/* ArduPilot JSON parser, based on picojson.h cloned from: https://github.com/kazuho/picojson */ /* Picojson copyright: * Copyright 2009-2010 Cybozu Labs, Inc. * Copyright 2011-2014 Kazuho Oku * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma GCC optimize("Os") #define ALLOW_DOUBLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS #include "AP_JSON.h" #include <AP_Filesystem/AP_Filesystem.h> #include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> #include <stdio.h> /* load JSON file, returning a value object or nullptr on failure */ AP_JSON::value *AP_JSON::load_json(const char *filename) { struct stat st; if (AP::FS().stat(filename, &st) != 0) { ::printf("No such json file %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } int fd = AP::FS().open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { ::printf("failed to open json %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } char *buf = NEW_NOTHROW char[st.st_size+1]; if (buf == nullptr) { AP::FS().close(fd); ::printf("failed to allocate json %s\n", filename); return nullptr; } if (AP::FS().read(fd, buf, st.st_size) != st.st_size) { ::printf("failed to read json %s\n", filename); delete[] buf; AP::FS().close(fd); return nullptr; } AP::FS().close(fd); char *start = strchr(buf, '{'); if (!start) { ::printf("Invalid json %s\n", filename); delete[] buf; return nullptr; } /* remove comments, as not allowed by the parser */ for (char *p = strchr(start,'#'); p; p=strchr(p+1, '#')) { // clear to end of line do { *p++ = ' '; } while (*p != '\n' && *p != '\r' && *p); } AP_JSON::value *obj = NEW_NOTHROW AP_JSON::value; if (obj == nullptr) { ::printf("Invalid allocate json for %s\n", filename); delete[] buf; return nullptr; } std::string err = AP_JSON::parse(*obj, start); if (!err.empty()) { ::printf("parse failed for json %s\n", filename); delete obj; delete[] buf; return nullptr; } delete[] buf; return obj; } typedef AP_JSON::value::array array; typedef AP_JSON::value::object object; typedef AP_JSON::value value; typedef AP_JSON::null null; enum { null_type, boolean_type, number_type, string_type, array_type, object_type }; AP_JSON::value::value() : type_(null_type), u_() { } AP_JSON::value::value(int type, bool) : type_(type), u_() { switch (type) { #define INIT(p, v) \ case p##type: \ u_.p = v; \ break INIT(boolean_, false); INIT(number_, 0.0); INIT(string_, NEW_NOTHROW std::string()); INIT(array_, NEW_NOTHROW array()); INIT(object_, NEW_NOTHROW object()); #undef INIT default: break; } } AP_JSON::value::value(bool b) : type_(boolean_type), u_() { u_.boolean_ = b; } AP_JSON::value::value(double n) : type_(number_type), u_() { u_.number_ = n; } AP_JSON::value::value(const std::string &s) : type_(string_type), u_() { u_.string_ = NEW_NOTHROW std::string(s); } AP_JSON::value::value(const array &a) : type_(array_type), u_() { u_.array_ = NEW_NOTHROW array(a); } AP_JSON::value::value(const object &o) : type_(object_type), u_() { u_.object_ = NEW_NOTHROW object(o); } AP_JSON::value::value(std::string &&s) : type_(string_type), u_() { u_.string_ = NEW_NOTHROW std::string(std::move(s)); } AP_JSON::value::value(array &&a) : type_(array_type), u_() { u_.array_ = NEW_NOTHROW array(std::move(a)); } AP_JSON::value::value(object &&o) : type_(object_type), u_() { u_.object_ = NEW_NOTHROW object(std::move(o)); } AP_JSON::value::value(const char *s) : type_(string_type), u_() { u_.string_ = NEW_NOTHROW std::string(s); } AP_JSON::value::value(const char *s, size_t len) : type_(string_type), u_() { u_.string_ = NEW_NOTHROW std::string(s, len); } void AP_JSON::value::clear() { switch (type_) { #define DEINIT(p) \ case p##type: \ delete u_.p; \ break DEINIT(string_); DEINIT(array_); DEINIT(object_); #undef DEINIT default: break; } } AP_JSON::value::~value() { clear(); } AP_JSON::value::value(const value &x) : type_(x.type_), u_() { switch (type_) { #define INIT(p, v) \ case p##type: \ u_.p = v; \ break INIT(string_, NEW_NOTHROW std::string(*x.u_.string_)); INIT(array_, NEW_NOTHROW array(*x.u_.array_)); INIT(object_, NEW_NOTHROW object(*x.u_.object_)); #undef INIT default: u_ = x.u_; break; } } value &AP_JSON::value::operator=(const value &x) { if (this != &x) { value t(x); swap(t); } return *this; } AP_JSON::value::value(value &&x) : type_(null_type), u_() { swap(x); } value &AP_JSON::value::operator=(value &&x) { swap(x); return *this; } void AP_JSON::value::swap(value &x) { std::swap(type_, x.type_); std::swap(u_, x.u_); } #define IS(ctype, jtype) \ template <> bool AP_JSON::value::is<ctype>() const { \ return type_ == jtype##_type; \ } IS(null, null) IS(bool, boolean) IS(std::string, string) IS(array, array) IS(object, object) #undef IS template <> bool AP_JSON::value::is<double>() const { return type_ == number_type; } #define GET(ctype, var) \ template <> const ctype &AP_JSON::value::get<ctype>() const { \ return var; \ } \ template <> ctype &AP_JSON::value::get<ctype>() { \ return var; \ } GET(bool, u_.boolean_) GET(std::string, *u_.string_) GET(array, *u_.array_) GET(object, *u_.object_) GET(double, u_.number_) #undef GET #define SET(ctype, jtype, setter) \ template <> void AP_JSON::value::set<ctype>(const ctype &_val) { \ clear(); \ type_ = jtype##_type; \ setter \ } SET(bool, boolean, u_.boolean_ = _val;) SET(std::string, string, u_.string_ = NEW_NOTHROW std::string(_val);) SET(array, array, u_.array_ = NEW_NOTHROW array(_val);) SET(object, object, u_.object_ = NEW_NOTHROW object(_val);) SET(double, number, u_.number_ = _val;) #undef SET #define MOVESET(ctype, jtype, setter) \ template <> void AP_JSON::value::set<ctype>(ctype && _val) { \ clear(); \ type_ = jtype##_type; \ setter \ } MOVESET(std::string, string, u_.string_ = NEW_NOTHROW std::string(std::move(_val));) MOVESET(array, array, u_.array_ = NEW_NOTHROW array(std::move(_val));) MOVESET(object, object, u_.object_ = NEW_NOTHROW object(std::move(_val));) #undef MOVESET bool AP_JSON::value::evaluate_as_boolean() const { switch (type_) { case null_type: return false; case boolean_type: return u_.boolean_; case number_type: return !is_zero(u_.number_); case string_type: return !u_.string_->empty(); default: return true; } } const value &AP_JSON::value::get(const size_t idx) const { static value s_null; return idx < u_.array_->size() ? (*u_.array_)[idx] : s_null; } value &AP_JSON::value::get(const size_t idx) { static value s_null; return idx < u_.array_->size() ? (*u_.array_)[idx] : s_null; } const value &AP_JSON::value::get(const std::string &key) const { static value s_null; object::const_iterator i = u_.object_->find(key); return i != u_.object_->end() ? i->second : s_null; } value &AP_JSON::value::get(const std::string &key) { static value s_null; object::iterator i = u_.object_->find(key); return i != u_.object_->end() ? i->second : s_null; } bool AP_JSON::value::contains(const size_t idx) const { return idx < u_.array_->size(); } bool AP_JSON::value::contains(const std::string &key) const { object::const_iterator i = u_.object_->find(key); return i != u_.object_->end(); } std::string AP_JSON::value::to_str() const { switch (type_) { case null_type: return "null"; case boolean_type: return u_.boolean_ ? "true" : "false"; case number_type: { char buf[256]; double tmp; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fabs(u_.number_) < (1ULL << 53) && is_zero(modf(u_.number_, &tmp)) ? "%.f" : "%.17g", u_.number_); return buf; } case string_type: return *u_.string_; case array_type: return "array"; case object_type: return "object"; default: break; } return std::string(); } template <typename Iter> void copy(const std::string &s, Iter oi) { std::copy(s.begin(), s.end(), oi); } template <typename Iter> class input { protected: Iter cur_, end_; bool consumed_; int line_; public: input(const Iter &first, const Iter &last) : cur_(first), end_(last), consumed_(false), line_(1) { } int getc() { if (consumed_) { if (*cur_ == '\n') { ++line_; } ++cur_; } if (cur_ == end_) { consumed_ = false; return -1; } consumed_ = true; return *cur_ & 0xff; } void ungetc() { consumed_ = false; } Iter cur() const { if (consumed_) { input<Iter> *self = const_cast<input<Iter> *>(this); self->consumed_ = false; ++self->cur_; } return cur_; } int line() const { return line_; } void skip_ws() { while (1) { int ch = getc(); if (!(ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')) { ungetc(); break; } } } bool expect(const int expected) { skip_ws(); if (getc() != expected) { ungetc(); return false; } return true; } bool match(const std::string &pattern) { for (std::string::const_iterator pi(pattern.begin()); pi != pattern.end(); ++pi) { if (getc() != *pi) { ungetc(); return false; } } return true; } }; template <typename Iter> int _parse_quadhex(input<Iter> &in) { int uni_ch = 0, hex; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ((hex = in.getc()) == -1) { return -1; } if ('0' <= hex && hex <= '9') { hex -= '0'; } else if ('A' <= hex && hex <= 'F') { hex -= 'A' - 0xa; } else if ('a' <= hex && hex <= 'f') { hex -= 'a' - 0xa; } else { in.ungetc(); return -1; } uni_ch = uni_ch * 16 + hex; } return uni_ch; } template <typename String, typename Iter> bool _parse_string(String &out, input<Iter> &in) { while (1) { int ch = in.getc(); if (ch < ' ') { in.ungetc(); return false; } else if (ch == '"') { return true; } else if (ch == '\\') { if ((ch = in.getc()) == -1) { return false; } switch (ch) { #define MAP(sym, val) \ case sym: \ out.push_back(val); \ break MAP('"', '\"'); MAP('\\', '\\'); MAP('/', '/'); MAP('b', '\b'); MAP('f', '\f'); MAP('n', '\n'); MAP('r', '\r'); MAP('t', '\t'); #undef MAP default: return false; } } else { out.push_back(static_cast<char>(ch)); } } return false; } template <typename Context, typename Iter> bool _parse_array(Context &ctx, input<Iter> &in) { if (!ctx.parse_array_start()) { return false; } size_t idx = 0; if (in.expect(']')) { return ctx.parse_array_stop(idx); } do { if (!ctx.parse_array_item(in, idx)) { return false; } idx++; } while (in.expect(',')); return in.expect(']') && ctx.parse_array_stop(idx); } template <typename Context, typename Iter> bool _parse_object(Context &ctx, input<Iter> &in) { if (!ctx.parse_object_start()) { return false; } if (in.expect('}')) { return true; } do { std::string key; if (!in.expect('"') || !_parse_string(key, in) || !in.expect(':')) { return false; } if (!ctx.parse_object_item(in, key)) { return false; } } while (in.expect(',')); return in.expect('}'); } template <typename Iter> std::string _parse_number(input<Iter> &in) { std::string num_str; while (1) { int ch = in.getc(); if (('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') || ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') { num_str.push_back(static_cast<char>(ch)); } else if (ch == '.') { num_str.push_back('.'); } else { in.ungetc(); break; } } return num_str; } template <typename Context, typename Iter> bool _parse(Context &ctx, input<Iter> &in) { in.skip_ws(); int ch = in.getc(); switch (ch) { #define IS(ch, text, op) \ case ch: \ if (in.match(text) && op) { \ return true; \ } else { \ return false; \ } IS('n', "ull", ctx.set_null()); IS('f', "alse", ctx.set_bool(false)); IS('t', "rue", ctx.set_bool(true)); #undef IS case '"': return ctx.parse_string(in); case '[': return _parse_array(ctx, in); case '{': return _parse_object(ctx, in); default: if (('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') || ch == '-') { double f; char *endp; in.ungetc(); std::string num_str(_parse_number(in)); if (num_str.empty()) { return false; } f = strtod(num_str.c_str(), &endp); if (endp == num_str.c_str() + num_str.size()) { ctx.set_number(f); return true; } return false; } break; } in.ungetc(); return false; } class default_parse_context { protected: value *out_; public: default_parse_context(value *out) : out_(out) { } bool set_null() { *out_ = value(); return true; } bool set_bool(bool b) { *out_ = value(b); return true; } bool set_number(double f) { *out_ = value(f); return true; } template <typename Iter> bool parse_string(input<Iter> &in) { *out_ = value(string_type, false); return _parse_string(out_->get<std::string>(), in); } bool parse_array_start() { *out_ = value(array_type, false); return true; } template <typename Iter> bool parse_array_item(input<Iter> &in, size_t) { array &a = out_->get<array>(); a.push_back(value()); default_parse_context ctx(&a.back()); return _parse(ctx, in); } bool parse_array_stop(size_t) { return true; } bool parse_object_start() { *out_ = value(object_type, false); return true; } template <typename Iter> bool parse_object_item(input<Iter> &in, const std::string &key) { object &o = out_->get<object>(); default_parse_context ctx(&o[key]); return _parse(ctx, in); } private: default_parse_context(const default_parse_context &); default_parse_context &operator=(const default_parse_context &); }; template <typename Context, typename Iter> Iter _parse(Context &ctx, const Iter &first, const Iter &last, std::string *err) { input<Iter> in(first, last); if (!_parse(ctx, in) && err != NULL) { char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "syntax error at line %d near: ", in.line()); *err = buf; while (1) { int ch = in.getc(); if (ch == -1 || ch == '\n') { break; } else if (ch >= ' ') { err->push_back(static_cast<char>(ch)); } } } return in.cur(); } template <typename Iter> Iter parse(value &out, const Iter &first, const Iter &last, std::string *err) { default_parse_context ctx(&out); return _parse(ctx, first, last, err); } std::string AP_JSON::parse(value &out, const std::string &s) { std::string err; ::parse(out, s.begin(), s.end(), &err); return err; }