps OK") except Exception as e: ex = e self.context_pop() if ex: if self.armed(): self.disarm_vehicle() raise ex def test_rc_relay(self): '''test toggling channel 12 toggles relay''' self.set_parameter("RC12_OPTION", 28) # Relay On/Off self.set_rc(12, 1000) self.reboot_sitl() # needed for RC12_OPTION to take effect off = self.get_parameter("SIM_PIN_MASK") if off: raise PreconditionFailedException("SIM_MASK_PIN off") # allow time for the RC library to register initial value: self.delay_sim_time(1) self.set_rc(12, 2000) self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_heartbeat() on = self.get_parameter("SIM_PIN_MASK") if not on: raise NotAchievedException("SIM_PIN_MASK doesn't reflect ON") self.set_rc(12, 1000) self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_heartbeat() off = self.get_parameter("SIM_PIN_MASK") if off: raise NotAchievedException("SIM_PIN_MASK doesn't reflect OFF") def test_rc_option_camera_trigger(self): '''test toggling channel 12 takes picture''' self.set_parameter("RC12_OPTION", 9) # CameraTrigger self.reboot_sitl() # needed for RC12_OPTION to take effect x = self.mav.messages.get("CAMERA_FEEDBACK", None) if x is not None: raise PreconditionFailedException("Receiving CAMERA_FEEDBACK?!") self.set_rc(12, 2000) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart < 10: x = self.mav.messages.get("CAMERA_FEEDBACK", None) if x is not None: break self.wait_heartbeat() self.set_rc(12, 1000) if x is None: raise NotAchievedException("No CAMERA_FEEDBACK message received") def test_throttle_failsafe(self): self.change_mode('MANUAL') m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) receiver_bit = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_RC_RECEIVER self.progress("Testing receiver enabled") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & receiver_bit)): raise PreconditionFailedException() self.progress("Testing receiver present") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_present & receiver_bit)): raise PreconditionFailedException() self.progress("Testing receiver health") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & receiver_bit)): raise PreconditionFailedException() self.progress("Ensure we know original throttle value") self.wait_rc_channel_value(3, 1000) self.set_parameter("THR_FS_VALUE", 960) self.progress("Failing receiver (throttle-to-950)") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 2) # throttle-to-950 self.wait_mode('CIRCLE') # short failsafe self.wait_mode('RTL') # long failsafe self.progress("Ensure we've had our throttle squashed to 950") self.wait_rc_channel_value(3, 950) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) self.progress("Testing receiver enabled") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not enabled") self.progress("Testing receiver present") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_present & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not present") # skip this until RC is fixed # self.progress("Testing receiver health") # if (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & receiver_bit): # raise NotAchievedException("Sensor healthy when it shouldn't be") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) self.progress("Testing receiver enabled") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not enabled") self.progress("Testing receiver present") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_present & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not present") self.progress("Testing receiver health") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not healthy") self.change_mode('MANUAL') self.progress("Failing receiver (no-pulses)") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 1) # no-pulses self.wait_mode('CIRCLE') # short failsafe self.wait_mode('RTL') # long failsafe m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) self.progress("Testing receiver enabled") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not enabled") self.progress("Testing receiver present") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_present & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not present") self.progress("Testing receiver health") if (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & receiver_bit): raise NotAchievedException("Sensor healthy when it shouldn't be") self.progress("Making RC work again") self.set_parameter("SIM_RC_FAIL", 0) self.progress("Giving receiver time to recover") for i in range(1, 10): m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True) self.progress("Testing receiver enabled") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not enabled") self.progress("Testing receiver present") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_present & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not present") self.progress("Testing receiver health") if (not (m.onboard_control_sensors_health & receiver_bit)): raise NotAchievedException("Receiver not healthy") self.change_mode('MANUAL') def test_gripper_mission(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.load_mission("plane-gripper-mission.txt") self.mavproxy.send("wp set 1\n") self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.mavproxy.expect("Gripper Grabbed") self.mavproxy.expect("Gripper Released") self.mavproxy.expect("Auto disarmed") except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_parachute(self): self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.set_parameter("CHUTE_ENABLED", 1) self.set_parameter("CHUTE_TYPE", 10) self.set_parameter("SERVO9_FUNCTION", 27) self.set_parameter("SIM_PARA_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_PARA_PIN", 9) self.load_mission("plane-parachute-mission.txt") self.mavproxy.send("wp set 1\n") self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.mavproxy.expect("BANG") self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def test_parachute_sinkrate(self): self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.set_parameter("CHUTE_ENABLED", 1) self.set_parameter("CHUTE_TYPE", 10) self.set_parameter("SERVO9_FUNCTION", 27) self.set_parameter("SIM_PARA_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_PARA_PIN", 9) self.set_parameter("CHUTE_CRT_SINK", 9) self.progress("Takeoff") self.takeoff(alt=300) self.progress("Diving") self.set_rc(2, 2000) self.mavproxy.expect("BANG") self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) self.reboot_sitl() def run_subtest(self, desc, func): self.start_subtest(desc) func() def test_main_flight(self): self.change_mode('MANUAL') # grab home position: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='HOME_POSITION', blocking=True) self.homeloc = self.mav.location() self.run_subtest("Takeoff", self.takeoff) self.run_subtest("Set Attitude Target", self.set_attitude_target) self.run_subtest("Fly left circuit", self.fly_left_circuit) self.run_subtest("Left roll", lambda: self.axial_left_roll(1)) self.run_subtest("Inside loop", self.inside_loop) self.run_subtest("Stablize test", self.test_stabilize) self.run_subtest("ACRO test", self.test_acro) self.run_subtest("FBWB test", self.test_FBWB) self.run_subtest("CRUISE test", lambda: self.test_FBWB(mode='CRUISE')) self.run_subtest("RTL test", self.fly_RTL) self.run_subtest("LOITER test", self.fly_LOITER) self.run_subtest("CIRCLE test", self.fly_CIRCLE) self.run_subtest("Mission test", lambda: self.fly_mission( os.path.join(testdir, "ap1.txt"))) def airspeed_autocal(self): self.progress("Ensure no AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL on ground") self.set_parameter("ARSPD_AUTOCAL", 1) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL', blocking=True, timeout=5) if m is not None: raise NotAchievedException("Got autocal on ground") mission_filepath = os.path.join(testdir, "flaps.txt") self.load_mission(mission_filepath) self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode("AUTO") self.progress("Ensure AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL in air") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL', blocking=True, timeout=5) self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() def test_rangefinder(self): ex = None self.context_push() self.progress("Making sure we don't ordinarily get RANGEFINDER") try: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='RANGEFINDER', blocking=True, timeout=5) except Exception as e: print("Caught exception %s" % str(e)) if m is not None: raise NotAchievedException("Received unexpected RANGEFINDER msg") try: self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MIN_CM", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MAX_CM", 4000) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_PIN", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_SCALING", 12.12) self.reboot_sitl() '''ensure rangefinder gives height-above-ground''' self.load_mission("plane-gripper-mission.txt") # borrow this self.mavproxy.send("wp set 1\n") self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() home = self.poll_home_position() self.wait_altitude(10, 1000, timeout=30, relative=True) rf = self.mav.recv_match(type="RANGEFINDER", timeout=1, blocking=True) if rf is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive rangefinder message") gpi = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True, timeout=1) if gpi is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive GLOBAL_POSITION_INT message") if abs(rf.distance - gpi.relative_alt/1000.0) > 3: raise NotAchievedException("rangefinder alt (%s) disagrees with global-position-int.relative_alt (%s)" % (rf.distance, gpi.relative_alt/1000.0)) self.mavproxy.expect("Auto disarmed") self.progress("Ensure RFND messages in log") if not self.current_onboard_log_contains_message("RFND"): raise NotAchievedException("No RFND messages in log") except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught: %s" % str(e)) ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def rc_defaults(self): ret = super(AutoTestPlane, self).rc_defaults() ret[3] = 1000 ret[8] = 1800 return ret def default_mode(self): return "MANUAL" def test_pid_tuning(self): self.change_mode("FBWA") # we don't update PIDs in MANUAL super(AutoTestPlane, self).test_pid_tuning() def tests(self): '''return list of all tests''' ret = super(AutoTestPlane, self).tests() ret.extend([ ("TestRCCamera", "Test RC Option - Camera Trigger", self.test_rc_option_camera_trigger), ("TestRCRelay", "Test Relay RC Channel Option", self.test_rc_relay), ("ThrottleFailsafe", "Fly throttle failsafe", self.test_throttle_failsafe), ("TestFlaps", "Flaps", self.fly_flaps), ("MainFlight", "Lots of things in one flight", self.test_main_flight), ("TestGripperMission", "Test Gripper mission items", self.test_gripper_mission), ("Parachute", "Test Parachute", self.test_parachute), ("ParachuteSinkRate", "Test Parachute (SinkRate triggering)", self.test_parachute_sinkrate), ("AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL", "Test AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL", self.airspeed_autocal), ("RangeFinder", "Test RangeFinder Basic Functionality", self.test_rangefinder), ("LogDownLoad", "Log download", lambda: self.log_download( self.buildlogs_path("ArduPlane-log.bin"), timeout=450, upload_logs=True)) ]) return ret