#include <avr/io.h> #include <Arduino_Mega_ISR_Registry.h> #include <APM_RC.h> // ArduPilot Mega RC Library /* ArduPilotMega radio test tool Authors: Doug Weibel, Jose Julio */ // GENERAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS // -------------------------------------------- /* Radio values Channel assignments 1 Ailerons (rudder if no ailerons) 2 Elevator 3 Throttle 4 Rudder (if we have ailerons) 5 TBD 6 TBD 7 TBD 8 Mode */ int radio_in[8]; // current values from the transmitter - microseconds float servo_out[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; unsigned long fast_loopTimer = 0; // current values to the servos - -45 to 45 degrees, except [3] is 0 to 100 Arduino_Mega_ISR_Registry isr_registry; APM_RC_APM1 APM_RC; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); isr_registry.init(); APM_RC.Init(&isr_registry); // APM Radio initialization } void loop() { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- if (millis()-fast_loopTimer > 199) { fast_loopTimer = millis(); read_radio(); Serial.print("ch1: "); Serial.print(radio_in[0]); Serial.print(" ch2: "); Serial.print(radio_in[1]); Serial.print(" ch3: "); Serial.print(radio_in[2]); Serial.print(" ch4: "); Serial.print(radio_in[3]); Serial.print(" ch5: "); Serial.print(radio_in[4]); Serial.print(" ch6: "); Serial.print(radio_in[5]); Serial.print(" ch7: "); Serial.print(radio_in[6]); Serial.print(" ch8: "); Serial.println(radio_in[7]); } } void read_radio() { for (int y=0;y<8;y++) radio_in[y] = APM_RC.InputCh(y); }