/* www.ArduCopter.com - www.DIYDrones.com Copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved. An Open Source Arduino based multicopter. File : CLI.pde Version : v1.0, Oct 18, 2010 Author(s): ArduCopter Team Jani Hirvinen, Jose Julio, Jordi Muñoz, Ken McEwans, Roberto Navoni, Sandro Benigno, Chris Anderson, Randy McEvans This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . * ************************************************************** * ChangeLog: - 19-10-10 Initial CLI * ************************************************************** * TODO: - Full menu systems, debug, settings * ************************************************************** */ boolean ShowMainMenu; // CLI Functions // This can be moved later to CLI.pde void RunCLI () { // APM_RC.Init(); // APM Radio initialization readUserConfig(); // Read memory values from EEPROM ShowMainMenu = TRUE; // We need to initialize Serial again due it was not initialized during startup. SerBeg(SerBau); SerPrln(); SerPrln("Welcome to ArduCopter CLI"); SerPri("Firmware: "); SerPrln(VER); SerPrln(); SerPrln("Make sure that you have Carriage Return active"); if(ShowMainMenu) Show_MainMenu(); // Our main loop that never ends. Only way to get away from here is to reboot APM for (;;) { if(ShowMainMenu) Show_MainMenu(); delay(50); if (SerAva()) { ShowMainMenu = TRUE; queryType = SerRea(); switch (queryType) { case 'a': Flip_MAG(); break; case 'c': CALIB_CompassOffset(); break; case 'd': Log_Read(1,4000); break; case 'i': CALIB_AccOffset(); break; case 't': CALIB_Throttle(); break; case 'e': CALIB_Esc(); break; case 'o': Set_SonarAndObstacleAvoidance_PIDs(); break; case 's': Show_Settings(); break; case 'r': Reset_Settings(); break; case 'm': RUN_Motors(); break; case 'z': Log_Erase(); break; } SerFlu(); } // Changing LED statuses to inform that we are in CLI mode // Blinking Red, Yellow, Green when in CLI mode if(millis() - cli_timer > 1000) { cli_timer = millis(); CLILedStep(); } } // Mainloop ends } void Show_MainMenu() { ShowMainMenu = FALSE; SerPrln(); SerPrln("CLI Menu - Type your command on command prompt"); SerPrln("----------------------------------------------"); SerPrln(" a - Activate/Deactivate compass (check #IsMag define too)"); SerPrln(" c - Show/Save compass offsets"); SerPrln(" d - dump logs to serial"); SerPrln(" e - ESC Throttle calibration (Works with official ArduCopter ESCs)"); SerPrln(" i - Initialize and calibrate Accel offsets"); SerPrln(" m - Motor tester with AIL/ELE stick"); SerPrln(" o - Show/Save sonar & obstacle avoidance PIDs"); SerPrln(" r - Reset to factory settings"); SerPrln(" t - Calibrate MIN Throttle value"); SerPrln(" s - Show settings"); SerPrln(" z - clear all logs"); SerPrln(" "); SerFlu(); } /* ************************************************************** */ // Compass/Magnetometer Offset Calibration void CALIB_CompassOffset() { #ifdef IsMAG SerPrln("Rotate/Pitch/Roll your ArduCopter untill offset variables are not"); SerPrln("anymore changing, write down your offset values and update them "); SerPrln("to their correct location. Starting in.."); SerPrln("2 secs."); delay(1000); SerPrln("1 secs."); delay(1000); SerPrln("starting now...."); AP_Compass.init(); // Initialization AP_Compass.set_orientation(MAGORIENTATION); // set compass's orientation on aircraft AP_Compass.set_offsets(0,0,0); // set offsets to account for surrounding interference AP_Compass.set_declination(ToRad(DECLINATION)); // set local difference between magnetic north and true north int counter = 0; SerFlu(); while(1) { static float min[3], max[3], offset[3]; if((millis()- timer) > 100) { timer = millis(); AP_Compass.read(); AP_Compass.calculate(0,0); // roll = 0, pitch = 0 for this example // capture min if( AP_Compass.mag_x < min[0] ) min[0] = AP_Compass.mag_x; if( AP_Compass.mag_y < min[1] ) min[1] = AP_Compass.mag_y; if( AP_Compass.mag_z < min[2] ) min[2] = AP_Compass.mag_z; // capture max if( AP_Compass.mag_x > max[0] ) max[0] = AP_Compass.mag_x; if( AP_Compass.mag_y > max[1] ) max[1] = AP_Compass.mag_y; if( AP_Compass.mag_z > max[2] ) max[2] = AP_Compass.mag_z; // calculate offsets offset[0] = -(max[0]+min[0])/2; offset[1] = -(max[1]+min[1])/2; offset[2] = -(max[2]+min[2])/2; // display all to user SerPri("Heading:"); SerPri(ToDeg(AP_Compass.heading)); SerPri(" \t("); SerPri(AP_Compass.mag_x); SerPri(","); SerPri(AP_Compass.mag_y); SerPri(","); SerPri(AP_Compass.mag_z); SerPri(") "); // display offsets SerPri("\t offsets("); SerPri(offset[0]); SerPri(","); SerPri(offset[1]); SerPri(","); SerPri(offset[2]); SerPri(")"); SerPrln(); if(counter == 200) { counter = 0; SerPrln(); SerPrln("Roll and Rotate your quad untill offsets are not changing!"); // SerPrln("to exit from this loop, reboot your APM"); SerPrln(); delay(500); } counter++; } if(SerAva() > 0){ mag_offset_x = offset[0]; mag_offset_y = offset[1]; mag_offset_z = offset[2]; SerPrln("Saving Offsets to EEPROM"); writeEEPROM(mag_offset_x, mag_offset_x_ADR); writeEEPROM(mag_offset_y, mag_offset_y_ADR); writeEEPROM(mag_offset_z, mag_offset_z_ADR); delay(500); SerPrln("Saved..."); SerPrln(); break; } } #else SerPrln("Magneto module is not activated on Arducopter.pde"); SerPrln("Check your program #definitions, upload firmware and try again!!"); // SerPrln("Now reboot your APM"); // for(;;) // delay(10); #endif } /* ************************************************************** */ // Accell calibration void CALIB_AccOffset() { int loopy; long xx = 0, xy = 0, xz = 0; SerPrln("Initializing Accelerometers.."); adc.Init(); // APM ADC library initialization // delay(250); // Giving small moment before starting calibrateSensors(); // Calibrate neutral values of gyros (in Sensors.pde) SerPrln(); SerPrln("Sampling 50 samples from Accelerometers, don't move your ArduCopter!"); SerPrln("Sample:\tAcc-X\tAxx-Y\tAcc-Z"); for(loopy = 1; loopy <= 50; loopy++) { SerPri(" "); SerPri(loopy); SerPri(":"); tab(); SerPri(xx += adc.Ch(4)); tab(); SerPri(xy += adc.Ch(5)); tab(); SerPrln(xz += adc.Ch(6)); delay(20); } xx = xx / (loopy - 1); xy = xy / (loopy - 1); xz = xz / (loopy - 1); xz = xz - 407; // Z-Axis correction // xx += 42; acc_offset_y = xy; acc_offset_x = xx; acc_offset_z = xz; AN_OFFSET[3] = acc_offset_x; AN_OFFSET[4] = acc_offset_y; AN_OFFSET[5] = acc_offset_z; SerPrln(); SerPrln("Offsets as follows: "); SerPri(" "); tab(); SerPri(acc_offset_x); tab(); SerPri(acc_offset_y); tab(); SerPrln(acc_offset_z); SerPrln("Final results as follows: "); SerPri(" "); tab(); SerPri(adc.Ch(4) - acc_offset_x); tab(); SerPri(adc.Ch(5) - acc_offset_y); tab(); SerPrln(adc.Ch(6) - acc_offset_z); SerPrln(); SerPrln("Final results should be close to 0, 0, 408 if they are far (-+10) from "); SerPrln("those values, redo initialization or use Configurator for finetuning"); SerPrln(); SerPrln("Saving values to EEPROM"); writeEEPROM(acc_offset_x, acc_offset_x_ADR); writeEEPROM(acc_offset_y, acc_offset_y_ADR); writeEEPROM(acc_offset_z, acc_offset_z_ADR); delay(200); SerPrln("Saved.."); SerPrln(); } void Flip_MAG() { SerPrln("Activate/Deactivate Magentometer!"); SerPri("Magnetometer is now: "); delay(500); if(MAGNETOMETER == 0) { MAGNETOMETER = 1; writeEEPROM(MAGNETOMETER, MAGNETOMETER_ADR); SerPrln("Activated"); } else { MAGNETOMETER = 0; writeEEPROM(MAGNETOMETER, MAGNETOMETER_ADR); SerPrln("Deactivated"); } delay(1000); SerPrln("State... saved"); } void CALIB_Throttle() { int tmpThrottle = 1200; SerPrln("Move your throttle to MIN, reading starts in 3 seconds"); delay(1000); SerPrln("2. "); delay(1000); SerPrln("1. "); delay(1000); SerPrln("Reading Throttle value, hit enter to exit"); SerFlu(); while(1) { ch_throttle = APM_RC.InputCh(CH_THROTTLE); SerPri("Throttle channel: "); SerPrln(ch_throttle); if(tmpThrottle > ch_throttle) tmpThrottle = ch_throttle; delay(50); if(SerAva() > 0){ break; } } SerPrln(); SerPri("Lowest throttle value: "); SerPrln(tmpThrottle); SerPrln(); SerPrln("Saving MIN_THROTTLE to EEPROM"); writeEEPROM(tmpThrottle, MIN_THROTTLE_ADR); delay(200); SerPrln("Saved.."); SerPrln(); } void CALIB_Esc() { SerPrln("Disconnect your battery if you have it connected, keep your USB cable/Xbee connected!"); SerPrln("After battery is disconnected hit enter key and wait more instructions:"); SerPrln("As safety measure, unmount all your propellers before continuing!!"); WaitSerialEnter(); SerPrln("Move your Throttle to maximum and connect your battery. "); SerPrln("after you hear beep beep tone, move your throttle to minimum and"); SerPrln("hit enter after you are ready to disarm motors."); SerPrln("Arming now all motors"); delay(500); SerPrln("Motors: ARMED"); delay(200); SerPrln("Connect your battery and let ESCs to reboot!"); while(1) { ch_throttle = APM_RC.InputCh(CH_THROTTLE); APM_RC.OutputCh(0, ch_throttle); APM_RC.OutputCh(1, ch_throttle); APM_RC.OutputCh(2, ch_throttle); APM_RC.OutputCh(3, ch_throttle); // InstantPWM => Force inmediate output on PWM signals APM_RC.Force_Out0_Out1(); APM_RC.Force_Out2_Out3(); delay(20); if(SerAva() > 0){ break; } } APM_RC.OutputCh(0, 900); APM_RC.OutputCh(1, 900); APM_RC.OutputCh(2, 900); APM_RC.OutputCh(3, 900); APM_RC.Force_Out0_Out1(); APM_RC.Force_Out2_Out3(); SerPrln("Motors: DISARMED"); SerPrln(); } void RUN_Motors() { long run_timer; byte motor; SerPrln("Move your ROLL/PITCH Stick to up/down, left/right to start"); SerPrln("corresponding motor. Motor will pulse slowly! (20% Throttle)"); SerPrln("SAFETY!! Remove all propellers before doing stick movements"); SerPrln(); SerPrln("Exit from test by hiting Enter"); SerPrln(); SerFlu(); while(1) { ch_roll = APM_RC.InputCh(CH_ROLL); ch_pitch = APM_RC.InputCh(CH_PITCH); if(ch_roll < 1400) { SerPrln("Left Motor"); OutMotor(1); delay(500); } if(ch_roll > 1600) { SerPrln("Right Motor"); OutMotor(0); delay(500); } if(ch_pitch < 1400) { SerPrln("Front Motor"); OutMotor(2); delay(500); } if(ch_pitch > 1600) { SerPrln("Rear Motor"); OutMotor(3); delay(500); } // Shuting down all motors APM_RC.OutputCh(0, 900); APM_RC.OutputCh(1, 900); APM_RC.OutputCh(2, 900); APM_RC.OutputCh(3, 900); APM_RC.Force_Out0_Out1(); APM_RC.Force_Out2_Out3(); delay(100); // delay(20); if(SerAva() > 0){ SerFlu(); SerPrln("Exiting motor/esc tester..."); break; } } } // Just a small ESC/Motor commander void OutMotor(byte motor_id) { APM_RC.OutputCh(motor_id, 1200); APM_RC.Force_Out0_Out1(); APM_RC.Force_Out2_Out3(); } byte Reset_Settings() { int c; SerPrln("Reseting EEPROM to default!"); delay(500); SerFlu(); delay(500); SerPrln("Hit 'Y' to reset factory settings, any other and you will return to main menu!"); do { c = SerRea(); } while (-1 == c); if (('y' != c) && ('Y' != c)) { SerPrln("EEPROM has not reseted!"); SerPrln("Returning to main menu."); return(-1); } SerPrln("Reseting to factory settings!"); defaultUserConfig(); delay(200); SerPrln("Saving to EEPROM"); writeUserConfig(); SerPrln("Done.."); } void Show_Settings() { // Reading current EEPROM values SerPrln("ArduCopter - Current settings"); SerPrln("-----------------------------"); SerPri("Firmware: "); SerPri(VER); SerPrln(); SerPrln(); readUserConfig(); delay(50); SerPri("Magnetom. offsets (x,y,z): "); SerPri(mag_offset_x); cspc(); SerPri(mag_offset_y); cspc(); SerPri(mag_offset_z); SerPrln(); SerPri("Accel offsets (x,y,z): "); SerPri(acc_offset_x); cspc(); SerPri(acc_offset_y); cspc(); SerPri(acc_offset_z); SerPrln(); SerPri("Min Throttle: "); SerPrln(MIN_THROTTLE); SerPri("Magnetometer 1-ena/0-dis: "); SerPrln(MAGNETOMETER, DEC); SerPri("Camera mode: "); SerPrln(cam_mode, DEC); SerPri("Flight orientation: "); if(SW_DIP1) { SerPrln("x mode"); } else { SerPrln("+ mode"); } Show_SonarAndObstacleAvoidance_PIDs(); SerPrln(); } // Display obstacle avoidance pids void Show_SonarAndObstacleAvoidance_PIDs() { SerPri("\tSonar PID: "); SerPri(KP_SONAR_ALTITUDE); cspc(); SerPri(KI_SONAR_ALTITUDE); cspc(); SerPrln(KD_SONAR_ALTITUDE); SerPri("\tObstacle SafetyZone: "); SerPrln(RF_SAFETY_ZONE); SerPri("\tRoll PID: "); SerPri(KP_RF_ROLL); cspc(); SerPri(KI_RF_ROLL); cspc(); SerPrln(KD_RF_ROLL); SerPri("\tPitch PID: "); SerPri(KP_RF_PITCH); cspc(); SerPri(KI_RF_PITCH); cspc(); SerPri(KD_RF_PITCH); SerPrln(); SerPri("\tMaxAngle: "); SerPri(RF_MAX_ANGLE); SerPrln(); } // save RF pids to eeprom void Save_SonarAndObstacleAvoidancePIDs_toEEPROM() { writeEEPROM(KP_RF_ROLL,KP_RF_ROLL_ADR); writeEEPROM(KI_RF_ROLL,KI_RF_ROLL_ADR); writeEEPROM(KD_RF_ROLL,KD_RF_ROLL_ADR); writeEEPROM(KP_RF_PITCH,KP_RF_PITCH_ADR); writeEEPROM(KI_RF_PITCH,KI_RF_PITCH_ADR); writeEEPROM(KD_RF_PITCH,KD_RF_PITCH_ADR); writeEEPROM(RF_MAX_ANGLE,RF_MAX_ANGLE_ADR); writeEEPROM(RF_SAFETY_ZONE,RF_SAFETY_ZONE_ADR); writeEEPROM(KP_SONAR_ALTITUDE,KP_SONAR_ALTITUDE_ADR); writeEEPROM(KI_SONAR_ALTITUDE,KI_SONAR_ALTITUDE_ADR); writeEEPROM(KD_SONAR_ALTITUDE,KD_SONAR_ALTITUDE_ADR); } // void Set_SonarAndObstacleAvoidance_PIDs() { float tempVal1, tempVal2, tempVal3; int saveToEeprom = 0; // Display current PID values SerPrln("Sonar and Obstacle Avoidance:"); Show_SonarAndObstacleAvoidance_PIDs(); SerPrln(); // SONAR PIDs SerFlu(); SerPri("Enter Sonar P;I;D; values or 0 to skip: "); while( !SerAva() ); // wait until user presses a key tempVal1 = readFloatSerial(); tempVal2 = readFloatSerial(); tempVal3 = readFloatSerial(); if( tempVal1 != 0 || tempVal2 != 0 || tempVal3 != 0 ) { KP_SONAR_ALTITUDE = tempVal1; KI_SONAR_ALTITUDE = tempVal2; KD_SONAR_ALTITUDE = tempVal3; SerPrln(); SerPri("P:"); SerPri(KP_SONAR_ALTITUDE); SerPri("\tI:"); SerPri(KI_SONAR_ALTITUDE); SerPri("\tD:"); SerPri(KD_SONAR_ALTITUDE); saveToEeprom = 1; } SerPrln(); // SAFETY ZONE SerFlu(); SerPri("Enter Safety Zone (in cm) or 0 to skip: "); while( !SerAva() ); // wait until user presses a key tempVal1 = readFloatSerial(); if( tempVal1 >= 20 && tempVal1 <= 700 ) { RF_SAFETY_ZONE = tempVal1; SerPri("SafetyZone: "); SerPri(RF_SAFETY_ZONE); saveToEeprom = 1; } SerPrln(); // ROLL PIDs SerFlu(); SerPri("Enter Roll P;I;D; values or 0 to skip: "); while( !SerAva() ); // wait until user presses a key tempVal1 = readFloatSerial(); tempVal2 = readFloatSerial(); tempVal3 = readFloatSerial(); if( tempVal1 != 0 || tempVal2 != 0 || tempVal3 != 0 ) { KP_RF_ROLL = tempVal1; KI_RF_ROLL = tempVal2; KD_RF_ROLL = tempVal3; SerPrln(); SerPri("P:"); SerPri(KP_RF_ROLL); SerPri("\tI:"); SerPri(KI_RF_ROLL); SerPri("\tD:"); SerPri(KD_RF_ROLL); saveToEeprom = 1; } SerPrln(); // PITCH PIDs SerFlu(); SerPri("Enter Pitch P;I;D; values or 0 to skip: "); while( !SerAva() ); // wait until user presses a key tempVal1 = readFloatSerial(); tempVal2 = readFloatSerial(); tempVal3 = readFloatSerial(); if( tempVal1 != 0 || tempVal2 != 0 || tempVal3 != 0 ) { KP_RF_PITCH = tempVal1; KI_RF_PITCH = tempVal2; KD_RF_PITCH = tempVal3; SerPrln(); SerPri("P:"); SerPri(KP_RF_PITCH); SerPri("\tI:"); SerPri(KI_RF_PITCH); SerPri("\tD:"); SerPri(KD_RF_PITCH); saveToEeprom = 1; } SerPrln(); // Max Angle SerFlu(); SerPri("Enter Max Angle or 0 to skip: "); while( !SerAva() ); // wait until user presses a key tempVal1 = readFloatSerial(); SerPrln(tempVal1); if( tempVal1 > 0 && tempVal1 < 90 ) { RF_MAX_ANGLE = tempVal1; SerPrln(); SerPri("MaxAngle: "); SerPri(RF_MAX_ANGLE); saveToEeprom = 1; } SerPrln(); // save to eeprom if( saveToEeprom == 1 ) { SerPrln("Obstacle Avoidance:"); Show_SonarAndObstacleAvoidance_PIDs(); SerPrln(); Save_SonarAndObstacleAvoidancePIDs_toEEPROM(); SerPrln("Saved to EEPROM"); SerPrln(); }else{ SerPrln("No changes. Nothing saved to EEPROM"); SerPrln(); } } void cspc() { SerPri(", "); } void WaitSerialEnter() { // Flush serials SerFlu(); delay(50); while(1) { if(SerAva() > 0){ break; } delay(20); } delay(250); SerFlu(); }